
Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*

Copyright 2000-2010 Miranda ICQ/IM project, 
all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
listed in contributors.txt.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
#include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h"

// block these plugins

// basic export prototypes
typedef int (__cdecl * Miranda_Plugin_Load) ( PLUGINLINK * );
typedef int (__cdecl * Miranda_Plugin_Unload) ( void );
// version control
typedef PLUGININFOEX * (__cdecl * Miranda_Plugin_InfoEx) ( DWORD mirandaVersion );
// prototype for databases
typedef DATABASELINK * (__cdecl * Database_Plugin_Info) ( void * reserved );
// prototype for clists
typedef int (__cdecl * CList_Initialise) ( PLUGINLINK * );
// Interface support
typedef MUUID * (__cdecl * Miranda_Plugin_Interfaces) ( void );

typedef struct { // can all be NULL
	Miranda_Plugin_Load Load;
	Miranda_Plugin_Unload Unload;
	Miranda_Plugin_InfoEx InfoEx;
	Miranda_Plugin_Interfaces Interfaces;
	Database_Plugin_Info DbInfo;
	CList_Initialise clistlink;
	PLUGININFOEX * pluginInfo;	 // must be freed if hInst == NULL then its a copy
	DATABASELINK * dblink;		 // only valid during module being in memory

#define PCLASS_FAILED	 0x1  	// not a valid plugin, or API is invalid, pluginname is valid
#define PCLASS_BASICAPI  0x2  	// has Load, Unload, MirandaPluginInfo() -> PLUGININFO seems valid, this dll is in memory.
#define PCLASS_DB	 	 0x4    // has DatabasePluginInfo() and is valid as can be, and PCLASS_BASICAPI has to be set too
#define PCLASS_LAST		 0x8    // this plugin should be unloaded after everything else
#define PCLASS_OK		 0x10   // plugin should be loaded, if DB means nothing
#define PCLASS_LOADED	 0x20   // Load() has been called, Unload() should be called.
#define PCLASS_STOPPED   0x40 	// wasn't loaded cos plugin name not on white list
#define PCLASS_CLIST 	 0x80   // a CList implementation
#define PCLASS_SERVICE 	 0x100  // has Service Mode implementation

struct pluginEntry
	TCHAR pluginname[64];
	unsigned int pclass; // PCLASS_*
	pluginEntry* nextclass;

static int sttComparePlugins( const pluginEntry* p1, const pluginEntry* p2 )
	if (p1->bpi.hInst == p2->bpi.hInst)
		return 0;

	return ( p1->bpi.hInst < p2->bpi.hInst ) ? -1 : 1;

static int sttComparePluginsByName( const pluginEntry* p1, const pluginEntry* p2 )
{	return lstrcmp( p1->pluginname, p2->pluginname );

LIST<pluginEntry> pluginList( 10, sttComparePluginsByName ), pluginListAddr( 10, sttComparePlugins );



struct PluginUUIDList {
    MUUID uuid;
    DWORD maxVersion;
static const pluginBannedList[] = 
	{{0x7f65393b, 0x7771, 0x4f3f, { 0xa9, 0xeb, 0x5d, 0xba, 0xf2, 0xb3, 0x61, 0xf1 }}, MAX_MIR_VER}, // png2dib
	{{0xe00f1643, 0x263c, 0x4599, { 0xb8, 0x4b, 0x05, 0x3e, 0x5c, 0x51, 0x1d, 0x28 }}, MAX_MIR_VER}, // loadavatars (unicode)
	{{0xc9e01eb0, 0xa119, 0x42d2, { 0xb3, 0x40, 0xe8, 0x67, 0x8f, 0x5f, 0xea, 0xd9 }}, MAX_MIR_VER}, // loadavatars (ansi)
const int pluginBannedListCount = SIZEOF(pluginBannedList);

static BOOL bModuleInitialized = FALSE;

PLUGINLINK pluginCoreLink;
TCHAR   mirandabootini[MAX_PATH];
static DWORD mirandaVersion;
static int serviceModeIdx = -1;
static pluginEntry * pluginListSM;
static pluginEntry * pluginListDb;
static pluginEntry * pluginListUI;
static pluginEntry * pluginList_freeimg;
static pluginEntry * pluginList_crshdmp;
static HANDLE hPluginListHeap = NULL;
static pluginEntry * pluginDefModList[DEFMOD_HIGHEST+1]; // do not free this memory
static int askAboutIgnoredPlugins;
static HANDLE hevLoadModule, hevUnloadModule;

int  InitIni(void);
void UninitIni(void);

#define PLUGINDISABLELIST "PluginDisable"

int CallHookSubscribers( HANDLE hEvent, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );

int LoadDatabaseModule(void);

char* GetPluginNameByInstance( HINSTANCE hInstance )
	int i = 0;
	if ( pluginList.getCount() == 0) return NULL;
	for (i = 0; i <  pluginList.getCount(); i++) {
		pluginEntry* pe = pluginList[i];
		if (pe->bpi.pluginInfo && pe->bpi.hInst == hInstance)
			return pe->bpi.pluginInfo->shortName;
	return NULL;

HINSTANCE GetInstByAddress( void* codePtr )
	int idx;
	HINSTANCE result;
	pluginEntry p; p.bpi.hInst = ( HINSTANCE )codePtr;

	if ( pluginListAddr.getCount() == 0 )
		return NULL;

