/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (�) 2012-15 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org), Copyright (c) 2000-12 Miranda IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h" #include "netlib.h" #include <wininet.h> /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ResolveHostName (a helper function) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DWORD __stdcall ResolveHostName(LPSTR lpszHostName, LPSTR lpszIPAddress, LPDWORD lpdwIPAddressSize) { if (*lpdwIPAddressSize < 17 || lpszIPAddress == NULL) { *lpdwIPAddressSize = 17; return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } IN_ADDR ip; ip.s_addr = inet_addr(lpszHostName); if (ip.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) { PHOSTENT myhost = gethostbyname(lpszHostName); if (myhost != NULL) ip = *(PIN_ADDR)myhost->h_addr; else return SOCKET_ERROR; } mir_snprintf(lpszIPAddress, *lpdwIPAddressSize, "%u.%u.%u.%u", ip.s_net, ip.s_host, ip.s_lh, ip.s_impno); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IsResolvable (a helper function) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL __stdcall IsResolvable(LPSTR lpszHost) { char szDummy[255]; DWORD dwDummySize = sizeof (szDummy) - 1; if (ResolveHostName(lpszHost, szDummy, &dwDummySize)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GetIPAddress (a helper function) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DWORD __stdcall GetIPAddress(LPSTR lpszIPAddress, LPDWORD lpdwIPAddressSize) { char szHostBuffer[255]; if (gethostname(szHostBuffer, sizeof (szHostBuffer) - 1) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return (ERROR_INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR); return (ResolveHostName(szHostBuffer, lpszIPAddress, lpdwIPAddressSize)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IsInNet (a helper function) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL __stdcall IsInNet(LPSTR lpszIPAddress, LPSTR lpszDest, LPSTR lpszMask) { DWORD dwDest; DWORD dwIpAddr; DWORD dwMask; dwIpAddr = inet_addr(lpszIPAddress); dwDest = inet_addr(lpszDest); dwMask = inet_addr(lpszMask); if ((dwDest == INADDR_NONE) || (dwIpAddr == INADDR_NONE) || ((dwIpAddr & dwMask) != dwDest)) return (FALSE); return (TRUE); } static const AutoProxyHelperVtbl OurVtbl = { IsResolvable, GetIPAddress, ResolveHostName, IsInNet, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; static AutoProxyHelperFunctions HelperFunctions = { &OurVtbl }; */ static char *szProxyHost[3]; static LIST<char> proxyBypass(5); static HMODULE hModJS; static pfnInternetInitializeAutoProxyDll pInternetInitializeAutoProxyDll; static pfnInternetDeInitializeAutoProxyDll pInternetDeInitializeAutoProxyDll; static pfnInternetGetProxyInfo pInternetGetProxyInfo; static bool bEnabled, bOneProxy; static void GetFile(char* szUrl, AUTO_PROXY_SCRIPT_BUFFER &buf) { NetlibUser nlu = {0}; NETLIBHTTPREQUEST nlhr = {0}; nlu.handleType = NLH_USER; nlu.user.flags = NUF_OUTGOING | NUF_HTTPCONNS; nlu.user.szSettingsModule = "(NULL)"; nlu.toLog = 1; // initialize the netlib request nlhr.cbSize = sizeof(nlhr); nlhr.requestType = REQUEST_GET; nlhr.flags = NLHRF_HTTP11 | NLHRF_DUMPASTEXT | NLHRF_REDIRECT; nlhr.szUrl = szUrl; // download the page NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *nlhrReply = (NETLIBHTTPREQUEST*)NetlibHttpTransaction((WPARAM)&nlu, (LPARAM)&nlhr); if (nlhrReply) { if (nlhrReply->resultCode == 200) { buf.lpszScriptBuffer = nlhrReply->pData; buf.dwScriptBufferSize = nlhrReply->dataLength + 1; nlhrReply->dataLength = 0; nlhrReply->pData = NULL; } CallService(MS_NETLIB_FREEHTTPREQUESTSTRUCT, 