XML.c - implementation file for basic XML parser written in ANSI C++
* for portability. It works by using recursion and a node tree for breaking
* down the elements of an XML document.
* @version V2.43
* @author Frank Vanden Berghen
* If you add "#define STRICT_PARSING", on the first line of this file
* the parser will see the following XML-stream:
* some textother text
* as an error. Otherwise, this tring will be equivalent to:
* some textother text
* If you add "#define APPROXIMATE_PARSING" on the first line of this file
* the parser will see the following XML-stream:
* as equivalent to the following XML-stream:
* This can be useful for badly-formed XML-streams but prevent the use
* of the following XML-stream (problem is: tags at contiguous levels
* have the same names):
* If you add "#define _XMLPARSER_NO_MESSAGEBOX_" on the first line of this file
* the "openFileHelper" function will always display error messages inside the
* console instead of inside a message-box-window. Message-box-windows are
* available on windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/Vista only.
* Copyright (c) 2002, Business-Insight
* Business-Insight
* All rights reserved.
* See the file "AFPL-license.txt" about the licensing terms
#include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h"
#include "xmlParser.h"
XMLCSTR XMLNode::getVersion() { return _CXML("v2.43"); }
void freeXMLString(XMLSTR t) {if(t)free(t);}
static XMLNode::XMLCharEncoding characterEncoding = XMLNode::char_encoding_UTF8;
static char guessWideCharChars = 1, dropWhiteSpace = 1, removeCommentsInMiddleOfText = 1;
inline int mmin(const int t1, const int t2) { return t1 < t2 ? t1 : t2; }
// You can modify the initialization of the variable "XMLClearTags" below
// to change the clearTags that are currently recognized by the library.
// The number on the second columns is the length of the string inside the
// first column.
// The "") },
{ _CXML("") },
{ _CXML("") },
{ _CXML("") , 5, _CXML("
") },
// { _CXML("")},
{ NULL , 0, NULL }
// You can modify the initialization of the variable "XMLEntities" below
// to change the character entities that are currently recognized by the library.
// The number on the second columns is the length of the string inside the
// first column. Additionally, the syntaxes " " and " " are recognized.
typedef struct { XMLCSTR s; int l; XMLCHAR c;} XMLCharacterEntity;
static XMLCharacterEntity XMLEntities[] =
{ _CXML("&"), 5, _CXML('&')},
{ _CXML("<"), 4, _CXML('<')},
{ _CXML(">"), 4, _CXML('>')},
{ _CXML("""), 6, _CXML('\"')},
{ _CXML("'"), 6, _CXML('\'')},
{ NULL , 0, '\0' }
// When rendering the XMLNode to a string (using the "createXMLString" function),
// you can ask for a beautiful formatting. This formatting is using the
// following indentation character:
#define INDENTCHAR _CXML('\t')
// The following function parses the XML errors into a user friendly string.
// You can edit this to change the output language of the library to something else.
XMLCSTR XMLNode::getError(XMLError xerror)
switch (xerror)
case eXMLErrorNone: return _CXML("No error");
case eXMLErrorMissingEndTag: return _CXML("Warning: Unmatched end tag");
case eXMLErrorNoXMLTagFound: return _CXML("Warning: No XML tag found");
case eXMLErrorEmpty: return _CXML("Error: No XML data");
case eXMLErrorMissingTagName: return _CXML("Error: Missing start tag name");
case eXMLErrorMissingEndTagName: return _CXML("Error: Missing end tag name");
case eXMLErrorUnmatchedEndTag: return _CXML("Error: Unmatched end tag");
case eXMLErrorUnmatchedEndClearTag: return _CXML("Error: Unmatched clear tag end");
case eXMLErrorUnexpectedToken: return _CXML("Error: Unexpected token found");
case eXMLErrorNoElements: return _CXML("Error: No elements found");
case eXMLErrorFileNotFound: return _CXML("Error: File not found");
case eXMLErrorFirstTagNotFound: return _CXML("Error: First Tag not found");
case eXMLErrorUnknownCharacterEntity:return _CXML("Error: Unknown character entity");
case eXMLErrorCharacterCodeAbove255: return _CXML("Error: Character code above 255 is forbidden in MultiByte char mode.");
case eXMLErrorCharConversionError: return _CXML("Error: unable to convert between WideChar and MultiByte chars");
case eXMLErrorCannotOpenWriteFile: return _CXML("Error: unable to open file for writing");
case eXMLErrorCannotWriteFile: return _CXML("Error: cannot write into file");
case eXMLErrorBase64DataSizeIsNotMultipleOf4: return _CXML("Warning: Base64-string length is not a multiple of 4");
case eXMLErrorBase64DecodeTruncatedData: return _CXML("Warning: Base64-string is truncated");
case eXMLErrorBase64DecodeIllegalCharacter: return _CXML("Error: Base64-string contains an illegal character");
case eXMLErrorBase64DecodeBufferTooSmall: return _CXML("Error: Base64 decode output buffer is too small");
return _CXML("Unknown");
// Here start the abstraction layer to be OS-independent //
// Here is an abstraction layer to access some common string manipulation functions.
// The abstraction layer is currently working for gcc, Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0,
// Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, CC (sun compiler) and Borland C++.
// If you plan to "port" the library to a new system/compiler, all you have to do is
// to edit the following lines.
char myIsTextWideChar(const void *b, int len) { return FALSE; }
#if defined (UNDER_CE) || !defined(_XMLWINDOWS)
char myIsTextWideChar(const void *b, int len) // inspired by the Wine API: RtlIsTextUnicode
#ifdef sun
// for SPARC processors: wchar_t* buffers must always be alligned, otherwise it's a char* buffer.
if ((((unsigned long)b)%sizeof(wchar_t)) != 0) return FALSE;
const wchar_t *s = (const wchar_t*)b;
// buffer too small:
if (lenlen/2) return TRUE;
// Check for UNICODE NULL chars
for (i=0; i
static inline int xstrnicmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return wsncasecmp(c1, c2, l);}
static inline int xstrncmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return wsncmp(c1, c2, l);}
static inline int xstricmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return wscasecmp(c1, c2); }
static inline int xstrncmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return wcsncmp(c1, c2, l);}
#ifdef __linux__
// for gcc/linux
static inline int xstrnicmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return wcsncasecmp(c1, c2, l);}
static inline int xstricmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return wcscasecmp(c1, c2); }
// for gcc/non-linux (MacOS X 10.3, FreeBSD 6.0, NetBSD 3.0, OpenBSD 3.8, AIX 4.3.2, HP-UX 11, IRIX 6.5, OSF/1 5.1, Cygwin, mingw)
static inline int xstricmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2)
wchar_t left, right;
left = towlower(*c1++); right = towlower(*c2++);
} while (left&&(left == right));
return (int)left-(int)right;
static inline int xstrnicmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l)
wchar_t left, right;
while (l--)
left = towlower(*c1++); right = towlower(*c2++);
if ((!left) || (left != right)) return (int)left-(int)right;
return 0;
static inline XMLSTR xstrstr(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return (XMLSTR)wcsstr(c1, c2); }
static inline XMLSTR xstrcpy(XMLSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return (XMLSTR)wcscpy(c1, c2); }
static inline FILE *xfopen(XMLCSTR filename, XMLCSTR mode)
char *filenameAscii = myWideCharToMultiByte(filename);
FILE *f;
if (mode[0] == _CXML('r')) f = fopen(filenameAscii, "rb");
else f = fopen(filenameAscii, "wb");
return f;
static inline FILE *xfopen(XMLCSTR filename, XMLCSTR mode) { return fopen(filename, mode); }
static inline int xstrlen(XMLCSTR c) { return strlen(c); }
static inline int xstrnicmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return strncasecmp(c1, c2, l);}
static inline int xstrncmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return strncmp(c1, c2, l);}
static inline int xstricmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return strcasecmp(c1, c2); }
static inline XMLSTR xstrstr(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return (XMLSTR)strstr(c1, c2); }
static inline XMLSTR xstrcpy(XMLSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return (XMLSTR)strcpy(c1, c2); }
static inline int _strnicmp(const char *c1, const char *c2, int l) { return strncasecmp(c1, c2, l);}
// the "xmltoc, xmltob, xmltoi, xmltol, xmltof, xmltoa" functions //
// These 6 functions are not used inside the XMLparser.
// There are only here as "convenience" functions for the user.
// If you don't need them, you can delete them without any trouble.
// for Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET and Borland C++ Builder 6.0
char xmltob(XMLCSTR t, char v) { if (t&&(*t)) return (char)_wtoi(t); return v; }
int xmltoi(XMLCSTR t, int v) { if (t&&(*t)) return _wtoi(t); return v; }
long xmltol(XMLCSTR t, long v) { if (t&&(*t)) return _wtol(t); return v; }
double xmltof(XMLCSTR t, double v) { if (t&&(*t)) swscanf(t, L"%lf", &v); /*v = _wtof(t);*/ return v; }
#ifdef sun
// for CC
char xmltob(XMLCSTR t, char v) { if (t) return (char)wstol(t, NULL, 10); return v; }
int xmltoi(XMLCSTR t, int v) { if (t) return (int)wstol(t, NULL, 10); return v; }
long xmltol(XMLCSTR t, long v) { if (t) return wstol(t, NULL, 10); return v; }
// for gcc
char xmltob(XMLCSTR t, char v) { if (t) return (char)wcstol(t, NULL, 10); return v; }
int xmltoi(XMLCSTR t, int v) { if (t) return (int)wcstol(t, NULL, 10); return v; }
long xmltol(XMLCSTR t, long v) { if (t) return wcstol(t, NULL, 10); return v; }
double xmltof(XMLCSTR t, double v) { if (t&&(*t)) swscanf(t, L"%lf", &v); /*v = _wtof(t);*/ return v; }
char xmltob(XMLCSTR t, char v) { if (t&&(*t)) return (char)atoi(t); return v; }
int xmltoi(XMLCSTR t, int v) { if (t&&(*t)) return atoi(t); return v; }
long xmltol(XMLCSTR t, long v) { if (t&&(*t)) return atol(t); return v; }
double xmltof(XMLCSTR t, double v) { if (t&&(*t)) return atof(t); return v; }
XMLCSTR xmltoa(XMLCSTR t, XMLCSTR v) { if (t) return t; return v; }
XMLCHAR xmltoc(XMLCSTR t, const XMLCHAR v) { if (t&&(*t)) return *t; return v; }
// the "openFileHelper" function //
// Since each application has its own way to report and deal with errors, you should modify & rewrite
// the following "openFileHelper" function to get an "error reporting mechanism" tailored to your needs.
XMLNode XMLNode::openFileHelper(XMLCSTR filename, XMLCSTR tag)
// guess the value of the global parameter "characterEncoding"
// (the guess is based on the first 200 bytes of the file).
