; Patcher's features: ; � Icons' replacement in libraries and executables. ; � Sets of icons should be packed to the 7z archive. ; � 7z-archives icons should be in the same folder next to IconPatcher.exe. ; � It has English and Russian interface (automatically detected) ; � Intuitive graphical user interface. ; � Command line support. Command line parameters: ; � /PID = "PID of Miranda procees for wait closing it". ; � /BIN = "path to Miranda32/64.exe". The exe-file path, related to which all archived files' paths would be calculated with respect to 'files from the archive to the resources' from the 'files Miranda'. ; � /ARC = archive name without extension, for example, /ARC=Nova. ; � /RES = list of archive folders to process, they will be marked in the patcher's UI. If you want to mark all folders, you can simply omit /RES parameter, or use /RES=* either. ; � /SILENT = simplified setup mode. only the progress indicator will be displayed. ; � /VERYSILENT = automated setup mode. Nothing is displayed at all. ; � /LOG="log.txt" = creates a log-file" log.txt" near IconPatcher.exe. The parameter is used for tracking errors. ; � The relative folders structure in archives (for example, Icons\Proto_ICQ\*.ico) means that the folder specified via /BIN must have the subfolder Icons with the file Proto_ICQ.dll in it (possible extensions .exe, .dll, .mir). ; � The 'root' folder is for beautifulness only and doesn't repeat the original program's structure, it contains the .exe resources only. ; ����������� �������: ; � ������ ������� � ����������� � ����������� ������. ; � ������ ������� ������ ���� ���������� � ����� 7z. ; � 7z-������ ������� ������ ������ � ����� ����� ����� � IconPatcher.exe. ; � ����� ���������� � ������� ��������� (������������ �������������) ; � ���������� �������� ����������� ��������� ������������. ; � ��������� ��������� ������. ��������� ��������� ������: ; � /BIN = "���� � Miranda32/64.exe". ���� � exe-�����, ������������ �������� ����� �������������� '����� �� ������ � ���������' � '������� Miranda'. ; � /ARC = ��� ������ ��� ����������, ��������, /ARC=Nova. ; � /RES = ������ ����� �� ������ ��� ���������, ��������, /RES=icons,plugins,root. ��� ��, ��� ����� �������� � ���������� �������. ���� ����� �������� ���, �� �������� /RES ����� ���� ��������, ���� /RES=*. ; � /SILENT = ��������� � ���������� ������. ������������ ������ ���������. ; � /VERYSILENT = ��������� � ���������� ������. ������ �� ������������. ; � /LOG="log.txt" = ������ log-���� "log.txt" ����� � IconPatcher.exe. �������� ����������� ��� ������������ ������. ; � ��������� ����� � �������, ��������, Icons\Proto_ICQ\*.ico, ��������, ��� �� ����, ���������� � /BIN ������ ���� ����� Icons, � ��� ���� Proto_ICQ (��������� ���������� .exe, .dll, .mir). ; � ����� root ��� ������� � �� ��������� ������������ ��������� ���������, � ��� ������ ������� ��� exe. #define AppName "IconPatcher" #define AppFullName "Miranda icon patcher" #define AppVerName "1.0" #define AppPublisher "El Sanchez" [Setup] AppName={#AppName} AppVerName={#AppVerName} DefaultDirName={tmp} CreateAppDir=no Uninstallable=no CreateUninstallRegKey=no DisableWelcomePage=yes DisableReadyPage=yes DisableFinishedPage=yes ShowLanguageDialog=no OutputBaseFilename={#AppName} SetupIconFile={res}\icon.ico VersionInfoVersion={#AppVerName} VersionInfoDescription={#AppFullName} AppPublisher={#AppPublisher} PrivilegesRequired=lowest IconResource=plugin:{res}\plugin.ico|done:{res}\done.ico|skip:{res}\skip.ico|error:{res}\error.ico [Languages] Name: en; MessagesFile: compiler:default.isl,{res}\iconpatcher_en.isl Name: ru; MessagesFile: compiler:Languages\russian.isl,{res}\iconpatcher_ru.isl Name: de; MessagesFile: compiler:Languages\german.isl,{res}\iconpatcher_de.isl [Files] Source: {res}\7-zip32.dll; Flags: dontcopy [Code] #define A = (Defined UNICODE) ? "W" : "A" const SZ_ERROR = 1; SZ_DLLERROR = 3; LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE = $2; RT_ICON = 3; RT_GROUP_ICON = (RT_ICON + 11); GENERIC_READ = $80000000; FILE_SHARE_READ = $0001; OPEN_EXISTING = $0003; INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = (-1); PAGE_READONLY = $0002; FILE_MAP_READ = $0004; GWL_STYLE = (-16); GWL_EXSTYLE = (-20); TVS_CHECKBOXES = $0100; WS_EX_COMPOSITED = $02000000; TV_FIRST = $1100; TVM_GETIMAGELIST = (TV_FIRST + 8); TVSIL_STATE = 2; ILC_COLOR32 = $0020; SHGFI_ICON = $0100; SHGFI_SMALLICON = $0001; SHGFI_OPENICON = $0002; DI_NORMAL = $3; IMAGE_ICON = 1; BI_RGB = $0; DIB_RGB_COLORS = 0; type INDIVIDUALINFO = record dwOriginalSize: DWORD; dwCompressedSize: DWORD; dwCRC: DWORD; uFlag: UINT; uOSType: UINT; wRatio: WORD; wDate: WORD; wTime: WORD; #ifdef