/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (c) 2012-14 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org), Copyright (c) 2000-12 Miranda IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h" #include "../plugins/zlib/src/zlib.h" #include "netlib.h" #define HTTPRECVHEADERSTIMEOUT 30000 //in ms #define HTTPRECVDATATIMEOUT 20000 struct ResizableCharBuffer { char *sz; int iEnd, cbAlloced; }; struct ProxyAuth { char *szServer; char *szMethod; // char *szUserName; // char *szPassword; ProxyAuth(const char *pszServer, const char *pszMethod) { szServer = mir_strdup(pszServer); szMethod = mir_strdup(pszMethod); } ~ProxyAuth() { mir_free(szServer); mir_free(szMethod); } static int Compare(const ProxyAuth* p1, const ProxyAuth* p2) { return lstrcmpiA(p1->szServer, p2->szServer); } }; struct ProxyAuthList : OBJLIST<ProxyAuth> { ProxyAuthList() : OBJLIST<ProxyAuth>(2, ProxyAuth::Compare) {} void add(const char *szServer, const char *szMethod) { if (szServer == NULL) return; int i = getIndex((ProxyAuth*)&szServer); if (i >= 0) { ProxyAuth &rec = (*this)[i]; if (szMethod == NULL) remove(i); else if (_stricmp(rec.szMethod, szMethod)) { mir_free(rec.szMethod); rec.szMethod = mir_strdup(szMethod); } } else insert(new ProxyAuth(szServer, szMethod)); } const char* find(const char *szServer) { ProxyAuth * rec = szServer ? OBJLIST<ProxyAuth>::find((ProxyAuth*)&szServer) : NULL; return rec ? rec->szMethod : NULL; } }; ProxyAuthList proxyAuthList; static void AppendToCharBuffer(struct ResizableCharBuffer *rcb, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list va; int charsDone; if (rcb->cbAlloced == 0) { rcb->cbAlloced = 512; rcb->sz = (char*)mir_alloc(rcb->cbAlloced); } va_start(va, fmt); while (true) { charsDone = mir_vsnprintf(rcb->sz + rcb->iEnd, rcb->cbAlloced-rcb->iEnd, fmt, va); if (charsDone >= 0) break; rcb->cbAlloced += 512; rcb->sz = (char*)mir_realloc(rcb->sz, rcb->cbAlloced); } va_end(va); rcb->iEnd += charsDone; } static int RecvWithTimeoutTime(NetlibConnection *nlc, unsigned dwTimeoutTime, char *buf, int len, int flags) { DWORD dwTimeNow; if (!si.pending(nlc->hSsl)) { while ((dwTimeNow = GetTickCount()) < dwTimeoutTime) { unsigned dwDeltaTime = min(dwTimeoutTime - dwTimeNow, 1000); int res = WaitUntilReadable(nlc->s, dwDeltaTime); switch (res) { case SOCKET_ERROR: return SOCKET_ERROR; case 1: return NLRecv(nlc, buf, len, flags); } if (nlc->termRequested || Miranda_Terminated()) return 0; } SetLastError(ERROR_TIMEOUT); return SOCKET_ERROR; } return NLRecv(nlc, buf, len, flags); } static char* NetlibHttpFindHeader(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *nlhrReply, const char *hdr) { for (int i=0; i < nlhrReply->headersCount; i++) { NETLIBHTTPHEADER &p = nlhrReply->headers[i]; if (_stricmp(p.szName, hdr) == 0) return p.szValue; } return NULL; } static char* NetlibHttpFindAuthHeader(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *nlhrReply, const char *hdr, const char *szProvider) { char *szBasicHdr = NULL; char *szNegoHdr = NULL; char *szNtlmHdr = NULL; for (int i=0; i < nlhrReply->headersCount; i++) { NETLIBHTTPHEADER &p = nlhrReply->headers[i]; if (_stricmp(p.szName, hdr) == 0) { if (_strnicmp(p.szValue, "Negotiate", 9) == 0) szNegoHdr = p.szValue; else if (_strnicmp(p.szValue, "NTLM", 4) == 0) szNtlmHdr = p.szValue; else if (_strnicmp(p.szValue, "Basic", 5) == 0) szBasicHdr = p.szValue; } } if (szNegoHdr && (!szProvider || !_stricmp(szProvider, "Negotiate"))) return szNegoHdr; if (szNtlmHdr && (!szProvider || !_stricmp(szProvider, "NTLM"))) return szNtlmHdr; if (!szProvider || !_stricmp(szProvider, "Basic")) return szBasicHdr; return NULL; } void NetlibConnFromUrl(const char* szUrl, bool secur, NETLIBOPENCONNECTION &nloc) { secur = secur || _strnicmp(szUrl, "https", 5) == 0; const char* phost = strstr(szUrl, "://"); char* szHost = mir_strdup(phost ? phost + 3 : szUrl); char* ppath = strchr(szHost, '/'); if (ppath) *ppath = '\0'; memset(&nloc, 0, sizeof(nloc)); nloc.cbSize = sizeof(nloc); nloc.szHost = szHost; char* pcolon = strrchr(szHost, ':'); if (pcolon) { *pcolon = '\0'; nloc.wPort = (WORD)strtol(pcolon+1, NULL, 10); } else nloc.wPort = secur ? 