/* Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright 2000-12 Miranda IM, 2012-13 Miranda NG project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h" typedef struct { DWORD helpID; DWORD exStyle; DWORD style; short x; short y; short cx; short cy; DWORD id; } START_OF_DLGITEMTEMPLATEEX; typedef struct { WORD dlgVer; WORD signature; DWORD helpID; DWORD exStyle; DWORD style; WORD cDlgItems; short x; short y; short cx; short cy; } START_OF_DLGTEMPLATEEX; INT_PTR ResizeDialog(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { UTILRESIZEDIALOG *urd = (UTILRESIZEDIALOG*)lParam; HDWP hDwp; int i; DLGITEMTEMPLATE *pItem = NULL; START_OF_DLGITEMTEMPLATEEX *pItemEx = NULL; RECT rc; PWORD pWord; DLGTEMPLATE *pTemplate; START_OF_DLGTEMPLATEEX *pTemplateEx; UTILRESIZECONTROL urc; int procResult; int extendedDlg, itemCount; if (urd == NULL || urd->cbSize != sizeof(UTILRESIZEDIALOG)) return 1; pTemplate = (DLGTEMPLATE*)LockResource(LoadResource(urd->hInstance, FindResourceA(urd->hInstance, urd->lpTemplate, MAKEINTRESOURCEA(5)))); pTemplateEx = (START_OF_DLGTEMPLATEEX*)pTemplate; extendedDlg = pTemplateEx->signature == 0xFFFF; if (extendedDlg && pTemplateEx->dlgVer != 1) return 1; if (extendedDlg) pWord = (PWORD)(pTemplateEx+1); else pWord = (PWORD)(pTemplate+1); if (*pWord == 0xFFFF) pWord+=2; else while (*pWord++); //menu if (*pWord == 0xFFFF) pWord+=2; else while (*pWord++); //class while (*pWord++); //title if (extendedDlg) { if (pTemplateEx->style&DS_SETFONT) { pWord+=3; //font size, weight, italic while (*pWord++); //font name } } else { if (pTemplate->style&DS_SETFONT) { pWord++; //font size while (*pWord++); //font name } } urc.cbSize = sizeof(UTILRESIZECONTROL); rc.left = 0; rc.top = 0; if (extendedDlg) {rc.right = pTemplateEx->cx; rc.bottom = pTemplateEx->cy;} else {rc.right = pTemplate->cx; rc.bottom = pTemplate->cy;} MapDialogRect(urd->hwndDlg, &rc); urc.dlgOriginalSize.cx = rc.right; urc.dlgOriginalSize.cy = rc.bottom; GetClientRect(urd->hwndDlg, &rc); urc.dlgNewSize.cx = rc.right; urc.dlgNewSize.cy = rc.bottom; if (extendedDlg) itemCount = pTemplateEx->cDlgItems; else itemCount = pTemplate->cdit; hDwp = BeginDeferWindowPos(itemCount); for (i=0;i<itemCount;i++) { if ((UINT_PTR)pWord&2) pWord++; //dword align if (extendedDlg) { pItemEx = (START_OF_DLGITEMTEMPLATEEX*)pWord; pWord = (PWORD)(pItemEx+1); urc.wId = pItemEx->id; urc.rcItem.left = pItemEx->x; urc.rcItem.top = pItemEx->y; urc.rcItem.right = urc.rcItem.left+pItemEx->cx; urc.rcItem.bottom = urc.rcItem.top+pItemEx->cy; } else { pItem = (DLGITEMTEMPLATE*)pWord; pWord = (PWORD)(pItem+1); urc.wId = pItem->id; urc.rcItem.left = pItem->x; urc.rcItem.top = pItem->y; urc.rcItem.right = urc.rcItem.left+pItem->cx; urc.rcItem.bottom = urc.rcItem.top+pItem->cy; } if (*pWord == 0xFFFF) pWord+=2; else while (*pWord++); //menu if (*pWord == 0xFFFF) pWord+=2; else while (*pWord++); //class pWord+=1+(1+*pWord)/2; //creation data if (urc.wId == 65535) continue; //using this breaks the dwp, so just ignore it MapDialogRect(urd->hwndDlg, &urc.rcItem); procResult = (urd->pfnResizer)(urd->hwndDlg, urd->lParam, &urc); if (procResult&RD_ANCHORX_RIGHT) { urc.rcItem.left+=urc.dlgNewSize.cx-urc.dlgOriginalSize.cx; urc.rcItem.right+=urc.dlgNewSize.cx-urc.dlgOriginalSize.cx; } else if (procResult&RD_ANCHORX_WIDTH) urc.rcItem.right+=urc.dlgNewSize.cx-urc.dlgOriginalSize.cx; else if (procResult&RD_ANCHORX_CENTRE) { urc.rcItem.left+=(urc.dlgNewSize.cx-urc.dlgOriginalSize.cx)/2; urc.rcItem.right+=(urc.dlgNewSize.cx-urc.dlgOriginalSize.cx)/2; } if (procResult&RD_ANCHORY_BOTTOM) { urc.rcItem.top+=urc.dlgNewSize.cy-urc.dlgOriginalSize.cy; urc.rcItem.bottom+=urc.dlgNewSize.cy-urc.dlgOriginalSize.cy; } else if (procResult&RD_ANCHORY_HEIGHT) urc.rcItem.bottom+=urc.dlgNewSize.cy-urc.dlgOriginalSize.cy; else if (procResult&RD_ANCHORY_CENTRE) { urc.rcItem.top+=(urc.dlgNewSize.cy-urc.dlgOriginalSize.cy)/2; urc.rcItem.bottom+=(urc.dlgNewSize.cy-urc.dlgOriginalSize.cy)/2; } hDwp = DeferWindowPos(hDwp, GetDlgItem(urd->hwndDlg, extendedDlg?pItemEx->id:pItem->id), 0, urc.rcItem.left, urc.rcItem.top, urc.rcItem.right-urc.rcItem.left, urc.rcItem.bottom-urc.rcItem.top, SWP_NOZORDER); } EndDeferWindowPos(hDwp); return 0; }