/* Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright 2000-2009 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h" #include "netlib.h" #define SECURITY_WIN32 #include #include static HMODULE g_hSecurity = NULL; static PSecurityFunctionTable g_pSSPI = NULL; typedef struct { CtxtHandle hClientContext; CredHandle hClientCredential; TCHAR* szProvider; TCHAR* szPrincipal; unsigned cbMaxToken; bool hasDomain; } NtlmHandleType; typedef struct { WORD len; WORD allocedSpace; DWORD offset; } NTLM_String; typedef struct { char sign[8]; DWORD type; // == 2 NTLM_String targetName; DWORD flags; BYTE challenge[8]; BYTE context[8]; NTLM_String targetInfo; } NtlmType2packet; static unsigned secCnt = 0, ntlmCnt = 0; static HANDLE hSecMutex; static void ReportSecError(SECURITY_STATUS scRet, int line) { char szMsgBuf[256]; FormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, scRet, LANG_USER_DEFAULT, szMsgBuf, SIZEOF(szMsgBuf), NULL); char *p = strchr(szMsgBuf, 13); if (p) *p = 0; NetlibLogf(NULL, "Security error 0x%x on line %u (%s)", scRet, line, szMsgBuf); } static void LoadSecurityLibrary(void) { INIT_SECURITY_INTERFACE pInitSecurityInterface; g_hSecurity = LoadLibraryA("secur32.dll"); if (g_hSecurity == NULL) g_hSecurity = LoadLibraryA("security.dll"); if (g_hSecurity == NULL) return; pInitSecurityInterface = (INIT_SECURITY_INTERFACE)GetProcAddress(g_hSecurity, SECURITY_ENTRYPOINT_ANSI); if (pInitSecurityInterface != NULL) { g_pSSPI = pInitSecurityInterface(); } if (g_pSSPI == NULL) { FreeLibrary(g_hSecurity); g_hSecurity = NULL; } } static void FreeSecurityLibrary(void) { FreeLibrary(g_hSecurity); g_hSecurity = NULL; g_pSSPI = NULL; } HANDLE NetlibInitSecurityProvider(const TCHAR* szProvider, const TCHAR* szPrincipal) { HANDLE hSecurity = NULL; if (_tcsicmp(szProvider, _T("Basic")) == 0) { NtlmHandleType* hNtlm = (NtlmHandleType*)mir_calloc(sizeof(NtlmHandleType)); hNtlm->szProvider = mir_tstrdup(szProvider); SecInvalidateHandle(&hNtlm->hClientContext); SecInvalidateHandle(&hNtlm->hClientCredential); ntlmCnt++; return hNtlm; } WaitForSingleObject(hSecMutex, INFINITE); if (secCnt == 0 ) { LoadSecurityLibrary(); secCnt += g_hSecurity != NULL; } else secCnt++; if (g_pSSPI != NULL) { PSecPkgInfo ntlmSecurityPackageInfo; bool isGSSAPI = _tcsicmp(szProvider, _T("GSSAPI")) == 0; const TCHAR *szProviderC = isGSSAPI ? _T("Kerberos") : szProvider; SECURITY_STATUS sc = g_pSSPI->QuerySecurityPackageInfo((LPTSTR)szProviderC, &ntlmSecurityPackageInfo); if (sc == SEC_E_OK) { NtlmHandleType* hNtlm; hSecurity = hNtlm = (NtlmHandleType*)mir_calloc(sizeof(NtlmHandleType)); hNtlm->cbMaxToken = ntlmSecurityPackageInfo->cbMaxToken; g_pSSPI->FreeContextBuffer(ntlmSecurityPackageInfo); hNtlm->szProvider = mir_tstrdup(szProvider); hNtlm->szPrincipal = mir_tstrdup(szPrincipal ? szPrincipal : _T("")); SecInvalidateHandle(&hNtlm->hClientContext); SecInvalidateHandle(&hNtlm->hClientCredential); ntlmCnt++; } } ReleaseMutex(hSecMutex); return hSecurity; } #ifdef UNICODE HANDLE NetlibInitSecurityProvider(const char* szProvider, const char* szPrincipal) { return