/* Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright 2000-2012 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h" #include "netlib.h" extern CRITICAL_SECTION csNetlibUser; extern HANDLE hConnectionOpenMutex; extern DWORD g_LastConnectionTick; extern int connectionTimeout; static int iUPnPCleanup = 0; #define RECV_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 60000 //returns in network byte order DWORD DnsLookup(struct NetlibUser *nlu,const char *szHost) { HOSTENT* host; DWORD ip = inet_addr(szHost); if (ip != INADDR_NONE) return ip; __try { host = gethostbyname(szHost); if ( host ) return *(u_long*)host->h_addr_list[0]; NetlibLogf(nlu,"%s %d: %s() for host %s failed (%u)",__FILE__,__LINE__,"gethostbyname", szHost, WSAGetLastError()); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {} return 0; } int WaitUntilReadable(SOCKET s, DWORD dwTimeout, bool check) { fd_set readfd; TIMEVAL tv; if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) return SOCKET_ERROR; tv.tv_sec = dwTimeout / 1000; tv.tv_usec = (dwTimeout % 1000) * 1000; FD_ZERO(&readfd); FD_SET(s, &readfd); int result = select(0, &readfd, 0, 0, &tv); if (result == 0 && !check) SetLastError(ERROR_TIMEOUT); return result; } int WaitUntilWritable(SOCKET s,DWORD dwTimeout) { fd_set writefd; TIMEVAL tv; tv.tv_sec = dwTimeout / 1000; tv.tv_usec = (dwTimeout % 1000) * 1000; FD_ZERO(&writefd); FD_SET(s, &writefd); switch(select(0, 0, &writefd, 0, &tv)) { case 0: SetLastError(ERROR_TIMEOUT); case SOCKET_ERROR: return 0; } return 1; } bool RecvUntilTimeout(struct NetlibConnection *nlc, char *buf, int len, int flags, DWORD dwTimeout) { int nReceived = 0; DWORD dwTimeNow, dwCompleteTime = GetTickCount() + dwTimeout; while ((dwTimeNow = GetTickCount()) < dwCompleteTime) { if (WaitUntilReadable(nlc->s, dwCompleteTime - dwTimeNow) <= 0) return false; nReceived = NLRecv(nlc, buf, len, flags); if (nReceived <= 0) return false; buf += nReceived; len -= nReceived; if (len <= 0) return true; } SetLastError( ERROR_TIMEOUT ); return false; } static int NetlibInitSocks4Connection(NetlibConnection *nlc, NetlibUser *nlu, NETLIBOPENCONNECTION *nloc) { // http://www.socks.nec.com/protocol/socks4.protocol and http://www.socks.nec.com/protocol/socks4a.protocol if (!nloc->szHost || !nloc->szHost[0]) return 0; size_t nHostLen = strlen(nloc->szHost) + 1; size_t nUserLen = nlu->settings.szProxyAuthUser ? strlen(nlu->settings.szProxyAuthUser) + 1 : 1; size_t len = 8 + nUserLen; char* pInit = (char*)alloca(len + nHostLen); pInit[0] = 4; // SOCKS4 pInit[1] = 1; //connect *(PWORD)&pInit[2] = htons(nloc->wPort); if (nUserLen <= 1) pInit[8] = 0; else memcpy(&pInit[8], nlu->settings.szProxyAuthUser, nUserLen); //if cannot resolve host, try resolving through proxy (requires SOCKS4a) DWORD ip = DnsLookup(nlu, nloc->szHost); *(PDWORD)&pInit[4] = ip ? ip : 0x01000000; if (!ip) { memcpy(&pInit[len], nloc->szHost, nHostLen); len += nHostLen; } if (NLSend(nlc, pInit, (int)len, MSG_DUMPPROXY) == SOCKET_ERROR) { NetlibLogf(nlu,"%s %d: %s() failed (%u)",__FILE__,__LINE__,"NLSend",GetLastError()); return 0; } char reply[8]; if (!RecvUntilTimeout(nlc, reply, sizeof(reply), MSG_DUMPPROXY, RECV_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)) { NetlibLogf(nlu,"%s %d: %s() failed (%u)",__FILE__,__LINE__,"RecvUntilTimeout",GetLastError()); return 0; } switch ((BYTE)reply[1]) { case 90: return 1; case 91: SetLastError(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); break; case 92: SetLastError(ERROR_CONNECTION_UNAVAIL); break; case 93: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS); break; default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); break; } NetlibLogf(nlu,"%s %d: Proxy connection failed (%x %u)",__FILE__,__LINE__, (BYTE)reply[1], GetLastError()); return 0; } static int NetlibInitSocks5Connection(struct NetlibConnection *nlc,struct NetlibUser *nlu,NETLIBOPENCONNECTION *nloc) { //rfc1928 BYTE buf[258]; buf[0]=5; //yep, socks5 buf[1]=1; //one auth method buf[2]=nlu->settings.useProxyAuth?2:0; if(NLSend(nlc,(char*)buf,3,MSG_DUMPPROXY)==SOCKET_ERROR) { NetlibLogf(nlu,"%s %d: %s() failed (%u)",__FILE__,__LINE__,"NLSend",GetLastError()); return 0; } //confirmation of auth method if (!RecvUntilTimeout(nlc,(char*)buf,2,MSG_DUMPPROXY,RECV_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)) { NetlibLogf(nlu,"%s %d: %s() failed (%u)",__FILE__,__LINE__,"RecvUntilTimeout",GetLastError()); return 0; } if((buf[1]!=0 && buf[1]!=2)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_ID_AUTHORITY); NetlibLogf(nlu,"%s %d: %s() failed (%u)",__FILE__,__LINE__,"NLRecv",GetLastError()); return 0; } if(buf[1]==2) { //rfc1929 int nUserLen,nPassLen; PBYTE pAuthBuf; nUserLen=lstrlenA(nlu->settings.szProxyAuthUser); nPassLen=lstrlenA(nlu->settings.szProxyAuthPassword); pAuthBuf=(PBYTE)mir_alloc(3+nUserLen+nPassLen); pAuthBuf[0]=1; //auth version pAuthBuf[1]=nUserLen; memcpy(pAuthBuf+2,nlu->settings.szProxyAuthUser,nUserLen); pAuthBuf[2+nUserLen]=nPassLen; memcpy(pAuthBuf+3+nUserLen,nlu->settings.szProxyAuthPassword,nPassLen); if(NLSend(nlc,(char*)pAuthBuf,3+nUserLen+nPassLen,MSG_DUMPPROXY)==SOCKET_ERROR) { NetlibLogf(nlu,"%s %d: %s() failed (%u)",__FILE__,__LINE__,"NLSend",GetLastError()); mir_free(pAuthBuf); return 0; } mir_free(pAuthBuf); if (!RecvUntilTimeout(nlc,(char*)buf,2,MSG_DUMPPROXY,RECV_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)) { NetlibLogf(nlu,"%s %d: %s() failed (%u)",__FILE__,__LINE__,"RecvUntilTimeout",GetLastError()); return 0; } if(buf[1]) { SetLastError(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); NetlibLogf(nlu,"%s %d: %s() failed (%u)",__FILE__,__LINE__,"RecvUntilTimeout",GetLastError()); return 0; } } { PBYTE pInit; int nHostLen; DWORD hostIP; if (nlc->dnsThroughProxy) { hostIP = inet_addr(nloc->szHost); if(hostIP == INADDR_NONE) nHostLen = lstrlenA(nloc->szHost)+1; else nHostLen = 4; } else { hostIP = DnsLookup(nlu,nloc->szHost); if (hostIP == 0) return 0; nHostLen = 4; } pInit=(PBYTE)mir_alloc(6+nHostLen); pInit[0]=5; //SOCKS5 pInit[1]= nloc->flags & NLOCF_UDP ? 