/* Weather Protocol plugin for Miranda IM Copyright (c) 2012 Miranda NG team Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Boris Krasnovskiy All Rights Reserved Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Calvin Che This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* This file contain the source related unit conversion, icon assignment, string conversions, display text parsing, etc */ #include "stdafx.h" //============ SOME HELPER FUNCTIONS ============ // see if a string is a number // s = the string to be determined // return value = true if the string is a number, false if it isn't BOOL is_number(wchar_t *s) { BOOL tag = FALSE; // looking character by character // for a number: numerous spaces in front, then optional +/-, then the number // don't care anything that comes after it while (*s != '\0') { if (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') return TRUE; else if (*s == ' '); else if (*s != '+' && *s != '-') return FALSE; else if ((*s == '+' || *s == '-') && !tag) tag = TRUE; else return FALSE; s++; } return FALSE; } static void numToStr(double num, wchar_t *str, size_t strSize) { int i = (int)(num * (opt.NoFrac ? 10 : 100)); int u = abs(i); int r = u % 10; int w = u / 10 + (r >= 5); if (opt.NoFrac) r = 0; else { r = w % 10; w /= 10; } if (i < 0 && (w || r)) w = -w; if (r) mir_snwprintf(str, strSize, L"%i.%i", w, r); else mir_snwprintf(str, strSize, L"%i", w); } //============ UNIT CONVERSIONS ============ // temperature conversion // tempchar = the string containing the temperature value // unit = the unit for temperature // return value = the converted temperature with degree sign and unit; if fails, return N/A void GetTemp(wchar_t *tempchar, wchar_t *unit, wchar_t *str) { // unit can be C, F double temp; wchar_t tstr[20]; TrimString(tempchar); if (tempchar[0] == '-' && tempchar[1] == ' ') memmove(&tempchar[1], &tempchar[2], sizeof(wchar_t) * (mir_wstrlen(&tempchar[2]) + 1)); // quit if the value obtained is N/A or not a number if (!mir_wstrcmp(tempchar, NODATA) || !mir_wstrcmp(tempchar, L"N/A")) { mir_wstrcpy(str, tempchar); return; } if (!is_number(tempchar)) { mir_wstrcpy(str, NODATA); return; } // convert the string to an integer temp = _wtof(tempchar); // convert all to F first if (!mir_wstrcmpi(unit, L"C")) temp = (temp * 9 / 5) + 32; else if (!mir_wstrcmpi(unit, L"K")) temp = ((temp - 273.15) * 9 / 5) + 32; // convert to apporiate unit switch (opt.tUnit) { case 1: // rounding numToStr((temp - 32) / 9 * 5, tstr, _countof(tstr)); if (opt.DoNotAppendUnit) wcsncpy_s(str, MAX_DATA_LEN, tstr, _TRUNCATE); else mir_snwprintf(str, MAX_DATA_LEN, L"%s%sC", tstr, opt.DegreeSign); break; case 2: numToStr(temp, tstr, _countof(tstr)); if (opt.DoNotAppendUnit) wcsncpy_s(str, MAX_DATA_LEN, tstr, _TRUNCATE); else mir_snwprintf(str, MAX_DATA_LEN, L"%s%sF", tstr, opt.DegreeSign); break; } } // temperature conversion // tempchar = the string containing the pressure value // unit = the unit for pressure // return value = the converted pressure with unit; if fail, return the original string void GetPressure(wchar_t *tempchar, wchar_t *unit, wchar_t *str) { // unit can be kPa, hPa, mb, in, mm, torr double tempunit = 0, output; int intunit; // convert the string to a floating point number (always positive) // if it end up with 0, then it's not a number, return the original string and quit output = _wtof(tempchar); if (output == 0) { mir_wstrcpy(str, tempchar); return; } // convert all to mb first if (!mir_wstrcmpi(unit, L"KPA")) tempunit = (double)output * 10; else if (!mir_wstrcmpi(unit, L"HPA")) tempunit = (double)output; else if (!mir_wstrcmpi(unit, L"MB")) tempunit = (double)output; else if (!mir_wstrcmpi(unit, L"IN")) tempunit = (double)output * 33.86388; else if (!mir_wstrcmpi(unit, L"MM")) tempunit = (double)output * 1.33322; else if (!mir_wstrcmpi(unit, L"TORR")) tempunit = (double)output * 1.33322; // convert to apporiate unit switch (opt.pUnit) { case 1: intunit = (int)(tempunit + 0.5); mir_snwprintf(str, MAX_DATA_LEN, L"%i.%i %s", intunit / 10, intunit % 10, opt.DoNotAppendUnit ? L"" : TranslateT("kPa")); break; case 2: intunit = (int)(tempunit + 0.5); mir_snwprintf(str, MAX_DATA_LEN, L"%i %s", intunit, opt.DoNotAppendUnit ? L"" : TranslateT("mb")); break; case 3: intunit = (int)((tempunit * 10 / 33.86388) + 0.5); mir_snwprintf(str, MAX_DATA_LEN, L"%i.%i %s", intunit / 10, intunit % 10, opt.DoNotAppendUnit ? L"" : TranslateT("in")); break; case 4: intunit = (int)((tempunit * 10 / 1.33322) + 0.5); mir_snwprintf(str, MAX_DATA_LEN, L"%i.%i %s", intunit / 10, intunit % 10, opt.DoNotAppendUnit ? L"" : TranslateT("mm")); break; default: mir_wstrcpy(str, tempchar); break; } } // speed conversion // tempchar = the string containing the speed value // unit = the unit for speed // return value = the converted speed with unit; if fail, return _T("" void GetSpeed(wchar_t *tempchar, wchar_t *unit, wchar_t *str) { // unit can be km/h, mph, m/s, knots double tempunit; wchar_t tstr[20]; str[0] = 0; // convert the string into an integer (always positive) // if the result is 0, then the string is not a number, return _T("" tempunit = _wtof(tempchar); if (tempunit == 0 && tempchar[0] != '0') return; // convert all to m/s first if (!mir_wstrcmpi(unit, L"KM/H")) tempunit /= 3.6; // else if ( !mir_wstrcmpi(unit, L"M/S") // tempunit = tempunit; else if (!mir_wstrcmpi(unit, L"MPH")) tempunit *= 0.44704; else if (!mir_wstrcmpi(unit, L"KNOTS")) tempunit *= 0.514444; // convert to apporiate unit switch (opt.wUnit) { case 1: numToStr(tempunit * 3.6, tstr, _countof(tstr)); mir_snwprintf(str, MAX_DATA_LEN, L"%s %s", tstr, opt.DoNotAppendUnit ? L"" : TranslateT("km/h")); break; case 2: numToStr(tempunit, tstr, _countof(tstr)); mir_snwprintf(str, MAX_DATA_LEN, L"%s %s", tstr, opt.DoNotAppendUnit ? L"" : TranslateT("m/s")); break; case 3: numToStr(tempunit / 0.44704, tstr, _countof(tstr)); mir_snwprintf(str, MAX_DATA_LEN, L"%s %s", tstr, opt.DoNotAppendUnit ? L"" : TranslateT("mph")); break; case 4: numToStr(tempunit / 0.514444, tstr, _countof(tstr)); mir_snwprintf(str, MAX_DATA_LEN, L"%s %s", tstr, opt.DoNotAppendUnit ? L"" : TranslateT("knots")); break; } } // distance conversion // tempchar = the string containing the distance value // unit = the unit for distance // return value = the converted distance with unit; if fail, return original string void GetDist(wchar_t *tempchar, wchar_t *unit, wchar_t *str) { // unit can be km, miles double tempunit = 0, output; int intunit; // convert the string to a floating point number (always positive) // if it end up with 0, then it's not a number, return the original string and quit output = _wtof(tempchar); if (output == 0) { mir_wstrcpy(str, tempchar); return; } // convert all to km first if (!mir_wstrcmpi(unit, L"KM")) tempunit = (double)output; else if (!mir_wstrcmpi(unit, L"MILES")) tempunit = (double)output * 1.609; // convert to apporiate unit switch (opt.vUnit) { case 1: intunit = (int)((tempunit * 10) + 0.5); mir_snwprintf(str, MAX_DATA_LEN, L"%i.