NetlibInitSecurityProvider(StrConvT(szProvider), StrConvT(szPrincipal)); } #endif void NetlibDestroySecurityProvider(HANDLE hSecurity) { if (hSecurity == NULL) return; WaitForSingleObject(hSecMutex, INFINITE); if (ntlmCnt != 0) { NtlmHandleType* hNtlm = (NtlmHandleType*)hSecurity; if (SecIsValidHandle(&hNtlm->hClientContext)) g_pSSPI->DeleteSecurityContext(&hNtlm->hClientContext); if (SecIsValidHandle(&hNtlm->hClientCredential)) g_pSSPI->FreeCredentialsHandle(&hNtlm->hClientCredential); mir_free(hNtlm->szProvider); mir_free(hNtlm->szPrincipal); --ntlmCnt; mir_free(hNtlm); } if (secCnt && --secCnt == 0) FreeSecurityLibrary(); ReleaseMutex(hSecMutex); } char* CompleteGssapi(HANDLE hSecurity, unsigned char *szChallenge, unsigned chlsz) { if (!szChallenge || !szChallenge[0]) return NULL; NtlmHandleType* hNtlm = (NtlmHandleType*)hSecurity; unsigned char inDataBuffer[1024]; SecBuffer inBuffers[2] = { { sizeof(inDataBuffer), SECBUFFER_DATA, inDataBuffer }, { chlsz, SECBUFFER_STREAM, szChallenge }, }; SecBufferDesc inBuffersDesc = { SECBUFFER_VERSION, 2, inBuffers }; unsigned long qop = 0; SECURITY_STATUS sc = g_pSSPI->DecryptMessage(&hNtlm->hClientContext, &inBuffersDesc, 0, &qop); if (sc != SEC_E_OK) { ReportSecError(sc, __LINE__); return NULL; } unsigned char LayerMask = inDataBuffer[0]; unsigned int MaxMessageSize = htonl(*(unsigned*)&inDataBuffer[1]); SecPkgContext_Sizes sizes; sc = g_pSSPI->QueryContextAttributes(&hNtlm->hClientContext, SECPKG_ATTR_SIZES, &sizes); if (sc != SEC_E_OK) { ReportSecError(sc, __LINE__); return NULL; } unsigned char *tokenBuffer = (unsigned char*)alloca(sizes.cbSecurityTrailer); unsigned char *paddingBuffer = (unsigned char*)alloca(sizes.cbBlockSize); unsigned char outDataBuffer[4] = { 1, 0, 16, 0 }; SecBuffer outBuffers[3] = { { sizes.cbSecurityTrailer, SECBUFFER_TOKEN, tokenBuffer }, { sizeof(outDataBuffer), SECBUFFER_DATA, outDataBuffer }, { sizes.cbBlockSize, SECBUFFER_PADDING, paddingBuffer } }; SecBufferDesc outBuffersDesc = { SECBUFFER_VERSION, 3, outBuffers }; sc = g_pSSPI->EncryptMessage(&hNtlm->hClientContext, SECQOP_WRAP_NO_ENCRYPT, &outBuffersDesc, 0); if (sc != SEC_E_OK) { ReportSecError(sc, __LINE__); return NULL; } unsigned i, ressz = 0; for (i = 0; i < outBuffersDesc.cBuffers; i++) ressz += outBuffersDesc.pBuffers[i].cbBuffer; unsigned char *response = (unsigned char*)alloca(ressz), *p = response; for (i = 0; i < outBuffersDesc.cBuffers; i++) { memcpy(p, outBuffersDesc.pBuffers[i].pvBuffer, outBuffersDesc.pBuffers[i].cbBuffer); p += outBuffersDesc.pBuffers[i].cbBuffer; } NETLIBBASE64 nlb64; nlb64.cbDecoded = ressz; nlb64.pbDecoded = response; nlb64.cchEncoded = Netlib_GetBase64EncodedBufferSize(nlb64.cbDecoded); nlb64.pszEncoded = (char*)alloca(nlb64.cchEncoded); if (!NetlibBase64Encode(0,(LPARAM)&nlb64)) return NULL; return mir_strdup(nlb64.pszEncoded); } char* NtlmCreateResponseFromChallenge(HANDLE hSecurity, const char *szChallenge, const TCHAR* login, const TCHAR* psw, bool http, unsigned& complete) { SECURITY_STATUS sc; SecBufferDesc outputBufferDescriptor,inputBufferDescriptor; SecBuffer outputSecurityToken,inputSecurityToken; TimeStamp tokenExpiration; ULONG