/* Chat module plugin for Miranda IM Copyright 2000-12 Miranda IM, 2012-15 Miranda NG project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h" #include "chat.h" #define WINDOWS_COMMANDS_MAX 30 CHAT_MANAGER ci; MODULEINFO *m_ModList = 0; static void SetActiveSessionEx(SESSION_INFO *si) { if (si) { replaceStrT(ci.szActiveWndID, si->ptszID); replaceStr(ci.szActiveWndModule, si->pszModule); } } static void SetActiveSession(const TCHAR *pszID, const char *pszModule) { SESSION_INFO *si = ci.SM_FindSession(pszID, pszModule); if (si) SetActiveSessionEx(si); } static SESSION_INFO* GetActiveSession(void) { SESSION_INFO *si = ci.SM_FindSession(ci.szActiveWndID, ci.szActiveWndModule); if (si) return si; return ci.wndList; } //--------------------------------------------------- // Session Manager functions // // Keeps track of all sessions and its windows //--------------------------------------------------- static SESSION_INFO* SM_AddSession(const TCHAR *pszID, const char *pszModule) { if (!pszID || !pszModule) return NULL; if (ci.SM_FindSession(pszID, pszModule)) return NULL; SESSION_INFO *node = (SESSION_INFO*)mir_calloc(g_cbSession); node->ptszID = mir_tstrdup(pszID); node->pszModule = mir_strdup(pszModule); if (ci.wndList == NULL) { // list is empty ci.wndList = node; node->next = NULL; } else { node->next = ci.wndList; ci.wndList = node; } return node; } static void SM_FreeSession(SESSION_INFO *si) { // contact may have been deleted here already, since function may be called after deleting // contact so the handle may be invalid, therefore db_get_b shall return 0 if (si->hContact && db_get_b(si->hContact, si->pszModule, "ChatRoom", 0) != 0) { ci.SetOffline(si->hContact, (si->iType == GCW_CHATROOM || si->iType == GCW_PRIVMESS) ? TRUE : FALSE); db_set_s(si->hContact, si->pszModule, "Topic", ""); db_set_s(si->hContact, si->pszModule, "StatusBar", ""); db_unset(si->hContact, "CList", "StatusMsg"); } ci.UM_RemoveAll(&si->pUsers); ci.TM_RemoveAll(&si->pStatuses); ci.LM_RemoveAll(&si->pLog, &si->pLogEnd); si->iStatusCount = 0; si->nUsersInNicklist = 0; mir_free(si->pszModule); mir_free(si->ptszID); mir_free(si->ptszName); mir_free(si->ptszStatusbarText); mir_free(si->ptszTopic); while (si->lpCommands != NULL) { COMMANDINFO *pNext = si->lpCommands->next; mir_free(si->lpCommands->lpCommand); mir_free(si->lpCommands); si->lpCommands = pNext; } mir_free(si); } static int SM_RemoveSession(const TCHAR *pszID, const char *pszModule, BOOL removeContact) { if (!pszModule) return FALSE; SESSION_INFO *pTemp = ci.wndList, *pLast = NULL; while (pTemp != NULL) { // match if ((!pszID && pTemp->iType != GCW_SERVER || !mir_tstrcmpi(pTemp->ptszID, pszID)) && !mir_strcmpi(pTemp->pszModule, pszModule)) { DWORD dw = pTemp->dwItemData; if (ci.OnRemoveSession) ci.OnRemoveSession(pTemp); DoEventHook(pTemp->ptszID, pTemp->pszModule, GC_SESSION_TERMINATE, NULL, NULL, (DWORD)pTemp->dwItemData); if (pLast == NULL) ci.wndList = pTemp->next; else pLast->next = pTemp->next; // contact may have been deleted here already, since function may be called after deleting // contact so the handle may be invalid, therefore db_get_b shall return 0 if (pTemp->hContact && removeContact) CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETE, (WPARAM)pTemp->hContact, 0); SM_FreeSession(pTemp); if (pszID) return (int)dw; if (pLast) pTemp = pLast->next; else pTemp = ci.wndList; } else { pLast = pTemp; pTemp = pTemp->next; } } return FALSE; } static SESSION_INFO* SM_FindSession(const TCHAR *pszID, const char *pszModule) { if (!pszID || !pszModule) return NULL; for (SESSION_INFO *si = ci.wndList; si != NULL; si = si->next) if (!mir_tstrcmpi(si->ptszID, pszID) && !mir_strcmpi(si->pszModule, pszModule)) return si; return NULL; } static BOOL SM_SetOffline(const TCHAR *pszID, const char *pszModule) { if (!pszModule) return FALSE; for (SESSION_INFO *si = ci.wndList; si != NULL; si = si->next) { if ((pszID && _tcsicmp(si->ptszID, pszID)) || mir_strcmpi(si->pszModule, pszModule)) continue; ci.UM_RemoveAll(&si->pUsers); si->nUsersInNicklist = 0; if (si->iType != GCW_SERVER) si->bInitDone = FALSE; if (ci.OnOfflineSession) ci.OnOfflineSession(si); if (pszID) return TRUE; } return TRUE; } static BOOL SM_SetStatusEx(const TCHAR *pszID, const char *pszModule, const TCHAR* pszText, int flags) { if (!pszModule) return FALSE; for (SESSION_INFO *si = ci.wndList; si != NULL; si = si->next) { if ((pszID && _tcsicmp(si->ptszID, pszID)) || mir_strcmpi(si->pszModule, pszModule)) continue; ci.UM_SetStatusEx(si->pUsers, pszText, flags); if (si->hWnd) RedrawWindow(GetDlgItem(si->hWnd, IDC_LIST), NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE); if (pszID) return TRUE; } return TRUE; } static HICON SM_GetStatusIcon(SESSION_INFO *si, USERINFO * ui) { if (!ui || !si) return NULL; STATUSINFO *ti = ci.TM_FindStatus(si->pStatuses, ci.TM_WordToString(si->pStatuses, ui->Status)); if (ti != NULL) { if ((UINT_PTR)ti->hIcon >= STATUSICONCOUNT) return ti->hIcon; return ci.hIcons[ICON_STATUS0 + (int)ti->hIcon]; } return ci.hIcons[ICON_STATUS0]; } static BOOL SM_AddEventToAllMatchingUID(GCEVENT *gce) { int bManyFix = 0; for (SESSION_INFO *p = ci.wndList; p != NULL; p = p->next) { if (!p->bInitDone || mir_strcmpi(p->pszModule, gce->pDest->pszModule)) continue; if (!ci.UM_FindUser(p->pUsers, gce->ptszUID)) continue; if (ci.OnEventBroadcast) ci.OnEventBroadcast(p, gce); if (!(gce->dwFlags & GCEF_NOTNOTIFY)) ci.DoSoundsFlashPopupTrayStuff(p, gce, FALSE, bManyFix); bManyFix++; if ((gce->dwFlags & GCEF_ADDTOLOG) && g_Settings->bLoggingEnabled) ci.LogToFile(p, gce); } return 0; } static BOOL SM_AddEvent(const TCHAR *pszID, const char *pszModule, GCEVENT *gce, BOOL bIsHighlighted) { SESSION_INFO *p = SM_FindSession(pszID, pszModule); if (p == NULL) return TRUE; LOGINFO *li = ci.LM_AddEvent(&p->pLog, &p->pLogEnd); p->iEventCount += 1; li->iType = gce->pDest->iType; li->ptszNick = mir_tstrdup(gce->ptszNick); li->ptszText = mir_tstrdup(gce->ptszText); li->ptszStatus = mir_tstrdup(gce->ptszStatus); li->ptszUserInfo = mir_tstrdup(gce->ptszUserInfo); li->bIsMe = gce->bIsMe; li->time = gce->time; li->bIsHighlighted = bIsHighlighted; if (g_Settings->iEventLimit > 0 && p->iEventCount > g_Settings->iEventLimit + 20) { ci.LM_TrimLog(&p->pLog, &p->pLogEnd, p->iEventCount - g_Settings->iEventLimit); p->bTrimmed = true; p->iEventCount = g_Settings->iEventLimit; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static USERINFO* SM_AddUser(const TCHAR *pszID, const char *pszModule, const TCHAR *pszUID, const TCHAR *pszNick, WORD wStatus) { SESSION_INFO *si = SM_FindSession(pszID, pszModule); if (si == NULL) return NULL; USERINFO *p = ci.UM_AddUser(si->pStatuses, &si->pUsers, pszUID, pszNick, wStatus); si->nUsersInNicklist++; if (ci.OnAddUser) ci.OnAddUser(si, p); return p; } static BOOL SM_MoveUser(const TCHAR *pszID, const char *pszModule, const TCHAR *pszUID) { if (!pszUID) return FALSE; SESSION_INFO *si = SM_FindSession(pszID, pszModule); if (si == NULL) return FALSE; ci.UM_SortUser(&si->pUsers, pszUID); return TRUE; } static BOOL SM_RemoveUser(const TCHAR *pszID, const char *pszModule, const TCHAR *pszUID) { if (!pszModule || !pszUID) return FALSE; for (SESSION_INFO *si = ci.wndList; si != NULL; si = si->next) { if ((pszID && _tcsicmp(si->ptszID, pszID)) || mir_strcmpi(si->pszModule, pszModule)) continue; USERINFO *ui = ci.UM_FindUser(si->pUsers, pszUID); if (ui) { si->nUsersInNicklist--; if (ci.OnRemoveUser) ci.OnRemoveUser(si, ui); ci.UM_RemoveUser(&si->pUsers, pszUID); if (si->hWnd) SendMessage(si->hWnd, GC_UPDATENICKLIST, 0, 0); if (pszID) return TRUE; } } return 0; } static USERINFO* SM_GetUserFromIndex(const TCHAR *pszID, const char *pszModule, int index) { SESSION_INFO *si = SM_FindSession(pszID, pszModule); return (si == NULL) ? NULL : ci.UM_FindUserFromIndex(si->pUsers, index); } STATUSINFO* SM_AddStatus(const TCHAR *pszID, const char *pszModule, const TCHAR *pszStatus) { SESSION_INFO *si = SM_FindSession(pszID, pszModule); if (si == NULL) return NULL; STATUSINFO *ti = ci.TM_AddStatus(&si->pStatuses, pszStatus, &si->iStatusCount); if (ti) si->iStatusCount++; if (ci.OnAddStatus) ci.OnAddStatus(si, ti); return ti; } static BOOL SM_GiveStatus(const TCHAR *pszID, const char *pszModule, const TCHAR *pszUID, const TCHAR *pszStatus) { SESSION_INFO *si = SM_FindSession(pszID, pszModule); if (si == NULL) return FALSE; USERINFO *ui = ci.UM_GiveStatus(si->pUsers, pszUID, ci.TM_StringToWord(si->pStatuses, pszStatus)); if (ui) { SM_MoveUser(si->ptszID, si->pszModule, ui->pszUID); if (si->hWnd) SendMessage(si->hWnd, GC_UPDATENICKLIST, 0, 0); } return TRUE; } static BOOL SM_SetContactStatus(const TCHAR *pszID, const char *pszModule, const TCHAR *pszUID, WORD wStatus) { SESSION_INFO *si = SM_FindSession(pszID, pszModule); if (si == NULL) return FALSE; USERINFO *ui = ci.UM_SetContactStatus(si->pUsers, pszUID, wStatus); if (ui) { SM_MoveUser(si->ptszID, si->pszModule, ui->pszUID); if (si->hWnd) SendMessage(si->hWnd, GC_UPDATENICKLIST, 0, 0); } return TRUE; } static BOOL SM_TakeStatus(const TCHAR *pszID, const char *pszModule, const TCHAR *pszUID, const TCHAR *pszStatus) { SESSION_INFO *si = SM_FindSession(pszID, pszModule); if (si == NULL) return FALSE; USERINFO *ui = ci.UM_TakeStatus(si->pUsers, pszUID, ci.TM_StringToWord(si->pStatuses, pszStatus)); if (ui) { SM_MoveUser(si->ptszID, si->pszModule, ui->pszUID); if (si->hWnd) SendMessage(si->hWnd, GC_UPDATENICKLIST, 0, 0); } return TRUE; } static LRESULT SM_SendMessage(const TCHAR *pszID, const char *pszModule, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (pszModule == NULL) return 0; for (SESSION_INFO *si = ci.wndList; si != NULL; si = si->next) { if ((pszID && _tcsicmp(si->ptszID, pszID)) || mir_strcmpi(si->pszModule, pszModule)) continue; if (si->hWnd) { LRESULT i = SendMessage(si->hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); if (pszID) return i; } if (pszID) return 0; } return 0; } static BOOL SM_PostMessage(const TCHAR *pszID, const char *pszModule, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { SESSION_INFO *si = SM_FindSession(pszID, pszModule); if (si == NULL) return FALSE; if (si->hWnd) return PostMessage(si->hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); return FALSE; } static BOOL SM_BroadcastMessage(const char *pszModule, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL bAsync) { for (SESSION_INFO *si = ci.wndList; si != NULL; si = si->next) { if (pszModule && _strcmpi(si->pszModule, pszModule)) continue; if (si->hWnd) { if (bAsync) PostMessage(si->hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); else SendMessage(si->hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } } return TRUE; } static BOOL SM_SetStatus(const TCHAR *pszID, const char *pszModule, int wStatus) { if (!pszModule) return FALSE; for (SESSION_INFO *si = ci.wndList; si != NULL; si = si->next) { if ((pszID && _tcsicmp(si->ptszID, pszID)) || mir_strcmpi(si->pszModule, pszModule)) continue; si->wStatus = wStatus; if (si->hContact) { if (si->iType != GCW_SERVER && wStatus != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) db_unset(si->hContact, "CList", "Hidden"); db_set_w(si->hContact, si->pszModule, "Status", (WORD)wStatus); } if (ci.OnSetStatus) ci.OnSetStatus(si, wStatus); if (pszID) return TRUE; } return TRUE; } static BOOL SM_SendUserMessage(const TCHAR *pszID, const char *pszModule, const TCHAR* pszText) { if (!pszModule || !pszText) return FALSE; for (SESSION_INFO *si = ci.wndList; si != NULL; si = si->next) { if ((pszID && _tcsicmp(si->ptszID, pszID)) || mir_strcmpi(si->pszModule, pszModule)) continue; if (si->iType == GCW_CHATROOM || si->iType == GCW_PRIVMESS) DoEventHook(si->ptszID, si->pszModule, GC_USER_MESSAGE, NULL, pszText, 0); if (pszID) return TRUE; } return TRUE; } static BOOL SM_ChangeUID(const TCHAR *pszID, const char *pszModule, const TCHAR *pszUID, const TCHAR* pszNewUID) { if (!pszModule) return FALSE; for (SESSION_INFO *si = ci.wndList; si != NULL; si = si->next) { if ((pszID && _tcsicmp(si->ptszID, pszID)) || mir_strcmpi(si->pszModule, pszModule)) continue; USERINFO* ui = ci.UM_FindUser(si->pUsers, pszUID); if (ui) replaceStrT(ui->pszUID, pszNewUID); if (pszID) return TRUE; } return TRUE; } static BOOL SM_ChangeNick(const TCHAR *pszID, const char *pszModule, GCEVENT *gce) { if (!pszModule) return FALSE; for (SESSION_INFO *si = ci.wndList; si != NULL; si = si->next) { if ((!pszID || !mir_tstrcmpi(si->ptszID, pszID)) && !mir_strcmpi(si->pszModule, pszModule)) { USERINFO *ui = ci.UM_FindUser(si->pUsers, gce->ptszUID); if (ui) { replaceStrT(ui->pszNick, gce->ptszText); SM_MoveUser(si->ptszID, si->pszModule, ui->pszUID); if (si->hWnd) SendMessage(si->hWnd, GC_UPDATENICKLIST, 0, 0); if (ci.OnChangeNick) ci.OnChangeNick(si); } if (pszID) return TRUE; } } return TRUE; } static BOOL SM_SetTabbedWindowHwnd(SESSION_INFO *si, HWND hwnd) { for (SESSION_INFO *p = ci.wndList; p != NULL; p = p->next) { if (si && si == p) p->hWnd = hwnd; else p->hWnd = NULL; } return TRUE; } static BOOL SM_RemoveAll(void) { while (ci.wndList) { SESSION_INFO *pLast = ci.wndList->next; if (ci.wndList->hWnd) SendMessage(ci.wndList->hWnd, GC_EVENT_CONTROL + WM_USER + 500, SESSION_TERMINATE, 0); DoEventHook(ci.wndList->ptszID, ci.wndList->pszModule, GC_SESSION_TERMINATE, NULL, NULL, (DWORD)ci.wndList->dwItemData); SM_FreeSession(ci.wndList); ci.wndList = pLast; } ci.wndList = NULL; return TRUE; } static void SM_AddCommand(const TCHAR *pszID, const char *pszModule, const char* lpNewCommand) { SESSION_INFO *si = SM_FindSession(pszID, pszModule); if (si == NULL) return; COMMANDINFO *node = (COMMANDINFO *)mir_alloc(sizeof(COMMANDINFO)); node->lpCommand = mir_strdup(lpNewCommand); node->last = NULL; // always added at beginning! // new commands are added at start if (si->lpCommands == NULL) { node->next = NULL; si->lpCommands = node; } else { node->next = si->lpCommands; si->lpCommands->last = node; // hmm, weird si->lpCommands = node; } si->lpCurrentCommand = NULL; // current command si->wCommandsNum++; if (si->wCommandsNum > WINDOWS_COMMANDS_MAX) { COMMANDINFO *pCurComm = si->lpCommands; while (pCurComm->next != NULL) { pCurComm = pCurComm->next; } COMMANDINFO *pLast = pCurComm->last; mir_free(pCurComm->lpCommand); mir_free(pCurComm); pLast->next = NULL; // done si->wCommandsNum--; } } static char* SM_GetPrevCommand(const TCHAR *pszID, const char *pszModule) // get previous command. returns NULL if previous command does not exist. current command remains as it was. { SESSION_INFO *si = SM_FindSession(pszID, pszModule); if (si == NULL) return NULL; COMMANDINFO *pPrevCmd = NULL; if (si->lpCurrentCommand != NULL) { if (si->lpCurrentCommand->next != NULL) // not NULL pPrevCmd = si->lpCurrentCommand->next; // next command (newest at beginning) else pPrevCmd = si->lpCurrentCommand; } else pPrevCmd = si->lpCommands; si->lpCurrentCommand = pPrevCmd; // make it the new command return (pPrevCmd) ? pPrevCmd->lpCommand : NULL; } static char* SM_GetNextCommand(const TCHAR *pszID, const char *pszModule) // get next command. returns NULL if next command does not exist. current command becomes NULL (a prev command after this one will get you the last command) { SESSION_INFO *si = SM_FindSession(pszID, pszModule); if (si == NULL) return NULL; COMMANDINFO *pNextCmd = NULL; if (si->lpCurrentCommand != NULL) pNextCmd = si->lpCurrentCommand->last; // last command (newest at beginning) si->lpCurrentCommand = pNextCmd; // make it the new command return (pNextCmd) ? pNextCmd->lpCommand : NULL; } static int SM_GetCount(const char *pszModule) { int count = 0; for (SESSION_INFO *si = ci.wndList; si != NULL; si = si->next) if (!mir_strcmpi(pszModule, si->pszModule)) count++; return count; } static SESSION_INFO* SM_FindSessionByIndex(const char *pszModule, int iItem) { int count = 0; for (SESSION_INFO *si = ci.wndList; si != NULL; si = si->next) { if (!mir_strcmpi(pszModule, si->pszModule)) { if (iItem == count) return