	List_GetIndex(( SortedList* )&pluginListAddr, &p, &idx );
	if ( idx > 0 )

	result = pluginListAddr[idx]->bpi.hInst;

	if (result < hMirandaInst && codePtr > hMirandaInst)
		result = hMirandaInst;
	else if ( idx == 0 && codePtr < ( void* )result )
		result = NULL;

	return result;

static int uuidToString(const MUUID uuid, char *szStr, int cbLen)
	if (cbLen<1||!szStr) return 0;
	mir_snprintf(szStr, cbLen, "{%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x}", 
		uuid.a, uuid.b, uuid.c, uuid.d[0], uuid.d[1], uuid.d[2], uuid.d[3], uuid.d[4], uuid.d[5], uuid.d[6], uuid.d[7]);
	return 1;

static int equalUUID(const MUUID& u1, const MUUID& u2)
	return memcmp(&u1, &u2, sizeof(MUUID))?0:1;

static MUUID miid_last = MIID_LAST;
static MUUID miid_servicemode = MIID_SERVICEMODE;

static bool validInterfaceList(Miranda_Plugin_Interfaces ifaceProc)
	// we don't need'em anymore in the common case
	if (ifaceProc == NULL)
		return true;

	MUUID *piface = ifaceProc();
	if (piface == NULL)
		return false;

	if ( equalUUID(miid_last, piface[0]))
		return false;

	return true;

static int isPluginBanned(MUUID u1, DWORD dwVersion)
	int i;

	for (i=0; i<pluginBannedListCount; i++) {
		if (equalUUID(pluginBannedList[i].uuid, u1)) {
			if (dwVersion<pluginBannedList[i].maxVersion)
				return 1;
			return 0;
	return 0;

// returns true if the API exports were good, otherwise, passed in data is returned
#define CHECKAPI_NONE 	 0
#define CHECKAPI_DB 	 1
#define CHECKAPI_CLIST   2

 * historyeditor added by nightwish - plugin is problematic and can ruin database as it does not understand UTF-8 message
 * storage
static const TCHAR* modulesToSkip[] = 
	_T("autoloadavatars.dll"), _T("multiwindow.dll"), _T("fontservice.dll"), 
	_T("icolib.dll"), _T("historyeditor.dll") 

// The following plugins will be checked for a valid MUUID or they will not be loaded
static const TCHAR* expiredModulesToSkip[] = 
	_T("scriver.dll"), _T("nconvers.dll"), _T("tabsrmm.dll"), _T("nhistory.dll"), 
	_T("historypp.dll"), _T("help.dll"), _T("loadavatars.dll"), _T("tabsrmm_unicode.dll"), 
	_T("clist_nicer_plus.dll"), _T("changeinfo.dll"), _T("png2dib.dll"), _T("dbx_mmap.dll"), 
	_T("dbx_3x.dll"), _T("sramm.dll"), _T("srmm_mod.dll"), _T("srmm_mod (no Unicode).dll"), 
	_T("singlemodeSRMM.dll"), _T("msg_export.dll"), _T("clist_modern.dll"), 

static int checkPI( BASIC_PLUGIN_INFO* bpi, PLUGININFOEX* pi )
	int bHasValidInfo = FALSE;

	if ( pi == NULL )
		return FALSE;

	if ( bpi->InfoEx ) {
		if ( pi->cbSize == sizeof(PLUGININFOEX))
			if ( !validInterfaceList(bpi->Interfaces) || isPluginBanned( pi->uuid, pi->version ))
				return FALSE;

		bHasValidInfo = TRUE;
	if ( !bHasValidInfo )
		return FALSE;

	if ( pi->shortName == NULL || pi->description == NULL || pi->author == NULL ||
		  pi->authorEmail == NULL || pi->copyright == NULL || pi->homepage == NULL )
		return FALSE;

	if ( pi->replacesDefaultModule > DEFMOD_HIGHEST ||
		  pi->replacesDefaultModule == DEFMOD_REMOVED_UIPLUGINOPTS ||
		  pi->replacesDefaultModule == DEFMOD_REMOVED_PROTOCOLNETLIB )
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

static int checkAPI(TCHAR* plugin, BASIC_PLUGIN_INFO* bpi, DWORD mirandaVersion, int checkTypeAPI)

	// this is evil but these plugins are buggy/old and people are blaming Miranda
	// fontservice plugin is built into the core now
	TCHAR* p = _tcsrchr(plugin, '\\');
	if ( p != NULL && ++p ) {
		int i;
		for ( i = 0; i < SIZEOF(modulesToSkip); i++ )
			if ( lstrcmpi( p, modulesToSkip[i] ) == 0 )
				return 0;

	h = LoadLibrary(plugin);
	if ( h == NULL )
		return 0;

	// loaded, check for exports
	bpi->Load = (Miranda_Plugin_Load) GetProcAddress(h, "Load");
	bpi->Unload = (Miranda_Plugin_Unload) GetProcAddress(h, "Unload");
	bpi->InfoEx = (Miranda_Plugin_InfoEx) GetProcAddress(h, "MirandaPluginInfoEx");
	bpi->Interfaces = (Miranda_Plugin_Interfaces) GetProcAddress(h, "MirandaPluginInterfaces");

	// if they were present
	if ( !bpi->Load || !bpi->Unload || !bpi->InfoEx) {
		return 0;

	PLUGININFOEX* pi = bpi->InfoEx(mirandaVersion);
	if ( !checkPI( bpi, pi ))
		goto LBL_Error;

	bpi->pluginInfo = pi;
	// basic API is present
	if ( checkTypeAPI == CHECKAPI_NONE ) {
		bpi->hInst = h;
		return 1;

	// check for DB?
	if ( checkTypeAPI == CHECKAPI_DB ) {
		bpi->DbInfo = (Database_Plugin_Info) GetProcAddress(h, "DatabasePluginInfo");
		if ( bpi->DbInfo ) {
			// fetch internal database function pointers
			bpi->dblink = bpi->DbInfo(NULL);
			// validate returned link structure
			if ( bpi->dblink && bpi->dblink->cbSize == sizeof(DATABASELINK))
				goto LBL_Ok;
	}	}