contextAttributes; NETLIBBASE64 nlb64 = { 0 }; NtlmHandleType* hNtlm = (NtlmHandleType*)hSecurity; if (hSecurity == NULL || ntlmCnt == 0) return NULL; if (_tcsicmp(hNtlm->szProvider, _T("Basic"))) { bool isGSSAPI = _tcsicmp(hNtlm->szProvider, _T("GSSAPI")) == 0; TCHAR *szProvider = isGSSAPI ? _T("Kerberos") : hNtlm->szProvider; bool hasChallenge = szChallenge != NULL && szChallenge[0] != '\0'; if (hasChallenge) { nlb64.cchEncoded = lstrlenA(szChallenge); nlb64.pszEncoded = (char*)szChallenge; nlb64.cbDecoded = Netlib_GetBase64DecodedBufferSize(nlb64.cchEncoded); nlb64.pbDecoded = (PBYTE)alloca(nlb64.cbDecoded); if (!NetlibBase64Decode(0, (LPARAM)&nlb64)) return NULL; if (isGSSAPI && complete) return CompleteGssapi(hSecurity, nlb64.pbDecoded, nlb64.cbDecoded); inputBufferDescriptor.cBuffers = 1; inputBufferDescriptor.pBuffers = &inputSecurityToken; inputBufferDescriptor.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION; inputSecurityToken.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; inputSecurityToken.cbBuffer = nlb64.cbDecoded; inputSecurityToken.pvBuffer = nlb64.pbDecoded; // try to decode the domain name from the NTLM challenge if (login != NULL && login[0] != '\0' && !hNtlm->hasDomain) { NtlmType2packet* pkt = ( NtlmType2packet* )nlb64.pbDecoded; if (!strncmp(pkt->sign, "NTLMSSP", 8) && pkt->type == 2) { #ifdef UNICODE wchar_t* domainName = (wchar_t*)&nlb64.pbDecoded[pkt->targetName.offset]; int domainLen = pkt->targetName.len; // Negotiate ANSI? if yes, convert the ANSI name to unicode if ((pkt->flags & 1) == 0) { int bufsz = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (char*)domainName, domainLen, NULL, 0); wchar_t* buf = (wchar_t*)alloca(bufsz * sizeof(wchar_t)); domainLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (char*)domainName, domainLen, buf, bufsz) - 1; domainName = buf; } else domainLen /= sizeof(wchar_t); #else char* domainName = (char*)&nlb64.pbDecoded[pkt->targetName.offset]; int domainLen = pkt->targetName.len; // Negotiate Unicode? if yes, convert the unicode name to ANSI if (pkt->flags & 1) { int bufsz = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, (WCHAR*)domainName, domainLen, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); char* buf = (char*)alloca(bufsz); domainLen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, (WCHAR*)domainName, domainLen, buf, bufsz, NULL, NULL) - 1; domainName = buf; } #endif if (domainLen) { size_t newLoginLen = _tcslen(login) + domainLen + 1; TCHAR *newLogin = (TCHAR*)alloca(newLoginLen * sizeof(TCHAR)); _tcsncpy(newLogin, domainName, domainLen); newLogin[domainLen] = '\\'; _tcscpy(newLogin + domainLen + 1, login); char* szChl = NtlmCreateResponseFromChallenge(hSecurity, NULL, newLogin, psw, http, complete); mir_free(szChl); } } } } else { if (SecIsValidHandle(&hNtlm->hClientContext)) g_pSSPI->DeleteSecurityContext(&hNtlm->hClientContext); if (SecIsValidHandle(&hNtlm->hClientCredential)) g_pSSPI->FreeCredentialsHandle(&hNtlm->hClientCredential); SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY auth; if (login != NULL && login[0] != '\0') { memset(&auth, 