 * $Id: resource.h 9837 2009-05-21 15:12:06Z gena01 $
 * myYahoo Miranda Plugin
 * Authors: Gennady Feldman (aka Gena01)
 *          Laurent Marechal (aka Peorth)
 * This code is under GPL and is based on AIM, MSN and Miranda source code.
 * I want to thank Robert Rainwater and George Hazan for their code and support
 * and for answering some of my questions during development of this plugin.

 * Resource Icons
#define IDI_YAHOO                       10101
#define IDI_INBOX                       10102
#define IDI_PROFILE                     10103
#define IDI_REFRESH                     10104
#define IDI_YAB		                   	10105
#define IDI_SET_STATUS                  10106
#define IDI_CALENDAR                    10107

 * Options
#define IDD_OPT_YAHOO                   185
#define IDD_YAHOOACCOUNT				190

#define IDD_SETCUSTSTAT                 186
#define IDD_OPT_YAHOO_POPUP             187
#define IDD_CHATROOM_INVITE             188
#define IDD_CHATROOM_INVITE_REQ         189

#define IDC_CUSTSTATBUSY                1000
#define IDC_CUSTSTAT                    1001
#define IDC_STYAHOOGROUP                1002
#define IDC_EDIT1                       1003
#define IDC_STIGNGROUP                	1004
#define IDC_USEWINCOLORS                1008
#define IDC_YCHECKMAIL                  1011
#define IDC_YTNOTIF                     1012
#define IDC_PASSWORD                    1020
#define IDC_NICK	                    1021
#define IDC_HANDLE                      1022
#define IDC_BGCOLOUR                    1026
#define IDC_TEXTCOLOUR                  1028
#define IDC_PREVIEW                     1030
#define IDC_DEBUG                       1050
#define IDC_POPUP_TIMEOUT               1051
#define IDC_LOGINSERVER                 1171
#define IDC_YAHOOPORT                   1174
#define IDC_DISABLEYAHOOMAIL            1301
#define IDC_NEWYAHOOACCOUNTLINK         1438
#define IDC_RESETSERVER                 1472
#define IDC_DISABLE_UTF8                1476
#define IDC_USE_YAB		                1477
#define IDC_SHOW_ERRORS	                1478
#define IDC_SHOW_AVATARS                1479
#define IDC_MAIL_AUTOLOGIN              1480
#define IDC_YAHOO_JAPAN					1481
#define IDC_MSG							1482
#define IDC_ROOMNAME					1483
#define IDC_CCLIST						1484
#define IDC_EDITSCR						1485
#define IDC_ADDSCR						1486
#define IDC_SCREENNAME					1487
#define IDC_MSG2						1488

 * Ignore Options
#define IDD_OPT_YAHOO_IGNORE            201
#define IDC_YIGN_EDIT					202
#define IDC_YIGN_LIST					203
#define IDC_IGN_ADD						204
#define IDC_IGN_REMOVE					205
#define IDC_OPT_IGN_UNKNOWN				206
#define IDC_OPT_IGN_LIST				207


 * These are needed for Advanced Search
#define IDD_SEARCHUSER					400
#define IDC_SEARCH_ID					401
#define IDC_SEARCH_PROTOCOL				402

#define	IDD_USER_INFO					500
#define IDC_NFO_CLIENT					501