//*****************************************************************************************// //* Name: translate.js *// //* Language: JScript *// //* Function: Parse Miranda-NG translation templates and get translated strings *// //* Author: BasiL *// //* Usage: cscript /nologo translate.js to run generation in batches *// //* Usage: cscript /nologo translate.js /log:"yes" to enable console logging *// //* Usage: cscript /nologo translate.js /plugin:"path\file" for one template *// //* Usage: cscript /nologo translate.js /path:"path\to\folder" folder with .\Plugins, *// //* .\Weather subfolders and =CORE=.txt file *// //* Usage: cscript /nologo translate.js /dupes:"path\=dupes=.txt" use dupes file *// //* Usage: cscript /nologo translate.js /sourcelang:"language" instead of /path param *// //* if your .\Plugins, .\Weather, =CORE=.txt and langpack_%lang%.txt in trunk .\langpacks *// //* Usage: cscript /nologo translate.js /out:"path\folder" output result to folder *// //* Usage: cscript /nologo translate.js /outfile:"path\file" output result to one file*// //* Usage: cscript /nologo translate.js /langpack:"path\lang.txt" - Full langpack *// //* Usage: cscript /nologo translate.js /noref:"yes" - remove ref. ";file path\file" *// //* Usage: cscript /nologo translate.js /untranslated:"yes|path" untranslated strings*// //* Usage: cscript /nologo translate.js /sourcelang:"russian" /release:"path\file" *// //* Note: script will use following sequense to find a translation for string: *// //* 1) Try to get translation from a same file name. Example: /langpack/english/plugin/ *// //* /TabSRMM.txt strings will be checked in file named TabSRMM.txt in folder from /path: *// //* if you specify a "path" - /path:"path\folder", so look in path\folder\TabSRMM.txt *// //* 2) If not find in step 1), check a string in file DUPES, specified in /dupes parameter*// //* 3) If still not found, try to find trasnlation in =CORE=.txt file *// //* 4) Still no luck? Well, check a /langpack:"/path/lang.txt" as a last place. *// //* Example1: cscript /nologo translate.js /langpack:"path\lang.txt" /path:"path/german" *// //* will translate english templates using .\plugins translation from path\german and if *// //* translation not found, try to find translation in path\lang.txt *// //* Example2: cscript /nologo translate.js /plugin:"path\file" /langpack:"path\lang.txt" *// //* will translate path\file using translation from path\lang.txt *// //* Example3: cscript /nologo translate.js /langpack:"path\lang.txt" /outfile:"path\file"*// //* will translate all /english/* templates using lang.txt & output langpack in path\file *// //* Example4: cscript /nologo translate.js /sourcelang="Russian" /outfile:"path\file" *// //* will translate all /english/* tempaltes using files =CORE=.txt, =DUPES=.txt, lanpack_R*// //* ussian.txt from ./langpacks/Russian/ folder, including /langpacks/Russian/Plugins/* *// //* Example5: cscript translate.js /sourcelang:"Russian" /release:"Langpack_rusian.txt" *// //* will output a "release" version of langpack, using files in \langpacks\russian\ with *// //* =HEAD=.txt, but "clean" - no file refference and no untranslated strings inside *// //*****************************************************************************************// //Init Variables //Create FileSystemObject FSO var FSO=WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); //FileSystemObject vars var ForReading=1; var TristateUseDefault=-2; var overwritefile=true; var unicode=false; //disabling log by default var log=false; //output translated templates in separated files by default var outfile=false; //do not remove refference to source file, where we found a translation string var noref=false; //disable output untranslated_* files by default var untranslated=false; //Path variables var scriptpath=FSO.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName); //crazy way to get path two layers upper "\tools\lpgen\" var trunk=FSO.GetFolder(FSO.GetParentFolderName(FSO.GetParentFolderName(scriptpath))); //stream - our variable for output UTF-8 files with BOM var stream= new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream"); //stream var tune stream.Type = 2; // text mode stream.Charset = "utf-8"; //init translate dictionaries CoreTranslateDict=WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary"); DupesTranslateDict=WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary"); LangpackTranslateDict=WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary"); //init arrays Translated_Core_Array=new Array; UnTranslated_Core_Array=new Array; full_langpack_array=new Array; release_array=new