/* Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright 2000-2009 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h" #include struct StandardIconDescription { int id; const char* description; int resource_id; int pf2; const char* section; }; static const struct StandardIconDescription mainIcons[] = { { SKINICON_OTHER_MIRANDA, LPGEN("Miranda IM"), -IDI_MIRANDA }, { SKINICON_EVENT_MESSAGE, LPGEN("Message"), -IDI_RECVMSG }, { SKINICON_EVENT_URL, LPGEN("URL"), -IDI_URL }, { SKINICON_EVENT_FILE, LPGEN("File"), -IDI_FILE }, { SKINICON_OTHER_USERONLINE, LPGEN("User Online"), -IDI_USERONLINE }, { SKINICON_OTHER_GROUPOPEN, LPGEN("Group (Open)"), -IDI_GROUPOPEN }, { SKINICON_OTHER_GROUPSHUT, LPGEN("Group (Closed)"), -IDI_GROUPSHUT }, { SKINICON_OTHER_CONNECTING, LPGEN("Connecting"), -IDI_LOAD }, { SKINICON_OTHER_ADDCONTACT, LPGEN("Add Contact"), -IDI_ADDCONTACT }, { SKINICON_OTHER_USERDETAILS, LPGEN("User Details"), -IDI_USERDETAILS }, { SKINICON_OTHER_HISTORY, LPGEN("History"), -IDI_HISTORY }, { SKINICON_OTHER_DOWNARROW, LPGEN("Down Arrow"), -IDI_DOWNARROW }, { SKINICON_OTHER_FINDUSER, LPGEN("Find User"), -IDI_FINDUSER }, { SKINICON_OTHER_OPTIONS, LPGEN("Options"), -IDI_OPTIONS }, { SKINICON_OTHER_SENDEMAIL, LPGEN("Send E-mail"), -IDI_SENDEMAIL }, { SKINICON_OTHER_DELETE, LPGEN("Delete"), -IDI_DELETE }, { SKINICON_OTHER_RENAME, LPGEN("Rename"), -IDI_RENAME }, { SKINICON_OTHER_SMS, LPGEN("SMS"), -IDI_SMS }, { SKINICON_OTHER_SEARCHALL, LPGEN("Search All"), -IDI_SEARCHALL }, { SKINICON_OTHER_TICK, LPGEN("Tick"), -IDI_TICK }, { SKINICON_OTHER_NOTICK, LPGEN("No Tick"), -IDI_NOTICK }, { SKINICON_OTHER_HELP, LPGEN("Help"), -IDI_HELP }, { SKINICON_OTHER_MIRANDAWEB, LPGEN("Miranda Website"), -IDI_MIRANDAWEBSITE }, { SKINICON_OTHER_TYPING, LPGEN("Typing"), -IDI_TYPING }, { SKINICON_OTHER_SMALLDOT, LPGEN("Small Dot"), -IDI_SMALLDOT }, { SKINICON_OTHER_FILLEDBLOB, LPGEN("Filled Blob"), -IDI_FILLEDBLOB }, { SKINICON_OTHER_EMPTYBLOB, LPGEN("Empty Blob"), -IDI_EMPTYBLOB }, { SKINICON_OTHER_UNICODE, LPGEN("Unicode plugin"), -IDI_UNICODE }, { SKINICON_OTHER_ANSI, LPGEN("ANSI plugin"), -IDI_ANSI }, { SKINICON_OTHER_LOADED, LPGEN("Running plugin"), -IDI_LOADED }, { SKINICON_OTHER_NOTLOADED, LPGEN("Unloaded plugin"), -IDI_NOTLOADED }, { SKINICON_OTHER_UNDO, LPGEN("Undo"), -IDI_UNDO }, { SKINICON_OTHER_WINDOW, LPGEN("Window"), -IDI_WINDOW }, { SKINICON_OTHER_WINDOWS, LPGEN("System"), -IDI_WINDOWS }, { SKINICON_OTHER_ACCMGR, LPGEN("Accounts"), -IDI_ACCMGR }, { SKINICON_OTHER_SHOWHIDE, LPGEN("ShowHide"), -IDI_SHOWHIDE }, { SKINICON_OTHER_EXIT, LPGEN("Exit"), -IDI_EXIT }, { SKINICON_OTHER_MAINMENU, LPGEN("Main Menu"), -IDI_MIRANDA }, { SKINICON_OTHER_STATUS, LPGEN("Status"), -IDI_ONLINE }, { SKINICON_CHAT_JOIN, LPGEN("Join chat"), -IDI_JOINCHAT }, { SKINICON_CHAT_LEAVE, LPGEN("Leave chat"), -IDI_LEAVECHAT }, { SKINICON_OTHER_GROUP, LPGEN("Move to Group"), -IDI_MOVETOGROUP }, { SKINICON_OTHER_ON, LPGEN("On"), -IDI_ON }, { SKINICON_OTHER_OFF, LPGEN("Off"), -IDI_OFF }, { SKINICON_OTHER_LOADEDGRAY, LPGEN("Running core plugin"), -IDI_LOADED_GRAY }, { SKINICON_OTHER_NOTLOADEDGRAY, LPGEN("Non-loadable plugin"), -IDI_NOTLOADED_GRAY }, { SKINICON_OTHER_STATUS_LOCKED, LPGEN("Locked status"), -IDI_STATUS_LOCKED, 0, "Status Icons" }, }; HANDLE hMainIcons[SIZEOF(mainIcons)]; static const struct StandardIconDescription statusIcons[] = { { ID_STATUS_OFFLINE, LPGEN("Offline"), -IDI_OFFLINE, 0xFFFFFFFF }, { ID_STATUS_ONLINE, LPGEN("Online"), -IDI_ONLINE, PF2_ONLINE }, { ID_STATUS_AWAY, LPGEN("Away"), -IDI_AWAY, PF2_SHORTAWAY }, { ID_STATUS_NA, LPGEN("NA"), -IDI_NA, PF2_LONGAWAY }, { ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED, LPGEN("Occupied"), -IDI_OCCUPIED, PF2_LIGHTDND }, { ID_STATUS_DND, LPGEN("DND"), -IDI_DND, PF2_HEAVYDND }, { ID_STATUS_FREECHAT, LPGEN("Free for chat"), -IDI_FREE4CHAT, PF2_FREECHAT }, { ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE, LPGEN("Invisible"), -IDI_INVISIBLE, PF2_INVISIBLE }, { ID_STATUS_ONTHEPHONE, LPGEN("On the phone"), -IDI_ONTHEPHONE, PF2_ONTHEPHONE }, { ID_STATUS_OUTTOLUNCH, LPGEN("Out to lunch"), -IDI_OUTTOLUNCH, PF2_OUTTOLUNCH } }; HANDLE hStatusIcons[SIZEOF(statusIcons)]; const char* mainIconsFmt = "core_main_"; const char* statusIconsFmt = "core_status_"; const char* protoIconsFmt = LPGEN("%s Icons"); #define PROTOCOLS_PREFIX "Status Icons/" #define GLOBAL_PROTO_NAME "*" // load small icon (shared) it's not need to be destroyed static HICON LoadSmallIconShared(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCTSTR lpIconName) { int cx = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON); return (HICON)LoadImage(hInstance, lpIconName, IMAGE_ICON, cx, cx, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR | LR_SHARED); } // load small icon (not shared) it IS NEED to be destroyed static HICON LoadSmallIcon(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCTSTR lpIconName) { HICON hIcon = NULL; // icon handle int index = -(int)lpIconName; TCHAR filename[MAX_PATH] = {0}; GetModuleFileName(hInstance, filename, MAX_PATH); ExtractIconEx(filename, index, NULL, &hIcon, 1); return hIcon; } // load small icon from hInstance HICON LoadIconEx(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCTSTR lpIconName, BOOL bShared) { HICON hResIcon = bShared ? LoadSmallIcon(hInstance, lpIconName) : LoadSmallIconShared(hInstance, lpIconName); if ( !hResIcon) { //Icon not found in hInstance lets try to load it from core HINSTANCE hCoreInstance=hMirandaInst; if (hCoreInstance != hInstance) hResIcon = bShared ? LoadSmallIcon(hCoreInstance, lpIconName) : LoadSmallIconShared(hCoreInstance, lpIconName); } return hResIcon; } int ImageList_AddIcon_NotShared(HIMAGELIST hIml, LPCTSTR szResource) { HICON hTempIcon=LoadIconEx(hMirandaInst, szResource, 0); int res = ImageList_AddIcon(hIml, hTempIcon); Safe_DestroyIcon(hTempIcon); return res; } int ImageList_AddIcon_IconLibLoaded(HIMAGELIST hIml, int iconId) { HICON hIcon = LoadSkinIcon(iconId); int res = ImageList_AddIcon(hIml, hIcon); IconLib_ReleaseIcon(hIcon, 0); return res; } int ImageList_AddIcon_ProtoIconLibLoaded(HIMAGELIST hIml, const char* szProto, int iconId) { HICON hIcon = LoadSkinProtoIcon(szProto, iconId); int res = ImageList_AddIcon(hIml, hIcon); IconLib_ReleaseIcon(hIcon, 0); return res; } int ImageList_ReplaceIcon_NotShared(HIMAGELIST hIml, int