// Copied from http://linuxgazette.net/issue74/tougher.html // (only slightly modified) // heavy modified (f�r windows umgeschrieben) - dufte // Implementation of the Socket class. #include "stdafx.h" #include "xdebug.h" #include "socket.h" #include "string.h" #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <iostream> /*NETLIB*****************/ #include <newpluginapi.h> #include <m_netlib.h> extern HANDLE hNetlib; /*NETLIB*****************/ using namespace std; Socket::Socket( std::string host, int port, int useproxy, std::string proxyhost , int proxyport ) : m_sock ( -1 ) { memset ( &m_addr, 0, sizeof ( m_addr ) ); if(!create()) { throw SocketException( "Could not create socket." ); } if(!connect(host,port,useproxy,proxyhost,proxyport)) { throw SocketException( "Could not bind port." ); } } Socket::~Socket() { Netlib_CloseHandle(this->netlibcon); } bool Socket::create() { /* m_sock = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ); if ( ! is_valid() ) return false;*/ // TIME_WAIT - argh // int on = 1; //if ( setsockopt ( m_sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, ( const char* ) &on, sizeof ( on ) ) == -1 ) // return false; return true; } bool Socket::bind ( const int port ) { /* if ( ! is_valid() ) { return false; } m_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; m_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; m_addr.sin_port = htons ( port ); int bind_return = ::bind ( m_sock, ( struct sockaddr * ) &m_addr, sizeof ( m_addr ) ); if ( bind_return == -1 ) { return false; } */ return true; } bool Socket::listen() const { /*if ( ! is_valid() ) { return false; } int listen_return = ::listen ( m_sock, MAXCONNECTIONS ); if ( listen_return == -1 ) { return false; } */ return false; } bool Socket::accept ( Socket& new_socket ) const { /*int addr_length = sizeof ( m_addr ); new_socket.m_sock = ::accept ( m_sock, ( sockaddr * ) &m_addr, ( socklen_t * ) &addr_length ); if ( new_socket.m_sock <= 0 ) return false; else return true;*/ return false; } bool Socket::send ( char *buf, int length ) const { int status = Netlib_Send(this->netlibcon,buf, length,0); //::send ( m_sock, buf, length, 0); if ( status == -1 ) { return false; } else { return true; } } bool Socket::send ( const std::string s ) const { int status = Netlib_Send(this->netlibcon,s.c_str(), s.size(),0); //::send ( m_sock, s.c_str(), s.size(), 0); if ( status == -1 ) { return false; } else { return true; } } int Socket::recv ( char *buf, int maxlen ) const { int status = Netlib_Recv(this->netlibcon,buf,maxlen,0); //::recv( m_sock, buf, maxlen, 0 ); if ( status == -1 ) { //std::cout << "status == -1 errno == " << errno << " in Socket::recv WSA:::" << ::WSAGetLastError() << "\n"; return 0; } return status; } int Socket::recv ( std::string& s ) const { char buf [ MAXRECV + 1 ]; s = ""; memset ( buf, 0, MAXRECV + 1 ); int status = Netlib_Recv(this->netlibcon,buf,MAXRECV,0);//::recv ( m_sock, buf, MAXRECV, 0 ); if ( status == -1 ) { //std::cout << "status == -1 errno == " << errno << " in Socket::recv\n"; return 0; } else if ( status == 0 ) { return 0; } else { s = buf; return status; } } bool Socket::connect ( const std::string host, const int port, int useproxy,std::string proxyhost,int proxyport) { //if ( ! is_valid() ) return false; /*m_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; if(useproxy) { m_addr.sin_port = htons ( proxyport ); m_addr.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(proxyhost.c_str()); } else { m_addr.sin_port = htons ( port ); m_addr.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(host.c_str()); } */ int status = 0; //inet_pton ( AF_INET, host.c_str(), &m_addr.sin_addr ); /* XDEBUG(("Is valid .. %d\n",status)); if ( errno == EAFNOSUPPORT ) return false; */ //status = ::connect ( m_sock, ( sockaddr * ) &m_addr, sizeof ( m_addr ) ); /*if(useproxy&&status==0) { char temp[1024]; this->send("CONNECT cs.xfire.com:25999 HTTP/1.1\nHost: cs.xfire.com:25999\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)\n\n"); this->recv((char*)temp,1024); }*/ NETLIBOPENCONNECTION ncon = { 0 }; ncon.cbSize = sizeof(ncon); ncon.szHost = "cs.xfire.com"; ncon.wPort = (WORD)atol("25999"); ncon.timeout=5; netlibcon = (HANDLE) CallService(MS_NETLIB_OPENCONNECTION, (WPARAM) hNetlib, (LPARAM) & ncon); //std::cout << "status: " << status << std::endl; if ( netlibcon != NULL ) { //CallService(MS_NETLIB_OPENCONNECTION, (WPARAM) hNetlib, (LPARAM) & ncon); m_sock=CallService(MS_NETLIB_GETSOCKET,(WPARAM) netlibcon,0); return true; } else { int errsv = errno; if(errsv == SOCKET_ERROR) { // std::cout << "Connection refused to " << host << ":" << port << std::endl; throw SocketException( "Connection refused." ); } //std::cout << "errno: " << errsv << std::endl; return false; } } void Socket::set_non_blocking ( const bool b ) { /* u_long arg=0; if(b) arg=1;*/ //ioctlsocket(m_sock, 0x8004667e,&arg); // int opts; /* opts = fcntl ( m_sock, F_GETFL ); if ( opts < 0 ) { return; } */ //if ( b ) // opts = ( opts | O_NONBLOCK ); /*else opts = ( opts & ~O_NONBLOCK );*/ /*fcntl ( m_sock, F_SETFL,opts );*/ }