Array; //*********************************************************************************// // Checking command line parameters *// //*********************************************************************************// // if console param /log: specified, put it to var log. To enable log, specify /log:"yes" if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("log")) log=true; // if console param /noref: specified, put it to var noref. To remove reff's to files, specifry /noref:"yes" if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("noref")) noref=true; // if console param /untranslated: specified, put it to var untranslated. To output untranslated_* files, specifry /untranslated:"yes", or specify a path to output untranslated files folder if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("untranslated")) { untranslated=true; UnTranslatedPath=WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("untranslated") if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("untranslated").toLowerCase()!="yes") { CreateFldr(UnTranslatedPath); } }; // if console pararm /outpfile:"\path\filename.txt" given, put it to var outfile. if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("outfile")) { outfile=true; //path to full langpack file full_langpack_file=WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("outfile"); } // if console pararm /release:"\path\filename.txt" given, put it to var release. if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("release")) { release=true; //path to full langpack file release_langpack_file=WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("release"); } // if param /out specified, build a path and put it into var. if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("out")) { var out=WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("out"); var OutPlugins=FSO.BuildPath(out,"Plugins"); var OutWeather=FSO.BuildPath(out,"Weather"); CreateFldr(out); CreateFldr(OutPlugins); CreateFldr(OutWeather); }; //If script run by double click, open choose folder dialog to choose plugin folder to parse. If Cancel pressed, quit script. if (WScript.FullName.toLowerCase().charAt(WScript.FullName.length - 11)=="w") { WScript.Echo("Please run from command line!"); WScript.Quit(); } //when /sourcelang specified, setup all source files already existed in trunk. Usefull for running translate.js from trunk. Currenly seldom languages have same files structure, thus it is much more easier to just specify a language folder name, instead of specifying /path, /dupes, /langpack. if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("sourcelang")) { var sourcelang=WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("sourcelang"); var langpack_path=FSO.BuildPath(FSO.BuildPath(trunk,"langpacks"),sourcelang); var translated_plugins=FSO.BuildPath(langpack_path,"Plugins"); var translated_weather=FSO.BuildPath(langpack_path,"Weather"); var translated_core=FSO.BuildPath(langpack_path,"=CORE=.txt"); var translated_dupes=FSO.BuildPath(langpack_path,"=DUPES=.txt"); var langpack_head=FSO.BuildPath(langpack_path,"=HEAD=.txt"); var translated_langpack=FSO.BuildPath(langpack_path,("langpack_"+sourcelang+".txt")); if (log) WScript.Echo("Translating to "+sourcelang); } //when /plugin: specified, parse only this path and quit if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("plugin")) { //First, generate DB of translations from Core and Dupes files checkparams(); GenerateDictionaries(); //plugin from command line: var cmdline_file=new String(WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("plugin")); //init array for our file translation and untranslated strings var cmdline_file_array=new Array; var cmdline_untranslated_array=new Array; //Output filename variable var traslated_cmdline_file=new String(FSO.BuildPath(scriptpath,FSO.GetFileName(cmdline_file))); var untranslated_cmdline_file=new String(FSO.BuildPath(scriptpath,"untranslated_"+FSO.GetFileName(cmdline_file))); //logging if (log) WScript.Echo("translating "+cmdline_file); //Call TranslateTemplateFile for path specified in command line argument /path:"path/to/template", output result to "scriptpath" TranslateTemplateFile(WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("plugin"),cmdline_file_array,cmdline_untranslated_array); //Output results to scriptpath folder. WriteToUnicodeFile(cmdline_file_array,traslated_cmdline_file); if (log) WScript.Echo("Translated file: "+traslated_cmdline_file); //if there is something untranslated in cmdline_untranslated_array, output to file if (cmdline_untranslated_array.length>0) { WriteToUnicodeFile(cmdline_untranslated_array,untranslated_cmdline_file); if (log) WScript.Echo("Untranslated file: "+traslated_cmdline_file); } //We