/* * This code implements miscellaneous usefull functions * * (c) majvan 2002-2004 */ #include "stdafx.h" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Plugin registration CS //Used if we add (register) plugin to YAMN plugins and when we browse through registered plugins mir_cs PluginRegCS; //AccountWriterCS //We want to store number of writers of Accounts (number of Accounts used for writing) //If we want to read all accounts (for saving to file) immidiatelly, we have to wait until no account is changing (no thread writing to account) SCOUNTER *AccountWriterSO; //NoExitEV //Event that is signaled when there's a request to exit, so no new pop3 check should be performed HANDLE ExitEV; //WriteToFileEV //If this is signaled, write accounts to file is performed. Set this event if you want to actualize your accounts and messages HANDLE WriteToFileEV; // Function is called when Miranda notifies plugin that it is about to exit // Ensures succesfull end of POP3 checking, sets event that no next checking should be performed // If there's no writer to account (POP3 thread), saves the results to the file // not used now, perhaps in the future void CALLBACK TimerProc(HWND, UINT, UINT_PTR, DWORD) { // if we want to close miranda, we get event and do not run checking anymore if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(ExitEV, 0)) return; // Get actual status of current user in Miranda DWORD Status = CallService(MS_CLIST_GETSTATUSMODE, 0, 0); mir_cslock lck(PluginRegCS); for (YAMN_PROTOPLUGINQUEUE *ActualPlugin = FirstProtoPlugin; ActualPlugin != nullptr; ActualPlugin = ActualPlugin->Next) { SReadGuard srb(ActualPlugin->Plugin->AccountBrowserSO, 0); // we want to access accounts immiadtelly if (!srb.Succeeded()) return; for (auto *ActualAccount = ActualPlugin->Plugin->FirstAccount; ActualAccount != nullptr; ActualAccount = ActualAccount->Next) { if (ActualAccount->Plugin == nullptr || ActualAccount->Plugin->Fcn == nullptr) //account not inited continue; SReadGuard sra(ActualAccount->AccountAccessSO, 0); if (!sra.Succeeded()) continue; BOOL isAccountCounting = 0; if ((ActualAccount->Flags & YAMN_ACC_ENA) && (((ActualAccount->StatusFlags & YAMN_ACC_ST0) && (Status <= ID_STATUS_OFFLINE)) || ((ActualAccount->StatusFlags & YAMN_ACC_ST1) && (Status == ID_STATUS_ONLINE)) || ((ActualAccount->StatusFlags & YAMN_ACC_ST2) && (Status == ID_STATUS_AWAY)) || ((ActualAccount->StatusFlags & YAMN_ACC_ST3) && (Status == ID_STATUS_DND)) || ((ActualAccount->StatusFlags & YAMN_ACC_ST4) && (Status == ID_STATUS_NA)) || ((ActualAccount->StatusFlags & YAMN_ACC_ST5) && (Status == ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED)) || ((ActualAccount->StatusFlags & YAMN_ACC_ST6) && (Status == ID_STATUS_FREECHAT)) || ((ActualAccount->StatusFlags & YAMN_ACC_ST7) && (Status == ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE)))) { if ((!ActualAccount->Interval && !ActualAccount->TimeLeft) || ActualAccount->Plugin->Fcn->TimeoutFcnPtr == nullptr) goto ChangeIsCountingStatusLabel; if (ActualAccount->TimeLeft) { ActualAccount->TimeLeft--; isAccountCounting = TRUE; } WindowList_BroadcastAsync(MessageWnds, WM_YAMN_CHANGETIME, (WPARAM)ActualAccount, (LPARAM)ActualAccount->TimeLeft); if (!ActualAccount->TimeLeft) { ActualAccount->TimeLeft = ActualAccount->Interval; mir_forkthread((pThreadFunc)ActualAccount->Plugin->Fcn->TimeoutFcnPtr, new CheckParam(ActualAccount, YAMN_NORMALCHECK)); } } ChangeIsCountingStatusLabel: if (((ActualAccount->isCounting) != 0) != isAccountCounting) { ActualAccount->isCounting = isAccountCounting; uint16_t cStatus = g_plugin.getWord(ActualAccount->hContact, "Status"); switch (cStatus) { case ID_STATUS_ONLINE: case ID_STATUS_OFFLINE: g_plugin.setWord(ActualAccount->hContact, "Status", isAccountCounting ? ID_STATUS_ONLINE : ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); } } } } } INT_PTR ForceCheckSvc(WPARAM, LPARAM) { // if we want to close miranda, we get event and do not run pop3 checking anymore if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(ExitEV, 0)) return 0; mir_cslock lck(PluginRegCS); for (auto *ActualPlugin = FirstProtoPlugin; ActualPlugin != nullptr; ActualPlugin = ActualPlugin->Next) { SReadGuard srb(ActualPlugin->Plugin->AccountBrowserSO); for (auto *ActualAccount = ActualPlugin->Plugin->FirstAccount; ActualAccount != nullptr; ActualAccount = ActualAccount->Next) { if (ActualAccount->Plugin->Fcn == nullptr) //account not inited continue; SReadGuard sra(ActualAccount->AccountAccessSO); if (!sra.Succeeded()) continue; // account cannot be forced to check if ((ActualAccount->Flags & YAMN_ACC_ENA) && (ActualAccount->StatusFlags & YAMN_ACC_FORCE)) if (ActualAccount->Plugin->Fcn->ForceCheckFcnPtr) mir_forkThread(ActualAccount->Plugin->Fcn->ForceCheckFcnPtr, new CheckParam(ActualAccount, g_plugin.CheckFlags())); } } return 1; }