%i %s", intunit / 10, intunit % 10, opt.DoNotAppendUnit ? L"" : TranslateT("km")); break; case 2: intunit = (int)((tempunit * 10 / 1.609) + 0.5); mir_snwprintf(str, MAX_DATA_LEN, L"%i.%i %s", intunit / 10, intunit % 10, opt.DoNotAppendUnit ? L"" : TranslateT("miles")); break; default: mir_wstrcpy(str, tempchar); break; } } // elevation conversion // tempchar = the string containing the elevation value // unit = the unit for elevation // return value = the converted elevation with unit; if fail, return original string void GetElev(wchar_t *tempchar, wchar_t *unit, wchar_t *str) { // unit can be ft, m double tempunit = 0, output; int intunit; // convert the string to a floating point number (always positive) // if it end up with 0, then it's not a number, return the original string and quit output = _wtof(tempchar); if (output == 0) { mir_wstrcpy(str, tempchar); return; } // convert all to m first if (!mir_wstrcmpi(unit, L"M")) tempunit = (double)output; else if (!mir_wstrcmpi(unit, L"FT")) tempunit = (double)output / 3.28; // convert to apporiate unit switch (opt.eUnit) { case 1: intunit = (int)((tempunit * 10 * 3.28) + 0.5); mir_snwprintf(str, MAX_DATA_LEN, L"%i.%i %s", intunit / 10, intunit % 10, opt.DoNotAppendUnit ? L"" : TranslateT("ft")); break; case 2: intunit = (int)((tempunit * 10) + 0.5); mir_snwprintf(str, MAX_DATA_LEN, L"%i.%i %s", intunit / 10, intunit % 10, opt.DoNotAppendUnit ? L"" : TranslateT("m")); break; default: mir_wstrcpy(str, tempchar); break; } } //============ CONDITION ICON ASSIGNMENT ============ // assign the contact icon (status) from the condition string // the description may be different between different sources // cond = the string for weather condition // return value = status for the icon (ONLINE, OFFLINE, etc) static const wchar_t *statusStr[MAX_COND] = { L"Lightning", L"Fog", L"Snow", L"Rain", L"Partly Cloudy", L"Cloudy", L"Sunny", L"N/A", L"Rain Shower", L"Snow Shower"}; static const uint16_t statusValue[MAX_COND] = { LIGHT, FOG, SNOW, RAIN, PCLOUDY, CLOUDY, SUNNY, NA, RSHOWER, SSHOWER }; uint16_t GetIcon(const wchar_t *cond, WIDATA *Data) { // set the icon using ini for (int i = 0; i < _countof(statusValue); i++) if (IsContainedInCondList(cond, &Data->CondList[i])) return statusValue[i]; // internal detection if (wcsstr(cond, L"mainy sunny") || wcsstr(cond, L"mainy clear") || wcsstr(cond, L"partly sunny") || wcsstr(cond, L"partly cloudy") || wcsstr(cond, L"mostly") || wcsstr(cond, L"clouds")) return PCLOUDY; if (wcsstr(cond, L"sunny") || wcsstr(cond, L"clear") || wcsstr(cond, L"fair")) return SUNNY; if (wcsstr(cond, L"thunder") || wcsstr(cond, L"t-storm")) return LIGHT; if (wcsstr(cond, L"cloud") || wcsstr(cond, L"overcast")) return CLOUDY; if (wcsstr(cond, L"fog") || wcsstr(cond, L"mist") || wcsstr(cond, L"smoke") || wcsstr(cond, L"sand") || wcsstr(cond, L"dust") || wcsstr(cond, L"haze")) return FOG; if (wcsstr(cond, L"snow shower")) return SSHOWER; if (wcsstr(cond, L"snow") || wcsstr(cond, L"ice") || wcsstr(cond, L"freezing") || wcsstr(cond, L"wintry")) return SNOW; if (wcsstr(cond, L"rain shower")) return RSHOWER; if (wcsstr(cond, L"drizzle") || wcsstr(cond, L"rain")) return