	// check clist ?
	if ( checkTypeAPI == CHECKAPI_CLIST ) {
		bpi->clistlink = (CList_Initialise) GetProcAddress(h, "CListInitialise");
		#if defined( _UNICODE )
			if ( pi->flags & UNICODE_AWARE )
		if ( bpi->clistlink )
			goto LBL_Ok;

	goto LBL_Error;

// returns true if the given file is <anything>.dll exactly
static int valid_library_name(TCHAR *name)
	TCHAR * dot = _tcsrchr(name, '.');
	if ( dot != NULL && lstrcmpi(dot + 1, _T("dll")) == 0)
		if (dot[4] == 0)
			return 1;

	return 0;

// returns true if the given file matches dbx_*.dll, which is used to LoadLibrary()
static int validguess_db_name(TCHAR * name)
	int rc = 0;
	// this is ONLY SAFE because name -> ffd.cFileName == MAX_PATH
	TCHAR x = name[4];
	rc = lstrcmpi(name, _T("dbx_")) == 0 || lstrcmpi(name, _T("dbrw")) == 0;
	name[4] = x;
	return rc;

// returns true if the given file matches clist_*.dll
static int validguess_clist_name(TCHAR * name)
	int rc=0;
	// argh evil
	TCHAR x = name[6];
	name[6] = 0;
	rc = lstrcmpi(name, _T("clist_")) == 0;
	name[6] = x;
	return rc;

// returns true if the given file matches svc_*.dll
static int validguess_servicemode_name(TCHAR * name)
	int rc = 0;
	// argh evil
	TCHAR x = name[4];
	rc = lstrcmpi(name, _T("svc_")) == 0;
	name[4] = x;
	return rc;

// perform any API related tasks to freeing
static void Plugin_Uninit(pluginEntry* p, bool bDynamic=false)
	if (bDynamic && p->bpi.hInst)
		CallPluginEventHook(p->bpi.hInst, hOkToExitEvent, 0, 0);

	// if it was an installed database plugin, call its unload
	if ( p->pclass & PCLASS_DB )
		p->bpi.dblink->Unload( p->pclass & PCLASS_OK );

	// if the basic API check had passed, call Unload if Load() was ever called
	if ( p->pclass & PCLASS_LOADED )

	// release the library
	if ( p->bpi.hInst != NULL ) {
		// we need to kill all resources which belong to that DLL before calling FreeLibrary
		KillModuleEventHooks( p->bpi.hInst );
		KillModuleServices( p->bpi.hInst );

		FreeLibrary( p->bpi.hInst );
		ZeroMemory( &p->bpi, sizeof( p->bpi ));
	pluginList.remove( p );
	pluginListAddr.remove( p );

typedef BOOL (*SCAN_PLUGINS_CALLBACK) ( WIN32_FIND_DATA * fd, TCHAR * path, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );

static void enumPlugins(SCAN_PLUGINS_CALLBACK cb, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	// get miranda's exe path
	GetModuleFileName(NULL, exe, SIZEOF(exe));
	TCHAR *p = _tcsrchr(exe, '\\'); if (p) *p = 0;

	// create the search filter
	TCHAR search[MAX_PATH];
	mir_sntprintf(search, SIZEOF(search), _T("%s\\Plugins\\*.dll"), exe);
		// FFFN will return filenames for things like dot dll+ or dot dllx
		WIN32_FIND_DATA ffd;
		HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(search, &ffd);
		if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
			do {
				if (!(ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && valid_library_name(ffd.cFileName))
					cb(&ffd, exe, wParam, lParam);
				while (FindNextFile(hFind, &ffd));
		} //if

// this is called by the db module to return all DBs plugins, then when it finds the one it likes the others are unloaded
static INT_PTR PluginsEnum(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam)
	pluginEntry * x = pluginListDb;
	if ( de == NULL || de->cbSize != sizeof(PLUGIN_DB_ENUM) || de->pfnEnumCallback == NULL ) return 1;
	while ( x != NULL ) {
		int rc = de->pfnEnumCallback(StrConvA(x->pluginname), x->bpi.dblink, de->lParam);
		if (rc == DBPE_DONE) {
			// this db has been picked, get rid of all the others
			pluginEntry * y = pluginListDb, * n;
			while ( y != NULL ) {
				n = y->nextclass;
				if ( x != y )
				y = n;
			} // while
			return 0;
		else if ( rc == DBPE_HALT ) return 1;
		x = x->nextclass;
	} // while
	return pluginListDb != NULL ? 1 : -1;

static INT_PTR PluginsGetDefaultArray(WPARAM, LPARAM)
	return (INT_PTR)&pluginDefModList;

static pluginEntry* OpenPlugin(TCHAR* tszFileName, TCHAR* path)
	int isdb = validguess_db_name(tszFileName);
	pluginEntry* p = (pluginEntry*)HeapAlloc(hPluginListHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE | HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(pluginEntry));
	_tcsncpy(p->pluginname, tszFileName, SIZEOF(p->pluginname));
	// plugin name suggests its a db module, load it right now
	if ( isdb ) {
		mir_sntprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), _T("%s\\Plugins\\%s"), path, tszFileName);
		if (checkAPI(buf, &bpi, mirandaVersion, CHECKAPI_DB)) {
			// db plugin is valid
			p->pclass |= (PCLASS_DB | PCLASS_BASICAPI);
			// copy the dblink stuff
			p->bpi = bpi;
			// keep a faster list.
			if ( pluginListDb != NULL ) p->nextclass = pluginListDb;
			pluginListDb = p;
			// didn't have basic APIs or DB exports - failed.
			p->pclass |= PCLASS_FAILED;
	else if (validguess_clist_name(tszFileName)) {
		// keep a note of this plugin for later
		if ( pluginListUI != NULL ) p->nextclass=pluginListUI;
		p->pclass |= PCLASS_CLIST;
	else if (validguess_servicemode_name(tszFileName)) {
		mir_sntprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), _T("%s\\Plugins\\%s"), path, tszFileName);
		if (checkAPI(buf, &bpi, mirandaVersion, CHECKAPI_NONE)) {
			p->pclass |= (PCLASS_OK | PCLASS_BASICAPI);
			p->bpi = bpi;
			if (bpi.Interfaces) {
				int i = 0;
				MUUID *piface = bpi.Interfaces();
				while (!equalUUID(miid_last, piface[i])) {
					if (!equalUUID(miid_servicemode, piface[i++]))
					p->pclass |= (PCLASS_SERVICE);
					if ( pluginListSM != NULL ) p->nextclass = pluginListSM;
					pluginListSM = p;
			// didn't have basic APIs or DB exports - failed.
			p->pclass |= PCLASS_FAILED;

