# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # @ECLASS: qt5-build.eclass # @MAINTAINER: # qt@gentoo.org # @AUTHOR: # Davide Pesavento # @SUPPORTED_EAPIS: 6 # @BLURB: Eclass for Qt5 split ebuilds. # @DESCRIPTION: # This eclass contains various functions that are used when building Qt5. # Requires EAPI 6. if [[ ${CATEGORY} != dev-qt ]]; then die "qt5-build.eclass is only to be used for building Qt 5." fi case ${EAPI} in 6) : ;; *) die "qt5-build.eclass: unsupported EAPI=${EAPI:-0}" ;; esac # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: QT5_MODULE # @PRE_INHERIT # @DESCRIPTION: # The upstream name of the module this package belongs to. Used for # SRC_URI and EGIT_REPO_URI. Must be set before inheriting the eclass. : ${QT5_MODULE:=${PN}} # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: QT5_TARGET_SUBDIRS # @DEFAULT_UNSET # @DESCRIPTION: # Array variable containing the source directories that should be built. # All paths must be relative to ${S}. # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: QT5_GENTOO_CONFIG # @DEFAULT_UNSET # @DESCRIPTION: # Array of triplets that are evaluated in src_install # to generate the per-package list of enabled QT_CONFIG features and macro # definitions, which are then merged together with all other Qt5 packages # installed on the system to obtain the global qconfig.{h,pri} files. # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: QT5_GENTOO_PRIVATE_CONFIG # @DEFAULT_UNSET # @DESCRIPTION: # Array of pairs that are evaluated in src_install # to generate the per-package list of enabled QT.global_private features, # which are then merged together with all other Qt5 packages installed on the # system to obtain the global qmodule.pri file. # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: VIRTUALX_REQUIRED # @DESCRIPTION: # For proper description see virtualx.eclass man page. # Here we redefine default value to be manual, if your package needs virtualx # for tests you should proceed with setting VIRTUALX_REQUIRED=test. : ${VIRTUALX_REQUIRED:=manual} inherit estack flag-o-matic ltprune toolchain-funcs versionator virtualx HOMEPAGE="https://www.qt.io/" LICENSE="|| ( GPL-2 GPL-3 LGPL-3 ) FDL-1.3" SLOT=5/$(get_version_component_range 1-2) QT5_MINOR_VERSION=$(get_version_component_range 2) QT5_PATCH_VERSION=$(get_version_component_range 3) readonly QT5_MINOR_VERSION QT5_PATCH_VERSION case ${PV} in 5.9999) # git dev branch QT5_BUILD_TYPE="live" EGIT_BRANCH="dev" ;; 5.?.9999|5.??.9999|5.???.9999|5.??.9999-r?) # git stable branch QT5_BUILD_TYPE="live" EGIT_BRANCH=${PV%.9999} ;; *_alpha*|*_beta*|*_rc*) # development release QT5_BUILD_TYPE="release" if [[ ${QT5_MINOR_VERSION} -ge 10 ]]; then MY_P=${QT5_MODULE}-everywhere-src-${PV/_/-} else MY_P=${QT5_MODULE}-opensource-src-${PV/_/-} fi SRC_URI="https://download.qt.io/development_releases/qt/${PV%.*}/${PV/_/-}/submodules/${MY_P}.tar.xz" S=${WORKDIR}/${MY_P} ;; *) # official stable release QT5_BUILD_TYPE="release" if [[ ${QT5_MINOR_VERSION} -ge 10 ]]; then MY_P=${QT5_MODULE}-everywhere-src-${PV} else MY_P=${QT5_MODULE}-opensource-src-${PV} fi SRC_URI="https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/${PV%.*}/${PV}/submodules/${MY_P}.tar.xz" S=${WORKDIR}/${MY_P} ;; esac readonly QT5_BUILD_TYPE EGIT_REPO_URI=( "https://code.qt.io/qt/${QT5_MODULE}.git" "https://github.com/qt/${QT5_MODULE}.git" ) [[ ${QT5_BUILD_TYPE} == live ]] && inherit git-r3 # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: QT5_BUILD_DIR # @OUTPUT_VARIABLE # @DESCRIPTION: # Build directory for out-of-source builds. case ${QT5_BUILD_TYPE} in live) : ${QT5_BUILD_DIR:=${S}_build} ;; release) : ${QT5_BUILD_DIR:=${S}} ;; # workaround for bug 497312 esac IUSE="debug test" [[ ${PN} == qtwebkit ]] && RESTRICT+=" mirror" # bug 524584 [[ ${QT5_BUILD_TYPE} == release ]] && RESTRICT+=" test" # bug 457182 DEPEND=" dev-lang/perl virtual/pkgconfig " if [[ (${PN} != qttest && ${PN} != qtwebkit) || (${PN} == qtwebkit && ${QT5_MINOR_VERSION} -lt 9) ]]; then DEPEND+=" test? ( ~dev-qt/qttest-${PV} )" fi RDEPEND=" dev-qt/qtchooser " ###### Phase functions ###### EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_unpack src_prepare src_configure src_compile src_install src_test pkg_postinst pkg_postrm # @FUNCTION: qt5-build_src_unpack # @DESCRIPTION: # Unpacks the sources. qt5-build_src_unpack() { if tc-is-gcc; then local min_gcc4_minor_version=7 if [[ $(gcc-major-version) -lt 4 ]] || \ [[ $(gcc-major-version) -eq 4 && $(gcc-minor-version) -lt ${min_gcc4_minor_version} ]]; then eerror "GCC version 4.${min_gcc4_minor_version} or later is required to build this package" die "GCC 4.${min_gcc4_minor_version} or later required" fi fi # bug 307861 if [[ ${PN} == qtwebengine || ${PN} == qtwebkit ]]; then eshopts_push -s extglob if is-flagq '-g?(gdb)?([1-9])'; then ewarn ewarn "You have enabled debug info (probably have -g or -ggdb in your CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS)." ewarn "You may experience really long compilation times and/or increased memory usage." ewarn "If compilation fails, please try removing -g/-ggdb before reporting a bug." ewarn fi eshopts_pop fi case ${QT5_BUILD_TYPE} in live) git-r3_src_unpack ;& release) default ;; esac } # @FUNCTION: qt5-build_src_prepare # @DESCRIPTION: # Prepares the environment and patches the sources if necessary. qt5-build_src_prepare() { qt5_prepare_env if [[ ${QT5_MODULE} == qtbase ]]; then qt5_symlink_tools_to_build_dir # Avoid unnecessary qmake recompilations if [[ ${QT5_MINOR_VERSION} -ge 8 ]]; then sed -i -e "/Creating qmake/i if [ '!' -e \"\$outpath/bin/qmake\" ]; then" \ -e '/echo "Done."/a fi' \ configure || die "sed failed (skip qmake bootstrap)" else sed -i -re "s|^if true;.*(\[ '\!').*(\"\\\$outpath/bin/qmake\".*)|if \1 -e \2 then|" \ configure || die "sed failed (skip qmake bootstrap)" fi # Respect CC, CXX, *FLAGS, MAKEOPTS and EXTRA_EMAKE when bootstrapping qmake sed -i -e "/outpath\/qmake\".*\"\$MAKE\")/ s:): \ ${MAKEOPTS} ${EXTRA_EMAKE} 'CC=$(tc-getCC)' 'CXX=$(tc-getCXX)' \ 'QMAKE_CFLAGS=${CFLAGS}' 'QMAKE_CXXFLAGS=${CXXFLAGS}' 'QMAKE_LFLAGS=${LDFLAGS}'&:" \ -e 's/\(setBootstrapVariable\s\+\|EXTRA_C\(XX\)\?FLAGS=.*\)QMAKE_C\(XX\)\?FLAGS_\(DEBUG\|RELEASE\).*/:/' \ configure || die "sed failed (respect env for qmake build)" sed -i -e '/^CPPFLAGS\s*=/ s/-g //' \ qmake/Makefile.unix || die "sed failed (CPPFLAGS for qmake build)" # Respect CXX in bsymbolic_functions, fvisibility, precomp, and a few other tests sed -i -e "/^QMAKE_CONF_COMPILER=/ s:=.*:=\"$(tc-getCXX)\":" \ configure || die "sed failed (QMAKE_CONF_COMPILER)" if [[ ${QT5_MINOR_VERSION} -le 7 ]]; then # Respect toolchain and flags in config.tests find config.tests/unix -name '*.test' -type f -execdir \ sed -i -e 's/-nocache //' '{}' + || die fi # Don't inject -msse/-mavx/... into CXXFLAGS when detecting # compiler support for extended instruction sets (bug 552942) find config.tests/common -name '*.pro' -type f -execdir \ sed -i -e '/QMAKE_CXXFLAGS\s*+=/ d' '{}' + || die # Don't add -O3 to CXXFLAGS (bug 549140) sed -i -e '/CONFIG\s*+=/ s/optimize_full//' \ src/{corelib/corelib,gui/gui}.pro || die "sed failed (optimize_full)" # Respect build variables in configure tests (bug #639494) if [[ ${QT5_MINOR_VERSION} -ge 9 ]]; then sed -i -e "s|\"\$outpath/bin/qmake\" \"\$relpathMangled\" -- \"\$@\"|& $(qt5_qmake_args) |" configure || die fi fi default } # @FUNCTION: qt5-build_src_configure # @DESCRIPTION: # Runs qmake in the target directories. For packages # in