/* WhatsApp plugin for Miranda NG Copyright © 2019-24 George Hazan */ #include "stdafx.h" void WhatsAppProto::OnReceiveMessage(const WANode &node) { auto *msgId = node.getAttr("id"); auto *msgType = node.getAttr("type"); auto *msgFrom = node.getAttr("from"); auto *category = node.getAttr("category"); auto *recipient = node.getAttr("recipient"); auto *participant = node.getAttr("participant"); if (msgType == nullptr || msgFrom == nullptr || msgId == nullptr) { debugLogA("bad message received: <%s> <%s> <%s>", msgType, msgFrom, msgId); return; } SendAck(node); MEVENT hEvent = db_event_getById(m_szModuleName, msgId); if (hEvent) { debugLogA("this message is already processed: %s", msgId); return; } WAMSG type; WAJid jid(msgFrom); CMStringA szAuthor, szChatId; if (node.getAttr("offline")) type.bOffline = true; // message from one user to another if (jid.isUser()) { if (recipient) { if (m_szJid != msgFrom) { debugLogA("strange message: with recipient, but not from me"); return; } szChatId = recipient; } else szChatId = msgFrom; type.bPrivateChat = true; szAuthor = msgFrom; } else if (jid.isGroup()) { if (!participant) { debugLogA("strange message: from group, but without participant"); return; } type.bGroupChat = true; szAuthor = participant; szChatId = msgFrom; } else if (jid.isBroadcast()) { if (!participant) { debugLogA("strange message: from group, but without participant"); return; } bool bIsMe = m_szJid == participant; if (jid.isStatusBroadcast()) { if (bIsMe) type.bDirectStatus = true; else type.bOtherStatus = true; } else { if (bIsMe) type.bPeerBroadcast = true; else type.bOtherBroadcast = true; } szChatId = msgFrom; szAuthor = participant; } else { debugLogA("invalid message type"); return; } CMStringA szSender = (type.bPrivateChat) ? szAuthor : szChatId; bool bFromMe = (m_szJid == msgFrom); if (!bFromMe && participant) bFromMe = m_szJid == participant; Wa__MessageKey key; key.remotejid = szChatId.GetBuffer(); key.id = (char*)msgId; key.fromme = bFromMe; key.has_fromme = true; key.participant = (char*)participant; Wa__WebMessageInfo msg; msg.key = &key; msg.messagetimestamp = _atoi64(node.getAttr("t")); msg.has_messagetimestamp = true; msg.pushname = (char*)node.getAttr("notify"); if (bFromMe) msg.status = WA__WEB_MESSAGE_INFO__STATUS__SERVER_ACK, msg.has_status = true; int iDecryptable = 0; for (auto &it : node.getChildren()) { if (it->title != "enc" || it->content.length() == 0) continue; MBinBuffer msgBody; auto *pszType = it->getAttr("type"); try { if (!mir_strcmp(pszType, "pkmsg") || !mir_strcmp(pszType, "msg")) { CMStringA szUser = (WAJid(szSender).isUser()) ? szSender : szAuthor; msgBody = m_signalStore.decryptSignalProto(szUser, pszType, it->content); } else if (!mir_strcmp(pszType, "skmsg")) { msgBody = m_signalStore.decryptGroupSignalProto(szSender, szAuthor, it->content); } else throw "Invalid e2e type"; if (msgBody.isEmpty()) throw "Invalid e2e message"; iDecryptable++; proto::Message encMsg(unpadBuffer16(msgBody)); if (!encMsg) throw "Invalid decoded message"; if (encMsg->devicesentmessage) msg.message = encMsg->devicesentmessage->message; else msg.message = encMsg; if (encMsg->senderkeydistributionmessage) m_signalStore.processSenderKeyMessage(szAuthor, encMsg->senderkeydistributionmessage); ProcessMessage(type, msg); // send receipt const char *pszReceiptType = nullptr, *pszReceiptTo = participant; if (!mir_strcmp(category, "peer")) pszReceiptType = "peer_msg"; else if (bFromMe) { // message was sent by me from a different device pszReceiptType = "sender"; if (WAJid(szChatId).isUser()) pszReceiptTo = szAuthor; } else if (!m_ws) pszReceiptType = "inactive"; SendReceipt(szChatId, pszReceiptTo, msgId, pszReceiptType); } catch (const char *pszError) { debugLogA("Message decryption failed with error: %s", pszError); } if (!iDecryptable) { debugLogA("Nothing to decrypt"); return; } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static const Wa__Message* getBody(const Wa__Message *message) { if (message->ephemeralmessage) { auto *pMsg = message->ephemeralmessage->message; return (pMsg->viewoncemessage) ? pMsg->viewoncemessage->message : pMsg; } if (message->viewoncemessage) return message->viewoncemessage->message; return message; } void WhatsAppProto::ProcessMessage(WAMSG type, const Wa__WebMessageInfo &msg) { auto *key = msg.key; auto *body = getBody(msg.message); debugLogA("Got a message: %s", protobuf_c_text_to_string(&msg).c_str()); uint32_t timestamp = msg.messagetimestamp; char *participant = key->participant, *chatId; auto *msgId = key->id; if (type.bPrivateChat || type.bGroupChat) chatId = key->remotejid; else chatId = (participant) ? participant : key->remotejid; WAJid jidFrom(chatId); jidFrom.device = 0; WAUser *pUser = AddUser(jidFrom.toString(), false); if (!key->fromme && msg.pushname && pUser && !pUser->bIsGroupChat) setUString(pUser->hContact, "Nick", msg.pushname); // try to extract some text if (pUser) { CMStringA szMessageText(GetMessageText(body)); if (!szMessageText.IsEmpty()) { // for chats & group chats store message in profile if (type.bPrivateChat || type.bGroupChat) { DB::EventInfo dbei; dbei.timestamp = timestamp; dbei.pBlob = szMessageText.GetBuffer(); dbei.szId = msgId; if (type.bOffline) dbei.flags |= DBEF_READ; if (key->fromme) dbei.flags |= DBEF_SENT; if (pUser->bIsGroupChat) dbei.szUserId = participant; ProtoChainRecvMsg(pUser->hContact, dbei); } // translate statuses into status messages else if (type.bOtherStatus || type.bDirectStatus || type.bPeerBroadcast || type.bOtherBroadcast) { setUString(pUser->hContact, "StatusMsg", szMessageText); } } } if (body->protocolmessage) { auto *protoMsg = body->protocolmessage; switch (protoMsg->type) { case WA__MESSAGE__PROTOCOL_MESSAGE__TYPE__APP_STATE_SYNC_KEY_SHARE: for (int i = 0; i < protoMsg->appstatesynckeyshare->n_keys; i++) { auto *it = protoMsg->appstatesynckeyshare->keys[i]; auto &keyid = it->keyid->keyid; auto &keydata = it->keydata->keydata; CMStringA szSetting(FORMAT, "AppSyncKey%d", decodeBigEndian(keyid)); db_set_blob(0, m_szModuleName, szSetting, keydata.data, (unsigned)keydata.len); } break; case WA__MESSAGE__PROTOCOL_MESSAGE__TYPE__APP_STATE_FATAL_EXCEPTION_NOTIFICATION: m_impl.m_resyncApp.Stop(); m_impl.m_resyncApp.Start(10000); break; case WA__MESSAGE__PROTOCOL_MESSAGE__TYPE__HISTORY_SYNC_NOTIFICATION: debugLogA("History sync notification"); if (auto *pHist = protoMsg->historysyncnotification) { MBinBuffer buf(DownloadEncryptedFile(directPath2url(pHist->directpath), pHist->mediakey, "History")); if (!buf.isEmpty()) { MBinBuffer inflate(Utils_Unzip(unpadBuffer16(buf))); proto::HistorySync sync(inflate); if (sync) ProcessHistorySync(sync); } } break; case WA__MESSAGE__PROTOCOL_MESSAGE__TYPE__REVOKE: break; case WA__MESSAGE__PROTOCOL_MESSAGE__TYPE__EPHEMERAL_SETTING: if (pUser) { setDword(pUser->hContact, DBKEY_EPHEMERAL_TS, timestamp); setDword(pUser->hContact, DBKEY_EPHEMERAL_EXPIRE, protoMsg->ephemeralexpiration); } break; } } else if (body->reactionmessage) { debugLogA("Got a reaction to a message"); } else if (msg.has_messagestubtype) { switch (msg.messagestubtype) { case WA__WEB_MESSAGE_INFO__STUB_TYPE__GROUP_PARTICIPANT_LEAVE: case WA__WEB_MESSAGE_INFO__STUB_TYPE__GROUP_PARTICIPANT_REMOVE: debugLogA("Participant %s removed from chat", participant); break; case WA__WEB_MESSAGE_INFO__STUB_TYPE__GROUP_PARTICIPANT_ADD: case WA__WEB_MESSAGE_INFO__STUB_TYPE__GROUP_PARTICIPANT_INVITE: case WA__WEB_MESSAGE_INFO__STUB_TYPE__GROUP_PARTICIPANT_ADD_REQUEST_JOIN: debugLogA("Participant %s added to chat", participant); break; case WA__WEB_MESSAGE_INFO__STUB_TYPE__GROUP_PARTICIPANT_DEMOTE: debugLogA("Participant %s demoted", participant); break; case WA__WEB_MESSAGE_INFO__STUB_TYPE__GROUP_PARTICIPANT_PROMOTE: debugLogA("Participant %s promoted", participant); break; case WA__WEB_MESSAGE_INFO__STUB_TYPE__GROUP_CHANGE_ANNOUNCE: debugLogA("Groupchat announce"); break; case WA__WEB_MESSAGE_INFO__STUB_TYPE__GROUP_CHANGE_RESTRICT: debugLogA("Groupchat restriction"); break; case WA__WEB_MESSAGE_INFO__STUB_TYPE__GROUP_CHANGE_SUBJECT: debugLogA("Groupchat subject was changed"); break; } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void WhatsAppProto::OnReceiveAck(const WANode &node) { auto *pUser = FindUser(node.getAttr("from")); if (pUser == nullptr) return; if (!mir_strcmp(node.getAttr("class"), "message")) { WAOwnMessage tmp(0, 0, node.getAttr("id")); { mir_cslock lck(m_csOwnMessages); if (auto *pOwn = m_arOwnMsgs.find(&tmp)) { tmp.pktId = pOwn->pktId; m_arOwnMsgs.remove(pOwn); } else return; } ProtoBroadcastAck(pUser->hContact, ACKTYPE_MESSAGE, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)tmp.pktId, (LPARAM)tmp.szMessageId.c_str()); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool WhatsAppProto::CreateMsgParticipant(WANode *pParticipants, const WAJid &jid, const MBinBuffer &orig) { int type = 0; try { MBinBuffer pBuffer(m_signalStore.encryptSignalProto(jid, orig, type)); auto *pNode = pParticipants->addChild("to"); pNode->addAttr("jid", jid.toString()); auto *pEnc = pNode->addChild("enc"); *pEnc << CHAR_PARAM("v", "2") << CHAR_PARAM("type", (type == 3) ? "pkmsg" : "msg"); pEnc->content.assign(pBuffer.data(), pBuffer.length()); } catch (const char *) { } return type == 3; } int WhatsAppProto::SendTextMessage(const char *jid, const char *pszMsg) { WAJid toJid(jid); // send task creation auto *pTask = new WASendTask(jid); // basic message Wa__Message__ExtendedTextMessage extMessage; extMessage.text = (char *)pszMsg; Wa__Message body; body.extendedtextmessage = &extMessage; LIST arCheckList(1); if (toJid.isGroup()) { MBinBuffer encodedMsg(proto::Serialize(&body)); padBuffer16(encodedMsg); MBinBuffer skmsgKey; MBinBuffer cipherText(m_signalStore.encryptSenderKey(toJid, m_szJid, encodedMsg, skmsgKey)); auto *pEnc = pTask->payLoad.addChild("enc"); *pEnc << CHAR_PARAM("v", "2") << CHAR_PARAM("type", "skmsg"); pEnc->content.append(cipherText.data(), cipherText.length()); Wa__Message__SenderKeyDistributionMessage sentBody; sentBody.axolotlsenderkeydistributionmessage.data = skmsgKey.data(); sentBody.axolotlsenderkeydistributionmessage.len = skmsgKey.length(); sentBody.has_axolotlsenderkeydistributionmessage = true; sentBody.groupid = (char*)jid; Wa__Message msg; msg.senderkeydistributionmessage = &sentBody; pTask->content.append(proto::Serialize(&msg)); if (auto *pChatUser = FindUser(jid)) { if (pChatUser->si) { for (auto &it : pChatUser->si->arUsers) { T2Utf userJid(it->pszUID); auto *pUser = FindUser(jid); if (pUser == nullptr) m_arUsers.insert(pUser = new WAUser(INVALID_CONTACT_ID, userJid, false)); if (pUser->bDeviceInit) { for (auto &jt : pUser->arDevices) pTask->arDest.insert(new WAJid(*jt)); } else arCheckList.insert(mir_strdup(userJid)); } } } } else { Wa__Message__DeviceSentMessage sentBody; sentBody.message = &body; sentBody.destinationjid = (char*)jid; Wa__Message msg; msg.devicesentmessage = &sentBody; pTask->content.append(proto::Serialize(&msg)); if (auto *pUser = FindUser(jid)) { if (pUser->bDeviceInit) { for (auto &it : pUser->arDevices) pTask->arDest.insert(new WAJid(*it)); } else arCheckList.insert(mir_strdup(jid));; } } padBuffer16(pTask->content); auto *pOwnUser = FindUser(m_szJid); for (auto &it : pOwnUser->arDevices) if (it->device != (int)getDword(DBKEY_DEVICE_ID)) pTask->arDest.insert(new WAJid(*it)); // generate & reserve packet id int pktId; { mir_cslock lck(m_csOwnMessages); pktId = m_iPacketId++; m_arOwnMsgs.insert(new WAOwnMessage(pktId, jid, pTask->szMsgId)); } // if some keys are missing, schedule task for execution & retrieve keys if (arCheckList.getCount()) { SendUsync(arCheckList, pTask); for (auto &it : arCheckList) mir_free(it); } else // otherwise simply execute the task SendTask(pTask); return pktId; } void WhatsAppProto::FinishTask(WASendTask *pTask) { if (auto *pUser = FindUser(pTask->payLoad.getAttr("to"))) { if (pUser->bIsGroupChat) { for (auto &it : pUser->si->getUserList()) if (auto *pChatUser = FindUser(T2Utf(it->pszUID))) for (auto &cc: pChatUser->arDevices) pTask->arDest.insert(new WAJid(*cc)); } else for (auto &it : pUser->arDevices) pTask->arDest.insert(new WAJid(*it)); } SendTask(pTask); } void WhatsAppProto::SendTask(WASendTask *pTask) { // pack all data and send the whole payload bool shouldIncludeIdentity = false; auto *pParticipants = pTask->payLoad.addChild("participants"); for (auto &it : pTask->arDest) shouldIncludeIdentity |= CreateMsgParticipant(pParticipants, *it, pTask->content); if (shouldIncludeIdentity) { MBinBuffer encIdentity(m_signalStore.encodeSignedIdentity(true)); auto *pNode = pTask->payLoad.addChild("device-identity"); pNode->content.assign(encIdentity.data(), encIdentity.length()); } WSSendNode(pTask->payLoad); delete pTask; }