/* * xfirelib - C++ Library for the xfire protocol. * Copyright (C) 2006 by * Beat Wolf <asraniel@fryx.ch> / http://gfire.sf.net * Herbert Poul <herbert.poul@gmail.com> / http://goim.us * http://xfirelib.sphene.net * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "packetreader.h" #include <iostream> #include "xfirepacket.h" #include "clientinformationpacket.h" #include "authpacket.h" #include "loginfailedpacket.h" #include "loginsuccesspacket.h" #include "buddylistonlinepacket.h" #include "buddylistnamespacket.h" #include "clanbuddylistnamespacket.h" #include "xfireclanpacket.h" #include "buddylistgamespacket.h" #include "buddylistgames2packet.h" #include "messagepacket.h" #include "otherloginpacket.h" #include "invitebuddypacket.h" #include "inviterequestpacket.h" #include "recvremovebuddypacket.h" #include "recvstatusmessagepacket.h" #include "recvoldversionpacket.h" #include "recvdidpacket.h" #include "recvprefspacket.h" #include "gameinfopacket.h" #include "claninvitationpacket.h" #include "xfirefoundbuddys.h" #include "buddyinfo.h" #include "friendsoffriendlist.h" #include "recvbuddychangednick.h" #include "xdebug.h" //#include "packetlistener.h" namespace xfirelib { using namespace std; PacketReader::PacketReader(Socket *socket) { this->socket = socket; this->packetListeners = new vector<PacketListener *>(); initPackets(); } void PacketReader::setSocket(Socket *socket) { this->socket = socket; } PacketReader::~PacketReader() { // TODO: delete each packetListener .. delete packetListeners; while(!packets->empty()) { delete packets->at(packets->size()-1); packets->pop_back(); } delete packets; } void PacketReader::initPackets() { packets = new vector <XFirePacketContent *>(); packets->push_back( new ClientInformationPacket() ); packets->push_back( new AuthPacket() ); packets->push_back( new LoginFailedPacket() ); packets->push_back( new LoginSuccessPacket() ); packets->push_back( new MessagePacket() ); packets->push_back( new BuddyListOnlinePacket() ); packets->push_back( new BuddyListNamesPacket() ); packets->push_back( new BuddyListGamesPacket() ); packets->push_back( new BuddyListGames2Packet() ); packets->push_back( new OtherLoginPacket() ); packets->push_back( new InviteBuddyPacket() ); packets->push_back( new InviteRequestPacket() ); packets->push_back( new RecvRemoveBuddyPacket() ); packets->push_back( new RecvDidPacket() ); packets->push_back( new RecvStatusMessagePacket() ); packets->push_back( new RecvOldVersionPacket() ); packets->push_back( new RecvPrefsPacket() ); //neue packetklassen hinzugef�gt - dufte packets->push_back( new FriendsBuddyListNamesPacket() ); packets->push_back( new ClanBuddyListNamesPacket() ); packets->push_back( new XFireClanPacket() ); packets->push_back( new GameInfoPacket() ); packets->push_back( new ClanInvitationPacket() ); packets->push_back( new XFireFoundBuddys() ); packets->push_back( new BuddyInfoPacket() ); packets->push_back( new RecvBuddyChangedNick() ); } void *muh(void *ptr); /* I moved thread starting to Client void PacketReader::startListening() { PacketReader *myself = this; void* (*func)(void*) = &xfirelib::PacketReader::thread_start; XINFO(("About to start thread\n")); int ret = pthread_create( &readthread, NULL, func, (void*)myself ); XDEBUG(("ret: %d\n",ret)); } */ void PacketReader::run() { // start receiving on socket... XDEBUG(("Starting run() method... \n")); while(socket != NULL) { string str; //int b = socket->recv(str); XFirePacket *packet = new XFirePacket(this); XDEBUG(("Waiting for next packet... \n")); if(packet==NULL) continue; packet->recvPacket( socket ); XINFO(("Received packet\n")); if(packet->getContent() != NULL) { fireListeners( packet ); } else { XDEBUG(("Packet Content was NULL ... Unknown Packet Id ??\n")); } XDEBUG(("Notified Listeners\n"));// << b << "bytes: " << str << endl; delete packet->getContent(); delete packet; } } void PacketReader::fireListeners( XFirePacket *packet ) { for(vector<PacketListener *>::iterator it = packetListeners->begin() ; it != packetListeners->end() ; ++it) { (*it)->receivedPacket( packet ); } } XFirePacketContent *PacketReader::getPacketContentClass(int packetId) { XDEBUG(("Searching for a content class...\n")); for(uint i = 0 ; i < packets->size() ; i++) if(packets->at(i)->getPacketId() == packetId) return packets->at(i); XDEBUG(("None Found\n")); return NULL; } void PacketReader::addPacketListener( PacketListener *listener ) { packetListeners->push_back( listener ); } };