FILE *f = xfopen(filename, _CXML("rb"));
if (f)
char bb[205];
int l = (int)fread(bb, 1, 200, f);
setGlobalOptions(guessCharEncoding(bb, l), guessWideCharChars, dropWhiteSpace, removeCommentsInMiddleOfText);
// parse the file
XMLResults pResults;
XMLNode xnode = XMLNode::parseFile(filename, tag, &pResults);
// display error message (if any)
if (pResults.error != eXMLErrorNone)
// create message
char message[2000], *s1 = (char*)"", *s3 = (char*)""; XMLCSTR s2 = _CXML("");
if (pResults.error == eXMLErrorFirstTagNotFound) { s1 = (char*)"First Tag should be '"; s2 = tag; s3 = (char*)"'.\n"; }
mir_snprintf(message, SIZEOF(message),
"XML Parsing error inside file '%S'.\n%S\nAt line %i, column %i.\n%s%S%s"
"XML Parsing error inside file '%s'.\n%s\nAt line %i, column %i.\n%s%s%s"
, filename, XMLNode::getError(pResults.error), pResults.nLine, pResults.nColumn, s1, s2, s3);
// display message
#if defined(_XMLWINDOWS) && !defined(UNDER_CE) && !defined(_XMLPARSER_NO_MESSAGEBOX_)
MessageBoxA(NULL, message, "XML Parsing error", MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR|MB_TOPMOST);
printf("%s", message);
return xnode;
// Here start the core implementation of the XMLParser library //
// You should normally not change anything below this point.
// If "characterEncoding = ascii" then we assume that all characters have the same length of 1 byte.
// If "characterEncoding = UTF8" then the characters have different lengths (from 1 byte to 4 bytes).
// If "characterEncoding = ShiftJIS" then the characters have different lengths (from 1 byte to 2 bytes).
// This table is used as lookup-table to know the length of a character (in byte) based on the
// content of the first byte of the character.
// (note: if you modify this, you must always have XML_utf8ByteTable[0] = 0).
static const char XML_utf8ByteTable[256] =
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x00
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x10
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x20
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x30
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x40
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x50
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x60
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x70 End of ASCII range
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x80 0x80 to 0xc1 invalid
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x90
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0xa0
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0xb0
1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xc0 0xc2 to 0xdf 2 byte
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xd0
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, // 0xe0 0xe0 to 0xef 3 byte
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 // 0xf0 0xf0 to 0xf4 4 byte, 0xf5 and higher invalid
static const char XML_legacyByteTable[256] =
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
static const char XML_sjisByteTable[256] =
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x00
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x10
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x20
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x30
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x40
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x50
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x60
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x70
1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0x80 0x81 to 0x9F 2 bytes
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0x90
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0xa0
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0xb0
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0xc0
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0xd0
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xe0 0xe0 to 0xef 2 bytes
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 // 0xf0
static const char XML_gb2312ByteTable[256] =
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x00
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x10
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x20
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x30
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x40
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x50
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x60
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x70
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x80
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x90
1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xa0 0xa1 to 0xf7 2 bytes
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xb0
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xc0
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xd0
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xe0
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 // 0xf0
static const char XML_gbk_big5_ByteTable[256] =
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x00
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x10
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x20
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x30
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x40
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x50
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x60
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x70
1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0x80 0x81 to 0xfe 2 bytes
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0x90
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xa0
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xb0
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xc0
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xd0
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xe0
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1 // 0xf0
static const char *XML_ByteTable = (const char *)XML_utf8ByteTable; // the default is "characterEncoding = XMLNode::encoding_UTF8"
XMLNode XMLNode::emptyXMLNode;
XMLClear XMLNode::emptyXMLClear = { NULL, NULL, NULL};
XMLAttribute XMLNode::emptyXMLAttribute = { NULL, NULL};
// Enumeration used to decipher what type a token is
typedef enum XMLTokenTypeTag
eTokenText = 0,
eTokenTagStart, /* "<" */
eTokenTagEnd, /* "" */
eTokenCloseTag, /* ">" */
eTokenEquals, /* " = " */
eTokenDeclaration, /* "" */
eTokenShortHandClose, /* "/>" */
} XMLTokenType;
// Main structure used for parsing XML
typedef struct XML
XMLCSTR lpszText;
int nIndex, nIndexMissigEndTag;
enum XMLError error;
int cbEndTag;
XMLCSTR lpNewElement;
int cbNewElement;
int nFirst;
} XML;
typedef struct
ALLXMLClearTag *pClr;
} NextToken;
// Enumeration used when parsing attributes
typedef enum Attrib
eAttribName = 0,
} Attrib;
// Enumeration used when parsing elements to dictate whether we are currently
// inside a tag
typedef enum XMLStatus
eInsideTag = 0,
} XMLStatus;
XMLError XMLNode::writeToFile(XMLCSTR filename, const char *encoding, char nFormat) const
if (!d) return eXMLErrorNone;
FILE *f = xfopen(filename, _CXML("wb"));
if (!f) return eXMLErrorCannotOpenWriteFile;
unsigned char h[2] = { 0xFF, 0xFE };
if (!fwrite(h, 2, 1, f))
return eXMLErrorCannotWriteFile;
if ((!isDeclaration())&&((d->lpszName) || (!getChildNode().isDeclaration())))
if ( fputws(L"\n", f) == EOF)
return eXMLErrorCannotWriteFile;
if ((!isDeclaration())&&((d->lpszName) || (!getChildNode().isDeclaration())))
if (characterEncoding == char_encoding_UTF8)
// header so that windows recognize the file as UTF-8:
unsigned char h[3] = {0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF};
if (!fwrite(h, 3, 1, f))
return eXMLErrorCannotWriteFile;
encoding = "utf-8";
} else if (characterEncoding == char_encoding_ShiftJIS) encoding = "SHIFT-JIS";
if (!encoding) encoding = "ISO-8859-1";
if (fprintf(f, "\n", encoding)<0)
return eXMLErrorCannotWriteFile;
} else
if (characterEncoding == char_encoding_UTF8)
unsigned char h[3] = {0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF};
if (!fwrite(h, 3, 1, f))
return eXMLErrorCannotWriteFile;
int i;
XMLSTR t = createXMLString(nFormat, &i);
if (!fwrite(t, sizeof(XMLCHAR)*i, 1, f))
return eXMLErrorCannotWriteFile;
if (fclose(f) != 0)
return eXMLErrorCannotWriteFile;
return eXMLErrorNone;
// Duplicate a given string.
XMLSTR stringDup(XMLCSTR lpszData, int cbData)
if (lpszData == NULL) return NULL;
XMLSTR lpszNew;
if (cbData == -1) cbData = (int)xstrlen(lpszData);
lpszNew = (XMLSTR)malloc((cbData+1) * sizeof(XMLCHAR));
if (lpszNew)
memcpy(lpszNew, lpszData, (cbData) * sizeof(XMLCHAR));
lpszNew[cbData] = (XMLCHAR)NULL;
return lpszNew;
XMLSTR ToXMLStringTool::toXMLUnSafe(XMLSTR dest, XMLCSTR source)
XMLSTR dd = dest;
XMLCharacterEntity *entity;
while ((ch = *source))
entity = XMLEntities;
if (ch == entity->c) {xstrcpy(dest, entity->s); dest+=entity->l; source++; goto out_of_loop1; }
} while (entity->s);
*(dest++) = *(source++);
switch(XML_ByteTable[(unsigned char)ch])
case 4: *(dest++) = *(source++);
case 3: *(dest++) = *(source++);
case 2: *(dest++) = *(source++);
case 1: *(dest++) = *(source++);
*dest = 0;
return dd;
// private (used while rendering):
int ToXMLStringTool::lengthXMLString(XMLCSTR source)
int r = 0;
XMLCharacterEntity *entity;
while ((ch = *source))
entity = XMLEntities;
if (ch == entity->c) { r+=entity->l; source++; goto out_of_loop1; }
} while (entity->s);
r++; source++;
ch = XML_ByteTable[(unsigned char)ch]; r+=ch; source+=ch;
return r;
ToXMLStringTool::~ToXMLStringTool() { freeBuffer(); }
void ToXMLStringTool::freeBuffer() { if (buf) free(buf); buf = NULL; buflen = 0; }
XMLSTR ToXMLStringTool::toXML(XMLCSTR source)
if (!source)
if (buflen<1) { buflen = 1; buf = (XMLSTR)malloc(sizeof(XMLCHAR)); }
*buf = 0;
return buf;
int l = lengthXMLString(source)+1;
if (l>buflen) { freeBuffer(); buflen = l; buf = (XMLSTR)malloc(l*sizeof(XMLCHAR)); }
return toXMLUnSafe(buf, source);
// private:
XMLSTR fromXMLString(XMLCSTR s, int lo, XML *pXML)
// This function is the opposite of the function "toXMLString". It decodes the escape
// sequences &, ", ', <, > and replace them by the characters
// &, ", ', <, >. This function is used internally by the XML Parser. All the calls to
// the XML library will always gives you back "decoded" strings.
// in: string (s) and length (lo) of string
// out: new allocated string converted from xml
if (!s) return NULL;
int ll = 0, j;
XMLCSTR ss = s;
XMLCharacterEntity *entity;
while ((lo>0)&&(*s))
if (*s == _CXML('&'))
if ((lo>2)&&(s[1] == _CXML('#')))
s+=2; lo-=2;
if ((*s == _CXML('X')) || (*s == _CXML('x'))) { s++; lo--; }
while ((*s)&&(*s != _CXML(';'))&&((lo--)>0)) s++;
if (*s != _CXML(';'))
pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnknownCharacterEntity;
return NULL;
s++; lo--;
} else
entity = XMLEntities;
if ((lo>=entity->l)&&(xstrnicmp(s, entity->s, entity->l) == 0)) { s+=entity->l; lo-=entity->l; break; }
} while (entity->s);
if (!entity->s)
pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnknownCharacterEntity;
return NULL;
} else
s++; lo--;
j = XML_ByteTable[(unsigned char)*s]; s+=j; lo-=j; ll+=j-1;
d = (XMLSTR)malloc((ll+1)*sizeof(XMLCHAR));
s = d;
while (ll-->0)
if (*ss == _CXML('&'))
if (ss[1] == _CXML('#'))
ss+=2; j = 0;
if ((*ss == _CXML('X')) || (*ss == _CXML('x')))
while (*ss != _CXML(';'))
if ((*ss>=_CXML('0'))&&(*ss <= _CXML('9'))) j = (j<<4)+*ss-_CXML('0');
else if ((*ss>=_CXML('A'))&&(*ss <= _CXML('F'))) j = (j<<4)+*ss-_CXML('A')+10;
else if ((*ss>=_CXML('a'))&&(*ss <= _CXML('f'))) j = (j<<4)+*ss-_CXML('a')+10;
else { free((void*)s); pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnknownCharacterEntity;return NULL;}
} else
while (*ss != _CXML(';'))
if ((*ss>=_CXML('0'))&&(*ss <= _CXML('9'))) j = (j*10)+*ss-_CXML('0');
else { free((void*)s); pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnknownCharacterEntity;return NULL;}
if (j>255) { free((void*)s); pXML->error = eXMLErrorCharacterCodeAbove255;return NULL;}
(*d++) = (XMLCHAR)j; ss++;
} else
entity = XMLEntities;
if (xstrnicmp(ss, entity->s, entity->l) == 0) { *(d++) = entity->c; ss+=entity->l; break; }
} while (entity->s);
} else
*(d++) = *(ss++);
switch(XML_ByteTable[(unsigned char)*ss])
case 4: *(d++) = *(ss++); ll--;
case 3: *(d++) = *(ss++); ll--;
case 2: *(d++) = *(ss++); ll--;
case 1: *(d++) = *(ss++);
*d = 0;
if (characterEncoding != XMLNode::char_encoding_legacy)
Utf8Decode((XMLSTR)s, NULL);
return (XMLSTR)s;
#define XML_isSPACECHAR(ch) ((ch == _CXML('\n')) || (ch == _CXML(' ')) || (ch == _CXML('\t')) || (ch == _CXML('\r')))
// private:
char myTagCompare(XMLCSTR cclose, XMLCSTR copen)
// !!!! WARNING strange convention&:
// return 0 if equals
// return 1 if different
if (!cclose) return 1;
int l = (int)xstrlen(cclose);
if (xstrnicmp(cclose, copen, l) != 0) return 1;
const XMLCHAR c = copen[l];
if (XML_isSPACECHAR(c) ||
(c == _CXML('/')) ||
(c == _CXML('<')) ||
(c == _CXML('>')) ||
(c == _CXML('='))) return 0;
return 1;
// Obtain the next character from the string.