si; count++; } } return NULL; } static char* SM_GetUsers(SESSION_INFO *si) { if (si == NULL) return NULL; USERINFO *utemp = NULL; for (SESSION_INFO *p = ci.wndList; p != NULL; p = p->next) { if (si == p) { if ((utemp = p->pUsers) == NULL) return NULL; break; } } char* p = NULL; size_t alloced = 0; do { size_t pLen = mir_strlen(p), nameLen = mir_tstrlen(utemp->pszUID); if (pLen + nameLen + 2 > alloced) p = (char*)mir_realloc(p, alloced += 4096); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, utemp->pszUID, -1, p + pLen, (int)nameLen + 1, 0, 0); mir_strcpy(p + pLen + nameLen, " "); utemp = utemp->next; } while (utemp != NULL); return p; } static void SM_InvalidateLogDirectories() { for (SESSION_INFO *si = ci.wndList; si; si = si->next) si->pszLogFileName[0] = si->pszLogFileName[1] = 0; } //--------------------------------------------------- // Module Manager functions // // Necessary to keep track of all modules // that has registered with the plugin //--------------------------------------------------- static MODULEINFO* MM_AddModule(const char *pszModule) { if (pszModule == NULL) return NULL; if (ci.MM_FindModule(pszModule)) return NULL; MODULEINFO *node = (MODULEINFO*)mir_calloc(g_cbModuleInfo); replaceStr(node->pszModule, pszModule); if (ci.OnCreateModule) ci.OnCreateModule(node); if (m_ModList == NULL) { // list is empty m_ModList = node; node->next = NULL; } else { node->next = m_ModList; m_ModList = node; } return node; } static void MM_IconsChanged() { LoadChatIcons(); for (MODULEINFO *mi = m_ModList; mi != NULL; mi = mi->next) { Safe_DestroyIcon(mi->hOnlineIcon); Safe_DestroyIcon(mi->hOfflineIcon); Safe_DestroyIcon(mi->hOnlineTalkIcon); Safe_DestroyIcon(mi->hOfflineTalkIcon); if (ci.OnCreateModule) // recreate icons ci.OnCreateModule(mi); } } static void MM_FontsChanged() { for (MODULEINFO *mi = m_ModList; mi != NULL; mi = mi->next) mi->pszHeader = ci.Log_CreateRtfHeader(mi); } static MODULEINFO* MM_FindModule(const char *pszModule) { if (!pszModule) return NULL; for (MODULEINFO *mi = m_ModList; mi != NULL; mi = mi->next) if (mir_strcmpi(mi->pszModule, pszModule) == 0) return mi; return NULL; } // stupid thing.. static void MM_FixColors() { for (MODULEINFO *mi = m_ModList; mi != NULL; mi = mi->next) CheckColorsInModule(mi->pszModule); } static BOOL MM_RemoveAll(void) { while (m_ModList != NULL) { MODULEINFO *pLast = m_ModList->next; mir_free(m_ModList->pszModule); mir_free(m_ModList->ptszModDispName); mir_free(m_ModList->pszHeader); mir_free(m_ModList->crColors); Safe_DestroyIcon(m_ModList->hOnlineIcon); Safe_DestroyIcon(m_ModList->hOfflineIcon); Safe_DestroyIcon(m_ModList->hOnlineTalkIcon); Safe_DestroyIcon(m_ModList->hOfflineTalkIcon); mir_free(m_ModList); m_ModList = pLast; } m_ModList = NULL; return TRUE; } //--------------------------------------------------- // Status manager functions // // Necessary to keep track of what user statuses // per window nicklist that is available //--------------------------------------------------- static STATUSINFO* TM_AddStatus(STATUSINFO **ppStatusList, const TCHAR *pszStatus, int *iCount) { if (!ppStatusList || !pszStatus) return NULL; if (!ci.TM_FindStatus(*ppStatusList, pszStatus)) { STATUSINFO *node = (STATUSINFO*)mir_alloc(sizeof(STATUSINFO)); memset(node, 0, sizeof(STATUSINFO)); replaceStrT(node->pszGroup, pszStatus); node->hIcon = (HICON)(*iCount); while ((int)node->hIcon > STATUSICONCOUNT - 1) node->hIcon--; if (*ppStatusList == NULL) { // list is empty node->Status = 1; *ppStatusList = node; node->next = NULL; } else { node->Status = ppStatusList[0]->Status * 2; node->next = *ppStatusList; *ppStatusList = node; } return node; } return FALSE; } static STATUSINFO* TM_FindStatus(STATUSINFO *pStatusList, const TCHAR *pszStatus) { if (!pStatusList || !pszStatus) return NULL; for (STATUSINFO *pTemp = pStatusList; pTemp != NULL; pTemp = pTemp->next) if (mir_tstrcmpi(pTemp->pszGroup, pszStatus) == 0) return pTemp; return 0; } static WORD TM_StringToWord(STATUSINFO *pStatusList, const TCHAR *pszStatus) { if (!pStatusList || !pszStatus) return 0; for (STATUSINFO *pTemp = pStatusList; pTemp != NULL; pTemp = pTemp->next) { if (mir_tstrcmpi(pTemp->pszGroup, pszStatus) == 0) return pTemp->Status; if (pTemp->next == NULL) return pStatusList->Status; } return 0; } static TCHAR* TM_WordToString(STATUSINFO *pStatusList, WORD Status) { if (!pStatusList) return NULL; for (STATUSINFO *pTemp = pStatusList; pTemp != NULL; pTemp = pTemp->next) { if (pTemp->Status & Status) { Status -= pTemp->Status; if (Status == 0) return pTemp->pszGroup; } } return 0; } static BOOL TM_RemoveAll(STATUSINFO **ppStatusList) { if (!ppStatusList) return FALSE; while (*ppStatusList != NULL) { STATUSINFO *pLast = ppStatusList[0]->next; mir_free(ppStatusList[0]->pszGroup); if ((int)ppStatusList[0]->hIcon > 10) DestroyIcon(ppStatusList[0]->hIcon); mir_free(*ppStatusList); *ppStatusList = pLast; } *ppStatusList = NULL; return TRUE; } //--------------------------------------------------- // User manager functions // // Necessary to keep track of the users // in a window nicklist //--------------------------------------------------- static int UM_CompareItem(USERINFO *u1, const TCHAR *pszNick, WORD wStatus) { WORD dw1 = u1->Status; WORD dw2 = wStatus; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if ((dw1 & 1) && !(dw2 & 1)) return -1; if ((dw2 & 1) && !(dw1 & 1)) return 1; if ((dw1 & 1) && (dw2 & 1)) return mir_tstrcmpi(u1->pszNick, pszNick); dw1 = dw1 >> 1; dw2 = dw2 >> 1; } return mir_tstrcmpi(u1->pszNick, pszNick); } static USERINFO* UM_SortUser(USERINFO **ppUserList, const TCHAR *pszUID) { USERINFO *ui = *ppUserList, *pLast = NULL; if (!ui || !pszUID) return NULL; while (ui && mir_tstrcmpi(ui->pszUID, pszUID)) { pLast = ui; ui = ui->next; } if (ui == NULL) return NULL; USERINFO *node = ui; if (pLast) pLast->next = ui->next; else *ppUserList = ui->next; ui = *ppUserList; pLast = NULL; while (ui && ci.UM_CompareItem(ui, node->pszNick, node->Status) <= 0) { pLast = ui; ui = ui->next; } if (*ppUserList == NULL) { // list is empty *ppUserList = node; node->next = NULL; } else { if (pLast) { node->next = ui; pLast->next = node; } else { node->next = *ppUserList; *ppUserList = node; } } return node; } USERINFO* UM_AddUser(STATUSINFO *pStatusList, USERINFO **ppUserList, const TCHAR *pszUID, const TCHAR *pszNick, WORD wStatus) { if (!pStatusList || !ppUserList) return NULL; USERINFO *ui = *ppUserList, *pLast = NULL; while (ui && ci.UM_CompareItem(ui, pszNick, wStatus) <= 0) { pLast = ui; ui = ui->next; } // if (!UM_FindUser(*ppUserList, pszUI, wStatus) USERINFO *node = (USERINFO*)mir_calloc(sizeof(USERINFO)); replaceStrT(node->pszUID, pszUID); if (*ppUserList == NULL) { // list is empty *ppUserList = node; node->next = NULL; } else { if (pLast) { node->next = ui; pLast->next = node; } else { node->next = *ppUserList; *ppUserList = node; } } return node; } static USERINFO* UM_FindUser(USERINFO *pUserList, const TCHAR *pszUID) { if (!pUserList || !pszUID) return NULL; for (USERINFO *ui = pUserList; ui != NULL; ui = ui->next) if (!mir_tstrcmpi(ui->pszUID, pszUID)) return ui; return NULL; } static USERINFO* UM_FindUserFromIndex(USERINFO *pUserList, int index) { if (!pUserList) return NULL; int i = 0; for (USERINFO *ui = pUserList; ui != NULL; ui = ui->next) { if (i == index) return ui; i++; } return NULL; } static USERINFO* UM_GiveStatus(USERINFO *pUserList, const TCHAR *pszUID, WORD status) { USERINFO *ui = UM_FindUser(pUserList, pszUID); if (ui == NULL) return NULL; ui->Status |= status; return ui; } static USERINFO* UM_SetContactStatus(USERINFO *pUserList, const TCHAR *pszUID, WORD status) { USERINFO *ui = UM_FindUser(pUserList, pszUID); if (ui == NULL) return NULL; ui->ContactStatus = status; return ui; } static BOOL UM_SetStatusEx(USERINFO *pUserList, const TCHAR* pszText, int flags) { int bOnlyMe = (flags & GC_SSE_ONLYLISTED) != 0, bSetStatus = (flags & GC_SSE_ONLINE) != 0; char cDelimiter = (flags & GC_SSE_TABDELIMITED) ? '\t' : ' '; for (USERINFO *ui = pUserList; ui != NULL; ui = ui->next) { if (!bOnlyMe) ui->iStatusEx = 0; if (pszText != NULL) { TCHAR *s = (TCHAR *)_tcsstr(pszText, ui->pszUID); if (s) { ui->iStatusEx = 0; if (s == pszText || s[-1] == cDelimiter) { size_t len = mir_tstrlen(ui->pszUID); if (s[len] == cDelimiter || s[len] == '\0') ui->iStatusEx = (!bOnlyMe || bSetStatus) ? 