set tp=%1 if "%tp%"=="" (echo "please specify target platform 32 or 64!" && pause && goto :EOF) if /i '%tp%' == '64' set bt=64 if /i '%tp%' == '32' ( set ptr=Win32 ) else if /i '%tp%' == '64' ( set ptr=X64 ) set comp=%2 if "%comp%"=="" (echo "please specify target compiler folder!" && pause && goto :EOF) call a_SetVar%tp%.bat call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" if exist git_error.txt del /f /q git_error.txt pushd %comp% if not exist Logs mkdir Logs if /i '%tp%' == '32' ( if exist "Release" rd /Q /S "Release" >nul ) if exist "Release%tp%" rd /Q /S "Release%tp%" >nul if exist "Symbols%tp%" rd /Q /S "Symbols%tp%" >nul if exist "..\include\m_version.h" del /F /Q "..\include\m_version.h" pushd ..\build call make_ver.bat popd MsBuild.exe "mir_full.sln" /m /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release;Platform="%ptr%" /fileLogger /fileLoggerParameters:LogFile=Logs\full%tp%.log;errorsonly;warningsonly;summary MsBuild.exe "mir_icons.sln" /m /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release;Platform="%ptr%" /fileLogger /fileLoggerParameters:LogFile=Logs\icons%tp%.log;errorsonly;warningsonly;summary start /wait z1_ReBuild_w810.bat %tp% call pascal%tp%.bat pushd ..\plugins\NotifyAnything\SendLog call compile%tp%.bat popd if exist Release ren Release Release32 md Symbols%tp% rd /S /Q "Release%tp%\Obj" >nul xcopy /S /V /Y "Release%tp%\*.pdb" "Symbols%tp%\" del /F /S /Q "Release%tp%\*.pdb" >> nul md "Release%tp%\Languages" pushd "..\langpacks\tool" LangpackSuite.exe \q \prussian \n..\..\%comp%\Release%tp%\Languages\langpack_russian.txt LangpackSuite.exe \q \pukrainian \n..\..\%comp%\Release%tp%\Languages\langpack_ukrainian.txt popd pushd "..\tools\lpgen" cscript /nologo translate.js /sourcelang:"belarusian" /release:"..\..\%comp%\Release%tp%\Languages\langpack_belarusian.txt" cscript /nologo translate.js /sourcelang:"bulgarian" /release:"..\..\%comp%\Release%tp%\langpack_bulgarian_nodupes.txt" copy /B "..\..\%comp%\Release%tp%\langpack_bulgarian_nodupes.txt"+"..\..\langpacks\bulgarian\=DUPES=.txt" ..\..\%comp%\Release%tp%\Languages\langpack_bulgarian.txt cscript /nologo translate.js /sourcelang:"czech" /release:"..\..\%comp%\Release%tp%\Languages\langpack_czech.txt" cscript /nologo translate.js /sourcelang:"english_gb" /release:"..\..\%comp%\Release%tp%\Languages\langpack_english_gb.txt" cscript /nologo translate.js /sourcelang:"french" /release:"..\..\%comp%\Release%tp%\Languages\langpack_french.txt" cscript /nologo translate.js /sourcelang:"german" /release:"..\..\%comp%\Release%tp%\Languages\langpack_german.txt" cscript /nologo translate.js /sourcelang:"polish" /release:"..\..\%comp%\Release%tp%\Languages\langpack_polish.txt" cscript /nologo translate.js /sourcelang:"serbian" /release:"..\..\%comp%\Release%tp%\Languages\langpack_serbian.txt" cscript /nologo translate.js /sourcelang:"spanish" /release:"..\..\%comp%\Release%tp%\Languages\langpack_spanish.txt" del /f /q ..\..\%comp%\Release%tp%\*_nodupes.txt popd REM md "Release%tp%\Dictionaries" md "Release%tp%\Docs" md "Release%tp%\Gadgets" md "Release%tp%\Sounds" md "Release%tp%\Scripts" md "Release%tp%\Plugins\Listeningto" md "Release%tp%\Plugins\BASS" md "Release%tp%\Plugins\Quotes" md "Release%tp%\Plugins\Weather" copy /V /Y ..\plugins\FavContacts\gadget\favcontacts.gadget "Release%tp%\Gadgets\" copy /V /Y ..\plugins\Nudge\docs\Sounds\*.wav "Release%tp%\Sounds\" copy /V /Y ..\plugins\ListeningTo\listeningto\*.dll "Release%tp%\Plugins\Listeningto\" copy /V /Y ..\plugins\Quotes\docs\Utility\*.xml "Release%tp%\Plugins\Quotes\" copy /V /Y ..\plugins\Weather\docs\weather\*.ini "Release%tp%\Plugins\Weather\" copy /V /Y ..\plugins\Actman\services.ini "Release%tp%\Plugins\" copy /V /Y ..\plugins\Boltun\src\Engine\boltun.mindw "Release%tp%\Plugins\" copy /V /Y ..\plugins\Watrack\player.ini "Release%tp%\Plugins\" copy /V /Y ..\plugins\RemovePersonalSettings\docs\RemovePersonalSettings.ini "Release%tp%\" if /i '%tp%' == '32' ( md "Release32\Plugins\Importtxt" copy /V /Y ..\plugins\ImportTXT\importtxt\*.ini "Release32\Plugins\Importtxt\" copy /V /Y ..\redist\pcre3.dll "Release32\Libs" ) rem xcopy /S /V /Y "..\delphi\%tp%" "Release%tp%" xcopy /S /V /Y "..\pre-symbols\%tp%" "Symbols%tp%" xcopy /S /V /Y "..\pre-build\%tp%" "Release%tp%" cd "Release%tp%" dir /B /S *.dll | %SourceDir%\tools\rebaser\rebaser.exe /BASE:13000000 dir /B /S *.mir | %SourceDir%\tools\rebaser\rebaser.exe /BASE:12000000 copy /V /Y ..\..\redist\x%tp%\msvc*.dll set hashes=%cd%\hashes.txt %SourceDir%\tools\checksum\checksum.exe Miranda%tp%.exe > %hashes% %SourceDir%\tools\checksum\checksum.exe msvcp100.dll >> %hashes% %SourceDir%\tools\checksum\checksum.exe msvcr100.dll >> %hashes% for /f "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%i in ('%SourceDir%\tools\md5.exe Languages\lang*.txt') do echo %%j %%i >> %hashes% rem get checksum for folder(first param) and ext (second param) call :checksum Plugins dll call :checksum Icons dll copy /V /Y ..\..\docs\mirandaboot.ini copy /V /Y ..\..\redist\x%tp%\DbChecker.bat copy /V /Y ..\..\redist\x%tp%\bass\*.dll "Plugins\BASS" popd rem put me at the end of script rem getting checksum for dlls rem "goto :eof" here to avoid run this subroutine at the end of script, so script will run till this point, and subroutine will called only where we need it goto :eof rem the subroutine itself starts here :checksum rem change the dir to first parameter, and remember it pushd %1 rem now we are here, let's get the hashes for dll for /F "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%a in ('%SourceDir%\tools\checksum\checksum.exe *.%2') do echo %1\%%a %%b >> %hashes% rem return to the dir, where subroutine was called popd rem this is just for the case if another sobroutine will be after this one :) goto :eof