/* * $Id: proto.cpp 13497 2011-03-25 04:55:36Z borkra $ * * myYahoo Miranda Plugin * * Authors: Gennady Feldman (aka Gena01) * Laurent Marechal (aka Peorth) * * This code is under GPL and is based on AIM, MSN and Miranda source code. * I want to thank Robert Rainwater and George Hazan for their code and support * and for answering some of my questions during development of this plugin. */ #include "yahoo.h" #include <shlwapi.h> #include <win2k.h> #include <m_idle.h> #include <m_options.h> #include <m_skin.h> #include <m_userinfo.h> #include "resource.h" #include "file_transfer.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable:4355) #endif CYahooProto::CYahooProto( const char* aProtoName, const TCHAR* aUserName ) : m_bLoggedIn( FALSE ), poll_loop( 0 ) { m_iVersion = 2; m_tszUserName = mir_tstrdup( aUserName ); m_szModuleName = mir_strdup( aProtoName ); m_startStatus = ID_STATUS_ONLINE; m_connections = NULL; m_connection_tags = 0; logoff_buddies(); SkinAddNewSoundExT("mail", m_tszUserName, LPGENT("New E-mail available in Inbox")); LoadYahooServices(); IconsInit(); InitCustomFolders(); } CYahooProto::~CYahooProto() { if (m_bLoggedIn) logout(); DebugLog("Logged out"); DestroyHookableEvent(hYahooNudge); MenuUninit(); mir_free( m_szModuleName ); mir_free( m_tszUserName ); FREE(m_startMsg); FREE(m_pw_token); Netlib_CloseHandle( m_hNetlibUser ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OnModulesLoadedEx - performs hook registration //static COLORREF crCols[16] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15}; INT_PTR CYahooProto::OnModulesLoadedEx( WPARAM, LPARAM ) { YHookEvent( ME_USERINFO_INITIALISE, &CYahooProto::OnUserInfoInit ); YHookEvent( ME_IDLE_CHANGED, &CYahooProto::OnIdleEvent); YHookEvent( ME_CLIST_PREBUILDCONTACTMENU, &CYahooProto::OnPrebuildContactMenu ); TCHAR tModuleDescr[ 100 ]; mir_sntprintf(tModuleDescr, SIZEOF(tModuleDescr), TranslateT( "%s plugin connections" ), m_tszUserName); NETLIBUSER nlu = {0}; nlu.cbSize = sizeof(nlu); #ifdef HTTP_GATEWAY nlu.flags = NUF_OUTGOING | NUF_HTTPGATEWAY| NUF_HTTPCONNS | NUF_TCHAR; #else nlu.flags = NUF_OUTGOING | NUF_HTTPCONNS | NUF_TCHAR; #endif nlu.szSettingsModule = m_szModuleName; nlu.ptszDescriptiveName = tModuleDescr; #ifdef HTTP_GATEWAY // Here comes the Gateway Code! nlu.szHttpGatewayHello = NULL; nlu.szHttpGatewayUserAgent = "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.01 [en] (Win95; I)"; nlu.pfnHttpGatewayInit = YAHOO_httpGatewayInit; nlu.pfnHttpGatewayBegin = NULL; nlu.pfnHttpGatewayWrapSend = YAHOO_httpGatewayWrapSend; nlu.pfnHttpGatewayUnwrapRecv = YAHOO_httpGatewayUnwrapRecv; #endif m_hNetlibUser = ( HANDLE )YAHOO_CallService( MS_NETLIB_REGISTERUSER, 0, ( LPARAM )&nlu ); MenuContactInit(); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AddToList - adds a contact to the contact list HANDLE CYahooProto::AddToList( int flags, PROTOSEARCHRESULT* psr ) { DebugLog("[YahooAddToList] Flags: %d", flags); if (!m_bLoggedIn) { DebugLog("[YahooAddToList] WARNING: WE ARE OFFLINE!"); return 0; } if (psr == NULL || psr->cbSize != sizeof( PROTOSEARCHRESULT )) { DebugLog("[YahooAddToList] Empty data passed?"); return 0; } char *id = psr->flags & PSR_UNICODE ? mir_utf8encodeW((wchar_t*)psr->id) : mir_utf8encode((char*)psr->id); HANDLE hContact = getbuddyH(id); if (hContact != NULL) { if (DBGetContactSettingByte(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList", 