/* * WAConnection.cpp * * Created on: 26/06/2012 * Author: Antonio */ #include "WAConnection.h" #include "ProtocolTreeNode.h" #include #include #include "utilities.h" const char* WAConnection::dictionary[] = { "", "", "", "", "", "account", "ack", "action", "active", "add", "after", "ib", "all", "allow", "apple", "audio", "auth", "author", "available", "bad-protocol", "bad-request", "before", "Bell.caf", "body", "Boing.caf", "cancel", "category", "challenge", "chat", "clean", "code", "composing", "config", "conflict", "contacts", "count", "create", "creation", "default", "delay", "delete", "delivered", "deny", "digest", "DIGEST-MD5-1", "DIGEST-MD5-2", "dirty", "elapsed", "broadcast", "enable", "encoding", "duplicate", "error", "event", "expiration", "expired", "fail", "failure", "false", "favorites", "feature", "features", "field", "first", "free", "from", "g.us", "get", "Glass.caf", "google", "group", "groups", "g_notify", "g_sound", "Harp.caf", "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams", "http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates", "id", "image", "img", "inactive", "index", "internal-server-error", "invalid-mechanism", "ip", "iq", "item", "item-not-found", "user-not-found", "jabber:iq:last", "jabber:iq:privacy", "jabber:x:delay", "jabber:x:event", "jid", "jid-malformed", "kind", "last", "latitude", "lc", "leave", "leave-all", "lg", "list", "location", "longitude", "max", "max_groups", "max_participants", "max_subject", "mechanism", "media", "message", "message_acks", "method", "microsoft", "missing", "modify", "mute", "name", "nokia", "none", "not-acceptable", "not-allowed", "not-authorized", "notification", "notify", "off", "offline", "order", "owner", "owning", "paid", "participant", "participants", "participating", "password", "paused", "picture", "pin", "ping", "platform", "pop_mean_time", "pop_plus_minus", "port", "presence", "preview", "probe", "proceed", "prop", "props", "p_o", "p_t", "query", "raw", "reason", "receipt", "receipt_acks", "received", "registration", "relay", "remote-server-timeout", "remove", "Replaced by new connection", "request", "required", "resource", "resource-constraint", "response", "result", "retry", "rim", "s.whatsapp.net", "s.us", "seconds", "server", "server-error", "service-unavailable", "set", "show", "sid", "silent", "sound", "stamp", "unsubscribe", "stat", "status", "stream:error", "stream:features", "subject", "subscribe", "success", "sync", "system-shutdown", "s_o", "s_t", "t", "text", "timeout", "TimePassing.caf", "timestamp", "to", "Tri-tone.caf", "true", "type", "unavailable", "uri", "url", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams", "urn:xmpp:delay", "urn:xmpp:ping", "urn:xmpp:receipts", "urn:xmpp:whatsapp", "urn:xmpp:whatsapp:account", "urn:xmpp:whatsapp:dirty", "urn:xmpp:whatsapp:mms", "urn:xmpp:whatsapp:push", "user", "username", "value", "vcard", "version", "video", "w", "w:g", "w:p", "w:p:r", "w:profile:picture", "wait", "x", "xml-not-well-formed", "xmlns", "xmlns:stream", "Xylophone.caf", "1", "WAUTH-1" }; WAConnection::WAConnection(IMutex* mutex, WAListener* event_handler, WAGroupListener* group_event_handler) { this->init(event_handler, group_event_handler, mutex); } WAConnection::~WAConnection() { delete this->inputKey; delete this->outputKey; delete this->in; delete this->out; std::map::iterator it; for (it = this->pending_server_requests.begin(); it != this->pending_server_requests.end(); it++) { delete it->second; } } void WAConnection::init(WAListener* event_handler, WAGroupListener* group_event_handler, IMutex* mutex) { this->login = NULL; this->event_handler = event_handler; this->group_event_handler = group_event_handler; this->inputKey = NULL; this->outputKey = NULL; this->in = NULL; this->out = NULL; this->msg_id = 0; this->state = 0; // 0 disconnected 1 connecting 2 connected this->retry = true; this->iqid = 0; this->verbose = true; this->lastTreeRead = 0; this->expire_date = 0L; this->account_kind = -1; this->mutex = mutex; } void WAConnection::setLogin(WALogin* login) { this->login = login; if (login->expire_date != 0L) { this->expire_date = login->expire_date; } if (login->account_kind != -1) { this->account_kind = login->account_kind; } this->jid = this->login->user + "@" + this->login->domain; this->fromm = this->login->user + "@" + this->login->domain + "/" + this->login->resource; this->in = login->getTreeNodeReader(); this->out = login->getTreeNodeWriter(); } WALogin* WAConnection::getLogin() { return this->login; } void WAConnection::sendMessageWithMedia(FMessage* message) throw (WAException) { _LOGDATA("Send message with media %s %d", message->media_name.c_str(), message->media_size); _LOGDATA("media-url:%s", message->media_url.c_str()); if (message->media_wa_type == FMessage::WA_TYPE_SYSTEM) throw new WAException("Cannot send system message over the network"); std::map* attribs = new std::map(); (*attribs)["xmlns"] = "urn:xmpp:whatsapp:mms"; (*attribs)["type"] = FMessage::getMessage_WA_Type_StrValue(message->media_wa_type); if (message->media_wa_type == FMessage::WA_TYPE_LOCATION) { (*attribs)["latitude"] = Utilities::doubleToStr(message->latitude); (*attribs)["longitude"] = Utilities::doubleToStr(message->longitude); } else { if (message->media_wa_type != FMessage::WA_TYPE_CONTACT && !message->media_name.empty() && !message->media_url.empty() && message->media_size > 0L) { (*attribs)["file"] = message->media_name; (*attribs)["size"] = Utilities::intToStr((int)message->media_size); (*attribs)["url"] = message->media_url; } else { (*attribs)["file"] = message->media_name; (*attribs)["size"] = Utilities::intToStr((int)message->media_size); (*attribs)["url"] = message->media_url; (*attribs)["seconds"] = Utilities::intToStr(message->media_duration_seconds); } } ProtocolTreeNode* mediaNode; if (message->media_wa_type == FMessage::WA_TYPE_CONTACT && !message->media_name.empty()) { std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["name"] = message->media_name; ProtocolTreeNode* vcardNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("vcard", attribs2, new std::vector(message->data.begin(), message->data.end())); mediaNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("media", attribs, vcardNode); } else { (*attribs)["encoding"] = "text"; mediaNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("media", attribs, new std::vector(message->data.begin(), message->data.end()), NULL); } ProtocolTreeNode* root = WAConnection::getMessageNode(message, mediaNode); this->out->write(root); delete root; } void WAConnection::sendMessageWithBody(FMessage* message) throw (WAException) { ProtocolTreeNode* bodyNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("body", NULL, new std::vector(message->data.begin(), message->data.end())); ProtocolTreeNode* root = WAConnection::getMessageNode(message, bodyNode); this->out->write(root); delete root; } ProtocolTreeNode* WAConnection::getMessageNode(FMessage* message, ProtocolTreeNode* child) { ProtocolTreeNode* requestNode = NULL; ProtocolTreeNode* serverNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("server", NULL); std::map* attrib = new std::map(); (*attrib)["xmlns"] = "jabber:x:event"; std::vector* children = new std::vector(1); (*children)[0] = serverNode; ProtocolTreeNode* xNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("x", attrib, NULL, children); int childCount = (requestNode == NULL ? 0 : 1) + 2; std::vector* messageChildren = new std::vector(childCount); int i = 0; if (requestNode != NULL) { (*messageChildren)[i] = requestNode; i++; } (*messageChildren)[i] = xNode; i++; (*messageChildren)[i] = child; i++; std::map* attrib2 = new std::map(); (*attrib2)["to"] = message->key->remote_jid; (*attrib2)["type"] = "chat"; (*attrib2)["id"] = message->key->id; return new ProtocolTreeNode("message", attrib2, NULL, messageChildren); } void WAConnection::sendMessage(FMessage* message) throw(WAException) { if (message->media_wa_type != 0) sendMessageWithMedia(message); else sendMessageWithBody(message); } void WAConnection::setVerboseId(bool b) { this->verbose = b; } void WAConnection::sendAvailableForChat() throw(WAException) { std::map* attribs = new std::map(); (*attribs)["name"] = this->login->push_name; ProtocolTreeNode *presenceNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("presence", attribs); this->out->write(presenceNode); delete presenceNode; } bool WAConnection::read() throw(WAException) { ProtocolTreeNode* node; try { node = this->in->nextTree(); this->lastTreeRead = time(NULL); } catch (exception& ex) { throw WAException(ex.what(), WAException::CORRUPT_STREAM_EX, 0); } if (node == NULL) { return false; } if (ProtocolTreeNode::tagEquals(node, "iq")) { std::string* type = node->getAttributeValue("type"); std::string* id = node->getAttributeValue("id"); std::string* from = node->getAttributeValue("from"); std::string f; if (from == NULL) f = ""; else f = *from; if (type == NULL) throw WAException("missing 'type' attribute in iq stanza", WAException::CORRUPT_STREAM_EX, 0); if (type->compare("result") == 0) { if (id == NULL) throw WAException("missing 'id' attribute in iq stanza", WAException::CORRUPT_STREAM_EX, 0); std::map::iterator it = this->pending_server_requests.find(*id); if (it != this->pending_server_requests.end()) { it->second->parse(node, f); delete it->second; this->pending_server_requests.erase(*id); } else if (id->compare(0, this->login->user.size(), this->login->user) == 0) { ProtocolTreeNode* accountNode = node->getChild(0); ProtocolTreeNode::require(accountNode, "account"); std::string* kind = accountNode->getAttributeValue("kind"); if ((kind != NULL) && (kind->compare("paid") == 0)) { this->account_kind = 1; } else if ((kind != NULL) && (kind->compare("free") == 0)) { this->account_kind = 0; } else this->account_kind = -1; std::string* expiration = accountNode->getAttributeValue("expiration"); if (expiration == NULL) { throw WAException("no expiration"); } this->expire_date = atol(expiration->c_str()); if (this->expire_date == 0) throw WAException("invalid expire date: " + *expiration); if (this->event_handler != NULL) this->event_handler->onAccountChange(this->account_kind, this->expire_date); } } else if (type->compare("error") == 0) { std::map::iterator it = this->pending_server_requests.find(*id); if (it != this->pending_server_requests.end()) { it->second->error(node); delete it->second; this->pending_server_requests.erase(*id); } } else if (type->compare("get") == 0) { ProtocolTreeNode* childNode = node->getChild(0); if (ProtocolTreeNode::tagEquals(childNode, "ping")) { if (this->event_handler != NULL) this->event_handler->onPing(*id); } else if (ProtocolTreeNode::tagEquals(childNode, "query") && (from != NULL) ? false : // (childNode->getAttributeValue("xmlns") != NULL) && ((*childNode->getAttributeValue("xmlns")).compare("http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info") == 0) : (ProtocolTreeNode::tagEquals(childNode, "relay")) && (from != NULL)) { std::string* pin = childNode->getAttributeValue("pin"); std::string* timeoutString = childNode->getAttributeValue("timeout"); int timeoutSeconds; timeoutSeconds = timeoutString == NULL ? 