/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (�) 2012-15 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org), Copyright (c) 2000-12 Miranda IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. implements services to handle location - based timezones, instead of simple UTC offsets. */ #include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h" TIME_API tmi; typedef DWORD (WINAPI *pfnGetDynamicTimeZoneInformation_t)(DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION *pdtzi); static pfnGetDynamicTimeZoneInformation_t pfnGetDynamicTimeZoneInformation; struct REG_TZI_FORMAT { LONG Bias; LONG StandardBias; LONG DaylightBias; SYSTEMTIME StandardDate; SYSTEMTIME DaylightDate; }; #define MIM_TZ_DISPLAYLEN 128 struct MIM_TIMEZONE { unsigned hash; int offset; TCHAR tszName[MIM_TZ_NAMELEN]; // windows name for the time zone wchar_t szDisplay[MIM_TZ_DISPLAYLEN]; // more descriptive display name (that's what usually appears in dialogs) // every hour should be sufficient. TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION tzi; static int compareBias(const MIM_TIMEZONE* p1, const MIM_TIMEZONE* p2) { return p2->tzi.Bias - p1->tzi.Bias; } }; struct TZ_INT_INFO { DWORD timestamp; // last time updated MIM_TIMEZONE myTZ; // set to my own timezone }; static TZ_INT_INFO myInfo; static OBJLIST<MIM_TIMEZONE> g_timezones(55, NumericKeySortT); static LIST<MIM_TIMEZONE> g_timezonesBias(55, MIM_TIMEZONE::compareBias); void FormatTime(const SYSTEMTIME *st, const TCHAR *szFormat, TCHAR *szDest, int cbDest); void UnixTimeToFileTime(mir_time ts, LPFILETIME pft); mir_time FileTimeToUnixTime(LPFILETIME pft); #define fnSystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime static int timeapiGetTimeZoneTime(HANDLE hTZ, SYSTEMTIME *st) { if (st == NULL) return 1; MIM_TIMEZONE *tz = (MIM_TIMEZONE*)hTZ; if (tz == UTC_TIME_HANDLE) GetSystemTime(st); else if (tz && tz != &myInfo.myTZ) { SYSTEMTIME sto; GetSystemTime(&sto); return !fnSystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(&tz->tzi, &sto, st); } else GetLocalTime(st); return 0; } static LPCTSTR timeapiGetTzName(HANDLE hTZ) { MIM_TIMEZONE *tz = (MIM_TIMEZONE*)hTZ; if (tz == NULL) return myInfo.myTZ.tszName; else if (tz == UTC_TIME_HANDLE) return _T("UTC"); return tz->tszName; } static LPCTSTR timeapiGetTzDescription(LPCTSTR TZname) { for (int i = 0; i < g_timezonesBias.getCount(); i++) { MIM_TIMEZONE *tz = g_timezonesBias[i]; if (!mir_tstrcmp(tz->tszName, TZname)) return tz->szDisplay; } return _T(""); } static void CalcTsOffset(MIM_TIMEZONE *tz) { SYSTEMTIME st, stl; GetSystemTime(&st); FILETIME ft; SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &ft); mir_time ts1 = FileTimeToUnixTime(&ft); if (!fnSystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(&tz->tzi, &st, &stl)) return; SystemTimeToFileTime(&stl, &ft); mir_time ts2 = FileTimeToUnixTime(&ft); tz->offset = ts2 - ts1; } static bool IsSameTime(MIM_TIMEZONE *tz) { SYSTEMTIME st, stl; if (tz == &myInfo.myTZ) return true; timeapiGetTimeZoneTime(tz, &stl); timeapiGetTimeZoneTime(NULL, &st); return st.wHour == stl.wHour && st.wMinute == stl.wMinute; } static HANDLE timeapiGetInfoByName(LPCTSTR tszName, DWORD dwFlags) { if (tszName == NULL) return (dwFlags & (TZF_DIFONLY | TZF_KNOWNONLY)) ? NULL : &myInfo.myTZ; if (mir_tstrcmp(myInfo.myTZ.tszName, tszName) == 0) return (dwFlags & TZF_DIFONLY) ? NULL : &myInfo.myTZ; MIM_TIMEZONE tzsearch; tzsearch.hash = mir_hashstrT(tszName); MIM_TIMEZONE *tz = g_timezones.find(&tzsearch); if (tz == NULL) return (dwFlags & (TZF_DIFONLY | TZF_KNOWNONLY)) ? NULL : &myInfo.myTZ; if (dwFlags & TZF_DIFONLY) return IsSameTime(tz) ? NULL : tz; return tz; } static HANDLE timeapiGetInfoByContact(MCONTACT hContact, LPCSTR szModule, DWORD