UNICODE szFileName: array [0..512] of AnsiChar; #else szFileName: array [0..512] of Char; #endif dummy1: array [0..2] of Byte; #ifdef UNICODE szAttribute: array [0..7] of AnsiChar; szMode: array [0..7] of AnsiChar; #else szAttribute: array [0..7] of Char; szMode: array [0..7] of Char; #endif end; SHFILEINFO = record hIcon: HICON; iIcon: Integer; dwAttributes: DWORD; szDisplayName: array [0..259] of Char; szTypeName: array [0..79] of Char; end; BITMAPINFOHEADER = record biSize: DWORD; biWidth: Longint; biHeight: Longint; biPlanes: WORD; biBitCount: WORD; biCompression: DWORD; biSizeImage: DWORD; biXPelsPerMeter: Longint; biYPelsPerMeter: Longint; biClrUsed: DWORD; biClrImportant: DWORD; end; RGBQUAD = record rgbBlue: Byte; rgbGreen: Byte; rgbRed: Byte; rgbReserved: Byte; end; BITMAPINFO = record bmiHeader: BITMAPINFOHEADER; bmiColors: array of RGBQUAD; end; ICONDIRENTRY = record bWidth: Byte; bHeight: Byte; bColorCount: Byte; bReserved: Byte; wPlanes: WORD; wBitCount: WORD; dwBytesInRes: DWORD; dwImageOffset: DWORD; end; ICONDIR = record idReserved: WORD; idType: WORD; idCount: WORD; idEntries: array [0..0] of ICONDIRENTRY; end; GRPICONDIRENTRY = record bWidth: Byte; bHeight: Byte; bColorCount: Byte; bReserved: Byte; wPlanes: WORD; wBitCount: WORD; dwBytesInRes: DWORD; nID: WORD; end; GRPICONDIR = record idReserved: WORD; idType: WORD; idCount: WORD; idEntries: array [0..255] of GRPICONDIRENTRY; end; TUpdateResItem = record szName: string; wLanguage: WORD; lpIconDir: Longint; end; TUpdateResHelper = record Items: array of TUpdateResItem; IconList: TStringList; end; function WaitForSingleObject(hHandle : THandle; dwMilliseconds : DWORD) : DWORD; external 'WaitForSingleObject@kernel32.dll stdcall'; function OpenProcess(dwDesiredAccess: DWORD; bInheritHandle: BOOL; dwProcessId: Longint): THandle; external 'OpenProcess@kernel32.dll stdcall'; function TerminateProcess(hProcess:THandle; exitCode: DWORD): BOOL; external 'TerminateProcess@kernel32.dll stdcall'; function SevenZipOpenArchive(const hwnd: HWND; szFileName: AnsiString; const dwMode: DWORD): THandle; external 'SevenZipOpenArchive@files:7-zip32.dll stdcall'; function SevenZipCloseArchive(harc: THandle): Integer; external 'SevenZipCloseArchive@files:7-zip32.dll stdcall'; function SevenZipFindFirst(harc: THandle; szWildName: AnsiString; var lpSubInfo: INDIVIDUALINFO): Integer; external 'SevenZipFindFirst@files:7-zip32.dll stdcall'; function SevenZipFindNext(harc: THandle; var lpSubInfo: INDIVIDUALINFO): Integer; external 'SevenZipFindNext@files:7-zip32.dll stdcall'; function SevenZipCheckArchive(szFileName: AnsiString; const iMode: Integer): BOOL; external 'SevenZipCheckArchive@files:7-zip32.dll stdcall'; function SevenZip(const hwnd: HWND; szCmdLine, szOutput: AnsiString; const dwSize: DWORD): Integer; external 'SevenZip@files:7-zip32.dll stdcall'; function SevenZipSetOwnerWindowEx(hwnd: HWND; lpArcProc: Longint): BOOL; external 'SevenZipSetOwnerWindowEx@files:7-zip32.dll stdcall'; function SevenZipKillOwnerWindowEx(hwnd: HWND): BOOL; external 'SevenZipKillOwnerWindowEx@files:7-zip32.dll stdcall'; function RtlMoveMemoryWORD(var Destination: WORD; const Source: Longint; len: Integer): Integer; external 'RtlMoveMemory@kernel32.dll stdcall'; function RtlMoveMemoryGRPIDE(var Destination: GRPICONDIRENTRY; const Source: Longint; len: Integer): Integer; external 'RtlMoveMemory@kernel32.dll stdcall'; function RtlMoveMemoryIDE(var Destination: ICONDIRENTRY; const Source: Longint; len: Integer): Integer; external 'RtlMoveMemory@kernel32.dll stdcall'; function RtlMoveMemoryBI(var Destination: BITMAPINFOHEADER; const Source: Longint; len: Integer): Integer; external 'RtlMoveMemory@kernel32.dll stdcall'; function LoadLibraryEx(lpFileName: string; hFile: THandle; dwFlags: DWORD): THandle; external 'LoadLibraryEx{#A}@kernel32.dll stdcall'; function FreeLibrary(hModule: THandle): BOOL; external 'FreeLibrary@kernel32.dll stdcall'; function BeginUpdateResource(pFileName: string; bDeleteExistingResources: BOOL): THandle; external 'BeginUpdateResource{#A}@kernel32.dll stdcall'; function UpdateResource(hUpdate: THandle; lpType, lpName: Longint; wLanguage: WORD; lpData: Longint; cbData: DWORD): BOOL; external 'UpdateResource{#A}@kernel32.dll stdcall'; function UpdateResourcePtr(hUpdate: THandle; lpType, lpName: Longint; wLanguage: WORD; var lpData: GRPICONDIR; cbData: DWORD): BOOL; external 'UpdateResource{#A}@kernel32.dll stdcall'; function EndUpdateResource(hUpdate: THandle; fDiscard: BOOL): BOOL; external 'EndUpdateResource{#A}@kernel32.dll stdcall'; function EnumResourceNames(hModule: THandle; lpszType, lpEnumFunc, lParam: Longint): BOOL; external 