static inline XMLCHAR getNextChar(XML *pXML)
XMLCHAR ch = pXML->lpXML[pXML->nIndex];
if (ch != 0) pXML->nIndex++;
pXML->nIndex+=XML_ByteTable[(unsigned char)ch];
return ch;
// Find the next token in a string.
// pcbToken contains the number of characters that have been read.
static NextToken GetNextToken(XML *pXML, int *pcbToken, enum XMLTokenTypeTag *pType)
NextToken result;
int indexStart, nFoundMatch, nIsText = FALSE;
result.pClr = NULL; // prevent warning
// Find next non-white space character
do { indexStart = pXML->nIndex; ch = getNextChar(pXML); } while XML_isSPACECHAR(ch);
if (ch)
// Cache the current string pointer
result.pStr = &pXML->lpXML[indexStart];
// check for standard tokens
// Check for quotes
case _CXML('\''):
case _CXML('\"'):
// Type of token
*pType = eTokenQuotedText;
chTemp = ch;
// Set the size
nFoundMatch = FALSE;
// Search through the string to find a matching quote
while ((ch = getNextChar(pXML)))
if (ch == chTemp) { nFoundMatch = TRUE; break; }
if (ch == _CXML('<')) break;
// If we failed to find a matching quote
if (nFoundMatch == FALSE)
pXML->nIndex = indexStart+1;
nIsText = TRUE;
// 4.02.2002
// if (FindNonWhiteSpace(pXML)) pXML->nIndex--;
// Equals (used with attribute values)
case _CXML('='):
*pType = eTokenEquals;
// Close tag
case _CXML('>'):
*pType = eTokenCloseTag;
// Check for tag start and tag end
case _CXML('<'):
// First check whether the token is in the clear tag list (meaning it
// does not need formatting).
ALLXMLClearTag *ctag = XMLClearTags;
if (!xstrncmp(ctag->lpszOpen, result.pStr, ctag->openTagLen))
result.pClr = ctag;
*pType = eTokenClear;
return result;
} while (ctag->lpszOpen);
// Peek at the next character to see if we have an end tag '',
// or an xml declaration ''
chTemp = pXML->lpXML[pXML->nIndex];
// If we have a tag end...
if (chTemp == _CXML('/'))
// Set the type and ensure we point at the next character
*pType = eTokenTagEnd;
// If we have an XML declaration tag
else if (chTemp == _CXML('?'))
// Set the type and ensure we point at the next character
*pType = eTokenDeclaration;
// Otherwise we must have a start tag
*pType = eTokenTagStart;
// Check to see if we have a short hand type end tag ('/>').
case _CXML('/'):
// Peek at the next character to see if we have a short end tag '/>'
chTemp = pXML->lpXML[pXML->nIndex];
// If we have a short hand end tag...
if (chTemp == _CXML('>'))
// Set the type and ensure we point at the next character
*pType = eTokenShortHandClose;
// If we haven't found a short hand closing tag then drop into the
// text process
// Other characters
nIsText = TRUE;
// If this is a TEXT node
if (nIsText)
// Indicate we are dealing with text
*pType = eTokenText;
while ((ch = getNextChar(pXML)))
indexStart++; break;
} else if (ch == _CXML('/'))
// If we find a slash then this maybe text or a short hand end tag
// Peek at the next character to see it we have short hand end tag
ch = pXML->lpXML[pXML->nIndex];
// If we found a short hand end tag then we need to exit the loop
if (ch == _CXML('>')) { pXML->nIndex--; break; }
} else if ((ch == _CXML('<')) || (ch == _CXML('>')) || (ch == _CXML('=')))
pXML->nIndex--; break;
*pcbToken = pXML->nIndex-indexStart;
} else
// If we failed to obtain a valid character
*pcbToken = 0;
*pType = eTokenError;
result.pStr = NULL;
return result;
XMLCSTR XMLNode::updateName_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszName)
if (!d) { free(lpszName); return NULL; }
if (d->lpszName&&(lpszName != d->lpszName)) free((void*)d->lpszName);
d->lpszName = lpszName;
return lpszName;
// private:
XMLNode::XMLNode(struct XMLNodeDataTag *p) { d = p; (p->ref_count)++; }
XMLNode::XMLNode(XMLNodeData *pParent, XMLSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration)
d = (XMLNodeData*)malloc(sizeof(XMLNodeData));
d->ref_count = 1;
d->lpszName = NULL;
d->nChild = 0;
d->nText = 0;
d->nClear = 0;
d->nAttribute = 0;
d->isDeclaration = isDeclaration;
d->pParent = pParent;
d->pChild = NULL;
d->pText = NULL;
d->pClear = NULL;
d->pAttribute = NULL;
d->pOrder = NULL;
d->pInnerText = NULL;
d->lpszNS = NULL;
if (lpszName && pParent && pParent->lpszName && !pParent->isDeclaration) {
TCHAR* p = _tcschr(lpszName, ':');
if (p) {
*p = 0;
d->lpszNS = d->lpszName;
d->lpszName = p+1;
XMLNode XMLNode::createXMLTopNode_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration) { return XMLNode(NULL, lpszName, isDeclaration); }
XMLNode XMLNode::createXMLTopNode(XMLCSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration) { return XMLNode(NULL, stringDup(lpszName), isDeclaration); }
static inline void myFree(void *p) { if (p) free(p); }
static inline void *myRealloc(void *p, int newsize, int memInc, int sizeofElem)
if (p == NULL) { if (memInc) return malloc(memInc*sizeofElem); return malloc(sizeofElem); }
if ((memInc == 0) || ((newsize%memInc) == 0)) p = realloc(p, (newsize+memInc)*sizeofElem);
// if (!p)
// {
// printf("XMLParser Error: Not enough memory! Aborting...\n"); exit(220);
// }
return p;
// private:
XMLElementPosition XMLNode::findPosition(XMLNodeData *d, int index, XMLElementType xxtype)
if (index<0) return -1;
int i=0, j = (int)((index<<2)+xxtype), *o = d->pOrder; while (o[i] != j) i++; return i;
// private:
// update "order" information when deleting a content of a XMLNode
int XMLNode::removeOrderElement(XMLNodeData *d, XMLElementType t, int index)
int n = d->nChild+d->nText+d->nClear, *o = d->pOrder, i = findPosition(d, index, t);
memmove(o+i, o+i+1, (n-i)*sizeof(int));
for (;ipOrder = (int)realloc(d->pOrder, n*sizeof(int));
// but we skip reallocation because it's too time consuming.
// Anyway, at the end, it will be free'd completely at once.
return i;
void *XMLNode::addToOrder(int memoryIncrease, int *_pos, int nc, void *p, int size, XMLElementType xtype)
// in: *_pos is the position inside d->pOrder ("-1" means "EndOf")
// out: *_pos is the index inside p
p = myRealloc(p, (nc+1), memoryIncrease, size);
int n = d->nChild+d->nText+d->nClear;
d->pOrder = (int*)myRealloc(d->pOrder, n+1, memoryIncrease*3, sizeof(int));
int pos = *_pos, *o = d->pOrder;
if ((pos<0) || (pos>=n)) { *_pos = nc; o[n] = (int)((nc<<2)+xtype); return p; }
int i = pos;
memmove(o+i+1, o+i, (n-i)*sizeof(int));
while ((pos>2;
memmove(((char*)p)+(pos+1)*size, ((char*)p)+pos*size, (nc-pos)*size);
return p;
// Add a child node to the given element.
XMLNode XMLNode::addChild_priv(int memoryIncrease, XMLSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration, int pos)
if (!lpszName) return emptyXMLNode;
d->pChild = (XMLNode*)addToOrder(memoryIncrease, &pos, d->nChild, d->pChild, sizeof(XMLNode), eNodeChild);
d->pChild[pos].d = NULL;
d->pChild[pos] = XMLNode(d, lpszName, isDeclaration);
return d->pChild[pos];
// Add an attribute to an element.
XMLAttribute *XMLNode::addAttribute_priv(int memoryIncrease, XMLSTR lpszName, XMLSTR lpszValuev)
if (!lpszName) return &emptyXMLAttribute;
if (!d) { myFree(lpszName); myFree(lpszValuev); return &emptyXMLAttribute; }
int nc = d->nAttribute;
d->pAttribute = (XMLAttribute*)myRealloc(d->pAttribute, (nc+1), memoryIncrease, sizeof(XMLAttribute));
XMLAttribute *pAttr = d->pAttribute+nc;
pAttr->lpszName = lpszName;
pAttr->lpszValue = lpszValuev;
TCHAR* p = _tcschr(lpszName, ':');
if (p)
if (!lstrcmp(p+1, d->lpszNS) || (d->pParent && !lstrcmp(p+1, d->pParent->lpszNS)))
*p = 0;
return pAttr;
// Add text to the element.
XMLCSTR XMLNode::addText_priv(int memoryIncrease, XMLSTR lpszValue, int pos)
if (!lpszValue) return NULL;
if (!d) { myFree(lpszValue); return NULL; }
d->pText = (XMLCSTR*)addToOrder(memoryIncrease, &pos, d->nText, d->pText, sizeof(XMLSTR), eNodeText);
d->pText[pos] = lpszValue;
return lpszValue;
// Add clear (unformatted) text to the element.
