/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (C) 2012-14 Miranda NG project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "commonheaders.h" #include "..\..\..\plugins\zlib\src\zlib.h" struct ExternalKey { BYTE m_key[KEY_LENGTH]; DWORD m_crc32; BYTE slack[BLOCK_SIZE - sizeof(DWORD)]; }; CStdCrypt::CStdCrypt() : m_password("Miranda") {} void CStdCrypt::destroy() { delete this; } size_t CStdCrypt::getKeyLength() { return sizeof(ExternalKey); } bool CStdCrypt::getKey(BYTE *pKey, size_t cbKeyLen) { if (!m_valid || cbKeyLen < sizeof(ExternalKey)) return false; ExternalKey tmp = { 0 }; memcpy(&tmp.m_key, m_key, KEY_LENGTH); tmp.m_crc32 = crc32(0xAbbaDead, (LPCBYTE)m_password.GetString(), m_password.GetLength()); getRandomBytes(tmp.slack, sizeof(tmp.slack)); BYTE tmpHash[32]; slow_hash(m_password, m_password.GetLength(), tmpHash); CRijndael tmpAes; tmpAes.MakeKey(tmpHash, tmpAes.sm_chain0, KEY_LENGTH, BLOCK_SIZE); tmpAes.Encrypt(&tmp, pKey, sizeof(tmp)); return true; } bool CStdCrypt::setKey(const BYTE *pKey, size_t cbKeyLen) { // full external key. decode & check password if (cbKeyLen != sizeof(ExternalKey)) return false; BYTE tmpHash[32]; slow_hash(m_password, m_password.GetLength(), tmpHash); CRijndael tmpAes; tmpAes.MakeKey(tmpHash, tmpAes.sm_chain0, KEY_LENGTH, BLOCK_SIZE); ExternalKey tmp = { 0 }; tmpAes.Decrypt(pKey, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)); if (tmp.m_crc32 != crc32(0xAbbaDead, (LPCBYTE)m_password.GetString(), m_password.GetLength())) return false; memcpy(m_key, &tmp.m_key, KEY_LENGTH); m_aes.MakeKey(m_key, "Miranda", KEY_LENGTH, BLOCK_SIZE); return m_valid = true; } bool CStdCrypt::generateKey(void) { BYTE tmp[KEY_LENGTH]; if (!getRandomBytes(tmp, sizeof(tmp))) return false; memcpy(m_key, tmp, KEY_LENGTH); m_aes.MakeKey(m_key, "Miranda", KEY_LENGTH, BLOCK_SIZE); return m_valid = true; } void CStdCrypt::purgeKey(void) { memset(m_key, 0, sizeof(m_key)); m_valid = false; } // checks the master password (in utf-8) bool CStdCrypt::checkPassword(const char *pszPassword) { return m_password == pszPassword; } // sets the master password (in utf-8) void CStdCrypt::setPassword(const char *pszPassword) { m_password = (pszPassword == NULL) ? "Miranda" : pszPassword; } // result must be freed using mir_free or assigned to mir_ptr<BYTE> BYTE* CStdCrypt::encodeString(const char *src, size_t *cbResultLen) { if (!m_valid || src == NULL) { if (cbResultLen) *cbResultLen = 0; return NULL; } return encodeBuffer(src, strlen(src)+1, cbResultLen); } BYTE* CStdCrypt::encodeBuffer(const void *src, size_t cbLen, size_t *cbResultLen) { if (cbResultLen) *cbResultLen = 0; if (!m_valid || src == NULL || cbLen >= 0xFFFE) return NULL; BYTE *tmpBuf = (BYTE*)_alloca(cbLen + 2); *(PWORD)tmpBuf = (WORD)cbLen; memcpy(tmpBuf + 2, src, cbLen); cbLen += 2; size_t rest = cbLen % BLOCK_SIZE; if (rest) cbLen += BLOCK_SIZE - rest; BYTE *result = (BYTE*)mir_alloc(cbLen); m_aes.ResetChain(); if (m_aes.Encrypt(tmpBuf, LPSTR(result), cbLen)) { mir_free(result); return NULL; } if (cbResultLen) *cbResultLen = cbLen; return result; } char* CStdCrypt::decodeString(const BYTE *pBuf, size_t bufLen, size_t *cbResultLen) { size_t resLen; char *result = (char*)decodeBuffer(pBuf, bufLen, &resLen); if (result) { if (result[resLen-1] != 0) { // smth went wrong mir_free(result); return NULL; } } if (cbResultLen) *cbResultLen = resLen; return result; } void* CStdCrypt::decodeBuffer(const BYTE *pBuf, size_t bufLen, size_t *cbResultLen) { if (cbResultLen) *cbResultLen = 0; if (!m_valid || pBuf == NULL || (bufLen % BLOCK_SIZE) != 0) return NULL; char *result = (char*)mir_alloc(bufLen + 1); m_aes.ResetChain(); if (m_aes.Decrypt(LPCSTR(pBuf), result, bufLen)) { mir_free(result); return NULL; } result[bufLen] = 0; WORD cbLen = *(PWORD)result; if (cbLen > bufLen) { mir_free(result); return NULL; } memmove(result, result + 2, cbLen); if (cbResultLen) *cbResultLen = cbLen; return result; } static MICryptoEngine* __cdecl builder() { return new CStdCrypt(); } int LoadEncryptionModule(void) { CRYPTO_PROVIDER cp = { sizeof(cp) }; cp.pszName = "AES (Rjindale)"; cp.pszDescr = LPGEN("Standard crypto provider"); cp.pFactory = builder; Crypto_RegisterEngine(&cp); return 0; }