
Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*

Copyright (c) 2012-14 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org),
Copyright (c) 2000-12 Miranda IM project,
all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
listed in contributors.txt.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
#include "commonheaders.h"

#include "../modules/plugins/plugins.h"
#include "../modules/langpack/langpack.h"
#include "../modules/chat/chat.h"

int CheckRestart();		// core: IDD_WAITRESTART

int  LoadSystemModule(void);		// core: m_system.h services
int  LoadNewPluginsModuleInfos(void); // core: preloading plugins
int  LoadNewPluginsModule(void);	// core: N.O. plugins
int  LoadSslModule(void);
int  LoadNetlibModule(void);		// core: network
void NetlibInitSsl(void);
int  LoadLangpackModule(void);	// core: translation
int  LoadProtocolsModule(void);	// core: protocol manager
int  LoadAccountsModule(void);    // core: account manager
int  LoadIgnoreModule(void);		// protocol filter: ignore
int  LoadDbintfModule(void);
int  LoadEventsModule(void);
int  LoadSrmmModule(void);

int  LoadContactsModule(void);
int  LoadContactListModule(void);// ui: clist
int  LoadDatabaseModule(void);
int  LoadMetacontacts(void);
int  LoadOptionsModule(void);	// ui: options dialog
int  LoadFindAddModule(void);	// ui: search/add users
int  LoadSkinIcons(void);
int  LoadSkinSounds(void);
int  LoadSkinHotkeys(void);
int  LoadUserInfoModule(void);	// ui: user info
int  LoadVisibilityModule(void);	// ui: visibility control

int  LoadPluginOptionsModule(void);	// ui: plugin viewer
int  LoadAddContactModule(void);	// ui: authcontrol contacts
int  LoadUtilsModule(void);		// ui: utils (has a few window classes, like HyperLink)
int  LoadCLCModule(void);		// window class: CLC control
int  LoadButtonModule(void);		// window class: button class
int  LoadFontserviceModule(void); // ui: font manager
int  LoadIcoLibModule(void);   // ui: icons manager
int  LoadServiceModePlugin(void);
int  LoadDefaultServiceModePlugin(void);
int  LoadErrorsModule(void);

void UnloadAccountsModule(void);
void UnloadClcModule(void);
void UnloadContactListModule(void);
void UnloadDatabase(void);
void UnloadErrorsModule(void);
void UnloadEventsModule(void);
void UnloadExtraIconsModule(void);
void UnloadIcoLibModule(void);
void UnloadMetacontacts(void);
void UnloadNetlibModule(void);
void UnloadNewPlugins(void);
void UnloadProtocolsModule(void);
void UnloadSkinSounds(void);
void UnloadSkinHotkeys(void);
void UnloadSrmmModule(void);
void UnloadSslModule(void);
void UnloadUtilsModule(void);

int  LoadIcoTabsModule();
int  LoadHeaderbarModule();
int  LoadDescButtonModule();

int LoadDefaultModules(void)
	// load order is very important for these
	if (LoadSystemModule()) return 1;
	if (LoadLangpackModule()) return 1;		// langpack will be a system module in the new order so this is moved here
	if (CheckRestart()) return 1;
	if (LoadUtilsModule()) return 1;		//order not important for this, but no dependencies and no point in pluginising
	if (LoadIcoTabsModule()) return 1;
	if (LoadHeaderbarModule()) return 1;
	if (LoadDbintfModule()) return 1;
	if (LoadEventsModule()) return 1;

	// load database drivers & service plugins without executing their Load()
	if (LoadNewPluginsModuleInfos()) return 1;

	switch (LoadDefaultServiceModePlugin()) {
	case SERVICE_CONTINUE:  // continue loading Miranda normally
	case SERVICE_ONLYDB:    // load database and go to the message cycle
	case SERVICE_MONOPOLY:  // unload database and go to the message cycle
		return 0;
	default:                // smth went wrong, terminating
		return 1;

	// the database will select which db plugin to use, or fail if no profile is selected
	if (LoadDatabaseModule()) return 1;

	// database is available here
	if (LoadButtonModule()) return 1;
	if (LoadIcoLibModule()) return 1;
	if (LoadSkinIcons()) return 1;

	//	if (LoadErrorsModule()) return 1;

	switch (LoadServiceModePlugin()) {
	case SERVICE_CONTINUE:  // continue loading Miranda normally
	case SERVICE_ONLYDB:    // load database and go to the message cycle
		return 0;
	case SERVICE_MONOPOLY:  // unload database and go to the message cycle
		return 0;
	default:                // smth went wrong, terminating
		return 1;

	if (LoadSkinSounds()) return 1;
	if (LoadSkinHotkeys()) return 1;
	if (LoadFontserviceModule()) return 1;
	if (LoadSrmmModule()) return 1;
	if (LoadChatModule()) return 1;
	if (LoadDescButtonModule()) return 1;
	if (LoadOptionsModule()) return 1;
	if (LoadNetlibModule()) return 1;
	if (LoadSslModule()) return 1;
	if (LoadProtocolsModule()) return 1;
	LoadDbAccounts();                    // retrieves the account array from a database
	if (LoadContactsModule()) return 1;
	if (LoadContactListModule()) return 1;   // prepare contact list interface
	if (LoadAddContactModule()) return 1;
	if (LoadMetacontacts()) return 1;

	if (LoadNewPluginsModule()) return 1;    // will call Load(void) on everything, clist will load first


	if (LoadAccountsModule()) return 1;

	//order becomes less important below here
	if (LoadFindAddModule()) return 1;
	if (LoadIgnoreModule()) return 1;
	if (LoadVisibilityModule()) return 1;
	if (LoadStdPlugins()) return 1;
	return 0;

void UnloadDefaultModules(void)
	//	UnloadErrorsModule();