dwFlags) { if (hContact == NULL && szModule == NULL) return (dwFlags & (TZF_DIFONLY | TZF_KNOWNONLY)) ? NULL : &myInfo.myTZ; if (szModule == NULL) szModule = "UserInfo"; DBVARIANT dbv; if (!db_get_ts(hContact, szModule, "TzName", &dbv)) { HANDLE res = timeapiGetInfoByName(dbv.ptszVal, dwFlags); db_free(&dbv); if (res) return res; } signed char timezone = (signed char)db_get_b(hContact, szModule, "Timezone", -1); if (timezone == -1) { char *szProto = GetContactProto(hContact); if (!db_get_ts(hContact, szProto, "TzName", &dbv)) { HANDLE res = timeapiGetInfoByName(dbv.ptszVal, dwFlags); db_free(&dbv); if (res) return res; } timezone = (signed char)db_get_b(hContact, szProto, "Timezone", -1); } if (timezone != -1) { MIM_TIMEZONE tzsearch; tzsearch.tzi.Bias = timezone * 30; if (myInfo.myTZ.tzi.Bias == tzsearch.tzi.Bias) { if (dwFlags & TZF_DIFONLY) return NULL; return &myInfo.myTZ; } int i = g_timezonesBias.getIndex(&tzsearch); while (i >= 0 && g_timezonesBias[i]->tzi.Bias == tzsearch.tzi.Bias) --i; int delta = LONG_MAX; for (int j = ++i; j < g_timezonesBias.getCount() && g_timezonesBias[j]->tzi.Bias == tzsearch.tzi.Bias; ++j) { int delta1 = abs(g_timezonesBias[j]->tzi.DaylightDate.wMonth - myInfo.myTZ.tzi.DaylightDate.wMonth); if (delta1 <= delta) { delta = delta1; i = j; } } if (i >= 0) { MIM_TIMEZONE *tz = g_timezonesBias[i]; return ((dwFlags & TZF_DIFONLY) && IsSameTime(tz)) ? NULL : tz; } } return (dwFlags & (TZF_DIFONLY | TZF_KNOWNONLY)) ? NULL : &myInfo.myTZ; } static void timeapiSetInfoByContact(MCONTACT hContact, LPCSTR szModule, HANDLE hTZ) { if (szModule == NULL) szModule = "UserInfo"; MIM_TIMEZONE *tz = (MIM_TIMEZONE*)hTZ; if (tz) { db_set_ts(hContact, szModule, "TzName", tz->tszName); db_set_b(hContact, szModule, "Timezone", (char)((tz->tzi.Bias + tz->tzi.StandardBias) / 30)); } else { db_unset(hContact, szModule, "TzName"); db_unset(hContact, szModule, "Timezone"); } } static int timeapiPrintDateTime(HANDLE hTZ, LPCTSTR szFormat, LPTSTR szDest, int cbDest, DWORD dwFlags) { MIM_TIMEZONE *tz = (MIM_TIMEZONE*)hTZ; if (tz == NULL && (dwFlags & (TZF_DIFONLY | TZF_KNOWNONLY))) return 1; SYSTEMTIME st; if (timeapiGetTimeZoneTime(tz, &st)) return 1; FormatTime(&st, szFormat, szDest, cbDest); return 0; } static int timeapiPrintTimeStamp(HANDLE hTZ, mir_time ts, LPCTSTR szFormat, LPTSTR szDest, int cbDest, DWORD dwFlags) { MIM_TIMEZONE *tz = (MIM_TIMEZONE*)hTZ; if (tz == NULL && (dwFlags & (TZF_DIFONLY | TZF_KNOWNONLY))) return 1; if (tz == NULL) tz = &myInfo.myTZ; FILETIME ft; if (tz == UTC_TIME_HANDLE) UnixTimeToFileTime(ts, &ft); else { if (tz->offset == INT_MIN) CalcTsOffset(tz); UnixTimeToFileTime(ts + tz->offset, &ft); } SYSTEMTIME st; FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &st); FormatTime(&st, szFormat, szDest, cbDest); return 0; } static LPTIME_ZONE_INFORMATION timeapiGetTzi(HANDLE hTZ) { MIM_TIMEZONE *tz = (MIM_TIMEZONE*)hTZ; return tz ? &tz->tzi : &myInfo.myTZ.tzi; } static mir_time timeapiTimeStampToTimeZoneTimeStamp(HANDLE hTZ, mir_time ts) { MIM_TIMEZONE *tz = (MIM_TIMEZONE*)hTZ; if (tz == NULL) tz = &myInfo.myTZ; if (tz == UTC_TIME_HANDLE) return ts; if (tz->offset == INT_MIN) CalcTsOffset(tz); return ts + tz->offset; } struct ListMessages { UINT addStr, getSel, setSel, getData, setData; }; static const ListMessages lbMessages = { LB_ADDSTRING, LB_GETCURSEL, LB_SETCURSEL, LB_GETITEMDATA, LB_SETITEMDATA }; static const ListMessages cbMessages = { CB_ADDSTRING, CB_GETCURSEL, CB_SETCURSEL, CB_GETITEMDATA, CB_SETITEMDATA }; static const ListMessages* GetListMessages(HWND hWnd, DWORD dwFlags) { if (hWnd == NULL) return NULL; if (!