/* WinPopup Protocol plugin for Miranda IM. Copyright (C) 2004-2011 Nikolay Raspopov This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class netbios_name netbios_name::netbios_name(LPCTSTR n, UCHAR type, bool group, UCHAR lana) : m_managed (false), m_registered (false), m_duplicated (false), m_error (false), m_lana (lana), m_listener (NULL), m_dgreceiver (NULL), m_term (NULL) { // �������������� ����� � NetBIOS-��� int len = NCBNAMSZ - 1; CT2A nA( n ); LPCSTR src = (LPCSTR)nA; LPSTR dst = (LPSTR)netbiosed.name; for ( ; len && *src; --len, ++dst, ++src ) *dst = *src; for ( ; len; --len ) *dst++ = ' '; *dst = (CHAR)type; CharUpperBuffA( (LPSTR)netbiosed.name, NCBNAMSZ - 1 ); CharToOemBuffA( (LPSTR)netbiosed.name, (LPSTR)netbiosed.name, NCBNAMSZ - 1 ); netbiosed.name_num = 0; netbiosed.name_flags = (UCHAR)( group ? GROUP_NAME : UNIQUE_NAME ); original = GetANSIName(); } netbios_name::netbios_name(const NAME_BUFFER& n, UCHAR lana) : m_managed (false), m_registered (false), m_duplicated (false), m_error (false), m_lana (lana), m_listener (NULL), m_dgreceiver (NULL), m_term (NULL) { CopyMemory (&netbiosed, &n, sizeof (NAME_BUFFER)); original = GetANSIName(); } netbios_name& netbios_name::operator=(const netbios_name& n) { _ASSERTE (m_managed == false); m_managed = n.m_managed; _ASSERTE (m_registered == false); m_registered = n.m_registered; _ASSERTE (m_duplicated == false); m_duplicated = n.m_duplicated; _ASSERTE (m_error == false); m_error = n.m_error; m_lana = n.m_lana; _ASSERTE( m_listener == NULL ); m_listener = NULL; _ASSERTE( m_dgreceiver == NULL ); m_dgreceiver = NULL; _ASSERTE( m_term == NULL ); m_term = NULL; CopyMemory (&netbiosed, &n.netbiosed, sizeof( NAME_BUFFER )); original = n.original; return *this; } netbios_name& netbios_name::operator= (const UCHAR* n) { _ASSERTE (m_managed == false); m_managed = false; _ASSERTE (m_registered == false); m_registered = false; _ASSERTE (m_duplicated == false); m_duplicated = false; _ASSERTE (m_error == false); m_error = false; m_lana = 0; _ASSERTE( m_listener == NULL ); m_listener = NULL; _ASSERTE( m_dgreceiver == NULL ); m_dgreceiver = NULL; _ASSERTE( m_term == NULL ); m_term = NULL; CopyMemory (netbiosed.name, n, NCBNAMSZ); netbiosed.name_num = 0; netbiosed.name_flags = UNIQUE_NAME; original = GetANSIName(); return *this; } bool netbios_name::operator== (const NAME_BUFFER& n) const { return ( netbiosed.name [NCBNAMSZ - 1] == n.name [NCBNAMSZ - 1] ) && ( ( netbiosed.name_flags & GROUP_NAME ) == ( n.name_flags & GROUP_NAME ) ) && ( memcmp( netbiosed.name, n.name, NCBNAMSZ - 1 ) == 0 ); } bool netbios_name::operator!= (const NAME_BUFFER& n) const { return ! operator==( n ); } bool netbios_name::operator== (const netbios_name& n) const { return ( m_lana == n.m_lana ) && operator==( n.netbiosed ); } bool netbios_name::operator!= (const netbios_name& n) const { return ( m_lana != n.m_lana ) || operator!=( n.netbiosed ); } bool netbios_name::Register() { m_managed = true; UCHAR ret = AddName (); LOG("Register NetBIOS name \"%s\" on lana %d num=%d : 0x%02x \"%s\"", GetANSIFullName(), m_lana, netbiosed.name_num, ret, GetNetbiosError( ret ) ); m_registered = (ret == NRC_GOODRET); m_duplicated = (ret == NRC_DUPNAME); if ( ret != NRC_GOODRET && ret != NRC_DUPNAME ) { WarningBox (NULL, (DWORD)MAKE_HRESULT (0, FACILITY_NETBIOS, ret), _T("%s: %s"), TranslateT ("Cannot register NetBIOS name"), (LPCTSTR)CA2T( GetANSIFullName() ) ); } if (!m_term) m_term = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); else ResetEvent (m_term); if ( m_term && !m_listener ) m_listener = (HANDLE)mir_forkthread( ListenerThread, this ); if ( m_term && !m_dgreceiver && // NOTE: ��� Win9x ������ ��������� �������� ��������� ��� ���-���������� // �.