0, (LPARAM)nlhrReply); } } bool NetlibGetIeProxyConn(NetlibConnection *nlc, bool forceHttps) { bool noHttp = false; bool usingSsl = false; char szUrl[256] = ""; if ((nlc->nloc.flags & (NLOCF_HTTP | NLOCF_HTTPGATEWAY) && nlc->nloc.flags & NLOCF_SSL) || nlc->nloc.wPort == 443 || forceHttps) { mir_snprintf(szUrl, SIZEOF(szUrl), "https://%s", nlc->nloc.szHost); usingSsl = true; } else if (nlc->nloc.flags & (NLOCF_HTTPGATEWAY | NLOCF_HTTP) || nlc->usingHttpGateway) mir_snprintf(szUrl, SIZEOF(szUrl), "http://%s", nlc->nloc.szHost); else { strncpy_s(szUrl, nlc->nloc.szHost, _TRUNCATE); noHttp = true; } mir_free(nlc->szProxyServer); nlc->szProxyServer = NULL; nlc->wProxyPort = 0; nlc->proxyType = 0; char *mt = NetlibGetIeProxy(szUrl); char *m = NEWSTR_ALLOCA(mt); mir_free(mt); if (m == NULL) return false; // if multiple servers, use the first one char *c = strchr(m, ';'); if (c) *c = 0; // if 'direct' no proxy if (_stricmp(lrtrim(m), "direct") == 0) return false; // find proxy address char *h = strchr(m, ' '); if (h) { *h = 0; ++h; } else return false; // find proxy port char *p = strchr(h, ':'); if (p) { *p = 0; ++p; } lrtrim(h); ltrim(p); if (_stricmp(m, "proxy") == 0 && h[0]) { nlc->proxyType = (usingSsl || noHttp) ? PROXYTYPE_HTTPS : PROXYTYPE_HTTP; nlc->wProxyPort = p ? atol(p) : 8080; nlc->szProxyServer = mir_strdup(h); } else if (_stricmp(m, "socks") == 0 && h[0]) { nlc->proxyType = PROXYTYPE_SOCKS4; nlc->wProxyPort = p ? atol(p) : 1080; nlc->szProxyServer = mir_strdup(h); } else if (_stricmp(m, "socks5") == 0 && h[0]) { nlc->proxyType = PROXYTYPE_SOCKS5; nlc->wProxyPort = p ? atol(p) : 1080; nlc->szProxyServer = mir_strdup(h); } else return false; return true; } static char szAutoUrlStr[MAX_PATH] = ""; static AUTO_PROXY_SCRIPT_BUFFER abuf = {0}; static HANDLE hIeProxyMutex; static bool bAutoProxyInit; static void NetlibInitAutoProxy(void) { if (bAutoProxyInit) return; if (!hModJS) { if (!(hModJS = LoadLibraryA("jsproxy.dll"))) return; pInternetInitializeAutoProxyDll = (pfnInternetInitializeAutoProxyDll) GetProcAddress(hModJS, "InternetInitializeAutoProxyDll"); pInternetDeInitializeAutoProxyDll = (pfnInternetDeInitializeAutoProxyDll) GetProcAddress(hModJS, "InternetDeInitializeAutoProxyDll"); pInternetGetProxyInfo = (pfnInternetGetProxyInfo) GetProcAddress(hModJS, "InternetGetProxyInfo"); } if (strstr(szAutoUrlStr, "file://") == NULL && strstr(szAutoUrlStr, "://") != NULL) { abuf.dwStructSize = sizeof(abuf); GetFile(szAutoUrlStr, abuf); } bAutoProxyInit = true; } struct IeProxyParam { char *szUrl; char *szHost; char *szProxy; }; static void NetlibIeProxyThread(void *arg) { IeProxyParam *param = (IeProxyParam*)arg; param->szProxy = NULL; if (!bAutoProxyInit) { WaitForSingleObject(hIeProxyMutex, INFINITE); NetlibInitAutoProxy(); ReleaseMutex(hIeProxyMutex); } BOOL res; char *loc = strstr(szAutoUrlStr, "file://"); if (loc || strstr(szAutoUrlStr, "://") == NULL) { NetlibLogf(NULL, "Autoproxy Init file: %s", loc); loc = loc ? loc + 7 : szAutoUrlStr; res = pInternetInitializeAutoProxyDll(0, loc, NULL, NULL /*&HelperFunctions*/, NULL); } else { NetlibLogf(NULL, "Autoproxy Init %d", abuf.dwScriptBufferSize); if (abuf.dwScriptBufferSize) res = pInternetInitializeAutoProxyDll(0, NULL, NULL, NULL /*&HelperFunctions*/, &abuf); else res = false; } if (res) { char proxyBuffer[1024]; char *proxy = proxyBuffer; DWORD dwProxyLen = sizeof(proxyBuffer); if (pInternetGetProxyInfo(param->szUrl, (DWORD)strlen(param->szUrl), param->szHost, (DWORD)strlen(param->szHost), &proxy, &dwProxyLen)) param->szProxy = mir_strdup(lrtrim(proxy)); NetlibLogf(NULL, "Autoproxy got