iIndex, HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCTSTR szResource) { HICON hTempIcon = LoadIconEx(hInstance, szResource, 0); int res = ImageList_ReplaceIcon(hIml, iIndex, hTempIcon); Safe_DestroyIcon(hTempIcon); return res; } int ImageList_ReplaceIcon_IconLibLoaded(HIMAGELIST hIml, int nIndex, HICON hIcon) { int res = ImageList_ReplaceIcon(hIml, nIndex, hIcon); IconLib_ReleaseIcon(hIcon, 0); return res; } void Window_SetIcon_IcoLib(HWND hWnd, int iconId) { SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)LoadSkinIcon(iconId, true)); SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, (LPARAM)LoadSkinIcon(iconId)); } void Window_SetProtoIcon_IcoLib(HWND hWnd, const char* szProto, int iconId) { SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)LoadSkinProtoIcon(szProto, iconId, true)); SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, (LPARAM)LoadSkinProtoIcon(szProto, iconId)); } void Window_FreeIcon_IcoLib(HWND hWnd) { IconLib_ReleaseIcon((HICON)SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, 0), NULL); IconLib_ReleaseIcon((HICON)SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, 0), NULL); } void Button_SetIcon_IcoLib(HWND hwndDlg, int itemId, int iconId, const char* tooltip) { HWND hWnd = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, itemId); SendMessage(hWnd, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM)LoadSkinIcon(iconId)); SendMessage(hWnd, BUTTONSETASFLATBTN, TRUE, 0); SendMessage(hWnd, BUTTONADDTOOLTIP, (WPARAM)tooltip, 0); } void Button_FreeIcon_IcoLib(HWND hwndDlg, int itemId) { HICON hIcon = (HICON)SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, itemId, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, 0); IconLib_ReleaseIcon(hIcon, 0); } // // wParam = szProto // lParam = status // HICON LoadSkinProtoIcon(const char* szProto, int status, bool big) { int i, statusIndx = -1; char iconName[MAX_PATH]; HICON hIcon; DWORD caps2 = (szProto == NULL) ? (DWORD)-1 : CallProtoService(szProto, PS_GETCAPS, PFLAGNUM_2, 0); if (status >= ID_STATUS_CONNECTING && status < ID_STATUS_CONNECTING+MAX_CONNECT_RETRIES) { mir_snprintf(iconName, SIZEOF(iconName), "%s%d", mainIconsFmt, 7); return IcoLib_GetIcon(iconName, big); } for (i = 0; i < SIZEOF(statusIcons); i++) { if (statusIcons[i].id == status) { statusIndx = i; break; } } if (statusIndx == -1) return NULL; if ( !szProto) { // Only return a protocol specific icon if there is only one protocol // Otherwise return the global icon. This affects the global status menu mainly. if (accounts.getCount() == 1) { HICON hIcon; // format: core_status_%proto%statusindex mir_snprintf(iconName, SIZEOF(iconName), "%s%s%d", statusIconsFmt, szProto, statusIndx); hIcon = IcoLib_GetIcon(iconName, big); if (hIcon) return hIcon; } // format: core_status_%s%d mir_snprintf(iconName, SIZEOF(iconName), "%s%s%d", statusIconsFmt, GLOBAL_PROTO_NAME, statusIndx); return IcoLib_GetIcon(iconName, big); } // format: core_status_%s%d mir_snprintf(iconName, SIZEOF(iconName), "%s%s%d", statusIconsFmt, szProto, statusIndx); hIcon = IcoLib_GetIcon(iconName, big); if (hIcon == NULL && (caps2 == 0 || (caps2 & statusIcons[statusIndx].pf2))) { PROTOACCOUNT* pa = Proto_GetAccount(szProto); if (pa) { TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH], szFullPath[MAX_PATH], *str; SKINICONDESC sid = { 0 }; // // Queried protocol isn't in list, adding // TCHAR tszSection[MAX_PATH]; mir_sntprintf(tszSection, SIZEOF(tszSection), _T("%s%s"), _T(PROTOCOLS_PREFIX), pa->tszAccountName); sid.ptszSection = tszSection; sid.cbSize = sizeof(sid); sid.flags = SIDF_ALL_TCHAR; GetModuleFileName(hMirandaInst, szPath, MAX_PATH); str = _tcsrchr(szPath, '\\'); if (str != NULL) *str = 0; mir_sntprintf(szFullPath, SIZEOF(szFullPath), _T("%s\\Icons\\proto_") _T(TCHAR_STR_PARAM) _T(".dll"), szPath, pa->szProtoName); if (GetFileAttributes(szFullPath) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) sid.ptszDefaultFile = szFullPath; else { mir_sntprintf(szFullPath, SIZEOF(szFullPath), _T("%s\\Plugins\\") _T(TCHAR_STR_PARAM) _T(".dll"), szPath, szProto); if ((int)ExtractIconEx(szFullPath, statusIcons[i].resource_id, NULL, &hIcon, 1) > 0) { DestroyIcon(hIcon); sid.ptszDefaultFile = szFullPath; hIcon = NULL; } if (sid.pszDefaultFile == NULL) { if (str != NULL) *str = '\\'; sid.ptszDefaultFile = szPath; } } // // Add global icons to list // { int lowidx, highidx; if (caps2 == 0) lowidx = statusIndx, highidx = statusIndx+1; else lowidx = 0, highidx = SIZEOF(statusIcons); for (i = lowidx; i < highidx; i++) { if (caps2 == 0 || (caps2 & statusIcons[i].pf2)) { // format: core_%s%d mir_snprintf(iconName, SIZEOF(iconName), "%s%s%d", statusIconsFmt, szProto, i); sid.pszName = iconName; sid.ptszDescription = cli.pfnGetStatusModeDescription(statusIcons[i].id, 0); sid.iDefaultIndex = statusIcons[i].resource_id; IcoLib_AddNewIcon(&sid); } } } } // format: core_status_%s%d mir_snprintf(iconName, SIZEOF(iconName), "%s%s%d", statusIconsFmt, szProto, statusIndx); hIcon = IcoLib_GetIcon(iconName, big); if (hIcon) return hIcon; } if (hIcon == NULL) { mir_snprintf(iconName, SIZEOF(iconName), "%s%s%d", statusIconsFmt, GLOBAL_PROTO_NAME, statusIndx); hIcon = IcoLib_GetIcon(iconName, big); } return hIcon; } HANDLE GetSkinIconHandle(int idx) { int i; for (i = 0; i < SIZEOF(mainIcons); i++) if (idx == mainIcons[i].id) return hMainIcons[i]; return NULL; } HICON LoadSkinIcon(int idx, bool big) { // // Query for global status icons // if (idx < SKINICON_EVENT_MESSAGE) { if (idx >= SIZEOF(statusIcons)) return NULL; return LoadSkinProtoIcon(NULL, statusIcons[ idx ].id, big); } return IcoLib_GetIconByHandle(GetSkinIconHandle(idx), big); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Initializes the icon skin module static void convertOneProtocol(char* moduleName, char* iconName) { char* pm = moduleName + strlen(moduleName); char* pi = iconName + strlen(iconName); DBVARIANT dbv; int i; for (i = 0; i < SIZEOF(statusIcons); i++) { _itoa(statusIcons[i].id, pm, 10); if ( !DBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, "Icons", moduleName, &dbv)) { _itoa(i, pi, 10); DBWriteContactSettingTString(NULL, "SkinIcons", iconName, dbv.ptszVal); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); DBDeleteContactSetting(NULL, "Icons", moduleName); } } } static INT_PTR