RAIN; // set the icon using langpack for (int i = 0; i < _countof(statusStr)-1; i++) { wchar_t LangPackStr[64], LangPackStr1[128]; int j = 0; do { j++; // using the format _T("# Weather <condition name> <counter> #" mir_snwprintf(LangPackStr, L"# Weather %s %i #", statusStr[i], j); wcsncpy_s(LangPackStr1, TranslateW(LangPackStr), _TRUNCATE); CharLowerBuff(LangPackStr1, (uint32_t)mir_wstrlen(LangPackStr1)); if (wcsstr(cond, LangPackStr1) != nullptr) return statusValue[i]; // loop until the translation string exists (ie, the translated string is differ from original) } while (mir_wstrcmp(TranslateW(LangPackStr), LangPackStr)); } return NA; } //============ STRING CONVERSIONS ============ // // this function convert the string to the format with 1 upper case followed by lower case char void CaseConv(wchar_t *str) { bool nextUp = true; CharLowerBuffW(str, (uint32_t)mir_wstrlen(str)); for (wchar_t *pstr = str; *pstr; pstr++) { if (*pstr == ' ' || *pstr == '-') nextUp = true; else if (nextUp) { CharUpperBuffW(pstr, 1); nextUp = false; } } } // the next 2 functions are copied from miranda source // str = the string to modify // void TrimString(char *str) { size_t len, start; len = mir_strlen(str); while (len && (unsigned char)str[len - 1] <= ' ') str[--len] = 0; for (start = 0; (unsigned char)str[start] <= ' ' && str[start]; start++); memmove(str, str + start, len - start + 1); } void TrimString(wchar_t *str) { size_t len, start; len = mir_wstrlen(str); while (len && (unsigned char)str[len - 1] <= ' ') str[--len] = 0; for (start = 0; (unsigned char)str[start] <= ' ' && str[start]; start++); memmove(str, str + start, (len - start + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); } // convert \t to tab and \n to linefeed void ConvertBackslashes(char *str) { for (char *pstr = str; *pstr; pstr = CharNextA(pstr)) { if (*pstr == '\\') { switch (pstr[1]) { case 'n': *pstr = '\n'; break; case 't': *pstr = '\t'; break; default: *pstr = pstr[1]; break; } memmove(pstr + 1, pstr + 2, mir_strlen(pstr + 2) + 1); } } } // replace spaces with _T("%20" // dis = original string // return value = the modified string with space -> _T("%20" char *GetSearchStr(char *dis) { char *pstr = dis; size_t len = mir_strlen(dis); while (*pstr != 0) { if (*pstr == ' ') { memmove(pstr + 3, pstr + 1, len); memcpy(pstr, L"%20", 3); pstr += 2; } pstr++; len--; } return dis; } //============ ICON ASSIGNMENT ============ // // make display and history strings // w = WEATHERINFO data to be parsed // dis = the string to parse // return value = the parsed string wchar_t *GetDisplay(WEATHERINFO *w, const wchar_t *dis, wchar_t *str) { wchar_t lpzDate[32], chr; char name[256], temp[2]; DBVARIANT dbv; size_t i; // Clear the string str[0] = 0; // looking character by character for (i = 0; i < mir_wstrlen(dis); i++) { // for the escape characters if (dis[i] == '\\') { i++; chr = dis[i]; switch (chr) { case '%': mir_wstrcat(str, L"%"); break; case 't': mir_wstrcat(str, L"\t"); break; case 'n': mir_wstrcat(str, L"\r\n"); break; case '\\': mir_wstrcat(str, L"\\"); break; } } // for the % varaibles else if (dis[i] == '%') { i++; chr = dis[i]; // turn capitalized characters to small case if (chr < 'a' && chr != '[' && chr != '%') chr = (char)((int)chr + 32); switch (chr) { case 'c': mir_wstrcat(str, w->cond); break; case 'd': // get the current date GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, nullptr, nullptr, lpzDate, _countof(lpzDate)); mir_wstrcat(str, lpzDate); break; case 'e': mir_wstrcat(str, w->dewpoint); break; case 'f': mir_wstrcat(str, w->feel); break; case 'h': mir_wstrcat(str, w->high); break; case 'i': mir_wstrcat(str, w->winddir); break; case 'l': mir_wstrcat(str, w->low); break; case 'm': mir_wstrcat(str, w->humid); break; case 'n': mir_wstrcat(str, w->city); break; case 'p': mir_wstrcat(str, w->pressure); break; case 'r': mir_wstrcat(str, w->sunrise); break; case 's': mir_wstrcat(str, w->id); break; case 't': mir_wstrcat(str, w->temp); break; case 'u': if (mir_wstrcmp(w->update, NODATA)) mir_wstrcat(str, w->update); else mir_wstrcat(str, TranslateT("<unknown time>")); break; case 'v': mir_wstrcat(str, w->vis); break; case 'w': mir_wstrcat(str, w->wind); break; case 'y': mir_wstrcat(str, w->sunset); break; case '%': mir_wstrcat(str, L"%"); break; case '[': // custom variables i++; name[0] = 0; // read the entire variable name while (dis[i] != ']' && i < mir_wstrlen(dis)) { mir_snprintf(temp, "%c", dis[i++]); mir_strcat(name, temp); } // access the database to get its value if (!db_get_ws(w->hContact, WEATHERCONDITION, name, &dbv)) { if (dbv.pwszVal != TranslateW(NODATA) && dbv.pwszVal != TranslateT("<Error>")) mir_wstrcat(str, dbv.pwszVal); db_free(&dbv); } break; } } // if the character is not a variable, write the original character to the new string else { mir_snwprintf(lpzDate, L"%c", dis[i]); mir_wstrcat(str, lpzDate); } } return str; } wchar_t svcReturnText[MAX_TEXT_SIZE]; INT_PTR GetDisplaySvcFunc(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { WEATHERINFO winfo = LoadWeatherInfo(wParam); return (INT_PTR)GetDisplay(&winfo, (wchar_t*)lParam, svcReturnText); } //============ ID MANAGEMENT ============ // // get service data module internal name // mod/id <- the mod part // pszID = original 2-part id, return the service internal name void GetSvc(wchar_t *pszID) { wchar_t *chop = wcschr(pszID, '/'); if (chop != nullptr) *chop = '\0'; else pszID[0] = 0; } // get the id use for update without the service internal name // mod/id <- the id part // pszID = original 2-part id, return the single part id void GetID(wchar_t *pszID) { wchar_t *chop = wcschr(pszID, '/'); if (chop != nullptr) mir_wstrcpy(pszID, chop + 1); else pszID[0] = 0; } //============ WEATHER ERROR CODE ============ // // Get the text when an error code is specified // code = the error code obtained when updating weather // str = the string for the error // wchar_t *GetError(int code) { wchar_t *str, str2[100]; switch (code) { case 10: str = E10; break; case 11: str = E11; break; case 12: str = E12; break; case 20: str = E20; break; case 30: str = E30; break; case 40: str = E40; break; case 42: str = E42; break; case 43: str = E43; break; case 99: str = E99; break; case 204: str = E204; break; case 301: str = E301; break; case 305: str = E305; break; case 307: str = E307; break; case 400: str = E400; break; case 401: str = E401; break; case 402: str = E402; break; case 403: str = E403; break; case 404: str = E404; break; case 405: str = E405; break; case 407: str = E407; break; case 410: str = E410; break; case 500: str = E500; break; case 502: str = E502; break; case 503: str = E503; break; case 504: str = E504; break; default: mir_snwprintf(str2, TranslateT("HTTP Error %i"), code); str = str2; break; } return mir_wstrdup(str); }