1 : 0; } } } } return TRUE; } static USERINFO* UM_TakeStatus(USERINFO *pUserList, const TCHAR *pszUID, WORD status) { USERINFO *ui = UM_FindUser(pUserList, pszUID); if (ui == NULL) return NULL; ui->Status &= ~status; return ui; } static TCHAR* UM_FindUserAutoComplete(USERINFO *pUserList, const TCHAR* pszOriginal, const TCHAR* pszCurrent) { if (!pUserList || !pszOriginal || !pszCurrent) return NULL; TCHAR *pszName = NULL; for (USERINFO *ui = pUserList; ui != NULL; ui = ui->next) if (ui->pszNick && my_strstri(ui->pszNick, pszOriginal) == ui->pszNick) if (mir_tstrcmpi(ui->pszNick, pszCurrent) > 0 && (!pszName || mir_tstrcmpi(ui->pszNick, pszName) < 0)) pszName = ui->pszNick; return pszName; } static BOOL UM_RemoveUser(USERINFO **ppUserList, const TCHAR *pszUID) { if (!ppUserList || !pszUID) return FALSE; USERINFO *ui = *ppUserList, *pLast = NULL; while (ui != NULL) { if (!mir_tstrcmpi(ui->pszUID, pszUID)) { if (pLast == NULL) *ppUserList = ui->next; else pLast->next = ui->next; mir_free(ui->pszNick); mir_free(ui->pszUID); mir_free(ui); return TRUE; } pLast = ui; ui = ui->next; } return FALSE; } static BOOL UM_RemoveAll(USERINFO **ppUserList) { if (!ppUserList) return FALSE; while (*ppUserList != NULL) { USERINFO *pLast = ppUserList[0]->next; mir_free(ppUserList[0]->pszUID); mir_free(ppUserList[0]->pszNick); mir_free(*ppUserList); *ppUserList = pLast; } *ppUserList = NULL; return TRUE; } //--------------------------------------------------- // Log manager functions // // Necessary to keep track of events // in a window log //--------------------------------------------------- static LOGINFO* LM_AddEvent(LOGINFO **ppLogListStart, LOGINFO** ppLogListEnd) { if (!ppLogListStart || !ppLogListEnd) return NULL; LOGINFO *node = (LOGINFO*)mir_calloc(sizeof(LOGINFO)); if (*ppLogListStart == NULL) { // list is empty *ppLogListStart = node; *ppLogListEnd = node; node->next = NULL; node->prev = NULL; } else { ppLogListStart[0]->prev = node; node->next = *ppLogListStart; *ppLogListStart = node; ppLogListStart[0]->prev = NULL; } return node; } static BOOL LM_TrimLog(LOGINFO **ppLogListStart, LOGINFO **ppLogListEnd, int iCount) { LOGINFO *pTemp = *ppLogListEnd; while (pTemp != NULL && iCount > 0) { *ppLogListEnd = pTemp->prev; if (*ppLogListEnd == NULL) *ppLogListStart = NULL; mir_free(pTemp->ptszNick); mir_free(pTemp->ptszUserInfo); mir_free(pTemp->ptszText); mir_free(pTemp->ptszStatus); mir_free(pTemp); pTemp = *ppLogListEnd; iCount--; } ppLogListEnd[0]->next = NULL; return TRUE; } static BOOL LM_RemoveAll(LOGINFO **ppLogListStart, LOGINFO **ppLogListEnd) { while (*ppLogListStart != NULL) { LOGINFO *pLast = ppLogListStart[0]->next; mir_free(ppLogListStart[0]->ptszText); mir_free(ppLogListStart[0]->ptszNick); mir_free(ppLogListStart[0]->ptszStatus); mir_free(ppLogListStart[0]->ptszUserInfo); mir_free(*ppLogListStart); *ppLogListStart = pLast; } *ppLogListStart = NULL; *ppLogListEnd = NULL; return TRUE; } INT_PTR SvcGetChatManager(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (lParam == NULL) return (INT_PTR)&ci; // wipe out old junk memset(PBYTE(&ci) + offsetof(CHAT_MANAGER, OnCreateModule), 0, sizeof(CHAT_MANAGER)-offsetof(CHAT_MANAGER, OnCreateModule)); CHAT_MANAGER_INITDATA *pInit = (CHAT_MANAGER_INITDATA*)lParam; if (g_cbSession) { // reallocate old sessions mir_cslock lck(cs); SESSION_INFO *pPrev = NULL; for (SESSION_INFO *p = ci.wndList; p; p = p->next) { SESSION_INFO *p1 = (SESSION_INFO*)mir_realloc(p, pInit->cbSession); memset(PBYTE(p1) + sizeof(GCSessionInfoBase), 0, pInit->cbSession - sizeof(GCSessionInfoBase)); if (p1 != p) { // realloc