are done, quit. WScript.Quit(); } //*********************************************************************************// // Main part *// //*********************************************************************************// //first, check we have files with translated stirngs specified. checkparams(); if (log) WScript.Echo("Translation begin"); //Add a =HEAD=.txt into FullLangpack Array and release array if file exist and /out or /release specified. if ((outfile || release) && FSO.FileExists(langpack_head)) { //open file stream.Open(); stream.LoadFromFile(langpack_head); //read file into var var headertext=stream.ReadText(); full_langpack_array.push(headertext); release_array.push(headertext); stream.Close(); } //Generate translation dictionaries from /path, /dupes and /langpack files. GenerateDictionaries (); if (log) WScript.Echo("Translating Core"); //Call function for translate core template TranslateTemplateFile(FSO.BuildPath(trunk,"langpacks\\english\\=CORE=.txt"),Translated_Core_Array,UnTranslated_Core_Array); //output core file, if /out specified. if (out) OutputFiles(Translated_Core_Array,UnTranslated_Core_Array,"","=CORE=.txt") //Init array of template files TemplateFilesArray=new Array; //Init array of weather.ini translation files WeatherFilesArray=new Array; //Find all template files and put them to array FindFiles(FSO.BuildPath(trunk,"langpacks\\english\\plugins\\"),"\\.txt$",TemplateFilesArray) //Find all weather.ini template files and add them into array FindFiles(FSO.BuildPath(trunk,"langpacks\\english\\Weather\\"),"\\.txt$",WeatherFilesArray) //Build enumerator for each file array TemplateFilesEnum=new Enumerator(TemplateFilesArray); WeatherFilesEnum=new Enumerator(WeatherFilesArray); //Run processing files one-by-one; ProcessFiles(TemplateFilesEnum); //if output to one langpack file, write a final array Translated_Core_Array into UTF-8 file with BOM if (outfile) { WriteToUnicodeFile(full_langpack_array,full_langpack_file); if (log) WScript.Echo("Langpack file in "+full_langpack_file); } //if /release specified, output array into file if (release) { WriteToUnicodeFile(release_array,release_langpack_file); if (log) WScript.Echo("Release langpack file in "+release_langpack_file); } if (log) WScript.Echo("Translation end"); //*********************************************************************************// // Functions *// //*********************************************************************************// //Process files one-by-one using enummerator function ProcessFiles (FilesEnum) { //cycle through file list while (!FilesEnum.atEnd()) { //intit Array with translated strings and untranslated stings TranslatedTemplate=new Array; UnTranslatedStrings=new Array; //curfile is our current file in files enumerator curfile=FilesEnum.item(); //Log output to console if (log) WScript.Echo("translating: "+curfile); //now put strings from template and translations into array TranslateTemplateFile(curfile,TranslatedTemplate,UnTranslatedStrings); //output files, if /out specified if (out) OutputFiles(TranslatedTemplate,UnTranslatedStrings,FSO.GetBaseName(FSO.GetParentFolderName(curfile)),FSO.GetFileName(curfile)) //move to next file if (FSO.GetBaseName(curfile)=="Weather") { ProcessFiles(WeatherFilesEnum); } FilesEnum.moveNext(); }; } //Create Folder function, if folder does not exist. function CreateFldr(FolderPathName) { if (!FSO.FolderExists(FolderPathName)) { var CreatedFolder=FSO.CreateFolder(FolderPathName); if (log) WScript.Echo("Folder created: "+CreatedFolder);} } //output to files. Checking params, and output file(s). function OutputFiles(TranslatedArray,UntranslatedArray,FolderName,FileName) { //clear var outpath var outpath; //outpath is a /out:"path" + FolderName outpath=FSO.BuildPath(out,FolderName); //define default path to files in "langpacks\english\plugins" TraslatedTemplateFile=trunk+"\\langpacks\\english\\plugins\\translated_"+FileName UnTranslatedFile=trunk+"\\langpacks\\english\\plugins\\untranslated_"+FileName //redefine path to files, if /out specified if (out) { TraslatedTemplateFile=FSO.BuildPath(outpath,FileName); UnTranslatedFile=out+"\\untranslated_"+FileName; } //redefine path to files, if FileName is a =CORE=.txt if (FileName=="=CORE=.txt") { TraslatedTemplateFile=trunk+"\\langpacks\\english\\translated_"+FileName; UnTranslatedFile=trunk+"\\langpacks\\english\\untranslated_"+FileName; if (out) { // if /out:"/path/folder" specified redefine path of translated and untranslated =CORE=.txt file to parent folder of specified path TraslatedTemplateFile=FSO.BuildPath(outpath,FileName); // if /untranslated:"yes" specified, redefine untranslated core to parent folder, same as above. UnTranslatedFile=FSO.BuildPath(outpath,"untranslated_"+FileName); } // if /untralsated:"path" specified, redefine path to untranslated "=CORE=.txt" if (untranslated && (UnTranslatedPath!