response %s, Param: %s %s", param->szProxy, param->szUrl, param->szHost); pInternetDeInitializeAutoProxyDll(NULL, 0); } else NetlibLogf(NULL, "Autoproxy init failed"); } char* NetlibGetIeProxy(char *szUrl) { char *res = NULL; char* p = strstr(szUrl, "://"); if (p) p += 3; else p = szUrl; char *szHost = NEWSTR_ALLOCA(p); p = strchr(szHost, '/'); if (p) *p = 0; p = strchr(szHost, ':'); if (p) *p = 0; _strlwr(szHost); if (bEnabled) { for (int i=0; i < proxyBypass.getCount(); i++) { if (strcmp(proxyBypass[i], "<local>") == 0) { if (strchr(szHost, '.') == NULL) return NULL; } else if (wildcmp(szHost, proxyBypass[i])) return NULL; } int ind = -1; if (strstr(szUrl, "http://")) ind = szProxyHost[0] ? 0 : 2; else if (strstr(szUrl, "https://")) ind = bOneProxy ? 0 : (szProxyHost[1] ? 1 : 2); else ind = szProxyHost[2] ? 2 : (bOneProxy ? 0 : (szProxyHost[1] ? 1 : 2)); if (ind < 0 || !szProxyHost[ind]) return NULL; size_t len = strlen(szHost) + 20; res = (char*)mir_alloc(len); mir_snprintf(res, len, "%s %s", ind == 2 ? "SOCKS" : "PROXY", szProxyHost[ind]); return res; } if (szAutoUrlStr[0]) { IeProxyParam param = { szUrl, szHost, NULL }; HANDLE hThread = mir_forkthread(NetlibIeProxyThread, ¶m); WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE); res = param.szProxy; } return res; } void NetlibLoadIeProxy(void) { HKEY hSettings; if (RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hSettings)) return; DWORD tValueLen, enabled = 0; char szHostStr[256] = "", szProxyBypassStr[4096] = ""; tValueLen = sizeof(enabled); int tResult = RegQueryValueExA(hSettings, "ProxyEnable", NULL, NULL, (BYTE*)&enabled, &tValueLen); bEnabled = enabled && tResult == ERROR_SUCCESS; tValueLen = SIZEOF(szHostStr); tResult = RegQueryValueExA(hSettings, "ProxyServer", NULL, NULL, (BYTE*)szHostStr, &tValueLen); bEnabled = bEnabled && tResult == ERROR_SUCCESS; tValueLen = SIZEOF(szAutoUrlStr); RegQueryValueExA(hSettings, "AutoConfigUrl", NULL, NULL, (BYTE*)szAutoUrlStr, &tValueLen); tValueLen = SIZEOF(szProxyBypassStr); RegQueryValueExA(hSettings, "ProxyOverride", NULL, NULL, (BYTE*)szProxyBypassStr, &tValueLen); RegCloseKey(hSettings); if (bEnabled) { char* szProxy = ltrim(szHostStr); if (szProxy[0] == 0) { enabled = false; return; } while(true) { char *szProxyEnd = strchr(szProxy, ';'); if (szProxyEnd) *szProxyEnd = 0; int ind = -1; if (strncmp(szProxy, "http = ", 5) == 0) { ind = 0; szProxy += 5; } else if (strncmp(szProxy, "https = ", 6) == 0) { ind = 1; szProxy += 6; } else if (strncmp(szProxy, "socks = ", 6) == 0) { ind = 2; szProxy += 6; } else if (strchr(szProxy, '=')) ind = -2; if (ind != -2) { bOneProxy = ind < 0; if (ind < 0) ind = 0; lrtrim(szProxy); if (strchr(szProxy, ':')) szProxyHost[ind] = mir_strdup(szProxy); else { size_t len = strlen(szProxy) + 10; szProxyHost[ind] = (char*)mir_alloc(len); mir_snprintf(szProxyHost[ind], len, "%s:%u", szProxy, ind == 2 ? 1080 : 8080); } if (bOneProxy) break; } if (szProxyEnd == NULL) break; szProxy = szProxyEnd + 1; } char* szProxyBypass = szProxyBypassStr; while(true) { char *szProxyBypassEnd = strchr(szProxyBypass, ';'); if (szProxyBypassEnd) *szProxyBypassEnd = 0; lrtrim(szProxyBypass); proxyBypass.insert(_strlwr(mir_strdup(szProxyBypass))); if (szProxyBypassEnd == NULL) break; szProxyBypass = szProxyBypassEnd + 1; } } if (bEnabled || szAutoUrlStr[0]) hIeProxyMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); } void NetlibUnloadIeProxy(void) { int i; for (i=0; i < 3; i++) mir_free(szProxyHost[i]); for (i=0; i < proxyBypass.getCount(); i++) mir_free(proxyBypass[i]); mir_free(abuf.lpszScriptBuffer); CloseHandle(hIeProxyMutex); }