3 : 1; //connect or UDP pInit[2]=0; //reserved if(hostIP==INADDR_NONE) { //DNS lookup through proxy pInit[3]=3; pInit[4]=nHostLen-1; memcpy(pInit+5,nloc->szHost,nHostLen-1); } else { pInit[3]=1; *(PDWORD)(pInit+4)=hostIP; } *(PWORD)(pInit+4+nHostLen)=htons(nloc->wPort); if(NLSend(nlc,(char*)pInit,6+nHostLen,MSG_DUMPPROXY)==SOCKET_ERROR) { NetlibLogf(nlu,"%s %d: %s() failed (%u)",__FILE__,__LINE__,"NLSend",GetLastError()); mir_free(pInit); return 0; } mir_free(pInit); } if (!RecvUntilTimeout(nlc,(char*)buf,5,MSG_DUMPPROXY,RECV_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)) { NetlibLogf(nlu,"%s %d: %s() failed (%u)",__FILE__,__LINE__,"RecvUntilTimeout",GetLastError()); return 0; } if ( buf[0]!=5 || buf[1] ) { const char* err = "Unknown response"; if ( buf[0] != 5 ) SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_FORMAT); else { switch(buf[1]) { case 1: SetLastError(ERROR_GEN_FAILURE); err = "General failure"; break; case 2: SetLastError(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); err = "Connection not allowed by ruleset"; break; case 3: SetLastError(WSAENETUNREACH); err = "Network unreachable"; break; case 4: SetLastError(WSAEHOSTUNREACH); err = "Host unreachable"; break; case 5: SetLastError(WSAECONNREFUSED); err = "Connection refused by destination host"; break; case 6: SetLastError(WSAETIMEDOUT); err = "TTL expired"; break; case 7: SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); err = "Command not supported / protocol error"; break; case 8: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS); err = "Address type not supported"; break; default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); break; } } NetlibLogf(nlu,"%s %d: Proxy conection failed. %s.",__FILE__,__LINE__, err); return 0; } { int nRecvSize = 0; switch( buf[3] ) { case 1:// ipv4 addr nRecvSize = 5; break; case 3:// dns name addr nRecvSize = buf[4] + 2; break; case 4:// ipv6 addr nRecvSize = 17; break; default: NetlibLogf(nlu,"%s %d: %s() unknown address type (%u)",__FILE__,__LINE__,"NetlibInitSocks5Connection",(int)buf[3]); return 0; } if (!RecvUntilTimeout(nlc,(char*)buf,nRecvSize,MSG_DUMPPROXY,RECV_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)) { NetlibLogf(nlu,"%s %d: %s() failed (%u)",__FILE__,__LINE__,"RecvUntilTimeout",GetLastError()); return 0; } } //connected return 1; } static bool NetlibInitHttpsConnection(struct NetlibConnection *nlc, struct NetlibUser *nlu, NETLIBOPENCONNECTION *nloc) { //rfc2817 NETLIBHTTPREQUEST nlhrSend = {0}, *nlhrReply; char szUrl[512]; nlhrSend.cbSize = sizeof(nlhrSend); nlhrSend.requestType = REQUEST_CONNECT; nlhrSend.flags = NLHRF_GENERATEHOST | NLHRF_DUMPPROXY | NLHRF_SMARTAUTHHEADER | NLHRF_HTTP11 | NLHRF_NOPROXY | NLHRF_REDIRECT; if (nlc->dnsThroughProxy) { mir_snprintf(szUrl, SIZEOF(szUrl), "%s:%u", nloc->szHost, nloc->wPort); } else { DWORD ip = DnsLookup(nlu, nloc->szHost); if (ip == 0) return false; mir_snprintf(szUrl, SIZEOF(szUrl), "%s:%u", inet_ntoa(*(PIN_ADDR)&ip), nloc->wPort); } nlhrSend.szUrl = szUrl; nlc->usingHttpGateway = true; if (NetlibHttpSendRequest((WPARAM)nlc, (LPARAM)&nlhrSend) == SOCKET_ERROR) { nlc->usingHttpGateway = false; return 0; } nlhrReply = NetlibHttpRecv(nlc, MSG_DUMPPROXY | MSG_RAW, MSG_DUMPPROXY | MSG_RAW, true); nlc->usingHttpGateway = false; if (nlhrReply == NULL) return false; if (nlhrReply->resultCode < 200 || nlhrReply->resultCode >= 