#include "stdafx.h" static const wchar_t *sttStatuses[] = { LPGENW("Members"), LPGENW("Owners") }; enum { IDM_CANCEL, IDM_INVITE, IDM_LEAVE, IDM_TOPIC, IDM_AVATAR, IDM_KICK, IDM_CPY_NICK, IDM_CPY_TOPIC, IDM_ADD_RJID, IDM_CPY_RJID }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // protocol menu handler - create a new group INT_PTR __cdecl WhatsAppProto::OnCreateGroup(WPARAM, LPARAM) { ENTER_STRING es = { 0 }; es.cbSize = sizeof(es); es.type = ESF_MULTILINE; es.caption = L"Enter a subject for new group"; es.szModuleName = m_szModuleName; if (EnterString(&es)) { if (isOnline()) { std::string groupName(T2Utf(es.ptszResult)); m_pConnection->sendCreateGroupChat(groupName); } mir_free(es.ptszResult); } return FALSE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // handler to pass events from SRMM to WAConnection int WhatsAppProto::onGroupChatEvent(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { GCHOOK *gch = (GCHOOK*)lParam; if (mir_strcmp(gch->pDest->pszModule, m_szModuleName)) return 0; std::string chat_id(T2Utf(gch->pDest->ptszID)); WAChatInfo *pInfo = SafeGetChat(chat_id); if (pInfo == NULL) return 0; switch (gch->pDest->iType) { case GC_USER_LOGMENU: ChatLogMenuHook(pInfo, gch); break; case GC_USER_NICKLISTMENU: NickListMenuHook(pInfo, gch); break; case GC_USER_MESSAGE: if (isOnline()) { std::string msg(T2Utf(gch->ptszText)); try { int msgId = GetSerial(); time_t now = time(NULL); std::string id = Utilities::intToStr(now) + "-" + Utilities::intToStr(msgId); FMessage fmsg(chat_id, true, id); fmsg.timestamp = now; fmsg.data = msg; m_pConnection->sendMessage(&fmsg); pInfo->m_unsentMsgs[id] = gch->ptszText; } CODE_BLOCK_CATCH_ALL } break; case GC_USER_PRIVMESS: string jid = string(_T2A(gch->ptszUID)) + "@s.whatsapp.net"; MCONTACT hContact = ContactIDToHContact(jid); if (hContact == 0) { hContact = AddToContactList(jid, (char*)_T2A(gch->ptszUID)); setWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_ONLINE); db_set_b(hContact, "CList", "Hidden", 1); setWString(hContact, "Nick", gch->ptszUID); db_set_dw(hContact, "Ignore", "Mask1", 0); } CallService(MS_MSG_SENDMESSAGE, hContact, 0); break; } return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // chat log menu event handler static gc_item sttLogListItems[] = { { LPGENW("&Invite a user"), IDM_INVITE, MENU_ITEM }, { NULL, 0, MENU_SEPARATOR }, { LPGENW("&Room options"), 0, MENU_NEWPOPUP }, { LPGENW("View/change &topic"), IDM_TOPIC, MENU_POPUPITEM }, { LPGENW("&Quit chat session"), IDM_LEAVE, MENU_POPUPITEM }, #ifdef _DEBUG { LPGENW("Set &avatar"), IDM_AVATAR, MENU_POPUPITEM }, // doesn't work, therefore commented out #endif { NULL, 0, MENU_SEPARATOR }, { LPGENW("Copy room &JID"), IDM_CPY_RJID, MENU_ITEM }, { LPGENW("Copy room topic"), IDM_CPY_TOPIC, MENU_ITEM }, }; void WhatsAppProto::ChatLogMenuHook(WAChatInfo *pInfo, struct GCHOOK *gch) { switch (gch->dwData) { case IDM_INVITE: InviteChatUser(pInfo); break; case IDM_TOPIC: EditChatSubject(pInfo); break; case IDM_CPY_RJID: utils::copyText(pcli->hwndContactList, pInfo->tszJid); break; case IDM_CPY_TOPIC: utils::copyText(pcli->hwndContactList, pInfo->tszNick); break; case IDM_LEAVE: if (isOnline()) m_pConnection->sendJoinLeaveGroup(_T2A(pInfo->tszJid), false); break; case IDM_AVATAR: SetChatAvatar(pInfo); break; } } void WhatsAppProto::EditChatSubject(WAChatInfo *pInfo) { CMStringW title(FORMAT, TranslateT("Set