0, sizeof(auth)); #ifdef _UNICODE NetlibLogf(NULL, "Security login requested, user: %S pssw: %s", login, psw ? "(exist)" : "(no psw)"); #else NetlibLogf(NULL, "Security login requested, user: %s pssw: %s", login, psw ? "(exist)" : "(no psw)"); #endif const TCHAR* loginName = login; const TCHAR* domainName = _tcschr(login, '\\'); int domainLen = 0; int loginLen = lstrlen(loginName); if (domainName != NULL) { loginName = domainName + 1; loginLen = lstrlen(loginName); domainLen = domainName - login; domainName = login; } else if ((domainName = _tcschr(login, '@')) != NULL) { loginName = login; loginLen = domainName - login; domainLen = lstrlen(++domainName); } #ifdef UNICODE auth.User = (PWORD)loginName; auth.UserLength = loginLen; auth.Password = (PWORD)psw; auth.PasswordLength = lstrlen(psw); auth.Domain = (PWORD)domainName; auth.DomainLength = domainLen; auth.Flags = SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_UNICODE; #else auth.User = (PBYTE)loginName; auth.UserLength = loginLen; auth.Password = (PBYTE)psw; auth.PasswordLength = lstrlen(psw); auth.Domain = (PBYTE)domainName; auth.DomainLength = domainLen; auth.Flags = SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_ANSI; #endif hNtlm->hasDomain = domainLen != 0; } sc = g_pSSPI->AcquireCredentialsHandle(NULL, szProvider, SECPKG_CRED_OUTBOUND, NULL, hNtlm->hasDomain ? &auth : NULL, NULL, NULL, &hNtlm->hClientCredential, &tokenExpiration); if (sc != SEC_E_OK) { ReportSecError(sc, __LINE__); return NULL; } } outputBufferDescriptor.cBuffers = 1; outputBufferDescriptor.pBuffers = &outputSecurityToken; outputBufferDescriptor.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION; outputSecurityToken.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; outputSecurityToken.cbBuffer = hNtlm->cbMaxToken; outputSecurityToken.pvBuffer = alloca(outputSecurityToken.cbBuffer); sc = g_pSSPI->InitializeSecurityContext(&hNtlm->hClientCredential, hasChallenge ? &hNtlm->hClientContext : NULL, hNtlm->szPrincipal, isGSSAPI ? ISC_REQ_MUTUAL_AUTH | ISC_REQ_STREAM : 0, 0, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, hasChallenge ? &inputBufferDescriptor : NULL, 0, &hNtlm->hClientContext, &outputBufferDescriptor, &contextAttributes, &tokenExpiration); complete = (sc != SEC_I_COMPLETE_AND_CONTINUE && sc != SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED); if (sc == SEC_I_COMPLETE_NEEDED || sc == SEC_I_COMPLETE_AND_CONTINUE) { sc = g_pSSPI->CompleteAuthToken(&hNtlm->hClientContext, &outputBufferDescriptor); } if (sc != SEC_E_OK && sc != SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED) { ReportSecError(sc, __LINE__); return NULL; } nlb64.cbDecoded = outputSecurityToken.cbBuffer; nlb64.pbDecoded = (PBYTE)outputSecurityToken.pvBuffer; } else { if (!login || !psw) return NULL; char *szLogin = mir_t2a(login); char *szPassw = mir_t2a(psw); size_t authLen = strlen(szLogin) + strlen(szPassw) + 5; char *szAuth = (char*)alloca(authLen); nlb64.cbDecoded = mir_snprintf(szAuth, authLen,"%s:%s", szLogin, szPassw); nlb64.pbDecoded=(PBYTE)szAuth; complete = true; mir_free(szPassw); mir_free(szLogin); } nlb64.cchEncoded = Netlib_GetBase64EncodedBufferSize(nlb64.cbDecoded); nlb64.pszEncoded = (char*)alloca(nlb64.cchEncoded); if (!NetlibBase64Encode(0,(LPARAM)&nlb64)) return NULL; char* result; if (http) { char* szProvider = mir_t2a(hNtlm->szProvider); nlb64.cchEncoded += (int)strlen(szProvider) + 10; result = (char*)mir_alloc(nlb64.cchEncoded); mir_snprintf(result, nlb64.cchEncoded, "%s %s", szProvider, nlb64.pszEncoded); mir_free(szProvider); } else result = mir_strdup(nlb64.pszEncoded); return result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR InitSecurityProviderService(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { HANDLE hSecurity = NetlibInitSecurityProvider((char*)lParam, NULL); return (INT_PTR)hSecurity; } static INT_PTR InitSecurityProviderService2(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { NETLIBNTLMINIT2 *req = ( NETLIBNTLMINIT2* )lParam; if (req->cbSize < sizeof(*req)) return 0; HANDLE hSecurity; #ifdef UNICODE if (req->flags & NNR_UNICODE) hSecurity = NetlibInitSecurityProvider(req->szProviderName, req->szPrincipal); else #endif hSecurity = NetlibInitSecurityProvider((char*)req->szProviderName, (char*)req->szPrincipal); return (INT_PTR)hSecurity; } static INT_PTR DestroySecurityProviderService( WPARAM, LPARAM lParam ) { NetlibDestroySecurityProvider(( HANDLE )lParam ); return 0; } static INT_PTR NtlmCreateResponseService( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { NETLIBNTLMREQUEST* req = ( NETLIBNTLMREQUEST* )lParam; unsigned complete; char* response = NtlmCreateResponseFromChallenge(( HANDLE )wParam, req->szChallenge, StrConvT(req->userName), StrConvT(req->password), false, complete ); return (INT_PTR)response; } static INT_PTR NtlmCreateResponseService2( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { NETLIBNTLMREQUEST2* req = ( NETLIBNTLMREQUEST2* )lParam; if (req->cbSize < sizeof(*req)) return 0; char* response; #ifdef UNICODE if (req->flags & NNR_UNICODE) { response = NtlmCreateResponseFromChallenge(( HANDLE )wParam, req->szChallenge, req->szUserName, req->szPassword, false, req->complete ); } else { TCHAR *szLogin = mir_a2t((char*)req->szUserName); TCHAR *szPassw = mir_a2t((char*)req->szPassword); response = NtlmCreateResponseFromChallenge(( HANDLE )wParam, req->szChallenge, szLogin, szPassw, false, req->complete ); mir_free(szLogin); mir_free(szPassw); } #else response = NtlmCreateResponseFromChallenge(( HANDLE )wParam, req->szChallenge, req->szUserName, req->szPassword, false, req->complete ); #endif return (INT_PTR)response; } void NetlibSecurityInit(void) { hSecMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); CreateServiceFunction( MS_NETLIB_INITSECURITYPROVIDER, InitSecurityProviderService ); CreateServiceFunction( MS_NETLIB_INITSECURITYPROVIDER2, InitSecurityProviderService2 ); CreateServiceFunction( MS_NETLIB_DESTROYSECURITYPROVIDER, DestroySecurityProviderService ); CreateServiceFunction( MS_NETLIB_NTLMCREATERESPONSE, NtlmCreateResponseService ); CreateServiceFunction( MS_NETLIB_NTLMCREATERESPONSE2, NtlmCreateResponseService2 ); } void NetlibSecurityDestroy(void) { CloseHandle(hSecMutex); }