/* Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright 2000-12 Miranda IM, 2012-13 Miranda NG project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h" #include "xmlParser.h" static HXML xmlapiCreateNode(LPCTSTR name, LPCTSTR text, char isDeclaration) { XMLNode result = XMLNode::createXMLTopNode(name, isDeclaration); if (text) result.updateText(text); return result.detach(); } static void xmlapiDestroyNode(HXML n) { XMLNode tmp; tmp.attach(n); } static HXML xmlapiParseString(LPCTSTR str, int* datalen, LPCTSTR tag) { if (str == NULL) return NULL; XMLResults res; XMLNode result = XMLNode::parseString(str, tag, &res); if (datalen != NULL) datalen[0] += res.nChars; return (res.error == eXMLErrorNone || (tag != NULL && res.error == eXMLErrorMissingEndTag)) ? result.detach() : NULL; } static HXML xmlapiAddChild(HXML _n, LPCTSTR name, LPCTSTR text) { XMLNode result = XMLNode(_n).addChild(name); if (text != NULL) result.updateText(text); return result; } static void xmlapiAddChild2(HXML _child, HXML _parent) { XMLNode child(_child), parent(_parent); parent.addChild(child); } static HXML xmlapiCopyNode(HXML _n) { XMLNode result = XMLNode(_n); return result.detach(); } static LPCTSTR xmlapiGetAttr(HXML _n, int i) { return XMLNode(_n).getAttributeValue(i); } static int xmlapiGetAttrCount(HXML _n) { return XMLNode(_n).nAttribute(); } static LPCTSTR xmlapiGetAttrName(HXML _n, int i) { return XMLNode(_n).getAttributeName(i); } static HXML xmlapiGetChild(HXML _n, int i) { return XMLNode(_n).getChildNode(i); } static HXML xmlapiGetChildByAttrValue(HXML _n, LPCTSTR name, LPCTSTR attrName, LPCTSTR attrValue) { return XMLNode(_n).getChildNodeWithAttribute(name, attrName, attrValue); } static int xmlapiGetChildCount(HXML _n) { return XMLNode(_n).nChildNode(); } static HXML xmlapiGetFirstChild(HXML _n) { return XMLNode(_n).getChildNode(0); } static HXML xmlapiGetNthChild(HXML _n, LPCTSTR name, int i) { return XMLNode(_n).getChildNode(name, i); } static HXML xmlapiGetNextChild(HXML _n, LPCTSTR name, int* i) { return XMLNode(_n).getChildNode(name, i); } static HXML xmlapiGetNextNode(HXML _n) { return XMLNode(_n).getNextNode(); } static HXML xmlapiGetChildByPath(HXML _n, LPCTSTR path, char createNodeIfMissing) { return XMLNode(_n).getChildNodeByPath(path, createNodeIfMissing); } static LPCTSTR xmlapiGetName(HXML _n) { return XMLNode(_n).getName(); } static HXML xmlapiGetParent(HXML _n) { return XMLNode(_n).getParentNode(); } static LPCTSTR xmlapiGetText(HXML _n) { return XMLNode(_n).getInnerText(); } static LPCTSTR xmlapiGetAttrValue(HXML _n, LPCTSTR attrName) { return XMLNode(_n).getAttribute(attrName); } static void xmlapiSetText(HXML _n, LPCTSTR _text) { XMLNode(_n).updateText(_text); } static LPTSTR xmlapiToString(HXML _n, int* datalen) { return XMLNode(_n).createXMLString(0, datalen); } static void xmlapiAddAttr(HXML _n, LPCTSTR attrName, LPCTSTR attrValue) { if (attrName != NULL && attrValue != NULL) XMLNode(_n).addAttribute(attrName, attrValue); } static void xmlapiAddAttrInt(HXML _n, LPCTSTR attrName, int attrValue) { TCHAR buf[40]; _itot(attrValue, buf, 10); XMLNode(_n).addAttribute(attrName, buf); } static void xmlapiFree(void* p) { free(p); } // XML API v2 methods static int