'EnumResourceNames{#A}@kernel32.dll stdcall'; function EnumResourceLanguages(hModule: THandle; lpType, lpName, lpEnumFunc, lParam: Longint): BOOL; external 'EnumResourceLanguages{#A}@kernel32.dll stdcall'; function LoadImage(hInst: THandle; lpszName: string; uType: UINT; cxDesired, cyDesired: Integer; fuLoad: UINT): THandle; external 'LoadImage{#A}@user32.dll stdcall'; function LoadResource(hModule, hResInfo: THandle): THandle; external 'LoadResource@kernel32.dll stdcall'; function LockResource(hResData: THandle): Longint; external 'LockResource@kernel32.dll stdcall'; function FindResource(hModule: THandle; lpName, lpType: Longint): THandle; external 'FindResource{#A}@kernel32.dll stdcall'; function CreateFile(lpFileName: string; dwDesiredAccess, dwShareMode: DWORD; lpSecurityAttributes: Longint; dwCreationDisposition, dwFlagsAndAttributes: DWORD; hTemplateFile: THandle): THandle; external 'CreateFile{#A}@kernel32.dll stdcall'; function CreateFileMapping(hFile: THandle; lpAttributes: Longint; flProtect, dwMaximumSizeHigh, dwMaximumSizeLow: DWORD; lpName: String): THandle; external 'CreateFileMapping{#A}@kernel32.dll stdcall'; function MapViewOfFile(hFileMappingObject: THandle; dwDesiredAccess, dwFileOffsetHigh, dwFileOffsetLow, dwNumberOfBytesToMap: DWORD): Longint; external 'MapViewOfFile@kernel32.dll stdcall'; function UnmapViewOfFile(lpBaseAddress: Longint): BOOL; external 'UnmapViewOfFile@kernel32.dll stdcall'; function CloseHandle(hObject: THandle): BOOL; external 'CloseHandle@kernel32.dll stdcall'; function GetWindowLong(hWnd: HWND; nIndex: Integer): Longint; external 'GetWindowLong{#A}@user32.dll stdcall'; function SetWindowLong(hWnd: HWND; nIndex: Integer; dwNewLong: Longint): Longint; external 'SetWindowLong{#A}@user32.dll stdcall'; function ImageList_Create(cx, cy: Integer; flags: UINT; cInitial, cGrow: Integer): HIMAGELIST; external 'ImageList_Create@comctl32.dll stdcall'; function ImageList_Add(himl: HIMAGELIST; hbmImage, hbmMask: HBITMAP): Integer; external 'ImageList_Add@comctl32.dll stdcall'; function ImageList_GetIconSize(himl: HIMAGELIST; out cx, cy: Integer): BOOL; external 'ImageList_GetIconSize@comctl32.dll stdcall'; function SHGetFileInfo(pszPath: string; dwFileAttributes: DWORD; var psfi: SHFILEINFO; cbFileInfo, uFlags: UINT): DWORD; external 'SHGetFileInfo{#A}@shell32.dll stdcall'; function DestroyIcon(hIcon: HICON): BOOL; external 'DestroyIcon@user32.dll stdcall'; function DrawIconEx(hdc: Longint; xLeft, yTop: Integer; hIcon: HICON; cxWidth, cyWidth: Integer; istepIfAniCur: UINT; hbrFlickerFreeDraw: Longint; diFlags: UINT): BOOL; external 'DrawIconEx@user32.dll stdcall'; function CreateDIBSection(hdc: THandle; const pbmi: BITMAPINFO; iUsage: UINT; out ppvBits: Longint; hSection: THandle; dwOffset: DWORD): HBITMAP; external 'CreateDIBSection@gdi32.dll stdcall'; function ShowWindow(hWnd: HWND; nCmdShow: Integer): BOOL; external 'ShowWindow@user32.dll stdcall'; var UpdateForm: TForm; StatusBar: TStatusBar; ProgressBar: TNewProgressBar; BrowseButton: TNewButton; BrowseEdit: TEdit; SelectArchiveComboBox: TComboBox; SelectResButton, PatchButton: TNewButton; SelectResTreeView: TTreeView; ResourcesList: TStringList; ResHelper: TUpdateResHelper; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function CharArrayToString(const AChar: array of AnsiChar): string; var i: Integer; begin Result := ''; while AChar[i] <> #0 do begin Insert(AChar[i], Result, Length(Result) + 1); i := i + 1; end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function IsParameter(const Parameter: string): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin for i := 2 to ParamCount do if CompareText(Parameter, ParamStr(i)) = 0 then begin Result := True; Break; end; end; ////////////////////////////// function DisplayHelp: Boolean; var i: Integer; begin for i := 2 to ParamCount do if CompareText('/?', ParamStr(i)) = 0 then begin MsgBoxEx(0, FmtMessage(CustomMessage('cmHelpMsg'), [ExtractFileName(ExpandConstant('{srcexe}'))]), FmtMessage(CustomMessage('cmHelpMsgCaption'), ['{#AppName}']), MB_OK, Application.Icon.Handle, 0); Result := True; Break; end; end; ////////////////////////////// function CheckSource: Boolean; var FR: TFindRec; FileName: AnsiString; hArc: THandle; lpSubInfo: INDIVIDUALINFO; begin Log(CustomMessage('cmLogFindResource7ZipFile1a')); ResourcesList := TStringList.Create; ResourcesList.Sorted := True; if FindFirst(ExpandConstant('{src}\*.7z'), FR) then try repeat FileName := ExpandConstant(Format('{src}\%s', [FR.Name])); if SevenZipCheckArchive(FileName, 0) then begin Log(FmtMessage(CustomMessage('cmLogResource7ZipFile'), [FR.Name])); ResourcesList.AddObject(FileName, TStringList.Create); with