0)) { DebugLog("[YahooAddToList] Temporary Buddy:%s already on our buddy list", id); //return 0; } else { DebugLog("[YahooAddToList] Buddy:%s already on our buddy list", id); mir_free(id); return 0; } } else if (flags & PALF_TEMPORARY ) { /* not on our list */ DebugLog("[YahooAddToList] Adding Temporary Buddy:%s ", id); } int protocol = psr->reserved[0]; DebugLog("Adding buddy:%s", id); hContact = add_buddy(id, id, protocol, flags); mir_free(id); return hContact; } HANDLE __cdecl CYahooProto::AddToListByEvent( int flags, int /*iContact*/, HANDLE hDbEvent ) { DBEVENTINFO dbei = {0}; HANDLE hContact; DebugLog("[YahooAddToListByEvent]"); if ( !m_bLoggedIn ) return 0; dbei.cbSize = sizeof( dbei ); if (( dbei.cbBlob = YAHOO_CallService( MS_DB_EVENT_GETBLOBSIZE, ( LPARAM )hDbEvent, 0 )) == -1 ) { DebugLog("[YahooAddToListByEvent] ERROR: Can't get blob size."); return 0; } DebugLog("[YahooAddToListByEvent] Got blob size: %lu", dbei.cbBlob); dbei.pBlob = ( PBYTE )_alloca( dbei.cbBlob ); if ( YAHOO_CallService( MS_DB_EVENT_GET, ( WPARAM )hDbEvent, ( LPARAM )&dbei )) { DebugLog("[YahooAddToListByEvent] ERROR: Can't get event."); return 0; } if ( dbei.eventType != EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST ) { DebugLog("[YahooAddToListByEvent] ERROR: Not an authorization request."); return 0; } if ( strcmp( dbei.szModule, m_szModuleName )) { DebugLog("[YahooAddToListByEvent] ERROR: Not Yahoo protocol."); return 0; } //Adds a contact to the contact list given an auth, added or contacts event //wParam=MAKEWPARAM(flags,iContact) //lParam=(LPARAM)(HANDLE)hDbEvent //Returns a HANDLE to the new contact, or NULL on failure //hDbEvent must be either EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQ or EVENTTYPE_ADDED //flags are the same as for PS_ADDTOLIST. //iContact is only used for contacts events. It is the 0-based index of the //contact in the event to add. There is no way to add two or more contacts at //once, you should just do lots of calls. /* TYPE ADDED blob is: uin(DWORD), hcontact(HANDLE), nick(ASCIIZ), first(ASCIIZ), last(ASCIIZ), email(ASCIIZ) TYPE AUTH REQ blob is: uin(DWORD), hcontact(HANDLE), nick(ASCIIZ), first(ASCIIZ), last(ASCIIZ), email(ASCIIZ), reason(ASCIIZ) */ memcpy(&hContact,( char* )( dbei.pBlob + sizeof( DWORD ) ), sizeof(HANDLE)); if (hContact != NULL) { DebugLog("Temp Buddy found at: %p ", hContact); } else DebugLog("hContact NULL???"); return hContact; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AuthAllow - processes the successful authorization int CYahooProto::Authorize( HANDLE hdbe ) { DebugLog("[YahooAuthAllow]"); if ( !m_bLoggedIn ) { DebugLog("[YahooAuthAllow] Not Logged In!"); return 1; } DBEVENTINFO dbei; memset( &dbei, 0, sizeof( dbei )); dbei.cbSize = sizeof( dbei ); if (( dbei.cbBlob = YAHOO_CallService( MS_DB_EVENT_GETBLOBSIZE, ( WPARAM )hdbe, 0 )) == -1 ) return 1; dbei.pBlob = ( PBYTE )_alloca( dbei.cbBlob ); if ( YAHOO_CallService( MS_DB_EVENT_GET, ( WPARAM )hdbe, ( LPARAM )&dbei )) return 1; if ( dbei.eventType != EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST ) return 1; if ( strcmp( dbei.szModule, m_szModuleName )) return 1; HANDLE hContact; memcpy(&hContact,( char* )( dbei.pBlob + sizeof( DWORD ) ), sizeof(HANDLE)); /* Need to remove the buddy from our Miranda Lists */ if (hContact != NULL) { char *who = DBGetString(hContact, m_szModuleName, YAHOO_LOGINID); if (!who) return 0; char *myid = DBGetString(hContact, m_szModuleName, "MyIdentity"); DebugLog("Accepting buddy:%s", who); accept(myid, who, GetWord(hContact, "yprotoid", 0)); mir_free(myid); mir_free(who); } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AuthDeny - handles the unsuccessful authorization int CYahooProto::AuthDeny( HANDLE hdbe, const TCHAR* reason ) { DebugLog("[YahooAuthDeny]"); if ( !m_bLoggedIn ) return 1; DBEVENTINFO dbei; memset( &dbei, 0, sizeof( dbei )); dbei.cbSize = sizeof( dbei ); if (( dbei.cbBlob = YAHOO_CallService( MS_DB_EVENT_GETBLOBSIZE, ( WPARAM )hdbe, 0 )) == -1 ) { DebugLog("[YahooAuthDeny] ERROR: Can't get blob size"); return 1; } dbei.pBlob = ( PBYTE )alloca( dbei.cbBlob ); if ( YAHOO_CallService( MS_DB_EVENT_GET, ( WPARAM )hdbe, ( LPARAM )&dbei )) { DebugLog("YahooAuthDeny - Can't get db event!"); return 1; } if ( dbei.eventType != EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST ) { DebugLog("YahooAuthDeny - not Authorization event"); return 1; } if ( strcmp( dbei.szModule, m_szModuleName )) { DebugLog("YahooAuthDeny - wrong module?"); return 1; } HANDLE hContact; memcpy(&hContact, dbei.pBlob + sizeof(DWORD), sizeof(HANDLE)); /* Need to remove the buddy from our Miranda Lists */ if (hContact != NULL) { char *who = DBGetString(hContact, m_szModuleName, YAHOO_LOGINID); if (!who) return 0; char *myid = DBGetString(hContact, m_szModuleName, "MyIdentity"); char *u_reason = mir_utf8encodeT(reason); DebugLog("Rejecting buddy:%s msg: %s", who, u_reason); reject(myid, who, GetWord(hContact, "yprotoid", 0), u_reason); YAHOO_CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETE, (WPARAM) hContact, 0); mir_free(u_reason); mir_free(myid); mir_free(who); } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PSR_AUTH int __cdecl CYahooProto::AuthRecv( HANDLE hContact, PROTORECVEVENT* pre ) { DebugLog("[YahooRecvAuth] "); DBDeleteContactSetting(hContact,"CList","Hidden"); DBEVENTINFO dbei = { 0 }; dbei.cbSize = sizeof(dbei); dbei.szModule = m_szModuleName; dbei.timestamp = pre->timestamp; dbei.flags = pre->flags & (PREF_CREATEREAD?DBEF_READ:0); dbei.flags |= (pre->flags & PREF_UTF) ? DBEF_UTF : 0; dbei.eventType = EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST; /* Just copy the Blob from PSR_AUTH event. */ dbei.cbBlob = pre->lParam; dbei.pBlob = (PBYTE)pre->szMessage; CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_ADD,(WPARAM)NULL,(LPARAM)&dbei); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PSS_AUTHREQUEST int __cdecl CYahooProto::AuthRequest( HANDLE hContact, const TCHAR* msg ) { DebugLog("[YahooSendAuthRequest]"); if (hContact && m_bLoggedIn) { AddBuddy(hContact, "miranda", msg); return 0; // Success } return 1; // Failure } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ChangeInfo HANDLE __cdecl CYahooProto::ChangeInfo( int /*iInfoType*/, void* ) { return NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GetCaps - return protocol capabilities bits DWORD_PTR __cdecl CYahooProto::GetCaps( int type, HANDLE /*hContact*/ ) { int ret = 0; switch ( type ) { case PFLAGNUM_1: ret = PF1_IM | PF1_ADDED | PF1_AUTHREQ | PF1_MODEMSGRECV | PF1_MODEMSGSEND | PF1_BASICSEARCH | PF1_EXTSEARCH | PF1_FILESEND | PF1_FILERECV| PF1_VISLIST | PF1_SERVERCLIST ; break; case PFLAGNUM_2: ret = PF2_ONLINE | PF2_SHORTAWAY | PF2_LONGAWAY | PF2_ONTHEPHONE | PF2_OUTTOLUNCH | PF2_INVISIBLE | PF2_LIGHTDND /*| PF2_HEAVYDND*/; break; case PFLAGNUM_3: ret = PF2_ONLINE | PF2_SHORTAWAY | PF2_LONGAWAY | PF2_ONTHEPHONE | PF2_OUTTOLUNCH | PF2_LIGHTDND ; break; case PFLAGNUM_4: ret = PF4_FORCEAUTH | PF4_FORCEADDED | PF4_SUPPORTTYPING | PF4_SUPPORTIDLE |PF4_AVATARS | PF4_OFFLINEFILES | PF4_IMSENDUTF | PF4_IMSENDOFFLINE /* for Meta plugin*/; break; case PFLAG_UNIQUEIDTEXT: ret = (DWORD_PTR) Translate("ID"); break; case PFLAG_UNIQUEIDSETTING: ret = (DWORD_PTR) YAHOO_LOGINID; break; case PFLAG_MAXLENOFMESSAGE: ret = 800; /* STUPID YAHOO!!! */ break; } return ret; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GetIcon - loads an icon for the contact list HICON __cdecl CYahooProto::GetIcon( int iconIndex ) { if (LOWORD(iconIndex) == PLI_PROTOCOL) { if (iconIndex & PLIF_ICOLIBHANDLE) return (HICON)GetIconHandle(IDI_YAHOO); bool big = (iconIndex & PLIF_SMALL) == 0; HICON hIcon = LoadIconEx("yahoo", big); if (iconIndex & PLIF_ICOLIB) return hIcon; hIcon = CopyIcon(hIcon); ReleaseIconEx("yahoo", big); return hIcon; } return NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GetInfo - retrieves a contact info void __cdecl CYahooProto::get_info_thread(HANDLE hContact) { SleepEx(500, TRUE); ProtoBroadcastAck(m_szModuleName, hContact, ACKTYPE_GETINFO, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE) 1, 0); } int __cdecl CYahooProto::GetInfo( HANDLE hContact, int /*infoType*/ ) { YForkThread(&CYahooProto::get_info_thread, hContact); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SearchByEmail - searches the contact by its e-mail HANDLE __cdecl CYahooProto::SearchByEmail( const PROTOCHAR* email ) { return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SearchByName - searches the contact by its first or last name, or by a nickname HANDLE __cdecl CYahooProto::SearchByName( const PROTOCHAR* nick, const PROTOCHAR* firstName, const PROTOCHAR* lastName ) { return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RecvContacts int __cdecl CYahooProto::RecvContacts( HANDLE /*hContact*/, PROTORECVEVENT* ) { return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RecvFile int __cdecl CYahooProto::RecvFile( HANDLE hContact, PROTORECVFILET* evt ) { DBDeleteContactSetting(hContact, "CList", "Hidden"); CCSDATA ccs = { hContact, PSR_FILE, 0, ( LPARAM )evt }; return CallService( MS_PROTO_RECVFILE, 0, ( LPARAM )&ccs ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RecvUrl int __cdecl CYahooProto::RecvUrl( HANDLE /*hContact*/, PROTORECVEVENT* ) { return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SendContacts int __cdecl CYahooProto::SendContacts( HANDLE /*hContact*/, int /*flags*/, int /*nContacts*/, HANDLE* /*hContactsList*/ ) { return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SendUrl int __cdecl CYahooProto::SendUrl( HANDLE /*hContact*/, int /*flags*/, const char* /*url*/ ) { return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SetApparentMode - sets the visibility status int __cdecl CYahooProto::SetApparentMode( HANDLE hContact, int mode ) { if (mode && mode != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) return 1; int oldMode = GetWord(hContact, "ApparentMode", 0); if (mode != oldMode) SetWord(hContact, "ApparentMode", mode); return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SetStatus - sets the protocol status int __cdecl CYahooProto::SetStatus( int iNewStatus ) { LOG(("[SetStatus] New status %s", (char *) CallService(MS_CLIST_GETSTATUSMODEDESCRIPTION, iNewStatus, 0))); if (iNewStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { logout(); } else if (!m_bLoggedIn) { DBVARIANT dbv; int err = 0; char errmsg[80]; if (m_iStatus == ID_STATUS_CONNECTING) return 0; YAHOO_utils_logversion(); /* * Load Yahoo ID from the database. */ if (!GetString(YAHOO_LOGINID, &dbv)) { if (lstrlenA(dbv.pszVal) > 0) { lstrcpynA(m_yahoo_id, dbv.pszVal, 255); } else err++; DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } else { ProtoBroadcastAck(m_szModuleName, NULL, ACKTYPE_LOGIN, ACKRESULT_FAILED, NULL, LOGINERR_BADUSERID); err++; } if (err) { lstrcpynA(errmsg, Translate("Please enter your yahoo id in Options/Network/Yahoo"), 80); } else { if (!GetString(YAHOO_PASSWORD, &dbv)) { CallService(MS_DB_CRYPT_DECODESTRING, lstrlenA(dbv.pszVal) + 1, (LPARAM) dbv.pszVal); if (lstrlenA(dbv.pszVal) > 0) { lstrcpynA(m_password, dbv.pszVal, 255); } else err++; DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } else { ProtoBroadcastAck(m_szModuleName, NULL, ACKTYPE_LOGIN, ACKRESULT_FAILED, NULL, LOGINERR_WRONGPASSWORD); err++; } if (err) lstrcpynA(errmsg, Translate("Please enter your yahoo password in Options/Network/Yahoo"), 80); } if (err != 0) { BroadcastStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); ShowError(Translate("Yahoo Login Error"), errmsg); return 0; } if (iNewStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) iNewStatus = ID_STATUS_ONLINE; FREE(m_pw_token); // No Token yet. if (!GetString(YAHOO_PWTOKEN, &dbv)) { if (lstrlenA(dbv.pszVal) > 0) { m_pw_token = strdup(dbv.pszVal); } DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } //DBWriteContactSettingWord(NULL, m_szModuleName, "StartupStatus", status); m_startStatus = iNewStatus; //reset the unread email count. We'll get a new packet since we are connecting. m_unreadMessages = 0; BroadcastStatus(ID_STATUS_CONNECTING); iNewStatus = (iNewStatus == ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE) ? YAHOO_STATUS_INVISIBLE: YAHOO_STATUS_AVAILABLE; YForkThread(&CYahooProto::server_main, (void *)iNewStatus); } else if (iNewStatus == ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE) { /* other normal away statuses are set via setaway */ BroadcastStatus(iNewStatus); set_status(m_iStatus,NULL,(m_iStatus != ID_STATUS_ONLINE) ? 1 : 0); } else { /* clear out our message just in case, STUPID AA! */ FREE(m_startMsg); /* now tell miranda that we are Online, don't tell Yahoo server yet though! */ BroadcastStatus(iNewStatus); } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GetAwayMsg - returns a contact's away message void __cdecl CYahooProto::get_status_thread(HANDLE hContact) { int l; DBVARIANT dbv; char *gm = NULL, *sm = NULL, *fm; Sleep( 150 ); /* Check Yahoo Games Message */ if (!GetString(hContact, "YGMsg", &dbv)) { gm = strdup(dbv.pszVal); DBFreeVariant( &dbv ); } if (! DBGetContactSettingString(hContact, "CList", "StatusMsg", &dbv )) { if (lstrlenA(dbv.pszVal) >= 1) sm = strdup(dbv.pszVal); DBFreeVariant( &dbv ); } else { WORD status = GetWord(hContact, "YStatus", YAHOO_STATUS_OFFLINE); sm = yahoo_status_code( yahoo_status( status )); if (sm) sm = strdup(sm); /* we need this to go global FREE later */ } l = 0; if (gm) l += lstrlenA(gm) + 3; l += lstrlenA(sm) + 1; fm = (char *) malloc(l); fm[0] ='\0'; if (gm && lstrlenA(gm) > 0) { /* BAH YAHOO SUCKS! WHAT A PAIN! find first carriage return add status message then add the rest */ char *c = strchr(gm, '\r'); if (c != NULL) { lstrcpynA(fm,gm, c - gm + 1); fm[c - gm + 1] = '\0'; } else lstrcpyA(fm, gm); if (sm) { lstrcatA(fm, ": "); lstrcatA(fm, sm); } if (c != NULL) lstrcatA(fm, c); } else if (sm) { lstrcatA(fm, sm); } FREE(sm); SendBroadcast( hContact, ACKTYPE_AWAYMSG, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, ( HANDLE )1, ( LPARAM ) fm ); } HANDLE __cdecl CYahooProto::GetAwayMsg( HANDLE hContact ) { DebugLog("[YahooGetAwayMessage] "); if (hContact && m_bLoggedIn) { if (GetWord(hContact, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) return 0; /* user offline, what Status message? */ YForkThread(&CYahooProto::get_status_thread, hContact); return (HANDLE)1; //Success } return 0; // Failure } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PSR_AWAYMSG int __cdecl CYahooProto::RecvAwayMsg( HANDLE /*hContact*/, int /*statusMode*/, PROTORECVEVENT* ) { return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PSS_AWAYMSG int __cdecl CYahooProto::SendAwayMsg( HANDLE /*hContact*/, HANDLE /*hProcess*/, const char* ) { return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SetAwayMsg - sets the away status message int __cdecl CYahooProto::SetAwayMsg( int status, const PROTOCHAR* msg ) { char *c = msg && msg[0] ? mir_utf8encodeT(msg) : NULL; DebugLog("[YahooSetAwayMessage] Status: %s, Msg: %s",(char *) CallService(MS_CLIST_GETSTATUSMODEDESCRIPTION, status, 0), (char*) c); if (!m_bLoggedIn) { if (m_iStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { DebugLog("[YahooSetAwayMessage] WARNING: WE ARE OFFLINE!"); mir_free(c); return 1; } else { if (m_startMsg) free(m_startMsg); m_startMsg = c ? strdup(c) : NULL; mir_free(c); return 0; } } /* need to tell ALL plugins that we are changing status */ BroadcastStatus(status); if (m_startMsg) free(m_startMsg); /* now decide what we tell the server */ if (c != 0) { m_startMsg = strdup(c); if(status == ID_STATUS_ONLINE) { set_status(YAHOO_CUSTOM_STATUS, c, 0); } else if(status != ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE) { set_status(YAHOO_CUSTOM_STATUS, c, 1); } } else { set_status(status, NULL, 0); m_startMsg = NULL; } mir_free(c); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PS_GETMYAWAYMSG INT_PTR __cdecl CYahooProto::GetMyAwayMsg(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (!m_bLoggedIn || ! m_startMsg) return 0; if (lParam & SGMA_UNICODE) { return (INT_PTR) mir_utf8decodeW(m_startMsg); } else { return (INT_PTR) mir_utf8decodeA(m_startMsg); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UserIsTyping - sends a UTN notification int __cdecl CYahooProto::UserIsTyping( HANDLE hContact, int type ) { if (!m_bLoggedIn) return 0; char *szProto = (char *) CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); if (szProto==NULL || strcmp(szProto, m_szModuleName)) return 0; DBVARIANT dbv; if (!GetString(hContact, YAHOO_LOGINID, &dbv)) { if (type == PROTOTYPE_SELFTYPING_OFF || type == PROTOTYPE_SELFTYPING_ON) { sendtyping(dbv.pszVal, GetWord(hContact, "yprotoid", 0), type == PROTOTYPE_SELFTYPING_ON?1:0); } DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OnEvent - maintain protocol events int __cdecl CYahooProto::OnEvent( PROTOEVENTTYPE eventType, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { switch( eventType ) { case EV_PROTO_ONLOAD: return OnModulesLoadedEx( 0, 0 ); //case EV_PROTO_ONEXIT: return OnPreShutdown( 0, 0 ); case EV_PROTO_ONOPTIONS: return