/* * This code implements manipulation with accounts * such as reading accounts from file, writing them to file, * finding account by name etc. * * (c) majvan 2002-2004 */ #include "stdafx.h" // Account status CS // When we check some account, thread should change status of account to idle, connecting etc. // So if we want to read status, we have to successfully write and then read. static mir_cs csAccountStatusCS; // File Writing CS // When 2 threads want to write to file... static mir_cs csFileWritingCS; struct CExportedFunctions AccountExportedFcn[] = { { YAMN_GETSTATUSID, (void *)GetStatusFcn }, { YAMN_SETSTATUSID, (void *)SetStatusFcn }, }; struct CExportedServices AccountExportedSvc[] = { { MS_YAMN_CREATEPLUGINACCOUNT, CreatePluginAccountSvc }, { MS_YAMN_DELETEPLUGINACCOUNT, DeletePluginAccountSvc }, { MS_YAMN_FINDACCOUNTBYNAME, FindAccountByNameSvc }, { MS_YAMN_GETNEXTFREEACCOUNT, GetNextFreeAccountSvc }, { MS_YAMN_DELETEACCOUNT, DeletePluginAccountSvc }, { MS_YAMN_READACCOUNTS, AddAccountsFromFileSvc }, { MS_YAMN_WRITEACCOUNTS, WriteAccountsToFileSvc }, }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT_PTR CreatePluginAccountSvc(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HYAMNPROTOPLUGIN Plugin = (HYAMNPROTOPLUGIN)wParam; uint32_t AccountVersion = (uint32_t)lParam; //test if we are going to initialize members of suitable structure (structures of plugin and YAMN must match) if (AccountVersion != YAMN_ACCOUNTVERSION) return NULL; if (Plugin != nullptr) { CAccount *NewAccount; if (Plugin->Fcn->NewAccountFcnPtr != nullptr) //Let plugin create its own structure, which can be derived from CAccount structure NewAccount = Plugin->Fcn->NewAccountFcnPtr(Plugin, YAMN_ACCOUNTVERSION); else //We suggest plugin uses standard CAccount structure, so we create it NewAccount = new struct CAccount; //If not created successfully if (NewAccount == nullptr) return NULL; NewAccount->Plugin = Plugin; //Init every members of structure, used by YAMN InitAccount(NewAccount); return (INT_PTR)NewAccount; } return NULL; } INT_PTR DeletePluginAccountSvc(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { CAccount *OldAccount = (CAccount *)wParam; if (OldAccount->Plugin->Fcn != nullptr) { //Deinit every members and allocated fields of structure used by YAMN DeInitAccount(OldAccount); if (OldAccount->Plugin->Fcn->DeleteAccountFcnPtr != nullptr) { //Let plugin delete its own CAccount derived structure OldAccount->Plugin->Fcn->DeleteAccountFcnPtr(OldAccount); } else { #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"DeletePluginAccountSvc:delete OldAccount\n"); #endif delete OldAccount; //consider account as standard YAMN CAccount *and use its own destructor } return 1; } delete OldAccount; //consider account as standard YAMN CAccount *, not initialized before and use its own destructor return 1; } int InitAccount(CAccount *Which) { //initialize synchronizing objects Which->AccountAccessSO = new SWMRG; SWMRGInitialize(Which->AccountAccessSO, nullptr); Which->MessagesAccessSO = new SWMRG; SWMRGInitialize(Which->MessagesAccessSO, nullptr); Which->UsingThreads = new SCOUNTER; SWMRGInitialize(Which->MessagesAccessSO, nullptr); //zero memory, where timestamps are stored memset(&Which->LastChecked, 0, sizeof(Which->LastChecked)); memset(&Which->LastSChecked, 0, sizeof(Which->LastSChecked)); memset(&Which->LastSynchronised, 0, sizeof(Which->LastSynchronised)); memset(&Which->LastMail, 0, sizeof(Which->LastMail)); Which->Name = nullptr; Which->Mails = nullptr; Which->Interval = 0; Which->Flags = 0; Which->StatusFlags = 0; Which->Next = nullptr; Which->Server = new struct CServer; Which->AbleToWork = TRUE; return 1; } void DeInitAccount(CAccount *Which) { //delete YAMN allocated fields if (Which->Name != nullptr) delete[] Which->Name; if (Which->Server != nullptr) { if (Which->Server->Name != nullptr) delete[] Which->Server->Name; if (Which->Server->Login != nullptr) delete[] Which->Server->Login; if (Which->Server->Passwd != nullptr) delete[] Which->Server->Passwd; delete[] Which->Server; } SWMRGDelete(Which->AccountAccessSO); delete Which->AccountAccessSO; SWMRGDelete(Which->MessagesAccessSO); delete Which->MessagesAccessSO; delete Which->UsingThreads; DeleteMessagesToEndFcn(Which, (HYAMNMAIL)Which->Mails); } void StopSignalFcn(CAccount *Which) //set event that we are going to delete account { #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"\tStopSignalFcn:stop account: %x\n",Which); #endif Which->AbleToWork = FALSE; //do not use synchronizing objects anymore //any access to these objects then ends with WAIT_FAILED SetEvent(Which->AccountAccessSO->hFinishEV); SetEvent(Which->MessagesAccessSO->hFinishEV); } void CodeDecodeString(char *Dest, BOOL Encrypt) { wchar_t Code = STARTCODEPSW; if (Dest == nullptr) return; for (; *Dest != (wchar_t)0; Dest++) { if (Encrypt) *Dest = *Dest + Code; else *Dest = *Dest - Code; Code += (wchar_t)ADDCODEPSW; } } static uint32_t PostFileToMemory(HANDLE File, char **MemFile, char **End) { DWORD FileSize, ReadBytes; if (!