qtbase, ./configure is also run before qmake. qt5-build_src_configure() { if [[ ${QT5_MODULE} == qtbase ]]; then qt5_base_configure fi qt5_foreach_target_subdir qt5_qmake } # @FUNCTION: qt5-build_src_compile # @DESCRIPTION: # Runs emake in the target directories. qt5-build_src_compile() { qt5_foreach_target_subdir emake } # @FUNCTION: qt5-build_src_test # @DESCRIPTION: # Runs tests in the target directories. qt5-build_src_test() { # disable broken cmake tests (bug 474004) local myqmakeargs=("${myqmakeargs[@]}" -after SUBDIRS-=cmake SUBDIRS-=installed_cmake) qt5_foreach_target_subdir qt5_qmake qt5_foreach_target_subdir emake # create a custom testrunner script that correctly sets # LD_LIBRARY_PATH before executing the given test local testrunner=${QT5_BUILD_DIR}/gentoo-testrunner cat > "${testrunner}" <<-_EOF_ || die #!/bin/sh export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${QT5_BUILD_DIR}/lib:${QT5_LIBDIR}" "\$@" _EOF_ chmod +x "${testrunner}" set -- qt5_foreach_target_subdir emake TESTRUNNER="'${testrunner}'" check if [[ ${VIRTUALX_REQUIRED} == test ]]; then virtx "$@" else "$@" fi } # @FUNCTION: qt5-build_src_install # @DESCRIPTION: # Runs emake install in the target directories. qt5-build_src_install() { qt5_foreach_target_subdir emake INSTALL_ROOT="${D}" install if [[ ${PN} == qtcore ]]; then pushd "${QT5_BUILD_DIR}" >/dev/null || die set -- emake INSTALL_ROOT="${D}" \ sub-qmake-qmake-aux-pro-install_subtargets \ install_{syncqt,mkspecs} einfo "Running $*" "$@" popd >/dev/null || die docompress -x "${QT5_DOCDIR#${EPREFIX}}"/global # install an empty Gentoo/gentoo-qconfig.h in ${D} # so that it's placed under package manager control > "${T}"/gentoo-qconfig.h ( insinto "${QT5_HEADERDIR#${EPREFIX}}"/Gentoo doins "${T}"/gentoo-qconfig.h ) # include gentoo-qconfig.h at the beginning of QtCore/qconfig.h sed -i -e '1i #include \n' \ "${D}${QT5_HEADERDIR}"/QtCore/qconfig.h \ || die "sed failed (qconfig.h)" # install qtchooser configuration file cat > "${T}/qt5-${CHOST}.conf" <<-_EOF_ || die ${QT5_BINDIR} ${QT5_LIBDIR} _EOF_ ( insinto /etc/xdg/qtchooser doins "${T}/qt5-${CHOST}.conf" ) # convenience symlinks dosym qt5-"${CHOST}".conf /etc/xdg/qtchooser/5.conf dosym qt5-"${CHOST}".conf /etc/xdg/qtchooser/qt5.conf # TODO bug 522646: write an eselect module to manage default.conf dosym qt5.conf /etc/xdg/qtchooser/default.conf fi qt5_install_module_config prune_libtool_files } # @FUNCTION: qt5-build_pkg_postinst # @DESCRIPTION: # Regenerate configuration after installation or upgrade/downgrade. qt5-build_pkg_postinst() { qt5_regenerate_global_configs } # @FUNCTION: qt5-build_pkg_postrm # @DESCRIPTION: # Regenerate configuration when a module is completely removed. qt5-build_pkg_postrm() { if [[ -z ${REPLACED_BY_VERSION} && ${PN} != qtcore ]]; then qt5_regenerate_global_configs fi } ###### Public helpers ###### # @FUNCTION: qt_use # @USAGE: [feature] [enableval] # @DESCRIPTION: # is the name of a flag in IUSE. # # Outputs "-${enableval}-${feature}" if is enabled, "-no-${feature}" # otherwise. If [feature] is not specified, is used in its place. # If [enableval] is not specified, the "-${enableval}" prefix is omitted. qt_use() { [[ $# -ge 1 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}() requires at least one argument" usex "$1" "${3:+-$3}-${2:-$1}" "-no-${2:-$1}" } # @FUNCTION: qt_use_compile_test # @USAGE: [config] # @DESCRIPTION: # is the name of a flag in IUSE. # [config] is the argument of qtCompileTest, defaults to . # # This function is useful to disable optional dependencies that are checked # at qmake-time using the qtCompileTest() function. If is disabled, # the compile test is skipped and the dependency is assumed to be unavailable, # i.e. the corresponding feature