OnOptionsInit( wParam, lParam ); case EV_PROTO_ONMENU: MenuMainInit(); break; case EV_PROTO_ONRENAME: if ( mainMenuRoot ) { CLISTMENUITEM clmi = { 0 }; clmi.cbSize = sizeof( CLISTMENUITEM ); clmi.flags = CMIM_NAME | CMIF_TCHAR | CMIF_KEEPUNTRANSLATED; clmi.ptszName = m_tszUserName; YAHOO_CallService( MS_CLIST_MODIFYMENUITEM, ( WPARAM )mainMenuRoot, ( LPARAM )&clmi ); } break; case EV_PROTO_ONCONTACTDELETED: return OnContactDeleted(wParam, lParam); case EV_PROTO_DBSETTINGSCHANGED: return OnSettingChanged(wParam, lParam); } return 1; } INT_PTR CALLBACK first_run_dialog(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg); CYahooProto* ppro = (CYahooProto*)lParam; SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA, lParam); DBVARIANT dbv; if ( !ppro->GetString(YAHOO_LOGINID, &dbv)) { SetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg, IDC_HANDLE, dbv.pszVal); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } if ( !ppro->GetString(YAHOO_PASSWORD, &dbv)) { CallService(MS_DB_CRYPT_DECODESTRING, strlen(dbv.pszVal) + 1, (LPARAM) dbv.pszVal); SetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg, IDC_PASSWORD, dbv.pszVal); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } SetButtonCheck( hwndDlg, IDC_YAHOO_JAPAN, ppro->GetByte( "YahooJapan", 0 ) ); return TRUE; } case WM_COMMAND: if ( LOWORD( wParam ) == IDC_NEWYAHOOACCOUNTLINK ) { CallService( MS_UTILS_OPENURL, 1, (( BYTE )IsDlgButtonChecked( hwndDlg, IDC_YAHOO_JAPAN ) == 1) ? ( LPARAM ) "http://edit.yahoo.co.jp/config/eval_register" : ( LPARAM ) "http://edit.yahoo.com/config/eval_register" ); return TRUE; } if ( HIWORD( wParam ) == EN_CHANGE && ( HWND )lParam == GetFocus()) { switch( LOWORD( wParam )) { case IDC_HANDLE: case IDC_PASSWORD: case IDC_YAHOO_JAPAN: SendMessage(GetParent(hwndDlg), PSM_CHANGED, 0, 0); } } break; case WM_NOTIFY: if (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code == (UINT)PSN_APPLY ) { CYahooProto* ppro = (CYahooProto*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA); char str[128]; DBVARIANT dbv; BOOL reconnectRequired = FALSE; GetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg, IDC_HANDLE, str, sizeof(str)); dbv.pszVal = NULL; if ( ppro->GetString( YAHOO_LOGINID, &dbv ) || lstrcmpA( str, dbv.pszVal )) reconnectRequired = TRUE; if ( dbv.pszVal != NULL ) DBFreeVariant( &dbv ); ppro->SetString(YAHOO_LOGINID, str); GetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg, IDC_PASSWORD, str, sizeof(str)); dbv.pszVal = NULL; if ( ppro->GetString( YAHOO_PASSWORD, &dbv ) || lstrcmpA( str, dbv.pszVal )) reconnectRequired = TRUE; if ( dbv.pszVal != NULL ) DBFreeVariant( &dbv ); if (reconnectRequired ) { DBDeleteContactSetting(NULL, ppro->m_szModuleName, YAHOO_PWTOKEN); } CallService(MS_DB_CRYPT_ENCODESTRING, sizeof(str), (LPARAM) str); ppro->SetString(YAHOO_PASSWORD, str); ppro->SetByte("YahooJapan", ( BYTE )IsDlgButtonChecked( hwndDlg, IDC_YAHOO_JAPAN )); if ( reconnectRequired && ppro->m_bLoggedIn ) MessageBoxA( hwndDlg, Translate( "The changes you have made require you to reconnect to the Yahoo network before they take effect"), Translate("YAHOO Options"), MB_OK ); return TRUE; } break; } return FALSE; } INT_PTR CYahooProto::SvcCreateAccMgrUI(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return (INT_PTR)CreateDialogParam (hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDD_YAHOOACCOUNT ), (HWND)lParam, first_run_dialog, (LPARAM)this ); }