/** **************************************************************************** * <P> XML.c - implementation file for basic XML parser written in ANSI C++ * for portability. It works by using recursion and a node tree for breaking * down the elements of an XML document. </P> * * @version V2.43 * @author Frank Vanden Berghen * * NOTE: * * If you add "#define STRICT_PARSING", on the first line of this file * the parser will see the following XML-stream: * <a><b>some text</b><b>other text </a> * as an error. Otherwise, this tring will be equivalent to: * <a><b>some text</b><b>other text</b></a> * * NOTE: * * If you add "#define APPROXIMATE_PARSING" on the first line of this file * the parser will see the following XML-stream: * <data name = "n1"> * <data name = "n2"> * <data name = "n3" /> * as equivalent to the following XML-stream: * <data name = "n1" /> * <data name = "n2" /> * <data name = "n3" /> * This can be useful for badly-formed XML-streams but prevent the use * of the following XML-stream (problem is: tags at contiguous levels * have the same names): * <data name = "n1"> * <data name = "n2"> * <data name = "n3" /> * </data> * </data> * * NOTE: * * If you add "#define _XMLPARSER_NO_MESSAGEBOX_" on the first line of this file * the "openFileHelper" function will always display error messages inside the * console instead of inside a message-box-window. Message-box-windows are * available on windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/Vista only. * * Copyright (c) 2002, Business-Insight * <a href = "http://www.Business-Insight.com">Business-Insight</a> * All rights reserved. * See the file "AFPL-license.txt" about the licensing terms * **************************************************************************** */ #include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h" #include "xmlParser.h" #include <memory.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> XMLCSTR XMLNode::getVersion() { return _CXML("v2.43"); } void freeXMLString(XMLSTR t) {if(t)free(t);} static XMLNode::XMLCharEncoding characterEncoding = XMLNode::char_encoding_UTF8; static char guessWideCharChars = 1, dropWhiteSpace = 1, removeCommentsInMiddleOfText = 1; inline int mmin(const int t1, const int t2) { return t1 < t2 ? t1 : t2; } // You can modify the initialization of the variable "XMLClearTags" below // to change the clearTags that are currently recognized by the library. // The number on the second columns is the length of the string inside the // first column. // The "<!DOCTYPE" declaration must be the second in the list. // The "<!--" declaration must be the third in the list. // All ClearTag Strings must start with the '<' character. typedef struct { XMLCSTR lpszOpen; int openTagLen; XMLCSTR lpszClose;} ALLXMLClearTag; static ALLXMLClearTag XMLClearTags[] = { { _CXML("<![CDATA["), 9, _CXML("]]>") }, { _CXML("<!DOCTYPE"), 9, _CXML(">") }, { _CXML("<!--") , 4, _CXML("-->") }, { _CXML("<PRE>") , 5, _CXML("</PRE>") }, // { _CXML("<Script>") , 8, _CXML("</Script>")}, { NULL , 0, NULL } }; // You can modify the initialization of the variable "XMLEntities" below // to change the character entities that are currently recognized by the library. // The number on the second columns is the length of the string inside the // first column. Additionally, the syntaxes " " and " " are recognized. typedef struct { XMLCSTR s; int l; XMLCHAR c;} XMLCharacterEntity; static XMLCharacterEntity XMLEntities[] = { { _CXML("&"), 5, _CXML('&')}, { _CXML("<"), 4, _CXML('<')}, { _CXML(">"), 4, _CXML('>')}, { _CXML("""), 6, _CXML('\"')}, { _CXML("'"), 6, _CXML('\'')}, { NULL , 0, '\0' } }; // When rendering the XMLNode to a string (using the "createXMLString" function), // you can ask for a beautiful formatting. This formatting is using the // following indentation character: #define INDENTCHAR _CXML('\t') // The following function parses the XML errors into a user friendly string. // You can edit this to change the output language of the library to something else. XMLCSTR XMLNode::getError(XMLError xerror) { switch (xerror) { case eXMLErrorNone: return _CXML("No error"); case eXMLErrorMissingEndTag: return _CXML("Warning: Unmatched end tag"); case eXMLErrorNoXMLTagFound: return _CXML("Warning: No XML tag found"); case eXMLErrorEmpty: return _CXML("Error: No XML data"); case eXMLErrorMissingTagName: return _CXML("Error: Missing start tag name"); case eXMLErrorMissingEndTagName: return _CXML("Error: Missing end tag name"); case eXMLErrorUnmatchedEndTag: return _CXML("Error: Unmatched end tag"); case eXMLErrorUnmatchedEndClearTag: return _CXML("Error: Unmatched clear tag end"); case eXMLErrorUnexpectedToken: return _CXML("Error: Unexpected token found"); case eXMLErrorNoElements: return _CXML("Error: No elements found"); case eXMLErrorFileNotFound: return _CXML("Error: File not found"); case eXMLErrorFirstTagNotFound: return _CXML("Error: First Tag not found"); case eXMLErrorUnknownCharacterEntity:return _CXML("Error: Unknown character entity"); case eXMLErrorCharacterCodeAbove255: return _CXML("Error: Character code above 255 is forbidden in MultiByte char mode."); case eXMLErrorCharConversionError: return _CXML("Error: unable to convert between WideChar and MultiByte chars"); case eXMLErrorCannotOpenWriteFile: return _CXML("Error: unable to open file for writing"); case eXMLErrorCannotWriteFile: return _CXML("Error: cannot write into file"); case eXMLErrorBase64DataSizeIsNotMultipleOf4: return _CXML("Warning: Base64-string length is not a multiple of 4"); case eXMLErrorBase64DecodeTruncatedData: return _CXML("Warning: Base64-string is truncated"); case eXMLErrorBase64DecodeIllegalCharacter: return _CXML("Error: Base64-string contains an illegal character"); case eXMLErrorBase64DecodeBufferTooSmall: return _CXML("Error: Base64 decode output buffer is too small"); }; return _CXML("Unknown"); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Here start the abstraction layer to be OS-independent // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Here is an abstraction layer to access some common string manipulation functions. // The abstraction layer is currently working for gcc, Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0, // Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, CC (sun compiler) and Borland C++. // If you plan to "port" the library to a new system/compiler, all you have to do is // to edit the following lines. #ifdef XML_NO_WIDE_CHAR char myIsTextWideChar(const void *b, int len) { return FALSE; } #else #if defined (UNDER_CE) || !defined(_XMLWINDOWS) char myIsTextWideChar(const void *b, int len) // inspired by the Wine API: RtlIsTextUnicode { #ifdef sun // for SPARC processors: wchar_t* buffers must always be alligned, otherwise it's a char* buffer. if ((((unsigned long)b)%sizeof(wchar_t)) != 0) return FALSE; #endif const wchar_t *s = (const wchar_t*)b; // buffer too small: if (len<(int)sizeof(wchar_t)) return FALSE; // odd length test if (len&1) return FALSE; /* only checks the first 256 characters */ len = mmin(256, len/sizeof(wchar_t)); // Check for the special byte order: if (*((unsigned short*)s) == 0xFFFE) return TRUE; // IS_TEXT_UNICODE_REVERSE_SIGNATURE; if (*((unsigned short*)s) == 0xFEFF) return TRUE; // IS_TEXT_UNICODE_SIGNATURE // checks for ASCII characters in the UNICODE stream int i, stats = 0; for (i=0; i<len; i++) if (s[i] <= (unsigned short)255) stats++; if (stats>len/2) return TRUE; // Check for UNICODE NULL chars for (i=0; i<len; i++) if ( !s[i]) return TRUE; return FALSE; } #else char myIsTextWideChar(const void *b, int l) { return (char)IsTextUnicode((CONST LPVOID)b, l, NULL); } #endif #endif #ifdef _XMLWINDOWS // for Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET and Borland C++ Builder 6.0 #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR wchar_t *myMultiByteToWideChar(const char *s, XMLNode::XMLCharEncoding ce) { int i; if (ce == XMLNode::char_encoding_UTF8) i = (int)MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0 , s, -1, NULL, 0); else i = (int)MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP , MB_PRECOMPOSED, s, -1, NULL, 0); if (i<0) return NULL; wchar_t *d = (wchar_t *)malloc((i+1)*sizeof(XMLCHAR)); if (ce == XMLNode::char_encoding_UTF8) i = (int)MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0 , s, -1, d, i); else i = (int)MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP , MB_PRECOMPOSED, s, -1, d, i); d[i] = 0; return d; } static inline FILE *xfopen(XMLCSTR filename, XMLCSTR mode) { return _wfopen(filename, mode); } static inline int xstrlen(XMLCSTR c) { return (int)wcslen(c); } static inline int xstrnicmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return _wcsnicmp(c1, c2, l);} static inline int xstrncmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return wcsncmp(c1, c2, l);} static inline int xstricmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return _wcsicmp(c1, c2); } static inline XMLSTR xstrstr(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return (XMLSTR)wcsstr(c1, c2); } static inline XMLSTR xstrcpy(XMLSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return (XMLSTR)wcscpy(c1, c2); } #else char *myWideCharToMultiByte(const wchar_t *s) { UINT codePage = CP_ACP; if (characterEncoding == XMLNode::char_encoding_UTF8) codePage = CP_UTF8; int i = (int)WideCharToMultiByte(codePage, // code page 0, // performance and mapping flags s, // wide-character string -1, // number of chars in string NULL, // buffer for new string 0, // size of buffer NULL, // default for unmappable chars NULL // set when default char used ); if (i<0) return NULL; char *d = (char*)malloc(i+1); WideCharToMultiByte(codePage, // code page 0, // performance and mapping flags s, // wide-character string -1, // number of chars in string d, // buffer for new string i, // size of buffer NULL, // default for unmappable chars NULL // set when default char used ); d[i] = 0; return d; } static inline FILE *xfopen(XMLCSTR filename, XMLCSTR mode) { return fopen(filename, mode); } static inline int xstrlen(XMLCSTR c) { return (int)strlen(c); } #ifdef __BORLANDC__ static inline int xstrnicmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return strnicmp(c1, c2, l);} static inline int xstricmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return stricmp(c1, c2); } #else static inline int xstrnicmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return _strnicmp(c1, c2, l);} static inline int xstricmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return _stricmp(c1, c2); } #endif static inline int xstrncmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return strncmp(c1, c2, l);} static inline XMLSTR xstrstr(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return (XMLSTR)strstr(c1, c2); } static inline XMLSTR xstrcpy(XMLSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return (XMLSTR)strcpy(c1, c2); } #endif #else // for gcc and CC #ifdef XML_NO_WIDE_CHAR char *myWideCharToMultiByte(const wchar_t *s) { return NULL; } #else char *myWideCharToMultiByte(const wchar_t *s) { const wchar_t *ss = s; int i = (int)wcsrtombs(NULL, &ss, 0, NULL); if (i<0) return NULL; char *d = (char *)malloc(i+1); wcsrtombs(d, &s, i, NULL); d[i] = 0; return d; } #endif #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR wchar_t *myMultiByteToWideChar(const char *s, XMLNode::XMLCharEncoding ce) { const char *ss = s; int i = (int)mbsrtowcs(NULL, &ss, 0, NULL); if (i<0) return NULL; wchar_t *d = (wchar_t *)malloc((i+1)*sizeof(wchar_t)); mbsrtowcs(d, &s, i, NULL); d[i] = 0; return d; } int xstrlen(XMLCSTR c) { return wcslen(c); } #ifdef sun // for CC #include <widec.h> static inline int xstrnicmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return wsncasecmp(c1, c2, l);} static inline int xstrncmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return wsncmp(c1, c2, l);} static inline int xstricmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return wscasecmp(c1, c2); } #else static inline int xstrncmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return wcsncmp(c1, c2, l);} #ifdef __linux__ // for gcc/linux static inline int xstrnicmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return wcsncasecmp(c1, c2, l);} static inline int xstricmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return wcscasecmp(c1, c2); } #else #include <wctype.h> // for gcc/non-linux (MacOS X 10.3, FreeBSD 6.0, NetBSD 3.0, OpenBSD 3.8, AIX 4.3.2, HP-UX 11, IRIX 6.5, OSF/1 5.1, Cygwin, mingw) static inline int xstricmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { wchar_t left, right; do { left = towlower(*c1++); right = towlower(*c2++); } while (left&&(left == right)); return (int)left-(int)right; } static inline int xstrnicmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { wchar_t left, right; while (l--) { left = towlower(*c1++); right = towlower(*c2++); if (( !left) || (left != right)) return (int)left-(int)right; } return 0; } #endif #endif static inline XMLSTR xstrstr(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return (XMLSTR)wcsstr(c1, c2); } static inline XMLSTR xstrcpy(XMLSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return (XMLSTR)wcscpy(c1, c2); } static inline FILE *xfopen(XMLCSTR filename, XMLCSTR mode) { char *filenameAscii = myWideCharToMultiByte(filename); FILE *f; if (mode[0] == _CXML('r')) f = fopen(filenameAscii, "rb"); else f = fopen(filenameAscii, "wb"); free(filenameAscii); return f; } #else static inline FILE *xfopen(XMLCSTR filename, XMLCSTR mode) { return fopen(filename, mode); } static inline int xstrlen(XMLCSTR c) { return strlen(c); } static inline int xstrnicmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return strncasecmp(c1, c2, l);} static inline int xstrncmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2, int l) { return strncmp(c1, c2, l);} static inline int xstricmp(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return strcasecmp(c1, c2); } static inline XMLSTR xstrstr(XMLCSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return (XMLSTR)strstr(c1, c2); } static inline XMLSTR xstrcpy(XMLSTR c1, XMLCSTR c2) { return (XMLSTR)strcpy(c1, c2); } #endif static inline int _strnicmp(const char *c1, const char *c2, int l) { return strncasecmp(c1, c2, l);} #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // the "xmltoc, xmltob, xmltoi, xmltol, xmltof, xmltoa" functions // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // These 6 functions are not used inside the XMLparser. // There are only here as "convenience" functions for the user. // If you don't need them, you can delete them without any trouble. #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR #ifdef _XMLWINDOWS // for Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET and Borland C++ Builder 6.0 char xmltob(XMLCSTR t, char v) { if (t&&(*t)) return (char)_wtoi(t); return v; } int xmltoi(XMLCSTR t, int v) { if (t&&(*t)) return _wtoi(t); return v; } long xmltol(XMLCSTR t, long v) { if (t&&(*t)) return _wtol(t); return v; } double xmltof(XMLCSTR t, double v) { if (t&&(*t)) swscanf(t, L"%lf", &v); /*v = _wtof(t);*/ return v; } #else #ifdef sun // for CC #include <widec.h> char xmltob(XMLCSTR t, char v) { if (t) return (char)wstol(t, NULL, 10); return v; } int xmltoi(XMLCSTR t, int v) { if (t) return (int)wstol(t, NULL, 10); return v; } long xmltol(XMLCSTR t, long v) { if (t) return wstol(t, NULL, 10); return v; } #else // for gcc char xmltob(XMLCSTR t, char v) { if (t) return (char)wcstol(t, NULL, 10); return v; } int xmltoi(XMLCSTR t, int v) { if (t) return (int)wcstol(t, NULL, 10); return v; } long xmltol(XMLCSTR t, long v) { if (t) return wcstol(t, NULL, 10); return v; } #endif double xmltof(XMLCSTR t, double v) { if (t&&(*t)) swscanf(t, L"%lf", &v); /*v = _wtof(t);*/ return v; } #endif #else char xmltob(XMLCSTR t, char v) { if (t&&(*t)) return (char)atoi(t); return v; } int xmltoi(XMLCSTR t, int v) { if (t&&(*t)) return atoi(t); return v; } long xmltol(XMLCSTR t, long v) { if (t&&(*t)) return atol(t); return v; } double xmltof(XMLCSTR t, double v) { if (t&&(*t)) return atof(t); return v; } #endif XMLCSTR xmltoa(XMLCSTR t, XMLCSTR v) { if (t) return t; return v; } XMLCHAR xmltoc(XMLCSTR t, const XMLCHAR v) { if (t&&(*t)) return *t; return v; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // the "openFileHelper" function // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Since each application has its own way to report and deal with errors, you should modify & rewrite // the following "openFileHelper" function to get an "error reporting mechanism" tailored to your needs. XMLNode XMLNode::openFileHelper(XMLCSTR filename, XMLCSTR tag) { // guess the value of the global parameter "characterEncoding" // (the guess is based on the first 200 bytes of the file). FILE *f = xfopen(filename, _CXML("rb")); if (f) { char bb[205]; int l = (int)fread(bb, 1, 200, f); setGlobalOptions(guessCharEncoding(bb, l), guessWideCharChars, dropWhiteSpace, removeCommentsInMiddleOfText); fclose(f); } // parse the file XMLResults pResults; XMLNode xnode = XMLNode::parseFile(filename, tag, &pResults); // display error message (if any) if (pResults.error != eXMLErrorNone) { // create message char message[2000], *s1 = (char*)"", *s3 = (char*)""; XMLCSTR s2 = _CXML(""); if (pResults.error == eXMLErrorFirstTagNotFound) { s1 = (char*)"First Tag should be '"; s2 = tag; s3 = (char*)"'.\n"; } sprintf(message, #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR "XML Parsing error inside file '%S'.\n%S\nAt line %i, column %i.\n%s%S%s" #else "XML Parsing error inside file '%s'.\n%s\nAt line %i, column %i.\n%s%s%s" #endif , filename, XMLNode::getError(pResults.error), pResults.nLine, pResults.nColumn, s1, s2, s3); // display message #if defined(_XMLWINDOWS) && !defined(UNDER_CE) && !defined(_XMLPARSER_NO_MESSAGEBOX_) MessageBoxA(NULL, message, "XML Parsing error", MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR|MB_TOPMOST); #else printf("%s", message); #endif exit(255); } return xnode; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Here start the core implementation of the XMLParser library // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // You should normally not change anything below this point. #ifndef _XMLWIDECHAR // If "characterEncoding = ascii" then we assume that all characters have the same length of 1 byte. // If "characterEncoding = UTF8" then the characters have different lengths (from 1 byte to 4 bytes). // If "characterEncoding = ShiftJIS" then the characters have different lengths (from 1 byte to 2 bytes). // This table is used as lookup-table to know the length of a character (in byte) based on the // content of the first byte of the character. // (note: if you modify this, you must always have XML_utf8ByteTable[0] = 0). static const char XML_utf8ByteTable[256] = { // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x00 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x10 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x20 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x30 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x40 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x50 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x60 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x70 End of ASCII range 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x80 0x80 to 0xc1 invalid 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x90 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0xa0 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0xb0 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xc0 0xc2 to 0xdf 2 byte 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xd0 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, // 0xe0 0xe0 to 0xef 3 byte 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 // 0xf0 0xf0 to 0xf4 4 byte, 0xf5 and higher invalid }; static const char XML_legacyByteTable[256] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }; static const char XML_sjisByteTable[256] = { // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x00 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x10 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x20 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x30 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x40 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x50 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x60 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x70 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0x80 0x81 to 0x9F 2 bytes 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0x90 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0xa0 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0xb0 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0xc0 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0xd0 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xe0 0xe0 to 0xef 2 bytes 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 // 0xf0 }; static const char XML_gb2312ByteTable[256] = { // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x00 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x10 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x20 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x30 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x40 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x50 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x60 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x70 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x80 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x90 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xa0 0xa1 to 0xf7 2 bytes 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xb0 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xc0 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xd0 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xe0 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 // 0xf0 }; static const char XML_gbk_big5_ByteTable[256] = { // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x00 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x10 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x20 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x30 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x40 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x50 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x60 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x70 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0x80 0x81 to 0xfe 2 bytes 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0x90 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xa0 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xb0 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xc0 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xd0 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xe0 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1 // 0xf0 }; static const char *XML_ByteTable = (const char *)XML_utf8ByteTable; // the default is "characterEncoding = XMLNode::encoding_UTF8" #endif XMLNode XMLNode::emptyXMLNode; XMLClear XMLNode::emptyXMLClear = { NULL, NULL, NULL}; XMLAttribute XMLNode::emptyXMLAttribute = { NULL, NULL}; // Enumeration used to decipher what type a token is typedef enum XMLTokenTypeTag { eTokenText = 0, eTokenQuotedText, eTokenTagStart, /* "<" */ eTokenTagEnd, /* "</" */ eTokenCloseTag, /* ">" */ eTokenEquals, /* " = " */ eTokenDeclaration, /* "<?" */ eTokenShortHandClose, /* "/>" */ eTokenClear, eTokenError } XMLTokenType; // Main structure used for parsing XML typedef struct XML { XMLCSTR lpXML; XMLCSTR lpszText; int nIndex, nIndexMissigEndTag; enum XMLError error; XMLCSTR lpEndTag; int cbEndTag; XMLCSTR lpNewElement; int cbNewElement; int nFirst; } XML; typedef struct { ALLXMLClearTag *pClr; XMLCSTR pStr; } NextToken; // Enumeration used when parsing attributes typedef enum Attrib { eAttribName = 0, eAttribEquals, eAttribValue } Attrib; // Enumeration used when parsing elements to dictate whether we are currently // inside a tag typedef enum XMLStatus { eInsideTag = 0, eOutsideTag } XMLStatus; XMLError XMLNode::writeToFile(XMLCSTR filename, const char *encoding, char nFormat) const { if ( !d) return eXMLErrorNone; FILE *f = xfopen(filename, _CXML("wb")); if ( !f) return eXMLErrorCannotOpenWriteFile; #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR unsigned char h[2] = { 0xFF, 0xFE }; if ( !fwrite(h, 2, 1, f)) { fclose(f); return eXMLErrorCannotWriteFile; } if (( !isDeclaration())&&((d->lpszName) || ( !getChildNode().isDeclaration()))) { if ( fputws(L"<?xml version = \"1.0\" encoding = \"utf-16\"?