443 : 80; nloc.flags = (secur ? NLOCF_SSL : 0); } static NetlibConnection* NetlibHttpProcessUrl(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *nlhr, NetlibUser *nlu, NetlibConnection* nlc, const char* szUrl = NULL) { NETLIBOPENCONNECTION nloc; if (szUrl == NULL) NetlibConnFromUrl(nlhr->szUrl, (nlhr->flags & NLHRF_SSL) != 0, nloc); else NetlibConnFromUrl(szUrl, false, nloc); nloc.flags |= NLOCF_HTTP; if (nloc.flags & NLOCF_SSL) nlhr->flags |= NLHRF_SSL; else nlhr->flags &= ~NLHRF_SSL; if (nlc != NULL) { bool httpProxy = !(nloc.flags & NLOCF_SSL) && nlc->proxyType == PROXYTYPE_HTTP; bool sameHost = lstrcmpA(nlc->nloc.szHost, nloc.szHost) == 0 && nlc->nloc.wPort == nloc.wPort; if (!httpProxy && !sameHost) { NetlibDoClose(nlc); mir_free((char*)nlc->nloc.szHost); nlc->nloc = nloc; return NetlibDoConnect(nlc) ? nlc : NULL; } } else nlc = (NetlibConnection*)NetlibOpenConnection((WPARAM)nlu, (LPARAM)&nloc); mir_free((char*)nloc.szHost); return nlc; } struct HttpSecurityContext { HANDLE m_hNtlmSecurity; char *m_szHost; char *m_szProvider; HttpSecurityContext() { m_hNtlmSecurity = NULL; m_szHost = NULL; m_szProvider = NULL; } ~HttpSecurityContext() { Destroy(); } void Destroy(void) { if (!m_hNtlmSecurity) return; NetlibDestroySecurityProvider(m_hNtlmSecurity); m_hNtlmSecurity = NULL; mir_free(m_szHost); m_szHost = NULL; mir_free(m_szProvider); m_szProvider = NULL; } bool TryBasic(void) { return m_hNtlmSecurity && m_szProvider && _stricmp(m_szProvider, "Basic"); } char* Execute(NetlibConnection *nlc, char* szHost, const char* szProvider, const char* szChallenge, unsigned& complete) { char* szAuthHdr = NULL; bool justCreated = false; if (m_hNtlmSecurity) { bool newAuth = !m_szProvider || !szProvider || _stricmp(m_szProvider, szProvider); newAuth = newAuth || (m_szHost != szHost && (!m_szHost || !szHost || _stricmp(m_szHost, szHost))); if (newAuth) Destroy(); } if (m_hNtlmSecurity == NULL) { char szSpnStr[256] = ""; if (szHost && _stricmp(szProvider, "Basic")) { unsigned long ip = inet_addr(szHost); PHOSTENT host = (ip == INADDR_NONE) ? gethostbyname(szHost) : gethostbyaddr((char*)&ip, 4, AF_INET); mir_snprintf(szSpnStr, SIZEOF(szSpnStr), "HTTP/%s", host && host->h_name ? host->h_name : szHost); _strlwr(szSpnStr + 5); NetlibLogf(nlc->nlu, "Host SPN: %s", szSpnStr); } m_hNtlmSecurity = NetlibInitSecurityProvider(szProvider, szSpnStr[0] ? szSpnStr : NULL); if (m_hNtlmSecurity) { m_szProvider = mir_strdup(szProvider); m_szHost = mir_strdup(szHost); justCreated = true; } } if (m_hNtlmSecurity) { TCHAR *szLogin = NULL, *szPassw = NULL; if (nlc->nlu->settings.useProxyAuth) { mir_cslock lck(csNetlibUser); szLogin = mir_a2t(nlc->nlu->settings.szProxyAuthUser); szPassw = mir_a2t(nlc->nlu->settings.szProxyAuthPassword); } szAuthHdr = NtlmCreateResponseFromChallenge(m_hNtlmSecurity, szChallenge, szLogin, szPassw, true, complete); if (!szAuthHdr) { NetlibLogf(NULL, "Security login %s failed, user: %S pssw: %S", szProvider, szLogin ? szLogin : _T("(no user)"), szPassw ? _T("(exist)") : _T("(no psw)")); } else if (justCreated) proxyAuthList.add(m_szHost, m_szProvider); mir_free(szLogin); mir_free(szPassw); } else complete = 1; return szAuthHdr; } }; static int HttpPeekFirstResponseLine(NetlibConnection *nlc, DWORD dwTimeoutTime, DWORD recvFlags, int *resultCode, char **ppszResultDescr, int *length) { int bytesPeeked; char buffer[2048]; char *peol; while(true) { bytesPeeked = RecvWithTimeoutTime(nlc, dwTimeoutTime, buffer, SIZEOF(buffer) - 1, MSG_PEEK | recvFlags); if (bytesPeeked == 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_HANDLE_EOF); return 0; } if (bytesPeeked == SOCKET_ERROR) return 0; buffer[bytesPeeked] = '\0'; if ((peol = strchr(buffer, '\n')) != NULL) break; if ((int)strlen(buffer) < bytesPeeked) { SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_FORMAT); return 0; } if (bytesPeeked == SIZEOF(buffer) - 1) { SetLastError(ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW); return 0; } if (Miranda_Terminated()) return 0; Sleep(10); } if (peol == buffer) { SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_FORMAT); return 