/* Chat module plugin for Miranda IM Copyright 2000-12 Miranda IM, 2012-20 Miranda NG team, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" INT_PTR SvcGetChatManager(WPARAM, LPARAM); #include "chat.h" #include "resource.h" mir_cs csChat; HGENMENU hJoinMenuItem, hLeaveMenuItem; MWindowList g_hWindowList; HANDLE hevSendEvent, hevBuildMenuEvent; static HANDLE hServiceRegister = nullptr, hServiceNewChat = nullptr, hServiceAddEvent = nullptr, hServiceGetAddEventPtr = nullptr, hServiceGetInfo = nullptr, hServiceGetCount = nullptr, hEventPrebuildMenu = nullptr, hEventDoubleclicked = nullptr, hEventJoinChat = nullptr, hEventLeaveChat = nullptr, hHookEvent = nullptr; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Post-load event hooks void LoadChatIcons(void) { g_chatApi.hIcons[ICON_ACTION] = LoadIconEx("log_action", FALSE); g_chatApi.hIcons[ICON_ADDSTATUS] = LoadIconEx("log_addstatus", FALSE); g_chatApi.hIcons[ICON_HIGHLIGHT] = LoadIconEx("log_highlight", FALSE); g_chatApi.hIcons[ICON_INFO] = LoadIconEx("log_info", FALSE); g_chatApi.hIcons[ICON_JOIN] = LoadIconEx("log_join", FALSE); g_chatApi.hIcons[ICON_KICK] = LoadIconEx("log_kick", FALSE); g_chatApi.hIcons[ICON_MESSAGE] = LoadIconEx("log_message_in", FALSE); g_chatApi.hIcons[ICON_MESSAGEOUT] = LoadIconEx("log_message_out", FALSE); g_chatApi.hIcons[ICON_NICK] = LoadIconEx("log_nick", FALSE); g_chatApi.hIcons[ICON_NOTICE] = LoadIconEx("log_notice", FALSE); g_chatApi.hIcons[ICON_PART] = LoadIconEx("log_part", FALSE); g_chatApi.hIcons[ICON_QUIT] = LoadIconEx("log_quit", FALSE); g_chatApi.hIcons[ICON_REMSTATUS] = LoadIconEx("log_removestatus", FALSE); g_chatApi.hIcons[ICON_TOPIC] = LoadIconEx("log_topic", FALSE); g_chatApi.hIcons[ICON_STATUS0] = LoadIconEx("status0", FALSE); g_chatApi.hIcons[ICON_STATUS1] = LoadIconEx("status1", FALSE); g_chatApi.hIcons[ICON_STATUS2] = LoadIconEx("status2", FALSE); g_chatApi.hIcons[ICON_STATUS3] = LoadIconEx("status3", FALSE); g_chatApi.hIcons[ICON_STATUS4] = LoadIconEx("status4", FALSE); g_chatApi.hIcons[ICON_STATUS5] = LoadIconEx("status5", FALSE); FreeMsgLogBitmaps(); LoadMsgLogBitmaps(); } static int FontsChanged(WPARAM, LPARAM) { LoadGlobalSettings(); LoadLogFonts(); FreeMsgLogBitmaps(); LoadMsgLogBitmaps(); SetIndentSize(); g_Settings->bLogIndentEnabled = (db_get_b(0, CHAT_MODULE, "LogIndentEnabled", 1) != 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; g_chatApi.MM_FontsChanged(); Chat_UpdateOptions(); return 0; } static int IconsChanged(WPARAM, LPARAM) { FreeMsgLogBitmaps(); LoadMsgLogBitmaps(); g_chatApi.MM_IconsChanged(); Chat_UpdateOptions(); return 0; } static int PreShutdown(WPARAM, LPARAM) { if (g_Settings != nullptr) { SM_RemoveAll(); g_chatApi.MM_RemoveAll(); DeleteObject(g_chatApi.hListBkgBrush); DeleteObject(g_chatApi.hListSelectedBkgBrush); } return 0; } static int SmileyOptionsChanged(WPARAM, LPARAM) { for (auto &si : g_arSessions) if (si->pDlg) si->pDlg->RedrawLog(); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // retrieveing chat info EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(int) Chat_GetInfo(GC_INFO *gci) { if (!gci || !gci->pszModule) return 1; SESSION_INFO *si; if (gci->Flags & GCF_BYINDEX) si = SM_FindSessionByIndex(gci->pszModule, gci->iItem); else si = SM_FindSession(gci->pszID, gci->pszModule); if (si == nullptr) return 1; if (gci->Flags & GCF_DATA) gci->pItemData = si->pItemData; if (gci->Flags & GCF_HCONTACT) gci->hContact = si->hContact; if (gci->Flags & GCF_TYPE) gci->iType = si->iType; if (gci->Flags & GCF_COUNT) gci->iCount = si->getUserList().getCount(); if (gci->Flags & GCF_USERS) gci->pszUsers = SM_GetUsers(si); if (gci->Flags & GCF_ID) gci->pszID = si->ptszID; if (gci->Flags & GCF_NAME) gci->pszName = si->ptszName; return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // registers protocol as chat provider MIR_APP_DLL(int) Chat_Register(const GCREGISTER *gcr) { if (gcr == nullptr) return GC_ERROR; mir_cslock lck(csChat); MODULEINFO *mi = MM_AddModule(gcr->pszModule); if (mi == nullptr) return GC_ERROR; mi->ptszModDispName = mir_wstrdup(gcr->ptszDispName); mi->bBold = (gcr->dwFlags & GC_BOLD) != 0; mi->bUnderline = (gcr->dwFlags & GC_UNDERLINE) != 0; mi->bItalics = (gcr->dwFlags & GC_ITALICS) != 0; mi->bColor = (gcr->dwFlags & GC_COLOR) != 0; mi->bBkgColor = (gcr->dwFlags & GC_BKGCOLOR) != 0; mi->bAckMsg = (gcr->dwFlags & GC_ACKMSG) != 0; mi->bChanMgr = (gcr->dwFlags & GC_CHANMGR) != 0; mi->iMaxText = gcr->iMaxText; mi->pszHeader = g_chatApi.Log_CreateRtfHeader(); g_chatApi.SetAllOffline(TRUE, gcr->pszModule); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // starts new chat session EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(SESSION_INFO*) Chat_NewSession( int iType, // Use one of the GCW_* flags above to set the type of session const char *pszModule, // The name of the protocol owning the session (the same as pszModule when you register) const wchar_t *ptszID, // The unique identifier for the session. const wchar_t *ptszName, // The name of the session as it will be displayed to the user void *pItemData) // Set user defined data for this session. Retrieve it by using the Chat_GetUserInfo() call { mir_cslockfull lck(csChat); MODULEINFO *mi = MM_FindModule(pszModule); if (mi == nullptr) return nullptr; // try to restart a session first SESSION_INFO *si = SM_FindSession(ptszID, pszModule); if (si != nullptr) { UM_RemoveAll(si); g_chatApi.TM_RemoveAll(&si->pStatuses); lck.unlock(); si->iStatusCount = 0; si->pMe = nullptr; if (g_chatApi.OnReplaceSession) g_chatApi.OnReplaceSession(si); return si; } // create a new session si = g_chatApi.SM_CreateSession(); si->ptszID = mir_wstrdup(ptszID); si->pszModule = mir_strdup(pszModule); si->pMI = mi; g_chatApi.arSessions.insert(si); lck.unlock(); // set the defaults si->pItemData = pItemData; if (iType != GCW_SERVER) si->wStatus = ID_STATUS_ONLINE; si->iType = iType; si->ptszName = mir_wstrdup(ptszName); si->currentHovered = -1; wchar_t szTemp[256]; if (si->iType == GCW_SERVER) mir_snwprintf(szTemp, L"Server: %s", si->ptszName); else wcsncpy_s(szTemp, si->ptszName, _TRUNCATE); si->hContact = AddRoom(pszModule, ptszID, szTemp, si->iType); db_set_s(si->hContact, si->pszModule, "Topic", ""); db_unset(si->hContact, "CList", "StatusMsg"); if (si->ptszStatusbarText) db_set_ws(si->hContact, si->pszModule, "StatusBar", si->ptszStatusbarText); else db_set_s(si->hContact, si->pszModule, "StatusBar", ""); if (g_chatApi.OnCreateSession) g_chatApi.OnCreateSession(si, mi); return si; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // chat control struct ChatConrolParam { const char *szModule; const wchar_t *wszId; int command; }; static void SetInitDone(SESSION_INFO *si) { if (si->bInitDone) return; si->bInitDone = true; for (STATUSINFO *p = si->pStatuses; p; p = p->next) if (p->iIconIndex < STATUSICONCOUNT) p->iIconIndex = si->iStatusCount - p->iIconIndex - 1; } static INT_PTR __stdcall stubRoomControl(void *param) { ChatConrolParam *p = (ChatConrolParam*)param; mir_cslock lck(csChat); SESSION_INFO *si = nullptr; if (p->szModule) si = SM_FindSession(p->wszId, p->szModule); switch (p->command) { case WINDOW_HIDDEN: if (si == nullptr) return GC_EVENT_ERROR; SetInitDone(si); g_chatApi.SetActiveSession(si); break; case WINDOW_VISIBLE: case SESSION_INITDONE: if (si == nullptr) return GC_EVENT_ERROR; SetInitDone(si); if (p->command != SESSION_INITDONE || db_get_b(0, CHAT_MODULE, "PopupOnJoin", 0) == 0) g_chatApi.ShowRoom(si); break; case SESSION_OFFLINE: if (si == nullptr && p->wszId != nullptr) return GC_EVENT_ERROR; SM_SetOffline(p->szModule, si); SM_SetStatus(p->szModule, si, ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); if (si && si->pDlg) { si->pDlg->UpdateStatusBar(); si->pDlg->UpdateNickList(); } break; case SESSION_ONLINE: if (si == nullptr && p->wszId != nullptr) return GC_EVENT_ERROR; SM_SetStatus(p->szModule, si, ID_STATUS_ONLINE); if (si && si->pDlg) si->pDlg->UpdateStatusBar(); break; case WINDOW_CLEARLOG: if (si == nullptr) return GC_EVENT_ERROR; g_chatApi.LM_RemoveAll(&si->pLog, &si->pLogEnd); si->iEventCount = 0; si->LastTime = 0; if (si->pDlg) si->pDlg->ClearLog(); break; default: return GC_EVENT_ERROR; } return 0; } MIR_APP_DLL(int) Chat_Control(const char *szModule, const wchar_t *wszId, int iCommand) { ChatConrolParam param = { szModule, wszId, iCommand }; return CallFunctionSync(stubRoomControl, ¶m); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // chat termination struct ChatTerminateParam { const char *szModule; const wchar_t *wszId; bool bRemoveContact; }; static INT_PTR __stdcall stubRoomTerminate(void *param) { ChatTerminateParam *p = (ChatTerminateParam*)param; return SM_RemoveSession(p->wszId, p->szModule, p->bRemoveContact); } MIR_APP_DLL(int) Chat_Terminate(const char *szModule, const wchar_t *wszId, bool bRemoveContact) { ChatTerminateParam param = { szModule, wszId, bRemoveContact }; return CallFunctionSync(stubRoomTerminate, ¶m); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // handles chat event static void AddUser(GCEVENT *gce) { SESSION_INFO *si = SM_FindSession(gce->pszID.w, gce->pszModule); if (si == nullptr) return; WORD status = TM_StringToWord(si->pStatuses, gce->pszStatus.w); USERINFO *ui = g_chatApi.UM_AddUser(si, gce->pszUID.w, gce->pszNick.w, status); if (ui == nullptr) return; if (g_chatApi.OnAddUser) g_chatApi.OnAddUser(si, ui); if (gce->bIsMe) si->pMe = ui; ui->Status = status; ui->Status |= si->pStatuses->iStatus; if (si->pDlg) si->pDlg->UpdateNickList(); if (g_chatApi.OnNewUser) g_chatApi.OnNewUser(si, ui); } static BOOL AddEventToAllMatchingUID(GCEVENT *gce) { int bManyFix = 0; for (auto &si : g_arSessions) { if (!si->bInitDone || mir_strcmpi(si->pszModule, gce->pszModule)) continue; if (!g_chatApi.UM_FindUser(si, gce->pszUID.w)) continue; if (g_chatApi.OnEventBroadcast) g_chatApi.OnEventBroadcast(si, gce); if (si->pDlg && si->bInitDone) { if (SM_AddEvent(si->ptszID, si->pszModule, gce, FALSE)) si->pDlg->AddLog(); else RedrawLog2(si); } if (!(gce->dwFlags & GCEF_NOTNOTIFY)) g_chatApi.DoSoundsFlashPopupTrayStuff(si, gce, FALSE, bManyFix); bManyFix++; if ((gce->dwFlags & GCEF_ADDTOLOG) && g_Settings->bLoggingEnabled) g_chatApi.LogToFile(si, gce); } return 0; } static INT_PTR CALLBACK sttEventStub(void *_param) { GCEVENT gce = *(GCEVENT*)_param; if (gce.dwFlags & GCEF_UTF8) { gce.pszID.w = NEWWSTR_ALLOCA(Utf2T(gce.pszID.a)); gce.pszUID.w = NEWWSTR_ALLOCA(Utf2T(gce.pszUID.a)); gce.pszNick.w = NEWWSTR_ALLOCA(Utf2T(gce.pszNick.a)); gce.pszText.w = NEWWSTR_ALLOCA(Utf2T(gce.pszText.a)); gce.pszStatus.w = NEWWSTR_ALLOCA(Utf2T(gce.pszStatus.a)); gce.pszUserInfo.w = NEWWSTR_ALLOCA(Utf2T(gce.pszUserInfo.a)); gce.dwFlags &= ~GCEF_UTF8; } if (NotifyEventHooks(hHookEvent, 0, LPARAM(&gce))) return 1; bool bIsHighlighted = false, bRemoveFlag = false; // Do different things according to type of event switch (gce.iType) { case GC_EVENT_SETCONTACTSTATUS: return SM_SetContactStatus(gce.pszID.w, gce.pszModule, gce.pszUID.w, (WORD)gce.dwItemData); case GC_EVENT_TOPIC: if (SESSION_INFO *si = SM_FindSession(gce.pszID.w, gce.pszModule)) { wchar_t *pwszNew = RemoveFormatting(gce.pszText.w); if (!mir_wstrcmp(si->ptszTopic, pwszNew)) // nothing changed? exiting return 0; replaceStrW(si->ptszTopic, pwszNew); if (pwszNew != nullptr) db_set_ws(si->hContact, si->pszModule, "Topic", si->ptszTopic); else db_unset(si->hContact, si->pszModule, "Topic"); if (g_chatApi.OnSetTopic) g_chatApi.OnSetTopic(si); if (db_get_b(0, CHAT_MODULE, "TopicOnClist", 0)) { if (pwszNew != nullptr) db_set_ws(si->hContact, "CList", "StatusMsg", si->ptszTopic); else db_unset(si->hContact, "CList", "StatusMsg"); } } break; case GC_EVENT_ADDSTATUS: SM_GiveStatus(gce.pszID.w, gce.pszModule, gce.pszUID.w, gce.pszStatus.w); bIsHighlighted = g_chatApi.IsHighlighted(nullptr, &gce); break; case GC_EVENT_REMOVESTATUS: SM_TakeStatus(gce.pszID.w, gce.pszModule, gce.pszUID.w, gce.pszStatus.w); bIsHighlighted = g_chatApi.IsHighlighted(nullptr, &gce); break; case GC_EVENT_MESSAGE: case GC_EVENT_ACTION: if (!gce.bIsMe && gce.pszID.w && gce.pszText.w) { SESSION_INFO *si = SM_FindSession(gce.pszID.w, gce.pszModule); bIsHighlighted = g_chatApi.IsHighlighted(si, &gce); } break; case GC_EVENT_NICK: SM_ChangeNick(gce.pszID.w, gce.pszModule, &gce); bIsHighlighted = g_chatApi.IsHighlighted(nullptr, &gce); break; case GC_EVENT_JOIN: AddUser(&gce); bIsHighlighted = g_chatApi.IsHighlighted(nullptr, &gce); break; case GC_EVENT_PART: case GC_EVENT_QUIT: case GC_EVENT_KICK: bRemoveFlag = TRUE; bIsHighlighted = g_chatApi.IsHighlighted(nullptr, &gce); break; } // Decide which window (log) should have the event LPCTSTR pWnd = nullptr; LPCSTR pMod = nullptr; if (gce.pszID.w) { pWnd = gce.pszID.w; pMod = gce.pszModule; } else if (gce.iType == GC_EVENT_NOTICE || gce.iType == GC_EVENT_INFORMATION) { SESSION_INFO *si = g_chatApi.GetActiveSession(); if (si && !mir_strcmp(si->pszModule, gce.pszModule)) { pWnd = si->ptszID; pMod = si->pszModule; } else return 0; } else { // Send the event to all windows with a user pszUID. Used for broadcasting QUIT etc AddEventToAllMatchingUID(&gce); if (!bRemoveFlag) return 0; } // add to log if (pWnd) { if (gce.dwFlags & GCEF_SILENT) return 0; SESSION_INFO *si = SM_FindSession(pWnd, pMod); // fix for IRC's old style mode notifications. Should not affect any other protocol if ((gce.iType == GC_EVENT_ADDSTATUS || gce.iType == GC_EVENT_REMOVESTATUS) && !(gce.dwFlags & GCEF_ADDTOLOG)) return 0; if (gce.iType == GC_EVENT_JOIN && gce.time == 0) return 0; if (si && (si->bInitDone || gce.iType == GC_EVENT_TOPIC || (gce.iType == GC_EVENT_JOIN && gce.bIsMe))) { if (gce.pszNick.w == nullptr && gce.pszUID.w != nullptr) { USERINFO *ui = g_chatApi.UM_FindUser(si, gce.pszUID.w); if (ui != nullptr) gce.pszNick.w = ui->pszNick; } int isOk = SM_AddEvent(pWnd, pMod, &gce, bIsHighlighted); if (si->pDlg) { if (isOk) si->pDlg->AddLog(); else RedrawLog2(si); } if (!(gce.dwFlags & GCEF_NOTNOTIFY)) g_chatApi.DoSoundsFlashPopupTrayStuff(si, &gce, bIsHighlighted, 0); if ((gce.dwFlags & GCEF_ADDTOLOG) && g_Settings->bLoggingEnabled) g_chatApi.LogToFile(si, &gce); } if (!bRemoveFlag) return 0; } if (bRemoveFlag) return SM_RemoveUser(gce.pszID.w, gce.pszModule, gce.pszUID.w) == 0; return GC_EVENT_ERROR; } EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(int) Chat_Event(GCEVENT *gce) { if (gce == nullptr) return GC_EVENT_ERROR; if (!IsEventSupported(gce->iType)) return GC_EVENT_ERROR; return CallFunctionSync(sttEventStub, gce); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // chat control functions MIR_APP_DLL(int) Chat_AddGroup(SESSION_INFO *si, const wchar_t *wszText) { if (wszText == nullptr) return GC_EVENT_ERROR; if (si == nullptr) return 0; mir_cslock lck(csChat); STATUSINFO *ti = TM_AddStatus(&si->pStatuses, wszText, &si->iStatusCount); if (ti) si->iStatusCount++; if (g_chatApi.OnAddStatus) g_chatApi.OnAddStatus(si, ti); return 0; } MIR_APP_DLL(int) Chat_ChangeSessionName(const char *szModule, const wchar_t *wszId, const wchar_t *wszNewName) { if (wszNewName == nullptr) return GC_EVENT_ERROR; SESSION_INFO *si = SM_FindSession(wszId, szModule); if (si != nullptr) { // nothing really changed? exiting if (!mir_wstrcmp(si->ptszName, wszNewName)) return 0; replaceStrW(si->ptszName, wszNewName); db_set_ws(si->hContact, szModule, "Nick", wszNewName); if (si->pDlg) si->pDlg->UpdateTitle(); } return 0; } MIR_APP_DLL(int) Chat_ChangeUserId(const char *szModule, const wchar_t *wszId, const wchar_t *wszOldId, const wchar_t *wszNewId) { if (szModule == nullptr || wszNewId == nullptr) return GC_EVENT_ERROR; mir_cslock lck(csChat); for (auto &si : g_arSessions) { if ((wszId && mir_wstrcmpi(si->ptszID, wszId)) || mir_strcmpi(si->pszModule, szModule)) continue; USERINFO *ui = g_chatApi.UM_FindUser(si, wszOldId); if (ui) { replaceStrW(ui->pszUID, wszNewId); UM_SortKeys(si); } if (wszId) break; } return 0; } MIR_APP_DLL(void*) Chat_GetUserInfo(const char *szModule, const wchar_t *wszId) { if (SESSION_INFO *si = SM_FindSession(wszId, szModule)) return si->pItemData; return nullptr; } MIR_APP_DLL(int) Chat_SendUserMessage(const char *szModule, const wchar_t *wszId, const wchar_t *wszText) { if (wszText == nullptr || szModule == nullptr) return GC_EVENT_ERROR; if (wszId != nullptr) { SESSION_INFO *si = SM_FindSession(wszId, szModule); if (si) if (si->iType == GCW_CHATROOM || si->iType == GCW_PRIVMESS) Chat_DoEventHook(si, GC_USER_MESSAGE, nullptr, wszText, 0); return 0; } mir_cslock lck(csChat); for (auto &si : g_arSessions) { if (mir_strcmpi(si->pszModule, szModule)) continue; if (si->iType == GCW_CHATROOM || si->iType == GCW_PRIVMESS) Chat_DoEventHook(si, GC_USER_MESSAGE, nullptr, wszText, 0); } return 0; } MIR_APP_DLL(int) Chat_SetStatusbarText(const char *szModule, const wchar_t *wszId, const wchar_t *wszText) { SESSION_INFO *si = SM_FindSession(wszId, szModule); if (si != nullptr) { replaceStrW(si->ptszStatusbarText, wszText); if (si->ptszStatusbarText) db_set_ws(si->hContact, si->pszModule, "StatusBar", si->ptszStatusbarText); else db_set_s(si->hContact, si->pszModule, "StatusBar", ""); if (si->pDlg) si->pDlg->UpdateStatusBar(); } return 0; } MIR_APP_DLL(int) Chat_SetStatusEx(const char *szModule, const wchar_t *wszId, int flags, const wchar_t *wszText) { if (!szModule) return GC_EVENT_ERROR; mir_cslock lck(csChat); for (auto &si : g_arSessions) { if ((wszId && mir_wstrcmpi(si->ptszID, wszId)) || mir_strcmpi(si->pszModule, szModule)) continue; UM_SetStatusEx(si, wszText, flags); if (si->pDlg) RedrawWindow(GetDlgItem(si->pDlg->GetHwnd(), IDC_LIST), nullptr, nullptr, RDW_INVALIDATE); if (wszId) break; } return 0; } MIR_APP_DLL(int) Chat_SetUserInfo(const char *szModule, const wchar_t *wszId, void *pItemData) { if (SESSION_INFO *si = g_chatApi.SM_FindSession(wszId, szModule)) { si->pItemData = pItemData; return 0; } return GC_EVENT_ERROR; } EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(void) Chat_UpdateOptions() { for (auto &si : g_arSessions) if (si->pDlg) si->pDlg->UpdateOptions(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // module initialization static