>\n", f) == EOF) { fclose(f); return eXMLErrorCannotWriteFile; } } #else if (( !isDeclaration())&&((d->lpszName) || ( !getChildNode().isDeclaration()))) { if (characterEncoding == char_encoding_UTF8) { // header so that windows recognize the file as UTF-8: unsigned char h[3] = {0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF}; if ( !fwrite(h, 3, 1, f)) { fclose(f); return eXMLErrorCannotWriteFile; } encoding = "utf-8"; } else if (characterEncoding == char_encoding_ShiftJIS) encoding = "SHIFT-JIS"; if ( !encoding) encoding = "ISO-8859-1"; if (fprintf(f, "<?xml version = \"1.0\" encoding = \"%s\"?>\n", encoding)<0) { fclose(f); return eXMLErrorCannotWriteFile; } } else { if (characterEncoding == char_encoding_UTF8) { unsigned char h[3] = {0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF}; if ( !fwrite(h, 3, 1, f)) { fclose(f); return eXMLErrorCannotWriteFile; } } } #endif int i; XMLSTR t = createXMLString(nFormat, &i); if ( !fwrite(t, sizeof(XMLCHAR)*i, 1, f)) { free(t); fclose(f); return eXMLErrorCannotWriteFile; } if (fclose(f) != 0) { free(t); return eXMLErrorCannotWriteFile; } free(t); return eXMLErrorNone; } // Duplicate a given string. XMLSTR stringDup(XMLCSTR lpszData, int cbData) { if (lpszData == NULL) return NULL; XMLSTR lpszNew; if (cbData == -1) cbData = (int)xstrlen(lpszData); lpszNew = (XMLSTR)malloc((cbData+1) * sizeof(XMLCHAR)); if (lpszNew) { memcpy(lpszNew, lpszData, (cbData) * sizeof(XMLCHAR)); lpszNew[cbData] = (XMLCHAR)NULL; } return lpszNew; } XMLSTR ToXMLStringTool::toXMLUnSafe(XMLSTR dest, XMLCSTR source) { XMLSTR dd = dest; XMLCHAR ch; XMLCharacterEntity *entity; while ((ch = *source)) { entity = XMLEntities; do { if (ch == entity->c) {xstrcpy(dest, entity->s); dest+=entity->l; source++; goto out_of_loop1; } entity++; } while (entity->s); #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR *(dest++) = *(source++); #else switch(XML_ByteTable[(unsigned char)ch]) { case 4: *(dest++) = *(source++); case 3: *(dest++) = *(source++); case 2: *(dest++) = *(source++); case 1: *(dest++) = *(source++); } #endif out_of_loop1: ; } *dest = 0; return dd; } // private (used while rendering): int ToXMLStringTool::lengthXMLString(XMLCSTR source) { int r = 0; XMLCharacterEntity *entity; XMLCHAR ch; while ((ch = *source)) { entity = XMLEntities; do { if (ch == entity->c) { r+=entity->l; source++; goto out_of_loop1; } entity++; } while (entity->s); #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR r++; source++; #else ch = XML_ByteTable[(unsigned char)ch]; r+=ch; source+=ch; #endif out_of_loop1: ; } return r; } ToXMLStringTool::~ToXMLStringTool() { freeBuffer(); } void ToXMLStringTool::freeBuffer() { if (buf) free(buf); buf = NULL; buflen = 0; } XMLSTR ToXMLStringTool::toXML(XMLCSTR source) { if ( !source) { if (buflen<1) { buflen = 1; buf = (XMLSTR)malloc(sizeof(XMLCHAR)); } *buf = 0; return buf; } int l = lengthXMLString(source)+1; if (l>buflen) { freeBuffer(); buflen = l; buf = (XMLSTR)malloc(l*sizeof(XMLCHAR)); } return toXMLUnSafe(buf, source); } // private: XMLSTR fromXMLString(XMLCSTR s, int lo, XML *pXML) { // This function is the opposite of the function "toXMLString". It decodes the escape // sequences &, ", ', <, > and replace them by the characters // &, ", ', <, >. This function is used internally by the XML Parser. All the calls to // the XML library will always gives you back "decoded" strings. // // in: string (s) and length (lo) of string // out: new allocated string converted from xml if ( !s) return NULL; int ll = 0, j; XMLSTR d; XMLCSTR ss = s; XMLCharacterEntity *entity; while ((lo>0)&&(*s)) { if (*s == _CXML('&')) { if ((lo>2)&&(s[1] == _CXML('#'))) { s+=2; lo-=2; if ((*s == _CXML('X')) || (*s == _CXML('x'))) { s++; lo--; } while ((*s)&&(*s != _CXML(';'))&&((lo--)>0)) s++; if (*s != _CXML(';')) { pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnknownCharacterEntity; return NULL; } s++; lo--; } else { entity = XMLEntities; do { if ((lo>=entity->l)&&(xstrnicmp(s, entity->s, entity->l) == 0)) { s+=entity->l; lo-=entity->l; break; } entity++; } while (entity->s); if ( !entity->s) { pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnknownCharacterEntity; return NULL; } } } else { #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR s++; lo--; #else j = XML_ByteTable[(unsigned char)*s]; s+=j; lo-=j; ll+=j-1; #endif } ll++; } d = (XMLSTR)malloc((ll+1)*sizeof(XMLCHAR)); s = d; while (ll-->0) { if (*ss == _CXML('&')) { if (ss[1] == _CXML('#')) { ss+=2; j = 0; if ((*ss == _CXML('X')) || (*ss == _CXML('x'))) { ss++; while (*ss != _CXML(';')) { if ((*ss>=_CXML('0'))&&(*ss <= _CXML('9'))) j = (j<<4)+*ss-_CXML('0'); else if ((*ss>=_CXML('A'))&&(*ss <= _CXML('F'))) j = (j<<4)+*ss-_CXML('A')+10; else if ((*ss>=_CXML('a'))&&(*ss <= _CXML('f'))) j = (j<<4)+*ss-_CXML('a')+10; else { free((void*)s); pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnknownCharacterEntity;return NULL;} ss++; } } else { while (*ss != _CXML(';')) { if ((*ss>=_CXML('0'))&&(*ss <= _CXML('9'))) j = (j*10)+*ss-_CXML('0'); else { free((void*)s); pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnknownCharacterEntity;return NULL;} ss++; } } #ifndef _XMLWIDECHAR if (j>255) { free((void*)s); pXML->error = eXMLErrorCharacterCodeAbove255;return NULL;} #endif (*d++) = (XMLCHAR)j; ss++; } else { entity = XMLEntities; do { if (xstrnicmp(ss, entity->s, entity->l) == 0) { *(d++) = entity->c; ss+=entity->l; break; } entity++; } while (entity->s); } } else { #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR *(d++) = *(ss++); #else switch(XML_ByteTable[(unsigned char)*ss]) { case 4: *(d++) = *(ss++); ll--; case 3: *(d++) = *(ss++); ll--; case 2: *(d++) = *(ss++); ll--; case 1: *(d++) = *(ss++); } #endif } } *d = 0; #ifndef _XMLWIDECHAR if (characterEncoding != XMLNode::char_encoding_legacy) Utf8Decode((XMLSTR)s, NULL); #endif return (XMLSTR)s; } #define XML_isSPACECHAR(ch) ((ch == _CXML('\n')) || (ch == _CXML(' ')) || (ch == _CXML('\t')) || (ch == _CXML('\r'))) // private: char myTagCompare(XMLCSTR cclose, XMLCSTR copen) // !!!! WARNING strange convention&: // return 0 if equals // return 1 if different { if ( !cclose) return 1; int l = (int)xstrlen(cclose); if (xstrnicmp(cclose, copen, l) != 0) return 1; const XMLCHAR c = copen[l]; if (XML_isSPACECHAR(c) || (c == _CXML('/')) || (c == _CXML('<')) || (c == _CXML('>')) || (c == _CXML('='))) return 0; return 1; } // Obtain the next character from the string. static inline XMLCHAR getNextChar(XML *pXML) { XMLCHAR ch = pXML->lpXML[pXML->nIndex]; #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR if (ch != 0) pXML->nIndex++; #else pXML->nIndex+=XML_ByteTable[(unsigned char)ch]; #endif return ch; } // Find the next token in a string. // pcbToken contains the number of characters that have been read. static NextToken GetNextToken(XML *pXML, int *pcbToken, enum XMLTokenTypeTag *pType) { NextToken result; XMLCHAR ch; XMLCHAR chTemp; int indexStart, nFoundMatch, nIsText = FALSE; result.pClr = NULL; // prevent warning // Find next non-white space character do { indexStart = pXML->nIndex; ch = getNextChar(pXML); } while XML_isSPACECHAR(ch); if (ch) { // Cache the current string pointer result.pStr = &pXML->lpXML[indexStart]; // check for standard tokens switch(ch) { // Check for quotes case _CXML('\''): case _CXML('\"'): // Type of token *pType = eTokenQuotedText; chTemp = ch; // Set the size nFoundMatch = FALSE; // Search through the string to find a matching quote while ((ch = getNextChar(pXML))) { if (ch == chTemp) { nFoundMatch = TRUE; break; } if (ch == _CXML('<')) break; } // If we failed to find a matching quote if (nFoundMatch == FALSE) { pXML->nIndex = indexStart+1; nIsText = TRUE; break; } // 4.02.2002 // if (FindNonWhiteSpace(pXML)) pXML->nIndex--; break; // Equals (used with attribute values) case _CXML('='): *pType = eTokenEquals; break; // Close tag case _CXML('>'): *pType = eTokenCloseTag; break; // Check for tag start and tag end case _CXML('<'): { // First check whether the token is in the clear tag list (meaning it // does not need formatting). ALLXMLClearTag *ctag = XMLClearTags; do { if ( !xstrncmp(ctag->lpszOpen, result.pStr, ctag->openTagLen)) { result.pClr = ctag; pXML->nIndex+=ctag->openTagLen-1; *pType = eTokenClear; return result; } ctag++; } while (ctag->lpszOpen); // Peek at the next character to see if we have an end tag '</', // or an xml declaration '<?' chTemp = pXML->lpXML[pXML->nIndex]; // If we have a tag end... if (chTemp == _CXML('/')) { // Set the type and ensure we point at the next character getNextChar(pXML); *pType = eTokenTagEnd; } // If we have an XML declaration tag else if (chTemp == _CXML('?')) { // Set the type and ensure we point at the next character getNextChar(pXML); *pType = eTokenDeclaration; } // Otherwise we must have a start tag else { *pType = eTokenTagStart; } break; } // Check to see if we have a short hand type end tag ('/>'). case _CXML('/'): // Peek at the next character to see if we have a short end tag '/>' chTemp = pXML->lpXML[pXML->nIndex]; // If we have a short hand end tag... if (chTemp == _CXML('>')) { // Set the type and ensure we point at the next character getNextChar(pXML); *pType = eTokenShortHandClose; break; } // If we haven't found a short hand closing tag then drop into the // text process // Other characters default: nIsText = TRUE; } // If this is a TEXT node if (nIsText) { // Indicate we are dealing with text *pType = eTokenText; while ((ch = getNextChar(pXML))) { if XML_isSPACECHAR(ch) { indexStart++; break; } else if (ch == _CXML('/')) { // If we find a slash then this maybe text or a short hand end tag // Peek at the next character to see it we have short hand end tag ch = pXML->lpXML[pXML->nIndex]; // If we found a short hand end tag then we need to exit the loop if (ch == _CXML('>')) { pXML->nIndex--; break; } } else if ((ch == _CXML('<')) || (ch == _CXML('>')) || (ch == _CXML('='))) { pXML->nIndex--; break; } } } *pcbToken = pXML->nIndex-indexStart; } else { // If we failed to obtain a valid character *pcbToken = 0; *pType = eTokenError; result.pStr = NULL; } return result; } XMLCSTR XMLNode::updateName_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszName) { if ( !d) { free(lpszName); return NULL; } if (d->lpszName&&(lpszName != d->lpszName)) free((void*)d->lpszName); d->lpszName = lpszName; return lpszName; } // private: XMLNode::XMLNode(struct XMLNodeDataTag *p) { d = p; (p->ref_count)++; } XMLNode::XMLNode(XMLNodeData *pParent, XMLSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration) { d = (XMLNodeData*)malloc(sizeof(XMLNodeData)); d->ref_count = 1; d->lpszName = NULL; d->nChild = 0; d->nText = 0; d->nClear = 0; d->nAttribute = 0; d->isDeclaration = isDeclaration; d->pParent = pParent; d->pChild = NULL; d->pText = NULL; d->pClear = NULL; d->pAttribute = NULL; d->pOrder = NULL; d->pInnerText = NULL; updateName_WOSD(lpszName); d->lpszNS = NULL; if (lpszName && pParent && pParent->lpszName && !pParent->isDeclaration) { TCHAR* p = _tcschr(lpszName, ':'); if (p) { *p = 0; d->lpszNS = d->lpszName; d->lpszName = p+1; } } } XMLNode XMLNode::createXMLTopNode_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration) { return XMLNode(NULL, lpszName, isDeclaration); } XMLNode XMLNode::createXMLTopNode(XMLCSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration) { return XMLNode(NULL, stringDup(lpszName), isDeclaration); } #define MEMORYINCREASE 50 static inline void myFree(void *p) { if (p) free(p); } static inline void *myRealloc(void *p, int newsize, int memInc, int sizeofElem) { if (p == NULL) { if (memInc) return malloc(memInc*sizeofElem); return malloc(sizeofElem); } if ((memInc == 0) || ((newsize%memInc) == 0)) p = realloc(p, (newsize+memInc)*sizeofElem); // if ( !p) // { // printf("XMLParser Error: Not enough memory! Aborting...\n"); exit(220); // } return p; } // private: XMLElementPosition XMLNode::findPosition(XMLNodeData *d, int index, XMLElementType xxtype) { if (index<0) return -1; int i=0, j = (int)((index<<2)+xxtype), *o = d->pOrder; while (o[i] != j) i++; return i; } // private: // update "order" information when deleting a content of a XMLNode int XMLNode::removeOrderElement(XMLNodeData *d, XMLElementType t, int index) { int n = d->nChild+d->nText+d->nClear, *o = d->pOrder, i = findPosition(d, index, t); memmove(o+i, o+i+1, (n-i)*sizeof(int)); for (;i<n;i++) if ((o[i]&3) == (int)t) o[i]-=4; // We should normally do: // d->pOrder = (int)realloc(d->pOrder, n*sizeof(int)); // but we skip reallocation because it's too time consuming. // Anyway, at the end, it will be free'd completely at once. return i; } void *XMLNode::addToOrder(int memoryIncrease, int *_pos, int nc, void *p, int size, XMLElementType xtype) { // in: *_pos is the position inside d->pOrder ("-1" means "EndOf") // out: *_pos is the index inside p p = myRealloc(p, (nc+1), memoryIncrease, size); int n = d->nChild+d->nText+d->nClear; d->pOrder = (int*)myRealloc(d->pOrder, n+1, memoryIncrease*3, sizeof(int)); int pos = *_pos, *o = d->pOrder; if ((pos<0) || (pos>=n)) { *_pos = nc; o[n] = (int)((nc<<2)+xtype); return p; } int i = pos; memmove(o+i+1, o+i, (n-i)*sizeof(int)); while ((pos<n)&&((o[pos]&3) != (int)xtype)) pos++; if (pos == n) { *_pos = nc; o[n] = (int)((nc<<2)+xtype); return p; } o[i] = o[pos]; for (i = pos+1;i <= n;i++) if ((o[i]&3) == (int)xtype) o[i]+=4; *_pos = pos = o[pos]>>2; memmove(((char*)p)+(pos+1)*size, ((char*)p)+pos*size, (nc-pos)*size); return p; } // Add a child node to the given element. XMLNode XMLNode::addChild_priv(int memoryIncrease, XMLSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration, int pos) { if ( !lpszName) return emptyXMLNode; d->pChild = (XMLNode*)addToOrder(memoryIncrease, &pos, d->nChild, d->pChild, sizeof(XMLNode), eNodeChild); d->pChild[pos].d = NULL; d->pChild[pos] = XMLNode(d, lpszName, isDeclaration); d->nChild++; return d->pChild[pos]; } // Add an attribute to an element. XMLAttribute *XMLNode::addAttribute_priv(int memoryIncrease, XMLSTR lpszName, XMLSTR lpszValuev) { if ( !lpszName) return &emptyXMLAttribute; if ( !d) { myFree(lpszName); myFree(lpszValuev); return &emptyXMLAttribute; } int nc = d->nAttribute; d->pAttribute = (XMLAttribute*)myRealloc(d->pAttribute, (nc+1), memoryIncrease, sizeof(XMLAttribute)); XMLAttribute *pAttr = d->pAttribute+nc; pAttr->lpszName = lpszName; pAttr->lpszValue = lpszValuev; d->nAttribute++; TCHAR* p = _tcschr(lpszName, ':'); if (p) if ( !lstrcmp(p+1, d->lpszNS) || (d->pParent && !lstrcmp(p+1, d->pParent->lpszNS))) *p = 0; return pAttr; } // Add text to the element. XMLCSTR XMLNode::addText_priv(int memoryIncrease, XMLSTR lpszValue, int pos) { if ( !lpszValue) return NULL; if ( !d) { myFree(lpszValue); return NULL; } invalidateInnerText(); d->pText = (XMLCSTR*)addToOrder(memoryIncrease, &pos, d->nText, d->pText, sizeof(XMLSTR), eNodeText); d->pText[pos] = lpszValue; d->nText++; return lpszValue; } // Add clear (unformatted) text to the element. XMLClear *XMLNode::addClear_priv(int memoryIncrease, XMLSTR lpszValue, XMLCSTR lpszOpen, XMLCSTR lpszClose, int pos) { if ( !lpszValue) return &emptyXMLClear; if ( !d) { myFree(lpszValue); return &emptyXMLClear; } invalidateInnerText(); d->pClear = (XMLClear *)addToOrder(memoryIncrease, &pos, d->nClear, d->pClear, sizeof(XMLClear), eNodeClear); XMLClear *pNewClear = d->pClear+pos; pNewClear->lpszValue = lpszValue; if ( !lpszOpen) lpszOpen = XMLClearTags->lpszOpen; if ( !lpszClose) lpszClose = XMLClearTags->lpszClose; pNewClear->lpszOpenTag = lpszOpen; pNewClear->lpszCloseTag = lpszClose; d->nClear++; return pNewClear; } // private: // Parse a clear (unformatted) type node. char XMLNode::parseClearTag(void *px, void *_pClear) { XML *pXML = (XML *)px; ALLXMLClearTag pClear = *((ALLXMLClearTag*)_pClear); int cbTemp = 0; XMLCSTR lpszTemp = NULL; XMLCSTR lpXML = &pXML->lpXML[pXML->nIndex]; static XMLCSTR docTypeEnd = _CXML("]>"); // Find the closing tag // Seems the <!DOCTYPE need a better treatment so lets handle it if (pClear.lpszOpen == XMLClearTags[1].lpszOpen) { XMLCSTR pCh = lpXML; while (*pCh) { if (*pCh == _CXML('<')) { pClear.lpszClose = docTypeEnd; lpszTemp = xstrstr(lpXML, docTypeEnd); break; } else if (*pCh == _CXML('>')) { lpszTemp = pCh; break; } #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR pCh++; #else pCh+=XML_ByteTable[(unsigned char)(*pCh)]; #endif } } else lpszTemp = xstrstr(lpXML, pClear.lpszClose); if (lpszTemp) { // Cache the size and increment the index cbTemp = (int)(lpszTemp - lpXML); pXML->nIndex += cbTemp+(int)xstrlen(pClear.lpszClose); // Add the clear node to the current element addClear_priv(MEMORYINCREASE, cbTemp?stringDup(lpXML, cbTemp):NULL, pClear.lpszOpen, pClear.lpszClose, -1); return 0; } // If we failed to find the end tag pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnmatchedEndClearTag; return 1; } void XMLNode::exactMemory(XMLNodeData *d) { if (d->pOrder) d->pOrder = (int*)realloc(d->pOrder, (d->nChild+d->nText+d->nClear)*sizeof(int)); if (d->pChild) d->pChild = (XMLNode*)realloc(d->pChild, d->nChild*sizeof(XMLNode)); if (d->pAttribute) d->pAttribute = (XMLAttribute*)realloc(d->pAttribute, d->nAttribute*sizeof(XMLAttribute)); if (d->pText) d->pText = (XMLCSTR*)realloc(d->pText, d->nText*sizeof(XMLSTR)); if (d->pClear) d->pClear = (XMLClear *)realloc(d->pClear, d->nClear*sizeof(XMLClear)); } char XMLNode::maybeAddTxT(void *pa, XMLCSTR tokenPStr) { XML *pXML = (XML *)pa; XMLCSTR lpszText = pXML->lpszText; if ( !lpszText) return 0; if (dropWhiteSpace) while (XML_isSPACECHAR(*lpszText)&&(lpszText != tokenPStr)) lpszText++; int cbText = (int)(tokenPStr - lpszText); if ( !cbText) { pXML->lpszText = NULL; return 0; } if (dropWhiteSpace) { cbText--; while ((cbText)&&XML_isSPACECHAR(lpszText[cbText])) cbText--; cbText++; } if ( !cbText) { pXML->lpszText = NULL; return 0; } XMLSTR lpt = fromXMLString(lpszText, cbText, pXML); if ( !lpt) return 1; pXML->lpszText = NULL; if (removeCommentsInMiddleOfText && d->nText && d->nClear) { // if the previous insertion was a comment (<!-- -->) AND // if the previous previous insertion was a text then, delete the comment and append the text int n = d->nChild+d->nText+d->nClear-1, *o = d->pOrder; if (((o[n]&3) == eNodeClear)&&((o[n-1]&3) == eNodeText)) { int i = o[n]>>2; if (d->pClear[i].lpszOpenTag == XMLClearTags[2].lpszOpen) { deleteClear(i); i = o[n-1]>>2; n = xstrlen(d->pText[i]); int n2 = xstrlen(lpt)+1; d->pText[i] = (XMLSTR)realloc((void*)d->pText[i], (n+n2)*sizeof(XMLCHAR)); if ( !d->pText[i]) return 1; memcpy((void*)(d->pText[i]+n), lpt, n2*sizeof(XMLCHAR)); free(lpt); return 0; } } } addText_priv(MEMORYINCREASE, lpt, -1); return 0; } // private: // Recursively parse an XML element. int XMLNode::ParseXMLElement(void *pa) { XML *pXML = (XML *)pa; int cbToken; enum XMLTokenTypeTag xtype; NextToken token; XMLCSTR lpszTemp = NULL; int cbTemp = 0; char nDeclaration; XMLNode pNew; enum XMLStatus status; // inside or outside a tag enum Attrib attrib = eAttribName; assert(pXML); // If this is the first call to the function if (pXML->nFirst) { // Assume we are outside of a tag definition pXML->nFirst = FALSE; status = eOutsideTag; } else { // If this is not the first call then we should only be called when inside a tag. status = eInsideTag; } // Iterate through the tokens in the document for (;;) { // Obtain the next token token = GetNextToken(pXML, &cbToken, &xtype); if (xtype != eTokenError) { // Check the current status switch(status) { // If we are outside of a tag definition case eOutsideTag: // Check what type of token we obtained switch(xtype) { // If we have found text or quoted text case eTokenText: case eTokenCloseTag: /* '>' */ case eTokenShortHandClose: /* '/>' */ case eTokenQuotedText: case eTokenEquals: break; // If we found a start tag '<' and declarations '<?' case eTokenTagStart: case eTokenDeclaration: // Cache whether this new element is a declaration or not nDeclaration = (xtype == eTokenDeclaration); // If we have node text then add this to the element if (maybeAddTxT(pXML, token.pStr)) return FALSE; // Find the name of the tag token = GetNextToken(pXML, &cbToken, &xtype); // Return an error if we couldn't obtain the next token or // it wasnt text if (xtype != eTokenText) { pXML->error = eXMLErrorMissingTagName; return FALSE; } // If we found a new element which is the same as this // element then we need to pass this back to the caller.. #ifdef APPROXIMATE_PARSING if (d->lpszName && myTagCompare(d->lpszName, token.pStr) == 0) { // Indicate to the caller that it needs to create a // new element. pXML->lpNewElement = token.pStr; pXML->cbNewElement = cbToken; return TRUE; } else #endif { // If the name of the new element differs from the name of // the current element we need to add the new element to // the current one and recurse pNew = addChild_priv(MEMORYINCREASE, stringDup(token.pStr, cbToken), nDeclaration, -1); while ( !pNew.isEmpty()) { // Callself to process the new node. If we return // FALSE this means we dont have any more // processing to do... if ( !pNew.ParseXMLElement(pXML)) return FALSE; else { // If the call to recurse this function // evented in a end tag specified in XML then // we need to unwind the calls to this // function until we find the appropriate node // (the element name and end tag name must // match) if (pXML->cbEndTag) { // If