//*****************************************************************************************// //* Name: translate.js *// //* Language: JScript *// //* Function: Parse Miranda-NG translation templates and get translated strings *// //* Author: BasiL *// //* Usage: cscript /nologo translate.js to run generation in batches *// //* Usage: cscript /nologo translate.js /log:"yes" to enable console logging *// //* Usage: cscript /nologo translate.js /plugin:"path\file" for one template *// //* Usage: cscript /nologo translate.js /path:"path\folder" - translate folder *// //* Usage: cscript /nologo translate.js /core:"path\=core=.txt" use core file *// //* Usage: cscript /nologo translate.js /dupes:"path\=dupes=.txt" use dupes file *// //* Usage: cscript /nologo translate.js /out:"path\folder" output result to folder *// //* Usage: cscript /nologo translate.js /langpack:"path\lang.txt" - Full langpack *// //* Note: script will use following sequense to find a translation for string: *// //* 1) Try to get translation from a same file name. Example: /langpack/english/plugin/ *// //* /TabSRMM.txt strings will be checked in file named TabSRMM.txt in folder from /path: *// //* if you specify a "path" - /path:"path\folder", so look in path\folder\TabSRMM.txt *// //* 2) If not find in step 1), check a string in file DUPES, specified in /dupes parameter*// //* 3) If still not found, try to find trasnlation in /core file *// //* 4) Still no luck? Well, check a /langpack:"/path/lang.txt" as a last place. *// //* Example1: cscript /nologo translate.js /core:"path\lang.txt" /path:"path/german" *// //* will translate english templates using plugins translation from path\german and if *// //* translation not found, try to find translation in path\lang.txt *// //* Example2: cscript /nologo translate.js /plugin:"path\file" /langpack:"path\lang.txt" *// //* will translate path\file using translation from path\lang.txt *// //*****************************************************************************************// //Init Variables //Create FileSystemObject FSO var FSO=WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); //FileSystemObject vars var ForReading=1; var TristateUseDefault=-2; var overwritefile=true; var unicode=false; //disabling log by default var log=false; //Path variables var scriptpath=FSO.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName); //crazy way to get path two layers upper "\tools\lpgen\" var trunk=FSO.GetFolder(FSO.GetParentFolderName(FSO.GetParentFolderName(scriptpath))); //plugins path //var plugins=FSO.BuildPath(trunk,"langpacks\\russian\\Plugins\\"); //init translate dictionaries CoreTranslateDict=WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary"); DupesTranslateDict=WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary"); LangpackTranslateDict=WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary"); //*********************************************************************************// // Checking command line parameters *// //*********************************************************************************// // if console param /log: specified, put it to var log. To enable log, specify /log:"yes" if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("log")) log=true; // if param /out specified, build a path and put it into var. if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("out")) { var out=WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("out"); if (!FSO.FolderExists(out)) { WScript.Echo("Output folder "+out+" does not exist!\nPlease, create it first!"); WScript.Quit();} }; //If script run by double click, open choose folder dialog to choose plugin folder to parse. If Cancel pressed, quit script. if (WScript.FullName.toLowerCase().charAt(WScript.FullName.length - 11)=="w") { WScript.Echo("Please run from command line!"); WScript.Quit(); } //when /plugin: specified, parse only this path and quit if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("plugin")) { //First, generate DB of translations from Core and Dupes files checkparams(); GenerateDictionaries(); //plugin from command line: var cmdline_file=new String(WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("plugin")); //init array for our file translation var cmdline_file_array=new Array; //Output filename variable var traslated_cmdline_file=new String(FSO.BuildPath(scriptpath,FSO.GetFileName(cmdline_file))); if (log) WScript.Echo("translating "+cmdline_file); //Call TranslateTemplateFile for path specified in command line argument /path:"path/to/template", output result to "scriptpath" TranslateTemplateFile(WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("plugin"),cmdline_file_array); //Output result to scriptpath folder. WriteToFile(cmdline_file_array,traslated_cmdline_file); if (log) WScript.Echo("translated file here: "+traslated_cmdline_file); //We are done, quit. WScript.Quit(); } //*********************************************************************************// // Main part *// //*********************************************************************************// //first, check we have files with translated stirngs specified. checkparams(); if (log) WScript.Echo("Translation begin"); //Generate translation dictionaries from /core, /dupes and /langpack files. GenerateDictionaries (); //Array for translated core Translate_Core=new Array; if (log) WScript.Echo("Translating Core"); //Call function for translate core template TranslateTemplateFile(FSO.BuildPath(trunk,"langpacks\\english\\=CORE=.txt"),Translate_Core); //var with translated core template file path Translated_Core=trunk+"\\langpacks\\english\\translated_=CORE=.txt"; //if "out" specified, redefine output to this path if (out) Translated_Core=out+"\\=CORE=.txt"; //output traslated core into file WriteToFile(Translate_Core,Translated_Core); if (log) WScript.Echo("Output to: "+Translated_Core); //Init array of template files TemplateFilesArray=new Array; //Find all template files and put them to array FindFiles(FSO.BuildPath(trunk,"langpacks\\english\\plugins\\"),"\\.txt$",TemplateFilesArray) //create enumerator filesenum from filelist filesenum=new Enumerator(TemplateFilesArray); //cycle through file list while (!filesenum.atEnd()) { //intit Array with translated strings TranslatedTemplate=new Array; //curfile is our current file in files enumerator curfile=filesenum.item(); //Log output to console if (log) WScript.Echo("translating "+curfile); //path to result file traslatedtemplatefile=trunk+"\\langpacks\\english\\plugins\\translated_"+FSO.GetFileName(curfile); //if out key specified, output to this folder if (out) traslatedtemplatefile=out+"\\"+FSO.GetFileName(curfile); //now put strings from template and translations into array TranslateTemplateFile(curfile,TranslatedTemplate); //Write array into file; WriteToFile(TranslatedTemplate,traslatedtemplatefile); //Log output to console if (log) WScript.Echo("Output to: "+traslatedtemplatefile); //move to next file filesenum.moveNext(); }; if (log) WScript.Echo("Translation end"); //*********************************************************************************// // Functions *// //*********************************************************************************// //when /core: and /path: are NOT specified, thus we don't have any langpack file(s) to get translated strings. Thus all other job are uselessg function checkparams() { if (!WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("langpack") && !WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("path")) { WScript.Echo("you didn't specify /langpack: or /path: parameter, there is no files with translated strings!"); WScript.Quit(); }; } //Check file existense. If file not found, quit. function CheckFileExist(file) { if (!FSO.FileExists(file)) { WScript.Echo("Can't find "+file) }; } //Generate DB with translations from Core and Dupes files function GenerateDictionaries () { //path variables if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("core")) { //Check file /core:"path" exist or not CheckFileExist(WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("core")); //Generate dictionanry GenerateTransalteDict(WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("core"),CoreTranslateDict); } if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("dupes")) { CheckFileExist(WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("dupes")); GenerateTransalteDict(WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("dupes"),DupesTranslateDict); } if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("langpack")) { CheckFileExist(WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("langpack")); GenerateTransalteDict(WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("langpack"),LangpackTranslateDict); } } //Generate Dictionary with english sting + translated string from file function GenerateTransalteDict (file,dictionary) { //if file does not exist, it's a core, we do not need do the job again, so return. if (!FSO.FileExists(file)) return; //open file var translatefile=FSO.GetFile(file).OpenAsTextStream(ForReading, TristateUseDefault); //read file into var var translatefiletext=translatefile.ReadAll(); //"find" - RegularExpression, first string have to start with [ and end with]. Next string - translation var find=/(^\[.