XMLClear *XMLNode::addClear_priv(int memoryIncrease, XMLSTR lpszValue, XMLCSTR lpszOpen, XMLCSTR lpszClose, int pos)
if (!lpszValue) return &emptyXMLClear;
if (!d) { myFree(lpszValue); return &emptyXMLClear; }
d->pClear = (XMLClear *)addToOrder(memoryIncrease, &pos, d->nClear, d->pClear, sizeof(XMLClear), eNodeClear);
XMLClear *pNewClear = d->pClear+pos;
pNewClear->lpszValue = lpszValue;
if (!lpszOpen) lpszOpen = XMLClearTags->lpszOpen;
if (!lpszClose) lpszClose = XMLClearTags->lpszClose;
pNewClear->lpszOpenTag = lpszOpen;
pNewClear->lpszCloseTag = lpszClose;
return pNewClear;
// private:
// Parse a clear (unformatted) type node.
char XMLNode::parseClearTag(void *px, void *_pClear)
XML *pXML = (XML *)px;
ALLXMLClearTag pClear = *((ALLXMLClearTag*)_pClear);
int cbTemp = 0;
XMLCSTR lpszTemp = NULL;
XMLCSTR lpXML = &pXML->lpXML[pXML->nIndex];
static XMLCSTR docTypeEnd = _CXML("]>");
// Find the closing tag
// Seems the ')) { lpszTemp = pCh; break; }
pCh+=XML_ByteTable[(unsigned char)(*pCh)];
} else lpszTemp = xstrstr(lpXML, pClear.lpszClose);
if (lpszTemp)
// Cache the size and increment the index
cbTemp = (int)(lpszTemp - lpXML);
pXML->nIndex += cbTemp+(int)xstrlen(pClear.lpszClose);
// Add the clear node to the current element
addClear_priv(MEMORYINCREASE, cbTemp?stringDup(lpXML, cbTemp):NULL, pClear.lpszOpen, pClear.lpszClose, -1);
return 0;
// If we failed to find the end tag
pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnmatchedEndClearTag;
return 1;
void XMLNode::exactMemory(XMLNodeData *d)
if (d->pOrder) d->pOrder = (int*)realloc(d->pOrder, (d->nChild+d->nText+d->nClear)*sizeof(int));
if (d->pChild) d->pChild = (XMLNode*)realloc(d->pChild, d->nChild*sizeof(XMLNode));
if (d->pAttribute) d->pAttribute = (XMLAttribute*)realloc(d->pAttribute, d->nAttribute*sizeof(XMLAttribute));
if (d->pText) d->pText = (XMLCSTR*)realloc(d->pText, d->nText*sizeof(XMLSTR));
if (d->pClear) d->pClear = (XMLClear *)realloc(d->pClear, d->nClear*sizeof(XMLClear));
char XMLNode::maybeAddTxT(void *pa, XMLCSTR tokenPStr)
XML *pXML = (XML *)pa;
XMLCSTR lpszText = pXML->lpszText;
if (!lpszText) return 0;
if (dropWhiteSpace) while (XML_isSPACECHAR(*lpszText)&&(lpszText != tokenPStr)) lpszText++;
int cbText = (int)(tokenPStr - lpszText);
if (!cbText) { pXML->lpszText = NULL; return 0; }
if (dropWhiteSpace) { cbText--; while ((cbText)&&XML_isSPACECHAR(lpszText[cbText])) cbText--; cbText++; }
if (!cbText) { pXML->lpszText = NULL; return 0; }
XMLSTR lpt = fromXMLString(lpszText, cbText, pXML);
if (!lpt) return 1;
pXML->lpszText = NULL;
if (removeCommentsInMiddleOfText && d->nText && d->nClear)
// if the previous insertion was a comment () AND
// if the previous previous insertion was a text then, delete the comment and append the text
int n = d->nChild+d->nText+d->nClear-1, *o = d->pOrder;
if (((o[n]&3) == eNodeClear)&&((o[n-1]&3) == eNodeText))
int i = o[n]>>2;
if (d->pClear[i].lpszOpenTag == XMLClearTags[2].lpszOpen)
i = o[n-1]>>2;
n = xstrlen(d->pText[i]);
int n2 = xstrlen(lpt)+1;
d->pText[i] = (XMLSTR)realloc((void*)d->pText[i], (n+n2)*sizeof(XMLCHAR));
if (!d->pText[i]) return 1;
memcpy((void*)(d->pText[i]+n), lpt, n2*sizeof(XMLCHAR));
return 0;
addText_priv(MEMORYINCREASE, lpt, -1);
return 0;
// private:
// Recursively parse an XML element.
int XMLNode::ParseXMLElement(void *pa)
XML *pXML = (XML *)pa;
int cbToken;
enum XMLTokenTypeTag xtype;
NextToken token;
XMLCSTR lpszTemp = NULL;
int cbTemp = 0;
char nDeclaration;
XMLNode pNew;
enum XMLStatus status; // inside or outside a tag
enum Attrib attrib = eAttribName;
// If this is the first call to the function
if (pXML->nFirst)
// Assume we are outside of a tag definition
pXML->nFirst = FALSE;
status = eOutsideTag;
} else
// If this is not the first call then we should only be called when inside a tag.
status = eInsideTag;
// Iterate through the tokens in the document
for (;;)
// Obtain the next token
token = GetNextToken(pXML, &cbToken, &xtype);
if (xtype != eTokenError)
// Check the current status
// If we are outside of a tag definition
case eOutsideTag:
// Check what type of token we obtained
// If we have found text or quoted text
case eTokenText:
case eTokenCloseTag: /* '>' */
case eTokenShortHandClose: /* '/>' */
case eTokenQuotedText:
case eTokenEquals:
// If we found a start tag '<' and declarations ''
case eTokenTagStart:
case eTokenDeclaration:
// Cache whether this new element is a declaration or not
nDeclaration = (xtype == eTokenDeclaration);
// If we have node text then add this to the element
if (maybeAddTxT(pXML, token.pStr)) return FALSE;
// Find the name of the tag
token = GetNextToken(pXML, &cbToken, &xtype);
// Return an error if we couldn't obtain the next token or
// it wasnt text
if (xtype != eTokenText)
pXML->error = eXMLErrorMissingTagName;
return FALSE;
// If we found a new element which is the same as this
// element then we need to pass this back to the caller..
if (d->lpszName &&
myTagCompare(d->lpszName, token.pStr) == 0)
// Indicate to the caller that it needs to create a
// new element.
pXML->lpNewElement = token.pStr;
pXML->cbNewElement = cbToken;
return TRUE;
} else
// If the name of the new element differs from the name of
// the current element we need to add the new element to
// the current one and recurse
pNew = addChild_priv(MEMORYINCREASE, stringDup(token.pStr, cbToken), nDeclaration, -1);
while (!pNew.isEmpty())
// Callself to process the new node. If we return
// FALSE this means we dont have any more
// processing to do...
if (!pNew.ParseXMLElement(pXML)) return FALSE;
// If the call to recurse this function
// evented in a end tag specified in XML then
// we need to unwind the calls to this
// function until we find the appropriate node
// (the element name and end tag name must
// match)
if (pXML->cbEndTag)
// If we are back at the root node then we
// have an unmatched end tag
if (!d->lpszName)
pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnmatchedEndTag;
return FALSE;
// If the end tag matches the name of this
// element then we only need to unwind
// once more...
if (myTagCompare(d->lpszName, pXML->lpEndTag) == 0)
pXML->cbEndTag = 0;
return TRUE;
} else
if (pXML->cbNewElement)
// If the call indicated a new element is to
// be created on THIS element.
// If the name of this element matches the
// name of the element we need to create
// then we need to return to the caller
// and let it process the element.
if (myTagCompare(d->lpszName, pXML->lpNewElement) == 0)
return TRUE;
// Add the new element and recurse
pNew = addChild_priv(MEMORYINCREASE, stringDup(pXML->lpNewElement, pXML->cbNewElement), 0, -1);
pXML->cbNewElement = 0;
// If we didn't have a new element to create
pNew = emptyXMLNode;
// If we found an end tag
case eTokenTagEnd:
// If we have node text then add this to the element
if (maybeAddTxT(pXML, token.pStr)) return FALSE;
// Find the name of the end tag
token = GetNextToken(pXML, &cbTemp, &xtype);
// The end tag should be text
if (xtype != eTokenText)
pXML->error = eXMLErrorMissingEndTagName;
return FALSE;
lpszTemp = token.pStr;
// After the end tag we should find a closing tag
token = GetNextToken(pXML, &cbToken, &xtype);
if (xtype != eTokenCloseTag)
pXML->error = eXMLErrorMissingEndTagName;
return FALSE;
pXML->lpszText = pXML->lpXML+pXML->nIndex;
// We need to return to the previous caller. If the name
// of the tag cannot be found we need to keep returning to
// caller until we find a match
if (!d->lpszNS) {
if (myTagCompare(d->lpszName, lpszTemp) != 0)
pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnmatchedEndTag;
pXML->nIndexMissigEndTag = pXML->nIndex;
return FALSE;
pXML->error = eXMLErrorMissingEndTag;
pXML->nIndexMissigEndTag = pXML->nIndex;
pXML->lpEndTag = lpszTemp;
pXML->cbEndTag = cbTemp;
else {
const TCHAR* p = _tcschr(lpszTemp, ':');
if (!p)
goto LBL_Error;
if (myTagCompare(d->lpszName, p+1) != 0)
goto LBL_Error;
// Return to the caller
return TRUE;
// If we found a clear (unformatted) token
case eTokenClear:
// If we have node text then add this to the element
if (maybeAddTxT(pXML, token.pStr)) return FALSE;
if (parseClearTag(pXML, token.pClr)) return FALSE;
pXML->lpszText = pXML->lpXML+pXML->nIndex;
// If we are inside a tag definition we need to search for attributes
case eInsideTag:
// Check what part of the attribute (name, equals, value) we
// are looking for.
// If we are looking for a new attribute
case eAttribName:
// Check what the current token type is
// If the current type is text...
// Eg. 'attribute'
case eTokenText:
// Cache the token then indicate that we are next to
// look for the equals
lpszTemp = token.pStr;
cbTemp = cbToken;
attrib = eAttribEquals;
// If we found a closing tag...
// Eg. '>'
case eTokenCloseTag:
// We are now outside the tag
status = eOutsideTag;
pXML->lpszText = pXML->lpXML+pXML->nIndex;
// If we found a short hand '/>' closing tag then we can
// return to the caller
case eTokenShortHandClose:
pXML->lpszText = pXML->lpXML+pXML->nIndex;
return TRUE;
// Errors...
case eTokenQuotedText: /* '"SomeText"' */
case eTokenTagStart: /* '<' */
case eTokenTagEnd: /* '' */
case eTokenEquals: /* '=' */
case eTokenDeclaration: /* '' */
case eTokenClear:
pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnexpectedToken;
return FALSE;
default: break;
// If we are looking for an equals
case eAttribEquals:
// Check what the current token type is
// If the current type is text...