0; } *peol = '\0'; if (_strnicmp(buffer, "HTTP/", 5)) { SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_FORMAT); return 0; } size_t off = strcspn(buffer, " \t"); if (off >= (unsigned)bytesPeeked) return 0; char* pResultCode = buffer + off; *(pResultCode++) = 0; char* pResultDescr; *resultCode = strtol(pResultCode, &pResultDescr, 10); if (ppszResultDescr) *ppszResultDescr = mir_strdup(lrtrimp(pResultDescr)); if (length) *length = peol - buffer + 1; return 1; } static int SendHttpRequestAndData(NetlibConnection *nlc, struct ResizableCharBuffer *httpRequest, NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *nlhr, int sendContentLengthHeader) { bool sendData = (nlhr->requestType == REQUEST_POST || nlhr->requestType == REQUEST_PUT); if (sendContentLengthHeader && sendData) AppendToCharBuffer(httpRequest, "Content-Length: %d\r\n\r\n", nlhr->dataLength); else AppendToCharBuffer(httpRequest, "\r\n"); DWORD hflags = (nlhr->flags & NLHRF_DUMPASTEXT ? MSG_DUMPASTEXT : 0) | (nlhr->flags & (NLHRF_NODUMP | NLHRF_NODUMPSEND | NLHRF_NODUMPHEADERS) ? MSG_NODUMP : (nlhr->flags & NLHRF_DUMPPROXY ? MSG_DUMPPROXY : 0)) | (nlhr->flags & NLHRF_NOPROXY ? MSG_RAW : 0); int bytesSent = NLSend(nlc, httpRequest->sz, httpRequest->iEnd, hflags); if (bytesSent != SOCKET_ERROR && sendData && nlhr->dataLength) { DWORD sflags = (nlhr->flags & NLHRF_DUMPASTEXT ? MSG_DUMPASTEXT : 0) | (nlhr->flags & (NLHRF_NODUMP | NLHRF_NODUMPSEND) ? MSG_NODUMP : (nlhr->flags & NLHRF_DUMPPROXY ? MSG_DUMPPROXY : 0)) | (nlhr->flags & NLHRF_NOPROXY ? MSG_RAW : 0); int sendResult = NLSend(nlc, nlhr->pData, nlhr->dataLength, sflags); bytesSent = sendResult != SOCKET_ERROR ? bytesSent + sendResult : SOCKET_ERROR; } mir_free(httpRequest->sz); memset(httpRequest, 0, sizeof(*httpRequest)); return bytesSent; } INT_PTR NetlibHttpSendRequest(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { NetlibConnection *nlc = (struct NetlibConnection*)wParam; NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *nlhr = (NETLIBHTTPREQUEST*)lParam; NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *nlhrReply = NULL; HttpSecurityContext httpSecurity; struct ResizableCharBuffer httpRequest = {0}; char *szHost = NULL, *szNewUrl = NULL; char *pszProxyAuthHdr = NULL, *pszAuthHdr = NULL; int i, doneHostHeader, doneContentLengthHeader, doneProxyAuthHeader, doneAuthHeader; int bytesSent; bool lastFirstLineFail = false; if (nlhr == NULL || nlhr->cbSize < NETLIBHTTPREQUEST_V1_SIZE || nlhr->szUrl == NULL || nlhr->szUrl[0] == '\0') { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return SOCKET_ERROR; } int hdrTimeout = nlhr->cbSize > NETLIBHTTPREQUEST_V1_SIZE && nlhr->timeout ? nlhr->timeout : HTTPRECVHEADERSTIMEOUT; const char *pszRequest; switch(nlhr->requestType) { case REQUEST_GET: pszRequest = "GET"; break; case REQUEST_POST: pszRequest = "POST"; break; case REQUEST_CONNECT: pszRequest = "CONNECT"; break; case REQUEST_HEAD: pszRequest = "HEAD"; break; case REQUEST_PUT: pszRequest = "PUT"; break; case REQUEST_DELETE: pszRequest = "DELETE"; break; default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return SOCKET_ERROR; } if (!nlc->usingHttpGateway) if (!NetlibEnterNestedCS(nlc, NLNCS_SEND)) return SOCKET_ERROR; const char *pszFullUrl = nlhr->szUrl; const char *pszUrl = NULL; unsigned complete = false; int count = 11; while (--count) { if (!NetlibReconnect(nlc)) { bytesSent = SOCKET_ERROR; break; } if (!pszUrl) { pszUrl = pszFullUrl; if (nlhr->flags & (NLHRF_SMARTREMOVEHOST | NLHRF_REMOVEHOST | NLHRF_GENERATEHOST)) { bool usingProxy = nlc->proxyType == PROXYTYPE_HTTP && !