(FileSize = GetFileSize(File, nullptr))) { CloseHandle(File); return EACC_FILESIZE; } //allocate space in memory, where we copy the whole file if (nullptr == (*MemFile = new char[FileSize])) { CloseHandle(File); return EACC_ALLOC; } //copy file to memory if (!ReadFile(File, (LPVOID)*MemFile, FileSize, &ReadBytes, nullptr)) { CloseHandle(File); delete[] * MemFile; return EACC_SYSTEM; } CloseHandle(File); *End = *MemFile + FileSize; return 0; } uint32_t FileToMemory(wchar_t *FileName, char **MemFile, char **End) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(FileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return EACC_SYSTEM; return PostFileToMemory(hFile, MemFile, End); } #if defined(DEBUG_FILEREAD) || defined(DEBUG_FILEREADMESSAGES) uint32_t ReadStringFromMemory(char **Parser,wchar_t *End,char **StoreTo,wchar_t *DebugString) { //This is the debug version of ReadStringFromMemory function. This version shows MessageBox where //read string is displayed wchar_t *Dest,*Finder; uint32_t Size; wchar_t Debug[65536]; Finder=*Parser; while((*Finder != (wchar_t)0) && (Finder<=End)) Finder++; mir_snwprintf(Debug, L"%s: %s,length is %d, remaining %d chars", DebugString, *Parser, Finder-*Parser, End-Finder); MessageBox(NULL,Debug,L"debug",MB_OK); if (Finder>=End) return EACC_FILECOMPATIBILITY; if (Size=Finder-*Parser) { if (NULL==(Dest=*StoreTo=new wchar_t[Size+1])) return EACC_ALLOC; for (;*Parser<=Finder;(*Parser)++,Dest++) *Dest=**Parser; } else { *StoreTo=NULL; (*Parser)++; } return 0; } #endif uint32_t ReadStringFromMemory(char **Parser, char *End, char **StoreTo) { char *Dest, *Finder; uint32_t Size; Finder = *Parser; while ((*Finder != (wchar_t)0) && (Finder <= End)) Finder++; if (Finder >= End) return EACC_FILECOMPATIBILITY; if (Size = Finder - *Parser) { if (nullptr == (Dest = *StoreTo = new char[Size + 1])) return EACC_ALLOC; for (; *Parser <= Finder; (*Parser)++, Dest++) *Dest = **Parser; } else { *StoreTo = nullptr; (*Parser)++; } return 0; } #if defined(DEBUG_FILEREAD) || defined(DEBUG_FILEREADMESSAGES) uint32_t ReadStringFromMemoryW(wchar_t **Parser,wchar_t *End,wchar_t **StoreTo,wchar_t *DebugString) { //This is the debug version of ReadStringFromMemoryW function. This version shows MessageBox where //read string is displayed wchar_t *Dest,*Finder; uint32_t Size; wchar_t Debug[65536]; Finder=*Parser; while((*Finder != (wchar_t)0) && (Finder<=(wchar_t *)End)) Finder++; mir_snwprintf(Debug, L"%s: %s,length is %d, remaining %d chars", DebugString, *Parser, Finder-*Parser, (wchar_t *)End-Finder); MessageBoxW(NULL,Debug,L"debug",MB_OK); if (Finder>=(wchar_t *)End) return EACC_FILECOMPATIBILITY; if (Size=Finder-*Parser) { if (NULL==(Dest=*StoreTo=new wchar_t[Size+1])) return EACC_ALLOC; for (;*Parser<=Finder;(*Parser)++,Dest++) *Dest=**Parser; } else { *StoreTo=NULL; (*Parser)++; } return 0; } #endif //if defined(DEBUG...) uint32_t ReadStringFromMemoryW(wchar_t **Parser, wchar_t *End, wchar_t **StoreTo) { wchar_t *Dest, *Finder; uint32_t Size; Finder = *Parser; while ((*Finder != (wchar_t)0) && (Finder <= (wchar_t *)End)) Finder++; if (Finder >= (wchar_t *)End) return EACC_FILECOMPATIBILITY; if (Size = Finder - *Parser) { if (nullptr == (Dest = *StoreTo = new wchar_t[Size + 1])) return EACC_ALLOC; for (; *Parser <= Finder; (*Parser)++, Dest++) *Dest = **Parser; } else { *StoreTo = nullptr; (*Parser)++; } return 0; } static uint32_t ReadNotificationFromMemory(char **Parser, char *End, YAMN_NOTIFICATION *Which) { uint32_t Stat; #ifdef DEBUG_FILEREAD wchar_t Debug[65536]; #endif Which->Flags = *(uint32_t *)(*Parser); (*Parser) += sizeof(uint32_t); if (*Parser >= End) return EACC_FILECOMPATIBILITY; #ifdef DEBUG_FILEREAD mir_snwprintf(Debug, L"NFlags: %04x, remaining %d chars", Which->Flags, End-*Parser); MessageBox(NULL,Debug,L"debug",MB_OK); #endif Which->PopupB = *(COLORREF *)(*Parser); (*Parser) += sizeof(COLORREF); if (*Parser >= End) return EACC_FILECOMPATIBILITY; #ifdef DEBUG_FILEREAD mir_snwprintf(Debug, L"PopupB: %04x, remaining %d chars", Which->PopupB, End-*Parser); MessageBox(NULL,Debug,L"debug",MB_OK); #endif Which->PopupT = *(COLORREF *)(*Parser); (*Parser) += sizeof(COLORREF); if (*Parser >= End) return EACC_FILECOMPATIBILITY; #ifdef DEBUG_FILEREAD mir_snwprintf(Debug, L"PopupT: %04x, remaining %d chars", Which->PopupT, End-*Parser); MessageBox(NULL,Debug,L"debug",MB_OK); #endif Which->PopupTime = *(uint32_t *)(*Parser); (*Parser) += sizeof(uint32_t); if (*Parser >= End) return EACC_FILECOMPATIBILITY; #ifdef DEBUG_FILEREAD mir_snwprintf(Debug, L"PopupTime: %04x, remaining %d chars", Which->PopupTime, End-*Parser); MessageBox(NULL,Debug,L"debug",MB_OK); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_FILEREAD if (Stat=ReadStringFromMemoryW((wchar_t **)Parser,(wchar_t*)End,&Which->App,L"App")) #else if (Stat = ReadStringFromMemoryW((wchar_t **)Parser, (wchar_t*)End, &Which->App)) #endif return Stat; #ifdef DEBUG_FILEREAD if (Stat=ReadStringFromMemoryW((wchar_t **)Parser,(wchar_t*)End,&Which->AppParam,L"AppParam")) #else if (Stat = ReadStringFromMemoryW((wchar_t **)Parser, (wchar_t*)End, &Which->AppParam)) #endif return Stat; return 0; } uint32_t ReadMessagesFromMemory(CAccount *Which, char **Parser, char *End) { char *Finder; uint32_t Size, Stat; HYAMNMAIL ActualMail = nullptr; struct CMimeItem *items; char *ReadString; #ifdef DEBUG_FILEREAD MessageBox(NULL,L"going to read messages, if any...",L"debug",MB_OK); #endif do { Finder = *Parser; while ((*Finder != (wchar_t)0) && (Finder <= End)) Finder++; if (Finder >= End) return EACC_FILECOMPATIBILITY; if (Size = Finder - *Parser) { if (Which->Mails == nullptr) //First message in queue { if (nullptr == (Which->Mails = ActualMail = CreateAccountMail(Which))) return EACC_ALLOC; } else { if (nullptr == (ActualMail->Next = CreateAccountMail(Which))) { return EACC_ALLOC; } ActualMail = ActualMail->Next; } items = nullptr; #ifdef DEBUG_FILEREADMESSAGES if (Stat=ReadStringFromMemory(Parser,End,&ActualMail->ID,L"ID")) #else if (Stat = ReadStringFromMemory(Parser, End, &ActualMail->ID)) #endif return Stat; // ActualMail->MailData=new MAILDATA; !!! mem leake !!! this is alloc by CreateAccountMail, no need for doubble alloc !!!! ActualMail->MailData->Size = *(uint32_t *)(*Parser); (*Parser) += sizeof(uint32_t); if (*Parser >= End) return EACC_FILECOMPATIBILITY; ActualMail->Flags = *(uint32_t *)(*Parser); (*Parser) += sizeof(uint32_t); if (*Parser >= End) return EACC_FILECOMPATIBILITY; ActualMail->Number = *(uint32_t *)(*Parser); (*Parser) += sizeof(uint32_t); if (*Parser >= End) return EACC_FILECOMPATIBILITY; if ((nullptr != Which->Plugin->MailFcn) && (nullptr != Which->Plugin->MailFcn->ReadMailOptsFcnPtr)) Which->Plugin->MailFcn->ReadMailOptsFcnPtr(ActualMail, Parser, End); //read plugin mail settings from file do { #if defined(DEBUG_FILEREADMESSAGES) || defined(DEBUG_FILEREAD) if (Stat=ReadStringFromMemory(Parser,End,&ReadString,L"Name")) #else if (Stat = ReadStringFromMemory(Parser, End, &ReadString)) #endif return Stat; if (ReadString == nullptr) break; #ifdef DEBUG_DECODE DebugLog(DecodeFile,"<read name>%s</read name>",ReadString); #endif if (items == nullptr) items = ActualMail->MailData->TranslatedHeader = new struct CMimeItem; else { items->Next = new struct CMimeItem; items = items->Next; } if (items == nullptr) return EACC_ALLOC; items->name = ReadString; #ifdef DEBUG_FILEREADMESSAGES if (Stat=ReadStringFromMemory(Parser,End,&ReadString,L"Value")) #else if (Stat = ReadStringFromMemory(Parser, End, &ReadString)) #endif return Stat; items->value = ReadString; #ifdef DEBUG_DECODE DebugLog(DecodeFile,"<read value>%s</read value>\n",ReadString); #endif } while (1); } else break; //no next messages, new account! } while (1); (*Parser)++; return 0; } uint32_t ReadAccountFromMemory(CAccount *Which, char **Parser, char *End) { uint32_t Stat; #ifdef DEBUG_FILEREAD wchar_t Debug[65536]; #endif //Read name of account #ifdef DEBUG_FILEREAD if (Stat=ReadStringFromMemory(Parser,End,&Which->Name,L"Name")) #else if (Stat = ReadStringFromMemory(Parser, End, &Which->Name)) #endif return Stat; if (Which->Name == nullptr) return EACC_FILECOMPATIBILITY; //Read server parameters #ifdef DEBUG_FILEREAD if (Stat=ReadStringFromMemory(Parser,End,&Which->Server->Name,L"Server")) #else if (Stat = ReadStringFromMemory(Parser, End, &Which->Server->Name)) #endif return Stat; Which->Server->Port = *(uint16_t *)(*Parser); (*Parser) += sizeof(uint16_t); if (*Parser >= End) return EACC_FILECOMPATIBILITY; #ifdef DEBUG_FILEREAD mir_snwprintf(Debug, L"Port: %d, remaining %d chars", Which->Server->Port, End-*Parser); MessageBox(NULL,Debug,L"debug",MB_OK); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_FILEREAD if (Stat=ReadStringFromMemory(Parser,End,&Which->Server->Login,L"Login")) #else if (Stat = ReadStringFromMemory(Parser, End, &Which->Server->Login)) #endif return Stat; #ifdef DEBUG_FILEREAD if (Stat=ReadStringFromMemory(Parser,End,&Which->Server->Passwd,L"Password")) #else if (Stat = ReadStringFromMemory(Parser, End, &Which->Server->Passwd)) #endif return Stat; CodeDecodeString(Which->Server->Passwd, FALSE); //Read account flags Which->Flags = *(uint32_t *)(*Parser); (*Parser) += sizeof(uint32_t); if (*Parser >= End) return EACC_FILECOMPATIBILITY; #ifdef DEBUG_FILEREAD mir_snwprintf(Debug, L"Flags: %04x, remaining %d chars", Which->Flags, End-*Parser); MessageBox(NULL,Debug,L"debug",MB_OK); #endif Which->StatusFlags = *(uint32_t *)(*Parser); (*Parser) += sizeof(uint32_t); #ifdef DEBUG_FILEREAD mir_snwprintf(Debug, L"STFlags: %04x, remaining %d chars", Which->StatusFlags, End-*Parser); MessageBox(NULL,Debug,L"debug",MB_OK); #endif Which->PluginFlags = *(uint32_t *)(*Parser); (*Parser) += sizeof(uint32_t); #ifdef DEBUG_FILEREAD