/* Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright 2000-2009 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "commonheaders.h" #include // list of hooks static int compareHooks( const THook* p1, const THook* p2 ) { return strcmp( p1->name, p2->name ); } static LIST hooks( 50, compareHooks ); struct THookToMainThreadItem { THook* hook; HANDLE hDoneEvent; WPARAM wParam; LPARAM lParam; int result; }; // list of services struct TService { DWORD nameHash; HINSTANCE hOwner; union { MIRANDASERVICE pfnService; MIRANDASERVICEPARAM pfnServiceParam; MIRANDASERVICEOBJ pfnServiceObj; MIRANDASERVICEOBJPARAM pfnServiceObjParam; }; int flags; LPARAM lParam; void* object; char name[1]; }; LIST services( 100, NumericKeySortT ); typedef struct { HANDLE hDoneEvent; WPARAM wParam; LPARAM lParam; int result; const char *name; } TServiceToMainThreadItem; // other static variables static BOOL bServiceMode = FALSE; static CRITICAL_SECTION csHooks,csServices; static DWORD mainThreadId; static int hookId = 1; static HANDLE hMainThread; static HANDLE hMissingService; static THook *pLastHook = NULL; HINSTANCE GetInstByAddress( void* codePtr ); void LangPackDropUnusedItems( void ); void ParseCommandLine(); // core: IDD_WAITRESTART int LoadSystemModule(void); // core: m_system.h services int LoadNewPluginsModuleInfos(void); // core: preloading plugins int LoadNewPluginsModule(void); // core: N.O. plugins int LoadSslModule(void); int LoadNetlibModule(void); // core: network void NetlibInitSsl(void); int LoadLangPackModule(void); // core: translation int LoadProtocolsModule(void); // core: protocol manager int LoadAccountsModule(void); // core: account manager int LoadIgnoreModule(void); // protocol filter: ignore int LoadSendRecvUrlModule(void); //send/recv int LoadSendRecvEMailModule(void); //send/recv int LoadSendRecvAuthModule(void); //send/recv int LoadSendRecvFileModule(void); //send/recv int LoadContactListModule(void);// ui: clist int LoadOptionsModule(void); // ui: options dialog int LoadFindAddModule(void); // ui: search/add users int LoadSkinIcons(void); int LoadSkinSounds(void); int LoadSkinHotkeys(void); int LoadHelpModule(void); // ui: help stuff int LoadUserInfoModule(void); // ui: user info int LoadHistoryModule(void); // ui: history viewer int LoadAwayMsgModule(void); // ui: setting away messages int LoadVisibilityModule(void); // ui: visibility control int LoadCLUIModule(void); // ui: CList UI int LoadPluginOptionsModule(void); // ui: plugin viewer int LoadAddContactModule(void); // ui: authcontrol contacts int LoadIdleModule(void); // rnd: report idle information int LoadAutoAwayModule(void); // ui: away int LoadUserOnlineModule(void); // ui: online alert int LoadUtilsModule(void); // ui: utils (has a few window classes, like HyperLink) int LoadCLCModule(void); // window class: CLC control int LoadButtonModule(void); // window class: button class int LoadContactsModule(void); // random: contact int LoadFontserviceModule(void); // ui: font manager int LoadIcoLibModule(void); // ui: icons manager int LoadUpdateNotifyModule(void); // random: update notification int LoadServiceModePlugin(void); int LoadErrorsModule(); void UnloadUtilsModule(void); void UnloadButtonModule(void); void UnloadClcModule(void); void UnloadContactListModule(void); void UnloadEventsModule(void); void UnloadIdleModule(void); void UnloadLangPackModule(void); void UnloadSslModule(void); void UnloadNetlibModule(void); void UnloadNewPlugins(void); void UnloadUpdateNotifyModule(void); void UnloadIcoLibModule(void); void UnloadSkinSounds(void); void UnloadSkinHotkeys(void); void UnloadProtocolsModule(void); void UnloadAccountsModule(void); void UnloadErrorsModule(void); int LoadIcoTabsModule(); int LoadHeaderbarModule(); int LoadDescButtonModule(); int LoadDefaultModules(void) { //load