(nlhr->flags & NLHRF_SSL); mir_free(szHost); szHost = NULL; const char *ppath, *phost; phost = strstr(pszUrl, "://"); if (phost == NULL) phost = pszUrl; else phost += 3; ppath = strchr(phost, '/'); if (ppath == phost) phost = NULL; if (nlhr->flags & NLHRF_GENERATEHOST) { szHost = mir_strdup(phost); if (ppath && phost) szHost[ppath - phost] = 0; } if (nlhr->flags & NLHRF_REMOVEHOST || (nlhr->flags & NLHRF_SMARTREMOVEHOST && !usingProxy)) pszUrl = ppath ? ppath : "/"; if (usingProxy && phost && !nlc->dnsThroughProxy) { char* tszHost = mir_strdup(phost); if (ppath && phost) tszHost[ppath - phost] = 0; char* cln = strchr(tszHost, ':'); if (cln) *cln = 0; if (inet_addr(tszHost) == INADDR_NONE) { DWORD ip = DnsLookup(nlc->nlu, tszHost); if (ip && szHost) { mir_free(szHost); szHost = (char*)mir_alloc(64); if (cln) *cln = ':'; mir_snprintf(szHost, 64, "%s%s", inet_ntoa(*(PIN_ADDR)&ip), cln ? cln : ""); } } mir_free(tszHost); } } } if (nlc->proxyAuthNeeded && proxyAuthList.getCount()) { if (httpSecurity.m_szProvider == NULL && nlc->szProxyServer) { const char* szAuthMethodNlu = proxyAuthList.find(nlc->szProxyServer); if (szAuthMethodNlu) { mir_free(pszProxyAuthHdr); pszProxyAuthHdr = httpSecurity.Execute(nlc, nlc->szProxyServer, szAuthMethodNlu, "", complete); } } } nlc->proxyAuthNeeded = false; AppendToCharBuffer(&httpRequest, "%s %s HTTP/1.%d\r\n", pszRequest, pszUrl, (nlhr->flags & NLHRF_HTTP11) != 0); //HTTP headers doneHostHeader = doneContentLengthHeader = doneProxyAuthHeader = doneAuthHeader = 0; for (i=0; i < nlhr->headersCount; i++) { NETLIBHTTPHEADER &p = nlhr->headers[i]; if (!lstrcmpiA(p.szName, "Host")) doneHostHeader = 1; else if (!lstrcmpiA(p.szName, "Content-Length")) doneContentLengthHeader = 1; else if (!lstrcmpiA(p.szName, "Proxy-Authorization")) doneProxyAuthHeader = 1; else if (!lstrcmpiA(p.szName, "Authorization")) doneAuthHeader = 1; else if (!lstrcmpiA(p.szName, "Connection")) continue; if (p.szValue == NULL) continue; AppendToCharBuffer(&httpRequest, "%s: %s\r\n", p.szName, p.szValue); } if (szHost && !doneHostHeader) AppendToCharBuffer(&httpRequest, "%s: %s\r\n", "Host", szHost); if (pszProxyAuthHdr && !doneProxyAuthHeader) AppendToCharBuffer(&httpRequest, "%s: %s\r\n", "Proxy-Authorization", pszProxyAuthHdr); if (pszAuthHdr && !doneAuthHeader) AppendToCharBuffer(&httpRequest, "%s: %s\r\n", "Authorization", pszAuthHdr); AppendToCharBuffer(&httpRequest, "%s: %s\r\n", "Connection", "Keep-Alive"); AppendToCharBuffer(&httpRequest, "%s: %s\r\n", "Proxy-Connection", "Keep-Alive"); // Add Sticky Headers if (nlc->nlu->szStickyHeaders != NULL) AppendToCharBuffer(&httpRequest, "%s\r\n", nlc->nlu->szStickyHeaders); //send it bytesSent = SendHttpRequestAndData(nlc, &httpRequest, nlhr, !doneContentLengthHeader); if (bytesSent == SOCKET_ERROR) break; //ntlm reply if (doneContentLengthHeader && nlhr->requestType != REQUEST_HEAD) break; DWORD fflags = MSG_PEEK | MSG_NODUMP | ((nlhr->flags & NLHRF_NOPROXY) ? MSG_RAW : 0); DWORD dwTimeOutTime = hdrTimeout < 0 ? -1 : GetTickCount() + hdrTimeout; if (!HttpPeekFirstResponseLine(nlc, dwTimeOutTime, fflags, &nlhr->resultCode, NULL, NULL)) { NetlibLogf(nlc->nlu, "%s %d: %s Failed (%u %u)", __FILE__, __LINE__, "HttpPeekFirstResponseLine", GetLastError(), count); DWORD err = GetLastError(); if (err == ERROR_TIMEOUT || err == ERROR_BAD_FORMAT || err == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW || lastFirstLineFail || nlc->termRequested || nlhr->requestType == REQUEST_CONNECT) { bytesSent = SOCKET_ERROR; break; } lastFirstLineFail = true; continue; } int resultCode = nlhr->resultCode; lastFirstLineFail = false; DWORD hflags = (nlhr->flags & (NLHRF_NODUMP|NLHRF_NODUMPHEADERS|NLHRF_NODUMPSEND) ? MSG_NODUMP : (nlhr->flags & NLHRF_DUMPPROXY ? MSG_DUMPPROXY : 0)) | (nlhr->flags & NLHRF_NOPROXY ? MSG_RAW : 0); DWORD dflags = (nlhr->flags & (NLHRF_NODUMP | NLHRF_NODUMPSEND) ? MSG_NODUMP : MSG_DUMPASTEXT | MSG_DUMPPROXY) | (nlhr->flags & NLHRF_NOPROXY ? MSG_RAW : 0) | MSG_NODUMP; if (resultCode == 100) nlhrReply = (NETLIBHTTPREQUEST*)NetlibHttpRecvHeaders((WPARAM)nlc, hflags); else if (resultCode == 307 || ((resultCode == 301 || resultCode == 302) && (nlhr->flags & NLHRF_REDIRECT))) { // redirect pszUrl = NULL; if (nlhr->requestType == REQUEST_HEAD) nlhrReply = (NETLIBHTTPREQUEST*)NetlibHttpRecvHeaders((WPARAM)nlc, hflags); else nlhrReply = NetlibHttpRecv(nlc, hflags, dflags); if (nlhrReply) { char* tmpUrl = NetlibHttpFindHeader(nlhrReply, "Location"); if (tmpUrl) { size_t rlen = 0; if (tmpUrl[0] == '/') { const char *ppath, *phost; phost = strstr(pszFullUrl, "://"); phost = phost ? phost + 3 : pszFullUrl; ppath = strchr(phost, '/'); rlen = ppath ? ppath - pszFullUrl : strlen(pszFullUrl); } nlc->szNewUrl = (char*)mir_realloc(nlc->szNewUrl, rlen + strlen(tmpUrl) * 3 + 1); strncpy(nlc->szNewUrl, pszFullUrl, rlen); strcpy(nlc->szNewUrl + rlen, tmpUrl); pszFullUrl = nlc->szNewUrl; pszUrl = NULL; if (NetlibHttpProcessUrl(nlhr, nlc->nlu, nlc, pszFullUrl) == NULL) { bytesSent = SOCKET_ERROR; break; } } else { NetlibHttpSetLastErrorUsingHttpResult(resultCode); bytesSent = SOCKET_ERROR; break; } } else { NetlibHttpSetLastErrorUsingHttpResult(resultCode); bytesSent = SOCKET_ERROR; break; } } else if (resultCode == 401 && !doneAuthHeader) { //auth required if (nlhr->requestType == REQUEST_HEAD) nlhrReply = (NETLIBHTTPREQUEST*)NetlibHttpRecvHeaders((WPARAM)nlc, hflags); else nlhrReply = NetlibHttpRecv(nlc, hflags, dflags); mir_free(pszAuthHdr); pszAuthHdr = NULL; if (nlhrReply) { char *szAuthStr = NULL; if (!complete) { szAuthStr = NetlibHttpFindAuthHeader(nlhrReply, "WWW-Authenticate", httpSecurity.m_szProvider); if (szAuthStr) { char *szChallenge = strchr(szAuthStr, ' '); if (!szChallenge || !*lrtrimp(szChallenge)) complete = true; } } if (complete && httpSecurity.m_hNtlmSecurity) szAuthStr = httpSecurity.TryBasic() ? NetlibHttpFindAuthHeader(nlhrReply, "WWW-Authenticate", "Basic") : NULL; if (szAuthStr) { char *szChallenge = strchr(szAuthStr, ' '); if (szChallenge) { *szChallenge = 0; szChallenge = lrtrimp(szChallenge + 1); } pszAuthHdr = httpSecurity.Execute(nlc, szHost, szAuthStr, szChallenge, complete); } } if (pszAuthHdr == NULL) { proxyAuthList.add(szHost, NULL); NetlibHttpSetLastErrorUsingHttpResult(resultCode); bytesSent = SOCKET_ERROR; break; } } else if (resultCode == 407 && !doneProxyAuthHeader) { //proxy auth required if (nlhr->requestType == REQUEST_HEAD) nlhrReply = (NETLIBHTTPREQUEST*)NetlibHttpRecvHeaders((WPARAM)nlc, hflags); else nlhrReply = NetlibHttpRecv(nlc, hflags, dflags); mir_free(pszProxyAuthHdr); pszProxyAuthHdr = NULL; if (nlhrReply) { char *szAuthStr = NULL; if (!complete) { szAuthStr = NetlibHttpFindAuthHeader(nlhrReply, "Proxy-Authenticate", httpSecurity.m_szProvider); if (szAuthStr) { char *szChallenge = strchr(szAuthStr, ' '); if (!szChallenge || !*lrtrimp(szChallenge + 1)) complete = true; } } if (complete && httpSecurity.m_hNtlmSecurity) szAuthStr = httpSecurity.TryBasic() ? NetlibHttpFindAuthHeader(nlhrReply, "Proxy-Authenticate", "Basic") : NULL; if (szAuthStr) { char *szChallenge = strchr(szAuthStr, ' '); if (szChallenge) { *szChallenge = 0; szChallenge = lrtrimp(szChallenge + 1); } pszProxyAuthHdr = httpSecurity.Execute(nlc, nlc->szProxyServer, szAuthStr, szChallenge, complete); } } if (pszProxyAuthHdr == NULL) { proxyAuthList.add(nlc->szProxyServer, NULL); NetlibHttpSetLastErrorUsingHttpResult(resultCode); bytesSent = SOCKET_ERROR; break; } } else break; if (pszProxyAuthHdr && resultCode != 407 && !doneProxyAuthHeader) replaceStr(pszProxyAuthHdr, NULL); if (pszAuthHdr && resultCode != 401 && !doneAuthHeader) replaceStr(pszAuthHdr, NULL); if (nlhrReply) { NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(0, (LPARAM)nlhrReply); nlhrReply = NULL; } } if (count == 0) bytesSent = SOCKET_ERROR; if (nlhrReply) NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(0, (LPARAM)nlhrReply); //clean up mir_free(pszProxyAuthHdr); mir_free(pszAuthHdr); mir_free(szHost); mir_free(szNewUrl); if (!nlc->usingHttpGateway) NetlibLeaveNestedCS(&nlc->ncsSend); return bytesSent; } INT_PTR NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *nlhr = (NETLIBHTTPREQUEST*)lParam; if (nlhr == NULL || nlhr->cbSize != sizeof(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST) || nlhr->requestType != REQUEST_RESPONSE) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; } if (nlhr->headers) { for (int i=0; i < nlhr->headersCount; i++) { NETLIBHTTPHEADER &p = nlhr->headers[i]; mir_free(p.szName); mir_free(p.szValue); } mir_free(nlhr->headers); } mir_free(nlhr->pData); mir_free(nlhr->szResultDescr); mir_free(nlhr->szUrl); mir_free(nlhr); return 1; } INT_PTR NetlibHttpRecvHeaders(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { NetlibConnection *nlc = (struct