! fix many memory leaks patch by  Merlin
* x64 support by Merlin
* Resource patch by mataes (for translations)
* Only show popup tab if popup plugin is present
! Wrong time displayed in mailbrower (fix by y_b)
* New design for the options pages (Thanks Eyecue)
* using, with updater, the correct file id in file listing (yamn 2in1)
+ added folders plugin support
+ Support for miranda 0.8
! Don't close MailBrowser when e-mails are updated if it is manually open 
+ Discard the new Event when message is shown or is deleted from the server
+ Option to disable the CList events per account
+ Contact status change also happens when e-mail are being deleted
! patch by TioDuke for icolib and status and status icons handling. Thanks!
! code cleaning (properly destroy services and hooks)
+ Contact status changes accordingly the action (Ready, Working, Error)
+ Show message is open in new thread
+ Click on individual new e-mail popups shows the message window
+ Pressing "Space" key will show the selected message
! Delete message is done by DELETE key, not by '.'
! removed some repeated code
! "Ok" and "Select All" buttons in mail browser are translatable
+ Message body shown in separate edit box.
+ Support for Content-transfer-encoding: Quoted-Printable and base64
+ Recursive Content-type: multipart/ support
+ Option to auto retrieve body
+ Option to use yamn as a protocol.
* Patch by Tioduke (code cleaning)
! Fixed the crash parsing invalid "Date" header (SPAMs or silly e-mail client) (y_b)
! ShowMessage dialog follows Content-type header to chose the codepage (y_b)
+ Only supported codepages are shown in the options (y_b)
+ Enhance codepages support (y_b)
! Icons are based on single bitmap image (y_b)
* Show full feaders on double click in mailbrowser (y_b)
* Dates are shown localized and sorted correctly (y_b)
* To show long/short date and seconds (y_b)
! Solved a rare/random crash on unstable connection (y_b)
! Enabled tabstop on new tabcontrol and reordered tabstop in option pages (y_b)
* Enable TAB selection in mailbrowser dialog (patch by -pv-)
+ introducing 2in1 build - can be used both in win9x and NT/XP
* Options redesign.
* Patch by Perf (visual patch)
+ add ctr-A to select all mails
+ del key delete selected mail
+ add a select all button
* Change options dialog (use tabsrmm uxtheme)
! Invert back and text color for no new mail popup in option page.
* New default icon reworked by Faith Healer.
* Try to update all icons when changing in icolib.
! Allow scrolling in list of email account. (Patch by Jazzy)
! Memory leak in stls fix (y_b)
! Bug fix with help.dll problem. (Patch by Jazzy)
! Remove merge in agressiveoptimize.h
! Option page bug (patch by y_b)
* Allow to edit the application text
! Bug fix with new icolib
! Bug fix with updater and stable version
+ Using new m_icolib.h
+ New context menu entry to launch application
+ Patch by y_b
  + Start TLS support
  + Better icolib support
  + SSL Logging
! Bug fix on left click popup.
Time for release.
! Visual bug in option page
! Recompilation for win 9x users.
* Redesign option page to have only one entry in plugins options
! Bug fix when there is no date set in the header (spam mails) (Thx Egres)
* Right click on error popup close the popup.
! Missing break; in nonewmail popup in switch.
+ Add option to rename contact according to new mail.
! Patch by pescuma on delete accounts
! Fixed dismiss event by right click on new mail popup crash
* Change string for the status choose button
! use CallServiceSync() instead of CallService() for adding clistevent (now icon blinks)
! Tooltip on the clist event will now show correct text
! Remove the messagebox on double clik on mail
* Change options dialog add dialog for status choose.
+ Use of event count for the keyboard flashing
- Remove message body retrieving due to bug.
+ Add a function to retrieve the whole mail source.
+ Show the mail source when double clicking on it in mail browser.
+ Add a version resource.
+ Now able to pass hContact handle to popup so can show avatar if set.
* Change folder structure in svn SDK\import replace by include
+ Sorting asc and desc of the mail browser listview
+ Use the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss for date comparaison in sorting
+ Doubleclick on list view to show the mail body but it seems to be empty :(
+ Add date field in mail browser
* Modify the tooltip text for the clist event (add account name)
* Rename Contact member of CAccount by hContact since it is an HANDLE
+ Updater support for BETA
* Using the right headers (no more the one in SDK)
+ Added changelog txt file.
+ Check presence of icolib to choose the right icon to show in clist
+ Status message will show all message pending in mail box (until they get retrieve by your email client)
* Options page redesign.
+ Right click on popup close the clist event too.
+ Update status message if no new mail.
+ Right click on popup^with no new mail close the popup.
* No more delete of contact (avoid group affectation bug).
+ Add contact context menu entry to check for new mail.
+ Catch double click event on contact to shown the mail browser.
+ Add per account option to be show as contact or not.
+ Gestion de la suppression d'un compte
+ Use of the status message for showing number of emails.
+ Refresh yamn contact on the click on apply in options dialog.
* Better condition for the ^contact loop  (ouuppsss)
+ Now account are shown as a contact.
+ Source code modification and use of stdafx.h
+ Wait the event moduleloaded before loading the icons (support icolib).
+ Use of patch by Q (From file listing) (Memory cleaning, empty mail browser even if there are mails, yamn freeze sometime)
+ Use of thread access function.
+ Possibility to change toptoolbar icons via icolib.
+ Icon in main menu entry (Asked by a7)
+ New Icons set by Manudevil.
+ Change version number to be compatible with updater plugin


+ icolib support.
+ keyboard flash support (just 10 sec) (thx TioDuke) needs Keyboard Notify Ext.
+ list of email can be sorted.
* left click on popup shows email list.
* better toptoolbar support.