(dwFlags & (TZF_PLF_CB | TZF_PLF_LB))) { TCHAR tszClassName[128]; GetClassName(hWnd, tszClassName, SIZEOF(tszClassName)); if (!mir_tstrcmpi(tszClassName, _T("COMBOBOX"))) dwFlags |= TZF_PLF_CB; else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(tszClassName, _T("LISTBOX"))) dwFlags |= TZF_PLF_LB; } if (dwFlags & TZF_PLF_CB) return &cbMessages; else if (dwFlags & TZF_PLF_LB) return &lbMessages; else return NULL; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static int timeapiSelectListItem(MCONTACT hContact, LPCSTR szModule, HWND hWnd, DWORD dwFlags) { const ListMessages *lstMsg = GetListMessages(hWnd, dwFlags); if (lstMsg == NULL) return -1; if (szModule == NULL) szModule = "UserInfo"; int iSelection = 0; ptrT tszName(db_get_tsa(hContact, szModule, "TzName")); if (tszName != NULL) { unsigned hash = mir_hashstrT(tszName); for (int i = 0; i < g_timezonesBias.getCount(); i++) { if (hash == g_timezonesBias[i]->hash) { iSelection = i + 1; break; } } } else { signed char cBias = db_get_b(hContact, szModule, "Timezone", -100); if (cBias != -100) { int iBias = cBias * 30; for (int i = 0; i < g_timezonesBias.getCount(); i++) { if (iBias == g_timezonesBias[i]->tzi.Bias) { iSelection = i + 1; break; } } } } SendMessage(hWnd, lstMsg->setSel, iSelection, 0); return iSelection; } static int timeapiPrepareList(MCONTACT hContact, LPCSTR szModule, HWND hWnd, DWORD dwFlags) { const ListMessages *lstMsg = GetListMessages(hWnd, dwFlags); if (lstMsg == NULL) return 0; SendMessage(hWnd, lstMsg->addStr, 0, (LPARAM)TranslateT("<unspecified>")); for (int i = 0; i < g_timezonesBias.getCount(); i++) { MIM_TIMEZONE *tz = g_timezonesBias[i]; SendMessage(hWnd, lstMsg->addStr, 0, (LPARAM)tz->szDisplay); SendMessage(hWnd, lstMsg->setData, i + 1, (LPARAM)tz); } return timeapiSelectListItem(hContact, szModule, hWnd, dwFlags); } static void timeapiStoreListResult(MCONTACT hContact, LPCSTR szModule, HWND hWnd, DWORD dwFlags) { if (szModule == NULL) szModule = "UserInfo"; const ListMessages *lstMsg = GetListMessages(hWnd, dwFlags); if (lstMsg) { LRESULT offset = SendMessage(hWnd, lstMsg->getSel, 0, 0); if (offset > 0) { MIM_TIMEZONE *tz = (MIM_TIMEZONE*)SendMessage(hWnd, lstMsg->getData, offset, 0); if ((INT_PTR)tz != CB_ERR && tz != NULL) timeapiSetInfoByContact(hContact, szModule, tz); } else timeapiSetInfoByContact(hContact, szModule, NULL); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR GetTimeApi(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { TIME_API* tmi = (TIME_API*)lParam; if (tmi == NULL) return FALSE; if (tmi->cbSize != sizeof(TIME_API)) return FALSE; tmi->createByName = timeapiGetInfoByName; tmi->createByContact = timeapiGetInfoByContact; tmi->storeByContact = timeapiSetInfoByContact; tmi->printDateTime = timeapiPrintDateTime; tmi->printTimeStamp = timeapiPrintTimeStamp; tmi->prepareList = timeapiPrepareList; tmi->selectListItem = timeapiSelectListItem; tmi->storeListResults = timeapiStoreListResult; tmi->getTimeZoneTime = timeapiGetTimeZoneTime; tmi->timeStampToTimeZoneTimeStamp = timeapiTimeStampToTimeZoneTimeStamp; tmi->getTzi = timeapiGetTzi; tmi->getTzName = timeapiGetTzName; tmi->getTzDescription = timeapiGetTzDescription; return TRUE; } static INT_PTR TimestampToLocal(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { return timeapiTimeStampToTimeZoneTimeStamp(NULL, (mir_time)wParam); } static INT_PTR TimestampToStringT(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DBTIMETOSTRINGT *tts = (DBTIMETOSTRINGT*)lParam; if (tts != NULL) timeapiPrintTimeStamp(NULL, (mir_time)wParam, tts->szFormat, tts->szDest, tts->cbDest, 0); return 0; } static INT_PTR TimestampToStringA(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DBTIMETOSTRING *tts = (DBTIMETOSTRING*)lParam; if (tts != NULL) { TCHAR *szDest = (TCHAR*)alloca(tts->cbDest*sizeof(TCHAR)); timeapiPrintTimeStamp(NULL, (mir_time)wParam, _A2T(tts->szFormat), szDest, tts->cbDest, 0); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szDest, -1, tts->szDest, tts->cbDest, NULL, NULL); } return 0; } void GetLocalizedString(HKEY hSubKey, const TCHAR *szName, wchar_t *szBuf, DWORD cbLen) { DWORD dwLength = cbLen * sizeof(wchar_t); RegQueryValueEx(hSubKey, szName, NULL, NULL, (unsigned char *)szBuf, &dwLength); szBuf[min(dwLength / sizeof(TCHAR), cbLen - 1)] = 0; } extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void RecalculateTime(void) { GetTimeZoneInformation(&myInfo.myTZ.tzi); myInfo.timestamp = time(NULL); myInfo.myTZ.offset = INT_MIN; bool found = false; DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION dtzi; if (pfnGetDynamicTimeZoneInformation && pfnGetDynamicTimeZoneInformation(&dtzi) != TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID) { TCHAR *myTzKey = mir_u2t(dtzi.TimeZoneKeyName); _tcsncpy_s(myInfo.myTZ.tszName, myTzKey, _TRUNCATE); mir_free(myTzKey); found = true; } for (int i = 0; i < g_timezones.getCount(); i++) { MIM_TIMEZONE &tz = g_timezones[i]; if (tz.offset != INT_MIN) tz.offset = INT_MIN; if (!found) { if (!mir_wstrcmp(tz.tzi.StandardName, myInfo.myTZ.tzi.StandardName) || !mir_wstrcmp(tz.tzi.DaylightName, myInfo.myTZ.tzi.DaylightName)) { _tcsncpy_s(myInfo.myTZ.tszName, tz.tszName, _TRUNCATE); found = true; } } } } void InitTimeZones(void) { REG_TZI_FORMAT tzi; HKEY hKey; const TCHAR *tszKey = _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Time Zones"); /* * use GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation() on Vista+ - this will return a structure with * the registry key name, so finding our own time zone later will be MUCH easier for * localized systems or systems with a MUI pack installed */ if (IsWinVerVistaPlus()) pfnGetDynamicTimeZoneInformation = (pfnGetDynamicTimeZoneInformation_t)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(_T("kernel32")), "GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation"); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, tszKey, 0, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, &hKey)) { DWORD dwIndex = 0; HKEY hSubKey; TCHAR tszName[MIM_TZ_NAMELEN]; DWORD dwSize = SIZEOF(tszName); while (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS != RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, dwIndex++, tszName, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL)) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, tszName, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hSubKey)) { dwSize = sizeof(tszName); DWORD dwLength = sizeof(tzi); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx(hSubKey, _T("TZI"), NULL, NULL, (unsigned char *)&tzi, &dwLength)) continue; MIM_TIMEZONE *tz = new MIM_TIMEZONE; tz->tzi.Bias = tzi.Bias; tz->tzi.StandardDate = tzi.StandardDate; tz->tzi.StandardBias = tzi.StandardBias; tz->tzi.DaylightDate = tzi.DaylightDate; tz->tzi.DaylightBias = tzi.DaylightBias; mir_tstrcpy(tz->tszName, tszName); tz->hash = mir_hashstrT(tszName); tz->offset = INT_MIN; GetLocalizedString(hSubKey, _T("Display"), tz->szDisplay, SIZEOF(tz->szDisplay)); GetLocalizedString(hSubKey, _T("Std"), tz->tzi.StandardName, SIZEOF(tz->tzi.StandardName)); GetLocalizedString(hSubKey, _T("Dlt"), tz->tzi.DaylightName, SIZEOF(tz->tzi.DaylightName)); g_timezones.insert(tz); g_timezonesBias.insert(tz); RegCloseKey(hSubKey); } dwSize = SIZEOF(tszName); } RegCloseKey(hKey); } RecalculateTime(); CreateServiceFunction(MS_SYSTEM_GET_TMI, GetTimeApi); CreateServiceFunction(MS_DB_TIME_TIMESTAMPTOLOCAL, TimestampToLocal); CreateServiceFunction(MS_DB_TIME_TIMESTAMPTOSTRINGT, TimestampToStringT); CreateServiceFunction(MS_DB_TIME_TIMESTAMPTOSTRING, TimestampToStringA); tmi.cbSize = sizeof(tmi); GetTimeApi(0, (LPARAM)&tmi); }