will be disabled. Note that all invocations # of this function must happen before calling qt5-build_src_configure. qt_use_compile_test() { [[ $# -ge 1 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}() requires at least one argument" if ! use "$1"; then mkdir -p "${QT5_BUILD_DIR}" || die echo "CONFIG += done_config_${2:-$1}" >> "${QT5_BUILD_DIR}"/.qmake.cache || die fi } # @FUNCTION: qt_use_disable_config # @USAGE: # @DESCRIPTION: # is the name of a flag in IUSE. # is the (lowercase) name of a Qt5 config entry. # is a list of one or more qmake project files. # # This function patches to treat as disabled # when is disabled, otherwise it does nothing. # This can be useful to avoid an automagic dependency when the config entry # is enabled on the system but the corresponding USE flag is disabled. qt_use_disable_config() { [[ $# -ge 3 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}() requires at least three arguments" local flag=$1 local config=$2 shift 2 if ! use "${flag}"; then echo "$@" | xargs sed -i -e "s/qtConfig(${config})/false/g" || die fi } # @FUNCTION: qt_use_disable_mod # @USAGE: # @DESCRIPTION: # is the name of a flag in IUSE. # is the (lowercase) name of a Qt5 module. # is a list of one or more qmake project files. # # This function patches to treat as not installed # when is disabled, otherwise it does nothing. # This can be useful to avoid an automagic dependency when the module # is present on the system but the corresponding USE flag is disabled. qt_use_disable_mod() { [[ $# -ge 3 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}() requires at least three arguments" local flag=$1 local module=$2 shift 2 if ! use "${flag}"; then echo "$@" | xargs sed -i -e "s/qtHaveModule(${module})/false/g" || die fi } ###### Internal functions ###### # @FUNCTION: qt5_prepare_env # @INTERNAL # @DESCRIPTION: # Prepares the environment for building Qt. qt5_prepare_env() { # setup installation directories # note: keep paths in sync with qmake-utils.eclass QT5_PREFIX=${EPREFIX}/usr QT5_HEADERDIR=${QT5_PREFIX}/include/qt5 QT5_LIBDIR=${QT5_PREFIX}/$(get_libdir) QT5_ARCHDATADIR=${QT5_PREFIX}/$(get_libdir)/qt5 QT5_BINDIR=${QT5_ARCHDATADIR}/bin QT5_PLUGINDIR=${QT5_ARCHDATADIR}/plugins QT5_LIBEXECDIR=${QT5_ARCHDATADIR}/libexec QT5_IMPORTDIR=${QT5_ARCHDATADIR}/imports QT5_QMLDIR=${QT5_ARCHDATADIR}/qml QT5_DATADIR=${QT5_PREFIX}/share/qt5 QT5_DOCDIR=${QT5_PREFIX}/share/doc/qt-${PV} QT5_TRANSLATIONDIR=${QT5_DATADIR}/translations QT5_EXAMPLESDIR=${QT5_DATADIR}/examples QT5_TESTSDIR=${QT5_DATADIR}/tests QT5_SYSCONFDIR=${EPREFIX}/etc/xdg readonly QT5_PREFIX QT5_HEADERDIR QT5_LIBDIR QT5_ARCHDATADIR \ QT5_BINDIR QT5_PLUGINDIR QT5_LIBEXECDIR QT5_IMPORTDIR \ QT5_QMLDIR QT5_DATADIR QT5_DOCDIR QT5_TRANSLATIONDIR \ QT5_EXAMPLESDIR QT5_TESTSDIR QT5_SYSCONFDIR if [[ ${QT5_MODULE} == qtbase ]]; then # see mkspecs/features/qt_config.prf export QMAKEMODULES="${QT5_BUILD_DIR}/mkspecs/modules:${S}/mkspecs/modules:${QT5_ARCHDATADIR}/mkspecs/modules" fi } # @FUNCTION: qt5_foreach_target_subdir # @INTERNAL # @DESCRIPTION: # Executes the command given as argument from inside each directory # listed in QT5_TARGET_SUBDIRS. Handles autotests subdirs automatically. qt5_foreach_target_subdir() { [[ -z ${QT5_TARGET_SUBDIRS[@]} ]] && QT5_TARGET_SUBDIRS=("") local subdir= for subdir in "${QT5_TARGET_SUBDIRS[@]}"; do if [[ ${EBUILD_PHASE} == test ]]; then subdir=tests/auto${subdir#src} [[ -d ${S}/${subdir} ]] || continue fi local msg="Running $* ${subdir:+in ${subdir}}" einfo "${msg}" mkdir -p "${QT5_BUILD_DIR}/${subdir}" || die -n || return $? pushd "${QT5_BUILD_DIR}/${subdir}" >/dev/null || die -n || return $? "$@" || die -n "${msg} failed" || return $? popd >/dev/null || die -n || return $? done } # @FUNCTION: qt5_symlink_tools_to_build_dir # @INTERNAL # @DESCRIPTION: # Symlinks qmake and a few other tools to QT5_BUILD_DIR, # so that they can be used when building other modules. qt5_symlink_tools_to_build_dir() { local tool= tools=() if [[ ${PN} != qtcore ]]; then tools+=(qmake moc rcc qlalr) [[ ${PN} != qtdbus ]] && tools+=(qdbuscpp2xml qdbusxml2cpp) [[ ${PN} != qtwidgets ]] && tools+=(uic) fi mkdir -p "${QT5_BUILD_DIR}"/bin || die pushd "${QT5_BUILD_DIR}"/bin >/dev/null || die for tool in "${tools[@]}"; do [[ -e ${QT5_BINDIR}/${tool} ]] || continue ln -s "${QT5_BINDIR}/${tool}" . || die "failed to symlink ${tool}" done popd >/dev/null || die } # @FUNCTION: qt5_base_configure # @INTERNAL # @DESCRIPTION: # Runs ./configure for modules belonging to qtbase. qt5_base_configure() { # setup toolchain variables used by configure tc-export AR CC CXX OBJDUMP RANLIB STRIP export LD="$(tc-getCXX)" # bug 633838 if [[ ${QT5_MINOR_VERSION} -ge 9 ]]; then unset QMAKESPEC XQMAKESPEC QMAKEPATH QMAKEFEATURES fi # configure arguments local conf=( # installation paths -prefix "${QT5_PREFIX}" -bindir "${QT5_BINDIR}" -headerdir "${QT5_HEADERDIR}" -libdir "${QT5_LIBDIR}" -archdatadir "${QT5_ARCHDATADIR}" -plugindir "${QT5_PLUGINDIR}" -libexecdir "${QT5_LIBEXECDIR}" -importdir "${QT5_IMPORTDIR}" -qmldir "${QT5_QMLDIR}" -datadir "${QT5_DATADIR}" -docdir "${QT5_DOCDIR}" -translationdir "${QT5_TRANSLATIONDIR}" -sysconfdir "${QT5_SYSCONFDIR}" -examplesdir "${QT5_EXAMPLESDIR}" -testsdir "${QT5_TESTSDIR}" # configure in release mode by default, # override via the CONFIG qmake variable -release -no-separate-debug-info # no need to forcefully build host tools in optimized mode, # just follow the overall debug/release build type -no-optimized-tools # licensing stuff -opensource -confirm-license # autodetect the highest supported version of the C++ standard #-c++std # build shared libraries -shared # always enable large file support $([[ ${QT5_MINOR_VERSION} -lt 8 ]] && echo -largefile) # disabling accessibility is not recommended by upstream, as # it will break QStyle and may break other internal parts of Qt -accessibility # disable all SQL drivers by default, override in qtsql -no-sql-db2 -no-sql-ibase -no-sql-mysql -no-sql-oci -no-sql-odbc -no-sql-psql -no-sql-sqlite -no-sql-sqlite2 -no-sql-tds # ensure the QML debugging support (qmltooling) is built in qtdeclarative $([[ ${QT5_MINOR_VERSION} -lt 11 ]] && echo -qml-debug) # MIPS DSP instruction set extensions $(is-flagq -mno-dsp && echo -no-mips_dsp) $(is-flagq -mno-dspr2 && echo -no-mips_dspr2) # use pkg-config to detect include and library paths -pkg-config # prefer system libraries (only common hard deps here) -system-zlib -system-pcre -system-doubleconversion # disable everything to prevent automagic deps (part 1) -no-mtdev -no-journald -no-syslog -no-libpng -no-libjpeg -no-freetype -no-harfbuzz -no-openssl -no-libproxy -no-xkbcommon-x11 -no-xkbcommon-evdev -no-xinput2 -no-xcb-xlib # cannot use -no-gif because there is no way to override it later #-no-gif # always enable glib event loop support -glib # disable everything to prevent automagic deps (part 2) -no-gtk $([[ ${QT5_MINOR_VERSION} -lt 8 ]] && echo -no-pulseaudio -no-alsa) # exclude examples and tests from default build -nomake examples -nomake tests -no-compile-examples # disable rpath on non-prefix (bugs 380415 and 417169) $(usex prefix '' -no-rpath) # print verbose information about each configure test -verbose # always enable iconv support # since 5.8 this is handled in qtcore $([[ ${QT5_MINOR_VERSION} -lt 8 ]] && echo -iconv) # disable everything to prevent automagic deps (part 3) -no-cups -no-evdev -no-tslib -no-icu -no-fontconfig -no-dbus # let portage handle stripping -no-strip # precompiled