0 : atoi(timeoutString->c_str()); if (pin != NULL) if (this->event_handler != NULL) this->event_handler->onRelayRequest(*pin, timeoutSeconds, *id); } } else if (type->compare("set") == 0) { ProtocolTreeNode* childNode = node->getChild(0); if (ProtocolTreeNode::tagEquals(childNode, "query")) { std::string* xmlns = childNode->getAttributeValue("xmlns"); if ((xmlns != NULL) && (xmlns->compare("jabber:iq:roster") == 0)) { std::vector* itemNodes = childNode->getAllChildren("item"); std::string ask = ""; for (size_t i = 0; i < itemNodes->size(); i++) { ProtocolTreeNode* itemNode = (*itemNodes)[i]; std::string* jid = itemNode->getAttributeValue("jid"); std::string* subscription = itemNode->getAttributeValue("subscription"); ask = *itemNode->getAttributeValue("ask"); } delete itemNodes; } } } else throw WAException("unknown iq type attribute: " + *type, WAException::CORRUPT_STREAM_EX, 0); } else if (ProtocolTreeNode::tagEquals(node, "presence")) { std::string* xmlns = node->getAttributeValue("xmlns"); std::string* from = node->getAttributeValue("from"); if (((xmlns == NULL) || (xmlns->compare("urn:xmpp") == 0)) && (from != NULL)) { std::string* type = node->getAttributeValue("type"); if ((type != NULL) && (type->compare("unavailable") == 0)) { if (this->event_handler != NULL) this->event_handler->onAvailable(*from, false); } else if ((type == NULL) || (type->compare("available") == 0)) { if (this->event_handler != NULL) this->event_handler->onAvailable(*from, true); } } else if ((xmlns->compare("w") == 0) && (from != NULL)) { std::string* add = node->getAttributeValue("add"); std::string* remove = node->getAttributeValue("remove"); std::string* status = node->getAttributeValue("status"); if (add != NULL) { if (this->group_event_handler != NULL) this->group_event_handler->onGroupAddUser(*from, *add); } else if (remove != NULL) { if (this->group_event_handler != NULL) this->group_event_handler->onGroupRemoveUser(*from, *remove); } else if ((status != NULL) && (status->compare("dirty") == 0)) { std::map* categories = parseCategories(node); if (this->event_handler != NULL) this->event_handler->onDirty(*categories); delete categories; } } } else if (ProtocolTreeNode::tagEquals(node, "message")) { parseMessageInitialTagAlreadyChecked(node); } delete node; return true; } void WAConnection::sendNop() throw(WAException) { this->out->write(NULL); } void WAConnection::sendPing() throw(WAException) { std::string id = makeId("ping_"); this->pending_server_requests[id] = new IqResultPingHandler(this); std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["xmlns"] = "w:p"; ProtocolTreeNode* pingNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("ping", attribs1); std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["id"] = id; (*attribs2)["type"] = "get"; ProtocolTreeNode* iqNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", attribs2, pingNode); this->out->write(iqNode); delete iqNode; } void WAConnection::sendPong(const std::string& id) throw(WAException) { std::map* attribs = new std::map(); (*attribs)["type"] = "result"; (*attribs)["to"] = this->login->domain; (*attribs)["id"] = id; ProtocolTreeNode *iqNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", attribs); this->out->write(iqNode); delete iqNode; } void WAConnection::sendComposing(const std::string& to) throw(WAException) { std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["xmlns"] = "http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates"; ProtocolTreeNode* composingNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("composing", attribs1); std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["to"] = to; (*attribs2)["type"] = "chat"; ProtocolTreeNode* messageNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("message", attribs2, composingNode); this->out->write(messageNode); delete messageNode; } void WAConnection::sendActive() throw(WAException) { std::map* attribs = new std::map(); (*attribs)["type"] = "active"; ProtocolTreeNode* presenceNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("presence", attribs); this->out->write(presenceNode); delete presenceNode; } void WAConnection::sendInactive() throw(WAException) { std::map* attribs = new std::map(); (*attribs)["type"] = "inactive"; ProtocolTreeNode* presenceNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("presence", attribs); this->out->write(presenceNode); delete presenceNode; } void WAConnection::sendPaused(const std::string& to) throw(WAException) { std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["xmlns"] = "http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates"; ProtocolTreeNode* pausedNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("paused", attribs1); std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["to"] = to; (*attribs2)["type"] = "chat"; ProtocolTreeNode* messageNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("message", attribs2, pausedNode); this->out->write(messageNode); delete messageNode; } void WAConnection::sendSubjectReceived(const std::string& to, const std::string& id)throw(WAException) { std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["xmlns"] = "urn:xmpp:receipts"; ProtocolTreeNode* receivedNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("received", attribs1); ProtocolTreeNode* messageNode = getSubjectMessage(to, id, receivedNode); this->out->write(messageNode); delete messageNode; } ProtocolTreeNode* WAConnection::getSubjectMessage(const std::string& to, const std::string& id, ProtocolTreeNode* child) throw (WAException) { std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["to"] = to; (*attribs1)["type"] = "subject"; (*attribs1)["id"] = id; ProtocolTreeNode* messageNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("message", attribs1, child); return messageNode; } void