we are back at the root node then we // have an unmatched end tag if ( !d->lpszName) { pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnmatchedEndTag; return FALSE; } // If the end tag matches the name of this // element then we only need to unwind // once more... if (myTagCompare(d->lpszName, pXML->lpEndTag) == 0) { pXML->cbEndTag = 0; } return TRUE; } else if (pXML->cbNewElement) { // If the call indicated a new element is to // be created on THIS element. // If the name of this element matches the // name of the element we need to create // then we need to return to the caller // and let it process the element. if (myTagCompare(d->lpszName, pXML->lpNewElement) == 0) { return TRUE; } // Add the new element and recurse pNew = addChild_priv(MEMORYINCREASE, stringDup(pXML->lpNewElement, pXML->cbNewElement), 0, -1); pXML->cbNewElement = 0; } else { // If we didn't have a new element to create pNew = emptyXMLNode; } } } } break; // If we found an end tag case eTokenTagEnd: // If we have node text then add this to the element if (maybeAddTxT(pXML, token.pStr)) return FALSE; // Find the name of the end tag token = GetNextToken(pXML, &cbTemp, &xtype); // The end tag should be text if (xtype != eTokenText) { pXML->error = eXMLErrorMissingEndTagName; return FALSE; } lpszTemp = token.pStr; // After the end tag we should find a closing tag token = GetNextToken(pXML, &cbToken, &xtype); if (xtype != eTokenCloseTag) { pXML->error = eXMLErrorMissingEndTagName; return FALSE; } pXML->lpszText = pXML->lpXML+pXML->nIndex; // We need to return to the previous caller. If the name // of the tag cannot be found we need to keep returning to // caller until we find a match if ( !d->lpszNS) { if (myTagCompare(d->lpszName, lpszTemp) != 0) #ifdef STRICT_PARSING { LBL_Error: pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnmatchedEndTag; pXML->nIndexMissigEndTag = pXML->nIndex; return FALSE; } #else { LBL_Error: pXML->error = eXMLErrorMissingEndTag; pXML->nIndexMissigEndTag = pXML->nIndex; pXML->lpEndTag = lpszTemp; pXML->cbEndTag = cbTemp; } #endif } else { const TCHAR* p = _tcschr(lpszTemp, ':'); if ( !p) goto LBL_Error; if (myTagCompare(d->lpszName, p+1) != 0) goto LBL_Error; } // Return to the caller exactMemory(d); return TRUE; // If we found a clear (unformatted) token case eTokenClear: // If we have node text then add this to the element if (maybeAddTxT(pXML, token.pStr)) return FALSE; if (parseClearTag(pXML, token.pClr)) return FALSE; pXML->lpszText = pXML->lpXML+pXML->nIndex; break; default: break; } break; // If we are inside a tag definition we need to search for attributes case eInsideTag: // Check what part of the attribute (name, equals, value) we // are looking for. switch(attrib) { // If we are looking for a new attribute case eAttribName: // Check what the current token type is switch(xtype) { // If the current type is text... // Eg. 'attribute' case eTokenText: // Cache the token then indicate that we are next to // look for the equals lpszTemp = token.pStr; cbTemp = cbToken; attrib = eAttribEquals; break; // If we found a closing tag... // Eg. '>' case eTokenCloseTag: // We are now outside the tag status = eOutsideTag; pXML->lpszText = pXML->lpXML+pXML->nIndex; break; // If we found a short hand '/>' closing tag then we can // return to the caller case eTokenShortHandClose: exactMemory(d); pXML->lpszText = pXML->lpXML+pXML->nIndex; return TRUE; // Errors... case eTokenQuotedText: /* '"SomeText"' */ case eTokenTagStart: /* '<' */ case eTokenTagEnd: /* '</' */ case eTokenEquals: /* '=' */ case eTokenDeclaration: /* '<?' */ case eTokenClear: pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnexpectedToken; return FALSE; default: break; } break; // If we are looking for an equals case eAttribEquals: // Check what the current token type is switch(xtype) { // If the current type is text... // Eg. 'Attribute AnotherAttribute' case eTokenText: // Add the unvalued attribute to the list addAttribute_priv(MEMORYINCREASE, stringDup(lpszTemp, cbTemp), NULL); // Cache the token then indicate. We are next to // look for the equals attribute lpszTemp = token.pStr; cbTemp = cbToken; break; // If we found a closing tag 'Attribute >' or a short hand // closing tag 'Attribute />' case eTokenShortHandClose: case eTokenCloseTag: // If we are a declaration element '<?' then we need // to remove extra closing '?' if it exists pXML->lpszText = pXML->lpXML+pXML->nIndex; if (d->isDeclaration && (lpszTemp[cbTemp-1]) == _CXML('?')) { cbTemp--; if (d->pParent && d->pParent->pParent) xtype = eTokenShortHandClose; } if (cbTemp) { // Add the unvalued attribute to the list addAttribute_priv(MEMORYINCREASE, stringDup(lpszTemp, cbTemp), NULL); } // If this is the end of the tag then return to the caller if (xtype == eTokenShortHandClose) { exactMemory(d); return TRUE; } // We are now outside the tag status = eOutsideTag; break; // If we found the equals token... // Eg. 'Attribute = ' case eTokenEquals: // Indicate that we next need to search for the value // for the attribute attrib = eAttribValue; break; // Errors... case eTokenQuotedText: /* 'Attribute "InvalidAttr"'*/ case eTokenTagStart: /* 'Attribute <' */ case eTokenTagEnd: /* 'Attribute </' */ case eTokenDeclaration: /* 'Attribute <?' */ case eTokenClear: pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnexpectedToken; return FALSE; default: break; } break; // If we are looking for an attribute value case eAttribValue: // Check what the current token type is switch(xtype) { // If the current type is text or quoted text... // Eg. 'Attribute = "Value"' or 'Attribute = Value' or // 'Attribute = 'Value''. case eTokenText: case eTokenQuotedText: // If we are a declaration element '<?' then we need // to remove extra closing '?' if it exists if (d->isDeclaration && (token.pStr[cbToken-1]) == _CXML('?')) { cbToken--; } if (cbTemp) { // Add the valued attribute to the list if (xtype == eTokenQuotedText) { token.pStr++; cbToken-=2; } XMLSTR attrVal = (XMLSTR)token.pStr; if (attrVal) { attrVal = fromXMLString(attrVal, cbToken, pXML); if ( !attrVal) return FALSE; } addAttribute_priv(MEMORYINCREASE, stringDup(lpszTemp, cbTemp), attrVal); } // Indicate we are searching for a new attribute attrib = eAttribName; break; // Errors... case eTokenTagStart: /* 'Attr = <' */ case eTokenTagEnd: /* 'Attr = </' */ case eTokenCloseTag: /* 'Attr = >' */ case eTokenShortHandClose: /* "Attr = />" */ case eTokenEquals: /* 'Attr = = ' */ case eTokenDeclaration: /* 'Attr = <?' */ case eTokenClear: pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnexpectedToken; return FALSE; break; default: break; } } } } // If we failed to obtain the next token else { if (( !d->isDeclaration)&&(d->pParent)) { #ifdef STRICT_PARSING pXML->error = eXMLErrorUnmatchedEndTag; #else pXML->error = eXMLErrorMissingEndTag; #endif pXML->nIndexMissigEndTag = pXML->nIndex; } maybeAddTxT(pXML, pXML->lpXML+pXML->nIndex); return FALSE; } } } // Count the number of lines and columns in an XML string. static void CountLinesAndColumns(XMLCSTR lpXML, int nUpto, XMLResults *pResults) { XMLCHAR ch; assert(lpXML); assert(pResults); struct XML xml = { lpXML, lpXML, 0, 0, eXMLErrorNone, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, TRUE }; pResults->nLine = 1; pResults->nColumn = 1; while (xml.nIndex<nUpto) { ch = getNextChar(&xml); if (ch != _CXML('\n')) pResults->nColumn++; else { pResults->nLine++; pResults->nColumn = 1; } } } // Parse XML and return the root element. XMLNode XMLNode::parseString(XMLCSTR lpszXML, XMLCSTR tag, XMLResults *pResults) { if ( !lpszXML) { if (pResults) { pResults->error = eXMLErrorNoElements; pResults->nLine = 0; pResults->nColumn = 0; } return emptyXMLNode; } XMLNode xnode(NULL, NULL, FALSE); struct XML xml = { lpszXML, lpszXML, 0, 0, eXMLErrorNone, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, TRUE }; // Create header element xnode.ParseXMLElement(&xml); enum XMLError error = xml.error; if ( !xnode.nChildNode()) error = eXMLErrorNoXMLTagFound; if ((xnode.nChildNode() == 1)&&(xnode.nElement() == 1)) xnode = xnode.getChildNode(); // skip the empty node // If no error occurred if ((error == eXMLErrorNone) || (error == eXMLErrorMissingEndTag) || (error == eXMLErrorNoXMLTagFound)) { XMLCSTR name = xnode.getName(); if (tag&&(*tag)&&(( !name) || (xstricmp(name, tag)))) { xnode = xnode.getChildNode(tag); if (xnode.isEmpty()) { if (pResults) { pResults->error = eXMLErrorFirstTagNotFound; pResults->nLine = 0; pResults->nColumn = 0; pResults->nChars = xml.nIndex; } return emptyXMLNode; } } } else { // Cleanup: this will destroy all the nodes xnode = emptyXMLNode; } // If we have been given somewhere to place results if (pResults) { pResults->error = error; // If we have an error if (error != eXMLErrorNone) { if (error == eXMLErrorMissingEndTag) xml.nIndex = xml.nIndexMissigEndTag; // Find which line and column it starts on. CountLinesAndColumns(xml.lpXML, xml.nIndex, pResults); } pResults->nChars = xml.nIndex; } return xnode; } XMLNode XMLNode::parseFile(XMLCSTR filename, XMLCSTR tag, XMLResults *pResults) { if (pResults) { pResults->nLine = 0; pResults->nColumn = 0; } FILE *f = xfopen(filename, _CXML("rb")); if (f == NULL) { if (pResults) pResults->error = eXMLErrorFileNotFound; return emptyXMLNode; } fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); int l = (int)ftell(f), headerSz = 0; if ( !l) { if (pResults) pResults->error = eXMLErrorEmpty; fclose(f); return emptyXMLNode; } fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char*)malloc(l+4); l = (int)fread(buf, 1, l, f); fclose(f); buf[l] = 0;buf[l+1] = 0;buf[l+2] = 0;buf[l+3] = 0; #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR if (guessWideCharChars) { if ( !myIsTextWideChar(buf, l)) { XMLNode::XMLCharEncoding ce = XMLNode::char_encoding_legacy; if ((buf[0] == 0xef)&&(buf[1] == 0xbb)&&(buf[2] == 0xbf)) { headerSz = 3; ce = XMLNode::char_encoding_UTF8; } XMLSTR b2 = myMultiByteToWideChar((const char*)(buf+headerSz), ce); if ( !b2) { // todo: unable to convert } free(buf); buf = (unsigned char*)b2; headerSz = 0; } else { if ((buf[0] == 0xef)&&(buf[1] == 0xff)) headerSz = 2; if ((buf[0] == 0xff)&&(buf[1] == 0xfe)) headerSz = 2; } } else { if ((buf[0] == 0xef)&&(buf[1] == 0xff)) headerSz = 2; if ((buf[0] == 0xff)&&(buf[1] == 0xfe)) headerSz = 2; if ((buf[0] == 0xef)&&(buf[1] == 0xbb)&&(buf[2] == 0xbf)) headerSz = 3; } #else if (guessWideCharChars) { if (myIsTextWideChar(buf, l)) { if ((buf[0] == 0xef)&&(buf[1] == 0xff)) headerSz = 2; if ((buf[0] == 0xff)&&(buf[1] == 0xfe)) headerSz = 2; char *b2 = myWideCharToMultiByte((const wchar_t*)(buf+headerSz)); free(buf); buf = (unsigned char*)b2; headerSz = 0; } else { if ((buf[0] == 0xef)&&(buf[1] == 0xbb)&&(buf[2] == 0xbf)) headerSz = 3; } } else { if ((buf[0] == 0xef)&&(buf[1] == 0xff)) headerSz = 2; if ((buf[0] == 0xff)&&(buf[1] == 0xfe)) headerSz = 2; if ((buf[0] == 0xef)&&(buf[1] == 0xbb)&&(buf[2] == 0xbf)) headerSz = 3; } #endif if ( !buf) { if (pResults) pResults->error = eXMLErrorCharConversionError; return emptyXMLNode; } XMLNode x = parseString((XMLSTR)(buf+headerSz), tag, pResults); free(buf); return x; } static inline void charmemset(XMLSTR dest, XMLCHAR c, int l) { while (l--) *(dest++) = c; } // private: // Creates an user friendly XML string from a given element with // appropriate white space and carriage returns. // // This recurses through all subnodes then adds contents of the nodes to the // string. int XMLNode::CreateXMLStringR(XMLNodeData *pEntry, XMLSTR lpszMarker, int nFormat) { int nResult = 0; int cb = nFormat<0?0:nFormat; int cbElement; int nChildFormat = -1; int nElementI = pEntry->nChild+pEntry->nText+pEntry->nClear; int i, j; if ((nFormat>=0)&&(nElementI == 1)&&(pEntry->nText == 1)&&( !pEntry->isDeclaration)) nFormat = -2; assert(pEntry); #define LENSTR(lpsz) (lpsz ? xstrlen(lpsz) : 0) // If the element has no name then assume this is the head node. cbElement = (int)LENSTR(pEntry->lpszName); if (cbElement) { // "<elementname " if (lpszMarker) { if (cb) charmemset(lpszMarker, INDENTCHAR, cb); nResult = cb; lpszMarker[nResult++] = _CXML('<'); if (pEntry->isDeclaration) lpszMarker[nResult++] = _CXML('?'); xstrcpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], pEntry->lpszName); nResult+=cbElement; lpszMarker[nResult++] = _CXML(' '); } else { nResult+=cbElement+2+cb; if (pEntry->isDeclaration) nResult++; } // Enumerate attributes and add them to the string XMLAttribute *pAttr = pEntry->pAttribute; for (i=0; i<pEntry->nAttribute; i++) { // "Attrib cb = (int)LENSTR(pAttr->lpszName); if (cb) { if (lpszMarker) xstrcpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], pAttr->lpszName); nResult += cb; // "Attrib = Value " if (pAttr->lpszValue) { cb = (int)ToXMLStringTool::lengthXMLString(pAttr->lpszValue); if (lpszMarker) { lpszMarker[nResult] = _CXML('='); lpszMarker[nResult+1] = _CXML('"'); if (cb) ToXMLStringTool::toXMLUnSafe(&lpszMarker[nResult+2], pAttr->lpszValue); lpszMarker[nResult+cb+2] = _CXML('"'); } nResult+=cb+3; } if (lpszMarker) lpszMarker[nResult] = _CXML(' '); nResult++; } pAttr++; } if (pEntry->isDeclaration) { if (lpszMarker) { lpszMarker[nResult-1] = _CXML('?'); lpszMarker[nResult] = _CXML('>'); } nResult++; if (nFormat != -1) { if (lpszMarker) lpszMarker[nResult] = _CXML('\n'); nResult++; } } else // If there are child nodes we need to terminate the start tag if (nElementI) { if (lpszMarker) lpszMarker[nResult-1] = _CXML('>'); if (nFormat>=0) { if (lpszMarker) lpszMarker[nResult] = _CXML('\n'); nResult++; } } else nResult--; } // Calculate the child format for when we recurse. This is used to // determine the number of spaces used for prefixes. if (nFormat != -1) { if (cbElement&&( !pEntry->isDeclaration)) nChildFormat = nFormat+1; else nChildFormat = nFormat; } // Enumerate through remaining children for (i=0; i<nElementI; i++) { j = pEntry->pOrder[i]; switch((XMLElementType)(j&3)) { // Text nodes case eNodeText: { // "Text" XMLCSTR pChild = pEntry->pText[j>>2]; cb = (int)ToXMLStringTool::lengthXMLString(pChild); if (cb) { if (nFormat>=0) { if (lpszMarker) { charmemset(&lpszMarker[nResult], INDENTCHAR, nFormat+1); ToXMLStringTool::toXMLUnSafe(&lpszMarker[nResult+nFormat+1], pChild); lpszMarker[nResult+nFormat+1+cb] = _CXML('\n'); } nResult+=cb+nFormat+2; } else { if (lpszMarker) ToXMLStringTool::toXMLUnSafe(&lpszMarker[nResult], pChild); nResult += cb; } } break; } // Clear type nodes case eNodeClear: { XMLClear *pChild = pEntry->pClear+(j>>2); // "OpenTag" cb = (int)LENSTR(pChild->lpszOpenTag); if (cb) { if (nFormat != -1) { if (lpszMarker) { charmemset(&lpszMarker[nResult], INDENTCHAR, nFormat+1); xstrcpy(&lpszMarker[nResult+nFormat+1], pChild->lpszOpenTag); } nResult+=cb+nFormat+1; } else { if (lpszMarker)xstrcpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], pChild->lpszOpenTag); nResult += cb; } } // "OpenTag Value" cb = (int)LENSTR(pChild->lpszValue); if (cb) { if (lpszMarker) xstrcpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], pChild->lpszValue); nResult += cb; } // "OpenTag Value CloseTag" cb = (int)LENSTR(pChild->lpszCloseTag); if (cb) { if (lpszMarker) xstrcpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], pChild->lpszCloseTag); nResult += cb; } if (nFormat != -1) { if (lpszMarker) lpszMarker[nResult] = _CXML('\n'); nResult++; } break; } // Element nodes case eNodeChild: { // Recursively add child nodes nResult += CreateXMLStringR(pEntry->pChild[j>>2].d, lpszMarker ? lpszMarker + nResult : 0, nChildFormat); break; } default: break; } } if ((cbElement)&&( !pEntry->isDeclaration)) { // If we have child entries we need to use long XML notation for // closing the element - "<elementname>blah blah blah</elementname>" if (nElementI) { // "</elementname>\0" if (lpszMarker) { if (nFormat >=0) { charmemset(&lpszMarker[nResult], INDENTCHAR, nFormat); nResult+=nFormat; } lpszMarker[nResult] = _CXML('<'); lpszMarker[nResult+1] = _CXML('/'); nResult += 2; xstrcpy(&lpszMarker[nResult], pEntry->lpszName); nResult += cbElement; lpszMarker[nResult] = _CXML('>'); if (nFormat == -1) nResult++; else { lpszMarker[nResult+1] = _CXML('\n'); nResult+=2; } } else { if (nFormat>=0) nResult+=cbElement+4+nFormat; else if (nFormat == -1) nResult+=cbElement+3; else nResult+=cbElement+4; } } else { // If there are no children we can use shorthand XML notation - // "<elementname/>" // "/>\0" if (lpszMarker) { lpszMarker[nResult] = _CXML('/'); lpszMarker[nResult+1] = _CXML('>'); if (nFormat != -1) lpszMarker[nResult+2] = _CXML('\n'); } nResult += nFormat == -1 ? 2 : 3; } } return nResult; } #undef LENSTR // Create an XML string // @param int nFormat - 0 if no formatting is required // otherwise nonzero for formatted text // with carriage returns and indentation. // @param int *pnSize - [out] pointer to the size of the // returned string not including the // NULL terminator. // @return XMLSTR - Allocated XML string, you must free // this with free(). XMLSTR XMLNode::createXMLString(int nFormat, int *pnSize) const { if ( !d) { if (pnSize) *pnSize = 0; return NULL; } XMLSTR lpszResult = NULL; int cbStr; // Recursively Calculate the size of the XML string if ( !dropWhiteSpace) nFormat = 0; nFormat = nFormat ? 0 : -1; cbStr = CreateXMLStringR(d, 0, nFormat); // Alllocate memory for the XML string + the NULL terminator and // create the recursively XML string. lpszResult = (XMLSTR)malloc((cbStr+1)*sizeof(XMLCHAR)); CreateXMLStringR(d, lpszResult, nFormat); lpszResult[cbStr] = _CXML('\0'); if (pnSize) *pnSize = cbStr; return lpszResult; } int XMLNode::detachFromParent(XMLNodeData *d) { XMLNode *pa = d->pParent->pChild; int i=0; while (((void*)(pa[i].d)) != ((void*)d)) i++; d->pParent->nChild--; if (d->pParent->nChild) memmove(pa+i, pa+i+1, (d->pParent->nChild-i)*sizeof(XMLNode)); else { free(pa); d->pParent->pChild = NULL; } return removeOrderElement(d->pParent, eNodeChild, i); } XMLNode::~XMLNode() { if ( !d) return; d->ref_count--; emptyTheNode(0); } void XMLNode::deleteNodeContent() { if ( !d) return; if (d->pParent) { detachFromParent(d); d->pParent = NULL; d->ref_count--; } emptyTheNode(1); } void XMLNode::emptyTheNode(char force) { XMLNodeData *dd = d; // warning: must stay this way! if ((dd->ref_count == 0) || force) { if (d->pParent) detachFromParent(d); int i; XMLNode *pc; for (i=0; i<dd->nChild; i++) { pc = dd->pChild+i; pc->d->pParent = NULL; pc->d->ref_count--; pc->emptyTheNode(force); } myFree(dd->pChild); for (i=0; i<dd->nText; i++) free((void*)dd->pText[i]); myFree(dd->pText); for (i=0; i<dd->nClear; i++) free((void*)dd->pClear[i].lpszValue); myFree(dd->pClear); for (i=0; i<dd->nAttribute; i++) { free((void*)dd->pAttribute[i].lpszName); if (dd->pAttribute[i].lpszValue) free((void*)dd->pAttribute[i].lpszValue); } myFree(dd->pAttribute); myFree(dd->pOrder); myFree(dd->pInnerText); if (dd->lpszNS) myFree((void*)dd->lpszNS); else myFree((void*)dd->lpszName); dd->nChild = 0; dd->nText = 0; dd->nClear = 0; dd->nAttribute = 0; dd->pChild = NULL; dd->pText = NULL; dd->pClear = NULL; dd->pAttribute = NULL; dd->pOrder = NULL; dd->pInnerText = NULL; dd->lpszNS = dd->lpszName = NULL; dd->pParent = NULL; } if (dd->ref_count == 0) { free(dd); d = NULL; } } void XMLNode::invalidateInnerText() { if ( !d) return; myFree(d->pInnerText); d->pInnerText = NULL; } XMLNode& XMLNode::operator = (const XMLNode& A) { // shallow copy if (this != &A) { if (d) { d->ref_count--; emptyTheNode(0); } d = A.d; if (d) (d->ref_count) ++; } return *this; } XMLNode::XMLNode(const XMLNode &A) { // shallow copy d = A.d; if (d) (d->ref_count)++; } XMLNode XMLNode::deepCopy() const { if ( !d) return XMLNode::emptyXMLNode; XMLNode x(NULL, stringDup(d->lpszName), d->isDeclaration); XMLNodeData *p = x.d; int n = d->nAttribute; if (n) { p->nAttribute = n; p->pAttribute = (XMLAttribute*)malloc(n*sizeof(XMLAttribute)); while (n--) { p->pAttribute[n].lpszName = stringDup(d->pAttribute[n].lpszName); p->pAttribute[n].lpszValue = stringDup(d->pAttribute[n].lpszValue); } } if (d->pOrder) { n = (d->nChild+d->nText+d->nClear)*sizeof(int); p->pOrder = (int*)malloc(n); memcpy(p->pOrder, d->pOrder, n); } n = d->nText; if (n) { p->nText = n; p->pText = (XMLCSTR*)malloc(n*sizeof(XMLCSTR)); while (n--) p->pText[n] = stringDup(d->pText[n]); } n = d->nClear; if (n) { p->nClear = n; p->pClear = (XMLClear*)malloc(n*sizeof(XMLClear)); while (n--) { p->pClear[n].lpszCloseTag = d->pClear[n].lpszCloseTag; p->pClear[n].lpszOpenTag = d->pClear[n].lpszOpenTag; p->pClear[n].lpszValue = stringDup(d->pClear[n].lpszValue); } } n = d->nChild; if (n) { p->nChild = n; p->pChild = (XMLNode*)malloc(n*sizeof(XMLNode)); while (n--) { p->pChild[n].d = NULL; p->pChild[n] = d->pChild[n].deepCopy(); p->pChild[n].d->pParent = p; } } return x; } XMLNode XMLNode::addChild(XMLNode childNode, int pos) { XMLNodeData *dc = childNode.d; if (( !dc) || ( !d)) return childNode; if ( !dc->lpszName) { // this is a root node: todo: correct fix int j = pos; while (dc->nChild) { addChild(dc->pChild[0], j); if (pos>=0) j++; } return childNode; } if (dc->pParent) { if ((detachFromParent(dc) <= pos)&&(dc->pParent == d)) pos--; } else dc->ref_count++; dc->pParent = d; // int nc = d->nChild; // d->pChild = (XMLNode*)myRealloc(d->pChild, (nc+1), memoryIncrease, sizeof(XMLNode)); d->pChild = (XMLNode*)addToOrder(0, &pos, d->nChild, d->pChild, sizeof(XMLNode), eNodeChild); d->pChild[pos].d = dc; d->nChild++; return childNode; } void XMLNode::deleteAttribute(int i) { if (( !d) || (i<0) || (i>=d->nAttribute)) return; d->nAttribute--; XMLAttribute *p = d->pAttribute+i; free((void*)p->lpszName); if (p->lpszValue) free((void*)p->lpszValue); if (d->nAttribute) memmove(p, p+1, (d->nAttribute-i)*sizeof(XMLAttribute)); else { free(p); d->pAttribute = NULL; } } void XMLNode::deleteAttribute(XMLAttribute *a) { if (a) deleteAttribute(a->lpszName); } void XMLNode::deleteAttribute(XMLCSTR lpszName) { int j = 0; getAttribute(lpszName, &j); if (j) deleteAttribute(j-1); } XMLAttribute *XMLNode::updateAttribute_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewValue, XMLSTR lpszNewName, int i) { if ( !d) { if (lpszNewValue) free(lpszNewValue); if (lpszNewName) free(lpszNewName); return NULL; } if (i>=d->nAttribute) { if (lpszNewName) return addAttribute_WOSD(lpszNewName, lpszNewValue); return NULL; } XMLAttribute *p = d->pAttribute+i; if (p->lpszValue&&p->lpszValue != lpszNewValue) free((void*)p->lpszValue); p->lpszValue = lpszNewValue; if (lpszNewName&&p->lpszName != lpszNewName) { free((void*)p->lpszName); p->lpszName = lpszNewName; }; return p; } XMLAttribute *XMLNode::updateAttribute_WOSD(XMLAttribute *newAttribute, XMLAttribute *oldAttribute) { if (oldAttribute) return updateAttribute_WOSD((XMLSTR)newAttribute->lpszValue, (XMLSTR)newAttribute->lpszName, oldAttribute->lpszName); return addAttribute_WOSD((XMLSTR)newAttribute->lpszName, (XMLSTR)newAttribute->lpszValue); } XMLAttribute *XMLNode::updateAttribute_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewValue, XMLSTR lpszNewName, XMLCSTR lpszOldName) { int