300) { if (nlhrReply->resultCode == 403 && nlc->dnsThroughProxy) { NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(0, (LPARAM)nlhrReply); nlc->dnsThroughProxy = 0; return NetlibInitHttpsConnection(nlc, nlu, nloc); } NetlibHttpSetLastErrorUsingHttpResult(nlhrReply->resultCode); NetlibLogf(nlu,"%s %d: %s request failed (%u %s)",__FILE__,__LINE__,nlu->settings.proxyType==PROXYTYPE_HTTP?"HTTP":"HTTPS",nlhrReply->resultCode,nlhrReply->szResultDescr); NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(0, (LPARAM)nlhrReply); return 0; } NetlibHttpFreeRequestStruct(0, (LPARAM)nlhrReply); //connected return true; } static void FreePartiallyInitedConnection(struct NetlibConnection *nlc) { DWORD dwOriginalLastError=GetLastError(); if (nlc->s!=INVALID_SOCKET) closesocket(nlc->s); mir_free(nlc->nlhpi.szHttpPostUrl); mir_free(nlc->nlhpi.szHttpGetUrl); mir_free((char*)nlc->nloc.szHost); mir_free(nlc->szProxyServer); NetlibDeleteNestedCS(&nlc->ncsSend); NetlibDeleteNestedCS(&nlc->ncsRecv); CloseHandle(nlc->hOkToCloseEvent); DeleteCriticalSection(&nlc->csHttpSequenceNums); mir_free(nlc); SetLastError(dwOriginalLastError); } static bool my_connectIPv4(NetlibConnection *nlc, NETLIBOPENCONNECTION * nloc) { int rc = 0, retrycnt = 0; u_long notblocking = 1; DWORD lasterr = 0; static const TIMEVAL tv = { 1, 0 }; unsigned int dwTimeout = (nloc->cbSize == sizeof(NETLIBOPENCONNECTION) && nloc->flags & NLOCF_V2) ? nloc->timeout : 0; // if dwTimeout is zero then its an old style connection or new with a 0 timeout, select() will error quicker anyway if (dwTimeout == 0) dwTimeout = 30; // this is for XP SP2 where there is a default connection attempt limit of 10/second if (connectionTimeout) { WaitForSingleObject(hConnectionOpenMutex, 10000); int waitdiff = GetTickCount() - g_LastConnectionTick; if (waitdiff < connectionTimeout) SleepEx(connectionTimeout, TRUE); g_LastConnectionTick = GetTickCount(); ReleaseMutex(hConnectionOpenMutex); // might of died in between the wait if (Miranda_Terminated()) return false; } PHOSTENT he; SOCKADDR_IN sin = {0}; sin.sin_family = AF_INET; if (nlc->proxyType) { if (!nlc->szProxyServer) return false; if (nloc) NetlibLogf(nlc->nlu,"(%p) Connecting to proxy %s:%d for %s:%d ....", nlc, nlc->szProxyServer, nlc->wProxyPort, nloc->szHost, nloc->wPort); else NetlibLogf(nlc->nlu,"(%p) Connecting to proxy %s:%d ....", nlc, nlc->szProxyServer, nlc->wProxyPort); sin.sin_port = htons(nlc->wProxyPort); he = gethostbyname(nlc->szProxyServer); } else { if (!nloc || !nloc->szHost || nloc->szHost[0] == '[' || strchr(nloc->szHost, ':')) return false; NetlibLogf(nlc->nlu,"(%p) Connecting to server %s:%d....", nlc, nloc->szHost, nloc->wPort); sin.sin_port = htons(nloc->wPort); he = gethostbyname(nloc->szHost); } for (char** har = he->h_addr_list; *har && !Miranda_Terminated(); ++har) { sin.sin_addr.s_addr = *(u_long*)*har; char* szIp = NetlibAddressToString((SOCKADDR_INET_M*)&sin); NetlibLogf(nlc->nlu,"(%p) Connecting to ip %s ....", nlc, szIp); mir_free(szIp); retry: nlc->s = socket(AF_INET, nloc->flags & NLOCF_UDP ? SOCK_DGRAM : SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (nlc->s == INVALID_SOCKET) return false; // return the socket to non blocking if (ioctlsocket(nlc->s, FIONBIO, ¬blocking) != 0) return false; if (nlc->nlu->settings.specifyOutgoingPorts && nlc->nlu->settings.szOutgoingPorts && nlc->nlu->settings.szOutgoingPorts[0]) { if (!BindSocketToPort(nlc->nlu->settings.szOutgoingPorts, nlc->s, INVALID_SOCKET, &nlc->nlu->inportnum)) NetlibLogf(nlc->nlu,"Netlib connect: Not enough ports for outgoing connections specified"); } // try a connect if (connect(nlc->s, (LPSOCKADDR)&sin, sizeof(sin)) == 0) { rc = 0; break; } // didn't work, was it cos of nonblocking? if (WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) { rc = SOCKET_ERROR; closesocket(nlc->s); nlc->s = INVALID_SOCKET; continue; } for (;;) { fd_set r, w, e; FD_ZERO(&r); FD_ZERO(&w); FD_ZERO(&e); FD_SET(nlc->s, &r); FD_SET(nlc->s, &w); FD_SET(nlc->s, &e); if ((rc = select(0, &r, &w, &e, &tv)) == SOCKET_ERROR) break; if (rc > 0) { if (FD_ISSET(nlc->s, &w)) { // connection was successful rc = 0; } if (FD_ISSET(nlc->s, &r)) { // connection was closed rc = SOCKET_ERROR; lasterr = WSAECONNRESET; } if (FD_ISSET(nlc->s, &e)) { // connection failed. int len = sizeof(lasterr); rc = SOCKET_ERROR; getsockopt(nlc->s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char*)&lasterr, &len); if (lasterr == WSAEADDRINUSE && ++retrycnt <= 2) { closesocket(nlc->s); goto retry; } } break; } else if (Miranda_Terminated()) { rc = SOCKET_ERROR; lasterr = ERROR_TIMEOUT; break; } else if (nloc->cbSize == sizeof(NETLIBOPENCONNECTION) && nloc->flags & NLOCF_V2 && nloc->waitcallback != NULL && nloc->waitcallback(&dwTimeout) == 0) { rc = SOCKET_ERROR; lasterr = ERROR_TIMEOUT; break; } if (--dwTimeout == 0) { rc = SOCKET_ERROR; lasterr = ERROR_TIMEOUT; break; } } if (rc == 0) break; closesocket(nlc->s); nlc->s = INVALID_SOCKET; } notblocking = 0; if (nlc->s != INVALID_SOCKET) ioctlsocket(nlc->s, FIONBIO, ¬blocking); if (rc && lasterr) SetLastError(lasterr); return rc == 0; } static bool my_connectIPv6(NetlibConnection *nlc, NETLIBOPENCONNECTION * nloc) { int rc = SOCKET_ERROR, retrycnt = 0; u_long notblocking = 1; DWORD lasterr = 0; static const TIMEVAL tv = { 1, 0 }; unsigned int dwTimeout = (nloc->cbSize == sizeof(NETLIBOPENCONNECTION) && nloc->flags & NLOCF_V2) ? nloc->timeout : 0; // if dwTimeout is zero then its an old style connection or new with a 0 timeout, select() will error quicker anyway if (dwTimeout == 0) dwTimeout = 30; // this is for XP SP2 where there is a default connection attempt limit of 10/second if (connectionTimeout) { WaitForSingleObject(hConnectionOpenMutex, 10000); int waitdiff = GetTickCount() - g_LastConnectionTick; if (waitdiff < connectionTimeout) SleepEx(connectionTimeout, TRUE); g_LastConnectionTick = GetTickCount(); ReleaseMutex(hConnectionOpenMutex); // might of died in between the wait if (Miranda_Terminated()) return false; } char szPort[6]; addrinfo *air = NULL, *ai, hints = {0}; hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; if (nloc->flags & NLOCF_UDP) { hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_UDP; } else { hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; } if (nlc->proxyType) { if (!nlc->szProxyServer) return false; if (nloc) NetlibLogf(nlc->nlu,"(%p) Connecting to proxy %s:%d for %s:%d ....", nlc, nlc->szProxyServer, nlc->wProxyPort, nloc->szHost, nloc->wPort); else NetlibLogf(nlc->nlu,"(%p) Connecting to proxy %s:%d ....", nlc, nlc->szProxyServer, nlc->wProxyPort); _itoa(nlc->wProxyPort, szPort, 10); if (MyGetaddrinfo(nlc->szProxyServer, szPort, &hints, &air)) { NetlibLogf(nlc->nlu,"%s %d: %s() for host %s failed (%u)",__FILE__,__LINE__,"getaddrinfo", nlc->szProxyServer, WSAGetLastError()); return false; } } else { if (!nloc || !nloc->szHost) return false; NetlibLogf(nlc->nlu,"(%p) Connecting to server %s:%d....", nlc, nloc->szHost, nloc->wPort); _itoa(nlc->nloc.wPort, szPort, 10); if (MyGetaddrinfo(nlc->nloc.szHost, szPort, &hints, &air)) { NetlibLogf(nlc->nlu,"%s %d: %s() for host %s failed (%u)",__FILE__,__LINE__,"getaddrinfo", nlc->nloc.szHost, WSAGetLastError()); return false; } } for (ai = air; ai && !Miranda_Terminated(); ai = ai->ai_next) { char* szIp = NetlibAddressToString((SOCKADDR_INET_M*)ai->ai_addr); NetlibLogf(nlc->nlu,"(%p) Connecting to ip %s ....", nlc, szIp); mir_free(szIp); retry: nlc->s = socket(ai->ai_family, ai->ai_socktype, ai->ai_protocol); if (nlc->s == INVALID_SOCKET) return false; // return the socket to non blocking if (ioctlsocket(nlc->s, FIONBIO, ¬blocking) != 0) return false; if (nlc->nlu->settings.specifyOutgoingPorts && nlc->nlu->settings.szOutgoingPorts && nlc->nlu->settings.szOutgoingPorts[0]) { SOCKET s = ai->ai_family == AF_INET ? nlc->s : INVALID_SOCKET; SOCKET s6 = ai->ai_family == AF_INET6 ? nlc->s : INVALID_SOCKET; if (!BindSocketToPort(nlc->nlu->settings.szOutgoingPorts, s, s6, &nlc->nlu->inportnum)) NetlibLogf(nlc->nlu,"Netlib connect: Not enough ports for outgoing connections specified"); } // try a connect if (connect(nlc->s, ai->ai_addr, (int)ai->ai_addrlen) == 0) { rc = 0; break; } // didn't work, was it cos of nonblocking? if (WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) { rc = SOCKET_ERROR; closesocket(nlc->s); nlc->s = INVALID_SOCKET; continue; } for (;;) // timeout loop { fd_set r, w, e; FD_ZERO(&r); FD_ZERO(&w); FD_ZERO(&e); FD_SET(nlc->s, &r); FD_SET(nlc->s, &w); FD_SET(nlc->s, &e); if ((rc = select(0, &r, &w, &e, &tv)) == SOCKET_ERROR) break; if (rc > 0) { if (FD_ISSET(nlc->s, &w)) { // connection was successful rc = 0; lasterr = 0; } if (FD_ISSET(nlc->s, &r)) { // connection was closed rc = SOCKET_ERROR; lasterr = WSAECONNRESET; } if (FD_ISSET(nlc->s, &e)) { // connection failed. int len = sizeof(lasterr); rc = SOCKET_ERROR; getsockopt(nlc->s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char*)&lasterr, &len); if (lasterr == WSAEADDRINUSE && ++retrycnt <= 2) { closesocket(nlc->s); nlc->s = INVALID_SOCKET; goto retry; } } break; } else if (Miranda_Terminated()) { rc = SOCKET_ERROR; lasterr = ERROR_TIMEOUT; break; } else if (nloc->cbSize == sizeof(NETLIBOPENCONNECTION) && nloc->flags & NLOCF_V2 && nloc->waitcallback != NULL && nloc->waitcallback(&dwTimeout) == 0) { rc = SOCKET_ERROR; lasterr = ERROR_TIMEOUT; break; } if (--dwTimeout == 0) { rc = SOCKET_ERROR; lasterr = ERROR_TIMEOUT; break; } } if (rc == 0) break; closesocket(nlc->s); nlc->s = INVALID_SOCKET; } MyFreeaddrinfo(air); notblocking = 0; if (nlc->s != INVALID_SOCKET) ioctlsocket(nlc->s, FIONBIO, ¬blocking); if (rc && lasterr) SetLastError(lasterr); return rc == 0; } static bool my_connect(NetlibConnection *nlc, NETLIBOPENCONNECTION * nloc) { return MyGetaddrinfo && MyFreeaddrinfo ? my_connectIPv6(nlc, nloc) : my_connectIPv4(nlc, nloc); } static int NetlibHttpFallbackToDirect(struct NetlibConnection *nlc, struct NetlibUser *nlu, NETLIBOPENCONNECTION *nloc) { NetlibDoClose(nlc, true); NetlibLogf(nlu,"Fallback to direct connection"); nlc->proxyAuthNeeded = false; nlc->proxyType = 0; mir_free(nlc->szProxyServer); nlc->szProxyServer = NULL; if (!my_connect(nlc, nloc)) { NetlibLogf(nlu, "%s %d: %s() failed (%u)", __FILE__, __LINE__, "connect", WSAGetLastError()); return false; } return true; } bool NetlibDoConnect(NetlibConnection *nlc) { NETLIBOPENCONNECTION *nloc = &nlc->nloc; NetlibUser *nlu = nlc->nlu; mir_free(nlc->szProxyServer); nlc->szProxyServer = NULL; bool usingProxy = false, forceHttps = false; if (nlu->settings.useProxy) { if (nlu->settings.proxyType == PROXYTYPE_IE) { usingProxy = NetlibGetIeProxyConn(nlc, false); } else { if (nlu->settings.szProxyServer && nlu->settings.szProxyServer[0]) { nlc->szProxyServer = mir_strdup(nlu->settings.szProxyServer); nlc->wProxyPort = nlu->settings.wProxyPort; nlc->proxyType = nlu->settings.proxyType; usingProxy = true; } } } retry: if (usingProxy) { if (!my_connect(nlc, nloc)) { usingProxy = false; nlc->proxyType = 0; } } if (!usingProxy) { my_connect(nlc, nloc); } if (nlc->s == INVALID_SOCKET) { if (usingProxy && (nlc->proxyType == PROXYTYPE_HTTPS || nlc->proxyType == PROXYTYPE_HTTP)) { usingProxy = false; if (!NetlibHttpFallbackToDirect(nlc, nlu, nloc)) { NetlibLogf(nlu, "%s %d: %s() failed (%u)", __FILE__, __LINE__, "connect", WSAGetLastError()); return false; } } else { if (nlu->settings.useProxy && !usingProxy && nlu->settings.proxyType == PROXYTYPE_IE && !forceHttps) { forceHttps = true; usingProxy = NetlibGetIeProxyConn(nlc, true); if (usingProxy) goto retry; } NetlibLogf(nlu, "%s %d: %s() failed (%u)", __FILE__, __LINE__, "connect", WSAGetLastError()); return false; } } if (usingProxy && !((nloc->flags & (NLOCF_HTTP | NLOCF_SSL)) == NLOCF_HTTP && (nlc->proxyType == PROXYTYPE_HTTP || nlc->proxyType == PROXYTYPE_HTTPS))) { if (!WaitUntilWritable(nlc->s, 30000)) return false; switch (nlc->proxyType) { case PROXYTYPE_SOCKS4: if (!NetlibInitSocks4Connection(nlc, nlu, nloc)) return false; break; case PROXYTYPE_SOCKS5: if (!NetlibInitSocks5Connection(nlc, nlu, nloc)) return false; break; case PROXYTYPE_HTTPS: nlc->proxyAuthNeeded = true; if (!NetlibInitHttpsConnection(nlc, nlu, nloc)) { usingProxy = false; if (!NetlibHttpFallbackToDirect(nlc, nlu, nloc)) return false; } break; case PROXYTYPE_HTTP: nlc->proxyAuthNeeded = true; if (!