// Eg. 'Attribute AnotherAttribute'
case eTokenText:
// Add the unvalued attribute to the list
addAttribute_priv(MEMORYINCREASE, stringDup(lpszTemp, cbTemp), NULL);
// Cache the token then indicate. We are next to
// look for the equals attribute
lpszTemp = token.pStr;
cbTemp = cbToken;
// If we found a closing tag 'Attribute >' or a short hand
// closing tag 'Attribute />'
case eTokenShortHandClose:
case eTokenCloseTag:
// If we are a declaration element '' then we need
// to remove extra closing '?' if it exists
pXML->lpszText = pXML->lpXML+pXML->nIndex;
if (d->isDeclaration &&
(lpszTemp[cbTemp-1]) == _CXML('?'))
if (d->pParent && d->pParent->pParent) xtype = eTokenShortHandClose;
if (cbTemp)
// Add the unvalued attribute to the list
addAttribute_priv(MEMORYINCREASE, stringDup(lpszTemp, cbTemp), NULL);
// If this is the end of the tag then return to the caller
if (xtype == eTokenShortHandClose)
return TRUE;
// We are now outside the tag
status = eOutsideTag;
// If we found the equals token...
// Eg. 'Attribute = '
case eTokenEquals:
// Indicate that we next need to search for the value
// for the attribute
attrib = eAttribValue;
// Errors...
case eTokenQuotedText: /* 'Attribute "InvalidAttr"'*/
case eTokenTagStart: /* 'Attribute <' */
case eTokenTagEnd: /* 'Attribute ' */
case eTokenDeclaration: /* 'Attribute ' */
case eTokenClear:
pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnexpectedToken;
return FALSE;
default: break;
// If we are looking for an attribute value
case eAttribValue:
// Check what the current token type is
// If the current type is text or quoted text...
// Eg. 'Attribute = "Value"' or 'Attribute = Value' or
// 'Attribute = 'Value''.
case eTokenText:
case eTokenQuotedText:
// If we are a declaration element '' then we need
// to remove extra closing '?' if it exists
if (d->isDeclaration &&
(token.pStr[cbToken-1]) == _CXML('?'))
if (cbTemp)
// Add the valued attribute to the list
if (xtype == eTokenQuotedText) { token.pStr++; cbToken-=2; }
XMLSTR attrVal = (XMLSTR)token.pStr;
if (attrVal)
attrVal = fromXMLString(attrVal, cbToken, pXML);
if (!attrVal) return FALSE;
addAttribute_priv(MEMORYINCREASE, stringDup(lpszTemp, cbTemp), attrVal);
// Indicate we are searching for a new attribute
attrib = eAttribName;
// Errors...
case eTokenTagStart: /* 'Attr = <' */
case eTokenTagEnd: /* 'Attr = ' */
case eTokenCloseTag: /* 'Attr = >' */
case eTokenShortHandClose: /* "Attr = />" */
case eTokenEquals: /* 'Attr = = ' */
case eTokenDeclaration: /* 'Attr = ' */
case eTokenClear:
pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnexpectedToken;
return FALSE;
default: break;
// If we failed to obtain the next token
if ((!d->isDeclaration)&&(d->pParent))
pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnmatchedEndTag;
pXML->error = eXMLErrorMissingEndTag;
pXML->nIndexMissigEndTag = pXML->nIndex;
maybeAddTxT(pXML, pXML->lpXML+pXML->nIndex);
return FALSE;
// Count the number of lines and columns in an XML string.
static void CountLinesAndColumns(XMLCSTR lpXML, int nUpto, XMLResults *pResults)
struct XML xml = { lpXML, lpXML, 0, 0, eXMLErrorNone, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, TRUE };
pResults->nLine = 1;
pResults->nColumn = 1;
while (xml.nIndexnColumn++;
pResults->nColumn = 1;
// Parse XML and return the root element.
XMLNode XMLNode::parseString(XMLCSTR lpszXML, XMLCSTR tag, XMLResults *pResults)
if (!lpszXML)
if (pResults)
pResults->error = eXMLErrorNoElements;
pResults->nLine = 0;
pResults->nColumn = 0;
return emptyXMLNode;
struct XML xml = { lpszXML, lpszXML, 0, 0, eXMLErrorNone, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, TRUE };
// Create header element
enum XMLError error = xml.error;
if (!xnode.nChildNode()) error = eXMLErrorNoXMLTagFound;
if ((xnode.nChildNode() == 1)&&(xnode.nElement() == 1)) xnode = xnode.getChildNode(); // skip the empty node
// If no error occurred
if ((error == eXMLErrorNone) || (error == eXMLErrorMissingEndTag) || (error == eXMLErrorNoXMLTagFound))
XMLCSTR name = xnode.getName();
if (tag&&(*tag)&&((!name) || (xstricmp(name, tag))))
xnode = xnode.getChildNode(tag);
if (xnode.isEmpty())
if (pResults)
pResults->error = eXMLErrorFirstTagNotFound;
pResults->nLine = 0;
pResults->nColumn = 0;
pResults->nChars = xml.nIndex;
return emptyXMLNode;
} else
// Cleanup: this will destroy all the nodes
xnode = emptyXMLNode;
// If we have been given somewhere to place results
if (pResults)
pResults->error = error;
// If we have an error
if (error != eXMLErrorNone)
if (error == eXMLErrorMissingEndTag) xml.nIndex = xml.nIndexMissigEndTag;
// Find which line and column it starts on.
CountLinesAndColumns(xml.lpXML, xml.nIndex, pResults);
pResults->nChars = xml.nIndex;
return xnode;
XMLNode XMLNode::parseFile(XMLCSTR filename, XMLCSTR tag, XMLResults *pResults)
if (pResults) { pResults->nLine = 0; pResults->nColumn = 0; }
FILE *f = xfopen(filename, _CXML("rb"));
if (f == NULL) { if (pResults) pResults->error = eXMLErrorFileNotFound; return emptyXMLNode; }
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
int l = (int)ftell(f), headerSz = 0;
if (!l) { if (pResults) pResults->error = eXMLErrorEmpty; fclose(f); return emptyXMLNode; }
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char*)malloc(l+4);
l = (int)fread(buf, 1, l, f);
buf[l] = 0;buf[l+1] = 0;buf[l+2] = 0;buf[l+3] = 0;
if (guessWideCharChars)
if (!myIsTextWideChar(buf, l))
XMLNode::XMLCharEncoding ce = XMLNode::char_encoding_legacy;
if ((buf[0] == 0xef)&&(buf[1] == 0xbb)&&(buf[2] == 0xbf)) { headerSz = 3; ce = XMLNode::char_encoding_UTF8; }
XMLSTR b2 = myMultiByteToWideChar((const char*)(buf+headerSz), ce);
if (!b2)
// todo: unable to convert
free(buf); buf = (unsigned char*)b2; headerSz = 0;
} else
if ((buf[0] == 0xef)&&(buf[1] == 0xff)) headerSz = 2;
if ((buf[0] == 0xff)&&(buf[1] == 0xfe)) headerSz = 2;
} else
if ((buf[0] == 0xef)&&(buf[1] == 0xff)) headerSz = 2;
if ((buf[0] == 0xff)&&(buf[1] == 0xfe)) headerSz = 2;
if ((buf[0] == 0xef)&&(buf[1] == 0xbb)&&(buf[2] == 0xbf)) headerSz = 3;
if (guessWideCharChars)
if (myIsTextWideChar(buf, l))
if ((buf[0] == 0xef)&&(buf[1] == 0xff)) headerSz = 2;
if ((buf[0] == 0xff)&&(buf[1] == 0xfe)) headerSz = 2;
char *b2 = myWideCharToMultiByte((const wchar_t*)(buf+headerSz));
free(buf); buf = (unsigned char*)b2; headerSz = 0;
} else
if ((buf[0] == 0xef)&&(buf[1] == 0xbb)&&(buf[2] == 0xbf)) headerSz = 3;
} else
if ((buf[0] == 0xef)&&(buf[1] == 0xff)) headerSz = 2;
if ((buf[0] == 0xff)&&(buf[1] == 0xfe)) headerSz = 2;
if ((buf[0] == 0xef)&&(buf[1] == 0xbb)&&(buf[2] == 0xbf)) headerSz = 3;
if (!buf) { if (pResults) pResults->error = eXMLErrorCharConversionError; return emptyXMLNode; }
XMLNode x = parseString((XMLSTR)(buf+headerSz), tag, pResults);
return x;
static inline void charmemset(XMLSTR dest, XMLCHAR c, int l) { while (l--) *(dest++) = c; }
// private:
// Creates an user friendly XML string from a given element with
// appropriate white space and carriage returns.
// This recurses through all subnodes then adds contents of the nodes to the
// string.
int XMLNode::CreateXMLStringR(XMLNodeData *pEntry, XMLSTR lpszMarker, int nFormat)
int nResult = 0;
int cb = nFormat<0?0:nFormat;
int cbElement;
int nChildFormat = -1;
int nElementI;
int i, j;
nElementI = pEntry->nChild+pEntry->nText+pEntry->nClear;
if ((nFormat>=0)&&(nElementI == 1)&&(pEntry->nText == 1)&&(!pEntry->isDeclaration)) nFormat = -2;
#define LENSTR(lpsz) (lpsz ? xstrlen(lpsz) : 0)
// If the element has no name then assume this is the head node.
cbElement = (int)LENSTR(pEntry->lpszName);
if (cbElement)
// "isDeclaration) lpszMarker[nResult++] = _CXML('?');
xstrcpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], pEntry->lpszName);
lpszMarker[nResult++] = _CXML(' ');
} else
if (pEntry->isDeclaration) nResult++;
// Enumerate attributes and add them to the string
XMLAttribute *pAttr = pEntry->pAttribute;
for (i=0; inAttribute; i++)
// "Attrib
cb = (int)LENSTR(pAttr->lpszName);
if (cb)
if (lpszMarker) xstrcpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], pAttr->lpszName);
nResult += cb;
// "Attrib = Value "
if (pAttr->lpszValue)
cb = (int)ToXMLStringTool::lengthXMLString(pAttr->lpszValue);
if (lpszMarker)
lpszMarker[nResult] = _CXML('=');
lpszMarker[nResult+1] = _CXML('"');
if (cb) ToXMLStringTool::toXMLUnSafe(&lpszMarker[nResult+2], pAttr->lpszValue);
lpszMarker[nResult+cb+2] = _CXML('"');
if (lpszMarker) lpszMarker[nResult] = _CXML(' ');
if (pEntry->isDeclaration)
if (lpszMarker)
lpszMarker[nResult-1] = _CXML('?');
lpszMarker[nResult] = _CXML('>');
if (nFormat != -1)
if (lpszMarker) lpszMarker[nResult] = _CXML('\n');
} else
// If there are child nodes we need to terminate the start tag
if (nElementI)
if (lpszMarker) lpszMarker[nResult-1] = _CXML('>');
if (nFormat>=0)
if (lpszMarker) lpszMarker[nResult] = _CXML('\n');
} else nResult--;
// Calculate the child format for when we recurse. This is used to
// determine the number of spaces used for prefixes.
