/* * $Id: server.cpp 9810 2009-05-19 01:43:22Z gena01 $ * * myYahoo Miranda Plugin * * Authors: Gennady Feldman (aka Gena01) * Laurent Marechal (aka Peorth) * * This code is under GPL and is based on AIM, MSN and Miranda source code. * I want to thank Robert Rainwater and George Hazan for their code and support * and for answering some of my questions during development of this plugin. */ #include "yahoo.h" #include <time.h> int PASCAL send(SOCKET s, const char FAR *buf, int len, int flags) { int rlen = Netlib_Send((HANDLE)s, buf, len, 0); #ifdef HTTP_GATEWAY if (iHTTPGateway) lLastSend = time(NULL); #endif if (rlen == SOCKET_ERROR) { LOG(("SEND Error.")); return -1; } return len; } int PASCAL recv(SOCKET s, char FAR *buf, int len, int flags) { int RecvResult = Netlib_Recv((HANDLE)s, buf, len, (len == 1) ? MSG_NODUMP : 0); if (RecvResult == 0) { LOG(("[recv] Connection closed gracefully.")); return 0; } if (RecvResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { LOG(("[recv] Connection abortively closed")); return -1; } return RecvResult; } void __cdecl CYahooProto::server_main(void *empty) { enum yahoo_status status = (enum yahoo_status) (int)empty; time_t lLastPing, lLastKeepAlive, t; YList *l; NETLIBSELECTEX nls = {0}; int recvResult, ridx = 0, widx = 0, i; DebugLog("Server Thread Starting status: %d", status); do_yahoo_debug=YAHOO_LOG_DEBUG; yahoo_set_log_level(( yahoo_log_level )do_yahoo_debug); poll_loop = 1; /* set this so we start looping */ ext_login(status); lLastKeepAlive = lLastPing = time(NULL); while (poll_loop) { nls.cbSize = sizeof(nls); nls.dwTimeout = 1000; // 1000 millis = 1 sec FD_ZERO(&nls.hReadStatus); FD_ZERO(&nls.hWriteStatus); FD_ZERO(&nls.hExceptStatus); nls.hExceptConns[0] = NULL; ridx = 0; widx = 0; for(l=m_connections; l; ) { struct _conn *c = ( _conn * )l->data; //LOG(("Connection tag:%d id:%d fd:%d remove:%d", c->tag, c->id, c->fd, c->remove)); if(c->remove) { YList *n = y_list_next(l); //LOG(("Removing id:%d fd:%d tag:%d", c->id, c->fd, c->tag)); m_connections = y_list_remove_link(m_connections, l); y_list_free_1(l); FREE(c); l=n; } else { if(c->cond & YAHOO_INPUT_READ) { //LOG(( "[YAHOO_INPUT_READ] Waiting on read. Tag: %d fd: %d", c->tag, c->fd )); nls.hReadConns[ridx++] = (HANDLE)c->fd; } if(c->cond & YAHOO_INPUT_WRITE) { //LOG(( "[YAHOO_INPUT_WRITE] Waiting on write. Tag: %d fd: %d", c->tag, c->fd )); nls.hWriteConns[widx++] =(HANDLE) c->fd; } l = y_list_next(l); } } //DebugLog("[Yahoo_Server] ridx:%d widx:%d", ridx, widx); nls.hReadConns[ridx] = NULL; nls.hWriteConns[widx] = NULL; if (m_connections == NULL){ DebugLog("Last connection closed."); break; } recvResult = CallService(MS_NETLIB_SELECTEX, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM)&nls); /* Check for Miranda Exit Status */ if (Miranda_Terminated()) { DebugLog("Miranda Exiting... stopping the loop."); break; } /* do the timer check */ if (m_id > 0) { #ifdef HTTP_GATEWAY //DebugLog("HTTPGateway: %d", iHTTPGateway); if (!iHTTPGateway) { #endif t = time(NULL); if (m_bLoggedIn && t - lLastKeepAlive >= 60) { LOG(("[TIMER] Sending a keep alive message")); yahoo_keepalive(m_id); lLastKeepAlive = t; } if (m_bLoggedIn && t - lLastPing >= 3600) { LOG(("[TIMER] Sending ping")); yahoo_send_ping(m_id); lLastPing = t; } #ifdef HTTP_GATEWAY } else { DebugLog("[SERVER] Got packets: %d", ylad->rpkts); if ( m_bLoggedIn && ( (ylad->rpkts > 0 && (time(NULL) - lLastSend) >=3) || ( (time(NULL) - lLastSend) >= 13) ) ) { LOG(("[TIMER] Sending an idle message...")); yahoo_send_idle_packet(m_id); } // // need to sleep, cause netlibselectex is too fast? // SleepEx(500, TRUE); } #endif } /* do the timer check ends */ for(l = m_connections; l; l = y_list_next(l)) { struct _conn *c = ( _conn * )l->data; if (c->remove) continue; /* are we waiting for a Read request? */ if(c->cond & YAHOO_INPUT_READ) { for (i = 0; i < ridx; i++) { if ((HANDLE)c->fd == nls.hReadConns[i]) { if (nls.hReadStatus[i]) { //LOG(( "[YAHOO_INPUT_READ] Read Ready. Tag: %d fd: %d", c->tag, c->fd )); yahoo_callback(c, YAHOO_INPUT_READ); } }//if c->fd= }//for i = 0 } /* are we waiting for a Write request? */ if(c->cond & YAHOO_INPUT_WRITE) { for (i = 0; i < widx; i++) { if ((HANDLE)c->fd == nls.hWriteConns[i]) { if (nls.hWriteStatus[i]) { //LOG(( "[YAHOO_INPUT_WRITE] Write ready. Tag: %d fd: %d", c->tag, c->fd )); yahoo_callback(c, YAHOO_INPUT_WRITE); } } // if c->fd == nls }// for i = 0 } }// for l=connections } DebugLog("Exited loop"); /* cleanup the data stuff and close our connection handles */ while(m_connections) { YList *tmp = m_connections; struct _conn * c = ( _conn * )m_connections->data; Netlib_CloseHandle((HANDLE)c->fd); FREE(c); m_connections = y_list_remove_link(m_connections, m_connections); y_list_free_1(tmp); } yahoo_close(m_id); m_bLoggedIn = FALSE; m_status = YAHOO_STATUS_OFFLINE; m_id = 0; /* now set ourselves to offline */ BroadcastStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); logoff_buddies(); DebugLog("Server thread ending"); }