(nlu->user.flags & NUF_HTTPGATEWAY || nloc->flags & NLOCF_HTTPGATEWAY) || nloc->flags & NLOCF_SSL) { //NLOCF_HTTP not specified and no HTTP gateway available: try HTTPS if (!NetlibInitHttpsConnection(nlc, nlu, nloc)) { //can't do HTTPS: try direct usingProxy = false; if (!NetlibHttpFallbackToDirect(nlc, nlu, nloc)) return false; } } else { if (!NetlibInitHttpConnection(nlc, nlu, nloc)) return false; } break; default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); FreePartiallyInitedConnection(nlc); return false; } } else if (nloc->flags & NLOCF_HTTPGATEWAY) { if (!NetlibInitHttpConnection(nlc, nlu, nloc)) return false; nlc->usingDirectHttpGateway = true; } NetlibLogf(nlu,"(%d) Connected to %s:%d", nlc->s, nloc->szHost, nloc->wPort); if (NLOCF_SSL & nloc->flags) { return NetlibStartSsl((WPARAM)nlc, 0) != 0; } return true; } bool NetlibReconnect(NetlibConnection *nlc) { char buf[4]; bool opened = nlc->s != INVALID_SOCKET; if (opened) { switch (WaitUntilReadable(nlc->s, 0, true)) { case SOCKET_ERROR: opened = false; break; case 0: opened = true; break; case 1: opened = recv(nlc->s, buf, 1, MSG_PEEK) > 0; break; } if (!opened) NetlibDoClose(nlc, true); } if (!opened) { if (Miranda_Terminated()) return false; if (nlc->usingHttpGateway) { nlc->proxyAuthNeeded = true; return my_connect(nlc, &nlc->nloc); } else return NetlibDoConnect(nlc); } return true; } INT_PTR NetlibOpenConnection(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { NETLIBOPENCONNECTION *nloc = (NETLIBOPENCONNECTION*)lParam; struct NetlibUser *nlu = (struct NetlibUser*)wParam; struct NetlibConnection *nlc; NetlibLogf(nlu,"Connection request to %s:%d (Flags %x)....", nloc->szHost, nloc->wPort, nloc->flags); if (GetNetlibHandleType(nlu) != NLH_USER || !(nlu->user.flags & NUF_OUTGOING) || nloc == NULL || (nloc->cbSize != NETLIBOPENCONNECTION_V1_SIZE && nloc->cbSize != sizeof(NETLIBOPENCONNECTION)) || nloc->szHost == NULL || nloc->wPort == 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; } nlc = (struct NetlibConnection*)mir_calloc(sizeof(struct NetlibConnection)); nlc->handleType = NLH_CONNECTION; nlc->nlu = nlu; nlc->nloc = *nloc; nlc->nloc.szHost = mir_strdup(nloc->szHost); nlc->s = INVALID_SOCKET; nlc->s2 = INVALID_SOCKET; nlc->dnsThroughProxy = nlu->settings.dnsThroughProxy != 0; InitializeCriticalSection(&nlc->csHttpSequenceNums); nlc->hOkToCloseEvent = CreateEvent(NULL,TRUE,TRUE,NULL); nlc->dontCloseNow = 0; NetlibInitializeNestedCS(&nlc->ncsSend); NetlibInitializeNestedCS(&nlc->ncsRecv); if (!NetlibDoConnect(nlc)) { FreePartiallyInitedConnection(nlc); return 0; } if (iUPnPCleanup == 0) { EnterCriticalSection(&csNetlibUser); if (iUPnPCleanup == 0) { iUPnPCleanup = 1; forkthread(NetlibUPnPCleanup, 0, NULL); } LeaveCriticalSection(&csNetlibUser); } return (INT_PTR)nlc; } INT_PTR NetlibStartSsl(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { NetlibConnection *nlc = (NetlibConnection*)wParam; if (nlc == NULL) return 0; NETLIBSSL *sp = (NETLIBSSL*)lParam; const char *szHost = sp ? sp->host : nlc->nloc.szHost; NetlibLogf(nlc->nlu, "(%d %s) Starting SSL negotiation", nlc->s, szHost); nlc->hSsl = si.connect(nlc->s, szHost, nlc->nlu->settings.validateSSL); if (nlc->hSsl == NULL) NetlibLogf(nlc->nlu,"(%d %s) Failure to negotiate SSL connection", nlc->s, szHost); else NetlibLogf(nlc->nlu, "(%d %s) SSL negotiation successful", nlc->s, szHost); return nlc->hSsl != NULL; }