�. ����� ���������� ������ ���������� �� ������� Netbios() ���� ���� // ����������������� ��� !m_duplicated ) { m_dgreceiver = (HANDLE)mir_forkthread( DatagramReceiverThread, this ); } return m_registered; } void netbios_name::AskForDestroy() { if (m_term) SetEvent (m_term); } void netbios_name::Destroy() { // ������ �������� �������� ������-��������� if ( m_term ) SetEvent( m_term ); // �������� ����� (���� �� �������, �� ��������� �� �����������) UCHAR ret = DeleteName (); LOG("Unregister NetBIOS name \"%s\" on lana %d num=%d : 0x%02x \"%s\"", GetANSIFullName(), m_lana, netbiosed.name_num, ret, GetNetbiosError( ret ) ); m_registered = !(ret == NRC_GOODRET); if ( m_duplicated ) { // �������������� ����� m_duplicated = false; // NOTE: ��������������� �� ���� - ������� ������ // uReturn = AddName (); // LOG("Restore NetBIOS name \"%s\" on lana %d : 0x%02x", GetANSIFullName(), m_lana, uReturn); } // ��������, � ����� �������������� ������� if ( m_listener ) { if ( m_term ) SetEvent( m_term ); if (WaitForSingleObject (m_listener, ALMOST_INFINITE) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { LOG("Terminate NetBIOS listener!"); TerminateThread (m_listener, 0); } m_listener = NULL; } if ( m_dgreceiver ) { if ( m_term ) SetEvent( m_term ); if (WaitForSingleObject (m_dgreceiver, ALMOST_INFINITE) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { LOG("Terminate NetBIOS datagram receiver!"); TerminateThread (m_dgreceiver, 0); } m_dgreceiver = NULL; } if ( m_term ) { CloseHandle (m_term); m_term = NULL; } } CStringA netbios_name::GetANSIName() const { CStringA sName; LPSTR szName = sName.GetBuffer( NCBNAMSZ ); CopyMemory( szName, (LPCSTR)netbiosed.name, NCBNAMSZ - 1 ); szName[ NCBNAMSZ - 1 ] = 0; sName.ReleaseBuffer(); sName.Trim(); sName.OemToAnsi(); return sName; } CStringA netbios_name::GetANSIFullName() const { CStringA sType; sType.Format( " <%02X>", GetType() ); return original + sType; } UCHAR netbios_name::GetType () const { return netbiosed.name [NCBNAMSZ - 1]; } bool netbios_name::IsGroupName () const { return ((netbiosed.name_flags & GROUP_NAME) == GROUP_NAME); } bool netbios_name::IsRegistered () const { return m_registered; } bool netbios_name::IsDuplicated () const { return m_duplicated; } bool netbios_name::IsError () const { return m_error; } bool netbios_name::IsOwnName () const { return m_managed; } UCHAR netbios_name::GetLana () const { return m_lana; } bool netbios_name::GetRealSender (UCHAR lsn, CStringA& sRealFrom) const { sRealFrom.Empty (); SESSION_INFO_BLOCK sibSession = {}; UCHAR dwInfoRes = pluginNetBIOS.Stat( *this, &sibSession ); if ( dwInfoRes == NRC_GOODRET ) { for ( int i = 0; i < sibSession.sib_header.num_sess; i++ ) { if ( sibSession.sib_Names [i].lsn == lsn ) { // ���� ������ const char* n = (const char*)sibSession.sib_Names [i].remote_name; BYTE j = NCBNAMSZ - 2; for ( ; j && ( n [ j ] == ' ' ); --j ); sRealFrom.Append( n, j + 1 ); sRealFrom.OemToAnsi(); return true; } } } return false; } size_t netbios_name::GetLength() const { return (size_t)original.GetLength(); } UCHAR netbios_name::AddName() { return pluginNetBIOS.AddName( *this ); } UCHAR netbios_name::DeleteName() { return pluginNetBIOS.DeleteName( *this ); } typedef struct _ReceiverData { netbios_name* self; UCHAR lsn; } ReceiverData; void netbios_name::Listener() { m_error = false; while ( WaitForSingleObject( m_term, 50 ) == WAIT_TIMEOUT ) { UCHAR lsn = 0; UCHAR ret = pluginNetBIOS.Listen( *this, lsn ); if ( ret != NRC_GOODRET ) { LOG( "Listener : Closing \"%s\"", GetANSIFullName() ); m_error = true; break; } LOG( "Listener : Got packet for \"%s\"", GetANSIFullName() ); if ( ReceiverData* data = (ReceiverData*)mir_alloc( sizeof( ReceiverData ) ) ) { data->self = this; data->lsn = lsn; mir_forkthread( ReceiverThread, data ); } } } void netbios_name::ListenerThread(LPVOID param) { if ( netbios_name* pName = (netbios_name*)param ) { pName->Listener(); pName->m_listener = NULL; } } void netbios_name::DatagramReceiver() { UCHAR* SMBBlock = (UCHAR*)mir_alloc( 65536 ); if ( ! SMBBlock ) { m_error = true; return; } m_error = false; while ( WaitForSingleObject ( m_term, 50 ) == WAIT_TIMEOUT ) { ZeroMemory( SMBBlock, 65536 ); WORD iReadedBytes = 65535; netbios_name nname_from; UCHAR ret = pluginNetBIOS.RecvDatagram( nname_from, *this, SMBBlock, iReadedBytes ); if ( ret != NRC_GOODRET ) { // ������ - ����� m_error = true; break; } nname_from.m_lana = m_lana; LOG( "Got datagram from \"%s\" to \"%s\"", nname_from.GetANSIFullName(), GetANSIFullName() ); // ���� ����������� ���������? if ( IsItMe ( CA2T( nname_from.original ) ) ) { LOG( "DatagramReceiver : Ignoring my datagram" ); continue; } // ��������� ��������� if ( iReadedBytes > 2 && *(WORD*)SMBBlock == SM_MAGIC ) { UCHAR iMsgType = SMBBlock[ 2 ]; switch ( iMsgType ) { case SM_GETSTATUS: // �������� ����� �������� LOG( "DatagramReceiver : It's status request" ); pluginNetBIOS.SendStatus( *this, nname_from ); break; case SM_SENDSTATUS: // ������� ������� � ������ ��� ������ if ( iReadedBytes == 2 + 1 + 4 ) { HANDLE hContact = GetContact( CA2T( nname_from.original ) ); if ( hContact ) { LOG( "DatagramReceiver : It's status answer" ); SetContactStatus( hContact, *(__int32*)(SMBBlock + 2 + 1), false ); } else LOG( "DatagramReceiver : Unknown contact" ); } else LOG( "DatagramReceiver : Invalid format" ); break; case SM_GETAWAYMESSAGE: // �������� ����� ����-���������� LOG( "DatagramReceiver : It's away request" ); pluginNetBIOS.SendAway( *this, nname_from ); break; case SM_SENDAWAYMESSAGE: // ������� ������� � ������ ��� ����-��������� if ( iReadedBytes >= 2 + 1 + 4 ) { if ( HANDLE hContact = GetContact( CA2T( nname_from.original ) ) ) { LPCSTR szAway = (LPCSTR)( SMBBlock + 2 + 1 + 4 ); SMBBlock[ iReadedBytes ] = 0; // ASCII -> ASCIIZ LOG( "DatagramReceiver : It's away answer \"%s\"", szAway ); SetContactAway( hContact, szAway ); } else LOG( "DatagramReceiver : Unknown contact" ); } else LOG( "DatagramReceiver : Invalid format" ); break; case SM_GETAVATAR: // �������� ����� �������� LOG( "DatagramReceiver : It's avatar request." ); pluginNetBIOS.SendAvatar( *this, nname_from ); break; case SM_SENDAVATAR: // ������� ������� � ������ ��� ������ if ( iReadedBytes >= 2 + 1 && iReadedBytes < MAX_AVATAR_SIZE + 3 ) { if ( HANDLE hContact = GetContact( CA2T( nname_from.original ) ) ) { LOG( "DatagramReceiver : It's avatar answer" ); SetContactAvatar( hContact, SMBBlock + 2 + 1, (DWORD)iReadedBytes - 3 ); } else LOG( "DatagramReceiver : Unknown contact" ); } else LOG( "DatagramReceiver : Invalid format or too big avatar" ); break; default: LOG( "DatagramReceiver : Unsupported message type 0x%02x", iMsgType ); } } else LOG( "DatagramReceiver : Unsupported data 0x%04x", *(WORD*)SMBBlock ); } mir_free( SMBBlock ); } void netbios_name::DatagramReceiverThread(LPVOID param) { if ( netbios_name* pName = (netbios_name*)param ) { pName->DatagramReceiver(); pName->m_dgreceiver = NULL; } } void netbios_name::Receiver(UCHAR lsn) { // Created by Ilja Razinkov (also known as IPv6), 