="yes")) UnTranslatedFile=FSO.BuildPath(UnTranslatedPath,FileName); } // output translated file if /out and /outfile ommited, or if /out specified if ((!out && !outfile) || out) { if (log) WScript.Echo("Output to file: "+TraslatedTemplateFile); WriteToUnicodeFile(TranslatedArray,TraslatedTemplateFile); } //Write untranslated array into file, if /untranslated specified and there is something in array if (untranslated & UntranslatedArray.length>0) { //redefine Untranslated file path and name, if /untranslated:"/path/" specified if (UnTranslatedPath!="yes") UnTranslatedFile=UnTranslatedPath+"\\"+FileName; if (log) WScript.Echo("Untranslated in: "+UnTranslatedFile); WriteToUnicodeFile(UntranslatedArray,UnTranslatedFile); } } //when /sourcelang: and /path: are NOT specified, thus we don't have any langpack file(s) to get translated strings. Thus all other job are useless function checkparams() { if (!WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("langpack") & !WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("path") & !sourcelang) { WScript.Echo("you didn't specify /langpack:\"/path/to/langpack.txt\", /path:\"/path/to/plugnis/\" or /sourcelang:\"language\" parameter, there is no files with translated strings!"); WScript.Quit(); }; } //Check file existense. If file not found, quit. function CheckFileExist(file) { if (!FSO.FileExists(file) && log) { WScript.Echo("Can't find "+file) }; } //Generate DB with translations from Core and Dupes files function GenerateDictionaries () { //if /sourcelang:"language" specified, use it for generate dicitionaries if (sourcelang) { CheckFileExist(translated_core); CheckFileExist(translated_dupes); CheckFileExist(translated_langpack); GenerateTransalteDict(translated_core,CoreTranslateDict); GenerateTransalteDict(translated_dupes,DupesTranslateDict); GenerateTransalteDict(translated_langpack,LangpackTranslateDict); } //process a dictionaries creation with switch-specified pathes if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("path")) { //Check file =CORE=.txt and =DUPES=.txt exist in /path:"path" or not PathToCore=FSO.BuildPath(WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("path"),"\\=CORE=.txt") PathToDupes=FSO.BuildPath(WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("path"),"\\=DUPES=.txt") CheckFileExist(PathToCore); CheckFileExist(PathToDupes); //Generate dictionanries GenerateTransalteDict(PathToCore,CoreTranslateDict); GenerateTransalteDict(PathToDupes,DupesTranslateDict); } if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("dupes")) { CheckFileExist(WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("dupes")); GenerateTransalteDict(WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("dupes"),DupesTranslateDict); } if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("langpack")) { CheckFileExist(WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("langpack")); GenerateTransalteDict(WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("langpack"),LangpackTranslateDict); } } //Generate Dictionary with english sting + translated string from file function GenerateTransalteDict (file,dictionary) { //if file does not exist, it's a core, we do not need do the job again, so return. if (!FSO.FileExists(file)) return; //open file stream.Open(); stream.LoadFromFile(file); //read file into var var translatefiletext=stream.ReadText(); //"find" - RegularExpression, first string have to start with [ and end with]. Next string - translation var find=/(^\[.+?\](?=$))\r?\n(^(?!;file|\r|\n).+?(?=$))/mg; //While our "find" RegExp return a results, add strings into dictionary. while ((string = find.exec(translatefiletext)) != null) { //first, init empty var var string; //first match as original string [....], is a key of dictionary, second match is a translation - item of key in dictionary var key=string[1]; var item=string[2]; //ignore "translations" (wrongly parsed untranslated strings) begining and ending with [] if (item.match(/^\[.