order is very important for these if (LoadSystemModule()) return 1; if (LoadLangPackModule()) return 1; // langpack will be a system module in the new order so this is moved here ParseCommandLine(); // IDD_WAITRESTART need langpack so this is moved here if (LoadUtilsModule()) return 1; //order not important for this, but no dependencies and no point in pluginising if (LoadIcoTabsModule()) return 1; if (LoadHeaderbarModule()) return 1; if (LoadNewPluginsModuleInfos()) return 1; // database is available here if (LoadButtonModule()) return 1; if (LoadIcoLibModule()) return 1; if (LoadSkinIcons()) return 1; // if (LoadErrorsModule()) return 1; bServiceMode = LoadServiceModePlugin(); switch ( bServiceMode ) { case 1: return 0; // stop loading here case 0: break; default: return 1; } //this info will be available at LoadNewPluginsModule() INT_PTR *disableDefaultModule=(INT_PTR*)CallService(MS_PLUGINS_GETDISABLEDEFAULTARRAY,0,0); if (LoadSkinSounds()) return 1; if (LoadSkinHotkeys()) return 1; if (LoadFontserviceModule()) return 1; if (LoadDescButtonModule()) return 1; if (LoadOptionsModule()) return 1; if (LoadNetlibModule()) return 1; if (LoadProtocolsModule()) return 1; LoadDbAccounts(); // retrieves the account array from a database if (LoadContactsModule()) return 1; if (LoadContactListModule()) return 1; if (LoadAddContactModule()) return 1; if (LoadNewPluginsModule()) return 1; // will call Load() on everything, clist will load first LangPackDropUnusedItems(); if (!disableDefaultModule[DEFMOD_SSL]) if (LoadSslModule()) return 1; NetlibInitSsl(); if (LoadAccountsModule()) return 1; //order becomes less important below here if (!disableDefaultModule[DEFMOD_UIFINDADD]) if (LoadFindAddModule()) return 1; if (!disableDefaultModule[DEFMOD_UIUSERINFO]) if (LoadUserInfoModule()) return 1; if (!disableDefaultModule[DEFMOD_SRURL]) if (LoadSendRecvUrlModule()) return 1; if (!disableDefaultModule[DEFMOD_SREMAIL]) if (LoadSendRecvEMailModule()) return 1; if (!disableDefaultModule[DEFMOD_SRAUTH]) if (LoadSendRecvAuthModule()) return 1; if (!disableDefaultModule[DEFMOD_SRFILE]) if (LoadSendRecvFileModule()) return 1; if (!disableDefaultModule[DEFMOD_UIHELP]) if (LoadHelpModule()) return 1; if (!disableDefaultModule[DEFMOD_UIHISTORY]) if (LoadHistoryModule()) return 1; if (!disableDefaultModule[DEFMOD_RNDIDLE]) if (LoadIdleModule()) return 1; if (!disableDefaultModule[DEFMOD_RNDAUTOAWAY]) if (LoadAutoAwayModule()) return 1; if (!disableDefaultModule[DEFMOD_RNDUSERONLINE]) if (LoadUserOnlineModule()) return 1; if (!disableDefaultModule[DEFMOD_SRAWAY]) if (LoadAwayMsgModule()) return 1; if (!disableDefaultModule[DEFMOD_RNDIGNORE]) if (LoadIgnoreModule()) return 1; if (!disableDefaultModule[DEFMOD_UIVISIBILITY]) if (LoadVisibilityModule()) return 1; if (!disableDefaultModule[DEFMOD_UPDATENOTIFY]) if (LoadUpdateNotifyModule()) return 1; return 0; } void UnloadDefaultModules(void) { UnloadAccountsModule(); UnloadNewPlugins(); UnloadProtocolsModule(); UnloadSkinSounds(); UnloadSkinHotkeys(); // UnloadErrorsModule(); UnloadIcoLibModule(); UnloadUtilsModule(); UnloadButtonModule(); UnloadClcModule(); UnloadContactListModule(); UnloadEventsModule(); UnloadIdleModule(); UnloadUpdateNotifyModule(); UnloadNetlibModule(); UnloadSslModule(); UnloadLangPackModule(); } int InitialiseModularEngine(void) { InitializeCriticalSection(&csHooks); InitializeCriticalSection(&csServices); mainThreadId=GetCurrentThreadId(); DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(),GetCurrentThread(),GetCurrentProcess(),&hMainThread,0,FALSE,DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); hMissingService = CreateHookableEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MISSINGSERVICE); return 0; } void DestroyModularEngine(void) { int i; THook* p; EnterCriticalSection( &csHooks ); for ( i=0; i < hooks.getCount(); i++ ) { p = hooks[i]; if ( p->subscriberCount ) mir_free( p->subscriber ); DeleteCriticalSection( &p->csHook ); mir_free( p ); } hooks.destroy(); LeaveCriticalSection( &csHooks ); DeleteCriticalSection( &csHooks ); EnterCriticalSection( &csServices ); for ( i=0; i < services.getCount(); i++ ) mir_free( services[i] ); services.destroy(); LeaveCriticalSection( &csServices ); DeleteCriticalSection( &csServices ); CloseHandle( hMainThread ); } ///////////////////////////////HOOKS HANDLE CreateHookableEvent(const char *name) { THook* ret; int idx; if ( name == NULL ) return NULL; EnterCriticalSection( &csHooks ); if (( idx = hooks.getIndex(( THook* )name )) != -1 ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &csHooks ); return NULL; } ret = ( THook* )mir_alloc( sizeof( THook )); strncpy( ret->name, name, sizeof( ret->name )); ret->name[ MAXMODULELABELLENGTH-1 ] = 0; ret->id = hookId++; ret->subscriberCount = 0; ret->subscriber = NULL; ret->pfnHook = NULL; InitializeCriticalSection( &ret->csHook ); hooks.insert( ret ); LeaveCriticalSection( &csHooks ); return ( HANDLE )ret; } int DestroyHookableEvent( HANDLE hEvent ) { int idx; THook* p; EnterCriticalSection( &csHooks ); if ( pLastHook == ( THook* )hEvent ) pLastHook = NULL; if (( idx = hooks.getIndex(( THook* )hEvent )) == -1 ) { LeaveCriticalSection(&csHooks); return 1; } p = hooks[idx]; if ( p->subscriberCount ) { mir_free( p->subscriber ); p->subscriber = NULL; p->subscriberCount = 0; } hooks.remove( idx ); DeleteCriticalSection( &p->csHook ); mir_free( p ); LeaveCriticalSection( &csHooks ); return 0; } int SetHookDefaultForHookableEvent(HANDLE hEvent, MIRANDAHOOK pfnHook) { THook* p = ( THook* )hEvent; EnterCriticalSection(&csHooks); if ( hooks.getIndex( p ) != -1 ) p->pfnHook = pfnHook; LeaveCriticalSection(&csHooks); return 0; } int CallPluginEventHook(HINSTANCE hInst, HANDLE hEvent, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int returnVal = 0; THook* p = ( THook* )hEvent; if ( p == NULL ) return -1; EnterCriticalSection( &p->csHook ); for ( int i = 0; i < p->subscriberCount; i++ ) { THookSubscriber* s = &p->subscriber[i]; if ( s->hOwner != hInst ) continue; switch ( s->type ) { case 1: returnVal = s->pfnHook( wParam, lParam ); break; case 2: returnVal = s->pfnHookParam( wParam, lParam, s->lParam ); break; case 3: returnVal = s->pfnHookObj( s->object, wParam, lParam ); break; case 4: returnVal = s->pfnHookObjParam( s->object, wParam, lParam, s->lParam ); break; case 5: returnVal = SendMessage( s->hwnd, s->message, wParam, lParam ); break; default: continue; } if ( returnVal ) break; } if ( p->subscriberCount == 0 && p->pfnHook != 0 ) returnVal = p->pfnHook( wParam, lParam ); LeaveCriticalSection( &p->csHook ); return returnVal; } int CallHookSubscribers(HANDLE hEvent, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int returnVal = 0; THook* p = ( THook* )hEvent; if ( p == NULL ) return -1; EnterCriticalSection( &p->csHook ); // NOTE: We've got the critical section while all this lot are called. That's mostly safe, though. for ( int i = 0; i < p->subscriberCount; i++ ) { THookSubscriber* s = &p->subscriber[i]; switch ( s->type ) { case 1: returnVal = s->pfnHook( wParam, lParam ); break; case 2: returnVal = s->pfnHookParam( wParam, lParam, s->lParam ); break; case 3: returnVal = s->pfnHookObj( s->object, wParam, lParam ); break; case 4: returnVal = s->pfnHookObjParam( s->object, wParam, lParam, s->lParam ); break; case 5: returnVal = SendMessage( s->hwnd, s->message, wParam, lParam ); break; default: continue; } if ( returnVal ) break; } // check for no hooks and call the default hook if any if ( p->subscriberCount == 0 && p->pfnHook != 0 ) returnVal = p->pfnHook( wParam, lParam ); LeaveCriticalSection( &p->csHook ); return returnVal; } static int checkHook( HANDLE hHook ) { if ( hHook == NULL ) return -1; EnterCriticalSection( &csHooks ); if ( pLastHook != hHook || !pLastHook ) { if ( hooks.getIndex(( THook* )hHook ) == -1 ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &csHooks ); return -1; } pLastHook = ( THook* )hHook; } LeaveCriticalSection( &csHooks ); return 0; } static void CALLBACK HookToMainAPCFunc(ULONG_PTR dwParam) { THookToMainThreadItem* item = ( THookToMainThreadItem* )dwParam; if ( checkHook( item->hook ) == -1 ) item->result = -1; else item->result = CallHookSubscribers( item->hook, item->wParam, item->lParam ); SetEvent( item->hDoneEvent ); } int NotifyEventHooks( HANDLE hEvent, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { extern HWND hAPCWindow; if ( GetCurrentThreadId() != mainThreadId ) { THookToMainThreadItem item; item.hDoneEvent = CreateEvent(NULL,FALSE,FALSE,NULL); item.hook = ( THook* )hEvent; item.wParam = wParam; item.lParam = lParam; QueueUserAPC( HookToMainAPCFunc, hMainThread, ( ULONG_PTR )&item ); PostMessage( hAPCWindow, WM_NULL, 0, 0 ); // let it process APC even if we're in a common dialog WaitForSingleObject( item.hDoneEvent, INFINITE ); CloseHandle( item.hDoneEvent ); return item.result; } return ( checkHook( hEvent ) == -1 ) ? -1 : CallHookSubscribers( hEvent, wParam, lParam ); } static HANDLE HookEventInt( int type, const char* name, MIRANDAHOOK hookProc, void* object, LPARAM lParam ) { int idx; THook* p; HANDLE ret; EnterCriticalSection( &csHooks ); if (( idx = hooks.getIndex(( THook* )name )) == -1 ) { #ifdef _DEBUG OutputDebugStringA("Attempt to hook: \t"); OutputDebugStringA(name); OutputDebugStringA("\n"); #endif LeaveCriticalSection(&csHooks); return NULL; } p = hooks[ idx ]; p->subscriber = ( THookSubscriber* )mir_realloc( p->subscriber, sizeof( THookSubscriber )*( p->subscriberCount+1 )); p->subscriber[ p->subscriberCount ].type = type; p->subscriber[ p->subscriberCount ].pfnHook = hookProc; p->subscriber[ p->subscriberCount ].object = object; p->subscriber[ p->subscriberCount ].lParam = lParam; p->subscriber[ p->subscriberCount ].hOwner = GetInstByAddress( hookProc ); p->subscriberCount++; ret = ( HANDLE )(( p->id << 16 ) | p->subscriberCount ); LeaveCriticalSection( &csHooks ); return ret; } HANDLE HookEvent( const char* name, MIRANDAHOOK hookProc ) { return HookEventInt( 1, name, hookProc, 0, 0 ); } HANDLE HookEventParam( const char* name, MIRANDAHOOKPARAM hookProc, LPARAM lParam ) { return HookEventInt( 2, name, (MIRANDAHOOK)hookProc, 0, lParam ); } HANDLE HookEventObj( const char* name, MIRANDAHOOKOBJ hookProc, void* object) { return HookEventInt( 3, name, (MIRANDAHOOK)hookProc, object, 0 ); } HANDLE HookEventObjParam( const char* name, MIRANDAHOOKOBJPARAM hookProc, void* object, LPARAM lParam ) { return HookEventInt( 4, name, (MIRANDAHOOK)hookProc, object, lParam ); } HANDLE HookEventMessage( const char* name, HWND hwnd, UINT message ) { int idx; THook* p; HANDLE ret; EnterCriticalSection( &csHooks ); if (( idx = hooks.getIndex(( THook* )name )) == -1 ) { #ifdef _DEBUG MessageBoxA(NULL,"Attempt to hook non-existant event",name,MB_OK); #endif LeaveCriticalSection(&csHooks); return NULL; } p = hooks[ idx ]; p->subscriber = ( THookSubscriber* )mir_realloc( p->subscriber, sizeof( THookSubscriber )*( p->subscriberCount+1 )); p->subscriber[ p->subscriberCount ].type = 5; p->subscriber[ p->subscriberCount ].hwnd = hwnd; p->subscriber[ p->subscriberCount ].message = message; p->subscriberCount++; ret = ( HANDLE )(( p->id << 16 ) | p->subscriberCount ); LeaveCriticalSection( &csHooks ); return ret; } int UnhookEvent( HANDLE hHook ) { int i; THook* p = NULL; int hookId = ( int )hHook >> 16; int subscriberId = (( int )hHook & 0xFFFF ) - 1; if (hHook == NULL) return 0; EnterCriticalSection( &csHooks ); for ( i = 0; i < hooks.getCount(); i++ ) { if ( hooks[i]->id == hookId ) { p = hooks[i]; break; } } if ( p == NULL ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &csHooks ); return 1; } if ( subscriberId >= p->subscriberCount || subscriberId < 0 ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &csHooks ); return 1; } p->subscriber[subscriberId].type = 0; p->subscriber[subscriberId].pfnHook = NULL; p->subscriber[subscriberId].hOwner = NULL; while ( p->subscriberCount && p->subscriber[p->subscriberCount-1].type == 0 ) p->subscriberCount--; if ( p->subscriberCount == 0 ) { if ( p->subscriber ) mir_free( p->subscriber ); p->subscriber = NULL; } LeaveCriticalSection( &csHooks ); return 0; } void KillModuleEventHooks( HINSTANCE hInst ) { int i, j; EnterCriticalSection(&csHooks); for ( i = hooks.getCount()-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( hooks[i]->subscriberCount == 0 ) continue; for ( j = hooks[i]->subscriberCount-1; j >= 0; j-- ) { if ( hooks[i]->subscriber[j].hOwner == hInst ) { char szModuleName[ MAX_PATH ]; GetModuleFileNameA( hooks[i]->subscriber[j].hOwner, szModuleName, sizeof(szModuleName)); Netlib_Logf( NULL, "A hook %08x for event '%s' was abnormally deleted because module '%s' didn't released it", hooks[i]->subscriber[j].pfnHook, hooks[i]->name, szModuleName ); UnhookEvent(( HANDLE )(( hooks[i]->id << 16 ) + j + 1 )); if ( hooks[i]->subscriberCount == 0 ) break; } } } LeaveCriticalSection(&csHooks); } void KillObjectEventHooks( void* pObject ) { int i, j; EnterCriticalSection(&csHooks); for ( i = hooks.getCount()-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( hooks[i]->subscriberCount == 0 ) continue; for ( j = hooks[i]->subscriberCount-1; j >= 0; j-- ) { if ( hooks[i]->subscriber[j].object == pObject ) { UnhookEvent(( HANDLE )(( hooks[i]->id << 16 ) + j + 1 )); if ( hooks[i]->subscriberCount == 0 ) break; } } } LeaveCriticalSection(&csHooks); } /////////////////////SERVICES static __inline TService* FindServiceByName( const char *name ) { unsigned hash = hashstr( name ); return services.find(( TService* )&hash ); } static HANDLE CreateServiceInt( int type, const char *name, MIRANDASERVICE serviceProc, void* object, LPARAM lParam) { if ( name == NULL ) return NULL; TService tmp; tmp.nameHash = hashstr( name ); EnterCriticalSection( &csServices ); if ( services.getIndex( &tmp ) != -1 ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &csServices ); return NULL; } TService* p = ( TService* )mir_alloc( sizeof( *p ) + strlen( name )); strcpy( p->name, name ); p->nameHash = tmp.nameHash; p->pfnService = serviceProc; p->hOwner = GetInstByAddress( serviceProc ); p->flags = type; p->lParam = lParam; p->object = object; services.insert( p ); LeaveCriticalSection( &csServices ); return ( HANDLE )tmp.nameHash; } HANDLE CreateServiceFunction( const char *name, MIRANDASERVICE serviceProc ) { return CreateServiceInt( 0, name, serviceProc, 0, 0 ); } HANDLE CreateServiceFunctionParam(const char *name,MIRANDASERVICEPARAM serviceProc,LPARAM lParam) { return CreateServiceInt( 1, name, (MIRANDASERVICE)serviceProc, 0, lParam ); } HANDLE CreateServiceFunctionObj(const char *name,MIRANDASERVICEOBJ serviceProc,void* object) { return CreateServiceInt( 2, name, (MIRANDASERVICE)serviceProc, object, 0 ); } HANDLE CreateServiceFunctionObjParam(const char *name,MIRANDASERVICEOBJPARAM serviceProc,void* object,LPARAM lParam) { return CreateServiceInt( 3, name, (MIRANDASERVICE)serviceProc, object, lParam ); } int DestroyServiceFunction(HANDLE hService) { int idx; EnterCriticalSection( &csServices ); if (( idx = services.getIndex(( TService* )&hService )) != -1 ) { mir_free( services[idx] ); services.remove( idx ); } LeaveCriticalSection(&csServices); return 0; } int ServiceExists(const char *name) { if ( name == NULL ) return FALSE; EnterCriticalSection( &csServices ); int ret = FindServiceByName( name ) != NULL; LeaveCriticalSection( &csServices ); return ret; } INT_PTR CallService(const char *name,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { #ifdef _DEBUG if (name == NULL) { MessageBoxA(0,"Someone tried to CallService(NULL,..) see stack trace for details","",0); DebugBreak(); return CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND; } #else if (name == NULL) return CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND; #endif EnterCriticalSection(&csServices); TService *pService = FindServiceByName(name); if (pService == NULL) { LeaveCriticalSection(&csServices); #ifdef _DEBUG //MessageBoxA(NULL,"Attempt to call non-existant service",name,MB_OK); OutputDebugStringA("Missing service called: \t"); OutputDebugStringA(name); OutputDebugStringA("\n"); #endif /* { MISSING_SERVICE_PARAMS params = { name, wParam, lParam }; int result = NotifyEventHooks(hMissingService,0,(LPARAM)¶ms); if (result != 0) return params.lParam; } */ return CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND; } MIRANDASERVICE pfnService = pService->pfnService; int flags = pService->flags; LPARAM fnParam = pService->lParam; void* object = pService->object; LeaveCriticalSection(&csServices); switch( flags ) { case 1: return ((MIRANDASERVICEPARAM)pfnService)(wParam,lParam,fnParam); case 2: return ((MIRANDASERVICEOBJ)pfnService)(object,wParam,lParam); case 3: return ((MIRANDASERVICEOBJPARAM)pfnService)(object,wParam,lParam,fnParam); default: return pfnService(wParam,lParam); } } static void CALLBACK CallServiceToMainAPCFunc(ULONG_PTR dwParam) { TServiceToMainThreadItem *item = (TServiceToMainThreadItem*) dwParam; item->result = CallService(item->name, item->wParam, item->lParam); SetEvent(item->hDoneEvent); } INT_PTR CallServiceSync(const char *name, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { extern HWND hAPCWindow; if (name == NULL) return CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND; // the service is looked up within the main thread, since the time it takes // for the APC queue to clear the service being called maybe removed. // even thou it may exists before the call, the critsec can't be locked between calls. if (GetCurrentThreadId() != mainThreadId) { TServiceToMainThreadItem item; item.wParam = wParam; item.lParam = lParam; item.name = name; item.hDoneEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); QueueUserAPC(CallServiceToMainAPCFunc, hMainThread, (ULONG_PTR) &item); PostMessage(hAPCWindow,WM_NULL,0,0); // let this get processed in its own time WaitForSingleObject(item.hDoneEvent, INFINITE); CloseHandle(item.hDoneEvent); return item.result; } return CallService(name, wParam, lParam); } int CallFunctionAsync( void (__stdcall *func)(void *), void *arg) { extern HWND hAPCWindow; int r = QueueUserAPC(( void (__stdcall *)( ULONG_PTR ))func, hMainThread, ( ULONG_PTR )arg ); PostMessage(hAPCWindow,WM_NULL,0,0); return r; } void KillModuleServices( HINSTANCE hInst ) { int i; EnterCriticalSection(&csServices); for ( i = services.getCount()-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( services[i]->hOwner == hInst ) { char szModuleName[ MAX_PATH ]; GetModuleFileNameA( services[i]->hOwner, szModuleName, sizeof(szModuleName)); Netlib_Logf( NULL, "A service function '%s' was abnormally deleted because module '%s' didn't released it", services[i]->name, szModuleName ); DestroyServiceFunction(( HANDLE )services[i]->nameHash ); } } LeaveCriticalSection(&csServices); } void KillObjectServices( void* pObject ) { int i; EnterCriticalSection(&csServices); for ( i = services.getCount()-1; i >= 0; i-- ) if ( services[i]->object == pObject ) DestroyServiceFunction(( HANDLE )services[i]->nameHash ); LeaveCriticalSection(&csServices); }