TStringList(ResourcesList.Objects[ResourcesList.Count - 1] as TStringList) do begin Sorted := True; hArc := SevenZipOpenArchive(0, ResourcesList[ResourcesList.Count - 1], 0); if hArc <> 0 then begin if SevenZipFindFirst(hArc, '*.ico', lpSubInfo) = 0 then begin Add(CharArrayToString(lpSubInfo.szFileName)); while SevenZipFindNext(hArc, lpSubInfo) = 0 do Add(CharArrayToString(lpSubInfo.szFileName)); end; SevenZipCloseArchive(hArc); end; Log(FmtMessage(CustomMessage('cmLogResource7ZipFileContent'), [CommaText])); end; end; until not FindNext(FR); finally FindClose(FR); end; Result := (ResourcesList.Count > 0); if not Result then MsgBox(CustomMessage('cmFileNotFound'), mbError, MB_OK); Log(CustomMessage('cmLogFindResource7ZipFile1b')); end; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ExtractArchive(const FileName, OutputDir, AddParam: AnsiString): Integer; var Params: AnsiString; begin Result := SZ_ERROR; Params := Format('e "%s" -o"%s" "%s" -y -hide', [FileName, OutputDir, AddParam]); CharToOemBuff(Params); try SevenZipSetOwnerWindowEx(UpdateForm.Handle, 0); Result := SevenZip(UpdateForm.Handle, Params, '', 0); finally SevenZipKillOwnerWindowEx(UpdateForm.Handle); except Result := SZ_DLLERROR; end; end; /////////////////////////////////// function GetFreeIconIndex: Integer; var i: Integer; begin Result := 1; while ResHelper.IconList.Find(Padz(IntToStr(Result), 5), i) do Inc(Result); ResHelper.IconList.Add(Padz(IntToStr(Result), 5)); end; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function EnumResLangProc(hModule: THandle; lpszType, lpszName: Longint; wIDLanguage: WORD; lParam: Longint): BOOL; begin ResHelper.Items[lParam].wLanguage := wIDLanguage; Result := False; end; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function EnumResNameProc(hModule: THandle; lpszType, lpszName, lParam: Longint): BOOL; var ResName: string; bUpdate: Boolean; R, Res, hFile, hMapObject: THandle; lpGroupIconDir: Longint; idCount: WORD; grpide: GRPICONDIRENTRY; i, n: Integer; begin Result := True; { resource name } if lpszName shr $10 > 0 then ResName := CastIntegerToString(lpszName) else ResName := IntToStr(lpszName); bUpdate := FileExists(ExpandConstant(Format('{tmp}\resources\%s.ico', [ResName]))); { load group icon resource } R := FindResource(hModule, lpszName, lpszType); if R = 0 then Exit; Res := LoadResource(hModule, R); if Res = 0 then Exit; lpGroupIconDir := LockResource(Res); if lpGroupIconDir = 0 then Exit; RtlMoveMemoryWORD(idCount, lpGroupIconDir + 4{offset idCount}, SizeOf(idCount)); if idCount = 0 then Exit; if bUpdate then begin { update resource helper } n := GetArrayLength(ResHelper.Items); SetArrayLength(ResHelper.Items, n + 1); if lpszName shr $10 > 0 then ResHelper.Items[n].szName := CastIntegerToString(lpszName) else ResHelper.Items[n].szName := Format('%d', [lpszName]); EnumResourceLanguages(hModule, lpszType, lpszName, CallBackAddr('EnumResLangProc'), n); { delete 'RT_GROUP_ICON' } if not UpdateResource(lParam, lpszType, lpszName, ResHelper.Items[n].wLanguage, 0, 0) then Exit; { delete the RT_ICON icon resources that belonged to 'RT_GROUP_ICON' } for i := 0 to idCount - 1 do begin RtlMoveMemoryGRPIDE(grpide, lpGroupIconDir + 6{offset idEntries} + i * SizeOf(grpide), SizeOf(grpide)); if not UpdateResource(lParam, RT_ICON, grpide.nID, ResHelper.Items[n].wLanguage, 0, 0) then Exit; end; { open icon resource } hFile := CreateFile(ExpandConstant(Format('{tmp}\resources\%s.ico', [ResName])), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Exit; try hMapObject := CreateFileMapping(hFile, 0, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, ''); if hMapObject = 0 then Exit; ResHelper.Items[n].lpIconDir := MapViewOfFile(hMapObject, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if ResHelper.Items[n].lpIconDir = 0 then Exit; finally CloseHandle(hMapObject); CloseHandle(hFile); end; end else begin { add nonupdatable icon ordinals } for i := 0 to idCount - 1 do begin RtlMoveMemoryGRPIDE(grpide, lpGroupIconDir + 6{offset idEntries} + i * SizeOf(grpide), SizeOf(grpide)); ResHelper.IconList.Add(Padz(IntToStr(grpide.nID), 5)); end; end; end; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function UpdateFileResources(const FileName: string): Boolean; var H, M: THandle; i, j: Integer; idCount: WORD; lpGrpData: GRPICONDIR; cbGrpData: DWORD; grpide: GRPICONDIRENTRY; ide: ICONDIRENTRY; bih: BITMAPINFOHEADER; begin M := LoadLibraryEx(FileName, 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE); if M = 0 then Exit; H := BeginUpdateResource(FileName, False); if H = 0 then Exit; try { enum resources } EnumResourceNames(M, RT_GROUP_ICON, CallbackAddr('EnumResNameProc'), H); { update