/* * xfirelib - C++ Library for the xfire protocol. * Copyright (C) 2006 by * Beat Wolf <asraniel@fryx.ch> / http://gfire.sf.net * Herbert Poul <herbert.poul@gmail.com> / http://goim.us * http://xfirelib.sphene.net * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "../xdebug.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <stdexcept> #include "test.h" #include "../client.h" #include "../xfirepacket.h" #include "../loginfailedpacket.h" #include "../otherloginpacket.h" #include "../messagepacket.h" #include "../sendstatusmessagepacket.h" #include "../sendmessagepacket.h" #include "../invitebuddypacket.h" #include "../sendacceptinvitationpacket.h" #include "../senddenyinvitationpacket.h" #include "../sendremovebuddypacket.h" #include "../sendnickchangepacket.h" #include "../sendgamestatuspacket.h" #include "../sendgamestatus2packet.h" #include "../dummyxfiregameresolver.h" #include "../sendgameserverpacket.h" #include "../recvoldversionpacket.h" namespace xfirelibtest { using namespace std; using namespace xfirelib; XFireTestClient::XFireTestClient(string username_,string password_) : username(username_), password(password_) { client = new Client(); client->setGameResolver( new DummyXFireGameResolver() ); lastInviteRequest = NULL; } XFireTestClient::~XFireTestClient() { delete client; delete lastInviteRequest; } void XFireTestClient::run() { client->connect(username,password); client->addPacketListener(this); // Starting input loop ... string input; bool done = false; while(!done) { cout << "Give me Your Commands:\n>>> "; getline(cin,input); //string words[10]; //split(input, words, 10, " "); vector<string> cmds = explodeString(input," "); //cout << "Command: " << cmds[0]; //XDEBUG(( "Input: %s %d Command: %s\n", input.c_str(), cmds.size(), cmds[0].c_str() )); if(cmds.size() > 0) { if(cmds[0] == "help") { cout << "No help available right now :(" << endl; cout << "But a short list of available commands: " << endl; cout << " quit" << endl; cout << " buddylist" << endl; cout << " away" << endl; cout << " back" << endl; cout << " game <gameid>" << endl; cout << " game2 <game2id>" << endl; cout << " nick" << endl; cout << " invite <username>" << endl; cout << " accept [<username>]" << endl; cout << " deny [<username>]" << endl; cout << " remove <username>" << endl; cout << " send <username> <message .....>" << endl; } else if(cmds[0] == "quit") { cout << "Quitting" << endl; done = true; } else if(cmds[0] == "buddylist") { printBuddyList(); } else if(cmds[0] == "away" || cmds[0] == "back") { SendStatusMessagePacket *packet = new SendStatusMessagePacket(); packet->awaymsg = joinString(cmds,1);//input.substr(5); client->send( packet ); delete packet; } else if(cmds[0] == "game" || cmds[0] == "game2") { int gameid = 0; if(cmds.size() > 1) { gameid = atoi(cmds[1].c_str()); } SendGameStatusPacket *packet = (cmds[0] == "game" ? new SendGameStatusPacket() : new SendGameStatus2Packet()); packet->gameid = 2; packet->gameid = gameid; char ip[] = {0,0,0,0}; memcpy(packet->ip,ip,4); packet->port = 0; client->send( packet ); delete packet; } else if(cmds[0] == "nick"){ if(cmds.size() < 2) { cout << "Usage: nick <nickname>" << endl; continue; } SendNickChangePacket nick; nick.nick = joinString(cmds,1); client->send( &nick ); cout << "Sent nick change." << endl; }else if(cmds[0] == "send"){ if(cmds.size() < 3) { cout << "Usage: send <username> <message>" << endl; continue; } SendMessagePacket msg; msg.init(client, cmds[1], joinString(cmds,2)); client->send( &msg ); cout << "Sent message." << endl; } else if(cmds[0] == "invite") { if(cmds.size() < 3) { cout << "Usage: invite <username> <message>" << endl; } else { InviteBuddyPacket invite; invite.addInviteName( cmds[1], joinString(cmds,2) ); client->send( &invite ); cout << "Sent Invitation." << endl; } } else if(cmds[0] == "accept" || cmds[0] == "deny") { string name; if(cmds.size() < 2) { if(lastInviteRequest == 0) { cout << "No Invitation Request pending (try " << cmds[0] << " <username>)" << endl; continue; } name = string(*lastInviteRequest); delete lastInviteRequest; lastInviteRequest = 0; } else { name = cmds[1]; } if(cmds[0] == "accept") { SendAcceptInvitationPacket