#include "common.h" bool WhatsAppProto::IsMyContact(HCONTACT hContact, bool include_chat) { const char *proto = GetContactProto(hContact); if( proto && strcmp(m_szModuleName,proto) == 0 ) { if( include_chat ) return true; return !isChatRoom(hContact); } return false; } HCONTACT WhatsAppProto::AddToContactList(const std::string& jid, BYTE type, bool dont_check, const char *new_name, bool isChatRoom, bool isHidden) { HCONTACT hContact; if (!dont_check) { // First, check if this contact exists hContact = ContactIDToHContact(jid); if( hContact ) { if (new_name != NULL) { DBVARIANT dbv; string oldName; if (db_get_utf(hContact, m_szModuleName, WHATSAPP_KEY_PUSH_NAME, &dbv)) { oldName = jid.c_str(); } else { oldName = dbv.pszVal; db_free(&dbv); } db_set_utf(hContact, m_szModuleName, WHATSAPP_KEY_PUSH_NAME, new_name); if (oldName.compare(string(new_name)) != 0) { this->NotifyEvent(oldName.c_str(), this->TranslateStr("is now known as '%s'", new_name), hContact, WHATSAPP_EVENT_OTHER); } } if (db_get_b(hContact, "CList", "Hidden", 0) > 0) { db_unset(hContact, "CList", "Hidden"); } return hContact; } } // If not, make a new contact! hContact = (HCONTACT)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_ADD, 0, 0); if (hContact) { if (CallService(MS_PROTO_ADDTOCONTACT, (WPARAM)hContact, (LPARAM)m_szModuleName) == 0) { setString(hContact, "ID", jid.c_str()); debugLogA("Added contact %s", jid.c_str()); setString(hContact, "MirVer", "WhatsApp"); db_unset(hContact, "CList", "MyHandle"); db_set_b(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList", 1); /* std::string newNameStr; if (hasNickName) { newNameStr = new_name; } DBEVENTINFO dbei = {0}; dbei.cbSize = sizeof(dbei); dbei.szModule = m_szModuleName; dbei.timestamp = time(NULL); dbei.flags = DBEF_UTF; dbei.eventType = EVENTTYPE_ADDED; dbei.cbBlob = sizeof(DWORD) * 2 + newNameStr.length() + 5; PBYTE pCurBlob = dbei.pBlob = ( PBYTE ) mir_alloc( dbei.cbBlob ); *(PDWORD)pCurBlob = 0; pCurBlob += sizeof(DWORD); // UID *(PDWORD)pCurBlob = (DWORD)hContact; pCurBlob += sizeof(DWORD); // Contact Handle strcpy((char*)pCurBlob, newNameStr.data()); pCurBlob += newNameStr.length()+1; // Nickname *pCurBlob = '\0'; pCurBlob++; // First Name *pCurBlob = '\0'; pCurBlob++; // Last Name *pCurBlob = '\0'; pCurBlob++; // E-mail *pCurBlob = '\0'; // Reason CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_ADD, 0, (LPARAM) &dbei); */ DBVARIANT dbv; if( !getTString(WHATSAPP_KEY_DEF_GROUP, &dbv)) { db_set_ws(hContact, "CList", "Group", dbv.ptszVal); db_free(&dbv); } if (new_name != NULL) db_set_utf(hContact, m_szModuleName, WHATSAPP_KEY_PUSH_NAME, new_name); if (isChatRoom) setByte(hContact, "SimpleChatRoom", 1); return hContact; } else CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETE, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); } return (HCONTACT)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } HCONTACT WhatsAppProto::ContactIDToHContact(const std::string& phoneNumber) { // Cache std::map<string, HCONTACT>::iterator it = this->hContactByJid.find(phoneNumber); if (it != this->hContactByJid.end()) return it->second; const char* idForContact = "ID"; const char* idForChat = "ChatRoomID"; for (HCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) { if (!IsMyContact(hContact, true)) continue; const char* id = isChatRoom(hContact) ? idForChat : idForContact; DBVARIANT dbv; if (!getString(hContact, id, &dbv)) { if (strcmp(phoneNumber.c_str(), dbv.pszVal) == 0) { db_free(&dbv); this->hContactByJid[phoneNumber] = hContact; return hContact; } db_free(&dbv); } } return 0; } void WhatsAppProto::SetAllContactStatuses(int status, bool reset_client) { for (HCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) { if (!IsMyContact(hContact)) continue; if (reset_client) { DBVARIANT dbv; if (!getTString(hContact, "MirVer", &dbv)) { if (_tcscmp(dbv.ptszVal, _T("WhatsApp"))) setTString(hContact, "MirVer", _T("WhatsApp")); db_free(&dbv); } db_set_ws(hContact, "CList", "StatusMsg", _T("")); } if (getWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) != status) setWord(hContact, "Status", status); } } void WhatsAppProto::ProcessBuddyList(void*) { std::vector<std::string> jids; DBVARIANT dbv; for (HCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) { if (!IsMyContact(hContact)) continue; if (!getString(hContact, WHATSAPP_KEY_ID, &dbv)) { std::string id(dbv.pszVal); db_free(&dbv); CODE_BLOCK_TRY if (!db_get_b(hContact, "CList", "Hidden", 0)) { // Do not request picture for inactive groups - this would make the group visible again jids.push_back(id); } if (getByte(hContact, "SimpleChatRoom", 0) == 0) { this->connection->sendQueryLastOnline(id); this->connection->sendPresenceSubscriptionRequest(id); } CODE_BLOCK_CATCH_ALL } } if (jids.size() > 0) { CODE_BLOCK_TRY this->connection->sendGetPictureIds(jids); CODE_BLOCK_CATCH_ALL } CODE_BLOCK_TRY this->connection->sendGetGroups(); this->connection->sendGetOwningGroups(); CODE_BLOCK_CATCH_ALL } void WhatsAppProto::SearchAckThread(void *targ) { char *id = mir_utf8encodeT((TCHAR*)targ); std::string jid(id); jid.append("@s.whatsapp.net"); this->connection->sendQueryLastOnline(jid); this->connection->sendPresenceSubscriptionRequest(jid); mir_free(targ); mir_free(id); } void WhatsAppProto::onAvailable(const std::string& paramString, bool paramBoolean) { HCONTACT hContact = this->AddToContactList(paramString, 0, false); if (hContact != NULL) { if (paramBoolean) { /* this->connection->sendGetPicture(paramString, "image", "old", "new"); std::vector<std::string> ids; ids.push_back(paramString); this->connection->sendGetPictureIds(ids); */ setWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_ONLINE); } else { setWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); this->UpdateStatusMsg(hContact); } } setDword(hContact, WHATSAPP_KEY_LAST_SEEN, 0); this->UpdateStatusMsg(hContact); } void WhatsAppProto::onLastSeen(const std::string& paramString1, int paramInt, std::string* paramString2) { /* HCONTACT hContact = this->ContactIDToHContact(paramString1); if (hContact == NULL) { // This contact was searched PROTOSEARCHRESULT isr = {0}; isr.cbSize = sizeof(isr); isr.flags = PSR_TCHAR; isr.id = mir_a2t_cp(id.c_str(), CP_UTF8); isr.nick = ""; isr.firstName = ""; isr.lastName = ""; isr.email = ""; ProtoBroadcastAck(NULL, ACKTYPE_SEARCH, ACKRESULT_DATA, targ, (LPARAM)&isr); // #TODO } */ HCONTACT hContact = this->AddToContactList(paramString1, 0, false); setDword(hContact, WHATSAPP_KEY_LAST_SEEN, paramInt); this->UpdateStatusMsg(hContact); } void WhatsAppProto::UpdateStatusMsg(HCONTACT hContact) { std::wstringstream ss; int lastSeen = getDword(hContact, WHATSAPP_KEY_LAST_SEEN, -1); if (lastSeen != -1) { time_t timestamp = time(NULL) - lastSeen; tm* t = localtime(×tamp); ss << _T("Last seen on ") << std::setfill(_T('0')) << std::setw(2) << (t->tm_mon + 1) << _T("/") << std::setw(2) << t->tm_mday << _T("/") << (t->tm_year + 1900) << _T(" ") << std::setw(2) << t->tm_hour << _T(":") << std::setw(2) << t->tm_min; } int state = getDword(hContact, WHATSAPP_KEY_LAST_MSG_STATE, 2); if (state < 2 && lastSeen != -1) ss << _T(" - "); for (; state < 2; ++state) ss << _T("\u2713"); db_set_ws(hContact, "CList", "StatusMsg", ss.str().c_str()); } void WhatsAppProto::onPictureChanged(const std::string& from, const std::string& author, bool set) { if (this->isOnline()) { vector<string> ids; ids.push_back(from); this->connection->sendGetPictureIds(ids); } } void WhatsAppProto::onSendGetPicture(const std::string& jid, const std::vector<unsigned char>& data, const std::string& oldId, const std::string& newId) { HCONTACT hContact = this->ContactIDToHContact(jid); if (hContact) { debugLogA("Updating avatar for jid %s", jid.c_str()); // Save avatar std::tstring filename = this->GetAvatarFolder() ; if (_taccess(filename.c_str(), 0)) CallService(MS_UTILS_CREATEDIRTREET, 0, (LPARAM)filename.c_str()); filename = filename + _T("\\") + (TCHAR*) _A2T(jid.c_str()) + _T("-") + (TCHAR*) _A2T(newId.c_str()) +_T(".jpg"); FILE *f = _tfopen(filename.c_str(), _T("wb")); int r = (int)fwrite(std::string(data.begin(), data.end()).c_str(), 1, data.size(), f); fclose(f); PROTO_AVATAR_INFORMATIONT ai = {sizeof(ai)}; ai.hContact = hContact; ai.format = PA_FORMAT_JPEG; _tcsncpy(ai.filename, filename.c_str(), SIZEOF(ai.filename)); ai.filename[SIZEOF(ai.filename)-1] = 0; int ackResult; if (r > 0) { setString(hContact, WHATSAPP_KEY_AVATAR_ID, newId.c_str()); ackResult = ACKRESULT_SUCCESS; } else { ackResult = ACKRESULT_FAILED; } ProtoBroadcastAck(ai.hContact, ACKTYPE_AVATAR, ackResult, (HANDLE)&ai, 0); } } void WhatsAppProto::onSendGetPictureIds(std::map<string,string>* ids) { for (std::map<string,string>::iterator it = ids->begin(); it != ids->end(); ++it) { HCONTACT hContact = this->AddToContactList(it->first); if (hContact != NULL) { DBVARIANT dbv; std::string oldId; if (getString(hContact, WHATSAPP_KEY_AVATAR_ID, &dbv)) oldId = ""; else { oldId = dbv.pszVal; db_free(&dbv); } if (it->second.size() > 0 && it->second.compare(oldId) != 0) { CODE_BLOCK_TRY this->connection->sendGetPicture(it->first, "image", oldId, it->second); CODE_BLOCK_CATCH_ALL } } } } string WhatsAppProto::GetContactDisplayName(HCONTACT hContact) { return string((CHAR*) CallService(MS_CLIST_GETCONTACTDISPLAYNAME, (WPARAM) hContact, 0)); } string WhatsAppProto::GetContactDisplayName(const string& jid) { HCONTACT hContact = this->ContactIDToHContact(jid); return hContact ? this->GetContactDisplayName(hContact) : (string("+")+ Utilities::removeWaDomainFromJid(jid)); } // Group contacts -------------------------- void WhatsAppProto::SendGetGroupInfoWorker(void* data) { if (this->isOnline()) { this->connection->sendGetGroupInfo(*((std::string*) data)); } } void WhatsAppProto::onGroupInfo(const std::string& gjid, const std::string& ownerJid, const std::string& subject, const std::string& createrJid, int paramInt1, int paramInt2) { debugLogA("'%s', '%s', '%s', '%s'", gjid.c_str(), ownerJid.c_str(), subject.c_str(), createrJid.c_str()); HCONTACT hContact = ContactIDToHContact(gjid); if (!hContact) { debugLogA("Group info requested for non existing contact '%s'", gjid.c_str()); return; } setByte(hContact, "SimpleChatRoom", ownerJid.compare(this->jid) == 0 ? 2 : 1); if (this->isOnline()) this->connection->sendGetParticipants(gjid); } void WhatsAppProto::onGroupInfoFromList(const std::string& paramString1, const std::string& paramString2, const std::string& paramString3, const std::string& paramString4, int paramInt1, int paramInt2) { // Called before onOwningGroups() or onParticipatingGroups() is called! debugLogA(""); } void WhatsAppProto::onGroupNewSubject(const std::string& from, const std::string& author, const std::string& newSubject, int paramInt) { debugLogA("'%s', '%s', '%s'", from.c_str(), author.c_str(), newSubject.c_str()); HCONTACT hContact = this->AddToContactList(from, 0, false, newSubject.c_str(), true); } void WhatsAppProto::onGroupAddUser(const std::string& paramString1, const std::string& paramString2) { debugLogA("%s - user: %s", paramString1.c_str(), paramString2.c_str()); HCONTACT hContact = this->AddToContactList(paramString1); std::string groupName(this->GetContactDisplayName(hContact)); if (paramString2.compare(this->jid) == 0) { this->NotifyEvent(groupName, this->TranslateStr("You have been added to the group"), hContact, WHATSAPP_EVENT_OTHER); setByte(hContact, "IsGroupMember", 1); } else { this->NotifyEvent(groupName, this->TranslateStr("User '%s' has been added to the group", this->GetContactDisplayName(paramString2).c_str()), hContact, WHATSAPP_EVENT_OTHER); } if(this->isOnline()) { this->connection->sendGetGroupInfo(paramString1); } } void WhatsAppProto::onGroupRemoveUser(const std::string& paramString1, const std::string& paramString2) { debugLogA("%s - user: %s", paramString1.c_str(), paramString2.c_str()); HCONTACT hContact = this->ContactIDToHContact(paramString1); if (!hContact) return; string groupName(this->GetContactDisplayName(hContact)); if (paramString2.compare(this->jid) == 0) { //db_set_b(hContact, "CList", "Hidden", 1); setByte(hContact, "IsGroupMember", 0); this->NotifyEvent(groupName, this->TranslateStr("You have been removed from the group"), hContact, WHATSAPP_EVENT_OTHER); } else if(this->isOnline()) { this->NotifyEvent(groupName, this->TranslateStr("User '%s' has been removed from the group", this->GetContactDisplayName(paramString2).c_str()), hContact, WHATSAPP_EVENT_OTHER); this->connection->sendGetGroupInfo(paramString1); //this->connection->sendGetParticipants(paramString1); } } void WhatsAppProto::onLeaveGroup(const std::string& paramString) { // Won't be called for unknown reasons! debugLogA("%s", this->GetContactDisplayName(paramString).c_str()); HCONTACT hContact = this->ContactIDToHContact(paramString); if (hContact) setByte(hContact, "IsGroupMember", 0); } void WhatsAppProto::onGetParticipants(const std::string& gjid, const std::vector<string>& participants) { debugLogA("%s", this->GetContactDisplayName(gjid).c_str()); HCONTACT hUserContact, hContact = this->ContactIDToHContact(gjid); if (!hContact) return; if (db_get_b(hContact, "CList", "Hidden", 0) == 1) return; bool isHidden = true; bool isOwningGroup = getByte(hContact, "SimpleChatRoom", 0) == 2; if (isOwningGroup) this->isMemberByGroupContact[hContact].clear(); for (std::vector<string>::const_iterator it = participants.begin(); it != participants.end(); ++it) { // Hide, if we are not member of the group // Sometimes the group is shown shortly after hiding it again, due to other threads which stored the contact // in a cache before it has been removed (E.g. picture-id list in processBuddyList) if (isHidden && this->jid.compare(*it) == 0) { isHidden = false; if (!isOwningGroup) { // Break, as we don't need to collect group-members break; } } // #TODO Slow for big count of participants // #TODO If a group is hidden it has been deleted from the local contact list // => don't allow to add users anymore if (isOwningGroup) { hUserContact = this->ContactIDToHContact(*it); if (hUserContact) { this->isMemberByGroupContact[hContact][hUserContact] = true; } } } if (isHidden) { //db_set_b(hContact, "CList", "Hidden", 1); // #TODO Check if it's possible to reach this point at all setByte(hContact, "IsGroupMember", 0); } } // Menu handler INT_PTR __cdecl WhatsAppProto::OnAddContactToGroup(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { string a = GetContactDisplayName((HCONTACT)wParam); string b = GetContactDisplayName((HCONTACT)lParam); debugLogA("Request add user %s to group %s", a.c_str(), b.c_str()); if (!this->isOnline()) return NULL; DBVARIANT dbv; if (getString((HCONTACT)wParam, "ID", &dbv)) return NULL; std::vector<string> participants; participants.push_back(string(dbv.pszVal)); db_free(&dbv); if (getString((HCONTACT)lParam, "ID", &dbv)) return NULL; this->connection->sendAddParticipants(string(dbv.pszVal), participants); db_free(&dbv); return NULL; } // Menu handler INT_PTR __cdecl WhatsAppProto::OnRemoveContactFromGroup(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { string a = GetContactDisplayName((HCONTACT)wParam); string b = GetContactDisplayName((HCONTACT)lParam); debugLogA("Request remove user %s from group %s", a.c_str(), b.c_str()); if (!this->isOnline()) return NULL; DBVARIANT dbv; if (getString((HCONTACT)lParam, "ID", &dbv)) return NULL; std::vector<string> participants; participants.push_back(string(dbv.pszVal)); db_free(&dbv); if (getString((HCONTACT)wParam, "ID", &dbv)) return NULL; this->connection->sendRemoveParticipants(string(dbv.pszVal), participants); db_free(&dbv); return NULL; } void WhatsAppProto::onOwningGroups(const std::vector<string>& paramVector) { debugLogA(""); this->HandleReceiveGroups(paramVector, true); } void WhatsAppProto::onParticipatingGroups(const std::vector<string>& paramVector) { debugLogA(""); this->HandleReceiveGroups(paramVector, false); } void