headers can cause problems on hardened, so turn them off -no-pch # link-time code generation is not something we want to enable by default -no-ltcg # reduced relocations cause major breakage on at least arm and ppc, so # don't specify anything and let the configure figure out if they are # supported; see also https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-36129 #-reduce-relocations # use the system linker (gold will be selected automagically otherwise) $(tc-ld-is-gold && echo -use-gold-linker || echo -no-use-gold-linker) # disable all platform plugins by default, override in qtgui -no-xcb -no-eglfs -no-kms -no-gbm -no-directfb -no-linuxfb -no-mirclient # disable undocumented X11-related flags, override in qtgui # (not shown in ./configure -help output) -no-xkb $([[ ${QT5_MINOR_VERSION} -lt 8 ]] && echo -no-xrender) # disable obsolete/unused X11-related flags $([[ ${QT5_MINOR_VERSION} -lt 8 ]] && echo -no-mitshm -no-xcursor -no-xfixes -no-xrandr -no-xshape -no-xsync) # always enable session management support: it doesn't need extra deps # at configure time and turning it off is dangerous, see bug 518262 -sm # typedef qreal to double (warning: changing this flag breaks the ABI) -qreal double # disable OpenGL and EGL support by default, override in qtgui, # qtopengl, qtprintsupport and qtwidgets -no-opengl -no-egl # disable libinput-based generic plugin by default, override in qtgui -no-libinput # disable gstreamer by default, override in qtmultimedia $([[ ${QT5_MINOR_VERSION} -lt 8 ]] && echo -no-gstreamer) # respect system proxies by default: it's the most natural # setting, and it'll become the new upstream default in 5.8 -system-proxies # do not build with -Werror -no-warnings-are-errors # enable in respective modules to avoid poisoning QT.global_private.enabled_features $([[ ${QT5_MINOR_VERSION} -ge 9 ]] && echo -no-gui -no-widgets) # module-specific options "${myconf[@]}" ) pushd "${QT5_BUILD_DIR}" >/dev/null || die einfo "Configuring with: ${conf[@]}" "${S}"/configure "${conf[@]}" || die "configure failed" if [[ ${QT5_MINOR_VERSION} -ge 8 ]]; then # a forwarding header is no longer created since 5.8, causing the system # config to always be used. bug 599636 cp src/corelib/global/qconfig.h include/QtCore/ || die fi popd >/dev/null || die } # @FUNCTION: qt5_qmake_args # @INTERNAL # @DESCRIPTION: # Helper function to get the various toolchain-related variables. qt5_qmake_args() { echo \ QMAKE_AR=\"$(tc-getAR)\" \ QMAKE_CC=\"$(tc-getCC)\" \ QMAKE_LINK_C=\"$(tc-getCC)\" \ QMAKE_LINK_C_SHLIB=\"$(tc-getCC)\" \ QMAKE_CXX=\"$(tc-getCXX)\" \ QMAKE_LINK=\"$(tc-getCXX)\" \ QMAKE_LINK_SHLIB=\"$(tc-getCXX)\" \ QMAKE_OBJCOPY=\"$(tc-getOBJCOPY)\" \ QMAKE_RANLIB= \ QMAKE_STRIP=\"$(tc-getSTRIP)\" \ QMAKE_CFLAGS=\"${CFLAGS}\" \ QMAKE_CFLAGS_RELEASE= \ QMAKE_CFLAGS_DEBUG= \ QMAKE_CXXFLAGS=\"${CXXFLAGS}\" \ QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE= \ QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_DEBUG= \ QMAKE_LFLAGS=\"${LDFLAGS}\" \ QMAKE_LFLAGS_RELEASE= \ QMAKE_LFLAGS_DEBUG= } # @FUNCTION: qt5_qmake # @INTERNAL # @DESCRIPTION: # Helper function that runs qmake in the current target subdir. # Intended to be called by qt5_foreach_target_subdir(). qt5_qmake() { local projectdir=${PWD/#${QT5_BUILD_DIR}/${S}} local qmakepath= if [[ ${QT5_MODULE} == qtbase ]]; then qmakepath=${QT5_BUILD_DIR}/bin else qmakepath=${QT5_BINDIR} fi "${qmakepath}"/qmake \ "${projectdir}" \ CONFIG+=$(usex debug debug release) \ CONFIG-=$(usex debug release debug) \ QMAKE_AR="$(tc-getAR) cqs" \ QMAKE_CC="$(tc-getCC)" \ QMAKE_LINK_C="$(tc-getCC)" \ QMAKE_LINK_C_SHLIB="$(tc-getCC)" \ QMAKE_CXX="$(tc-getCXX)" \ QMAKE_LINK="$(tc-getCXX)" \ QMAKE_LINK_SHLIB="$(tc-getCXX)" \ QMAKE_OBJCOPY="$(tc-getOBJCOPY)" \ QMAKE_RANLIB= \ QMAKE_STRIP="$(tc-getSTRIP)" \ QMAKE_CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" \ QMAKE_CFLAGS_RELEASE= \ QMAKE_CFLAGS_DEBUG= \ QMAKE_CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS}" \ QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE= \ QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_DEBUG= \ QMAKE_LFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" \ QMAKE_LFLAGS_RELEASE= \ QMAKE_LFLAGS_DEBUG= \ "${myqmakeargs[@]}" \ || die "qmake failed (${projectdir#${S}/})" } # @FUNCTION: qt5_install_module_config # @INTERNAL # @DESCRIPTION: # Creates and installs gentoo-specific ${PN}-qconfig.{h,pri} and # ${PN}-qmodule.pri files. qt5_install_module_config() { local x qconfig_add= qconfig_remove= qprivateconfig_add= qprivateconfig_remove= > "${T}"/${PN}-qconfig.h > "${T}"/${PN}-qconfig.pri [[ ${QT5_MINOR_VERSION} -ge 9 ]] && > "${T}"/${PN}-qmodule.pri # generate qconfig_{add,remove} and ${PN}-qconfig.h for x in "${QT5_GENTOO_CONFIG[@]}"; do local flag=${x%%:*} x=${x#${flag}:} local feature=${x%%:*} x=${x#${feature}:} local macro=${x} macro=$(tr 'a-z-' 'A-Z_' <<< "${macro}") if [[ -z ${flag} ]] || { [[ ${flag} != '!' ]] && use ${flag}; }; then [[ -n ${feature} ]] && qconfig_add+=" ${feature}" [[ -n ${macro} ]] && echo "#define QT_${macro}" >> "${T}"/${PN}-qconfig.h else [[ -n ${feature} ]] && qconfig_remove+=" ${feature}" [[ -n ${macro} ]] && echo "#define QT_NO_${macro}" >> "${T}"/${PN}-qconfig.h fi done # install ${PN}-qconfig.h [[ -s ${T}/${PN}-qconfig.h ]] && ( insinto "${QT5_HEADERDIR#${EPREFIX}}"/Gentoo doins "${T}"/${PN}-qconfig.h ) # generate and install ${PN}-qconfig.pri [[ -n ${qconfig_add} ]] && echo "QCONFIG_ADD=${qconfig_add}" >> "${T}"/${PN}-qconfig.pri [[ -n ${qconfig_remove} ]] && echo "QCONFIG_REMOVE=${qconfig_remove}" >> "${T}"/${PN}-qconfig.pri [[ -s ${T}/${PN}-qconfig.pri ]] && ( insinto "${QT5_ARCHDATADIR#${EPREFIX}}"/mkspecs/gentoo doins "${T}"/${PN}-qconfig.pri ) if [[ ${QT5_MINOR_VERSION} -ge 9 ]]; then # generate qprivateconfig for x in "${QT5_GENTOO_PRIVATE_CONFIG[@]}"; do local flag=${x%%:*} x=${x#${flag}:} local feature=${x%%:*} x=${x#${feature}:} if [[ -z ${flag} ]] || { [[ ${flag} != '!' ]] && use ${flag}; }; then [[ -n ${feature} ]] && qprivateconfig_add+=" ${feature}" else [[ -n ${feature} ]] && qprivateconfig_remove+=" ${feature}" fi done # generate and install ${PN}-qmodule.pri [[ -n ${qprivateconfig_add} ]] && echo "QT.global_private.enabled_features = ${qprivateconfig_add}" >> "${T}"/${PN}-qmodule.pri [[ -n ${qprivateconfig_remove} ]] && echo "QT.global_private.disabled_features = ${qprivateconfig_remove}" >> "${T}"/${PN}-qmodule.pri [[ -s ${T}/${PN}-qmodule.pri ]] && ( insinto "${QT5_ARCHDATADIR#${EPREFIX}}"/mkspecs/gentoo doins "${T}"/${PN}-qmodule.pri ) fi # install the original {qconfig,qmodule}.pri from qtcore [[ ${PN} == qtcore && ${QT5_MINOR_VERSION} -ge 9 ]] && ( insinto "${QT5_ARCHDATADIR#${EPREFIX}}"/mkspecs/gentoo newins "${D}${QT5_ARCHDATADIR}"/mkspecs/qconfig.pri qconfig-qtcore.pri newins "${D}${QT5_ARCHDATADIR}"/mkspecs/qmodule.pri qmodule-qtcore.pri ) } # @FUNCTION: qt5_regenerate_global_configs # @INTERNAL # @DESCRIPTION: # Generates Gentoo-specific qconfig.