WAConnection::sendMessageReceived(FMessage* message) throw(WAException) { std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["xmlns"] = "urn:xmpp:receipts"; ProtocolTreeNode* receivedNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("received", attribs1); std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["to"] = message->key->remote_jid; (*attribs2)["type"] = "chat"; (*attribs2)["id"] = message->key->id; ProtocolTreeNode* messageNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("message", attribs2, receivedNode); this->out->write(messageNode); delete messageNode; } void WAConnection::sendDeliveredReceiptAck(const std::string& to, const std::string& id) throw(WAException) { ProtocolTreeNode *root = getReceiptAck(to, id, "delivered"); this->out->write(root); delete root; } void WAConnection::sendVisibleReceiptAck(const std::string& to, const std::string& id) throw (WAException) { ProtocolTreeNode *root = getReceiptAck(to, id, "visible"); this->out->write(root); delete root; } void WAConnection::sendPresenceSubscriptionRequest(const std::string& to) throw(WAException) { std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["type"] = "subscribe"; (*attribs1)["to"] = to; ProtocolTreeNode* presenceNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("presence", attribs1); this->out->write(presenceNode); delete presenceNode; } void WAConnection::sendClientConfig(const std::string& sound, const std::string& pushID, bool preview, const std::string& platform) throw(WAException) { std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["xmlns"] = "urn:xmpp:whatsapp:push"; (*attribs1)["sound"] = sound; (*attribs1)["id"] = pushID; (*attribs1)["preview"] = preview ? "1" : "0"; (*attribs1)["platform"] = platform; ProtocolTreeNode* configNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("config", attribs1); std::string id = makeId("config_"); this->pending_server_requests[id] = new IqSendClientConfigHandler(this); std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["id"] = id; (*attribs2)["type"] = "set"; (*attribs2)["to"] = this->login->domain; ProtocolTreeNode* iqNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", attribs2, configNode); this->out->write(iqNode); delete iqNode; } void WAConnection::sendClientConfig(const std::string& pushID, bool preview, const std::string& platform, bool defaultSettings, bool groupSettings, const std::vector& groups) throw(WAException) { std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["xmlns"] = "urn:xmpp:whatsapp:push"; (*attribs1)["id"] = pushID; (*attribs1)["lg"] = "en"; (*attribs1)["lc"] = "US"; (*attribs1)["clear"] = "0"; (*attribs1)["preview"] = preview ? "1" : "0"; (*attribs1)["platform"] = platform; (*attribs1)["default"] = defaultSettings ? "1" : "0"; (*attribs1)["groups"] = groupSettings ? "1" : "0"; ProtocolTreeNode* configNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("config", attribs1, NULL, this->processGroupSettings(groups)); std::string id = makeId("config_"); std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["id"] = id; (*attribs2)["type"] = "set"; (*attribs2)["to"] = this->login->domain; ProtocolTreeNode* iqNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", attribs2, configNode); this->out->write(iqNode); delete iqNode; } std::vector* WAConnection::processGroupSettings(const std::vector& groups) { std::vector* result = new std::vector(groups.size()); if (!groups.empty()) { time_t now = time(NULL); for (size_t i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) { std::map* attribs = new std::map(); (*attribs)["jid"] = groups[i].jid; (*attribs)["notify"] = (groups[i].enabled ? "1" : "0"); (*attribs)["mute"] = Utilities::intToStr(int(groups[i].muteExpiry > now ? (groups[i].muteExpiry - now) : 0)); _LOGDATA("mute group %s, %s", (*attribs)["jid"].c_str(), (*attribs)["mute"].c_str()); (*result)[i] = new ProtocolTreeNode("item", attribs); } } return result; } std::string WAConnection::makeId(const std::string& prefix) { this->iqid++; std::string id; if (this->verbose) id = prefix + Utilities::intToStr(this->iqid); else id = Utilities::itoa(this->iqid, 16); return id; } ProtocolTreeNode* WAConnection::getReceiptAck(const std::string& to, const std::string& id, const std::string& receiptType) throw(WAException) { std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["xmlns"] = "urn:xmpp:receipts"; (*attribs1)["type"] = receiptType; ProtocolTreeNode* ackNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("ack", attribs1); std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["to"] = to; (*attribs2)["type"] = "chat"; (*attribs2)["id"] = id; ProtocolTreeNode* messageNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("message", attribs2, ackNode); return messageNode; } std::map* WAConnection::parseCategories(ProtocolTreeNode* dirtyNode) throw (WAException) { std::map* categories = new std::map(); if (dirtyNode->children != NULL) { for (size_t i = 0; i < dirtyNode->children->size(); i++) { ProtocolTreeNode* childNode = (*dirtyNode->children)[i]; if (ProtocolTreeNode::tagEquals(childNode, "category")) { std::string* categoryName = childNode->getAttributeValue("name"); std::string* timestamp = childNode->getAttributeValue("timestamp"); (*categories)[*categoryName] = *timestamp; } } } return categories; } void WAConnection::parseMessageInitialTagAlreadyChecked(ProtocolTreeNode* messageNode) throw (WAException) { std::string* id = messageNode->getAttributeValue("id"); std::string* attribute_t = messageNode->getAttributeValue("t"); std::string* from = messageNode->getAttributeValue("from"); std::string* authoraux = messageNode->getAttributeValue("author"); std::string author = ""; if (authoraux != NULL) author = *authoraux; std::string* typeAttribute = messageNode->getAttributeValue("type"); if (typeAttribute != NULL) { if (typeAttribute->compare("error") == 0) { int errorCode = 0; std::vector* errorNodes = messageNode->getAllChildren("error"); for (size_t i = 0; i < errorNodes->size(); i++) { ProtocolTreeNode *errorNode = (*errorNodes)[i]; std::string* codeString = errorNode->getAttributeValue("code"); errorCode = atoi(codeString->c_str()); } Key* key = new Key(*from, true, *id); FMessage* message = new FMessage(key); message->status = FMessage::STATUS_SERVER_BOUNCE; if (this->event_handler != NULL) this->event_handler->onMessageError(message, errorCode); delete errorNodes; delete message; } else if (typeAttribute->compare("subject") == 0) { bool receiptRequested = false; std::vector* requestNodes = messageNode->getAllChildren("request"); for (size_t i = 0; i < requestNodes->size(); i++) { ProtocolTreeNode *requestNode = (*requestNodes)[i]; if ((requestNode->getAttributeValue("xmlns") != NULL) && (*requestNode->getAttributeValue("xmlns")).compare("urn:xmpp:receipts") == 0) receiptRequested = true; } delete requestNodes; ProtocolTreeNode* bodyNode = messageNode->getChild("body"); std::string* newSubject = bodyNode == NULL ? NULL : bodyNode->getDataAsString(); if ((newSubject != NULL) && (this->group_event_handler != NULL)) this->group_event_handler->onGroupNewSubject(*from, author, *newSubject, atoi(attribute_t->c_str())); if (newSubject != NULL) delete newSubject; if (receiptRequested) sendSubjectReceived(*from, *id); } else if (typeAttribute->compare("chat") == 0) { FMessage* fmessage = new FMessage(); fmessage->wants_receipt = false; bool duplicate = false; std::vector myVector(0); std::vector* messageChildren = messageNode->children == NULL ? &myVector : messageNode->getAllChildren(); for (size_t i = 0; i < messageChildren->size(); i++) { ProtocolTreeNode* childNode = (*messageChildren)[i]; if (ProtocolTreeNode::tagEquals(childNode, "composing")) { if (this->event_handler != NULL) this->event_handler->onIsTyping(*from, true); } else if (ProtocolTreeNode::tagEquals(childNode, "paused")) { if (this->event_handler != NULL) this->event_handler->onIsTyping(*from, false); } else if (ProtocolTreeNode::tagEquals(childNode, "body")) { std::string* message = childNode->getDataAsString(); Key* key = new Key(*from, false, *id); fmessage->key = key; fmessage->remote_resource = author; fmessage->data = *message; fmessage->status = FMessage::STATUS_UNSENT; if (message != NULL) delete message; } else if (ProtocolTreeNode::tagEquals(childNode, "media") && (id != NULL)) { fmessage->media_wa_type = FMessage::getMessage_WA_Type(childNode->getAttributeValue("type")); fmessage->media_url = (childNode->getAttributeValue("url") == NULL ? "" : *childNode->getAttributeValue("url")); fmessage->media_name = (childNode->getAttributeValue("file") == NULL ? "" : *childNode->getAttributeValue("file")); if (childNode->getAttributeValue("size") != NULL) fmessage->media_size = Utilities::parseLongLong(*childNode->getAttributeValue("size")); else fmessage->media_size = 0; if (childNode->getAttributeValue("seconds") != NULL) fmessage->media_duration_seconds = atoi(childNode->getAttributeValue("seconds")->c_str()); else fmessage->media_duration_seconds = 0; if (fmessage->media_wa_type == FMessage::WA_TYPE_LOCATION) { std::string* latitudeString = childNode->getAttributeValue("latitude"); std::string* longitudeString = childNode->getAttributeValue("longitude"); if (latitudeString == NULL || longitudeString == NULL) throw WAException("location message missing lat or long attribute", WAException::CORRUPT_STREAM_EX, 0); double latitude = atof(latitudeString->c_str()); double longitude = atof(longitudeString->c_str()); fmessage->latitude = latitude; fmessage->longitude = longitude; } if (fmessage->media_wa_type == FMessage::WA_TYPE_CONTACT) { ProtocolTreeNode* contactChildNode = childNode->getChild(0); if (contactChildNode != NULL) { fmessage->media_name = (contactChildNode->getAttributeValue("name") == NULL ? "" : *contactChildNode->getAttributeValue("name")); std::string* data = contactChildNode->getDataAsString(); fmessage->data = (data == NULL ? "" : *data); if (data != NULL) delete data; } } else { std::string* encoding = childNode->getAttributeValue("encoding"); std::string* data; if ((encoding == NULL) || ((encoding != NULL) && (encoding->compare("text") == 0))) { data = childNode->getDataAsString(); } else { _LOGDATA("Media data encoding type '%s'", (encoding == NULL ? "text" : encoding->c_str())); data = (childNode->data == NULL ? NULL : new std::string(base64_encode(childNode->data->data(), childNode->data->size()))); } fmessage->data = (data == NULL ? "" : *data); if (data != NULL) delete data; } Key* key = new Key(*from, false, *id); fmessage->key = key; fmessage->remote_resource = author; } else if (!ProtocolTreeNode::tagEquals(childNode, "active")) { if (ProtocolTreeNode::tagEquals(childNode, "request")) { fmessage->wants_receipt = true; } else if (ProtocolTreeNode::tagEquals(childNode, "notify")) { fmessage->notifyname = (childNode->getAttributeValue("name") == NULL) ? "" : *childNode->getAttributeValue("name"); } else if (ProtocolTreeNode::tagEquals(childNode, "x")) { std::string* xmlns = childNode->getAttributeValue("xmlns"); if ((xmlns != NULL) && (xmlns->compare("jabber:x:event") == 0) && (id != NULL)) { Key* key = new Key(*from, true, *id); FMessage* message = new FMessage(key); message->status = FMessage::STATUS_RECEIVED_BY_SERVER; if (this->event_handler != NULL) this->event_handler->onMessageStatusUpdate(message); delete message; } } else if (ProtocolTreeNode::tagEquals(childNode, "received")) { Key* key = new Key(*from, true, *id); FMessage* message = new FMessage(key); message->status = FMessage::STATUS_RECEIVED_BY_TARGET; if (this->event_handler != NULL) this->event_handler->onMessageStatusUpdate(message); delete message; if (this->supportsReceiptAcks()) { std::string* receipt_type = childNode->getAttributeValue("type"); if ((receipt_type == NULL) || (receipt_type->compare("delivered") == 0)) sendDeliveredReceiptAck(*from, *id); else if (receipt_type->compare("visible") == 0) sendVisibleReceiptAck(*from, *id); } } else if (ProtocolTreeNode::tagEquals(childNode, "offline")) { if (attribute_t != NULL) { fmessage->timestamp = atoi(attribute_t->c_str()); } fmessage->offline = true; } } } if (fmessage->timestamp == 0) { fmessage->timestamp = time(NULL); fmessage->offline = false; } if (fmessage->key != NULL && this->event_handler != NULL) this->event_handler->onMessageForMe(fmessage, duplicate); delete fmessage; } else if (typeAttribute->compare("notification") == 0) { _LOGDATA("Notification node %s", messageNode->toString().c_str()); bool flag = false; std::vector myVector(0); std::vector* children = messageNode->children == NULL ? &myVector : messageNode->getAllChildren(); for (size_t i = 0; i < children->size(); i++) { ProtocolTreeNode* child = (*children)[i]; if (ProtocolTreeNode::tagEquals(child, "notification")) { std::string* type = child->getAttributeValue("type"); if ((type != NULL) && (type->compare("picture") == 0) && (this->event_handler != NULL)) { std::vector myVector2(0); std::vector* children2 = child->children == NULL ? &myVector2 : child->getAllChildren(); for (unsigned j = 0; j < children2->size(); j++) { ProtocolTreeNode* child2 = (*children2)[j]; if (ProtocolTreeNode::tagEquals(child2, "set")) { std::string* id = child2->getAttributeValue("id"); std::string* author = child2->getAttributeValue("author"); if (id != NULL) { this->event_handler->onPictureChanged(*from, ((author == NULL) ? "" : *author), true); } } else if (ProtocolTreeNode::tagEquals(child2, "delete")) { std::string* author = child2->getAttributeValue("author"); this->event_handler->onPictureChanged(*from, ((author == NULL) ? "" : *author), false); } } } } else if (ProtocolTreeNode::tagEquals(child, "request")) { flag = true; } } if (flag) { this->sendNotificationReceived(*from, *id); } } } } bool WAConnection::supportsReceiptAcks() { return (this->login != NULL) && (this->login->supports_receipt_acks); } void WAConnection::sendNotificationReceived(const std::string& jid, const std::string& id) throw(WAException) { std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["xmlns"] = "urn:xmpp:receipts"; ProtocolTreeNode* child = new ProtocolTreeNode("received", attribs1); std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["id"] = id; (*attribs2)["type"] = "notification"; (*attribs2)["to"] = jid; ProtocolTreeNode* node = new ProtocolTreeNode("message", attribs2, child); this->out->write(node); delete node; } void WAConnection::sendClose() throw(WAException) { std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["type"] = "unavailable"; ProtocolTreeNode* presenceNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("presence", attribs1); this->out->write(presenceNode); delete presenceNode; this->out->streamEnd(); } void WAConnection::sendGetPrivacyList() throw (WAException) { std::string id = makeId("privacylist_"); this->pending_server_requests[id] = new IqResultPrivayListHandler(this); std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["name"] = "default"; ProtocolTreeNode* listNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("list", attribs1); std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["xmlns"] = "jabber:iq:privacy"; ProtocolTreeNode* queryNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("query", attribs2, listNode); std::map* attribs3 = new std::map(); (*attribs3)["id"] = id; (*attribs3)["type"] = "get"; ProtocolTreeNode* iqNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", attribs3, queryNode); this->out->write(iqNode); delete iqNode; } void WAConnection::sendGetServerProperties() throw (WAException) { std::string id = makeId("get_server_properties_"); this->pending_server_requests[id] = new IqResultServerPropertiesHandler(this); std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["xmlns"] = "w:g"; (*attribs1)["type"] = "props"; ProtocolTreeNode* listNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("list", attribs1); std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["id"] = id; (*attribs2)["type"] = "get"; (*attribs2)["to"] = "g.us"; ProtocolTreeNode* iqNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", attribs2, listNode); this->out->write(iqNode); delete iqNode; } void WAConnection::sendGetGroups() throw (WAException) { this->mutex->lock(); std::string id = makeId("get_groups_"); this->pending_server_requests[id] = new IqResultGetGroupsHandler(this, "participating"); sendGetGroups(id, "participating"); this->mutex->unlock(); } void WAConnection::sendGetOwningGroups() throw (WAException) { this->mutex->lock(); std::string id = makeId("get_owning_groups_"); this->pending_server_requests[id] = new IqResultGetGroupsHandler(this, "owning"); sendGetGroups(id, "owning"); this->mutex->unlock(); } void WAConnection::sendGetGroups(const std::string& id, const std::string& type) throw (WAException) { std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["xmlns"] = "w:g"; (*attribs1)["type"] = type; ProtocolTreeNode* listNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("list", attribs1); std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["id"] = id; (*attribs2)["type"] = "get"; (*attribs2)["to"] = "g.us"; ProtocolTreeNode* iqNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", attribs2, listNode); this->out->write(iqNode); delete iqNode; } void WAConnection::readGroupList(ProtocolTreeNode* node, std::vector& groups) throw (WAException) { std::vector* nodes = node->getAllChildren("group"); for (size_t i = 0; i < nodes->size(); i++) { ProtocolTreeNode* groupNode = (*nodes)[i]; std::string* gid = groupNode->getAttributeValue("id"); std::string