/* Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright 2000-12 Miranda IM, 2012-13 Miranda NG project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #define GetNetlibHandleType(h) (h?*(int*)h:NLH_INVALID) #define NLH_INVALID 0 #define NLH_USER 'USER' #define NLH_CONNECTION 'CONN' #define NLH_BOUNDPORT 'BIND' #define NLH_PACKETRECVER 'PCKT' struct NetlibUser { int handleType; NETLIBUSER user; NETLIBUSERSETTINGS settings; char * szStickyHeaders; int toLog; int inportnum; int outportnum; }; struct NetlibNestedCriticalSection { HANDLE hMutex; DWORD dwOwningThreadId; int lockCount; }; struct NetlibHTTPProxyPacketQueue { struct NetlibHTTPProxyPacketQueue *next; PBYTE dataBuffer; int dataBufferLen; }; typedef union _SOCKADDR_INET_M { SOCKADDR_IN Ipv4; SOCKADDR_IN6 Ipv6; USHORT si_family; } SOCKADDR_INET_M, *PSOCKADDR_INET_M; struct NetlibConnection { int handleType; SOCKET s, s2; bool usingHttpGateway; bool usingDirectHttpGateway; bool proxyAuthNeeded; bool dnsThroughProxy; bool termRequested; struct NetlibUser *nlu; NETLIBHTTPPROXYINFO nlhpi; PBYTE dataBuffer; int dataBufferLen; CRITICAL_SECTION csHttpSequenceNums; HANDLE hOkToCloseEvent; LONG dontCloseNow; struct NetlibNestedCriticalSection ncsSend, ncsRecv; HSSL hSsl; struct NetlibHTTPProxyPacketQueue * pHttpProxyPacketQueue; char *szNewUrl; char *szProxyServer; WORD wProxyPort; int proxyType; int pollingTimeout; unsigned lastPost; NETLIBOPENCONNECTION nloc; }; struct NetlibBoundPort { int handleType; SOCKET s; SOCKET s6; WORD wPort; WORD wExPort; struct NetlibUser *nlu; NETLIBNEWCONNECTIONPROC_V2 pfnNewConnectionV2; HANDLE hThread; void *pExtra; }; struct NetlibPacketRecver { int handleType; struct NetlibConnection *nlc; NETLIBPACKETRECVER packetRecver; }; //netlib.c void NetlibFreeUserSettingsStruct(NETLIBUSERSETTINGS *settings); void NetlibDoClose(NetlibConnection *nlc, bool noShutdown = false); INT_PTR NetlibCloseHandle(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void NetlibInitializeNestedCS(struct NetlibNestedCriticalSection *nlncs); void NetlibDeleteNestedCS(struct NetlibNestedCriticalSection *nlncs); #define NLNCS_SEND 0 #define NLNCS_RECV 1 int NetlibEnterNestedCS(struct NetlibConnection *nlc, int which); void NetlibLeaveNestedCS(struct NetlibNestedCriticalSection *nlncs); INT_PTR NetlibBase64Encode(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR NetlibBase64Decode(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR NetlibHttpUrlEncode(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); extern CRITICAL_SECTION csNetlibUser; extern LIST<NetlibUser> netlibUser; //netlibautoproxy.c void NetlibLoadIeProxy(void); void NetlibUnloadIeProxy(void); char* NetlibGetIeProxy(char *szUrl); bool NetlibGetIeProxyConn(NetlibConnection *nlc, bool forceHttps); //netlibbind.c int NetlibFreeBoundPort(struct NetlibBoundPort *nlbp); INT_PTR NetlibBindPort(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); bool BindSocketToPort(const char *szPorts, SOCKET s, SOCKET s6, int* portn); //netlibhttp.c INT_PTR NetlibHttpSendRequest(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR NetlibHttpRecvHeaders(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR NetlibHttpTransaction(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void NetlibHttpSetLastErrorUsingHttpResult(int result); NETLIBHTTPREQUEST* NetlibHttpRecv(NetlibConnection* nlc, DWORD hflags, DWORD dflags, bool isConnect = false); void NetlibConnFromUrl(const char* szUrl, bool secur, NETLIBOPENCONNECTION &nloc); //netlibhttpproxy.c int NetlibInitHttpConnection(struct NetlibConnection *nlc, struct NetlibUser *nlu, NETLIBOPENCONNECTION *nloc); int NetlibHttpGatewayRecv(struct NetlibConnection *nlc, char *buf, int len, int flags); int NetlibHttpGatewayPost(struct NetlibConnection *nlc, const char *buf, int len, int flags); void HttpGatewayRemovePacket(NetlibConnection *nlc, int pck); INT_PTR NetlibHttpGatewaySetInfo(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR NetlibHttpSetPollingTimeout(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR NetlibHttpSetSticky(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); //netliblog.c void NetlibLogShowOptions(void); void NetlibDumpData(struct NetlibConnection *nlc, PBYTE buf, int len, int sent, int flags); void NetlibLogf(NetlibUser* nlu, const char *fmt, ...); void NetlibLogInit(void); void NetlibLogShutdown(void); //netlibopenconn.c DWORD DnsLookup(struct NetlibUser *nlu, const char *szHost); int WaitUntilReadable(SOCKET s, DWORD dwTimeout, bool check = false); int WaitUntilWritable(SOCKET s, DWORD dwTimeout); bool NetlibDoConnect(NetlibConnection *nlc); bool NetlibReconnect(NetlibConnection *nlc); INT_PTR NetlibOpenConnection(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR NetlibStartSsl(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); //netlibopts.c int NetlibOptInitialise(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void NetlibSaveUserSettingsStruct(const char *szSettingsModule, NETLIBUSERSETTINGS *settings); //netlibpktrecver.c INT_PTR NetlibPacketRecverCreate(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR NetlibPacketRecverGetMore(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); //netlibsock.c #define NL_SELECT_READ 0x0001 #define NL_SELECT_WRITE 0x0002 #define NL_SELECT_ALL (NL_SELECT_READ+NL_SELECT_WRITE) INT_PTR NetlibSend(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR NetlibRecv(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR NetlibSelect(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR NetlibSelectEx(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR NetlibShutdown(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); bool NetlibStringToAddress(const char* str, SOCKADDR_INET_M* addr); char* NetlibAddressToString(SOCKADDR_INET_M* addr); void NetlibGetConnectionInfo(NetlibConnection* nlc, NETLIBCONNINFO *connInfo); NETLIBIPLIST* GetMyIp(unsigned flags); //netlibupnp.c bool NetlibUPnPAddPortMapping(WORD intport, char *proto, WORD *extport, DWORD *extip, bool search); void NetlibUPnPDeletePortMapping(WORD extport, char* proto); void NetlibUPnPCleanup(void*); void NetlibUPnPInit(void); void NetlibUPnPDestroy(void); //netlibsecurity.c void NetlibSecurityInit(void); void NetlibSecurityDestroy(void); void NetlibDestroySecurityProvider(HANDLE hSecurity); HANDLE NetlibInitSecurityProvider(const TCHAR* szProvider, const TCHAR* szPrincipal); HANDLE NetlibInitSecurityProvider(const char* szProvider, const char* szPrincipal); char* NtlmCreateResponseFromChallenge(HANDLE hSecurity, const char *szChallenge, const TCHAR* login, const TCHAR* psw, bool http, unsigned& complete); static __inline INT_PTR NLSend(struct NetlibConnection *nlc, const char *buf, int len, int flags) { NETLIBBUFFER nlb = {(char*)buf, len, flags}; return NetlibSend((WPARAM)nlc, (LPARAM)&nlb); } static __inline INT_PTR NLRecv(struct NetlibConnection *nlc, char *buf, int len, int flags) { NETLIBBUFFER nlb = {buf, len, flags}; return NetlibRecv((WPARAM)nlc, (LPARAM)&nlb); }