if (nFormat != -1)
if (cbElement&&(!pEntry->isDeclaration)) nChildFormat = nFormat+1;
else nChildFormat = nFormat;
// Enumerate through remaining children
for (i=0; ipOrder[i];
// Text nodes
case eNodeText:
// "Text"
XMLCSTR pChild = pEntry->pText[j>>2];
cb = (int)ToXMLStringTool::lengthXMLString(pChild);
if (cb)
if (nFormat>=0)
if (lpszMarker)
charmemset(&lpszMarker[nResult], INDENTCHAR, nFormat+1);
ToXMLStringTool::toXMLUnSafe(&lpszMarker[nResult+nFormat+1], pChild);
lpszMarker[nResult+nFormat+1+cb] = _CXML('\n');
} else
if (lpszMarker) ToXMLStringTool::toXMLUnSafe(&lpszMarker[nResult], pChild);
nResult += cb;
// Clear type nodes
case eNodeClear:
XMLClear *pChild = pEntry->pClear+(j>>2);
// "OpenTag"
cb = (int)LENSTR(pChild->lpszOpenTag);
if (cb)
if (nFormat != -1)
if (lpszMarker)
charmemset(&lpszMarker[nResult], INDENTCHAR, nFormat+1);
xstrcpy(&lpszMarker[nResult+nFormat+1], pChild->lpszOpenTag);
if (lpszMarker)xstrcpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], pChild->lpszOpenTag);
nResult += cb;
// "OpenTag Value"
cb = (int)LENSTR(pChild->lpszValue);
if (cb)
if (lpszMarker) xstrcpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], pChild->lpszValue);
nResult += cb;
// "OpenTag Value CloseTag"
cb = (int)LENSTR(pChild->lpszCloseTag);
if (cb)
if (lpszMarker) xstrcpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], pChild->lpszCloseTag);
nResult += cb;
if (nFormat != -1)
if (lpszMarker) lpszMarker[nResult] = _CXML('\n');
// Element nodes
case eNodeChild:
// Recursively add child nodes
nResult += CreateXMLStringR(pEntry->pChild[j>>2].d, lpszMarker ? lpszMarker + nResult : 0, nChildFormat);
default: break;
if ((cbElement)&&(!pEntry->isDeclaration))
// If we have child entries we need to use long XML notation for
// closing the element - "blah blah blah"
if (nElementI)
// "\0"
if (lpszMarker)
if (nFormat >=0)
charmemset(&lpszMarker[nResult], INDENTCHAR, nFormat);
lpszMarker[nResult] = _CXML('<'); lpszMarker[nResult+1] = _CXML('/');
nResult += 2;
xstrcpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], pEntry->lpszName);
nResult += cbElement;
lpszMarker[nResult] = _CXML('>');
if (nFormat == -1) nResult++;
lpszMarker[nResult+1] = _CXML('\n');
} else
if (nFormat>=0) nResult+=cbElement+4+nFormat;
else if (nFormat == -1) nResult+=cbElement+3;
else nResult+=cbElement+4;
} else
// If there are no children we can use shorthand XML notation -
// ""
// "/>\0"
if (lpszMarker)
lpszMarker[nResult] = _CXML('/'); lpszMarker[nResult+1] = _CXML('>');
if (nFormat != -1) lpszMarker[nResult+2] = _CXML('\n');
nResult += nFormat == -1 ? 2 : 3;
return nResult;
#undef LENSTR
// Create an XML string
// @param int nFormat - 0 if no formatting is required
// otherwise nonzero for formatted text
// with carriage returns and indentation.
// @param int *pnSize - [out] pointer to the size of the
// returned string not including the
// NULL terminator.
// @return XMLSTR - Allocated XML string, you must free
// this with free().
XMLSTR XMLNode::createXMLString(int nFormat, int *pnSize) const
if (!d) { if (pnSize) *pnSize = 0; return NULL; }
XMLSTR lpszResult = NULL;
int cbStr;
// Recursively Calculate the size of the XML string
if (!dropWhiteSpace) nFormat = 0;
nFormat = nFormat ? 0 : -1;
cbStr = CreateXMLStringR(d, 0, nFormat);
// Alllocate memory for the XML string + the NULL terminator and
// create the recursively XML string.
lpszResult = (XMLSTR)malloc((cbStr+1)*sizeof(XMLCHAR));
CreateXMLStringR(d, lpszResult, nFormat);
lpszResult[cbStr] = _CXML('\0');
if (pnSize) *pnSize = cbStr;
return lpszResult;
int XMLNode::detachFromParent(XMLNodeData *d)
XMLNode *pa = d->pParent->pChild;
int i=0;
while (((void*)(pa[i].d)) != ((void*)d)) i++;
if (d->pParent->nChild) memmove(pa+i, pa+i+1, (d->pParent->nChild-i)*sizeof(XMLNode));
else { free(pa); d->pParent->pChild = NULL; }
return removeOrderElement(d->pParent, eNodeChild, i);
if (!d) return;
void XMLNode::deleteNodeContent()
if (!d) return;
if (d->pParent) { detachFromParent(d); d->pParent = NULL; d->ref_count--; }
void XMLNode::emptyTheNode(char force)
XMLNodeData *dd = d; // warning: must stay this way!
if ((dd->ref_count == 0) || force)
if (d->pParent) detachFromParent(d);
int i;
XMLNode *pc;
for (i=0; inChild; i++)
pc = dd->pChild+i;
pc->d->pParent = NULL;
for (i=0; inText; i++) free((void*)dd->pText[i]);
for (i=0; inClear; i++) free((void*)dd->pClear[i].lpszValue);
for (i=0; inAttribute; i++)
if (dd->pAttribute[i].lpszValue) free((void*)dd->pAttribute[i].lpszValue);
if (dd->lpszNS)
dd->nChild = 0; dd->nText = 0; dd->nClear = 0; dd->nAttribute = 0;
dd->pChild = NULL; dd->pText = NULL; dd->pClear = NULL; dd->pAttribute = NULL;
dd->pOrder = NULL; dd->pInnerText = NULL; dd->lpszNS = dd->lpszName = NULL; dd->pParent = NULL;
if (dd->ref_count == 0)
d = NULL;
void XMLNode::invalidateInnerText()
if (!d) return;
d->pInnerText = NULL;
XMLNode& XMLNode::operator = (const XMLNode& A)
// shallow copy
if (this != &A)
if (d) { d->ref_count--; emptyTheNode(0); }
d = A.d;
if (d) (d->ref_count) ++;
return *this;
XMLNode::XMLNode(const XMLNode &A)
// shallow copy
d = A.d;
if (d) (d->ref_count)++;
XMLNode XMLNode::deepCopy() const
if (!d) return XMLNode::emptyXMLNode;
XMLNode x(NULL, stringDup(d->lpszName), d->isDeclaration);
XMLNodeData *p = x.d;
int n = d->nAttribute;
if (n)
p->nAttribute = n; p->pAttribute = (XMLAttribute*)malloc(n*sizeof(XMLAttribute));
while (n--)
p->pAttribute[n].lpszName = stringDup(d->pAttribute[n].lpszName);
p->pAttribute[n].lpszValue = stringDup(d->pAttribute[n].lpszValue);
if (d->pOrder)
n = (d->nChild+d->nText+d->nClear)*sizeof(int); p->pOrder = (int*)malloc(n); memcpy(p->pOrder, d->pOrder, n);
n = d->nText;
if (n)
p->nText = n; p->pText = (XMLCSTR*)malloc(n*sizeof(XMLCSTR));
while (n--) p->pText[n] = stringDup(d->pText[n]);
n = d->nClear;
if (n)
p->nClear = n; p->pClear = (XMLClear*)malloc(n*sizeof(XMLClear));
while (n--)
p->pClear[n].lpszCloseTag = d->pClear[n].lpszCloseTag;
p->pClear[n].lpszOpenTag = d->pClear[n].lpszOpenTag;
p->pClear[n].lpszValue = stringDup(d->pClear[n].lpszValue);
n = d->nChild;
if (n)
p->nChild = n; p->pChild = (XMLNode*)malloc(n*sizeof(XMLNode));
while (n--)
p->pChild[n].d = NULL;
p->pChild[n] = d->pChild[n].deepCopy();
p->pChild[n].d->pParent = p;
return x;
XMLNode XMLNode::addChild(XMLNode childNode, int pos)
XMLNodeData *dc = childNode.d;
if ((!dc) || (!d)) return childNode;
if (!dc->lpszName)
// this is a root node: todo: correct fix
int j = pos;
while (dc->nChild)
addChild(dc->pChild[0], j);
if (pos>=0) j++;
return childNode;
if (dc->pParent) { if ((detachFromParent(dc) <= pos)&&(dc->pParent == d)) pos--; } else dc->ref_count++;
dc->pParent = d;
// int nc = d->nChild;
// d->pChild = (XMLNode*)myRealloc(d->pChild, (nc+1), memoryIncrease, sizeof(XMLNode));
d->pChild = (XMLNode*)addToOrder(0, &pos, d->nChild, d->pChild, sizeof(XMLNode), eNodeChild);
d->pChild[pos].d = dc;
return childNode;
void XMLNode::deleteAttribute(int i)
if ((!d) || (i<0) || (i>=d->nAttribute)) return;
XMLAttribute *p = d->pAttribute+i;
if (p->lpszValue) free((void*)p->lpszValue);
if (d->nAttribute) memmove(p, p+1, (d->nAttribute-i)*sizeof(XMLAttribute)); else { free(p); d->pAttribute = NULL; }
void XMLNode::deleteAttribute(XMLAttribute *a) { if (a) deleteAttribute(a->lpszName); }
void XMLNode::deleteAttribute(XMLCSTR lpszName)
int j = 0;
getAttribute(lpszName, &j);