{h,pri} and qmodule.pri according to the # build configuration. # Don't call die here because dying in pkg_post{inst,rm} only makes things worse. qt5_regenerate_global_configs() { einfo "Regenerating gentoo-qconfig.h" find "${ROOT%/}${QT5_HEADERDIR}"/Gentoo \ -name '*-qconfig.h' -a \! -name 'gentoo-qconfig.h' -type f \ -execdir cat '{}' + | sort -u > "${T}"/gentoo-qconfig.h [[ -s ${T}/gentoo-qconfig.h ]] || ewarn "Generated gentoo-qconfig.h is empty" mv -f "${T}"/gentoo-qconfig.h "${ROOT%/}${QT5_HEADERDIR}"/Gentoo/gentoo-qconfig.h \ || eerror "Failed to install new gentoo-qconfig.h" einfo "Updating QT_CONFIG in qconfig.pri" local qconfig_pri=${ROOT%/}${QT5_ARCHDATADIR}/mkspecs/qconfig.pri local qconfig_pri_orig=${ROOT%/}${QT5_ARCHDATADIR}/mkspecs/gentoo/qconfig-qtcore.pri if [[ -f ${qconfig_pri} ]]; then local x qconfig_add= qconfig_remove= local qt_config new_qt_config= if [[ -f ${qconfig_pri_orig} ]]; then qt_config=$(sed -n 's/^QT_CONFIG\s*+=\s*//p' "${qconfig_pri_orig}") else qt_config=$(sed -n 's/^QT_CONFIG\s*+=\s*//p' "${qconfig_pri}") fi # generate list of QT_CONFIG entries from the existing list, # appending QCONFIG_ADD and excluding QCONFIG_REMOVE eshopts_push -s nullglob for x in "${ROOT%/}${QT5_ARCHDATADIR}"/mkspecs/gentoo/*-qconfig.pri; do qconfig_add+=" $(sed -n 's/^QCONFIG_ADD=\s*//p' "${x}")" qconfig_remove+=" $(sed -n 's/^QCONFIG_REMOVE=\s*//p' "${x}")" done eshopts_pop for x in ${qt_config} ${qconfig_add}; do if ! has "${x}" ${new_qt_config} ${qconfig_remove}; then new_qt_config+=" ${x}" fi done # now replace the existing QT_CONFIG with the generated list sed -i -e "s/^QT_CONFIG\s*+=.*/QT_CONFIG +=${new_qt_config}/" \ "${qconfig_pri}" || eerror "Failed to sed QT_CONFIG in ${qconfig_pri}" else ewarn "${qconfig_pri} does not exist or is not a regular file" fi if [[ ${QT5_MINOR_VERSION} -ge 9 ]]; then einfo "Updating QT.global_private in qmodule.pri" local qmodule_pri=${ROOT%/}${QT5_ARCHDATADIR}/mkspecs/qmodule.pri local qmodule_pri_orig=${ROOT%/}${QT5_ARCHDATADIR}/mkspecs/gentoo/qmodule-qtcore.pri if [[ -f ${qmodule_pri} && -f ${qmodule_pri_orig} ]]; then local x local qprivateconfig_enabled= qprivateconfig_disabled= local qprivateconfig_orig_enabled= qprivateconfig_orig_disabled= local new_qprivateconfig_enabled= new_qprivateconfig_disabled= # generate lists of QT.global_private.{dis,en}abled_features qprivateconfig_orig_enabled="$(sed -n 's/^QT.global_private.enabled_features\s=\s*//p' "${qmodule_pri_orig}")" qprivateconfig_orig_disabled="$(sed -n 's/^QT.global_private.disabled_features\s=\s*//p' "${qmodule_pri_orig}")" eshopts_push -s nullglob for x in "${ROOT%/}${QT5_ARCHDATADIR}"/mkspecs/gentoo/*-qmodule.pri; do qprivateconfig_enabled+=" $(sed -n 's/^QT.global_private.enabled_features\s=\s*//p' "${x}")" qprivateconfig_disabled+=" $(sed -n 's/^QT.global_private.disabled_features\s=\s*//p' "${x}")" done eshopts_pop # anything enabled is enabled, but anything disabled is # only disabled if it isn't enabled somewhere else. # this is because we need to forcibly disable some stuff # in qtcore to support split qtbase. new_qprivateconfig_enabled=${qprivateconfig_enabled} for x in ${qprivateconfig_disabled}; do if ! has "${x}" ${qprivateconfig_enabled}; then new_qprivateconfig_disabled+=" ${x}" fi done # check all items from the original qtcore qmodule.pri, # and add them to the appropriate list if not overriden # elsewhere for x in ${qprivateconfig_orig_enabled}; do if ! has "${x}" ${new_qprivateconfig_enabled} ${new_qprivateconfig_disabled}; then new_qprivateconfig_enabled+=" ${x}" fi done for x in ${qprivateconfig_orig_disabled}; do if ! has "${x}" ${new_qprivateconfig_enabled} ${new_qprivateconfig_disabled}; then new_qprivateconfig_disabled+=" ${x}" fi done # now replace the existing QT.global_private.{dis,en}abled_features # with the generated list sed \ -e "s/^QT.global_private.enabled_features\s*=.*/QT.global_private.enabled_features =${new_qprivateconfig_enabled}/" \ -e "s/^QT.global_private.disabled_features\s*=.*/QT.global_private.disabled_features =${new_qprivateconfig_disabled}/" \ -i "${qmodule_pri}" || eerror "Failed to sed QT.global_private.enabled_features in ${qmodule_pri}" else ewarn "${qmodule_pri} or ${qmodule_pri_orig} does not exist or is not a regular file" fi fi }