gjid = gidToGjid(*gid); std::string* owner = groupNode->getAttributeValue("owner"); std::string* subject = groupNode->getAttributeValue("subject"); std::string* subject_t = groupNode->getAttributeValue("s_t"); std::string* subject_owner = groupNode->getAttributeValue("s_o"); std::string* creation = groupNode->getAttributeValue("creation"); if (this->group_event_handler != NULL) this->group_event_handler->onGroupInfoFromList(gjid, *owner, *subject, *subject_owner, atoi(subject_t->c_str()), atoi(creation->c_str())); groups.push_back(gjid); } delete nodes; } std::string WAConnection::gidToGjid(const std::string& gid) { return gid + "@g.us"; } void WAConnection::sendQueryLastOnline(const std::string& jid) throw (WAException) { std::string id = makeId("last_"); this->pending_server_requests[id] = new IqResultQueryLastOnlineHandler(this); std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["xmlns"] = "jabber:iq:last"; ProtocolTreeNode* queryNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("query", attribs1); std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["id"] = id; (*attribs2)["type"] = "get"; (*attribs2)["to"] = jid; ProtocolTreeNode* iqNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", attribs2, queryNode); this->out->write(iqNode); delete iqNode; } void WAConnection::sendGetGroupInfo(const std::string& gjid) throw (WAException) { std::string id = makeId("get_g_info_"); this->pending_server_requests[id] = new IqResultGetGroupInfoHandler(this); std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["xmlns"] = "w:g"; ProtocolTreeNode* queryNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("query", attribs1); std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["id"] = id; (*attribs2)["type"] = "get"; (*attribs2)["to"] = gjid; ProtocolTreeNode* iqNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", attribs2, queryNode); this->out->write(iqNode); delete iqNode; } void WAConnection::sendGetParticipants(const std::string& gjid) throw (WAException) { std::string id = makeId("get_participants_"); this->pending_server_requests[id] = new IqResultGetGroupParticipantsHandler(this); std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["xmlns"] = "w:g"; ProtocolTreeNode* listNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("list", attribs1); std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["id"] = id; (*attribs2)["type"] = "get"; (*attribs2)["to"] = gjid; ProtocolTreeNode* iqNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", attribs2, listNode); this->out->write(iqNode); delete iqNode; } void WAConnection::readAttributeList(ProtocolTreeNode* node, std::vector& vector, const std::string& tag, const std::string& attribute) throw (WAException) { std::vector* nodes = node->getAllChildren(tag); for (size_t i = 0; i < nodes->size(); i++) { ProtocolTreeNode* tagNode = (*nodes)[i]; std::string* value = tagNode->getAttributeValue(attribute); vector.push_back(*value); } delete nodes; } void WAConnection::sendCreateGroupChat(const std::string& subject) throw (WAException) { _LOGDATA("sending create group: %s", subject.c_str()); std::string id = makeId("create_group_"); this->pending_server_requests[id] = new IqResultCreateGroupChatHandler(this); std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["xmlns"] = "w:g"; (*attribs1)["action"] = "create"; (*attribs1)["subject"] = subject; ProtocolTreeNode* groupNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("group", attribs1); std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["id"] = id; (*attribs2)["type"] = "set"; (*attribs2)["to"] = "g.us"; ProtocolTreeNode* iqNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", attribs2, groupNode); this->out->write(iqNode); delete iqNode; } void WAConnection::sendEndGroupChat(const std::string& gjid) throw (WAException) { std::string id = makeId("remove_group_"); std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["xmlns"] = "w:g"; (*attribs1)["action"] = "delete"; ProtocolTreeNode* groupNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("group", attribs1); std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["id"] = id; (*attribs2)["type"] = "set"; (*attribs2)["to"] = gjid; ProtocolTreeNode* iqNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", attribs2, groupNode); this->out->write(iqNode); delete iqNode; } void WAConnection::sendClearDirty(const std::string& category) throw (WAException) { std::string id = makeId("clean_dirty_"); this->pending_server_requests[id] = new IqResultClearDirtyHandler(this); std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["name"] = category; ProtocolTreeNode* categoryNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("category", attribs1); std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["xmlns"] = "urn:xmpp:whatsapp:dirty"; ProtocolTreeNode* cleanNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("clean", attribs2, categoryNode); std::map* attribs3 = new std::map(); (*attribs3)["id"] = id; (*attribs3)["type"] = "set"; (*attribs3)["to"] = "s.whatsapp.net"; ProtocolTreeNode* iqNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", attribs3, cleanNode); this->out->write(iqNode); delete iqNode; } void WAConnection::sendLeaveGroup(const std::string& gjid) throw (WAException) { std::string id = makeId("leave_group_"); std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["id"] = gjid; ProtocolTreeNode* groupNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("group", attribs1); std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["xmlns"] = "w:g"; ProtocolTreeNode* leaveNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("leave", attribs2, groupNode); std::map* attribs3 = new