*\]$/)) continue; //add key-item pair into dictionary, if not exists already if (!dictionary.Exists(key)) dictionary.Add(key,item); //use also different variants of Miranda name for translations from old langpacks key = key.replace("Miranda IM", "Miranda NG"); item = item.replace("Miranda IM", "Miranda NG"); if (!dictionary.Exists(key)) dictionary.Add(key,item); key = key.replace("Miranda NG", "Miranda"); item = item.replace("Miranda NG", "Miranda"); if (!dictionary.Exists(key)) dictionary.Add(key,item); } //close file stream.Close(); } //Generate array with stirngs from translation template, adding founded translation, if exist. function TranslateTemplateFile(Template_file,translated_array,untranslated_array) { //Init PluginTranslate Dictionary from plugins translate file var PluginTranslateDict=WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary"); //if /sourcelang specified, use it for search plugin translation. if (sourcelang) GenerateTransalteDict(FSO.BuildPath(langpack_path,(FSO.GetBaseName(FSO.GetParentFolderName(Template_file))+"\\"+FSO.GetFileName(Template_file))),PluginTranslateDict); // if /path:"" specified, this is a folder with plugin translations, use it to find out our translation. if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("path")) { //Generate PluginTranslate Dictionary GenerateTransalteDict(FSO.BuildPath(WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("path"),(FSO.GetBaseName(FSO.GetParentFolderName(Template_file))+"\\"+FSO.GetFileName(Template_file))),PluginTranslateDict); } //If file zero size, return; if (FSO.GetFile(Template_file).Size==0) return; //access file stream.Open(); stream.LoadFromFile(Template_file); //Reading line-by-line while (!stream.EOS) { //clear up variable englishstring=""; //read on line var line=stream.ReadText(-2); //If we need refference to "; file source\file\path" in template or langpack, put into array every line if (!noref) translated_array.push(line); //If we need "clean" file, remove stirngs, starting from ";file" if (noref) { //RegExp matching strings, starting from ";file" reffline=line.match(/^;file.+/); //RegExp for match a =CORE=.txt header line "Miranda Language Pack Version 1". If /noref specified, remove this line as well. headerline=line.match(/^Miranda Language Pack Version 1$/) //if RegExp not matched, push line into array if (!reffline && !headerline) translated_array.push(line); } //find string covered by[] using regexp englishstring=line.match(/\[.+\]/); //If current line is english string covered by [], try to find translation in global db if (englishstring) { //uncomment next string for more verbose log output //if (log) WScript.Echo("lookin' for "+englishstring); //add enlishstring to release array release_array.push(englishstring); //firstly find our string exist in Plugin translate DB dictionary if (PluginTranslateDict.Exists(line)) { //yes, we have translation, put translation into array translated_array.push(PluginTranslateDict.Item(line)); //add translation to release array release_array.push(PluginTranslateDict.Item(line)); } else { //If we do not foud sting in plugin translation, check Dupes and if found, put to array if (DupesTranslateDict.Exists(line)) { translated_array.push(DupesTranslateDict.Item(line)); release_array.push(DupesTranslateDict.Item(line)); } else { //not found in dupes? Check CORE if (CoreTranslateDict.Exists(line)) { translated_array.push(CoreTranslateDict.Item(line)); release_array.push(CoreTranslateDict.Item(line)); } else { //Sill no luck? Check Langpack... if (LangpackTranslateDict.Exists(line)) { translated_array.push(LangpackTranslateDict.Item(line)); release_array.push(LangpackTranslateDict.Item(line)); } else { //no translation found, put empty line translated_array.push(""); //add to untranslated array untranslated_array.push(line); //remove from release, no translation found. release_array.pop(); } } } } } } //closing file stream.Close(); //if we will output one file only, concatenate array if (outfile) full_langpack_array=full_langpack_array.concat(translated_array); }; //Recourse find all files in "path" with file RegExp mask "name" and return file list into filelistarray function FindFiles (path,name,filelistarray) { //Init vars var Folder, Folders, Files, file, filename; // second param "name" is our case insensive RegExp var filemask=new RegExp(name,"i"); //Put path into var Folder Folder=FSO.GetFolder(path); //put subFolders into var Folders=new Enumerator(Folder.SubFolders); //Create Enumerator with Folder files inside Files=new Enumerator(Folder.Files); //Cycle by files in Folder while (!Files.atEnd()) { //file is a next file file=Files.item(); //put file name into filename filename=FSO.GetFileName(file); //if filename is our name mask, do the job. if (filemask.test(filename)) filelistarray.push(file); //move to next file Files.moveNext(); }; //Cycle by subfolders while (!Folders.atEnd()) { FindFiles(Folders.item().Path,name,filelistarray); //WScript.Echo(Folders.item().Path); Folders.moveNext(); }; }; //Write UTF-8 file function WriteToUnicodeFile(array,langpack) { stream.Open(); for (i=0;i<=array.length-1;i++) stream.WriteText(array[i]+"\r\n"); stream.SaveToFile(langpack, 2); stream.Close(); }