NetlibConnection*)wParam; if (!NetlibEnterNestedCS(nlc, NLNCS_RECV)) return 0; char *peol, *pbuffer; int headersCount = 0, bufferSize = 8192; DWORD dwRequestTimeoutTime = GetTickCount() + HTTPRECVDATATIMEOUT; NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *nlhr = (NETLIBHTTPREQUEST*)mir_calloc(sizeof(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST)); nlhr->cbSize = sizeof(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST); nlhr->nlc = nlc; // Needed to id connection in the protocol HTTP gateway wrapper functions nlhr->requestType = REQUEST_RESPONSE; int firstLineLength = 0; if (!HttpPeekFirstResponseLine(nlc, dwRequestTimeoutTime, lParam | MSG_PEEK, &nlhr->resultCode, &nlhr->szResultDescr, &firstLineLength)) { NetlibLeaveNestedCS(&nlc->ncsRecv); NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(0, (LPARAM)nlhr); return 0; } char *buffer = (char*)mir_alloc(bufferSize + 1); int bytesPeeked = NLRecv(nlc, buffer, min(firstLineLength, bufferSize), lParam | MSG_DUMPASTEXT); if (bytesPeeked != firstLineLength) { NetlibLeaveNestedCS(&nlc->ncsRecv); NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(0, (LPARAM)nlhr); if (bytesPeeked != SOCKET_ERROR) SetLastError(ERROR_HANDLE_EOF); mir_free(buffer); return 0; } // Make sure all headers arrived bytesPeeked = 0; for (bool headersCompleted = false; !headersCompleted; ) { if (bytesPeeked >= bufferSize) { bufferSize += 8192; mir_free(buffer); if (bufferSize > 32 * 1024) { bytesPeeked = 0; break; } buffer = (char*)mir_alloc(bufferSize + 1); } bytesPeeked = RecvWithTimeoutTime(nlc, dwRequestTimeoutTime, buffer, bufferSize, MSG_PEEK | MSG_NODUMP | lParam); if (bytesPeeked == 0) break; if (bytesPeeked == SOCKET_ERROR) { bytesPeeked = 0; break; } buffer[bytesPeeked] = 0; for (pbuffer = buffer, headersCount = 0;; pbuffer = peol + 1, ++headersCount) { peol = strchr(pbuffer, '\n'); if (peol == NULL) break; if (peol == pbuffer || (peol == (pbuffer + 1) && *pbuffer == '\r')) { bytesPeeked = peol - buffer + 1; headersCompleted = true; break; } } } // Receive headers if (bytesPeeked > 0) bytesPeeked = NLRecv(nlc, buffer, bytesPeeked, lParam | MSG_DUMPASTEXT); if (bytesPeeked <= 0) { NetlibLeaveNestedCS(&nlc->ncsRecv); NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(0, (LPARAM)nlhr); mir_free(buffer); return 0; } buffer[bytesPeeked] = 0; nlhr->headersCount = headersCount; nlhr->headers = (NETLIBHTTPHEADER*)mir_calloc(sizeof(NETLIBHTTPHEADER) * headersCount); for (pbuffer = buffer, headersCount = 0;; pbuffer = peol + 1, ++headersCount) { peol = strchr(pbuffer, '\n'); if (peol == NULL || peol == pbuffer || (peol == (pbuffer + 1) && *pbuffer == '\r')) break; *peol = 0; char *pColon = strchr(pbuffer, ':'); if (pColon == NULL) { NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(0, (LPARAM)nlhr); nlhr = NULL; SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); break; } *(pColon++) = 0; nlhr->headers[headersCount].szName = mir_strdup(rtrim(pbuffer)); nlhr->headers[headersCount].szValue = mir_strdup(lrtrimp(pColon)); } NetlibLeaveNestedCS(&nlc->ncsRecv); mir_free(buffer); return (INT_PTR)nlhr; } INT_PTR NetlibHttpTransaction(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { NetlibUser *nlu = (NetlibUser*)wParam; NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *nlhr = (NETLIBHTTPREQUEST*)lParam, *nlhrReply; DWORD dflags, hflags; if (GetNetlibHandleType(nlu) != NLH_USER || !(nlu->user.flags & NUF_OUTGOING) || nlhr == NULL || nlhr->cbSize < NETLIBHTTPREQUEST_V1_SIZE || nlhr->szUrl == NULL || nlhr->szUrl[0] == 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; } if (nlhr->nlc != NULL && GetNetlibHandleType(nlhr->nlc) != NLH_CONNECTION) nlhr->nlc = NULL; NetlibConnection* nlc = NetlibHttpProcessUrl(nlhr, nlu, (NetlibConnection*)nlhr->nlc); if (nlc == NULL) return 0; NETLIBHTTPREQUEST nlhrSend; char szUserAgent[64]; nlhrSend = *nlhr; nlhrSend.flags &= ~NLHRF_REMOVEHOST; nlhrSend.flags |= NLHRF_GENERATEHOST | NLHRF_SMARTREMOVEHOST | NLHRF_SMARTAUTHHEADER; bool doneUserAgentHeader = NetlibHttpFindHeader(nlhr, "User-Agent") != NULL; bool doneAcceptEncoding = NetlibHttpFindHeader(nlhr, "Accept-Encoding") != NULL; if (!doneUserAgentHeader || !doneAcceptEncoding) { nlhrSend.headers = (NETLIBHTTPHEADER*)mir_alloc(sizeof(NETLIBHTTPHEADER) * (nlhrSend.headersCount + 2)); memcpy(nlhrSend.headers, nlhr->headers, sizeof(NETLIBHTTPHEADER) * nlhr->headersCount); } if (!doneUserAgentHeader) { nlhrSend.headers[nlhrSend.headersCount].szName = "User-Agent"; nlhrSend.headers[nlhrSend.headersCount].szValue = szUserAgent; ++nlhrSend.headersCount; char szMirandaVer[64]; CallService(MS_SYSTEM_GETVERSIONTEXT, SIZEOF(szMirandaVer), (LPARAM)szMirandaVer); char *pspace = strchr(szMirandaVer, ' '); if (pspace) { *pspace++='\0'; mir_snprintf(szUserAgent, SIZEOF(szUserAgent), "Miranda/%s (%s)", szMirandaVer, pspace); } else mir_snprintf(szUserAgent, SIZEOF(szUserAgent), "Miranda/%s", szMirandaVer); } if (!doneAcceptEncoding) { nlhrSend.headers[nlhrSend.headersCount].szName = "Accept-Encoding"; nlhrSend.headers[nlhrSend.headersCount].szValue = "deflate, gzip"; ++nlhrSend.headersCount; } if (NetlibHttpSendRequest((WPARAM)nlc, (LPARAM)&nlhrSend) == SOCKET_ERROR) { if (!doneUserAgentHeader || !doneAcceptEncoding) mir_free(nlhrSend.headers); nlhr->resultCode = nlhrSend.resultCode; NetlibCloseHandle((WPARAM)nlc, 0); return 0; } if (!doneUserAgentHeader || !doneAcceptEncoding) mir_free(nlhrSend.headers); dflags = (nlhr->flags & NLHRF_DUMPASTEXT ? MSG_DUMPASTEXT:0) | (nlhr->flags & NLHRF_NODUMP ? MSG_NODUMP : (nlhr->flags & NLHRF_DUMPPROXY ? MSG_DUMPPROXY : 0)) | (nlhr->flags & NLHRF_NOPROXY ? MSG_RAW : 0); hflags = (nlhr->flags & NLHRF_NODUMP ? MSG_NODUMP : (nlhr->flags & NLHRF_DUMPPROXY ? MSG_DUMPPROXY : 0)) | (nlhr->flags & NLHRF_NOPROXY ? MSG_RAW : 0); if (nlhr->requestType == REQUEST_HEAD) nlhrReply = (NETLIBHTTPREQUEST*)NetlibHttpRecvHeaders((WPARAM)nlc, 0); else nlhrReply = NetlibHttpRecv(nlc, hflags, dflags); if (nlhrReply) { nlhrReply->szUrl = nlc->szNewUrl; nlc->szNewUrl = NULL; } if ((nlhr->flags & NLHRF_PERSISTENT) == 0 || nlhrReply == NULL) { NetlibCloseHandle((WPARAM)nlc, 0); if (nlhrReply) nlhrReply->nlc = NULL; } else nlhrReply->nlc = nlc; return (INT_PTR)nlhrReply; } void NetlibHttpSetLastErrorUsingHttpResult(int result) { if (result >= 200 && result < 300) { SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); return; } switch(result) { case 400: SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_FORMAT); break; case 401: case 402: case 403: case 407: SetLastError(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); break; case 404: SetLastError(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); break; case 405: case 406: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); break; case 408: SetLastError(ERROR_TIMEOUT); break; default: SetLastError(ERROR_GEN_FAILURE); break; } } char* gzip_decode(char *gzip_data, int *len_ptr, int window) { if (*len_ptr == 0) return NULL; int gzip_len = *len_ptr * 5; char* output_data = NULL; int gzip_err; z_stream zstr; do { output_data = (char*)mir_realloc(output_data, gzip_len+1); zstr.next_in = (Bytef*)gzip_data; zstr.avail_in = *len_ptr; zstr.zalloc = Z_NULL; zstr.zfree = Z_NULL; zstr.opaque = Z_NULL; inflateInit2_(&zstr, window, ZLIB_VERSION, sizeof(z_stream)); zstr.next_out = (Bytef*)output_data; zstr.avail_out = gzip_len; gzip_err = inflate(&zstr, Z_FINISH); inflateEnd(&zstr); gzip_len *= 2; } while (gzip_err == Z_BUF_ERROR); gzip_len = gzip_err == Z_STREAM_END ? zstr.total_out : -1; if (gzip_len <= 0) { mir_free(output_data); output_data = NULL; } else output_data[gzip_len] = 0; *len_ptr = gzip_len; return output_data; } static int NetlibHttpRecvChunkHeader(NetlibConnection* nlc, bool first, DWORD flags) { char data[64], *peol1; while(true) { int recvResult = NLRecv(nlc, data, 31, MSG_RAW | MSG_PEEK); if (recvResult <= 0) return SOCKET_ERROR; data[recvResult] = 0; peol1 = strchr(data, '\n'); if (peol1 != NULL) { char *peol2 = first ? peol1 : strchr(peol1 + 1, '\n'); if (peol2 != NULL) { int sz = peol2 - data + 1; int r = strtol(first ? data : peol1 + 1, NULL, 16); if (r == 0) { char *peol3 = strchr(peol2 + 1, '\n'); if (peol3 == NULL) continue; sz = peol3 - data + 1; } NLRecv(nlc, data, sz, MSG_RAW | flags); return r; } else if (recvResult >= 31) return SOCKET_ERROR; } } } NETLIBHTTPREQUEST* NetlibHttpRecv(NetlibConnection* nlc, DWORD hflags, DWORD dflags, bool isConnect) { int dataLen = -1, i, chunkhdr = 0; bool chunked = false; int cenc = 0, cenctype = 0, close = 0; next: NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *nlhrReply = (NETLIBHTTPREQUEST*)NetlibHttpRecvHeaders((WPARAM)nlc, hflags); if (nlhrReply == NULL) return NULL; if (nlhrReply->resultCode == 100) { NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(0, (LPARAM)nlhrReply); goto next; } for (i=0; i<nlhrReply->headersCount; i++) { NETLIBHTTPHEADER &p = nlhrReply->headers[i]; if (!lstrcmpiA(p.szName, "Content-Length")) dataLen = atoi(p.szValue); if (!lstrcmpiA(p.szName, "Content-Encoding")) { cenc = i; if (strstr(p.szValue, "gzip")) cenctype = 1; else if (strstr(p.szValue, "deflate")) cenctype = 2; } if (!lstrcmpiA(p.szName, "Connection")) close = !lstrcmpiA(p.szValue, "close"); if (!lstrcmpiA(p.szName, "Transfer-Encoding") && !lstrcmpiA(p.szValue, "chunked")) { chunked = true; chunkhdr = i; dataLen = -1; } } if (nlhrReply->resultCode >= 200 && (dataLen > 0 || (!isConnect && dataLen < 0))) { int recvResult, chunksz = -1; int dataBufferAlloced; if (chunked) { chunksz = NetlibHttpRecvChunkHeader(nlc, true, dflags); if (chunksz == SOCKET_ERROR) { NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(0, (LPARAM)nlhrReply); return NULL; } dataLen = chunksz; } dataBufferAlloced = dataLen < 0 ? 2048 : dataLen + 1; nlhrReply->pData = (char*)mir_realloc(nlhrReply->pData, dataBufferAlloced); while (chunksz != 0) { while(true) { recvResult = RecvWithTimeoutTime(nlc, GetTickCount() + HTTPRECVDATATIMEOUT, nlhrReply->pData + nlhrReply->dataLength, dataBufferAlloced - nlhrReply->dataLength - 1, dflags | (cenctype ? MSG_NODUMP : 0)); if (recvResult == 0) break; if (recvResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(0, (LPARAM)nlhrReply); return NULL; } nlhrReply->dataLength += recvResult; if (dataLen >= 0) { if (nlhrReply->dataLength >= dataLen) break; } else if ((dataBufferAlloced - nlhrReply->dataLength) < 256) { dataBufferAlloced += 2048; nlhrReply->pData = (char*)mir_realloc(nlhrReply->pData, dataBufferAlloced); if (nlhrReply->pData == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(0, (LPARAM)nlhrReply); return NULL; } } Sleep(10); } if (!chunked) break; chunksz = NetlibHttpRecvChunkHeader(nlc, false, dflags); if (chunksz == SOCKET_ERROR) { NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(0, (LPARAM)nlhrReply); return NULL; } dataLen += chunksz; dataBufferAlloced += chunksz; nlhrReply->pData = (char*)mir_realloc(nlhrReply->pData, dataBufferAlloced); } nlhrReply->pData[nlhrReply->dataLength] = '\0'; } if (chunked) { nlhrReply->headers[chunkhdr].szName = (char*)mir_realloc(nlhrReply->headers[chunkhdr].szName, 16); lstrcpyA(nlhrReply->headers[chunkhdr].szName, "Content-Length"); nlhrReply->headers[chunkhdr].szValue = (char*)mir_realloc(nlhrReply->headers[chunkhdr].szValue, 16); mir_snprintf(nlhrReply->headers[chunkhdr].szValue, 16, "%u", nlhrReply->dataLength); } if (cenctype) { int bufsz = nlhrReply->dataLength; char* szData = NULL; switch (cenctype) { case 1: szData = gzip_decode(nlhrReply->pData, &bufsz, 0x10 | MAX_WBITS); break; case 2: szData = gzip_decode(nlhrReply->pData, &bufsz, -MAX_WBITS); if (bufsz < 0) { bufsz = nlhrReply->dataLength; szData = gzip_decode(nlhrReply->pData, &bufsz, MAX_WBITS); } break; } if (bufsz > 0) { NetlibDumpData(nlc, (PBYTE)szData, bufsz, 0, dflags); mir_free(nlhrReply->pData); nlhrReply->pData = szData; nlhrReply->dataLength = bufsz; mir_free(nlhrReply->headers[cenc].szName); mir_free(nlhrReply->headers[cenc].szValue); memmove(&nlhrReply->headers[cenc], &nlhrReply->headers[cenc+1], (--nlhrReply->headersCount-cenc)*sizeof(nlhrReply->headers[0])); } else if (bufsz == 0) { mir_free(nlhrReply->pData); nlhrReply->pData = NULL; nlhrReply->dataLength = 0; } } if (close && (nlc->proxyType != PROXYTYPE_HTTP || nlc->nloc.flags & NLOCF_SSL) && (!isConnect || nlhrReply->resultCode != 200)) NetlibDoClose(nlc); return nlhrReply; }