	// add it to the list
	pluginList.insert( p );
	return p;

// called in the first pass to create pluginEntry* structures and validate database plugins
static BOOL scanPluginsDir(WIN32_FIND_DATA *fd, TCHAR *path, WPARAM, LPARAM)
	pluginEntry* p = OpenPlugin(fd->cFileName, path);
	if ( !( p->pclass & PCLASS_FAILED)) {
		if (pluginList_freeimg == NULL && lstrcmpi(fd->cFileName, _T("advaimg.dll")) == 0)
			pluginList_freeimg = p;

		if (pluginList_crshdmp == NULL &&  lstrcmpi(fd->cFileName, _T("svc_crshdmp.dll")) == 0) {
			pluginList_crshdmp = p;
			p->pclass |= PCLASS_LAST;

	return TRUE;

static void SetPluginOnWhiteList(TCHAR * pluginname, int allow)
	DBWriteContactSettingByte(NULL, PLUGINDISABLELIST, StrConvA(pluginname), allow == 0);

// returns 1 if the plugin should be enabled within this profile, filename is always lower case
static int isPluginOnWhiteList(TCHAR * pluginname)
	char* pluginnameA = _strlwr(mir_t2a(pluginname));
	int rc = DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, PLUGINDISABLELIST, pluginnameA, 0);
	if ( rc != 0 && askAboutIgnoredPlugins ) {
		TCHAR buf[256];
		mir_sntprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), TranslateT("'%s' is disabled, re-enable?"), pluginname);
		if (MessageBox(NULL, buf, TranslateT("Re-enable Miranda plugin?"), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES) {
			SetPluginOnWhiteList(pluginname, 1);
			rc = 0;

	return rc == 0;

static bool TryLoadPlugin(pluginEntry *p, bool bDynamic)
	GetModuleFileName(NULL, exe, SIZEOF(exe));
	TCHAR* slice = _tcsrchr(exe, '\\');
	if (slice) *slice = 0;

	if (!(p->pclass & (PCLASS_LOADED | PCLASS_DB | PCLASS_CLIST))) {
		if ( !bDynamic && !isPluginOnWhiteList(p->pluginname))
			return false;

		mir_sntprintf(slice, &exe[SIZEOF(exe)] - slice, _T("\\Plugins\\%s"), p->pluginname);
		if ( !checkAPI(exe, &bpi, mirandaVersion, CHECKAPI_NONE))
			p->pclass |= PCLASS_FAILED;
		else {
			int rm = bpi.pluginInfo->replacesDefaultModule;
			p->bpi = bpi;
			p->pclass |= PCLASS_OK | PCLASS_BASICAPI;

			if ( pluginDefModList[rm] != NULL ) {
				SetPluginOnWhiteList( p->pluginname, 0 );
				return false;

			pluginListAddr.insert( p );
			if ( bpi.Load(&pluginCoreLink) != 0 )
				return false;
			p->pclass |= PCLASS_LOADED;
			if ( rm ) pluginDefModList[rm]=p;
	else if ( p->bpi.hInst != NULL ) {
		pluginListAddr.insert( p );
		p->pclass |= PCLASS_LOADED;
	return true;

static pluginEntry* getCListModule(TCHAR * exe, TCHAR * slice, int useWhiteList)
	pluginEntry * p = pluginListUI;
	while ( p != NULL ) {
		mir_sntprintf(slice, &exe[MAX_PATH] - slice, _T("\\Plugins\\%s"), p->pluginname);
		if ( useWhiteList ? isPluginOnWhiteList(p->pluginname) : 1 ) {
			if ( checkAPI(exe, &bpi, mirandaVersion, CHECKAPI_CLIST)) {
				p->bpi = bpi;
				pluginListAddr.insert( p );
				if ( bpi.clistlink(&pluginCoreLink) == 0 ) {
					p->bpi = bpi;
					p->pclass |= PCLASS_LOADED;
					return p;
				else Plugin_Uninit( p );
			} //if
		} //if
		p = p->nextclass;
	return NULL;

int UnloadPlugin(TCHAR* buf, int bufLen)
	int i;
	for ( i = pluginList.getCount()-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
		pluginEntry* p = pluginList[i];
		if ( !_tcsicmp(p->pluginname, buf)) {
			GetModuleFileName( p->bpi.hInst, buf, bufLen);
			Plugin_Uninit( p );
			return TRUE;

	return FALSE;