mir_snwprintf(Debug, L"PFlags: %04x, remaining %d chars", Which->PluginFlags, End-*Parser); MessageBox(NULL,Debug,L"debug",MB_OK); #endif //Read account miscellaneous parameters Which->Interval = *(uint16_t *)(*Parser); Which->TimeLeft = Which->Interval; //check on loading (*Parser) += sizeof(uint16_t); if (*Parser >= End) return EACC_FILECOMPATIBILITY; #ifdef DEBUG_FILEREAD mir_snwprintf(Debug, L"Interval: %d, remaining %d chars", Which->Interval, End-*Parser); MessageBox(NULL,Debug,L"debug",MB_OK); #endif //Read notification parameters if (Stat = ReadNotificationFromMemory(Parser, End, &Which->NewMailN)) return Stat; if (Stat = ReadNotificationFromMemory(Parser, End, &Which->NoNewMailN)) return Stat; if (Stat = ReadNotificationFromMemory(Parser, End, &Which->BadConnectN)) return Stat; //Let plugin read its own data stored in file if (Which->Plugin->Fcn != nullptr && Which->Plugin->Fcn->ReadPluginOptsFcnPtr != nullptr) if (Stat = Which->Plugin->Fcn->ReadPluginOptsFcnPtr(Which, Parser, End)) return Stat; //Read mails #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"ReadAccountFromMemory:ActualAccountMsgsSO-write wait\n"); #endif WaitToWriteFcn(Which->MessagesAccessSO); #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"ReadAccountFromMemory:ActualAccountMsgsSO-write enter\n"); #endif if (Stat = ReadMessagesFromMemory(Which, Parser, End)) { #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"ReadAccountFromMemory:ActualAccountMsgsSO-write done\n"); #endif WriteDoneFcn(Which->MessagesAccessSO); return Stat; } #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"ReadAccountFromMemory:ActualAccountMsgsSO-write done\n"); #endif WriteDoneFcn(Which->MessagesAccessSO); //Read timestamps Which->LastChecked = *(SYSTEMTIME *)(*Parser); (*Parser) += sizeof(SYSTEMTIME); if (*Parser >= End) return EACC_FILECOMPATIBILITY; #ifdef DEBUG_FILEREAD mir_snwprintf(Debug, L"LastChecked: %04x, remaining %d chars", Which->LastChecked, End-*Parser); MessageBox(NULL,Debug,L"debug",MB_OK); #endif Which->LastSChecked = *(SYSTEMTIME *)(*Parser); (*Parser) += sizeof(SYSTEMTIME); if (*Parser >= End) return EACC_FILECOMPATIBILITY; #ifdef DEBUG_FILEREAD mir_snwprintf(Debug, L"LastSChecked: %04x, remaining %d chars", Which->LastSChecked, End-*Parser); MessageBox(NULL,Debug,L"debug",MB_OK); #endif Which->LastSynchronised = *(SYSTEMTIME *)(*Parser); (*Parser) += sizeof(SYSTEMTIME); if (*Parser >= End) return EACC_FILECOMPATIBILITY; #ifdef DEBUG_FILEREAD mir_snwprintf(Debug, L"LastSynchronised: %04x, remaining %d chars", Which->LastSynchronised, End-*Parser); MessageBox(NULL,Debug,L"debug",MB_OK); #endif Which->LastMail = *(SYSTEMTIME *)(*Parser); (*Parser) += sizeof(SYSTEMTIME); if (*Parser > End) //WARNING! There's only > at the end of testing return EACC_FILECOMPATIBILITY; #ifdef DEBUG_FILEREAD mir_snwprintf(Debug, L"LastMail: %04x, remaining %d chars", Which->LastMail, End-*Parser); MessageBox(NULL,Debug,L"debug",MB_OK); #endif if (*Parser == End) return EACC_ENDOFFILE; return 0; } static INT_PTR PerformAccountReading(HYAMNPROTOPLUGIN Plugin, char *MemFile, char *End) { //Retrieve info for account from memory char *Parser; uint32_t Ver, Stat; CAccount *ActualAccount, *FirstAllocatedAccount; Ver = *(uint32_t *)MemFile; if (Ver > YAMN_ACCOUNTFILEVERSION) { delete[] MemFile; return EACC_FILEVERSION; } Parser = MemFile + sizeof(Ver); #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"AddAccountsFromFile:AccountBrowserSO-write wait\n"); #endif SWMRGWaitToWrite(Plugin->AccountBrowserSO, INFINITE); #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"AddAccountsFromFile:AccountBrowserSO-write enter\n"); #endif if (nullptr == (ActualAccount = (CAccount *)CallService(MS_YAMN_GETNEXTFREEACCOUNT, (WPARAM)Plugin, (LPARAM)YAMN_ACCOUNTVERSION))) { #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"AddAccountsFromFile:AccountBrowserSO-write done\n"); #endif SWMRGDoneWriting(Plugin->AccountBrowserSO); delete[] MemFile; return EACC_ALLOC; } FirstAllocatedAccount = ActualAccount; do { CAccount *Temp; #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"AddAccountsFromFile:ActualAccountSO-write wait\n"); #endif WaitToWriteFcn(ActualAccount->AccountAccessSO); #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"AddAccountsFromFile:ActualAccountSO-write enter\n"); #endif Stat = ReadAccountFromMemory(ActualAccount, &Parser, End); if (ActualAccount->StatusFlags & (YAMN_ACC_STARTA | YAMN_ACC_STARTS)) ActualAccount->TimeLeft = 1; //check on loading if (Stat && (Stat != EACC_ENDOFFILE)) { for (ActualAccount = FirstAllocatedAccount; ActualAccount != nullptr; ActualAccount = Temp) { Temp = ActualAccount->Next; delete ActualAccount; } delete[] MemFile; if (Plugin->FirstAccount == FirstAllocatedAccount) Plugin->FirstAccount = nullptr; #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"AddAccountsFromFile:ActualAccountSO-write done\n"); #endif SWMRGDoneWriting(Plugin->AccountBrowserSO); return (INT_PTR)Stat; } #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"AddAccountsFromFile:ActualAccountSO-write done\n"); #endif WriteDoneFcn(ActualAccount->AccountAccessSO); if ((Stat != EACC_ENDOFFILE) && (nullptr == (ActualAccount = (CAccount *)CallService(MS_YAMN_GETNEXTFREEACCOUNT, (WPARAM)Plugin, (LPARAM)YAMN_ACCOUNTVERSION)))) { for (ActualAccount = FirstAllocatedAccount; ActualAccount != nullptr; ActualAccount = Temp) { Temp = ActualAccount->Next; delete ActualAccount; } delete[] MemFile; if (Plugin->FirstAccount == FirstAllocatedAccount) Plugin->FirstAccount = nullptr; #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"AddAccountsFromFile:AccountBrowserSO-write done\n"); #endif SWMRGDoneWriting(Plugin->AccountBrowserSO); return EACC_ALLOC; } } while (Stat != EACC_ENDOFFILE); #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"AddAccountsFromFile:AccountBrowserSO-write done\n"); #endif SWMRGDoneWriting(Plugin->AccountBrowserSO); delete[] MemFile; return 0; } // Add accounts from file to memory INT_PTR AddAccountsFromFileSvc(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { char *MemFile, *End; uint32_t Stat = FileToMemory((wchar_t*)lParam, &MemFile, &End); if (Stat != NO_ERROR) return (INT_PTR)Stat; return PerformAccountReading((HYAMNPROTOPLUGIN)wParam, MemFile, End); } uint32_t WriteStringToFile(HANDLE File, char *Source) { DWORD Length, WrittenBytes; char null = 0; if ((Source == nullptr) || !(Length = (uint32_t)mir_strlen(Source))) { if (!WriteFile(File, &null, 1, &WrittenBytes, nullptr)) { CloseHandle(File); return EACC_SYSTEM; } } else if (!WriteFile(File, Source, (Length + 1), &WrittenBytes, nullptr)) { CloseHandle(File); return EACC_SYSTEM; } return 0; } uint32_t WriteStringToFileW(HANDLE File, wchar_t *Source) { DWORD Length, WrittenBytes; wchar_t null = (wchar_t)0; if ((Source == nullptr) || !(Length = (uint32_t)mir_wstrlen(Source))) { if (!WriteFile(File, &null, sizeof(wchar_t), &WrittenBytes, nullptr)) { CloseHandle(File); return EACC_SYSTEM; } } else if (!WriteFile(File, Source, (Length + 1)*sizeof(wchar_t), &WrittenBytes, nullptr)) return EACC_SYSTEM; return 0; } DWORD WriteMessagesToFile(HANDLE File, CAccount *Which) { DWORD WrittenBytes, Stat; HYAMNMAIL ActualMail = (HYAMNMAIL)Which->Mails; struct CMimeItem *items; while (ActualMail != nullptr) { if (Stat = WriteStringToFile(File, ActualMail->ID)) return Stat; if (!WriteFile(File, (char *)&ActualMail->MailData->Size, sizeof(ActualMail->MailData->Size), &WrittenBytes, nullptr) || !WriteFile(File, (char *)&ActualMail->Flags, sizeof(ActualMail->Flags), &WrittenBytes, nullptr) || !WriteFile(File, (char *)&ActualMail->Number, sizeof(ActualMail->Number), &WrittenBytes, nullptr)) return EACC_SYSTEM; if ((nullptr != Which->Plugin->MailFcn) && (nullptr != Which->Plugin->MailFcn->WriteMailOptsFcnPtr)) Which->Plugin->MailFcn->WriteMailOptsFcnPtr(File, ActualMail); //write plugin mail options to file for (items = ActualMail->MailData->TranslatedHeader; items != nullptr; items = items->Next) { if (Stat = WriteStringToFile(File, items->name)) return Stat; if (Stat = WriteStringToFile(File, items->value)) return Stat; } if (Stat = WriteStringToFile(File, "")) return Stat; ActualMail = ActualMail->Next; } if (Stat = WriteStringToFile(File, "")) return Stat; return 0; } static INT_PTR PerformAccountWriting(HYAMNPROTOPLUGIN Plugin, HANDLE File) { DWORD WrittenBytes, Stat; CAccount *ActualAccount; uint32_t Ver = YAMN_ACCOUNTFILEVERSION; BOOL Writed = FALSE; uint32_t ReturnValue = 0, EnterCode; #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"WriteAccountsToFile:AccountBrowserSO-read wait\n"); #endif SWMRGWaitToRead(Plugin->AccountBrowserSO, INFINITE); #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"WriteAccountsToFile:AccountBrowserSO-read enter\n"); #endif try { for (ActualAccount = Plugin->FirstAccount; ActualAccount != nullptr; ActualAccount = ActualAccount->Next) { #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"WriteAccountsToFile:ActualAccountSO-read wait\n"); #endif EnterCode = WaitToReadFcn(ActualAccount->AccountAccessSO); if (EnterCode == WAIT_FINISH) //account is about to delete { #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"WriteAccountsToFile:ActualAccountSO-read wait failed\n"); #endif ActualAccount = ActualAccount->Next; continue; } if (EnterCode == WAIT_FAILED) //account is deleted break; #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"WriteAccountsToFile:ActualAccountSO-read enter\n"); #endif if ((ActualAccount->Name == nullptr) || (*ActualAccount->Name == (wchar_t)0)) { #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"WriteAccountsToFile:ActualAccountSO-read done\n"); #endif ReadDoneFcn(ActualAccount->AccountAccessSO); continue; } if (!Writed && !WriteFile(File, &Ver, sizeof(Ver), &WrittenBytes, nullptr)) throw (uint32_t)EACC_SYSTEM; Writed = TRUE; if (Stat = WriteStringToFile(File, ActualAccount->Name)) throw (uint32_t)Stat; if (Stat = WriteStringToFile(File, ActualAccount->Server->Name)) throw (uint32_t)Stat; if (!WriteFile(File, (char *)&ActualAccount->Server->Port, 2, &WrittenBytes, nullptr)) throw (uint32_t)EACC_SYSTEM; if ((Stat = WriteStringToFile(File, ActualAccount->Server->Login))) throw (uint32_t)Stat; CodeDecodeString(ActualAccount->Server->Passwd, TRUE); if (Stat = WriteStringToFile(File, ActualAccount->Server->Passwd)) { CodeDecodeString(ActualAccount->Server->Passwd, FALSE); throw (uint32_t)Stat; } CodeDecodeString(ActualAccount->Server->Passwd, FALSE); if ((!WriteFile(File, (char *)&ActualAccount->Flags, sizeof(uint32_t), &WrittenBytes, nullptr) || (!WriteFile(File, (char *)&ActualAccount->StatusFlags, sizeof(uint32_t), &WrittenBytes, nullptr)) || (!WriteFile(File, (char *)&ActualAccount->PluginFlags, sizeof(uint32_t), &WrittenBytes, nullptr)))) throw (uint32_t)EACC_SYSTEM; if (!WriteFile(File, (char *)&ActualAccount->Interval, sizeof(uint16_t), &WrittenBytes, nullptr)) throw (uint32_t)EACC_SYSTEM; if ((!WriteFile(File, (char *)&ActualAccount->NewMailN.Flags, sizeof(uint32_t), &WrittenBytes, nullptr)) || (!WriteFile(File, (char *)&ActualAccount->NewMailN.PopupB, sizeof(COLORREF), &WrittenBytes, nullptr)) || (!WriteFile(File, (char *)&ActualAccount->NewMailN.PopupT, sizeof(COLORREF), &WrittenBytes, nullptr)) || (!WriteFile(File, (char *)&ActualAccount->NewMailN.PopupTime, sizeof(uint32_t), &WrittenBytes, nullptr))) throw (uint32_t)EACC_SYSTEM; if ((Stat = WriteStringToFileW(File, ActualAccount->NewMailN.App)) || (Stat = WriteStringToFileW(File, ActualAccount->NewMailN.AppParam))) throw (uint32_t)Stat; if ((!WriteFile(File, (char *)&ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.Flags, sizeof(uint32_t), &WrittenBytes, nullptr)) || (!WriteFile(File, (char *)&ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.PopupB, sizeof(COLORREF), &WrittenBytes, nullptr)) || (!WriteFile(File, (char *)&ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.PopupT, sizeof(COLORREF), &WrittenBytes, nullptr)) || (!WriteFile(File, (char *)&ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.PopupTime, sizeof(uint32_t), &WrittenBytes, nullptr))) throw (uint32_t)EACC_SYSTEM; if ((Stat = WriteStringToFileW(File, ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.App)) || (Stat = WriteStringToFileW(File, ActualAccount->NoNewMailN.AppParam))) throw (uint32_t)Stat; if ((!WriteFile(File, (char *)&ActualAccount->BadConnectN.Flags, sizeof(uint32_t), &WrittenBytes, nullptr)) || (!WriteFile(File, (char *)&ActualAccount->BadConnectN.PopupB, sizeof(COLORREF), &WrittenBytes, nullptr)) || (!WriteFile(File, (char *)&ActualAccount->BadConnectN.PopupT, sizeof(COLORREF), &WrittenBytes, nullptr)) || (!WriteFile(File, (char *)&ActualAccount->BadConnectN.PopupTime, sizeof(uint32_t), &WrittenBytes, nullptr))) throw (uint32_t)EACC_SYSTEM; if ((Stat = WriteStringToFileW(File, ActualAccount->BadConnectN.App)) || (Stat = WriteStringToFileW(File, ActualAccount->BadConnectN.AppParam))) throw (uint32_t)Stat; //Let plugin write its own values into file if (ActualAccount->Plugin->Fcn != nullptr && ActualAccount->Plugin->Fcn->WritePluginOptsFcnPtr != nullptr) if (Stat = ActualAccount->Plugin->Fcn->WritePluginOptsFcnPtr(File, ActualAccount)) throw (uint32_t)Stat; #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"WriteAccountsToFile:ActualAccountMsgsSO-read wait\n"); #endif WaitToReadFcn(ActualAccount->MessagesAccessSO); #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"WriteAccountsToFile:ActualAccountMsgsSO-read enter\n"); #endif if (Stat = WriteMessagesToFile(File, ActualAccount)) { #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"WriteAccountsToFile:ActualAccountMsgsSO-read done\n"); #endif ReadDoneFcn(ActualAccount->MessagesAccessSO); throw (uint32_t)Stat; } #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"WriteAccountsToFile:ActualAccountMsgsSO-read done\n"); #endif ReadDoneFcn(ActualAccount->MessagesAccessSO); if ((!WriteFile(File, (char *)&ActualAccount->LastChecked, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME), &WrittenBytes, nullptr)) || (!WriteFile(File, (char *)&ActualAccount->LastSChecked, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME), &WrittenBytes, nullptr)) || (!WriteFile(File, (char *)&ActualAccount->LastSynchronised, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME), &WrittenBytes, nullptr)) || (!WriteFile(File, (char *)&ActualAccount->LastMail, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME), &WrittenBytes, nullptr))) throw (uint32_t)Stat; #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"WriteAccountsToFile:ActualAccountSO-read done\n"); #endif ReadDoneFcn(ActualAccount->AccountAccessSO); } } catch (uint32_t ErrorCode) { #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"WriteAccountsToFile:ActualAccountSO-read done\n"); #endif ReadDoneFcn(ActualAccount->AccountAccessSO); ReturnValue = ErrorCode; } #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"WriteAccountsToFile:AccountBrowserSO-read done\n"); #endif SWMRGDoneReading(Plugin->AccountBrowserSO); CloseHandle(File); return 0; } // Writes accounts to file INT_PTR WriteAccountsToFileSvc(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HYAMNPROTOPLUGIN Plugin = (HYAMNPROTOPLUGIN)wParam; mir_cslock lck(csFileWritingCS); HANDLE hFile = CreateFile((wchar_t*)lParam, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nullptr, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return EACC_SYSTEM; return PerformAccountWriting(Plugin, hFile); } INT_PTR FindAccountByNameSvc(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HYAMNPROTOPLUGIN Plugin = (HYAMNPROTOPLUGIN)wParam; char *SearchedAccount = (char *)lParam; CAccount *Finder; #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"FindAccountByName:AccountBrowserSO-read wait\n"); #endif SWMRGWaitToRead(Plugin->AccountBrowserSO, INFINITE); #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"FindAccountByName:AccountBrowserSO-read enter\n"); #endif for (Finder = Plugin->FirstAccount; Finder != nullptr; Finder = Finder->Next) if ((Finder->Name != nullptr) && (0 == mir_strcmp(SearchedAccount, Finder->Name))) break; #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"FindAccountByName:AccountBrowserSO-read done\n"); #endif SWMRGDoneReading(Plugin->AccountBrowserSO); return (INT_PTR)Finder; } INT_PTR GetNextFreeAccountSvc(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HYAMNPROTOPLUGIN Plugin = (HYAMNPROTOPLUGIN)wParam; CAccount *Finder; if (Plugin->FirstAccount == nullptr) { Plugin->FirstAccount = (CAccount *)CallService(MS_YAMN_CREATEPLUGINACCOUNT, wParam, lParam); return (INT_PTR)Plugin->FirstAccount; } for (Finder = Plugin->FirstAccount; Finder->Next != nullptr; Finder = Finder->Next); Finder->Next = (CAccount *)CallService(MS_YAMN_CREATEPLUGINACCOUNT, wParam, lParam); return (INT_PTR)Finder->Next; } /* int FindPluginAccount(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { HYAMNPROTOPLUGIN Plugin=(HYAMNPROTOPLUGIN)wParam; CAccount *Finder=(CAccount *)lParam; if (Finder=NULL) Finder=Plugin->FirstAccount; // for (;Finder != NULL && Finder->PluginID != Plugin->PluginInfo->PluginID;Finder=(CAccount *)Finder->Next); return (int)Finder; } */ INT_PTR DeleteAccountSvc(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { //Deleting account works on these steps: //1. set signal that account should stop activity (set event) // setting this event we achieve, that any access to account is failed, // so threads do not start any work with accounts (better saying threads of plugins should not start) //2. wait to get write access to chained list of accounts //3. we can write to chained list, so we change chain not to show to actual account // now, any thread browsing list of accounts does not browse through actual account // actual account seems to be hidden (it exists, but it is not in accounts chained list (chained list=queue)) //Now, we should delete account from memory, BUT!!! // Any thread can still be waked up and start asking account synchronizing object // If account is deleted, asking about access to read account can throw memory exception (reading for // a synchronizing object from memory, that was deleted) //So, we cannot now delete account. We have to wait until we are sure no thread will be using account anymore // (or to the end of Miranda, but problem is in allocated memory- it is allocated and Miranda is SMALLER, faster, easier, isn't it?) // This deleting is achieved in 2 ways: // We have event in UsingThreads synchronization objects. This event signals that no thread will use actual account // 1. Any thread using account first increment UsingThread, so we know that account is used // 2. If thread is about to close, it should decrement UsingThread // 3. If thread creates another thread, that will use account, caller has to wait until the new thread does not // increment UsingThreads (imagine that caller ends before the new thread set it: if no other thread is using // account, account is automaticaly (decreasing UsingThreads) signaled as "not used" and we delete it. But then // new thread is going to read account...). //4. wait until UsingThread Event is signaled //5. delete account from memory HYAMNPROTOPLUGIN Plugin = (HYAMNPROTOPLUGIN)wParam; CAccount *Which = (CAccount *)lParam; CAccount *Finder; //1. set stop signal StopSignalFcn(Which); WindowList_BroadcastAsync(YAMNVar.MessageWnds, WM_YAMN_STOPACCOUNT, (WPARAM)Which, 0); if (Plugin->Fcn->StopAccountFcnPtr != nullptr) Plugin->Fcn->StopAccountFcnPtr(Which); //2. wait to get write access #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"DeleteAccount:AccountBrowserSO-write wait\n"); #endif SWMRGWaitToWrite(Plugin->AccountBrowserSO, INFINITE); #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"DeleteAccount:AccountBrowserSO-write enter\n"); #endif //3. remove from queue (chained list) if (Plugin->FirstAccount == nullptr) { #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"DeleteAccount:AccountBrowserSO-write done\n"); #endif SWMRGDoneWriting(Plugin->AccountBrowserSO); return 0; } if (Plugin->FirstAccount == Which) { Finder = Plugin->FirstAccount->Next; Plugin->FirstAccount = Finder; } else { for (Finder = Plugin->FirstAccount; Which != Finder->Next; Finder = Finder->Next); Finder->Next = Finder->Next->Next; } //leave write access #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"DeleteAccount:AccountBrowserSO-write done\n"); #endif SWMRGDoneWriting(Plugin->AccountBrowserSO); //4. wait while event "UsingThread" is not signaled // And what to do, if this event will be signaled in 1 hour? (Although it's paranoia, because we have sent "delete signal", so // other threads do not start any new work with actual account) We will wait in blocked state? // No, of course not. We will create new thread, that will wait and additionally remove our thread in background. //5. So, the last point (deleting from memory) is performed in new DeleteAccountInBackground thread if ((Plugin->Fcn != nullptr) && (Plugin->Fcn->WriteAccountsFcnPtr != nullptr)) Plugin->Fcn->WriteAccountsFcnPtr(); CloseHandle(mir_forkthread(DeleteAccountInBackground, (void*)Which)); //Now, plugin can consider account as deleted, but plugin really can achieve deleting this account from memory when using //event UsingThreads. return 1; } void __cdecl DeleteAccountInBackground(void *Value) { CAccount *Which = (CAccount *)Value; WaitForSingleObject(Which->UsingThreads->Event, INFINITE); CallService(MS_YAMN_DELETEPLUGINACCOUNT, (WPARAM)Which, 0); } int StopAccounts(HYAMNPROTOPLUGIN Plugin) { CAccount *Finder; //1. wait to get write access #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"StopAccounts:AccountBrowserSO-write wait\n"); #endif SWMRGWaitToWrite(Plugin->AccountBrowserSO, INFINITE); #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"StopAccounts:AccountBrowserSO-write enter\n"); #endif for (Finder = Plugin->FirstAccount; Finder != nullptr; Finder = Finder->Next) { //2. set stop signal StopSignalFcn(Finder); WindowList_BroadcastAsync(YAMNVar.MessageWnds, WM_YAMN_STOPACCOUNT, (WPARAM)Finder, 0); if (Plugin->Fcn->StopAccountFcnPtr != nullptr) Plugin->Fcn->StopAccountFcnPtr(Finder); } //leave write access #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"StopAccounts:AccountBrowserSO-write done\n"); #endif SWMRGDoneWriting(Plugin->AccountBrowserSO); //Now, account is stopped. It can be removed from memory... return 1; } int WaitForAllAccounts(HYAMNPROTOPLUGIN Plugin, BOOL GetAccountBrowserAccess) { CAccount *Finder; if (GetAccountBrowserAccess) { //1. wait to get write access #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"WaitForAllAccounts:AccountBrowserSO-write wait\n"); #endif SWMRGWaitToWrite(Plugin->AccountBrowserSO, INFINITE); #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"WaitForAllAccounts:AccountBrowserSO-write enter\n"); #endif } for (Finder = Plugin->FirstAccount; Finder != nullptr; Finder = Finder->Next) { //2. wait for signal that account is not in use #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"WaitForAllAccounts:waiting for UsingThreadEV %x (account %x)\n",Finder->UsingThreads,Finder); #endif WaitForSingleObject(Finder->UsingThreads->Event, INFINITE); SetEvent(Finder->UsingThreads->Event); #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"WaitForAllAccounts:UsingThreadEV signaled\n"); #endif } if (GetAccountBrowserAccess) { //leave write access #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"WaitForAllAccounts:AccountBrowserSO-write done\n"); #endif SWMRGDoneWriting(Plugin->AccountBrowserSO); } return 1; } int DeleteAccounts(HYAMNPROTOPLUGIN Plugin) { CAccount *Finder; //1. wait to get write access #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"DeleteAccounts:AccountBrowserSO-write wait\n"); #endif SWMRGWaitToWrite(Plugin->AccountBrowserSO, INFINITE); #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"DeleteAccounts:AccountBrowserSO-write enter\n"); #endif WaitForAllAccounts(Plugin, FALSE); for (Finder = Plugin->FirstAccount; Finder != nullptr;) { CAccount *Next = Finder->Next; DeletePluginAccountSvc((WPARAM)Finder, 0); Finder = Next; } //leave write access #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO DebugLog(SynchroFile,"DeleteAccounts:AccountBrowserSO-write done\n"); #endif SWMRGDoneWriting(Plugin->AccountBrowserSO); return 1; } void WINAPI GetStatusFcn(CAccount *Which, wchar_t *Value) { if (Which == nullptr) return; mir_cslock lck(csAccountStatusCS); mir_wstrcpy(Value, Which->Status); } void WINAPI SetStatusFcn(CAccount *Which, wchar_t *Value) { if (Which != nullptr) { mir_cslock lck(csAccountStatusCS); mir_wstrcpy(Which->Status, Value); } WindowList_BroadcastAsync(YAMNVar.MessageWnds, WM_YAMN_CHANGESTATUS, (WPARAM)Which, 0); }