@echo off cls echo ======================== echo Langpack installer echo Author: Robyer echo ======================== echo. set err=0 if "%~1" == "" ( echo ERROR: You must specify language parameter! set err=1 ) if "%~2" == "" ( echo ERROR: You must specify Miranda path! set err=1 ) if not "%~3" == "" ( echo ERROR: You must specify 1 or 2 parameters only. echo NOTE: If you have path with spaces inside, suround it with "". set err=1 ) if "%err%"=="1" ( goto usage ) set "language=%~1" set "mirandaPath=%~2" if not exist "..\..\langpacks\%language%" ( echo ERROR: This language doesn't exists! goto exit ) if not exist "%mirandaPath%\mimcmd.exe" ( echo ERROR: mimcmd.exe wasn't found in your Miranda path. Make sure you have installed Command line plugin. goto exit ) if not exist "..\..\langpacks\%language%\Langpack_%language%.txt" ( echo ERROR: Langpack_%language%.txt in your langpack folder wasn't found. Make sure you have freshly refreshed langpack using Refresher.bat script goto exit ) echo Installing langpack... copy "..\..\langpacks\%language%\Langpack_%language%.txt" "%mirandaPath%\Langpack_%language%.txt" cd "%mirandaPath%" mimcmd.exe callservice LangPack/Reload 0 0 echo Installation successful. exit /b :usage echo. echo ======================== echo Usage: installer.bat language "Miranda folder path" echo Note: for proper installation make sure you have enabled Command line plugin echo. echo Example: installer.bat czech "C:\Program files\Miranda NG" echo. echo If you want own script in langpack dir, look at "langpacks\czech\refresh.bat" echo ======================== echo. :exit pause exit /b