new subject for %s"), pInfo->tszNick); ptrW tszOldValue(getWStringA(pInfo->hContact, WHATSAPP_KEY_NICK)); ENTER_STRING es = { 0 }; es.cbSize = sizeof(es); es.type = ESF_RICHEDIT; es.szModuleName = m_szModuleName; es.ptszInitVal = tszOldValue; es.caption = title; es.szDataPrefix = "setSubject_"; if (EnterString(&es)) { T2Utf gjid(pInfo->tszJid); T2Utf gsubject(es.ptszResult); m_pConnection->sendSetNewSubject(std::string(gjid), std::string(gsubject)); mir_free(es.ptszResult); } } void WhatsAppProto::SetChatAvatar(WAChatInfo *pInfo) { wchar_t tszFileName[MAX_PATH], filter[256]; Bitmap_GetFilter(filter, _countof(filter)); OPENFILENAME ofn = { 0 }; ofn.lStructSize = OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400; ofn.lpstrFilter = filter; ofn.hwndOwner = 0; ofn.lpstrFile = tszFileName; ofn.nMaxFile = ofn.nMaxFileTitle = _countof(tszFileName); ofn.Flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = L"."; ofn.lpstrDefExt = L""; if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) if (_waccess(tszFileName, 4) != -1) InternalSetAvatar(pInfo->hContact, _T2A(pInfo->tszJid), tszFileName); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // nicklist menu event handler static gc_item sttNickListItems[] = { { LPGENW("&Add to roster"), IDM_ADD_RJID, MENU_POPUPITEM }, { NULL, 0, MENU_SEPARATOR }, { LPGENW("&Kick"), IDM_KICK, MENU_ITEM }, { NULL, 0, MENU_SEPARATOR }, { LPGENW("Copy &nickname"), IDM_CPY_NICK, MENU_ITEM }, { LPGENW("Copy real &JID"), IDM_CPY_RJID, MENU_ITEM }, }; void WhatsAppProto::NickListMenuHook(WAChatInfo *pInfo, struct GCHOOK *gch) { switch (gch->dwData) { case IDM_ADD_RJID: AddChatUser(pInfo, gch->ptszUID); break; case IDM_KICK: KickChatUser(pInfo, gch->ptszUID); break; case IDM_CPY_NICK: utils::copyText(pcli->hwndContactList, ptrW(GetChatUserNick(std::string((char*)_T2A(gch->ptszUID))))); break; case IDM_CPY_RJID: utils::copyText(pcli->hwndContactList, gch->ptszUID); break; } } void WhatsAppProto::AddChatUser(WAChatInfo*, const wchar_t *ptszJid) { std::string jid((char*)_T2A(ptszJid)); MCONTACT hContact = ContactIDToHContact(jid); if (hContact && !db_get_b(hContact, "CList", "NotInList", 0)) return; PROTOSEARCHRESULT psr = { 0 }; psr.cbSize = sizeof(psr); psr.flags = PSR_UNICODE; psr.id.w = (wchar_t*)ptszJid; psr.nick.w = GetChatUserNick(jid); ADDCONTACTSTRUCT acs = { 0 }; acs.handleType = HANDLE_SEARCHRESULT; acs.szProto = m_szModuleName; acs.psr = &psr; CallService(MS_ADDCONTACT_SHOW, (WPARAM)pcli->hwndContactList, (LPARAM)&acs); } void WhatsAppProto::KickChatUser(WAChatInfo *pInfo, const wchar_t *ptszJid) { if (!isOnline()) return; std::string gjid((char*)_T2A(pInfo->tszJid)); std::vector<std::string> jids(1); jids[0] = (char*)_T2A(ptszJid); m_pConnection->sendRemoveParticipants(gjid, jids); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Leave groupchat emulator for contact's deletion int WhatsAppProto::OnDeleteChat(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM) { if (isChatRoom(hContact) && isOnline()) { ptrW tszID(getWStringA(hContact, WHATSAPP_KEY_ID)); if (tszID) m_pConnection->sendJoinLeaveGroup(_T2A(tszID), false); } return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // handler to customize chat menus int WhatsAppProto::OnChatMenu(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { GCMENUITEMS *gcmi = (GCMENUITEMS*)lParam; if (gcmi == NULL) return 0; if (mir_strcmpi(gcmi->pszModule, m_szModuleName)) return 0; if (gcmi->Type == MENU_ON_LOG) { gcmi->nItems = _countof(sttLogListItems); gcmi->Item = sttLogListItems; } else if (gcmi->Type == MENU_ON_NICKLIST) { gcmi->nItems = _countof(sttNickListItems); gcmi->Item = sttNickListItems; } return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // chat helpers WAChatInfo* WhatsAppProto::InitChat(const std::string &jid, const std::string &nick) { wchar_t *ptszJid = str2t(jid), *ptszNick = str2t(nick); WAChatInfo *pInfo = new WAChatInfo(ptszJid, ptszNick); m_chats[jid] = pInfo; MCONTACT hOldContact = ContactIDToHContact(jid); if (hOldContact && !isChatRoom(hOldContact)) { delSetting(hOldContact, "ID"); setByte(hOldContact, "ChatRoom", 1); setString(hOldContact, "ChatRoomID", jid.c_str()); } Chat_NewSession(GCW_CHATROOM, m_szModuleName, ptszJid, ptszNick); pInfo->hContact = (hOldContact != NULL) ? hOldContact : ContactIDToHContact(jid); for (int i = _countof(sttStatuses) - 1; i >= 0; i--) Chat_AddGroup(m_szModuleName, ptszJid, TranslateW(sttStatuses[i])); Chat_Control(m_szModuleName, ptszJid, getBool(WHATSAPP_KEY_AUTORUNCHATS, true) ? SESSION_INITDONE : WINDOW_HIDDEN); Chat_Control(m_szModuleName, ptszJid, SESSION_ONLINE); if (m_pConnection) m_pConnection->sendGetParticipants(jid); return pInfo; } wchar_t* WhatsAppProto::GetChatUserNick(const std::string &jid) { wchar_t* tszNick; if (m_szJid != jid) { MCONTACT hContact = ContactIDToHContact(jid); tszNick = (hContact == 0) ? utils::removeA(str2t(jid)) : mir_wstrdup(pcli->pfnGetContactDisplayName(hContact, 0)); } else tszNick = str2t(m_szNick); if (tszNick == NULL) tszNick = mir_wstrdup(TranslateT("Unknown user")); return tszNick; } WAChatInfo* WhatsAppProto::SafeGetChat(const std::string &jid) { mir_cslock lck(m_csChats); return m_chats[jid]; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WAGroupListener members void WhatsAppProto::onGroupInfo(const std::string &jid, const std::string &owner, const std::string &subject, const std::string &subject_owner, int time_subject, int) { WAChatInfo *pInfo = SafeGetChat(jid); if (pInfo == NULL) { pInfo = InitChat(jid, subject); pInfo->bActive = true; time_subject = 0; } else Chat_Control(m_szModuleName, pInfo->tszJid, SESSION_ONLINE); if (!subject.empty()) { pInfo->tszOwner = str2t(owner); onGroupNewSubject(jid, subject_owner, subject, time_subject); } } void WhatsAppProto::onGroupMessage(const FMessage &pMsg) { // we need to add a contact, so there's no difference at all if (pMsg.media_wa_type == FMessage::WA_TYPE_CONTACT) { onMessageForMe(pMsg); return; } WAChatInfo *pInfo = SafeGetChat(pMsg.key.remote_jid); if (pInfo == NULL) { pInfo = InitChat(pMsg.key.remote_jid, ""); pInfo->bActive = true; } std::string msg(pMsg.data); if (!pMsg.media_url.empty()) { if (!msg.empty()) msg.append("\n"); msg += pMsg.media_url; } ptrW tszText(str2t(msg)); ptrW tszUID(str2t(pMsg.remote_resource)); ptrW tszNick(GetChatUserNick(pMsg.remote_resource)); GCDEST gcd = { m_szModuleName, pInfo->tszJid, GC_EVENT_MESSAGE }; GCEVENT gce = { &gcd }; gce.dwFlags = GCEF_ADDTOLOG; gce.ptszUID = tszUID; gce.ptszNick = tszNick; gce.time = pMsg.timestamp; gce.ptszText = tszText; gce.bIsMe = m_szJid == pMsg.remote_resource; Chat_Event(&gce); if (isOnline()) m_pConnection->sendMessageReceived(pMsg); } void WhatsAppProto::onGroupNewSubject(const std::string &gjid, const