if (j) deleteAttribute(j-1);
XMLAttribute *XMLNode::updateAttribute_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewValue, XMLSTR lpszNewName, int i)
if (!d) { if (lpszNewValue) free(lpszNewValue); if (lpszNewName) free(lpszNewName); return NULL; }
if (i>=d->nAttribute)
if (lpszNewName) return addAttribute_WOSD(lpszNewName, lpszNewValue);
return NULL;
XMLAttribute *p = d->pAttribute+i;
if (p->lpszValue&&p->lpszValue != lpszNewValue) free((void*)p->lpszValue);
p->lpszValue = lpszNewValue;
if (lpszNewName&&p->lpszName != lpszNewName) { free((void*)p->lpszName); p->lpszName = lpszNewName; };
return p;
XMLAttribute *XMLNode::updateAttribute_WOSD(XMLAttribute *newAttribute, XMLAttribute *oldAttribute)
if (oldAttribute) return updateAttribute_WOSD((XMLSTR)newAttribute->lpszValue, (XMLSTR)newAttribute->lpszName, oldAttribute->lpszName);
return addAttribute_WOSD((XMLSTR)newAttribute->lpszName, (XMLSTR)newAttribute->lpszValue);
XMLAttribute *XMLNode::updateAttribute_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewValue, XMLSTR lpszNewName, XMLCSTR lpszOldName)
int j = 0;
getAttribute(lpszOldName, &j);
if (j) return updateAttribute_WOSD(lpszNewValue, lpszNewName, j-1);
if (lpszNewName) return addAttribute_WOSD(lpszNewName, lpszNewValue);
else return addAttribute_WOSD(stringDup(lpszOldName), lpszNewValue);
int XMLNode::indexText(XMLCSTR lpszValue) const
if (!d) return -1;
int i, l = d->nText;
if (!lpszValue) { if (l) return 0; return -1; }
XMLCSTR *p = d->pText;
for (i=0; i=d->nText)) return;
XMLCSTR *p = d->pText+i;
if (d->nText) memmove(p, p+1, (d->nText-i)*sizeof(XMLCSTR)); else { free(p); d->pText = NULL; }
removeOrderElement(d, eNodeText, i);
void XMLNode::deleteText(XMLCSTR lpszValue) { deleteText(indexText(lpszValue)); }
XMLCSTR XMLNode::updateText_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewValue, int i)
if (!d) { if (lpszNewValue) free(lpszNewValue); return NULL; }
if (i>=d->nText) return addText_WOSD(lpszNewValue);
XMLCSTR *p = d->pText+i;
if (*p != lpszNewValue) { free((void*)*p); *p = lpszNewValue; }
return lpszNewValue;
XMLCSTR XMLNode::updateText_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewValue, XMLCSTR lpszOldValue)
if (!d) { if (lpszNewValue) free(lpszNewValue); return NULL; }
int i = indexText(lpszOldValue);
if (i>=0) return updateText_WOSD(lpszNewValue, i);
return addText_WOSD(lpszNewValue);
void XMLNode::deleteClear(int i)
if ((!d) || (i<0) || (i>=d->nClear)) return;
XMLClear *p = d->pClear+i;
if (d->nClear) memmove(p, p+1, (d->nClear-i)*sizeof(XMLClear)); else { free(p); d->pClear = NULL; }
removeOrderElement(d, eNodeClear, i);
int XMLNode::indexClear(XMLCSTR lpszValue) const
if (!d) return -1;
int i, l = d->nClear;
if (!lpszValue) { if (l) return 0; return -1; }
XMLClear *p = d->pClear;
for (i=0; ilpszValue); }
XMLClear *XMLNode::updateClear_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewContent, int i)
if (!d) { if (lpszNewContent) free(lpszNewContent); return NULL; }
if (i>=d->nClear) return addClear_WOSD(lpszNewContent);
XMLClear *p = d->pClear+i;
if (lpszNewContent != p->lpszValue) { free((void*)p->lpszValue); p->lpszValue = lpszNewContent; }
return p;
XMLClear *XMLNode::updateClear_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewContent, XMLCSTR lpszOldValue)
if (!d) { if (lpszNewContent) free(lpszNewContent); return NULL; }
int i = indexClear(lpszOldValue);
if (i>=0) return updateClear_WOSD(lpszNewContent, i);
return addClear_WOSD(lpszNewContent);
XMLClear *XMLNode::updateClear_WOSD(XMLClear *newP, XMLClear *oldP)
if (oldP) return updateClear_WOSD((XMLSTR)newP->lpszValue, (XMLSTR)oldP->lpszValue);
return NULL;
int XMLNode::nChildNode(XMLCSTR name) const
if (!d) return 0;
int i, j = 0, n = d->nChild;
XMLNode *pc = d->pChild;
for (i=0; id->lpszName, name) == 0) j++;
return j;
XMLNode XMLNode::getChildNode(XMLCSTR name, int *j) const
if (!d) return emptyXMLNode;
int i=0, n = d->nChild;
if (j) i = *j;
XMLNode *pc = d->pChild+i;
for (; id->lpszName, name))
if (j) *j = i+1;
return *pc;
return emptyXMLNode;
XMLNode XMLNode::getChildNode(XMLCSTR name, int j) const
if (!d) return emptyXMLNode;
if (j>=0)
int i=0;
while (j-->0) getChildNode(name, &i);
return getChildNode(name, &i);
int i = d->nChild;
while (i--) if (!xstricmp(name, d->pChild[i].d->lpszName)) break;
if (i<0) return emptyXMLNode;
return getChildNode(i);
XMLNode XMLNode::getNextNode() const
if (!d) return emptyXMLNode;
XMLNodeDataTag *par = d->pParent;
if (!par) return emptyXMLNode;
int i, n = par->nChild;
for (i=0; ipChild[i].d == d)
return XMLNode(par).getChildNode(d->lpszName, &++i);
XMLNode XMLNode::getChildNodeByPath(XMLCSTR _path, char createMissing, XMLCHAR sep)
XMLSTR path = stringDup(_path);
XMLNode x = getChildNodeByPathNonConst(path, createMissing, sep);
if (path) free(path);
return x;
XMLNode XMLNode::getChildNodeByPathNonConst(XMLSTR path, char createIfMissing, XMLCHAR sep)
if ((!path) || (!(*path))) return *this;
XMLNode xn, xbase = *this;
XMLCHAR *tend1, sepString[2]; sepString[0] = sep; sepString[1] = 0;
tend1 = xstrstr(path, sepString);
while (tend1)
*tend1 = 0;
xn = xbase.getChildNode(path);
if (xn.isEmpty())
if (createIfMissing) xn = xbase.addChild(path);
else { *tend1 = sep; return XMLNode::emptyXMLNode; }
*tend1 = sep;
xbase = xn;
path = tend1+1;
tend1 = xstrstr(path, sepString);
xn = xbase.getChildNode(path);
if (xn.isEmpty()&&createIfMissing) xn = xbase.addChild(path);
return xn;
XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfText (int i) const { if (i>=d->nText) i = d->nText-1; return findPosition(d, i, eNodeText); }
XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfClear (int i) const { if (i>=d->nClear) i = d->nClear-1; return findPosition(d, i, eNodeClear); }
XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfChildNode(int i) const { if (i>=d->nChild) i = d->nChild-1; return findPosition(d, i, eNodeChild); }
XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfText (XMLCSTR lpszValue) const { return positionOfText (indexText (lpszValue)); }
XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfClear(XMLCSTR lpszValue) const { return positionOfClear(indexClear(lpszValue)); }
XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfClear(XMLClear *a) const { if (a) return positionOfClear(a->lpszValue); return positionOfClear(); }
XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfChildNode(XMLNode x) const
if ((!d) || (!x.d)) return -1;
XMLNodeData *dd = x.d;
XMLNode *pc = d->pChild;
int i = d->nChild;
while (i--) if (pc[i].d == dd) return findPosition(d, i, eNodeChild);
return -1;
XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfChildNode(XMLCSTR name, int count) const
if (!name) return positionOfChildNode(count);
int j = 0;
do { getChildNode(name, &j); if (j<0) return -1; } while (count--);
return findPosition(d, j-1, eNodeChild);
XMLNode XMLNode::getChildNodeWithAttribute(XMLCSTR name, XMLCSTR attributeName, XMLCSTR attributeValue, int *k) const
int i=0, j;
if (k) i = *k;
XMLNode x;
x = getChildNode(name, &i);
if (!x.isEmpty())
if (attributeValue)
j = 0;
t = x.getAttribute(attributeName, &j);
if (t&&(xstricmp(attributeValue, t) == 0)) { if (k) *k = i; return x; }
} while (t);
} else
if (x.isAttributeSet(attributeName)) { if (k) *k = i; return x; }
} while (!x.isEmpty());
return emptyXMLNode;
// Find an attribute on an node.