WhatsAppProto::HandleReceiveGroups(const std::vector<string>& groups, bool isOwned) { HCONTACT hContact; map<HANDLE, bool> isMember; // at the moment, only members of owning groups are stored // This could take long time if there are many new groups which aren't // yet stored to the database. But that should be a rare case for (std::vector<string>::const_iterator it = groups.begin(); it != groups.end(); ++it) { hContact = this->AddToContactList(*it, 0, false, NULL, true); setByte(hContact, "IsGroupMember", 1); if (isOwned) { this->isMemberByGroupContact[hContact]; // []-operator creates entry, if it doesn't exist setByte(hContact, "SimpleChatRoom", 2); this->connection->sendGetParticipants(*it); } else { isMember[hContact] = true; } } // Mark as non-meber if group only exists locally if (!isOwned) { for (hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) { if (IsMyContact(hContact) && getByte(hContact, "SimpleChatRoom", 0) > 0) { //debugLogA("Set IsGroupMember to 0 for '%s'", this->GetContactDisplayName(hContact).c_str()); setByte(hContact, "IsGroupMember", isMember.find(hContact) == isMember.end() ? 0 : 1); } } } } void WhatsAppProto::onGroupCreated(const std::string& paramString1, const std::string& paramString2) { // Must be received after onOwningGroups() :/ debugLogA("%s / %s", paramString1.c_str(), paramString2.c_str()); string jid = paramString2 +string("@")+ paramString1; HCONTACT hContact = this->AddToContactList(jid, 0, false, NULL, true); setByte(hContact, "SimpleChatRoom", 2); } // Menu-handler INT_PTR __cdecl WhatsAppProto::OnCreateGroup(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { debugLogA(""); input_box* ib = new input_box; ib->defaultValue = _T(""); ib->limit = WHATSAPP_GROUP_NAME_LIMIT; ib->proto = this; ib->text = _T("Enter group subject"); ib->title = _T("WhatsApp - Create Group"); ib->thread = &WhatsAppProto::SendCreateGroupWorker; HWND hDlg = CreateDialogParam(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_INPUTBOX), 0, WhatsAppInputBoxProc, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(ib)); ShowWindow(hDlg, SW_SHOW); return FALSE; } void __cdecl WhatsAppProto::SendSetGroupNameWorker(void* data) { input_box_ret* ibr(static_cast<input_box_ret*>(data)); string groupName(ibr->value); mir_free(ibr->value); DBVARIANT dbv; if (!getString(*((HCONTACT*)ibr->userData), WHATSAPP_KEY_ID, &dbv) && this->isOnline()) { this->connection->sendSetNewSubject(dbv.pszVal, groupName); db_free(&dbv); } delete ibr->userData; delete ibr; } void __cdecl WhatsAppProto::SendCreateGroupWorker(void* data) { input_box_ret* ibr(static_cast<input_box_ret*>(data)); string groupName(ibr->value); mir_free(ibr->value); if (this->isOnline()) { this->connection->sendCreateGroupChat(groupName); } } INT_PTR __cdecl WhatsAppProto::OnChangeGroupSubject(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DBVARIANT dbv; HCONTACT hContact = reinterpret_cast<HCONTACT>(wParam); input_box* ib = new input_box; if (getTString(hContact, WHATSAPP_KEY_PUSH_NAME, &dbv)) ib->defaultValue = _T(""); else { ib->defaultValue = dbv.ptszVal; db_free(&dbv); } ib->limit = WHATSAPP_GROUP_NAME_LIMIT; ib->text = _T("Enter new group subject"); ib->title = _T("WhatsApp - Change Group Subject"); ib->thread = &WhatsAppProto::SendSetGroupNameWorker; ib->proto = this; HANDLE* hContactPtr = new HANDLE(hContact); ib->userData = (void*) hContactPtr; HWND hDlg = CreateDialogParam(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_INPUTBOX), 0, WhatsAppInputBoxProc, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(ib)); ShowWindow(hDlg, SW_SHOW); return 0; } INT_PTR __cdecl WhatsAppProto::OnLeaveGroup(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { DBVARIANT dbv; HCONTACT hContact = reinterpret_cast<HCONTACT>(wParam); if (this->isOnline() && !getString(hContact, WHATSAPP_KEY_ID, &dbv)) { setByte(hContact, "IsGroupMember", 0); this->connection->sendLeaveGroup(dbv.pszVal); db_free(&dbv); } return 0; }