#ifndef __DEBUG_H #define __DEBUG_H // #define YAMN_DEBUG //#define YAMN_VER_BETA //#define YAMN_VER_BETA_CRASHONLY #ifdef YAMN_DEBUG //#pragma comment(lib, "th32.lib") #if !defined(_WIN32_WINNT) #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501 // WinXP only #endif #define VC_EXTRALEAN #include <windows.h> #include <tlhelp32.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <shlwapi.h> //#define DEBUG_SYNCHRO //debug synchro to a file //#define DEBUG_COMM //debug communiation to a file //#define DEBUG_DECODE //debug header decoding to a file //#define DEBUG_DECODECODEPAGE //add info about codepage used in conversion //#define DEBUG_DECODEBASE64 //add info about base64 result //#define DEBUG_DECODEQUOTED //add info about quoted printable result //#define DEBUG_FILEREAD //debug file reading to message boxes //#define DEBUG_FILEREADMESSAGES //debug file reading messages to message boxes void DebugLog(HANDLE,const char *fmt,...); void DebugLogW(HANDLE File,const WCHAR *fmt,...); #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO // Used for synchronization debug extern HANDLE SynchroFile; #endif #ifdef DEBUG_COMM // Used for communication debug extern HANDLE CommFile; #endif #ifdef DEBUG_DECODE // Used for decoding debug extern HANDLE DecodeFile; #endif #if defined(DEBUG_FILEREAD) || defined(DEBUG_FILEREADMESSAGES) DWORD ReadStringFromMemory(char **Parser,char *End,char **StoreTo,char *DebugString); DWORD ReadStringFromMemoryW(char **Parser,TCHAR *End,char **StoreTo,TCHAR *DebugString); #else DWORD ReadStringFromMemory(char **Parser,char *End,char **StoreTo); DWORD ReadStringFromMemoryW(WCHAR **Parser,WCHAR *End,WCHAR **StoreTo); #endif //#ifdef DEBUG_ACCOUNTS //int GetAccounts(); //void WriteAccounts(); //#endif #endif //YAMN_DEBUG #endif //_DEBUG_H