the resources } for i := 0 to GetArrayLength(ResHelper.Items) - 1 do begin { check IconDir } Result := (ResHelper.Items[i].lpIconDir <> 0); if not Result then Exit; { build the new group icon resource } RtlMoveMemoryWORD(idCount, ResHelper.Items[i].lpIconDir + 4{offset idCount}, SizeOf(idCount)); cbGrpData := 6{offset idEntries} + idCount * SizeOf(grpide); lpGrpData.idReserved := 0; lpGrpData.idType := 1; lpGrpData.idCount := idCount; for j := 0 to idCount - 1 do begin RtlMoveMemoryIDE(ide, ResHelper.Items[i].lpIconDir + 6{offset idEntries} + j * SizeOf(ide), SizeOf(ide)); RtlMoveMemoryBI(bih, ResHelper.Items[i].lpIconDir + ide.dwImageOffset, SizeOf(bih)); lpGrpData.idEntries[j].bWidth := ide.bWidth; lpGrpData.idEntries[j].bHeight := ide.bHeight; if (bih.biClrUsed = 0) and (bih.biBitCount < 9) then lpGrpData.idEntries[j].bColorCount := 1 shl bih.biBitCount else lpGrpData.idEntries[j].bColorCount := bih.biClrUsed; lpGrpData.idEntries[j].bReserved := ide.bReserved; lpGrpData.idEntries[j].wPlanes := bih.biPlanes; lpGrpData.idEntries[j].wBitCount := bih.biBitCount; lpGrpData.idEntries[j].dwBytesInRes := ide.dwBytesInRes; lpGrpData.idEntries[j].nID := GetFreeIconIndex; { update 'MAINICON' } with ResHelper.Items[i] do if not UpdateResource(H, RT_ICON, lpGrpData.idEntries[j].nID, wLanguage, lpIconDir + ide.dwImageOffset, ide.dwBytesInRes) then Continue; end; { update group } with ResHelper.Items[i] do if not UpdateResourcePtr(H, RT_GROUP_ICON, StrToIntDef(szName, CastStringToInteger(szName)), wLanguage, lpGrpData, cbGrpData) then Continue; { free memory } UnmapViewOfFile(ResHelper.Items[i].lpIconDir); end; finally FreeLibrary(M); if Result then Result := EndUpdateResource(H, not Result); SetArrayLength(ResHelper.Items, 0); ResHelper.IconList.Clear; end; end; ////////////////////////////// procedure UpdateResourcesProc; var RootPath, RootDir, DirName, FileName, OutputDir, AddParam: AnsiString; ItemText: AnsiString; i, ResultCode: Integer; handle: THandle; PID: Longint; begin PID := StrToIntDef(ExpandConstant('{param:PID}'), 0); if PID <> 0 then begin handle := OpenProcess(1048576 or 1, false, PID); if handle <> 0 then begin StatusBar.Panels[0].Text := CustomMessage('cmWaiting'); StatusBar.Refresh; if WaitForSingleObject(handle, 15000) = 258 then TerminateProcess(handle, 9); CloseHandle(handle); end end; { ResHelper } Log(CustomMessage('cmLogUpdateResources1a')); ResHelper.IconList := TStringList.Create; ResHelper.IconList.Sorted := True; ResHelper.IconList.Duplicates := dupIgnore; { update UI } UpdateForm.Enabled := False; ProgressBar.Max := 0; SelectResTreeView.Selected := SelectResTreeView.TopItem; for i := 0 to SelectResTreeView.Items.Count - 1 do if (SelectResTreeView.Items[i].Level = 1) and (SelectResTreeView.Items[i].StateIndex = 2) then ProgressBar.Max := ProgressBar.Max + 1; { prepare } RootPath := ExtractFileDir(BrowseEdit.Text); OutputDir := ExpandConstant('{tmp}\resources'); for i := 0 to SelectResTreeView.Items.Count - 1 do begin ItemText := SelectResTreeView.Items[i].Text; SelectResTreeView.Items[i].Selected := True; if (SelectResTreeView.Items[i].StateIndex = 1) and (SelectResTreeView.Items[i].Level = 1) then SelectResTreeView.Items[i].StateIndex := 4 else if SelectResTreeView.Items[i].StateIndex = 2 then begin if SelectResTreeView.Items[i].Level = 0 then RootDir := ItemText else if SelectResTreeView.Items[i].Level = 1 then begin { update UI } ProgressBar.Position := ProgressBar.Position + 1; { extract files } FileName := ResourcesList[SelectArchiveComboBox.ItemIndex]; AddParam := Format('%s\%s\*.ico', [RootDir, ItemText]); Log(FmtMessage(CustomMessage('cmLogExtractResource7ZipFile'), [ExtractFileName(ItemText), ExtractFileName(FileName)])); ResultCode := ExtractArchive(FileName, OutputDir, AddParam); Log(FmtMessage(CustomMessage('cmLogResultCode'), [IntToStr(ResultCode)])); if ResultCode = 0 then begin { get file } case Lowercase(RootDir) of 'root': DirName := RootPath; else DirName := Format('%s\%s', [RootPath, RootDir]); end; FileName := FileSearch(ItemText + '.exe', DirName); if FileName = '' then FileName := FileSearch(ItemText + '.dll', DirName); if FileName = '' then FileName := FileSearch(ItemText + '.mir', DirName); { update UI } StatusBar.Panels[0].Text := FmtMessage(CustomMessage('cmStatusLabelCaption1a'), [ExtractFileName(FileName)]); StatusBar.Refresh; { update resources in file } if FileExists(FileName) then begin if UpdateFileResources(FileName) then begin SelectResTreeView.Items[i].StateIndex := 3; // ok Log(FmtMessage(CustomMessage('cmLogUpdateFileResourcesStatus1a'), [ExtractFileName(FileName)])); end else begin SelectResTreeView.Items[i].StateIndex := 5; // error Log(FmtMessage(CustomMessage('cmLogUpdateFileResourcesStatus1b'), [ExtractFileName(FileName)])); end; end else begin SelectResTreeView.Items[i].StateIndex := 4; // skip Log(FmtMessage(CustomMessage('cmLogUpdateFileResourcesStatus1c'), [Format('%0:s.exe, %0:s.dll, %0:s.mir', [ItemText])])); end; { cleanup } DelTree(OutputDir + '\*.ico', False, True, False); end; end; end; end; { update UI } SelectResButton.Caption := CustomMessage('cmSelectResButtonCaption1c'); PatchButton.Enabled := False; StatusBar.Panels[0].Text := CustomMessage('cmStatusLabelCaption1b'); ProgressBar.Position := 0; UpdateForm.Enabled := True; { cleanup } ResHelper.IconList.Free; Log(CustomMessage('cmLogUpdateResources1b')); end; ///////////////////////////////////////// procedure ButtonOnClick(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; FileName: string; begin with TNewButton(Sender as TNewButton) do case Sender of SelectResButton: begin case Caption of CustomMessage('cmSelectResButtonCaption1a'): begin Caption := CustomMessage('cmSelectResButtonCaption1b'); for i := 0 to SelectResTreeView.Items.Count - 1 do SelectResTreeView.Items[i].StateIndex := 2; end; CustomMessage('cmSelectResButtonCaption1b'): begin Caption := CustomMessage('cmSelectResButtonCaption1a'); for i := 0 to SelectResTreeView.Items.Count - 1 do SelectResTreeView.Items[i].StateIndex := 1; end; CustomMessage('cmSelectResButtonCaption1c'): begin PatchButton.Enabled := FileExists(BrowseEdit.Text) and (ResourcesList.Count > 0); Caption := CustomMessage('cmSelectResButtonCaption1b'); for i := 0 to SelectResTreeView.Items.Count - 1 do SelectResTreeView.Items[i].StateIndex := 2; end; end; end; BrowseButton: if GetOpenFileName(CustomMessage('cmBinariesPath'), FileName, '', CustomMessage('cmFilter'), 'Miranda??.exe') then begin BrowseEdit.Text := FileName; PatchButton.Enabled := FileExists(BrowseEdit.Text) and (ResourcesList.Count > 0); case SelectResButton.Caption of CustomMessage('cmSelectResButtonCaption1c'): begin SelectResButton.Caption := CustomMessage('cmSelectResButtonCaption1b'); for i := 0 to SelectResTreeView.Items.Count - 1 do SelectResTreeView.Items[i].StateIndex := 2; end; end; end; PatchButton: begin Log(FmtMessage(CustomMessage('cmLogSelectedBinaryFile'), [BrowseEdit.Text])); Log(FmtMessage(CustomMessage('cmLogSelectedResource7ZipFile'), [SelectArchiveComboBox.Text])); UpdateResourcesProc; end; end; end; ////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure BrowseEditOnChange(Sender: TObject); begin with TEdit(Sender as TEdit) do begin if FileExists(Text) then Font.Color := clDefault else Font.Color := clRed; end; PatchButton.Enabled := FileExists(BrowseEdit.Text) and (ResourcesList.Count > 0); end; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure SelectArchiveComboBoxOnChange(Sender: TObject); var FileList, TempList: TStringList; FileName, DirName, PrevFileName, PrevDirName: string; i, Index: Integer; bCheck: Boolean; begin with SelectResTreeView do begin if SelectArchiveComboBox.ItemIndex = -1 then Exit; Items.Clear; TempList := TStringList.Create; TempList.Sorted := True; TempList.CommaText := Lowercase(ExpandConstant('{param:RES|*}')); FileList := TStringList(ResourcesList.Objects[SelectArchiveComboBox.ItemIndex] as TStringList); for i := 0 to FileList.Count - 1 do begin DirName := ExtractFileDir(ExtractFileDir(FileList[i])); FileName := ExtractFileName(ExtractFileDir(FileList[i])); if DirName <> '' then begin if DirName <> PrevDirName then begin PrevDirName := DirName; bCheck := (Trim(TempList.Text) = '*') or TempList.Find(Lowercase(DirName), Index); Items.Add(Selected, DirName).Selected := True; if bCheck then Selected.StateIndex := 2 else Selected.StateIndex := 1; end; if FileName <> PrevFileName then begin PrevFileName := FileName; Items.AddChild(Selected, FileName).StateIndex := Selected.StateIndex; end; end; end; Selected := Items[0]; TempList.Free; { update UI } PatchButton.Enabled := FileExists(BrowseEdit.Text) and (ResourcesList.Count > 0); case SelectResButton.Caption of CustomMessage('cmSelectResButtonCaption1c'): begin SelectResButton.Caption := CustomMessage('cmSelectResButtonCaption1b'); for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do Items[i].StateIndex := 2; end; end; end; end; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure StatusBarOnDrawPanel(StatusBar: TStatusBar; Panel: TStatusPanel; const Rect: TRect); begin ProgressBar.SetBounds(Rect.Left, Rect.Top, Rect.Right - Rect.Left, Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top); StatusBar.OnDrawPanel := nil; end; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TreeViewOnGetImageIndex(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); begin