accept; accept.name = name; client->send( &accept ); cout << "Sent Accept Invitation." << endl; } else { SendDenyInvitationPacket deny; deny.name = name; client->send( &deny ); cout << "Sent Deny Invitation." << endl; } } else if(cmds[0] == "remove") { if(cmds.size() < 2) { cout << "Usage: remove <user name>" << endl; continue; } string name = cmds[1]; BuddyListEntry *entry = client->getBuddyList()->getBuddyByName( name ); if(entry == NULL) { cout << "Noone with this name is in your buddy list ?" << endl; continue; } SendRemoveBuddyPacket removeBuddy; removeBuddy.userid = entry->userid; client->send( &removeBuddy ); cout << "Sent Remove Buddy." << endl; } else { cout << "Unknown Command." << endl; } } } client->disconnect(); delete client; client = 0; } string XFireTestClient::joinString(vector<string> s, int startindex, int endindex, string delimiter) { string ret; int max = (unsigned)endindex > s.size() || endindex < 0 ? s.size() : endindex; for(int i = startindex ; i < max ; i++) { if(i != startindex) ret += delimiter; ret += s[i]; } return ret; } vector<string> XFireTestClient::explodeString(string s, string e) { vector<string> ret; int iPos = s.find(e, 0); int iPit = e.length(); while(iPos > -1) { if(iPos != 0) ret.push_back(s.substr(0,iPos)); s.erase(0,iPos+iPit); iPos = s.find(e,0); } if(s!="") ret.push_back(s); return ret; } void XFireTestClient::receivedPacket(XFirePacket *packet) { XFirePacketContent *content = packet->getContent(); cout << "TestClient : Received Packet: " << content->getPacketId() << endl; switch(content->getPacketId()) { case XFIRE_LOGIN_FAILED_ID: { client->disconnect(); delete client; client = 0; cout << "TestClient : Login failed." << endl; break; } case XFIRE_MESSAGE_ID: { cout << "TestClient : Got Message." << endl; if( (( MessagePacket*)content)->getMessageType() == 0){ cout << "TestClient : Message is " << ((MessagePacket*)content)->getMessage() <<endl; BuddyListEntry *entry = client->getBuddyList()->getBuddyBySid( ((MessagePacket*)content)->getSid() ); cout << "TestClient : from user " << entry->nick << "(" << entry->username << ")" <<endl; } break; } case XFIRE_RECV_OLDVERSION_PACKET_ID: { cout << "Testclient: Our protocol version is too old" << endl; break; } case XFIRE_PACKET_INVITE_REQUEST_PACKET: { cout << "Invitation Request: " << endl; InviteRequestPacket *invite = (InviteRequestPacket*)content; cout << " Name : " << invite->name << endl; cout << " Nick : " << invite->nick << endl; cout << " Message: " << invite->msg << endl; cout << " -- type 'accept' for accepting this request. (or 'accept " << invite->name << "' if you receive another invitation in the meantime." << endl; lastInviteRequest = new string(invite->name); break; } case XFIRE_OTHER_LOGIN:{ client->disconnect(); delete client; client = 0; cout << "TestClient : Someone loged in with our account.disconnect" << endl; break; } case XFIRE_BUDDYS_NAMES_ID: { printBuddyList(); } default: cout << "nothing--------" << endl; break; } } void XFireTestClient::printBuddyList() { printf("Buddy List: (* marks online users)\n"); printf("----------------- Buddy List --------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf(" %20s | %20s | %10s | %20s | %7s | %7s\n","User Name", "Nick", "UserId", "Status Msg" ,"Gameid" ,"Gameid2" ); vector<BuddyListEntry*> *entries = client->getBuddyList()->getEntries(); for(uint i = 0 ; i < entries->size() ; i ++) { BuddyListEntry *entry = entries->at(i); printf("%1s %20s | %20s | %10ld | %20s | %7ld | %ld\n", (entry->isOnline() ? "*" : ""), entry->username.c_str(), entry->nick.c_str(), entry->userid, entry->statusmsg.c_str(), entry->game, entry->game2); } printf("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); } }; using namespace std; using namespace xfirelib; using namespace xfirelibtest; int main(int argc, char **params) { if(argc < 3) { cout << "Usage: " << params[0] << " <username> <password>" << endl; return 0; } XFireTestClient *testClient = new XFireTestClient(string(params[1]),string(params[2])); try { testClient->run(); } catch( exception e ) { cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << endl; } delete testClient; return 0; }