sttLoadSkinIcon(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (lParam) { case 0: return (INT_PTR)LoadSkinIcon(wParam); case 1: return (INT_PTR)GetSkinIconHandle(wParam); case 2: return (INT_PTR)LoadSkinIcon(wParam, true); } return 0; } static INT_PTR sttLoadSkinProtoIcon(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return (INT_PTR)LoadSkinProtoIcon((char*)wParam, (int)lParam, false); } static INT_PTR sttLoadSkinProtoIconBig(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return (INT_PTR)LoadSkinProtoIcon((char*)wParam, (int)lParam, true); } int LoadSkinIcons(void) { SKINICONDESC sid; int i, j = 0; char iconName[MAX_PATH], moduleName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR modulePath[MAX_PATH]; DBVARIANT dbv; // // Perform "1st-time running import" for (i = 0; i < SIZEOF(mainIcons); i++) { _itoa(mainIcons[i].id, moduleName, 10); if (DBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, "Icons", moduleName, &dbv)) break; mir_snprintf(iconName, SIZEOF(iconName), "%s%d", mainIconsFmt, i); DBWriteContactSettingTString(NULL, "SkinIcons", iconName, dbv.ptszVal); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); DBDeleteContactSetting(NULL, "Icons", moduleName); } for (;;) { // get the next protocol name moduleName[0] = 'p'; moduleName[1] = 0; _itoa(j++, moduleName+1, 100); if (DBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, "Icons", moduleName, &dbv)) break; DBDeleteContactSetting(NULL, "Icons", moduleName); // make old skinicons' prefix mir_snprintf(moduleName, SIZEOF(moduleName), TCHAR_STR_PARAM, dbv.ptszVal); // make IcoLib's prefix mir_snprintf(iconName, SIZEOF(iconName), "%s" TCHAR_STR_PARAM, statusIconsFmt, dbv.ptszVal); convertOneProtocol(moduleName, iconName); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } moduleName[0] = 0; strcpy(iconName, "core_status_" GLOBAL_PROTO_NAME); convertOneProtocol(moduleName, iconName); CreateServiceFunction(MS_SKIN_LOADICON, sttLoadSkinIcon); CreateServiceFunction(MS_SKIN_LOADPROTOICON, sttLoadSkinProtoIcon); CreateServiceFunction(MS_SKIN_LOADPROTOICONBIG, sttLoadSkinProtoIconBig); ZeroMemory(&sid, sizeof(sid)); sid.cbSize = sizeof(sid); GetModuleFileName(NULL, modulePath, SIZEOF(modulePath)); sid.ptszDefaultFile = modulePath; sid.flags = SIDF_PATH_TCHAR; sid.pszName = iconName; // // Add main icons to list // for (i = 0; i < SIZEOF(mainIcons); i++) { mir_snprintf(iconName, SIZEOF(iconName), "%s%d", mainIconsFmt, i); sid.pszSection = mainIcons[i].section == NULL ? "Main Icons" : (char*)mainIcons[i].section; sid.pszDescription = (char*)mainIcons[i].description; sid.iDefaultIndex = mainIcons[i].resource_id; hMainIcons[i] = IcoLib_AddNewIcon(&sid); } // // Add global icons to list // sid.pszSection = PROTOCOLS_PREFIX "Global"; // // Asterisk is used, to avoid conflict with proto-plugins // 'coz users can't rename it to name with '*' for (i = 0; i < SIZEOF(statusIcons); i++) { mir_snprintf(iconName, SIZEOF(iconName), "%s%s%d", statusIconsFmt, GLOBAL_PROTO_NAME, i); sid.pszName = iconName; sid.pszDescription = (char*)statusIcons[i].description; sid.iDefaultIndex = statusIcons[i].resource_id; hStatusIcons[i] = IcoLib_AddNewIcon(&sid); } return 0; }