with Node do begin if Level = 0 then begin if HasChildren and Expanded then ImageIndex := 1 else ImageIndex := 0; end else if Level = 1 then ImageIndex := 2; end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TreeViewOnGetSelectedIndex(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); begin with Node do begin if Level = 0 then begin if HasChildren and Expanded then SelectedIndex := 1 else SelectedIndex := 0; end else if Level = 1 then SelectedIndex := 2; end; end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TreeViewOnMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var TreeView: TTreeView; CurNode, FindNode, ParentNode: TTreeNode; begin if Button <> mbLeft then Exit; TreeView := TTreeView(Sender as TTreeView); CurNode := TreeView.GetNodeAt(X, Y); if htOnStateIcon in TreeView.GetHitTestInfoAt(X, Y) then with CurNode do begin if StateIndex = 2 then StateIndex := 1 else StateIndex := 2; if (Level = 0) and HasChildren then begin FindNode := GetFirstChild; while Assigned(FindNode) do begin FindNode.StateIndex := StateIndex; FindNode := GetNextChild(FindNode); end; end else if (Level = 1) then begin FindNode := CurNode; while Assigned(FindNode.GetPrevSibling) do FindNode := FindNode.GetPrevSibling; if StateIndex = 1 then begin ParentNode := FindNode.GetPrev; while Assigned(FindNode) do begin if FindNode.StateIndex = 2 then Exit; FindNode := GetNextChild(FindNode); end; ParentNode.StateIndex := StateIndex; end else FindNode.GetPrev.StateIndex := 2; end; end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure AddIconToImageList(const himl: HIMAGELIST; const hIcon: HICON; const bFreeIcon: Boolean); var bi: BITMAPINFO; lpvBits: Longint; cx, cy: Integer; begin with TBitmap.Create do try if not ImageList_GetIconSize(himl, cx, cy) then Exit; Width := ScaleX(cx); Height := ScaleY(cy); bi.bmiHeader.biSize := SizeOf(bi.bmiHeader); bi.bmiHeader.biWidth := Width; bi.bmiHeader.biHeight := Height; bi.bmiHeader.biPlanes := 1; bi.bmiHeader.biBitCount := 32; bi.bmiHeader.biCompression := BI_RGB; bi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage := Width * Height * 4; SetArrayLength(bi.bmiColors, Width * Height); Handle := CreateDIBSection(Canvas.Handle, bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, lpvBits, 0, 0); DrawIconEx(Canvas.Handle, Width - Height, 0, hIcon, Height, Height, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL); ImageList_Add(himl, Handle, 0); finally Free; if bFreeIcon then DestroyIcon(hIcon); end; end; procedure UpdateFormOnActivate(Sender: TObject); begin ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_HIDE); SetWindowLong(Application.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(Application.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE) or $80) ; ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_SHOW); end; /////////////////////////// procedure CreateUpdateForm; var MainPanel, BrowsePanel, ButtonPanel: TPanel; i: Integer; shfi: SHFILEINFO; hStateImgList: THandle; hIcon: HICON; begin Application.Title := '{#AppName} {#AppVerName}'; { UpdateForm } UpdateForm := TForm.Create(Application); with UpdateForm do begin Width := ScaleX(370); Height := ScaleY(400); BorderStyle := bsSingle; Caption := '{#AppName} {#AppVerName}'; Position := poDesktopCenter; end; { StatusBar } StatusBar := TStatusBar.Create(UpdateForm); with StatusBar do begin Parent := UpdateForm; Align := alBottom; ThemeBackground := False; Panels.Add; Panels[0].Width := 2 * UpdateForm.ClientWidth div 3; Panels[0].Bevel := pbNone; Panels.Add; Panels[1].Style := psOwnerDraw; Panels[1].Bevel := pbNone; OnDrawPanel := @StatusBarOnDrawPanel; end; { ProgressBar } ProgressBar := TNewProgressBar.Create(UpdateForm); with ProgressBar do begin Parent := StatusBar; end; { MainPanel } MainPanel := TPanel.Create(UpdateForm); with MainPanel do begin Parent := UpdateForm; Align := alClient; BevelOuter := bvNone; end; { Bevel } with TBevel.Create(UpdateForm) do begin Parent := UpdateForm; Align := alBottom; Shape := bsTopLine; Style := bsLowered; Height := 1; end; { BinariesPath } with TStatusBar.Create(UpdateForm) do begin Parent := MainPanel; Height := ScaleY(21); Align := alTop; ThemeBackground := False; Panels.Add; Panels[0].Bevel := pbNone; Panels[0].Text := CustomMessage('cmBinariesPath'); end; { BrowsePanel } BrowsePanel := TPanel.Create(UpdateForm); with BrowsePanel do begin Parent := MainPanel; Top := Parent.ClientHeight; Align := alTop; BevelOuter := bvNone; end; { BrowseButton } BrowseButton := TNewButton.Create(UpdateForm); with BrowseButton do begin Parent := BrowsePanel; Align := alRight; Height := ScaleY(21); Width := Height; BrowsePanel.Height := Height; Caption := '...'; OnClick := @ButtonOnClick; end; { BrowseEdit } BrowseEdit := TEdit.Create(UpdateForm); with BrowseEdit do begin Parent := BrowsePanel; Top := (BrowseButton.Height - Height) div 2; Width := Parent.ClientWidth - Parent.ClientHeight; ReadOnly := True; if FileExists(ExpandConstant('{param:BIN}')) then Text := ExpandConstant('{param:BIN}'); OnChange := @BrowseEditOnChange; end; { SelectArchive } with TStatusBar.Create(UpdateForm) do begin Parent := MainPanel; Top := Parent.ClientHeight; Height := ScaleY(24); Align := alTop; ThemeBackground := False; Panels.Add; Panels[0].Bevel := pbNone; Panels[0].Text := CustomMessage('cmSelectArchive'); end; { SelectArchiveComboBox } SelectArchiveComboBox := TComboBox.Create(UpdateForm); with SelectArchiveComboBox do begin Parent := MainPanel; Top := Parent.ClientHeight; Align := alTop; Style := csDropDownList; for i := 0 to ResourcesList.Count - 1 do Items.Add(ExtractFileName(ResourcesList[i])); ResourcesList.Find(ExpandFileName(ExpandConstant('{param:ARC}.7z')), i); ItemIndex := i; OnChange := @SelectArchiveComboBoxOnChange; end; { SelectResources } with TStatusBar.Create(UpdateForm) do begin Parent := MainPanel; Top := Parent.ClientHeight; Height := ScaleY(24); Align := alTop; ThemeBackground := False; Panels.Add; Panels[0].Bevel := pbNone; Panels[0].Text := CustomMessage('cmSelectResources'); end; { ButtonPanel } ButtonPanel := TPanel.Create(UpdateForm); with ButtonPanel do begin Parent := MainPanel; Align := alBottom; BevelOuter := bvNone; end; { SelectResButton } SelectResButton := TNewButton.Create(UpdateForm); with SelectResButton do begin Parent := ButtonPanel; Align := alLeft; ButtonPanel.Height := Height; Caption := CustomMessage('cmSelectResButtonCaption1b'); OnClick := @ButtonOnClick; end; { PatchButton } PatchButton := TNewButton.Create(UpdateForm); with PatchButton do begin Parent := ButtonPanel; Align := alRight; Caption := CustomMessage('cmPatchButtonCaption'); OnClick := @ButtonOnClick; end; { SelectResTreeView } SelectResTreeView := TTreeView.Create(UpdateForm); with SelectResTreeView do begin Parent := MainPanel; Align := alClient; ReadOnly := True; HideSelection := False; SetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_STYLE) or TVS_CHECKBOXES); SetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE) or WS_EX_COMPOSITED); { create imagelist } Images := TImageList.Create(UpdateForm); Images.Handle := ImageList_Create(ScaleX(18), ScaleY(16), ILC_COLOR32, 0, 0); if SHGetFileInfo(ExpandConstant('{tmp}'), 0, shfi, SizeOf(shfi), SHGFI_ICON or SHGFI_SMALLICON) <> 0 then AddIconToImageList(Images.Handle, shfi.hIcon, False); if SHGetFileInfo(ExpandConstant('{tmp}'), 0, shfi, SizeOf(shfi), SHGFI_ICON or SHGFI_SMALLICON or SHGFI_OPENICON) <> 0 then AddIconToImageList(Images.Handle, shfi.hIcon, False); hIcon := LoadImage(HInstance, '_IS_PLUGIN', IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, 0); if hIcon <> 0 then AddIconToImageList(Images.Handle, hIcon, True); { state imagelist } hStateImgList := SendMessage(Handle, TVM_GETIMAGELIST, TVSIL_STATE, 0); if hStateImgList <> 0 then begin hIcon := LoadImage(HInstance, '_IS_DONE', IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, 0); if hIcon <> 0 then AddIconToImageList(hStateImgList, hIcon, False); hIcon := LoadImage(HInstance, '_IS_SKIP', IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, 0); if hIcon <> 0 then AddIconToImageList(hStateImgList, hIcon, False); hIcon := LoadImage(HInstance, '_IS_ERROR', IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, 0); if hIcon <> 0 then AddIconToImageList(hStateImgList, hIcon, False); StateImages := TImageList.Create(UpdateForm); StateImages.Handle := hStateImgList; end; OnGetImageIndex := @TreeViewOnGetImageIndex; OnGetSelectedIndex := @TreeViewOnGetSelectedIndex; OnMouseDown := @TreeViewOnMouseDown; SelectArchiveComboBoxOnChange(SelectArchiveComboBox); end; { do work } try if IsParameter('/SILENT') then begin MainPanel.Hide; UpdateForm.ClientHeight := StatusBar.Height; UpdateForm.Show; if PatchButton.Enabled then PatchButton.Click; Exit; end else if IsParameter('/VERYSILENT') then begin ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_HIDE); if PatchButton.Enabled then PatchButton.Click; Exit; end else UpdateForm.ShowModal; finally { cleanup } for i := 0 to ResourcesList.Count - 1 do TStringList(ResourcesList.Objects[i] as TStringList).Free; ResourcesList.Free; UpdateForm.Free; end; end; ////////////////////////////////// function InitializeSetup: Boolean; begin Result := False; if not DisplayHelp then if CheckSource then CreateUpdateForm; end;