XMLCSTR XMLNode::getAttribute(XMLCSTR lpszAttrib, int *j) const
if (!d) return NULL;
int i=0, n = d->nAttribute;
if (j) i = *j;
XMLAttribute *pAttr = d->pAttribute+i;
for (; ilpszName, lpszAttrib) == 0)
if (j) *j = i+1;
return pAttr->lpszValue;
return NULL;
char XMLNode::isAttributeSet(XMLCSTR lpszAttrib) const
if (!d) return FALSE;
int i, n = d->nAttribute;
XMLAttribute *pAttr = d->pAttribute;
for (i=0; ilpszName, lpszAttrib) == 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
XMLCSTR XMLNode::getAttribute(XMLCSTR name, int j) const
if (!d) return NULL;
int i=0;
while (j-->0) getAttribute(name, &i);
return getAttribute(name, &i);
XMLNodeContents XMLNode::enumContents(int i) const
XMLNodeContents c;
if (!d) { c.etype = eNodeNULL; return c; }
if (inAttribute)
c.etype = eNodeAttribute;
c.attrib = d->pAttribute[i];
return c;
c.etype = (XMLElementType)(d->pOrder[i]&3);
i = (d->pOrder[i])>>2;
switch (c.etype)
case eNodeChild: c.child = d->pChild[i]; break;
case eNodeText: c.text = d->pText[i]; break;
case eNodeClear: c.clear = d->pClear[i]; break;
default: break;
return c;
XMLCSTR XMLNode::getInnerText() const
if (!d) return NULL;
if (nText() <= 1 && nClear() == 0) return getText();
if (d->pInnerText) return d->pInnerText;
int count = nElement();
int i, length = 1;
for (i=0; i < count; i++)
XMLNodeContents c = enumContents(i);
switch (c.etype)
case eNodeText:
length += xstrlen(c.text);
case eNodeClear:
length += xstrlen(c.clear.lpszValue);
XMLCHAR *buf = (XMLCHAR *)malloc(sizeof(XMLCHAR) * length);
XMLCHAR *pos = buf;
for (i=0; i < count; i++)
XMLNodeContents c = enumContents(i);
switch (c.etype)
case eNodeText:
xstrcpy(pos, c.text);
pos += xstrlen(c.text);
case eNodeClear:
xstrcpy(pos, c.clear.lpszValue);
pos += xstrlen(c.clear.lpszValue);
return d->pInnerText = buf;
XMLCSTR XMLNode::getName() const { if (!d) return NULL; return d->lpszName; }
int XMLNode::nText() const { if (!d) return 0; return d->nText; }
int XMLNode::nChildNode() const { if (!d) return 0; return d->nChild; }
int XMLNode::nAttribute() const { if (!d) return 0; return d->nAttribute; }
int XMLNode::nClear() const { if (!d) return 0; return d->nClear; }
int XMLNode::nElement() const { if (!d) return 0; return d->nAttribute+d->nChild+d->nText+d->nClear; }
XMLClear XMLNode::getClear (int i) const { if ((!d) || (i>=d->nClear)) return emptyXMLClear; return d->pClear[i]; }
XMLAttribute XMLNode::getAttribute (int i) const { if ((!d) || (i>=d->nAttribute)) return emptyXMLAttribute; return d->pAttribute[i]; }
XMLCSTR XMLNode::getAttributeName (int i) const { if ((!d) || (i>=d->nAttribute)) return NULL; return d->pAttribute[i].lpszName; }
XMLCSTR XMLNode::getAttributeValue(int i) const { if ((!d) || (i>=d->nAttribute)) return NULL; return d->pAttribute[i].lpszValue; }
XMLCSTR XMLNode::getText (int i) const { if ((!d) || (i>=d->nText)) return NULL; return d->pText[i]; }
XMLNode XMLNode::getChildNode (int i) const { if ((!d) || (i>=d->nChild)) return emptyXMLNode; return d->pChild[i]; }
XMLNode XMLNode::getParentNode () const { if ((!d) || (!d->pParent)) return emptyXMLNode; return XMLNode(d->pParent); }
char XMLNode::isDeclaration () const { if (!d) return 0; return d->isDeclaration; }
char XMLNode::isEmpty () const { return (d == NULL); }
XMLNode XMLNode::emptyNode () { return XMLNode::emptyXMLNode; }
XMLNode XMLNode::addChild(XMLCSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration, XMLElementPosition pos)
{ return addChild_priv(0, stringDup(lpszName), isDeclaration, pos); }
XMLNode XMLNode::addChild_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration, XMLElementPosition pos)
{ return addChild_priv(0, lpszName, isDeclaration, pos); }
XMLAttribute *XMLNode::addAttribute(XMLCSTR lpszName, XMLCSTR lpszValue)
{ return addAttribute_priv(0, stringDup(lpszName), stringDup(lpszValue)); }
XMLAttribute *XMLNode::addAttribute_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszName, XMLSTR lpszValuev)
{ return addAttribute_priv(0, lpszName, lpszValuev); }
XMLCSTR XMLNode::addText(XMLCSTR lpszValue, XMLElementPosition pos)
{ return addText_priv(0, stringDup(lpszValue), pos); }
XMLCSTR XMLNode::addText_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszValue, XMLElementPosition pos)
{ return addText_priv(0, lpszValue, pos); }
XMLClear *XMLNode::addClear(XMLCSTR lpszValue, XMLCSTR lpszOpen, XMLCSTR lpszClose, XMLElementPosition pos)
{ return addClear_priv(0, stringDup(lpszValue), lpszOpen, lpszClose, pos); }
XMLClear *XMLNode::addClear_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszValue, XMLCSTR lpszOpen, XMLCSTR lpszClose, XMLElementPosition pos)
{ return addClear_priv(0, lpszValue, lpszOpen, lpszClose, pos); }
XMLCSTR XMLNode::updateName(XMLCSTR lpszName)
{ return updateName_WOSD(stringDup(lpszName)); }
XMLAttribute *XMLNode::updateAttribute(XMLAttribute *newAttribute, XMLAttribute *oldAttribute)
{ return updateAttribute_WOSD(stringDup(newAttribute->lpszValue), stringDup(newAttribute->lpszName), oldAttribute->lpszName); }
XMLAttribute *XMLNode::updateAttribute(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue, XMLCSTR lpszNewName, int i)
{ return updateAttribute_WOSD(stringDup(lpszNewValue), stringDup(lpszNewName), i); }
XMLAttribute *XMLNode::updateAttribute(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue, XMLCSTR lpszNewName, XMLCSTR lpszOldName)
{ return updateAttribute_WOSD(stringDup(lpszNewValue), stringDup(lpszNewName), lpszOldName); }
XMLCSTR XMLNode::updateText(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue, int i)
{ return updateText_WOSD(stringDup(lpszNewValue), i); }
XMLCSTR XMLNode::updateText(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue, XMLCSTR lpszOldValue)
{ return updateText_WOSD(stringDup(lpszNewValue), lpszOldValue); }
XMLClear *XMLNode::updateClear(XMLCSTR lpszNewContent, int i)
{ return updateClear_WOSD(stringDup(lpszNewContent), i); }
XMLClear *XMLNode::updateClear(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue, XMLCSTR lpszOldValue)
{ return updateClear_WOSD(stringDup(lpszNewValue), lpszOldValue); }
XMLClear *XMLNode::updateClear(XMLClear *newP, XMLClear *oldP)
{ return updateClear_WOSD(stringDup(newP->lpszValue), oldP->lpszValue); }
char XMLNode::setGlobalOptions(XMLCharEncoding _characterEncoding, char _guessWideCharChars,
char _dropWhiteSpace, char _removeCommentsInMiddleOfText)
guessWideCharChars = _guessWideCharChars; dropWhiteSpace = _dropWhiteSpace; removeCommentsInMiddleOfText = _removeCommentsInMiddleOfText;
if (_characterEncoding) characterEncoding = _characterEncoding;
case char_encoding_UTF8: characterEncoding = _characterEncoding; XML_ByteTable = XML_utf8ByteTable; break;
case char_encoding_legacy: characterEncoding = _characterEncoding; XML_ByteTable = XML_legacyByteTable; break;
case char_encoding_ShiftJIS: characterEncoding = _characterEncoding; XML_ByteTable = XML_sjisByteTable; break;
case char_encoding_GB2312: characterEncoding = _characterEncoding; XML_ByteTable = XML_gb2312ByteTable; break;
case char_encoding_Big5:
case char_encoding_GBK: characterEncoding = _characterEncoding; XML_ByteTable = XML_gbk_big5_ByteTable; break;
default: return 1;
return 0;
XMLNode::XMLCharEncoding XMLNode::guessCharEncoding(void *buf, int l, char useXMLEncodingAttribute)
return (XMLCharEncoding)0;
if (l<25) return (XMLCharEncoding)0;
if (guessWideCharChars&&(myIsTextWideChar(buf, l))) return (XMLCharEncoding)0;
unsigned char *b = (unsigned char*)buf;
if ((b[0] == 0xef)&&(b[1] == 0xbb)&&(b[2] == 0xbf)) return char_encoding_UTF8;
// Match utf-8 model ?
XMLCharEncoding bestGuess = char_encoding_UTF8;
int i=0;
while (i>18 ];
*(curr++) = base64EncodeTable[(j>>12)&0x3f];
*(curr++) = base64EncodeTable[(j>> 6)&0x3f];
*(curr++) = base64EncodeTable[(j)&0x3f];
if (formatted) { if (!k) { *(curr++) = _CXML('\n'); k = 18; } k--; }
eLen = inlen-eLen*3; // 0 - 2.
if (eLen == 1)
*(curr++) = base64EncodeTable[ inbuf[0]>>2 ];
*(curr++) = base64EncodeTable[(inbuf[0]<<4)&0x3F];
*(curr++) = base64Fillchar;
*(curr++) = base64Fillchar;
} else if (eLen == 2)
j = (inbuf[0]<<8)|inbuf[1];
*(curr++) = base64EncodeTable[ j>>10 ];
*(curr++) = base64EncodeTable[(j>> 4)&0x3f];
*(curr++) = base64EncodeTable[(j<< 2)&0x3f];
*(curr++) = base64Fillchar;
*(curr++) = 0;
return (XMLSTR)buf;
unsigned int XMLParserBase64Tool::decodeSize(XMLCSTR data, XMLError *xe)
if (!data) return 0;
if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorNone;
int size = 0;
unsigned char c;
//skip any extra characters (e.g. newlines or spaces)
while (*data)
if (*data>255) { if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeIllegalCharacter; return 0; }
c = base64DecodeTable[(unsigned char)(*data)];
if (c<97) size++;
else if (c == 98) { if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeIllegalCharacter; return 0; }
if (xe&&(size%4 != 0)) *xe = eXMLErrorBase64DataSizeIsNotMultipleOf4;
if (size == 0) return 0;
do { data--; size--; } while (*data == base64Fillchar); size++;
return (unsigned int)((size*3)/4);
unsigned char XMLParserBase64Tool::decode(XMLCSTR data, unsigned char *buf, int len, XMLError *xe)
if (!data) return 0;
if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorNone;
int i=0, p = 0;
unsigned char d, c;
for (;;)
do { \
if (data[i]>255) { c = 98; break; } \
c = base64DecodeTable[(unsigned char)data[i++]]; \
}while (c == 97); \
if(c == 98) { if(xe)*xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeIllegalCharacter; return 0; }
do { c = base64DecodeTable[(unsigned char)data[i++]]; }while (c == 97); \
if(c == 98) { if(xe)*xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeIllegalCharacter; return 0; }
if (c == 99) { return 2; }
if (c == 96)
if (p == (int)len) return 2;
if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeTruncatedData;
return 1;
if ((d == 99) || (d == 96)) { if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeTruncatedData; return 1; }
if (p == (int)len) { if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeBufferTooSmall; return 0; }
buf[p++] = (unsigned char)((c<<2)|((d>>4)&0x3));
if (c == 99) { if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeTruncatedData; return 1; }
if (p == (int)len)
if (c == 96) return 2;
if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeBufferTooSmall;
return 0;
if (c == 96) { if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeTruncatedData; return 1; }
buf[p++] = (unsigned char)(((d<<4)&0xf0)|((c>>2)&0xf));
if (d == 99) { if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeTruncatedData; return 1; }
if (p == (int)len)
if (d == 96) return 2;
if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeBufferTooSmall;
return 0;
if (d == 96) { if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeTruncatedData; return 1; }
buf[p++] = (unsigned char)(((c<<6)&0xc0)|d);
void XMLParserBase64Tool::alloc(int newsize)
if ((!buf)&&(newsize)) { buf = malloc(newsize); buflen = newsize; return; }
if (newsize>buflen) { buf = realloc(buf, newsize); buflen = newsize; }
unsigned char *XMLParserBase64Tool::decode(XMLCSTR data, int *outlen, XMLError *xe)
if (xe)
*xe = eXMLErrorNone;
if (!data) {
if (outlen)
*outlen = 0;
return (unsigned char*)""; // XXX: check me!
unsigned int len = decodeSize(data, xe);
if (outlen)
*outlen = len;
if (!len)
return NULL;
if(!decode(data, (unsigned char*)buf, len, xe))
return NULL;
return (unsigned char*)buf;
// Helpers for external C APIs. //
XMLNode::XMLNode(HXML h) :
if (d)
void XMLNode::attach(HXML h)
d = (XMLNodeDataTag*)h;
HXML XMLNode::detach()
HXML res = (HXML)d;
d = NULL;
return res;