xmlapiGetTextCount(HXML _n) { return XMLNode(_n).nText(); } static LPCTSTR xmlapiGetTextByIndex(HXML _n, int i) { return XMLNode(_n).getText(i); } static void xmlapiSetTextByIndex(HXML _n, int i, LPCTSTR value) { XMLNode(_n).updateText(value, i); } static void xmlapiAddText(HXML _n, LPCTSTR value, XML_ELEMENT_POS pos) { XMLNode(_n).addText(value, (XMLElementPosition)pos); } static LPTSTR xmlapiToStringWithFormatting(HXML _n, int* datalen) { return XMLNode(_n).createXMLString(1, datalen); } static int xmlapiGetClearCount(HXML _n) { return XMLNode(_n).nClear(); } static LPCTSTR xmlapiGetClear(HXML _n, int i, LPCTSTR *openTag, LPCTSTR *closeTag) { XMLClear c = XMLNode(_n).getClear(i); if (openTag) *openTag = c.lpszOpenTag; if (closeTag) *closeTag = c.lpszCloseTag; return c.lpszValue; } static void xmlapiAddClear(HXML _n, LPCTSTR lpszValue, LPCTSTR openTag, LPCTSTR closeTag, XML_ELEMENT_POS pos) { XMLNode(_n).addClear(lpszValue, openTag, closeTag, (XMLElementPosition)pos); } static void xmlapiSetClear(HXML _n, int i, LPCTSTR lpszValue) { XMLNode(_n).updateClear(lpszValue, i); } static int xmlapiGetElement(HXML _n, XML_ELEMENT_POS pos, XML_ELEMENT_TYPE *type, HXML *child, LPCTSTR *value, LPCTSTR *name, LPCTSTR *openTag, LPCTSTR *closeTag) { // reset all values if (child) *child = NULL; if (value) *value = NULL; if (name) *name = NULL; if (openTag) *openTag = NULL; if (closeTag) *closeTag = NULL; if ( !type || pos >= XMLNode(_n).nElement()) return false; XMLNodeContents c(XMLNode(_n).enumContents((XMLElementPosition)pos)); switch (c.etype) { case eNodeChild: { *type = XML_ELEM_TYPE_CHILD; if (child) *child = c.child; } break; case eNodeAttribute: { *type = XML_ELEM_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE; if (name) *name = c.attrib.lpszName; if (value) *value = c.attrib.lpszValue; } break; case eNodeText: { *type = XML_ELEM_TYPE_TEXT; if (value) *value = c.text; } break; case eNodeClear: { *type = XML_ELEM_TYPE_CLEAR; if (value) *value = c.clear.lpszValue; if (openTag) *openTag = c.clear.lpszOpenTag; if (closeTag) *closeTag = c.clear.lpszCloseTag; } break; case eNodeNULL: { return false; } break; } return true; } static int xmlapiGetElementCount(HXML _n) { return XMLNode(_n).nElement(); } static char xmlapiIsDeclaration(HXML _n) { return XMLNode(_n).isDeclaration(); } static HXML xmlapiDeepCopy(HXML _n) { return XMLNode(_n).deepCopy().detach(); } static HXML xmlapiAddChildEx(HXML _n, LPCTSTR name, char isDeclaration, XML_ELEMENT_POS pos) { return XMLNode(_n).addChild(name, isDeclaration, (XMLElementPosition)pos); } static void xmlapiAddChildEx2(HXML _n, HXML parent, XML_ELEMENT_POS pos) { XMLNode(_n).addChild(parent, (XMLElementPosition)pos); } static void xmlapiSetAttrByIndex(HXML _n, int i, LPCTSTR value) { XMLNode(_n).updateAttribute(value, NULL, i); } static void xmlapiSetAttrByName(HXML _n, LPCTSTR name, LPCTSTR value) { XMLNode(_n).updateAttribute(value, NULL, name); } static void xmlapiDeleteNodeContent(HXML _n) { XMLNode(_n).deleteNodeContent(); } static void xmlapiDeleteAttrByIndex(HXML _n, int i) { XMLNode(_n).deleteAttribute(i); } static void xmlapiDeleteAttrByName(HXML _n, LPCTSTR name) { XMLNode(_n).deleteAttribute(name); } static void xmlapiDeleteText(HXML _n, int i) { XMLNode(_n).deleteText(i); } static void xmlapiDeleteClear(HXML _n, int i) { XMLNode(_n).deleteClear(i); } static XML_ELEMENT_POS xmlapiPositionOfText(HXML _n, int i) { return (XML_ELEMENT_POS)XMLNode(_n).positionOfText(i); } static XML_ELEMENT_POS xmlapiPositionOfClear(HXML _n, int i) { return (XML_ELEMENT_POS)XMLNode(_n).positionOfClear(i); } static XML_ELEMENT_POS xmlapiPositionOfChildByIndex(HXML _n, int i) { return (XML_ELEMENT_POS)XMLNode(_n).positionOfChildNode(i); } static XML_ELEMENT_POS xmlapiPositionOfChildByNode(HXML _n, HXML child) { return (XML_ELEMENT_POS)XMLNode(_n).positionOfChildNode(child); } static XML_ELEMENT_POS xmlapiPositionOfChildByName(HXML _n, LPCTSTR name, int i) { return (XML_ELEMENT_POS)XMLNode(_n).positionOfChildNode(name, i); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static INT_PTR GetXmlApi(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { XML_API* xi = (XML_API*)lParam; if (xi == NULL) return FALSE; if (xi->cbSize != XML_API_SIZEOF_V1 && xi->cbSize != sizeof(XML_API)) return FALSE; xi->createNode = xmlapiCreateNode; xi->destroyNode = xmlapiDestroyNode; xi->parseString = xmlapiParseString; xi->toString = xmlapiToString; xi->freeMem = xmlapiFree; xi->addChild = xmlapiAddChild; xi->addChild2 = xmlapiAddChild2; xi->copyNode = xmlapiCopyNode; xi->getChild = xmlapiGetChild; xi->getChildByAttrValue = xmlapiGetChildByAttrValue; xi->getChildCount = xmlapiGetChildCount; xi->getFirstChild = xmlapiGetFirstChild; xi->getNthChild = xmlapiGetNthChild; xi->getNextChild = xmlapiGetNextChild; xi->getNextNode = xmlapiGetNextNode; xi->getChildByPath = xmlapiGetChildByPath; xi->getName = xmlapiGetName; xi->getParent = xmlapiGetParent; xi->getText = xmlapiGetText; xi->setText = xmlapiSetText; xi->getAttr = xmlapiGetAttr; xi->getAttrCount = xmlapiGetAttrCount; xi->getAttrName = xmlapiGetAttrName; xi->getAttrValue = xmlapiGetAttrValue; xi->addAttr = xmlapiAddAttr; xi->addAttrInt = xmlapiAddAttrInt; if (xi->cbSize > XML_API_SIZEOF_V1) { xi->isDeclaration = xmlapiIsDeclaration; xi->toStringWithFormatting = xmlapiToStringWithFormatting; xi->deepCopy = xmlapiDeepCopy; xi->setAttrByIndex = xmlapiSetAttrByIndex; xi->setAttrByName = xmlapiSetAttrByName; xi->addChildEx = xmlapiAddChildEx; xi->addChildEx2 = xmlapiAddChildEx2; xi->getTextCount = xmlapiGetTextCount; xi->getTextByIndex = xmlapiGetTextByIndex; xi->addText = xmlapiAddText; xi->setTextByIndex = xmlapiSetTextByIndex; xi->getClearCount = xmlapiGetClearCount; xi->getClear = xmlapiGetClear; xi->addClear = xmlapiAddClear; xi->setClear = xmlapiSetClear; xi->getElementCount = xmlapiGetElementCount; xi->getElement = xmlapiGetElement; xi->deleteNodeContent = xmlapiDeleteNodeContent; xi->deleteAttrByIndex = xmlapiDeleteAttrByIndex; xi->deleteAttrByName = xmlapiDeleteAttrByName; xi->deleteText = xmlapiDeleteText; xi->deleteClear = xmlapiDeleteClear; xi->positionOfChildByIndex = xmlapiPositionOfChildByIndex; xi->positionOfChildByNode = xmlapiPositionOfChildByNode; xi->positionOfChildByName = xmlapiPositionOfChildByName; xi->positionOfText = xmlapiPositionOfText; xi->positionOfClear = xmlapiPositionOfClear; } return TRUE; } void InitXmlApi(void) { CreateServiceFunction(MS_SYSTEM_GET_XI, GetXmlApi); }