/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (ñ) 2012-16 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org), Copyright (c) 2000-12 Miranda IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "profilemanager.h" static int CompareEventTypes(const DBEVENTTYPEDESCR *p1, const DBEVENTTYPEDESCR *p2) { int result = mir_strcmp(p1->module, p2->module); if (result) return result; return p1->eventType - p2->eventType; } static LIST eventTypes(10, CompareEventTypes); void UnloadEventsModule() { for (int i = 0; i < eventTypes.getCount(); i++) { DBEVENTTYPEDESCR *p = eventTypes[i]; mir_free(p->module); mir_free(p->descr); mir_free(p->textService); mir_free(p->iconService); mir_free(p); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MIR_APP_DLL(int) DbEvent_RegisterType(DBEVENTTYPEDESCR *et) { if (et == NULL || et->cbSize != sizeof(DBEVENTTYPEDESCR)) return -1; if (eventTypes.getIndex(et) != -1) return -1; DBEVENTTYPEDESCR *p = (DBEVENTTYPEDESCR*)mir_calloc(sizeof(DBEVENTTYPEDESCR)); p->cbSize = sizeof(DBEVENTTYPEDESCR); p->module = mir_strdup(et->module); p->eventType = et->eventType; p->descr = mir_strdup(et->descr); p->eventIcon = et->eventIcon; p->flags = et->flags; char szServiceName[100]; if (!p->textService) { mir_snprintf(szServiceName, "%s/GetEventText%d", p->module, p->eventType); p->textService = mir_strdup(szServiceName); } else p->textService = mir_strdup(et->textService); if (!p->iconService) { mir_snprintf(szServiceName, "%s/GetEventIcon%d", p->module, p->eventType); p->iconService = mir_strdup(szServiceName); } else p->iconService = mir_strdup(et->iconService); eventTypes.insert(p); return 0; } MIR_APP_DLL(DBEVENTTYPEDESCR*) DbEvent_GetType(const char *szModule, int eventType) { DBEVENTTYPEDESCR tmp; tmp.module = (char*)szModule; tmp.eventType = eventType; return eventTypes.find(&tmp); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static wchar_t* getEventString(DBEVENTINFO *dbei, LPSTR &buf) { LPSTR in = buf; buf += mir_strlen(buf) + 1; return (dbei->flags & DBEF_UTF) ? Utf8DecodeT(in) : mir_a2u(in); } static INT_PTR DbEventGetTextWorker(DBEVENTINFO *dbei, int codepage, int datatype) { if (dbei == NULL || dbei->szModule == NULL || dbei->cbSize != sizeof(DBEVENTINFO)) return 0; DBEVENTTYPEDESCR *et = DbEvent_GetType(dbei->szModule, dbei->eventType); if (et && ServiceExists(et->textService)) return CallService(et->textService, (WPARAM)dbei, datatype); if (!dbei->pBlob) return 0; if (dbei->eventType == EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST || dbei->eventType == EVENTTYPE_ADDED) { // EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST: uin(DWORD), hContact(DWORD), nick(ASCIIZ), first(ASCIIZ), last(ASCIIZ), email(ASCIIZ) // EVENTTYPE_ADDED: uin(DWORD), hContact(HANDLE), nick(ASCIIZ), first(ASCIIZ), last(ASCIIZ), email(ASCIIZ) DWORD uin = *(DWORD*)dbei->pBlob; MCONTACT hContact = (MCONTACT)*(DWORD*)(dbei->pBlob + sizeof(DWORD)); char *buf = LPSTR(dbei->pBlob) + sizeof(DWORD)*2; ptrW tszNick(getEventString(dbei, buf)); ptrW tszFirst(getEventString(dbei, buf)); ptrW tszLast(getEventString(dbei, buf)); ptrW tszEmail(getEventString(dbei, buf)); CMStringW nick, text; if (tszFirst || tszLast) { nick.AppendFormat(L"%s %s", tszFirst, tszLast); nick.Trim(); } if (tszEmail) { if (!nick.IsEmpty()) nick.Append(L", "); nick.Append(tszEmail); } if (uin != 0) { if (!nick.IsEmpty()) nick.Append(L", "); nick.AppendFormat(L"%d", uin); } if (!nick.IsEmpty()) nick = L"(" + nick + L")"; if (dbei->eventType == EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST) { ptrW tszReason(getEventString(dbei, buf)); text.Format(TranslateT("Authorization request from %s%s: %s"), (tszNick == NULL) ? cli.pfnGetContactDisplayName(hContact, 0) : tszNick, nick, tszReason); } else text.Format(TranslateT("You were added by %s%s"), (tszNick == NULL) ? cli.pfnGetContactDisplayName(hContact, 0) : tszNick, nick); return (datatype == DBVT_WCHAR) ? (INT_PTR)mir_wstrdup(text) : (INT_PTR)mir_u2a(text); } if (dbei->eventType == EVENTTYPE_CONTACTS) { CMStringW text(TranslateT("Contacts: ")); // blob is: [uin(ASCIIZ), nick(ASCIIZ)]* char *buf = LPSTR(dbei->pBlob), *limit = LPSTR(dbei->pBlob) + dbei->cbBlob; while (buf < limit) { ptrW tszUin(getEventString(dbei, buf)); ptrW tszNick(getEventString(dbei, buf)); if (tszNick && *tszNick) text.AppendFormat(L"\"%s\" ", tszNick); if (tszUin && *tszUin) text.AppendFormat(L"<%s>; ", tszUin); } return (datatype == DBVT_WCHAR) ? (INT_PTR)mir_wstrdup(text) : (INT_PTR)mir_u2a(text); } if (dbei->eventType == EVENTTYPE_FILE) { char *buf = LPSTR(dbei->pBlob) + sizeof(DWORD); ptrW tszFileName(getEventString(dbei, buf)); ptrW tszDescription(getEventString(dbei, buf)); ptrW &ptszText = (mir_wstrlen(tszDescription) == 0) ? tszFileName : tszDescription; switch (datatype) { case DBVT_WCHAR: return (INT_PTR)ptszText.detach(); case DBVT_ASCIIZ: return (INT_PTR)mir_u2a(ptszText); } return 0; } // by default treat an event's blob as a string if (datatype == DBVT_WCHAR) { char *str = (char*)alloca(dbei->cbBlob + 1); memcpy(str, dbei->pBlob, dbei->cbBlob); str[dbei->cbBlob] = 0; if (dbei->flags & DBEF_UTF) { WCHAR *msg = NULL; Utf8DecodeCP(str, codepage, &msg); if (msg) return (INT_PTR)msg; } return (INT_PTR)mir_a2u_cp(str, codepage); } if (datatype == DBVT_ASCIIZ) { char *msg = mir_strdup((char*)dbei->pBlob); if (dbei->flags & DBEF_UTF) Utf8DecodeCP(msg, codepage, NULL); return (INT_PTR)msg; } return 0; } MIR_APP_DLL(char*) DbEvent_GetTextA(DBEVENTINFO *dbei, int codepage) { return (char*)DbEventGetTextWorker(dbei, codepage, DBVT_ASCIIZ); } MIR_APP_DLL(wchar_t*) DbEvent_GetTextW(DBEVENTINFO *dbei, int codepage) { return (wchar_t*)DbEventGetTextWorker(dbei, codepage, DBVT_WCHAR); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MIR_APP_DLL(HICON) DbEvent_GetIcon(DBEVENTINFO *dbei, int flags) { DBEVENTTYPEDESCR *et = DbEvent_GetType(dbei->szModule, dbei->eventType); if (et && ServiceExists(et->iconService)) { HICON icon = (HICON)CallService(et->iconService, flags, (LPARAM)dbei); if (icon) return icon; } HICON icon = NULL; if (et && et->eventIcon) icon = IcoLib_GetIconByHandle(et->eventIcon); if (!icon) { char szName[100]; mir_snprintf(szName, "eventicon_%s%d", dbei->szModule, dbei->eventType); icon = IcoLib_GetIcon(szName); } if (!icon) { switch(dbei->eventType) { case EVENTTYPE_URL: icon = Skin_LoadIcon(SKINICON_EVENT_URL); break; case EVENTTYPE_FILE: icon = Skin_LoadIcon(SKINICON_EVENT_FILE); break; default: // EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE and unknown types icon = Skin_LoadIcon(SKINICON_EVENT_MESSAGE); break; } } return (flags & LR_SHARED) ? icon : CopyIcon(icon); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MIR_APP_DLL(wchar_t*) DbEvent_GetString(DBEVENTINFO *dbei, const char *str) { if (dbei->flags & DBEF_UTF) return Utf8DecodeW(str); return mir_a2u(str); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MIR_APP_DLL(int) Profile_GetPathA(size_t cbLen, char *pszDest) { if (!pszDest || !cbLen) return 1; strncpy_s(pszDest, cbLen, _T2A(g_profileDir), _TRUNCATE); return 0; } MIR_APP_DLL(int) Profile_GetPathW(size_t cbLen, wchar_t *pwszDest) { if (!pwszDest || !cbLen) return 1; wcsncpy_s(pwszDest, cbLen, g_profileDir, _TRUNCATE); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MIR_APP_DLL(int) Profile_GetNameA(size_t cbLen, char *pszDest) { if (!cbLen || !pszDest) return 1; strncpy_s(pszDest, cbLen, ptrA(makeFileName(g_profileName)), _TRUNCATE); return 0; } MIR_APP_DLL(int) Profile_GetNameW(size_t cbLen, wchar_t *pwszDest) { if (!cbLen || !pwszDest) return 1; wcsncpy_s(pwszDest, cbLen, g_profileName, _TRUNCATE); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MIR_APP_DLL(void) Profile_SetDefault(const wchar_t *pwszPath) { extern wchar_t* g_defaultProfile; replaceStrW(g_defaultProfile, pwszPath); }