+?\])\r\n(.+?)(?=$)/mg; //While our "find" RegExp return a results, add strings into dictionary. while ((string = find.exec(translatefiletext)) != null) { //first, init empty var var string; //first match as original string [....], is a key of dictionary, second match is a translation - item of key in dictionary var key=string[1]; var item=string[2]; //add key-item pair into dictionary, if not exists already if (!dictionary.Exists(key)) dictionary.Add(key,item); //use also different variants of Miranda name for translations from old langpacks key = key.replace("Miranda IM", "Miranda NG"); item = item.replace("Miranda IM", "Miranda NG"); if (!dictionary.Exists(key)) dictionary.Add(key,item); key = key.replace("Miranda NG", "Miranda"); item = item.replace("Miranda NG", "Miranda"); if (!dictionary.Exists(key)) dictionary.Add(key,item); } //close file translatefile.Close(); } //Generate array with stirngs from translation template, adding founded translation, if exist. function TranslateTemplateFile(Template_file,array) { //Init PluginTranslate Dictionary from plugins translate file var PluginTranslateDict=WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary"); // if /path:"" specified, this is a folder with plugin translations, use it to find out our translation. if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("path")) { //Generate PluginTranslate Dictionary GenerateTransalteDict(FSO.BuildPath(WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("path"),FSO.GetFileName(Template_file)),PluginTranslateDict); } //If file zero size, return; if (FSO.GetFile(Template_file).Size==0) return; //access file template_file_stream=FSO.GetFile(Template_file).OpenAsTextStream(ForReading, TristateUseDefault); //Reading line-by-line while (!template_file_stream.AtEndOfStream) { //clear up variable englishstring=""; //read on line into rcline line=template_file_stream.ReadLine(); //Push line int array, we need all lines from template array.push(line); //find string covered by[] using regexp englishstring=line.match(/\[.+\]/); //If current line is english string covered by [], try to find translation in global db if (englishstring) { //uncomment next string for more verbose log output //if (log) WScript.Echo("lookin' for "+englishstring); //firstly find our string exist in Plugin translate DB dictionary if (PluginTranslateDict.Exists(line)) { //yes, we have translation, put translation into array array.push(PluginTranslateDict.Item(line)); } else { //If we do not foud sting in plugin translation, check Dupes and if found, put to array if (DupesTranslateDict.Exists(line)) { array.push(DupesTranslateDict.Item(line)); } else { //not found in dupes? Check CORE if (CoreTranslateDict.Exists(line)) { array.push(CoreTranslateDict.Item(line)); } else { //Sill no luck? Check Langpack... if (LangpackTranslateDict.Exists(line)) { array.push(LangpackTranslateDict.Item(line)); } else { //no translation found, put empty line array.push(""); } } } } } } //closing file template_file_stream.Close(); }; //Recourse find all files in "path" with file RegExp mask "name" and return file list into filelistarray function FindFiles (path,name,filelistarray) { //Init vars var Folder, Folders, Files, file, filename; // second param "name" is our case insensive RegExp var filemask=new RegExp(name,"i"); //Put path into var Folder Folder=FSO.GetFolder(path); //put subFolders into var Folders=new Enumerator(Folder.SubFolders); //Create Enumerator with Folder files inside Files=new Enumerator(Folder.Files); //Cycle by files in Folder while (!Files.atEnd()) { //file is a next file file=Files.item(); //put file name into filename filename=FSO.GetFileName(file); //if filename is our name mask, do the job. if (filemask.test(filename)) filelistarray.push(file); //move to next file Files.moveNext(); }; //Cycle by subfolders while (!Folders.atEnd()) { FindFiles(Folders.item().Path,name,filelistarray); //WScript.Echo(Folders.item().Path); Folders.moveNext(); }; }; //Put array of strings into file function WriteToFile (array,file) { //Create file outfile=FSO.CreateTextFile(file, overwritefile , unicode) //Finally, write strings from array to file for (i=0;i<=array.length-1;i++) outfile.WriteLine(array[i]); //Close file outfile.Close(); }; //Write UTF-8 file function WriteToUnicodeFile(array,langpack) { stream.Open(); for (i=0;i<=array.length-1;i++) stream.WriteText(array[i]+"\n"); stream.SaveToFile(langpack, 2); stream.Close(); }