//   Service plugins functions

char **GetServiceModePluginsList(void)
	int i = 0;
	char **list = NULL;
	pluginEntry * p = pluginListSM;
	while ( p != NULL ) {
		p = p->nextclass;
	if ( i ) {
		list = (char**)mir_calloc((i + 1) * sizeof(char*) );
		p = pluginListSM;
		i = 0;
		while ( p != NULL ) {
			list[i++] = p->bpi.pluginInfo->shortName;
			p = p->nextclass;
	return list;

void SetServiceModePlugin( int idx )
	serviceModeIdx = idx;

int LoadServiceModePlugin(void)
	int i = 0;
	pluginEntry* p = pluginListSM;

	if ( serviceModeIdx < 0 )
		return 0;

	while ( p != NULL ) {
		if ( serviceModeIdx == i++ ) {
			if ( p->bpi.Load(&pluginCoreLink) == 0 ) {
				p->pclass |= PCLASS_LOADED;
					return 1;
				MessageBox(NULL, TranslateT("Unable to load plugin in Service Mode!"), p->pluginname, 0);
				return -1;
			Plugin_Uninit( p );
			return -1;
		p = p->nextclass;
	return -1;

//   Event hook to unload all non-core plugins
//   hooked very late, after all the internal plugins, blah

void UnloadNewPlugins(void)
	// unload everything but the special db/clist plugins
	for ( int i = pluginList.getCount()-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
		pluginEntry* p = pluginList[i];
		if ( !(p->pclass & PCLASS_LAST) && (p->pclass & PCLASS_OK))
			Plugin_Uninit( p );
}	}

//   Plugins options page dialog

typedef struct
	int   flags;
	char* author;
	char* authorEmail;
	char* description;
	char* copyright;
	char* homepage;
	MUUID uuid;
	TCHAR fileName[MAX_PATH];

static BOOL dialogListPlugins(WIN32_FIND_DATA* fd, TCHAR* path, WPARAM, LPARAM lParam)
	mir_sntprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), _T("%s\\Plugins\\%s"), path, fd->cFileName);
	HINSTANCE hInst = GetModuleHandle(buf);

	if ( checkAPI(buf, &pi, mirandaVersion, CHECKAPI_NONE) == 0 )
		return TRUE;

	int isdb = pi.pluginInfo->replacesDefaultModule == DEFMOD_DB;
	PluginListItemData* dat = (PluginListItemData*)mir_alloc( sizeof( PluginListItemData ));
	dat->hInst = hInst;
	_tcsncpy(dat->fileName, fd->cFileName, SIZEOF(dat->fileName));
	HWND hwndList = (HWND)lParam;

	LVITEM it = { 0 };
	it.iImage = ( pi.pluginInfo->flags & 1 ) ? 0 : 1;
	it.iItem = 100000; // add to the end
	it.lParam = (LPARAM)dat;
	int iRow = ListView_InsertItem( hwndList, &it );
	if ( isPluginOnWhiteList(fd->cFileName) )
		ListView_SetItemState(hwndList, iRow, !isdb ? 0x2000 : 0x3000, LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK);
	if ( iRow != -1 ) {
		it.mask = LVIF_IMAGE;
		it.iItem = iRow;
		it.iSubItem = 1;
		it.iImage = ( hInst != NULL ) ? 2 : 3;
		ListView_SetItem( hwndList, &it );

		ListView_SetItemText(hwndList, iRow, 2, fd->cFileName);

		dat->flags = pi.pluginInfo->replacesDefaultModule;
		dat->author = mir_strdup( pi.pluginInfo->author );
		dat->authorEmail = mir_strdup( pi.pluginInfo->authorEmail );
		dat->copyright = mir_strdup( pi.pluginInfo->copyright );
		dat->description = mir_strdup( pi.pluginInfo->description );
		dat->homepage = mir_strdup( pi.pluginInfo->homepage );
		if ( pi.pluginInfo->cbSize == sizeof( PLUGININFOEX ))
			dat->uuid = pi.pluginInfo->uuid;
			memset( &dat->uuid, 0, sizeof(dat->uuid));

		TCHAR *shortNameT = mir_a2t(pi.pluginInfo->shortName);
		ListView_SetItemText(hwndList, iRow, 3, shortNameT);

		DWORD unused, verInfoSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(buf, &unused);
		if ( verInfoSize != 0 ) {
			UINT blockSize;
			void* pVerInfo = mir_alloc(verInfoSize);
			GetFileVersionInfo(buf, 0, verInfoSize, pVerInfo);
			VerQueryValue(pVerInfo, _T("\\"), (LPVOID*)&fi, &blockSize);
			mir_sntprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), _T("%d.%d.%d.%d"), HIWORD(fi->dwProductVersionMS), 
				LOWORD(fi->dwProductVersionMS), HIWORD(fi->dwProductVersionLS), LOWORD(fi->dwProductVersionLS));
			mir_free( pVerInfo );
			mir_sntprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), _T("%d.%d.%d.%d"), HIBYTE(HIWORD(pi.pluginInfo->version)), 
				LOBYTE(HIWORD(pi.pluginInfo->version)), HIBYTE(LOWORD(pi.pluginInfo->version)), 

		ListView_SetItemText(hwndList, iRow, 4, buf);
	else mir_free( dat );
	return TRUE;

static void RemoveAllItems( HWND hwnd )
	LVITEM lvi;
	lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM;
	lvi.iItem = 0;
	while ( ListView_GetItem( hwnd, &lvi )) {
		PluginListItemData* dat = ( PluginListItemData* )lvi.lParam;
		mir_free( dat->author );
		mir_free( dat->authorEmail );
		mir_free( dat->copyright );
		mir_free( dat->description );
		mir_free( dat->homepage );
		mir_free( dat );
		lvi.iItem ++;
}	}

static int LoadPluginDynamically(PluginListItemData* dat)
	GetModuleFileName(NULL, exe, SIZEOF(exe));
	TCHAR *p = _tcsrchr(exe, '\\'); if (p) *p = 0;

