/* Copyright (C) 2010 Mataes This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this file; see the file license.txt. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #define MIRANDA_VER 0x0800 // Windows Header Files: #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Miranda header files #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "version.h" #include "resource.h" #include "Notifications.h" #define MODNAME "PluginUpdater" #define MODULEA "Plugin Updater" #define MODULEW L"Plugin Updater" #define DEFAULT_UPDATES_FOLDER L"Plugin Updates" #define MODULE MODULEW struct FILEURL { TCHAR tszDownloadURL[2048]; TCHAR tszDiskPath[MAX_PATH]; }; struct FILEINFO { char curhash[32+1]; char newhash[32+1]; TCHAR tszDescr[256]; FILEURL File; BOOL enabled; BYTE FileType; int FileNum; BYTE Force; }; typedef OBJLIST FILELIST; struct PopupDataText { TCHAR* Title; TCHAR* Text; }; struct PlugOptions { BYTE bUpdateOnStartup, bUpdateOnPeriod, bOnlyOnceADay, bUpdateIcons; BOOL bSilent, bDlgDld; BYTE bPeriodMeasure; int Period; }; #define DEFAULT_UPDATEICONS 0 #define DEFAULT_UPDATEONSTARTUP 1 #define DEFAULT_ONLYONCEADAY 1 #define DEFAULT_UPDATEONPERIOD 0 #define DEFAULT_PERIOD 1 #define DEFAULT_PERIODMEASURE 1 #ifdef WIN64 #define DEFAULT_UPDATE_URL "http://miranda-ng.org/distr/stable/x64" #else #define DEFAULT_UPDATE_URL "http://miranda-ng.org/distr/stable/x32" #endif #define IDINFO 3 #define IDDOWNLOAD 4 #define IDDOWNLOADALL 5 using namespace std; extern HINSTANCE hInst; extern TCHAR tszRoot[MAX_PATH], tszDialogMsg[2048]; extern FILEINFO* pFileInfo; extern HANDLE CheckThread, hPluginUpdaterFolder; extern PlugOptions opts; extern POPUP_OPTIONS PopupOptions; extern aPopups PopupsList[POPUPS]; extern HANDLE Timer; extern HWND hwndDialog; void InitPopupList(); void LoadOptions(); BOOL NetlibInit(); void IcoLibInit(); void NetlibUnInit(); int ModulesLoaded(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); int OnFoldersChanged(WPARAM, LPARAM); int OnPreShutdown(WPARAM, LPARAM); int OptInit(WPARAM, LPARAM); void DoCheck(int iFlag); BOOL DownloadFile(LPCTSTR tszURL, LPCTSTR tszLocal); void ShowPopup(HWND hDlg, LPCTSTR Title, LPCTSTR Text, int Number, int ActType); void __stdcall RestartMe(void*); BOOL AllowUpdateOnStartup(); void InitTimer(); INT_PTR MenuCommand(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR EmptyFolder(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgUpdate(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgMsgPop(HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); bool unzip(const TCHAR* ptszZipFile, TCHAR* ptszDestPath, TCHAR* ptszBackPath); template class mir_ptr { T* data; public: __inline mir_ptr() : data((T*)mir_calloc(sizeof(T))) {} __inline mir_ptr(T* _p) : data(_p) {} __inline ~mir_ptr() { mir_free(data); } __inline T* operator = (T* _p) { if (data) mir_free(data); data = _p; return data; } __inline T* operator->() const { return data; } __inline operator T*() const { return data; } __inline operator INT_PTR() const { return (INT_PTR)data; } }; class _A2T { TCHAR* buf; public: __forceinline _A2T(const char* s) : buf(mir_a2t(s)) {} __forceinline _A2T(const char* s, int cp) : buf(mir_a2t_cp(s, cp)) {} ~_A2T() { mir_free(buf); } __forceinline operator TCHAR*() const { return buf; } }; class _T2A { char* buf; public: __forceinline _T2A(const TCHAR* s) : buf(mir_t2a(s)) {} __forceinline _T2A(const TCHAR* s, int cp) : buf(mir_t2a_cp(s, cp)) {} __forceinline ~_T2A() { mir_free(buf); } __forceinline operator char*() const { return buf; } }; __forceinline INT_PTR Options_Open(OPENOPTIONSDIALOG *ood) { return CallService("Opt/OpenOptions", 0, (LPARAM)ood); } __forceinline INT_PTR Options_AddPage(WPARAM wParam, OPTIONSDIALOGPAGE* odp) { return CallService("Opt/AddPage", wParam, (LPARAM)odp); } char* rtrim(char* str); void CreatePathToFileT(TCHAR* szFilePath); #define NEWTSTR_ALLOCA(A) (A == NULL)?NULL:_tcscpy((TCHAR*)alloca((_tcslen(A)+1)* sizeof(TCHAR)), A) __forceinline HANDLE Skin_GetIconHandle(const char* szIconName) { return (HANDLE)CallService(MS_SKIN2_GETICONHANDLE, 0, (LPARAM)szIconName); } __forceinline HICON Skin_GetIcon(const char* szIconName, int size=0) { return (HICON)CallService(MS_SKIN2_GETICON, size, (LPARAM)szIconName); } __forceinline HGENMENU Menu_AddMainMenuItem(CLISTMENUITEM *mi) { return (HGENMENU)CallService("CList/AddMainMenuItem", 0, (LPARAM)mi); } __forceinline INT_PTR Hotkey_Register(HOTKEYDESC *hk) { return CallService("CoreHotkeys/Register", 0, (LPARAM)hk); } __forceinline INT_PTR CreateDirectoryTreeT(const TCHAR* ptszPath) { return CallService(MS_UTILS_CREATEDIRTREET, 0, (LPARAM)ptszPath); } __forceinline HANDLE Skin_AddIcon(SKINICONDESC* si) { return (HANDLE)CallService("Skin2/Icons/AddIcon", 0, (LPARAM)si); }