std::string &author, const std::string &newSubject, int ts) { WAChatInfo *pInfo = SafeGetChat(gjid); if (pInfo == NULL) return; ptrW tszText(str2t(newSubject)); ptrW tszTextDb(getWStringA(pInfo->hContact, WHATSAPP_KEY_NICK)); if (!mir_wstrcmp(tszText, tszTextDb)) // notify about subject change only if differs from the stored one return; ptrW tszUID(str2t(author)); ptrW tszNick(GetChatUserNick(author)); GCDEST gcd = { m_szModuleName, pInfo->tszJid, GC_EVENT_TOPIC }; GCEVENT gce = { &gcd }; gce.dwFlags = GCEF_ADDTOLOG + ((ts == 0) ? GCEF_NOTNOTIFY : 0); gce.ptszUID = tszUID; gce.ptszNick = tszNick; gce.time = ts; gce.ptszText = tszText; Chat_Event(&gce); setWString(pInfo->hContact, WHATSAPP_KEY_NICK, tszText); } void WhatsAppProto::onGroupAddUser(const std::string &gjid, const std::string &ujid, int ts) { WAChatInfo *pInfo = SafeGetChat(gjid); if (pInfo == NULL || !pInfo->bActive) return; ptrW tszUID(str2t(ujid)); ptrW tszNick(GetChatUserNick(ujid)); GCDEST gcd = { m_szModuleName, pInfo->tszJid, GC_EVENT_JOIN }; GCEVENT gce = { &gcd }; gce.dwFlags = GCEF_ADDTOLOG; gce.ptszUID = tszUID; gce.ptszNick = tszNick; gce.time = ts; Chat_Event(&gce); } void WhatsAppProto::onGroupRemoveUser(const std::string &gjid, const std::string &ujid, int ts) { WAChatInfo *pInfo = SafeGetChat(gjid); if (pInfo == NULL) return; ptrW tszUID(str2t(ujid)); ptrW tszNick(GetChatUserNick(ujid)); GCDEST gcd = { m_szModuleName, pInfo->tszJid, GC_EVENT_PART }; GCEVENT gce = { &gcd }; gce.dwFlags = GCEF_ADDTOLOG; gce.ptszUID = tszUID; gce.ptszNick = tszNick; gce.time = ts; Chat_Event(&gce); } void WhatsAppProto::onLeaveGroup(const std::string &gjid) { WAChatInfo *pInfo = SafeGetChat(gjid); if (pInfo == NULL) return; Chat_Terminate(m_szModuleName, pInfo->tszJid); db_delete_contact(pInfo->hContact); m_chats.erase((char*)_T2A(pInfo->tszJid)); } void WhatsAppProto::onGetParticipants(const std::string &gjid, const std::vector<string> &participants) { mir_cslock lck(m_csChats); WAChatInfo *pInfo = m_chats[gjid]; if (pInfo == NULL) return; pInfo->bActive = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < participants.size(); i++) { std::string curr = participants[i]; ptrW ujid(str2t(curr)), nick(GetChatUserNick(curr)); bool bIsOwner = !mir_wstrcmp(ujid, pInfo->tszOwner); GCDEST gcd = { m_szModuleName, pInfo->tszJid, GC_EVENT_JOIN }; GCEVENT gce = { &gcd }; gce.ptszNick = nick; gce.ptszUID = utils::removeA(ujid); gce.ptszStatus = (bIsOwner) ? L"Owners" : L"Members"; Chat_Event(&gce); } } void WhatsAppProto::onGroupCreated(const std::string &gjid, const std::string &subject) { WAChatInfo *pInfo = InitChat(gjid, subject); pInfo->tszOwner = str2t(m_szJid); // also set new subject if it's present if (!subject.empty()) onGroupNewSubject(gjid, "Server", subject, 0); } void WhatsAppProto::onGroupMessageReceived(const FMessage &msg) { WAChatInfo *pInfo = SafeGetChat(msg.key.remote_jid); if (pInfo == NULL) return; auto p = pInfo->m_unsentMsgs.find(msg.key.id); if (p == pInfo->m_unsentMsgs.end()) return; ptrW tszUID(str2t(m_szJid)); ptrW tszNick(str2t(m_szNick)); GCDEST gcd = { m_szModuleName, pInfo->tszJid, GC_EVENT_MESSAGE }; GCEVENT gce = { &gcd }; gce.dwFlags = GCEF_ADDTOLOG; gce.ptszUID = tszUID; gce.ptszNick = tszNick; gce.time = time(NULL); gce.ptszText = p->second.c_str(); gce.bIsMe = m_szJid == msg.remote_resource; Chat_Event(&gce); pInfo->m_unsentMsgs.erase(p); }