	pluginEntry* pPlug = OpenPlugin(dat->fileName, exe);
	if (pPlug->pclass & PCLASS_FAILED) {
		Plugin_Uninit(pPlug, true);
		return FALSE;

	if ( !TryLoadPlugin(pPlug, true))
		goto LBL_Error;

	if ( CallPluginEventHook(pPlug->bpi.hInst, hModulesLoadedEvent, 0, 0) != 0)
		goto LBL_Error;

	dat->hInst = pPlug->bpi.hInst;
	CallHookSubscribers(hevLoadModule, (WPARAM)pPlug->bpi.InfoEx, 0);
	return TRUE;

static int UnloadPluginDynamically(PluginListItemData* dat)
	pluginEntry tmp;
	_tcsncpy(tmp.pluginname, dat->fileName, SIZEOF(tmp.pluginname)-1);

	int idx = pluginList.getIndex(&tmp);
	if (idx == -1)
		return FALSE;

	pluginEntry* pPlug = pluginList[idx];
	if ( CallPluginEventHook(pPlug->bpi.hInst, hOkToExitEvent, 0, 0) != 0)
		return FALSE;

	CallHookSubscribers(hevUnloadModule, (WPARAM)pPlug->bpi.InfoEx, 0);

	dat->hInst = NULL;
	Plugin_Uninit(pPlug, true);
	return TRUE;

static LRESULT CALLBACK PluginListWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	if (msg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN) {
		hi.pt.x = LOWORD(lParam); hi.pt.y = HIWORD(lParam);
		ListView_SubItemHitTest(hwnd, &hi);
		if ( hi.iSubItem == 1 ) {
			LVITEM lvi;
			lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM;
			lvi.iItem = hi.iItem;
			if ( ListView_GetItem( hwnd, &lvi )) {
				lvi.iSubItem = 1;
				lvi.mask = LVIF_IMAGE;

				PluginListItemData* dat = ( PluginListItemData* )lvi.lParam;
				if (dat->hInst == NULL) {
					if ( LoadPluginDynamically(dat)) {
						lvi.iImage = 2;
						ListView_SetItem(hwnd, &lvi);
				else {
					if ( UnloadPluginDynamically(dat)) {
						lvi.iImage = 3;
						ListView_SetItem(hwnd, &lvi);
	}	}	}	}	}

	WNDPROC wnProc = ( WNDPROC )GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA);
	return CallWindowProc(wnProc, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);

INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgPluginOpt(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	switch (msg) {
			HWND hwndList = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PLUGLIST);
			SetWindowLongPtr(hwndList, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndList, GWLP_WNDPROC));
			SetWindowLongPtr(hwndList, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)PluginListWndProc);

			HIMAGELIST hIml = ImageList_Create(16, 16, ILC_MASK | (IsWinVerXPPlus()? ILC_COLOR32 : ILC_COLOR16), 4, 0);
			ImageList_AddIcon_IconLibLoaded( hIml, SKINICON_OTHER_UNICODE );
			ImageList_AddIcon_IconLibLoaded( hIml, SKINICON_OTHER_ANSI );
			ImageList_AddIcon_IconLibLoaded( hIml, SKINICON_OTHER_LOADED );
			ImageList_AddIcon_IconLibLoaded( hIml, SKINICON_OTHER_NOTLOADED );
			ListView_SetImageList( hwndList, hIml, LVSIL_SMALL );

			LVCOLUMN col;
			col.mask = LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_WIDTH;
			col.pszText = _T("");
			col.cx = 40;
			ListView_InsertColumn(hwndList, 0, &col);

			col.pszText = _T("");
			col.cx = 20;
			ListView_InsertColumn(hwndList, 1, &col);

			col.pszText = TranslateT("Plugin");
			col.cx = 70;
			ListView_InsertColumn(hwndList, 2, &col);

			col.pszText = TranslateT("Name");
			col.cx = 70;//max = 220;
			ListView_InsertColumn(hwndList, 3, &col);

			col.pszText = TranslateT("Version");
			col.cx = 70;
			ListView_InsertColumn(hwndList, 4, &col);

			// XXX: Won't work on windows 95 without IE3+ or 4.70
			// scan the plugin dir for plugins, cos
			enumPlugins( dialogListPlugins, ( WPARAM )hwndDlg, ( LPARAM )hwndList );
			// sort out the headers

			ListView_SetColumnWidth( hwndList, 2, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE ); // dll name
			int w = ListView_GetColumnWidth( hwndList, 2 );
			if (w > 110) {
				ListView_SetColumnWidth( hwndList, 2, 110 );
				w = 110;
			int max = w < 110 ? 199+110-w:199;
			ListView_SetColumnWidth( hwndList, 3, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE ); // short name
			w = ListView_GetColumnWidth( hwndList, 3 );
			if (w > max)
				ListView_SetColumnWidth( hwndList, 3, max );
		return TRUE;

	case WM_NOTIFY:
		if ( lParam ) {
			NMLISTVIEW * hdr = (NMLISTVIEW *) lParam;
			if ( hdr->hdr.code == LVN_ITEMCHANGED && IsWindowVisible(hdr->hdr.hwndFrom)) {
				if (hdr->uOldState != 0 && (hdr->uNewState == 0x1000 || hdr->uNewState == 0x2000 )) {
					HWND hwndList = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PLUGLIST);

					LVITEM it;
					it.mask = LVIF_PARAM | LVIF_STATE;
					it.iItem = hdr->iItem;
					if ( !ListView_GetItem( hwndList, &it ))

