Weather Protocol plugin for Miranda IM
Copyright (c) 2012 Miranda NG team
Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Boris Krasnovskiy All Rights Reserved
Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Calvin Che
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
This file contain the source for displaying information for the
ini files, as well as function that are used for debug purpose
regrading the loading of ini contents
#include "stdafx.h"
//============ INI INFORMATION ============
// List INI Information for all loaded INI files
static void INIInfo(HWND hwndDlg)
wchar_t str[16];
size_t memused = 0;
HWND hIniList = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_INFOLIST);
LVITEM lvi = {};
lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
lvi.iItem = 0;
for (WIDATALIST *Item = WIHead; Item != nullptr; Item = Item->next) {
// get the data for the ini file
lvi.iSubItem = 0;
lvi.pszText = Item->Data.InternalName;
ListView_InsertItem(hIniList, &lvi);
lvi.iSubItem = 1;
lvi.pszText = Item->Data.Author;
ListView_SetItem(hIniList, &lvi);
lvi.iSubItem = 2;
lvi.pszText = Item->Data.Version;
ListView_SetItem(hIniList, &lvi);
lvi.iSubItem = 3;
lvi.pszText = GetINIVersionNum(Item->Data.InternalVer);
ListView_SetItem(hIniList, &lvi);
lvi.iSubItem = 4;
lvi.pszText = _ltow(Item->Data.UpdateDataCount, str, 10);
ListView_SetItem(hIniList, &lvi);
lvi.iSubItem = 5;
lvi.pszText = Item->Data.DisplayName;
ListView_SetItem(hIniList, &lvi);
lvi.iSubItem = 6;
lvi.pszText = Item->Data.ShortFileName;
ListView_SetItem(hIniList, &lvi);
memused += Item->Data.MemUsed;
SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_INICOUNT, _itow(lvi.iItem, str, 10));
SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_MEMUSED, _ltow((long)memused, str, 10));
const wchar_t *name;
unsigned size;
static columns[] =
{ LPGENW("Name"), 70 },
{ LPGENW("Author"), 100 },
{ LPGENW("File Version"), 70 },
{ LPGENW("INI Version"), 70 },
{ LPGENW("Items"), 40 },
{ LPGENW("Display Name"), 200 },
{ LPGENW("File Name"), 150 },
WeatherMyDetailsDlg::WeatherMyDetailsDlg() :
CUserInfoPageDlg(g_plugin, IDD_INFO),
btnReload(this, IDC_RELOADINI)
btnReload.OnClick = Callback(this, &WeatherMyDetailsDlg::onClick_Reload);
bool WeatherMyDetailsDlg::OnInitDialog()
HWND hIniList = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_INFOLIST);
LVCOLUMN lvc = {};
lvc.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT;
for (auto &it : columns) {
lvc.iSubItem = int(&it - columns);
lvc.pszText = TranslateW(it.name);
lvc.cx = it.size;
ListView_InsertColumn(hIniList, lvc.iSubItem, &lvc);
return true;
void WeatherMyDetailsDlg::onClick_Reload(CCtrlButton*)
// get the info of individual ini file
// pszSvc = the internal name of the service to get the data
wchar_t* GetINIVersionNum(int iVersion)
switch (iVersion) {
case 1: return L"1.0";
case 2: return L"1.1";
case 3: return L"1.1a";
case 4: return L"1.2";
case 5: return L"1.3";
case 6: return L"1.4";
case 7: return L"1.5";
return L"";
void GetINIInfo(wchar_t *pszSvc)
CMStringW str;
WIDATA *sData = GetWIData(pszSvc);
// if the service does not exist among the loaded INI's
if (sData == nullptr) {
str.Format(TranslateT("The corresponding INI file for \"%s\" is not found."), pszSvc);
// if exist, get the information
else {
str.AppendFormat(TranslateT("Weather INI information for \"%s\":"), pszSvc);
str += L"\n\n";
str.AppendFormat(L"%s\t%s\n", TranslateT("Name:"), sData->DisplayName);
str.AppendFormat(L"%s\t%s\n", TranslateT("Internal Name:"), sData->InternalName);
str.AppendFormat(L"%s\t%s\n", TranslateT("Author:"), sData->Author);
str.AppendFormat(L"%s\t%s\n", TranslateT("Version:"), sData->Version);
str.AppendFormat(L"%s\t%s\n", TranslateT("INI Version:"), GetINIVersionNum(sData->InternalVer));
str.AppendFormat(L"%s\t%s\n", TranslateT("File Name:"), sData->ShortFileName);
str.AppendFormat(L"%s\t%i\n", TranslateT("Item Count:"), sData->UpdateDataCount);
str.AppendFormat(L"%s\t%i %s\n\n", TranslateT("Memory Used:"), (int)sData->MemUsed, TranslateT("bytes"));
str.AppendFormat(L"%s\n%s", TranslateT("Description:"), sData->Description);
MessageBox(nullptr, str, TranslateT("Weather INI information"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
//============ DISPLAY A LIST FOR CUSTOM VARIABLES ============
// a message box for displaying the list of custom variables
// can be found when click on "More" in text option dialog
void MoreVarList(void)
// heading
CMStringW str(TranslateT("Here is a list of custom variables that are currently available"));
str += L"\n\n";
// loop through all weather services to find custom variables
bool bFirst = true;
for (WIDATALIST *Item = WIHead; Item != nullptr; Item = Item->next) {
// loop through all update items in a service
for (WIDATAITEMLIST *WItem = Item->Data.UpdateData; WItem != nullptr; WItem = WItem->Next) {
// the custom variable is defined as "%[]"
// ignore the "hi" item and hidden items
if (mir_wstrcmp(WItem->Item.Name, L"Ignore") && WItem->Item.Name[0] != '#') {
wchar_t tempstr[1024];
mir_snwprintf(tempstr, L"%c[%s]", '%', WItem->Item.Name);
auto *find = wcsstr(str, tempstr);
// if the custom variable does not exist in the list, add it to the list
if (find == nullptr) {
if (bFirst)
bFirst = false;
str += L", ";
str += tempstr;
// display the list in a message box
MessageBox(nullptr, str, TranslateT("More Variables"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_TOPMOST);