@echo off
rem Get archives if needed
set /p answer=Do you want to create folder structure and download new components? (Y/N):
if /i "%answer:~,1%" EQU "Y" goto download
if /i "%answer:~,1%" EQU "N" goto chk32
echo Please type Y for Yes or N for No
goto again
if not exist InnoNG_32 (goto error) else (goto chk64)
if not exist InnoNG_64 (goto error) else (goto continue)
echo Some of the components are missing, please run script again and agree to create folder structure and download new components!
goto end
echo Creating folders and downloading components!
call createstructure.bat
rem end

rem Make
set /p answ=Do you want to compile the installers now? (Y/N):
if /i "%answ:~,1%" EQU "Y" goto compile
if /i "%answ:~,1%" EQU "N" goto moveahead
echo Please type Y for Yes or N for No
goto again1
echo Compiling!
call compile.bat
rem end

rem Cleanup
set /p ans=Do you want to delete temp files and build folders? (Y/N):
if /i "%ans:~,1%" EQU "Y" goto cleanup
if /i "%ans:~,1%" EQU "N" goto end
echo Please type Y for Yes or N for No
goto again2
echo Running cleanup!
call cleanup.bat
rem end