; Common strings that belong to many files ;[Please enter your yahoo id in Options/Network/Yahoo] ;[The changes you have made require you to reconnect to the Yahoo network before they take effect] ;[YAHOO Options] ;[Yahoo Error] ;[Yahoo Login Error] ; ../../protocols/Yahoo/Yahoo.rc ;[&Add] ;[&Remove] ;[AutoLogin to Yahoo Website(s)] ;[Cancel] ;[Client:] ;[Connection Settings] ;[Create a new Yahoo account] ;[Create a new Yahoo account using the Yahoo website] ;[Disable UTF8 encoding] ;[Display Yahoo notifications] ;[Expert] ;[ID:] ;[Ignore anyone who is not on my Yahoo buddy list ] ;[Ignore only the people below: ] ;[Login server:] ;[Nick:] ;[OK] ;[Password:] ;[Port:] ;[Protocol:] ;[Reset] ;[Set Custom Status] ;[Show Avatars] ;[Show Errors] ;[Show as busy] ;[Use Yahoo Address Book (YAB)] ;[Yahoo] ;[Yahoo Ignore List] ;[Yahoo Japan] ; ../../protocols/Yahoo/avatar.cpp ;[Avatar upload failed!?!] ; ../../protocols/Yahoo/chat.cpp ;[I am sorry, but i can't join your conference since this feature is not currently implemented in my client.] ;[[miranda] Got conference invite to room: %s with msg: %s] ; ../../protocols/Yahoo/icolib.cpp ;[Address Book] ;[Calendar] ;[Mail] ;[Main] ;[Profile] ;[Protocols] ;[Refresh] ;[Set Status] ;[YAHOO] ; ../../protocols/Yahoo/im.cpp ;[Message is too long: Yahoo messages are limited by 800 UTF8 chars] ;[The message send timed out.] ; ../../protocols/Yahoo/links.cpp ;[YAHOO Link Protocol] ; ../../protocols/Yahoo/main.cpp ;[YAHOO plugin HTTP connections] ; ../../protocols/Yahoo/options.cpp ;[Account] ;[Connection] ;[Ignore List] ;[Network] ;[Please enter a valid buddy name to ignore.] ;[Please select a buddy on the ignore list to remove.] ;[The buddy is already on your ignore list. ] ;[The changes you have made require you to restart Miranda IM before they take effect] ;[Yahoo Ignore] ;[You need to be connected to Yahoo to add to Ignore List.] ;[You need to be connected to Yahoo to remove from the Ignore List.] ; ../../protocols/Yahoo/proto.cpp ;[%s plugin connections] ;[ID] ;[New E-mail available in Inbox] ;[Please enter your yahoo password in Options/Network/Yahoo] ; ../../protocols/Yahoo/services.cpp ;[&Address Book] ;[&Calendar] ;[&Edit My Profile] ;[&My Profile] ;[&Refresh] ;[&Show Profile] ;[&Yahoo Mail] ;[Set &Custom Status] ;[You need to be connected to refresh your buddy list] ;[You need to be connected to set the custom message] ; ../../protocols/Yahoo/webcam.cpp ;[[miranda] Got webcam invite. (not currently supported)] ; ../../protocols/Yahoo/yahoo.cpp ;[%s has rejected your request and sent the following message:] ;[%s is already ignored] ;[%s is in buddy list - cannot ignore ] ;[%s is not available for the conference] ;[%s is not in the ignore list] ;[Calendar Reminder] ;[Could not connect to Yahoo server. Please verify that you are connected to the net and the pager host and port are correctly entered.] ;[Could not connect to the Yahoo service. Check your server/port and proxy settings.] ;[Could not log in, unknown reason: %d.] ;[Could not log into Yahoo service - password incorrect. Please verify that your username and password are correctly typed.] ;[Could not log into Yahoo service - username not recognised. Please verify that your username is correctly typed.] ;[Could not log into Yahoo service. Your account has been locked.\nVisit %s to reactivate it.] ;[Custom error %s] ;[From: %s\nSubject: %s] ;[New Mail] ;[New Mail (%i msgs)] ;[Server Connection Error: %s] ;[System Error: %s] ;[Unknown error %s] ;[Yahoo Ping Error] ;[You Have %i unread msgs] ;[You have been logged out of the yahoo service, possibly due to a duplicate login.] ;[You have been logged out of the yahoo service.]