2002, IPv6Intendo@yandex.ru // Keep this comment if you redistribute this file UCHAR* SMBBlock = (UCHAR*)mir_alloc( 65536 ); if ( ! SMBBlock ) return; CStringA sTo, sFrom, sMessage; UCHAR nRes; for (;;) { ZeroMemory( SMBBlock, 65536 ); // ��������� ���������� ����� ������ WORD iReadedBytes = 65535; nRes = pluginNetBIOS.Recv (m_lana, lsn, SMBBlock, iReadedBytes); if (nRes != NRC_GOODRET) { LOG( "Receiver : Error while receiving data block" ); break; } // ������� ��� � ��� ������ - ��������� ��� ���-�� ����������� if ( iReadedBytes < 4 || *(DWORD*)SMBBlock != SMB_MAGIC ) { LOG( "Receiver : Unsupported data 0x%08x", *(DWORD*)SMBBlock ); break; } UCHAR iMsgType = SMBBlock [4]; if (iMsgType != SMBsends && iMsgType != SMBsendstrt && iMsgType != SMBsendend && iMsgType != SMBsendtxt) { LOG( "Receiver : Unsupported message type 0x%02x", iMsgType ); break; } // ��� ������������� UCHAR szReply [SMB_HEADER_SIZE + 5]; UCHAR* szReplyData = pluginNetBIOS.SetSMBHeaderCommand (szReply, iMsgType, sizeof (szReply)); if (iMsgType == SMBsendstrt) { // ��� ��������� static UCHAR rnd = 1; szReplyData [0] = 1; // ����� ��������� szReplyData [1] = rnd++; // if ( rnd > 5 ) rnd = 1; } nRes = pluginNetBIOS.Send (m_lana, lsn, szReply, (WORD)( (iMsgType == SMBsendstrt) ? (SMB_HEADER_SIZE + 5) : (SMB_HEADER_SIZE + 3) ) ); if ( nRes != NRC_GOODRET ) { // ����������� ������ LOG( "Receiver : Error while sending ack" ); } // �������� � ����������� �� ���� ��������� if (iMsgType == SMBsends) { LOG( "Receiver : Got single-block message" ); // �������� ���������, ����������� ������ � �������... sFrom = (const char*) SMBBlock + SMB_HEADER_SIZE + 4; int iFromOffset = sFrom.GetLength (); sTo = (const char*) SMBBlock + SMB_HEADER_SIZE + 4 + iFromOffset + 2; int iToOffset = sTo.GetLength (); sMessage = (const char*) SMBBlock + SMB_HEADER_SIZE + 4 + iFromOffset + 2 + iToOffset + 4; break; } else if (iMsgType == SMBsendstrt) { LOG( "Receiver : Got start of multi-block message" ); // ���������� ���������, ������, ������� �� ���� � ���� sFrom = (const char*) SMBBlock + SMB_HEADER_SIZE + 4; int iFromOffset = sFrom.GetLength (); sTo = (const char*) SMBBlock + SMB_HEADER_SIZE + iFromOffset + 4 + 2; } else if (iMsgType == SMBsendtxt) { // ���������� ���������, ���� � �������, �������������... int iConcatSize = iReadedBytes - SMB_HEADER_SIZE - 8; LOG( "Receiver : Got text (%d-%d bytes) of multi-block message", sMessage.GetLength(), sMessage.GetLength() + iConcatSize - 1 ); sMessage.Append ((const char*) (SMBBlock + SMB_HEADER_SIZE + 8), iConcatSize); } else if (iMsgType == SMBsendend) { LOG( "Receiver : Got end of multi-block message" ); // ���������� ���������, �����, ��� ��������, ������� break; } } sMessage.Replace( "\x14", "\r\n" ); // <14> -> <CR><LF> sTo.OemToAnsi(); sFrom.OemToAnsi(); sMessage.OemToAnsi(); // ������� ���������� � ������ CStringA sRealFrom; if (GetRealSender (lsn, sRealFrom)) { LOG( "Receiver : Message from \"%s\" (real \"%s\") to \"%s\"", (LPCSTR)sFrom, (LPCSTR)sRealFrom, (LPCSTR)sTo); sFrom = sRealFrom; } else { LOG( "Receiver : Message from \"%s\" (real sender unknown) to \"%s\"", (LPCSTR)sFrom, (LPCSTR)sTo); } // ������ �� ��������... pluginNetBIOS.Hangup (m_lana, lsn); // ��������� ��������� (������ ����������) if ( ! sMessage.IsEmpty() ) { ReceiveContactMessage( CA2T( sFrom ), CA2T( sTo ), CA2T( sMessage ), sMessage.GetLength ()); } else { LOG( "Receiver : Ignoring empty message" ); } mir_free( SMBBlock ); } void netbios_name::ReceiverThread(LPVOID param) { if ( ReceiverData* data = (ReceiverData*)param ) { data->self->Receiver( data->lsn ); mir_free( data ); } }