std::map(); (*attribs3)["id"] = id; (*attribs3)["type"] = "set"; (*attribs3)["to"] = "g.us"; ProtocolTreeNode* iqNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", attribs3, leaveNode); this->out->write(iqNode); delete iqNode; } void WAConnection::sendAddParticipants(const std::string& gjid, const std::vector& participants) throw (WAException) { std::string id = makeId("add_group_participants_"); this->sendVerbParticipants(gjid, participants, id, "add"); } void WAConnection::sendRemoveParticipants(const std::string& gjid, const std::vector& participants) throw (WAException) { std::string id = makeId("remove_group_participants_"); this->sendVerbParticipants(gjid, participants, id, "remove"); } void WAConnection::sendVerbParticipants(const std::string& gjid, const std::vector& participants, const std::string& id, const std::string& inner_tag) throw (WAException) { size_t size = participants.size(); std::vector* children = new std::vector(size); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["jid"] = participants[i]; (*children)[i] = new ProtocolTreeNode("participant", attribs1); } std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["xmlns"] = "w:g"; ProtocolTreeNode* innerNode = new ProtocolTreeNode(inner_tag, attribs2, NULL, children); std::map* attribs3 = new std::map(); (*attribs3)["id"] = id; (*attribs3)["type"] = "set"; (*attribs3)["to"] = gjid; ProtocolTreeNode* iqNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", attribs3, innerNode); this->out->write(iqNode); delete iqNode; } void WAConnection::sendSetNewSubject(const std::string& gjid, const std::string& subject) throw (WAException) { std::string id = this->makeId("set_group_subject_"); std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["xmlns"] = "w:g"; (*attribs1)["value"] = subject; ProtocolTreeNode* subjectNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("subject", attribs1); std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["id"] = id; (*attribs2)["type"] = "set"; (*attribs2)["to"] = gjid; ProtocolTreeNode* iqNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", attribs2, subjectNode); this->out->write(iqNode); delete iqNode; } std::string WAConnection::removeResourceFromJid(const std::string& jid) { size_t slashidx = jid.find('/'); if (slashidx == std::string::npos) return jid; return jid.substr(0, slashidx + 1); } void WAConnection::sendStatusUpdate(std::string& status) throw (WAException) { std::string id = this->makeId(Utilities::intToStr((int)time(NULL))); FMessage* message = new FMessage(new Key("s.us", true, id)); ProtocolTreeNode* body = new ProtocolTreeNode("body", NULL, new std::vector(status.begin(), status.end()), NULL); ProtocolTreeNode* messageNode = getMessageNode(message, body); this->out->write(messageNode); delete messageNode; delete message; } void WAConnection::sendSetPicture(const std::string& jid, std::vector* data) throw (WAException) { std::string id = this->makeId("set_photo_"); this->pending_server_requests[id] = new IqResultSetPhotoHandler(this, jid); std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["xmlns"] = "w:profile:picture"; // (*attribs1)["type"] = "image"; ProtocolTreeNode* listNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("picture", attribs1, data, NULL); std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["id"] = id; (*attribs2)["type"] = "set"; (*attribs2)["to"] = jid; ProtocolTreeNode* iqNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", attribs2, listNode); this->out->write(iqNode); delete iqNode; } void WAConnection::sendGetPicture(const std::string& jid, const std::string& type, const std::string& oldId, const std::string& newId) throw (WAException) { std::string id = makeId("get_picture_"); this->pending_server_requests[id] = new IqResultGetPhotoHandler(this, jid, oldId, newId); std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["xmlns"] = "w:profile:picture"; (*attribs1)["type"] = type; ProtocolTreeNode* listNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("picture", attribs1); std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["id"] = id; (*attribs2)["to"] = jid; (*attribs2)["type"] = "get"; ProtocolTreeNode* iqNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", attribs2, listNode); this->out->write(iqNode); delete iqNode; } void WAConnection::sendGetPictureIds(const std::vector& jids) throw (WAException) { std::string id = makeId("get_picture_ids_"); this->pending_server_requests[id] = new IqResultGetPictureIdsHandler(this); std::vector* children = new std::vector(); for (size_t i = 0; i < jids.size(); i++) { std::map* attribs = new std::map(); (*attribs)["jid"] = jids[i]; ProtocolTreeNode* child = new ProtocolTreeNode("user", attribs); children->push_back(child); } std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["xmlns"] = "w:profile:picture"; ProtocolTreeNode* queryNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("list", attribs1, NULL, children); std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["id"] = id; (*attribs2)["type"] = "get"; ProtocolTreeNode* iqNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", attribs2, queryNode); this->out->write(iqNode); delete iqNode; } void WAConnection::sendDeleteAccount() throw (WAException) { std::string id = makeId("del_acct_"); this->pending_server_requests[id] = new IqResultSendDeleteAccount(this); std::map* attribs1 = new std::map(); (*attribs1)["xmlns"] = "urn:xmpp:whatsapp:account"; ProtocolTreeNode* node1 = new ProtocolTreeNode("remove", attribs1); std::map* attribs2 = new std::map(); (*attribs2)["id"] = id; (*attribs2)["type"] = "get"; (*attribs2)["to"] = "s.whatsapp.net"; ProtocolTreeNode* node2 = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", attribs2, node1); this->out->write(node2); delete node2; }