j = 0; getAttribute(lpszOldName, &j); if (j) return updateAttribute_WOSD(lpszNewValue, lpszNewName, j-1); else { if (lpszNewName) return addAttribute_WOSD(lpszNewName, lpszNewValue); else return addAttribute_WOSD(stringDup(lpszOldName), lpszNewValue); } } int XMLNode::indexText(XMLCSTR lpszValue) const { if ( !d) return -1; int i, l = d->nText; if ( !lpszValue) { if (l) return 0; return -1; } XMLCSTR *p = d->pText; for (i=0; i<l; i++) if (lpszValue == p[i]) return i; return -1; } void XMLNode::deleteText(int i) { if (( !d) || (i<0) || (i>=d->nText)) return; invalidateInnerText(); d->nText--; XMLCSTR *p = d->pText+i; free((void*)*p); if (d->nText) memmove(p, p+1, (d->nText-i)*sizeof(XMLCSTR)); else { free(p); d->pText = NULL; } removeOrderElement(d, eNodeText, i); } void XMLNode::deleteText(XMLCSTR lpszValue) { deleteText(indexText(lpszValue)); } XMLCSTR XMLNode::updateText_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewValue, int i) { if ( !d) { if (lpszNewValue) free(lpszNewValue); return NULL; } if (i>=d->nText) return addText_WOSD(lpszNewValue); invalidateInnerText(); XMLCSTR *p = d->pText+i; if (*p != lpszNewValue) { free((void*)*p); *p = lpszNewValue; } return lpszNewValue; } XMLCSTR XMLNode::updateText_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewValue, XMLCSTR lpszOldValue) { if ( !d) { if (lpszNewValue) free(lpszNewValue); return NULL; } int i = indexText(lpszOldValue); if (i>=0) return updateText_WOSD(lpszNewValue, i); return addText_WOSD(lpszNewValue); } void XMLNode::deleteClear(int i) { if (( !d) || (i<0) || (i>=d->nClear)) return; invalidateInnerText(); d->nClear--; XMLClear *p = d->pClear+i; free((void*)p->lpszValue); if (d->nClear) memmove(p, p+1, (d->nClear-i)*sizeof(XMLClear)); else { free(p); d->pClear = NULL; } removeOrderElement(d, eNodeClear, i); } int XMLNode::indexClear(XMLCSTR lpszValue) const { if ( !d) return -1; int i, l = d->nClear; if ( !lpszValue) { if (l) return 0; return -1; } XMLClear *p = d->pClear; for (i=0; i<l; i++) if (lpszValue == p[i].lpszValue) return i; return -1; } void XMLNode::deleteClear(XMLCSTR lpszValue) { deleteClear(indexClear(lpszValue)); } void XMLNode::deleteClear(XMLClear *a) { if (a) deleteClear(a->lpszValue); } XMLClear *XMLNode::updateClear_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewContent, int i) { if ( !d) { if (lpszNewContent) free(lpszNewContent); return NULL; } if (i>=d->nClear) return addClear_WOSD(lpszNewContent); invalidateInnerText(); XMLClear *p = d->pClear+i; if (lpszNewContent != p->lpszValue) { free((void*)p->lpszValue); p->lpszValue = lpszNewContent; } return p; } XMLClear *XMLNode::updateClear_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszNewContent, XMLCSTR lpszOldValue) { if ( !d) { if (lpszNewContent) free(lpszNewContent); return NULL; } int i = indexClear(lpszOldValue); if (i>=0) return updateClear_WOSD(lpszNewContent, i); return addClear_WOSD(lpszNewContent); } XMLClear *XMLNode::updateClear_WOSD(XMLClear *newP, XMLClear *oldP) { if (oldP) return updateClear_WOSD((XMLSTR)newP->lpszValue, (XMLSTR)oldP->lpszValue); return NULL; } int XMLNode::nChildNode(XMLCSTR name) const { if ( !d) return 0; int i, j = 0, n = d->nChild; XMLNode *pc = d->pChild; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { if (xstricmp(pc->d->lpszName, name) == 0) j++; pc++; } return j; } XMLNode XMLNode::getChildNode(XMLCSTR name, int *j) const { if ( !d) return emptyXMLNode; int i=0, n = d->nChild; if (j) i = *j; XMLNode *pc = d->pChild+i; for (; i<n; i++) { if ( !xstricmp(pc->d->lpszName, name)) { if (j) *j = i+1; return *pc; } pc++; } return emptyXMLNode; } XMLNode XMLNode::getChildNode(XMLCSTR name, int j) const { if ( !d) return emptyXMLNode; if (j>=0) { int i=0; while (j-->0) getChildNode(name, &i); return getChildNode(name, &i); } int i = d->nChild; while (i--) if ( !xstricmp(name, d->pChild[i].d->lpszName)) break; if (i<0) return emptyXMLNode; return getChildNode(i); } XMLNode XMLNode::getNextNode() const { if ( !d) return emptyXMLNode; XMLNodeDataTag *par = d->pParent; if ( !par) return emptyXMLNode; int i, n = par->nChild; for (i=0; i<n; i++) if (par->pChild[i].d == d) break; return XMLNode(par).getChildNode(d->lpszName, &++i); } XMLNode XMLNode::getChildNodeByPath(XMLCSTR _path, char createMissing, XMLCHAR sep) { XMLSTR path = stringDup(_path); XMLNode x = getChildNodeByPathNonConst(path, createMissing, sep); if (path) free(path); return x; } XMLNode XMLNode::getChildNodeByPathNonConst(XMLSTR path, char createIfMissing, XMLCHAR sep) { if (( !path) || ( !(*path))) return *this; XMLNode xn, xbase = *this; XMLCHAR *tend1, sepString[2]; sepString[0] = sep; sepString[1] = 0; tend1 = xstrstr(path, sepString); while (tend1) { *tend1 = 0; xn = xbase.getChildNode(path); if (xn.isEmpty()) { if (createIfMissing) xn = xbase.addChild(path); else { *tend1 = sep; return XMLNode::emptyXMLNode; } } *tend1 = sep; xbase = xn; path = tend1+1; tend1 = xstrstr(path, sepString); } xn = xbase.getChildNode(path); if (xn.isEmpty()&&createIfMissing) xn = xbase.addChild(path); return xn; } XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfText (int i) const { if (i>=d->nText) i = d->nText-1; return findPosition(d, i, eNodeText); } XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfClear (int i) const { if (i>=d->nClear) i = d->nClear-1; return findPosition(d, i, eNodeClear); } XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfChildNode(int i) const { if (i>=d->nChild) i = d->nChild-1; return findPosition(d, i, eNodeChild); } XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfText (XMLCSTR lpszValue) const { return positionOfText (indexText (lpszValue)); } XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfClear(XMLCSTR lpszValue) const { return positionOfClear(indexClear(lpszValue)); } XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfClear(XMLClear *a) const { if (a) return positionOfClear(a->lpszValue); return positionOfClear(); } XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfChildNode(XMLNode x) const { if (( !d) || ( !x.d)) return -1; XMLNodeData *dd = x.d; XMLNode *pc = d->pChild; int i = d->nChild; while (i--) if (pc[i].d == dd) return findPosition(d, i, eNodeChild); return -1; } XMLElementPosition XMLNode::positionOfChildNode(XMLCSTR name, int count) const { if ( !name) return positionOfChildNode(count); int j = 0; do { getChildNode(name, &j); if (j<0) return -1; } while (count--); return findPosition(d, j-1, eNodeChild); } XMLNode XMLNode::getChildNodeWithAttribute(XMLCSTR name, XMLCSTR attributeName, XMLCSTR attributeValue, int *k) const { int i=0, j; if (k) i = *k; XMLNode x; XMLCSTR t; do { x = getChildNode(name, &i); if ( !x.isEmpty()) { if (attributeValue) { j = 0; do { t = x.getAttribute(attributeName, &j); if (t&&(xstricmp(attributeValue, t) == 0)) { if (k) *k = i; return x; } } while (t); } else { if (x.isAttributeSet(attributeName)) { if (k) *k = i; return x; } } } } while ( !x.isEmpty()); return emptyXMLNode; } // Find an attribute on an node. XMLCSTR XMLNode::getAttribute(XMLCSTR lpszAttrib, int *j) const { if ( !d) return NULL; int i=0, n = d->nAttribute; if (j) i = *j; XMLAttribute *pAttr = d->pAttribute+i; for (; i<n; i++) { if (xstricmp(pAttr->lpszName, lpszAttrib) == 0) { if (j) *j = i+1; return pAttr->lpszValue; } pAttr++; } return NULL; } char XMLNode::isAttributeSet(XMLCSTR lpszAttrib) const { if ( !d) return FALSE; int i, n = d->nAttribute; XMLAttribute *pAttr = d->pAttribute; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { if (xstricmp(pAttr->lpszName, lpszAttrib) == 0) { return TRUE; } pAttr++; } return FALSE; } XMLCSTR XMLNode::getAttribute(XMLCSTR name, int j) const { if ( !d) return NULL; int i=0; while (j-->0) getAttribute(name, &i); return getAttribute(name, &i); } XMLNodeContents XMLNode::enumContents(int i) const { XMLNodeContents c; if ( !d) { c.etype = eNodeNULL; return c; } if (i<d->nAttribute) { c.etype = eNodeAttribute; c.attrib = d->pAttribute[i]; return c; } i-=d->nAttribute; c.etype = (XMLElementType)(d->pOrder[i]&3); i = (d->pOrder[i])>>2; switch (c.etype) { case eNodeChild: c.child = d->pChild[i]; break; case eNodeText: c.text = d->pText[i]; break; case eNodeClear: c.clear = d->pClear[i]; break; default: break; } return c; } XMLCSTR XMLNode::getInnerText() const { if ( !d) return NULL; if (nText() <= 1 && nClear() == 0) return getText(); if (d->pInnerText) return d->pInnerText; int count = nElement(); int i, length = 1; for (i=0; i < count; i++) { XMLNodeContents c = enumContents(i); switch (c.etype) { case eNodeText: length += xstrlen(c.text); break; case eNodeClear: length += xstrlen(c.clear.lpszValue); break; } } XMLCHAR *buf = (XMLCHAR *)malloc(sizeof(XMLCHAR) * length); XMLCHAR *pos = buf; for (i=0; i < count; i++) { XMLNodeContents c = enumContents(i); switch (c.etype) { case eNodeText: xstrcpy(pos, c.text); pos += xstrlen(c.text); break; case eNodeClear: xstrcpy(pos, c.clear.lpszValue); pos += xstrlen(c.clear.lpszValue); break; } } return d->pInnerText = buf; } XMLCSTR XMLNode::getName() const { if ( !d) return NULL; return d->lpszName; } int XMLNode::nText() const { if ( !d) return 0; return d->nText; } int XMLNode::nChildNode() const { if ( !d) return 0; return d->nChild; } int XMLNode::nAttribute() const { if ( !d) return 0; return d->nAttribute; } int XMLNode::nClear() const { if ( !d) return 0; return d->nClear; } int XMLNode::nElement() const { if ( !d) return 0; return d->nAttribute+d->nChild+d->nText+d->nClear; } XMLClear XMLNode::getClear (int i) const { if (( !d) || (i>=d->nClear)) return emptyXMLClear; return d->pClear[i]; } XMLAttribute XMLNode::getAttribute (int i) const { if (( !d) || (i>=d->nAttribute)) return emptyXMLAttribute; return d->pAttribute[i]; } XMLCSTR XMLNode::getAttributeName (int i) const { if (( !d) || (i>=d->nAttribute)) return NULL; return d->pAttribute[i].lpszName; } XMLCSTR XMLNode::getAttributeValue(int i) const { if (( !d) || (i>=d->nAttribute)) return NULL; return d->pAttribute[i].lpszValue; } XMLCSTR XMLNode::getText (int i) const { if (( !d) || (i>=d->nText)) return NULL; return d->pText[i]; } XMLNode XMLNode::getChildNode (int i) const { if (( !d) || (i>=d->nChild)) return emptyXMLNode; return d->pChild[i]; } XMLNode XMLNode::getParentNode () const { if (( !d) || ( !d->pParent)) return emptyXMLNode; return XMLNode(d->pParent); } char XMLNode::isDeclaration () const { if ( !d) return 0; return d->isDeclaration; } char XMLNode::isEmpty () const { return (d == NULL); } XMLNode XMLNode::emptyNode () { return XMLNode::emptyXMLNode; } XMLNode XMLNode::addChild(XMLCSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration, XMLElementPosition pos) { return addChild_priv(0, stringDup(lpszName), isDeclaration, pos); } XMLNode XMLNode::addChild_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszName, char isDeclaration, XMLElementPosition pos) { return addChild_priv(0, lpszName, isDeclaration, pos); } XMLAttribute *XMLNode::addAttribute(XMLCSTR lpszName, XMLCSTR lpszValue) { return addAttribute_priv(0, stringDup(lpszName), stringDup(lpszValue)); } XMLAttribute *XMLNode::addAttribute_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszName, XMLSTR lpszValuev) { return addAttribute_priv(0, lpszName, lpszValuev); } XMLCSTR XMLNode::addText(XMLCSTR lpszValue, XMLElementPosition pos) { return addText_priv(0, stringDup(lpszValue), pos); } XMLCSTR XMLNode::addText_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszValue, XMLElementPosition pos) { return addText_priv(0, lpszValue, pos); } XMLClear *XMLNode::addClear(XMLCSTR lpszValue, XMLCSTR lpszOpen, XMLCSTR lpszClose, XMLElementPosition pos) { return addClear_priv(0, stringDup(lpszValue), lpszOpen, lpszClose, pos); } XMLClear *XMLNode::addClear_WOSD(XMLSTR lpszValue, XMLCSTR lpszOpen, XMLCSTR lpszClose, XMLElementPosition pos) { return addClear_priv(0, lpszValue, lpszOpen, lpszClose, pos); } XMLCSTR XMLNode::updateName(XMLCSTR lpszName) { return updateName_WOSD(stringDup(lpszName)); } XMLAttribute *XMLNode::updateAttribute(XMLAttribute *newAttribute, XMLAttribute *oldAttribute) { return updateAttribute_WOSD(stringDup(newAttribute->lpszValue), stringDup(newAttribute->lpszName), oldAttribute->lpszName); } XMLAttribute *XMLNode::updateAttribute(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue, XMLCSTR lpszNewName, int i) { return updateAttribute_WOSD(stringDup(lpszNewValue), stringDup(lpszNewName), i); } XMLAttribute *XMLNode::updateAttribute(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue, XMLCSTR lpszNewName, XMLCSTR lpszOldName) { return updateAttribute_WOSD(stringDup(lpszNewValue), stringDup(lpszNewName), lpszOldName); } XMLCSTR XMLNode::updateText(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue, int i) { return updateText_WOSD(stringDup(lpszNewValue), i); } XMLCSTR XMLNode::updateText(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue, XMLCSTR lpszOldValue) { return updateText_WOSD(stringDup(lpszNewValue), lpszOldValue); } XMLClear *XMLNode::updateClear(XMLCSTR lpszNewContent, int i) { return updateClear_WOSD(stringDup(lpszNewContent), i); } XMLClear *XMLNode::updateClear(XMLCSTR lpszNewValue, XMLCSTR lpszOldValue) { return updateClear_WOSD(stringDup(lpszNewValue), lpszOldValue); } XMLClear *XMLNode::updateClear(XMLClear *newP, XMLClear *oldP) { return updateClear_WOSD(stringDup(newP->lpszValue), oldP->lpszValue); } char XMLNode::setGlobalOptions(XMLCharEncoding _characterEncoding, char _guessWideCharChars, char _dropWhiteSpace, char _removeCommentsInMiddleOfText) { guessWideCharChars = _guessWideCharChars; dropWhiteSpace = _dropWhiteSpace; removeCommentsInMiddleOfText = _removeCommentsInMiddleOfText; #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR if (_characterEncoding) characterEncoding = _characterEncoding; #else switch(_characterEncoding) { case char_encoding_UTF8: characterEncoding = _characterEncoding; XML_ByteTable = XML_utf8ByteTable; break; case char_encoding_legacy: characterEncoding = _characterEncoding; XML_ByteTable = XML_legacyByteTable; break; case char_encoding_ShiftJIS: characterEncoding = _characterEncoding; XML_ByteTable = XML_sjisByteTable; break; case char_encoding_GB2312: characterEncoding = _characterEncoding; XML_ByteTable = XML_gb2312ByteTable; break; case char_encoding_Big5: case char_encoding_GBK: characterEncoding = _characterEncoding; XML_ByteTable = XML_gbk_big5_ByteTable; break; default: return 1; } #endif return 0; } XMLNode::XMLCharEncoding XMLNode::guessCharEncoding(void *buf, int l, char useXMLEncodingAttribute) { #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR return (XMLCharEncoding)0; #else if (l<25) return (XMLCharEncoding)0; if (guessWideCharChars&&(myIsTextWideChar(buf, l))) return (XMLCharEncoding)0; unsigned char *b = (unsigned char*)buf; if ((b[0] == 0xef)&&(b[1] == 0xbb)&&(b[2] == 0xbf)) return char_encoding_UTF8; // Match utf-8 model ? XMLCharEncoding bestGuess = char_encoding_UTF8; int i=0; while (i<l) switch (XML_utf8ByteTable[b[i]]) { case 4: i++; if ((i<l)&&(b[i]& 0xC0) != 0x80) { bestGuess = char_encoding_legacy; i = l; } // 10bbbbbb ? case 3: i++; if ((i<l)&&(b[i]& 0xC0) != 0x80) { bestGuess = char_encoding_legacy; i = l; } // 10bbbbbb ? case 2: i++; if ((i<l)&&(b[i]& 0xC0) != 0x80) { bestGuess = char_encoding_legacy; i = l; } // 10bbbbbb ? case 1: i++; break; case 0: i = l; } if ( !useXMLEncodingAttribute) return bestGuess; // if encoding is specified and different from utf-8 than it's non-utf8 // otherwise it's utf-8 char bb[201]; l = mmin(l, 200); memcpy(bb, buf, l); // copy buf into bb to be able to do "bb[l] = 0" bb[l] = 0; b = (unsigned char*)strstr(bb, "encoding"); if ( !b) return bestGuess; b+=8; while XML_isSPACECHAR(*b) b++; if (*b != '=') return bestGuess; b++; while XML_isSPACECHAR(*b) b++; if ((*b != '\'')&&(*b != '"')) return bestGuess; b++; while XML_isSPACECHAR(*b) b++; if ((xstrnicmp((char*)b, "utf-8", 5) == 0) || (xstrnicmp((char*)b, "utf8", 4) == 0)) { if (bestGuess == char_encoding_legacy) return char_encoding_error; return char_encoding_UTF8; } if ((xstrnicmp((char*)b, "shiftjis", 8) == 0) || (xstrnicmp((char*)b, "shift-jis", 9) == 0) || (xstrnicmp((char*)b, "sjis", 4) == 0)) return char_encoding_ShiftJIS; if (xstrnicmp((char*)b, "GB2312", 6) == 0) return char_encoding_GB2312; if (xstrnicmp((char*)b, "Big5", 4) == 0) return char_encoding_Big5; if (xstrnicmp((char*)b, "GBK", 3) == 0) return char_encoding_GBK; return char_encoding_legacy; #endif } #undef XML_isSPACECHAR ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Here starts the base64 conversion functions. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static const char base64Fillchar = _CXML('='); // used to mark partial words at the end // this lookup table defines the base64 encoding XMLCSTR base64EncodeTable = _CXML("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"); // Decode Table gives the index of any valid base64 character in the Base64 table] // 96: '=' - 97: space char - 98: illegal char - 99: end of string const unsigned char base64DecodeTable[] = { 99, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 97, 97, 98, 98, 97, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, //00 -29 98, 98, 97, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 62, 98, 98, 98, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 98, 98, //30 -59 98, 96, 98, 98, 98, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, //60 -89 25, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, //90 -119 49, 50, 51, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, //120 -149 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, //150 -179 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, //180 -209 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, //210 -239 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98, 98 //240 -255 }; XMLParserBase64Tool::~XMLParserBase64Tool() { freeBuffer(); } void XMLParserBase64Tool::freeBuffer() { if (buf) free(buf); buf = NULL; buflen = 0; } int XMLParserBase64Tool::encodeLength(int inlen, char formatted) { unsigned int i = ((inlen-1)/3*4+4+1); if (formatted) i+=inlen/54; return i; } XMLSTR XMLParserBase64Tool::encode(unsigned char *inbuf, unsigned int inlen, char formatted) { int i = encodeLength(inlen, formatted), k = 17, eLen = inlen/3, j; alloc(i*sizeof(XMLCHAR)); XMLSTR curr = (XMLSTR)buf; for (i=0;i<eLen;i++) { // Copy next three bytes into lower 24 bits of int, paying attention to sign. j = (inbuf[0]<<16)|(inbuf[1]<<8)|inbuf[2]; inbuf+=3; // Encode the int into four chars *(curr++) = base64EncodeTable[ j>>18 ]; *(curr++) = base64EncodeTable[(j>>12)&0x3f]; *(curr++) = base64EncodeTable[(j>> 6)&0x3f]; *(curr++) = base64EncodeTable[(j)&0x3f]; if (formatted) { if ( !k) { *(curr++) = _CXML('\n'); k = 18; } k--; } } eLen = inlen-eLen*3; // 0 - 2. if (eLen == 1) { *(curr++) = base64EncodeTable[ inbuf[0]>>2 ]; *(curr++) = base64EncodeTable[(inbuf[0]<<4)&0x3F]; *(curr++) = base64Fillchar; *(curr++) = base64Fillchar; } else if (eLen == 2) { j = (inbuf[0]<<8)|inbuf[1]; *(curr++) = base64EncodeTable[ j>>10 ]; *(curr++) = base64EncodeTable[(j>> 4)&0x3f]; *(curr++) = base64EncodeTable[(j<< 2)&0x3f]; *(curr++) = base64Fillchar; } *(curr++) = 0; return (XMLSTR)buf; } unsigned int XMLParserBase64Tool::decodeSize(XMLCSTR data, XMLError *xe) { if ( !data) return 0; if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorNone; int size = 0; unsigned char c; //skip any extra characters (e.g. newlines or spaces) while (*data) { #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR if (*data>255) { if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeIllegalCharacter; return 0; } #endif c = base64DecodeTable[(unsigned char)(*data)]; if (c<97) size++; else if (c == 98) { if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeIllegalCharacter; return 0; } data++; } if (xe&&(size%4 != 0)) *xe = eXMLErrorBase64DataSizeIsNotMultipleOf4; if (size == 0) return 0; do { data--; size--; } while (*data == base64Fillchar); size++; return (unsigned int)((size*3)/4); } unsigned char XMLParserBase64Tool::decode(XMLCSTR data, unsigned char *buf, int len, XMLError *xe) { if ( !data) return 0; if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorNone; int i=0, p = 0; unsigned char d, c; for (;;) { #ifdef _XMLWIDECHAR #define BASE64DECODE_READ_NEXT_CHAR(c) \ do { \ if (data[i]>255) { c = 98; break; } \ c = base64DecodeTable[(unsigned char)data[i++]]; \ }while (c == 97); \ if(c == 98) { if(xe)*xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeIllegalCharacter; return 0; } #else #define BASE64DECODE_READ_NEXT_CHAR(c) \ do { c = base64DecodeTable[(unsigned char)data[i++]]; }while (c == 97); \ if(c == 98) { if(xe)*xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeIllegalCharacter; return 0; } #endif BASE64DECODE_READ_NEXT_CHAR(c) if (c == 99) { return 2; } if (c == 96) { if (p == (int)len) return 2; if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeTruncatedData; return 1; } BASE64DECODE_READ_NEXT_CHAR(d) if ((d == 99) || (d == 96)) { if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeTruncatedData; return 1; } if (p == (int)len) { if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeBufferTooSmall; return 0; } buf[p++] = (unsigned char)((c<<2)|((d>>4)&0x3)); BASE64DECODE_READ_NEXT_CHAR(c) if (c == 99) { if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeTruncatedData; return 1; } if (p == (int)len) { if (c == 96) return 2; if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeBufferTooSmall; return 0; } if (c == 96) { if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeTruncatedData; return 1; } buf[p++] = (unsigned char)(((d<<4)&0xf0)|((c>>2)&0xf)); BASE64DECODE_READ_NEXT_CHAR(d) if (d == 99) { if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeTruncatedData; return 1; } if (p == (int)len) { if (d == 96) return 2; if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeBufferTooSmall; return 0; } if (d == 96) { if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorBase64DecodeTruncatedData; return 1; } buf[p++] = (unsigned char)(((c<<6)&0xc0)|d); } } #undef BASE64DECODE_READ_NEXT_CHAR void XMLParserBase64Tool::alloc(int newsize) { if (( !buf)&&(newsize)) { buf = malloc(newsize); buflen = newsize; return; } if (newsize>buflen) { buf = realloc(buf, newsize); buflen = newsize; } } unsigned char *XMLParserBase64Tool::decode(XMLCSTR data, int *outlen, XMLError *xe) { if (xe) *xe = eXMLErrorNone; if ( !data) { *outlen = 0; return (unsigned char*)""; } unsigned int len = decodeSize(data, xe); if (outlen) *outlen = len; if ( !len) return NULL; alloc(len+1); if( !decode(data, (unsigned char*)buf, len, xe)) { return NULL; } return (unsigned char*)buf; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helpers for external C APIs. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// XMLNode::XMLNode(HXML h) : d((XMLNodeDataTag*)h) { if (d) d->ref_count++; } void XMLNode::attach(HXML h) { d = (XMLNodeDataTag*)h; } HXML XMLNode::detach() { HXML res = (HXML)d; d = NULL; return res; }