					PluginListItemData* dat = ( PluginListItemData* )it.lParam;
					if ( dat->flags == DEFMOD_DB ) {
						ListView_SetItemState(hwndList, hdr->iItem, 0x3000, LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK);
						return FALSE;
					// if enabling and replaces, find all other replaces and toggle off
					if ( hdr->uNewState & 0x2000 && dat->flags != 0 )  {
						for ( int iRow=0; iRow != -1; ) {
							if ( iRow != hdr->iItem ) {
								LVITEM dt;
								dt.mask = LVIF_PARAM;
								dt.iItem = iRow;
								if ( ListView_GetItem( hwndList, &dt )) {
									PluginListItemData* dat2 = ( PluginListItemData* )dt.lParam;
									if ( dat2->flags == dat->flags ) {
										// the lParam is unset, so when the check is unset the clist block doesnt trigger
										int lParam = dat2->flags;
										dat2->flags = 0;
										ListView_SetItemState(hwndList, iRow, 0x1000, LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK );
										dat2->flags = lParam;
							}	}	}

							iRow = ListView_GetNextItem( hwndList, iRow, LVNI_ALL );
					}	}

					ShowWindow( GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_RESTART ), TRUE );
					SendMessage( GetParent( hwndDlg ), PSM_CHANGED, 0, 0 );

				if ( hdr->iItem != -1 ) {
					TCHAR buf[1024];
					int sel = hdr->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED;
					HWND hwndList = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PLUGLIST);
					LVITEM lvi = { 0 };
					lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM;
					lvi.iItem = hdr->iItem;
					if ( ListView_GetItem( hwndList, &lvi )) {
						PluginListItemData* dat = ( PluginListItemData* )lvi.lParam;

						ListView_GetItemText(hwndList, hdr->iItem, 1, buf, SIZEOF(buf));
						SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PLUGININFOFRAME), sel ? buf : _T(""));

						SetWindowTextA(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PLUGINAUTHOR), sel ? dat->author : "" );
						SetWindowTextA(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PLUGINEMAIL), sel ? dat->authorEmail : "" );
							TCHAR* p = LangPackPcharToTchar( dat->description );
							SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PLUGINLONGINFO), sel ? p : _T(""));
							mir_free( p );
						SetWindowTextA(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PLUGINCPYR), sel ? dat->copyright : "" );
						SetWindowTextA(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PLUGINURL), sel ? dat->homepage : "" );
						if (equalUUID(miid_last, dat->uuid))
							SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PLUGINPID), sel ? TranslateT("<none>") : _T(""));
						else {
							char szUID[128];
							uuidToString( dat->uuid, szUID, sizeof(szUID));
							SetWindowTextA(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PLUGINPID), sel ? szUID : "" );
			}	}	}	}

			if ( hdr->hdr.code == PSN_APPLY ) {
				HWND hwndList=GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PLUGLIST);
				int iRow;
				int iState;
				TCHAR buf[1024];
				for (iRow=0 ; iRow != (-1) ; ) {
					ListView_GetItemText(hwndList, iRow, 0, buf, SIZEOF(buf));
					iState=ListView_GetItemState(hwndList, iRow, LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK);
					SetPluginOnWhiteList(buf, iState&0x2000 ? 1 : 0);
					iRow=ListView_GetNextItem(hwndList, iRow, LVNI_ALL);
		}	}	}

		if ( HIWORD(wParam) == STN_CLICKED ) {
			switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
				char buf[512];
				char *p = &buf[7];
				lstrcpyA(buf, "mailto:");
				if ( GetWindowTextA(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, LOWORD(wParam)), p, SIZEOF(buf) - 7))
					CallService(MS_UTILS_OPENURL, 0, (LPARAM) (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_PLUGINEMAIL ? buf : p) );
				CallService(MS_UTILS_OPENURL, 0, (LPARAM) "http://addons.miranda-im.org/index.php?action=display&id=1" );
		}	}

		RemoveAllItems( GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_PLUGLIST ));
	return FALSE;

static int PluginOptionsInit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM)
	odp.cbSize = sizeof(odp);
	odp.hInstance = hMirandaInst;
	odp.pfnDlgProc = DlgPluginOpt;
	odp.position = 1300000000;
	odp.pszTitle = LPGEN("Plugins");
	odp.flags = ODPF_BOLDGROUPS;
	CallService( MS_OPT_ADDPAGE, wParam, ( LPARAM )&odp );
	return 0;

//   Loads all plugins

int LoadNewPluginsModule(void)
	TCHAR* slice;
	pluginEntry* p;
	pluginEntry* clist = NULL;
	int useWhiteList, i;
	bool msgModule = false;

	// make full path to the plugin
	GetModuleFileName(NULL, exe, SIZEOF(exe));
	slice = _tcsrchr(exe, '\\');
	if (slice) *slice = 0;

	// remember some useful options
	askAboutIgnoredPlugins=(UINT) GetPrivateProfileInt( _T("PluginLoader"), _T("AskAboutIgnoredPlugins"), 0, mirandabootini);

	// if Crash Dumper is present, load it to provide Crash Reports
	if (pluginList_crshdmp != NULL && isPluginOnWhiteList(pluginList_crshdmp->pluginname)) 
		if ( pluginList_crshdmp->bpi.Load(&pluginCoreLink) == 0 )
			pluginList_crshdmp->pclass |= PCLASS_LOADED | PCLASS_LAST;
			Plugin_Uninit( pluginList_crshdmp );

	// if freeimage is present, load it to provide the basic core functions
	if ( pluginList_freeimg != NULL ) {
		mir_sntprintf(slice, &exe[SIZEOF(exe)] - slice, _T("\\Plugins\\%s"), pluginList_freeimg->pluginname);
		if ( checkAPI(exe, &bpi, mirandaVersion, CHECKAPI_NONE) ) {
			pluginList_freeimg->bpi = bpi;
			pluginList_freeimg->pclass |= PCLASS_OK | PCLASS_BASICAPI;
			if ( bpi.Load(&pluginCoreLink) == 0 )
				pluginList_freeimg->pclass |= PCLASS_LOADED;
				Plugin_Uninit( pluginList_freeimg );
	}	}

