/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (�) 2012-15 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org), Copyright (c) 2000-12 Miranda IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "netlib.h" typedef enum { reqHelloGet, reqOldGet, reqOldPost, reqNewPost, } RequestType; static int HttpGatewayReadSetResult(NetlibConnection *nlc, char *buf, int num, int peek) { if (nlc->dataBufferLen == 0) return 0; int bytes = min(num, nlc->dataBufferLen); int rbytes = nlc->dataBufferLen - bytes; memcpy(buf, nlc->dataBuffer, bytes); if (!peek) { memmove(nlc->dataBuffer, nlc->dataBuffer + bytes, rbytes); nlc->dataBufferLen = rbytes; } return bytes; } void HttpGatewayRemovePacket(NetlibConnection *nlc, int pck) { mir_cslock lck(nlc->csHttpSequenceNums); while (pck-- && nlc->pHttpProxyPacketQueue != NULL) { NetlibHTTPProxyPacketQueue *p = nlc->pHttpProxyPacketQueue; nlc->pHttpProxyPacketQueue = nlc->pHttpProxyPacketQueue->next; mir_free(p->dataBuffer); mir_free(p); } } static bool NetlibHttpGatewaySend(NetlibConnection *nlc, RequestType reqType, const char *buf, int len) { char szUrl[512]; NETLIBHTTPREQUEST nlhrSend = { 0 }; nlhrSend.cbSize = sizeof(nlhrSend); nlhrSend.nlc = nlc; nlhrSend.pData = (char*)buf; nlhrSend.dataLength = len; nlhrSend.flags = NLHRF_GENERATEHOST | NLHRF_DUMPPROXY | NLHRF_SMARTAUTHHEADER | NLHRF_NOPROXY | NLHRF_REDIRECT; if (nlc->nlhpi.flags & NLHPIF_HTTP11) nlhrSend.flags |= NLHRF_HTTP11; switch (reqType) { case reqHelloGet: nlhrSend.requestType = REQUEST_GET; nlhrSend.szUrl = nlc->nlu->user.szHttpGatewayHello; break; case reqOldGet: nlhrSend.requestType = REQUEST_GET; nlhrSend.timeout = -1; if ((nlc->nlhpi.flags & NLHPIF_USEGETSEQUENCE) && (nlc->nlhpi.szHttpGetUrl != NULL)) { mir_cslock lck(nlc->csHttpSequenceNums); mir_snprintf(szUrl, "%s%u", nlc->nlhpi.szHttpGetUrl, nlc->nlhpi.firstGetSequence++); if (nlc->nlhpi.flags & NLHPIF_GETPOSTSAMESEQUENCE) nlc->nlhpi.firstPostSequence++; nlhrSend.szUrl = szUrl; } else nlhrSend.szUrl = nlc->nlhpi.szHttpGetUrl; break; case reqOldPost: nlhrSend.requestType = REQUEST_POST; if ((nlc->nlhpi.flags & NLHPIF_USEPOSTSEQUENCE) && (nlc->nlhpi.szHttpPostUrl != NULL)) { mir_snprintf(szUrl, "%s%u", nlc->nlhpi.szHttpPostUrl, nlc->nlhpi.firstPostSequence); nlhrSend.szUrl = szUrl; } else nlhrSend.szUrl = nlc->nlhpi.szHttpPostUrl; break; case reqNewPost: nlhrSend.requestType = REQUEST_POST; nlhrSend.szUrl = nlc->nlhpi.szHttpPostUrl; break; } if (nlc->usingDirectHttpGateway) { NETLIBOPENCONNECTION nloc; NetlibConnFromUrl(nlhrSend.szUrl, false, nloc); bool sameHost = mir_strcmp(nlc->nloc.szHost, nloc.szHost) == 0 && nlc->nloc.wPort == nloc.wPort; if (!sameHost) { NetlibDoClose(nlc); mir_free((char*)nlc->nloc.szHost); nlc->nloc = nloc; if (!NetlibDoConnect(nlc)) return false; } else mir_free((char*)nloc.szHost); } nlhrSend.headersCount = 3; nlhrSend.headers = (NETLIBHTTPHEADER*)alloca(sizeof(NETLIBHTTPHEADER) * nlhrSend.headersCount); nlhrSend.headers[0].szName = "User-Agent"; nlhrSend.headers[0].szValue = nlc->nlu->user.szHttpGatewayUserAgent; nlhrSend.headers[1].szName = "Cache-Control"; nlhrSend.headers[1].szValue = "no-cache, no-store "; nlhrSend.headers[2].szName = "Pragma"; nlhrSend.headers[2].szValue = "no-cache"; return NetlibHttpSendRequest((WPARAM)nlc, (LPARAM)&nlhrSend) != SOCKET_ERROR; } static bool NetlibHttpGatewayStdPost(NetlibConnection *nlc, int &numPackets) { int np = 0, len = 0; char *buf; NetlibHTTPProxyPacketQueue *p; { mir_cslock lck(nlc->csHttpSequenceNums); for (p = nlc->pHttpProxyPacketQueue; p != NULL && np < nlc->nlhpi.combinePackets; p = p->next) { np++; len += p->dataBufferLen; } int dlen = 0; buf = (char*)alloca(len); numPackets = np; for (p = nlc->pHttpProxyPacketQueue; np--; p = p->next) { memcpy(buf + dlen, p->dataBuffer, p->dataBufferLen); dlen += p->dataBufferLen; } } return NetlibHttpGatewaySend(nlc, reqNewPost, buf, len); } static bool NetlibHttpGatewayOscarPost(NetlibConnection *nlc, const char *buf, int len, int flags) { NetlibConnection nlcSend = { 0 }; nlcSend.handleType = NLH_CONNECTION; nlcSend.nlu = nlc->nlu; nlcSend.nlhpi = nlc->nlhpi; nlcSend.s = nlc->s2; nlcSend.usingHttpGateway = nlc->usingHttpGateway; nlcSend.szProxyServer = nlc->szProxyServer; nlcSend.wProxyPort = nlc->wProxyPort; nlcSend.proxyType = nlc->proxyType; if (!NetlibReconnect(&nlcSend)) return false; nlc->s2 = nlcSend.s; nlcSend.hOkToCloseEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, TRUE, NULL); NetlibInitializeNestedCS(&nlcSend.ncsRecv); NetlibInitializeNestedCS(&nlcSend.ncsSend); bool res = NetlibHttpGatewaySend(&nlcSend, reqOldPost, buf, len); if (res) { NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *nlhrReply = NetlibHttpRecv(&nlcSend, flags | MSG_RAW | MSG_DUMPPROXY, MSG_RAW | MSG_DUMPPROXY); if (nlhrReply != NULL) { if (nlhrReply->resultCode != 200) { NetlibHttpSetLastErrorUsingHttpResult(nlhrReply->resultCode); res = false; } NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(0, (LPARAM)nlhrReply); } else res = false; } NetlibDeleteNestedCS(&nlcSend.ncsSend); NetlibDeleteNestedCS(&nlcSend.ncsRecv); CloseHandle(nlcSend.hOkToCloseEvent); nlc->s2 = nlcSend.s; mir_free((char*)nlcSend.nloc.szHost); mir_cslock lck(nlc->csHttpSequenceNums); nlc->nlhpi.firstPostSequence++; if (nlc->nlhpi.flags & NLHPIF_GETPOSTSAMESEQUENCE) nlc->nlhpi.firstGetSequence++; return res; } int NetlibHttpGatewayPost(NetlibConnection *nlc, const char *buf, int len, int flags) { if (nlc->nlhpi.szHttpGetUrl != NULL) return NetlibHttpGatewayOscarPost(nlc, buf, len, flags) ? len : SOCKET_ERROR; /* * Gena01 - many changes here, do compare against the other version. * * Change #1: simplify to use similar code to GET * Change #2: we need to allow to parse POST reply if szHttpGetUrl is NULL * Change #3: Keep connection open if we need to. * * Impact: NONE! Since currently miranda doesn't allow szHttpGetUrl to be NULL, it will not connect * with the new plugins that use this code. */ NetlibHTTPProxyPacketQueue *p = (NetlibHTTPProxyPacketQueue*)mir_alloc(sizeof(struct NetlibHTTPProxyPacketQueue)); p->dataBuffer = (PBYTE)mir_alloc(len); memcpy(p->dataBuffer, buf, len); p->dataBufferLen = len; p->next = NULL; /* * Now check to see where to insert this in our queue */ mir_cslock lck(nlc->csHttpSequenceNums); if (nlc->pHttpProxyPacketQueue == NULL) nlc->pHttpProxyPacketQueue = p; else { NetlibHTTPProxyPacketQueue *t = nlc->pHttpProxyPacketQueue; while (t->next != NULL) t = t->next; t->next = p; } /* * Gena01 - fake a Send!! tell 'em all is ok. We catch errors in Recv. */ return len; } #define NETLIBHTTP_RETRYCOUNT 3 #define NETLIBHTTP_RETRYTIMEOUT 2000 int NetlibHttpGatewayRecv(NetlibConnection *nlc, char *buf, int len, int flags) { bool peek = (flags & MSG_PEEK) != 0; if (nlc->dataBufferLen != 0 && (!peek || nlc->dataBufferLen >= len)) return HttpGatewayReadSetResult(nlc, buf, len, peek); NetlibUser *nlu = nlc->nlu; if (GetNetlibHandleType(nlu) != NLH_USER) return SOCKET_ERROR; for (int retryCount = 0; retryCount < NETLIBHTTP_RETRYCOUNT;) { if (nlc->nlhpi.szHttpGetUrl == NULL && retryCount == 0) { if (nlc->pollingTimeout == 0) nlc->pollingTimeout = 30; /* We Need to sleep/wait for the data to send before we do receive */ for (int pollCount = nlc->pollingTimeout; pollCount--;) { if (nlc->pHttpProxyPacketQueue != NULL && GetTickCount() - nlc->lastPost > 1000) break; if (nlc->termRequested || (SleepEx(1000, TRUE) && Miranda_Terminated())) return SOCKET_ERROR; } nlc->lastPost = GetTickCount(); if (nlc->pHttpProxyPacketQueue == NULL && nlu->user.pfnHttpGatewayWrapSend != NULL) if (nlu->user.pfnHttpGatewayWrapSend(nlc, (PBYTE)"", 0, MSG_NOHTTPGATEWAYWRAP, NetlibSend) == SOCKET_ERROR) return SOCKET_ERROR; } int numPackets = 0; if (nlc->nlhpi.szHttpGetUrl) { if (!NetlibHttpGatewaySend(nlc, reqOldGet, NULL, 0)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED || nlc->termRequested) break; ++retryCount; continue; } } else { if (!NetlibHttpGatewayStdPost(nlc, numPackets)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED || nlc->termRequested) break; ++retryCount; continue; } } NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *nlhrReply = NetlibHttpRecv(nlc, flags | MSG_RAW | MSG_DUMPPROXY, MSG_RAW | MSG_DUMPPROXY); if (nlhrReply == NULL) return SOCKET_ERROR; if (nlu->user.pfnHttpGatewayUnwrapRecv && !(flags & MSG_NOHTTPGATEWAYWRAP)) nlhrReply->pData = (char*)nlu->user.pfnHttpGatewayUnwrapRecv(nlhrReply, (PBYTE)nlhrReply->pData, nlhrReply->dataLength, &nlhrReply->dataLength, mir_realloc); if (nlhrReply->resultCode >= 300) { int resultCode = nlhrReply->resultCode; NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(0, (LPARAM)nlhrReply); if (nlc->nlhpi.szHttpGetUrl && resultCode != 404) { NetlibLogf(nlu, "Error received from proxy, retrying"); continue; } else { NetlibLogf(nlu, "Error received from proxy, retry attempts exceeded (%u)", retryCount); SetLastError(ERROR_GEN_FAILURE); return SOCKET_ERROR; } } else { retryCount = 0; HttpGatewayRemovePacket(nlc, numPackets); } if (nlhrReply->dataLength) { if (peek) { int rbytes = nlc->dataBufferLen + nlhrReply->dataLength; nlc->dataBuffer = (PBYTE)mir_realloc(nlc->dataBuffer, rbytes); memcpy(nlc->dataBuffer + nlc->dataBufferLen, nlhrReply->pData, nlhrReply->dataLength); nlc->dataBufferLen = rbytes; NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(0, (LPARAM)nlhrReply); return HttpGatewayReadSetResult(nlc, buf, len, peek); } else { int bytes = min(len, nlhrReply->dataLength); int rbytes = nlhrReply->dataLength - bytes; memcpy(buf, nlhrReply->pData, bytes); nlc->dataBuffer = (PBYTE)mir_realloc(nlc->dataBuffer, rbytes); if (rbytes) memcpy(nlc->dataBuffer, nlhrReply->pData + bytes, rbytes); nlc->dataBufferLen = rbytes; NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(0, (LPARAM)nlhrReply); return bytes; } } else { if ((peek && nlc->dataBufferLen != 0) || nlhrReply->pData) { NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(0, (LPARAM)nlhrReply); return HttpGatewayReadSetResult(nlc, buf, len, peek); } } NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(0, (LPARAM)nlhrReply); } SetLastError(ERROR_GEN_FAILURE); return SOCKET_ERROR; } int NetlibInitHttpConnection(NetlibConnection *nlc, NetlibUser *nlu, NETLIBOPENCONNECTION *nloc) { NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *nlhrReply = NULL; { mir_cslock lck(nlc->csHttpSequenceNums); nlc->nlhpi.firstGetSequence = 1; nlc->nlhpi.firstPostSequence = 1; } if (nlu->user.szHttpGatewayHello != NULL) { nlc->usingHttpGateway = true; if (NetlibHttpGatewaySend(nlc, reqHelloGet, NULL, 0)) nlhrReply = NetlibHttpRecv(nlc, MSG_DUMPPROXY | MSG_RAW, MSG_DUMPPROXY | MSG_RAW); nlc->usingHttpGateway = false; if (nlhrReply == NULL) return 0; if (nlhrReply->resultCode != 200) { NetlibHttpSetLastErrorUsingHttpResult(nlhrReply->resultCode); NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(0, (LPARAM)nlhrReply); return 0; } } if (!nlu->user.pfnHttpGatewayInit(nlc, nloc, nlhrReply)) { NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(0, (LPARAM)nlhrReply); return 0; } NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(0, (LPARAM)nlhrReply); /* * Gena01 - Ok, we should be able to use just POST. Needed for Yahoo, NO GET requests */ if (nlc->nlhpi.szHttpPostUrl == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_FORMAT); return 0; } nlc->usingHttpGateway = true; //now properly connected if (nlu->user.pfnHttpGatewayBegin && !nlu->user.pfnHttpGatewayBegin(nlc, nloc)) return 0; return 1; } INT_PTR NetlibHttpGatewaySetInfo(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { NETLIBHTTPPROXYINFO *nlhpi = (NETLIBHTTPPROXYINFO*)lParam; NetlibConnection *nlc = (struct NetlibConnection*)wParam; if (GetNetlibHandleType(nlc) != NLH_CONNECTION || nlhpi == NULL || nlhpi->cbSize < (sizeof(NETLIBHTTPPROXYINFO) - sizeof(int)) || nlhpi->szHttpPostUrl == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; } mir_free(nlc->nlhpi.szHttpGetUrl); mir_free(nlc->nlhpi.szHttpPostUrl); nlc->nlhpi.combinePackets = 1; memcpy(&nlc->nlhpi, nlhpi, min(nlhpi->cbSize, sizeof(*nlhpi))); if (nlc->nlhpi.combinePackets == 0) nlc->nlhpi.combinePackets = 1; nlc->nlhpi.szHttpGetUrl = mir_strdup(nlc->nlhpi.szHttpGetUrl); nlc->nlhpi.szHttpPostUrl = mir_strdup(nlc->nlhpi.szHttpPostUrl); return 1; } INT_PTR NetlibHttpSetSticky(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { NetlibUser * nu = (NetlibUser*)wParam; if (GetNetlibHandleType(nu) != NLH_USER) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; replaceStr(nu->szStickyHeaders, (char*)lParam); // pointer is ours return 0; } INT_PTR NetlibHttpSetPollingTimeout(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int oldTimeout; NetlibConnection *nlc = (struct NetlibConnection*)wParam; if (GetNetlibHandleType(nlc) != NLH_CONNECTION) return -1; oldTimeout = nlc->pollingTimeout; nlc->pollingTimeout = lParam; return oldTimeout; }