int ModulesLoaded(WPARAM, LPARAM) { LoadChatIcons(); HookEvent(ME_SMILEYADD_OPTIONSCHANGED, SmileyOptionsChanged); HookEvent(ME_CLIST_PREBUILDCONTACTMENU, PrebuildContactMenu); CMenuItem mi(&g_plugin); SET_UID(mi, 0x2bb76d5, 0x740d, 0x4fd2, 0x8f, 0xee, 0x7c, 0xa4, 0x5a, 0x74, 0x65, 0xa6); mi.position = -2000090001; mi.flags = CMIF_DEFAULT; mi.hIcolibItem = Skin_GetIconHandle(SKINICON_CHAT_JOIN); mi.name.a = LPGEN("&Join chat"); mi.pszService = "GChat/JoinChat"; hJoinMenuItem = Menu_AddContactMenuItem(&mi); CreateServiceFunction(mi.pszService, JoinChat); SET_UID(mi, 0x72b7440b, 0xd2db, 0x4e22, 0xa6, 0xb1, 0x2, 0xd0, 0x96, 0xee, 0xad, 0x88); mi.position = -2000090000; mi.hIcolibItem = Skin_GetIconHandle(SKINICON_CHAT_LEAVE); mi.flags = CMIF_NOTOFFLINE; mi.name.a = LPGEN("&Leave chat"); mi.pszService = "GChat/LeaveChat"; hLeaveMenuItem = Menu_AddContactMenuItem(&mi); CreateServiceFunction(mi.pszService, LeaveChat); g_chatApi.SetAllOffline(TRUE, nullptr); return 0; } static bool bInited = false; int LoadChatModule(void) { HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED, ModulesLoaded); HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_PRESHUTDOWN, PreShutdown); HookEvent(ME_SKIN_ICONSCHANGED, IconsChanged); HookEvent(ME_FONT_RELOAD, FontsChanged); g_hWindowList = WindowList_Create(); hHookEvent = CreateHookableEvent(ME_GC_HOOK_EVENT); hevSendEvent = CreateHookableEvent(ME_GC_EVENT); hevBuildMenuEvent = CreateHookableEvent(ME_GC_BUILDMENU); g_chatApi.hevPreCreate = CreateHookableEvent(ME_MSG_PRECREATEEVENT); g_chatApi.hevWinPopup = CreateHookableEvent(ME_MSG_WINDOWPOPUP); g_plugin.addSound("ChatMessage", LPGENW("Group chats"), LPGENW("Incoming message")); g_plugin.addSound("ChatHighlight", LPGENW("Group chats"), LPGENW("Message is highlighted")); g_plugin.addSound("ChatAction", LPGENW("Group chats"), LPGENW("User has performed an action")); g_plugin.addSound("ChatJoin", LPGENW("Group chats"), LPGENW("User has joined")); g_plugin.addSound("ChatPart", LPGENW("Group chats"), LPGENW("User has left")); g_plugin.addSound("ChatKick", LPGENW("Group chats"), LPGENW("User has kicked some other user")); g_plugin.addSound("ChatMode", LPGENW("Group chats"), LPGENW("User's status was changed")); g_plugin.addSound("ChatNick", LPGENW("Group chats"), LPGENW("User has changed name")); g_plugin.addSound("ChatNotice", LPGENW("Group chats"), LPGENW("User has sent a notice")); g_plugin.addSound("ChatQuit", LPGENW("Group chats"), LPGENW("User has disconnected")); g_plugin.addSound("ChatTopic", LPGENW("Group chats"), LPGENW("The topic has been changed")); bInited = true; return 0; } void UnloadChatModule(void) { if (!bInited) return; mir_free(g_chatApi.szActiveWndID); mir_free(g_chatApi.szActiveWndModule); FreeMsgLogBitmaps(); OptionsUnInit(); WindowList_Destroy(g_hWindowList); DestroyHookableEvent(hevSendEvent); DestroyHookableEvent(hevBuildMenuEvent); DestroyHookableEvent(hHookEvent); DestroyHookableEvent(g_chatApi.hevPreCreate); DestroyHookableEvent(g_chatApi.hevWinPopup); }