could change a pointer, reinsert a structure if (ci.wndList == p) ci.wndList = p1; if (pPrev != NULL) pPrev->next = p1; p = p1; } pPrev = p; } } if (g_cbModuleInfo) { // reallocate old modules mir_cslock lck(cs); MODULEINFO *pPrev = NULL; for (MODULEINFO *p = m_ModList; p; p = p->next) { MODULEINFO *p1 = (MODULEINFO*)mir_realloc(p, pInit->cbModuleInfo); memset(PBYTE(p1) + sizeof(GCModuleInfoBase), 0, pInit->cbModuleInfo - sizeof(GCModuleInfoBase)); if (p1 != p) { // realloc could change a pointer, reinsert a structure if (m_ModList == p) m_ModList = p1; if (pPrev != NULL) pPrev->next = p1; p = p1; } pPrev = p; } } g_Settings = pInit->pSettings; g_szFontGroup = pInit->szFontGroup; g_cbSession = pInit->cbSession; g_cbModuleInfo = pInit->cbModuleInfo; g_iFontMode = pInit->iFontMode; g_iChatLang = (int)wParam; ci.SetActiveSession = SetActiveSession; ci.SetActiveSessionEx = SetActiveSessionEx; ci.GetActiveSession = GetActiveSession; ci.SM_AddSession = SM_AddSession; ci.SM_RemoveSession = SM_RemoveSession; ci.SM_FindSession = SM_FindSession; ci.SM_AddUser = SM_AddUser; ci.SM_ChangeUID = SM_ChangeUID; ci.SM_ChangeNick = SM_ChangeNick; ci.SM_RemoveUser = SM_RemoveUser; ci.SM_SetOffline = SM_SetOffline; ci.SM_SetTabbedWindowHwnd = SM_SetTabbedWindowHwnd; ci.SM_GetStatusIcon = SM_GetStatusIcon; ci.SM_SetStatus = SM_SetStatus; ci.SM_SetStatusEx = SM_SetStatusEx; ci.SM_SendUserMessage = SM_SendUserMessage; ci.SM_AddStatus = SM_AddStatus; ci.SM_AddEventToAllMatchingUID = SM_AddEventToAllMatchingUID; ci.SM_AddEvent = SM_AddEvent; ci.SM_SendMessage = SM_SendMessage; ci.SM_PostMessage = SM_PostMessage; ci.SM_BroadcastMessage = SM_BroadcastMessage; ci.SM_RemoveAll = SM_RemoveAll; ci.SM_GiveStatus = SM_GiveStatus; ci.SM_SetContactStatus = SM_SetContactStatus; ci.SM_TakeStatus = SM_TakeStatus; ci.SM_MoveUser = SM_MoveUser; ci.SM_AddCommand = SM_AddCommand; ci.SM_GetPrevCommand = SM_GetPrevCommand; ci.SM_GetNextCommand = SM_GetNextCommand; ci.SM_GetCount = SM_GetCount; ci.SM_FindSessionByIndex = SM_FindSessionByIndex; ci.SM_GetUsers = SM_GetUsers; ci.SM_GetUserFromIndex = SM_GetUserFromIndex; ci.SM_InvalidateLogDirectories = SM_InvalidateLogDirectories; ci.MM_AddModule = MM_AddModule; ci.MM_FindModule = MM_FindModule; ci.MM_FixColors = MM_FixColors; ci.MM_FontsChanged = MM_FontsChanged; ci.MM_IconsChanged = MM_IconsChanged; ci.MM_RemoveAll = MM_RemoveAll; ci.TM_AddStatus = TM_AddStatus; ci.TM_FindStatus = TM_FindStatus; ci.TM_StringToWord = TM_StringToWord; ci.TM_WordToString = TM_WordToString; ci.TM_RemoveAll = TM_RemoveAll; ci.UM_SetStatusEx = UM_SetStatusEx; ci.UM_AddUser = UM_AddUser; ci.UM_SortUser = UM_SortUser; ci.UM_FindUser = UM_FindUser; ci.UM_FindUserFromIndex = UM_FindUserFromIndex; ci.UM_GiveStatus = UM_GiveStatus; ci.UM_SetContactStatus = UM_SetContactStatus; ci.UM_TakeStatus = UM_TakeStatus; ci.UM_FindUserAutoComplete = UM_FindUserAutoComplete; ci.UM_RemoveUser = UM_RemoveUser; ci.UM_RemoveAll = UM_RemoveAll; ci.UM_CompareItem = UM_CompareItem; ci.LM_AddEvent = LM_AddEvent; ci.LM_TrimLog = LM_TrimLog; ci.LM_RemoveAll = LM_RemoveAll; ci.AddRoom = AddRoom; ci.SetOffline = SetOffline; ci.SetAllOffline = SetAllOffline; ci.AddEvent = AddEvent; ci.FindRoom = FindRoom; ci.Log_CreateRTF = Log_CreateRTF; ci.Log_CreateRtfHeader = Log_CreateRtfHeader; ci.LoadMsgDlgFont = LoadMsgDlgFont; ci.MakeTimeStamp = MakeTimeStamp; ci.DoEventHook = DoEventHook; ci.DoEventHookAsync = DoEventHookAsync; ci.DoSoundsFlashPopupTrayStuff = DoSoundsFlashPopupTrayStuff; ci.DoTrayIcon = DoTrayIcon; ci.DoPopup = DoPopup; ci.ShowPopup = ShowPopup; ci.LogToFile = LogToFile; ci.GetChatLogsFilename = GetChatLogsFilename; ci.GetColorIndex = GetColorIndex; ci.Log_SetStyle = Log_SetStyle; ci.IsHighlighted = IsHighlighted; ci.RemoveFormatting = RemoveFormatting; ci.ReloadSettings = LoadGlobalSettings; ci.ColorChooser = ColorChooser; ci.pLogIconBmpBits = pLogIconBmpBits; ci.logIconBmpSize = logIconBmpSize; RegisterFonts(); OptionsInit(); return (INT_PTR)&ci; }