	// first load the clist cos alot of plugins need that to be present at Load()
	for ( useWhiteList = 1; useWhiteList >= 0 && clist == NULL; useWhiteList-- )
		clist=getCListModule(exe, slice, useWhiteList);
	/* the loop above will try and get one clist DLL to work, if all fail then just bail now */
	if ( clist == NULL ) {
		// result = 0, no clist_* can be found
		if ( pluginListUI )
			MessageBox(NULL, TranslateT("Unable to start any of the installed contact list plugins, I even ignored your preferences for which contact list couldn't load any."), _T("Miranda IM"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
			MessageBox(NULL, TranslateT("Can't find a contact list plugin! you need clist_classic or any other clist plugin.") , _T("Miranda IM"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
		return 1;

	/* enable and disable as needed  */
	p = pluginListUI;
	while ( p != NULL ) {
		SetPluginOnWhiteList(p->pluginname, clist != p ? 0 : 1 );
		p = p->nextclass;
	/* now loop thru and load all the other plugins, do this in one pass */

	for ( i=0; i < pluginList.getCount(); i++ ) {
		p = pluginList[i];
		if ( !TryLoadPlugin(p, false)) {
			Plugin_Uninit( p );
		else if (p->pclass & PCLASS_LOADED)
			msgModule |= (p->bpi.pluginInfo->replacesDefaultModule == DEFMOD_SRMESSAGE);

	if (!msgModule)
		MessageBox(NULL, TranslateT("No messaging plugins loaded. Please install/enable one of the messaging plugins, for instance, \"srmm.dll\""), _T("Miranda IM"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);

	HookEvent(ME_OPT_INITIALISE, PluginOptionsInit);
	return 0;

//   Plugins module initialization
//   called before anything real is loaded, incl. database

int LoadNewPluginsModuleInfos(void)
	bModuleInitialized = TRUE;

	hPluginListHeap = HeapCreate(HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, 0, 0);
	mirandaVersion = (DWORD)CallService(MS_SYSTEM_GETVERSION, 0, 0);

	CreateServiceFunction(MS_PLUGINS_ENUMDBPLUGINS, PluginsEnum);
	CreateServiceFunction(MS_PLUGINS_GETDISABLEDEFAULTARRAY, PluginsGetDefaultArray);

	hevLoadModule = CreateHookableEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULELOAD);
	hevUnloadModule = CreateHookableEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULEUNLOAD);

	// make sure plugins can get internal core APIs
	pluginCoreLink.CallService                    = CallService;
	pluginCoreLink.ServiceExists                  = ServiceExists;
	pluginCoreLink.CreateServiceFunction          = CreateServiceFunction;
	pluginCoreLink.CreateServiceFunctionParam     = CreateServiceFunctionParam;
	pluginCoreLink.CreateServiceFunctionObj       = CreateServiceFunctionObj;
	pluginCoreLink.CreateServiceFunctionObjParam  = CreateServiceFunctionObjParam;
	pluginCoreLink.CreateTransientServiceFunction = CreateServiceFunction;
	pluginCoreLink.DestroyServiceFunction         = DestroyServiceFunction;
	pluginCoreLink.CreateHookableEvent            = CreateHookableEvent;
	pluginCoreLink.DestroyHookableEvent           = DestroyHookableEvent;
	pluginCoreLink.HookEvent                      = HookEvent;
	pluginCoreLink.HookEventParam                 = HookEventParam;
	pluginCoreLink.HookEventObj                   = HookEventObj;
	pluginCoreLink.HookEventObjParam              = HookEventObjParam;
	pluginCoreLink.HookEventMessage               = HookEventMessage;
	pluginCoreLink.UnhookEvent                    = UnhookEvent;
	pluginCoreLink.NotifyEventHooks               = NotifyEventHooks;
	pluginCoreLink.SetHookDefaultForHookableEvent = SetHookDefaultForHookableEvent;
	pluginCoreLink.CallServiceSync                = CallServiceSync;
	pluginCoreLink.CallFunctionAsync              = CallFunctionAsync;
	pluginCoreLink.NotifyEventHooksDirect         = CallHookSubscribers;
	pluginCoreLink.CallProtoService               = CallProtoService;
	pluginCoreLink.CallContactService             = CallContactService;
	pluginCoreLink.KillObjectServices             = KillObjectServices;
	pluginCoreLink.KillObjectEventHooks           = KillObjectEventHooks;

	// remember where the mirandaboot.ini goes
	pathToAbsoluteT(_T("mirandaboot.ini"), mirandabootini, NULL);
	// look for all *.dll's
	enumPlugins(scanPluginsDir, 0, 0);
	// the database will select which db plugin to use, or fail if no profile is selected
	if (LoadDatabaseModule()) return 1;
	//  could validate the plugin entries here but internal modules arent loaded so can't call Load() in one pass
	return 0;

//   Plugins module unloading
//   called at the end of module chain unloading, just modular engine left at this point

void UnloadNewPluginsModule(void)
	int i;

	if ( !bModuleInitialized ) return;


	// unload everything but the DB
	for ( i = pluginList.getCount()-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
		pluginEntry* p = pluginList[i];
		if ( !(p->pclass & PCLASS_DB) && p != pluginList_crshdmp )
			Plugin_Uninit( p );

    if ( pluginList_crshdmp )
		Plugin_Uninit( pluginList_crshdmp );

	// unload the DB
	for ( i = pluginList.getCount()-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
		pluginEntry* p = pluginList[i];
		Plugin_Uninit( p );

	if ( hPluginListHeap ) HeapDestroy(hPluginListHeap);
