diff options
authorGeorge Hazan <>2024-06-12 19:04:36 +0300
committerGeorge Hazan <>2024-06-12 19:04:36 +0300
commit0a2fc31cea661d4bc159b10c5c2ee3b6fee2bd94 (patch)
parent67908297c933d9c06ddd41dec02d2ff7ed832837 (diff)
Discord: voice initialization thread
4 files changed, 304 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/protocols/Discord/src/proto.cpp b/protocols/Discord/src/proto.cpp
index 32ad2f6c01..aef8da827b 100644
--- a/protocols/Discord/src/proto.cpp
+++ b/protocols/Discord/src/proto.cpp
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ CDiscordProto::CDiscordProto(const char *proto_name, const wchar_t *username) :
CMStringA module(FORMAT, "%s.Gateway", m_szModuleName);
nlu.szSettingsModule = module.GetBuffer();
descr.Format(TranslateT("%s gateway connection"), m_tszUserName);
nlu.szDescriptiveName.w = descr.GetBuffer();
m_hGatewayNetlibUser = Netlib_RegisterUser(&nlu);
diff --git a/protocols/Discord/src/proto.h b/protocols/Discord/src/proto.h
index 32dce00906..5f3e88d4c9 100644
--- a/protocols/Discord/src/proto.h
+++ b/protocols/Discord/src/proto.h
@@ -167,13 +167,58 @@ struct CDiscordVoiceState : public MZeroedObject
-struct CDiscordVoiceCall : public MZeroedObject
+class CDiscordVoiceCall : public MZeroedObject
+ friend class CDiscordProto;
+ CDiscordProto *ppro;
+ CTimer m_timer;
+ mir_cs m_cs;
+ bool m_bTerminated;
+ time_t startTime;
+ CMStringA m_szIp;
+ int m_iPort, m_iSsrc;
+ OBJLIST<char> m_arModes;
+ OpusEncoder *m_encoder;
+ OpusRepacketizer *m_repacketizer;
+ void onTimer(CTimer *)
+ {
+ if (m_hConn) {
+ JSONNode d; d << INT_PARAM("", rand());
+ write(3, d);
+ }
+ }
+ static void GetConnection(HNETLIBCONN /*hNewConnection*/, uint32_t /*dwRemoteIP*/, void *pExtra);
+ CDiscordVoiceCall(CDiscordProto *pOwner);
+ ~CDiscordVoiceCall();
+ // config
SnowFlake channelId, guildId;
CMStringA szSessionId, szToken, szEndpoint;
- time_t startTime;
+ __forceinline operator bool() const {
+ return !m_bTerminated;
+ }
+ bool connect(HNETLIBUSER);
+ void write(int op, JSONNode &d);
+ void process(const JSONNode &node);
+ void processHello(const JSONNode &d);
+ void processStreams(const JSONNode &d);
struct CDiscordGuildMember : public MZeroedObject
CDiscordGuildMember(SnowFlake id) :
@@ -252,6 +297,7 @@ class CDiscordProto : public PROTO<CDiscordProto>
friend class CDiscardAccountOptions;
friend class CMfaDialog;
friend class CGroupchatInviteDlg;
+ friend class CDiscordVoiceCall;
class CDiscordProtoImpl
diff --git a/protocols/Discord/src/voice.cpp b/protocols/Discord/src/voice.cpp
index fad1728896..fee0509848 100644
--- a/protocols/Discord/src/voice.cpp
+++ b/protocols/Discord/src/voice.cpp
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ void CDiscordProto::VoiceChannelConnect(MCONTACT hContact)
if (pGuild->pVoiceCall)
- pGuild->pVoiceCall = new CDiscordVoiceCall();
+ pGuild->pVoiceCall = new CDiscordVoiceCall(this);
pGuild->pVoiceCall->guildId = pGuild->m_id;
pGuild->pVoiceCall->channelId = channelId;
diff --git a/protocols/Discord/src/voice_client.cpp b/protocols/Discord/src/voice_client.cpp
index e849ef0660..09e1908007 100644
--- a/protocols/Discord/src/voice_client.cpp
+++ b/protocols/Discord/src/voice_client.cpp
@@ -17,74 +17,287 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "stdafx.h"
-struct CDiscordVoiceClient
- CDiscordVoiceCall *m_config;
- OpusEncoder *m_encoder;
- OpusRepacketizer *m_repacketizer;
- bool m_terminating = false;
- CDiscordVoiceClient(CDiscordVoiceCall *pCall);
- ~CDiscordVoiceClient();
-CDiscordVoiceClient::CDiscordVoiceClient(CDiscordVoiceCall *pCall) :
- m_config(pCall)
+CDiscordVoiceCall::CDiscordVoiceCall(CDiscordProto *pOwner) :
+ ppro(pOwner),
+ m_arModes(1),
+ m_timer(Miranda_GetSystemWindow(), UINT_PTR(this))
int iError = 0;
m_encoder = opus_encoder_create(48000, 2, OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP, &iError);
m_repacketizer = opus_repacketizer_create();
+ m_timer.OnEvent = Callback(this, &CDiscordVoiceCall::onTimer);
- if (m_encoder)
+ m_timer.StopSafe();
+ if (m_encoder) {
+ m_encoder = nullptr;
+ }
- if (m_repacketizer)
+ if (m_repacketizer) {
+ m_repacketizer = nullptr;
+ }
-// Module entry point
+ if (m_hConn) {
+ Netlib_CloseHandle(m_hConn);
+ m_hConn = nullptr;
+ }
-void CDiscordProto::VoiceClientThread(void *param)
- auto *pCall = (CDiscordVoiceCall *)param;
- pCall->startTime = time(0);
+ if (m_hBind) {
+ Netlib_CloseHandle(m_hBind);
+ m_hBind = nullptr;
+ }
+bool CDiscordVoiceCall::connect(HNETLIBUSER hServer)
int nLoops = 0;
time_t lastLoopTime = time(0);
- CDiscordVoiceClient vc(pCall);
- do {
+ while (true) {
time_t currTime = time(0);
if (currTime - lastLoopTime > 3)
nLoops = 0;
- if (nLoops > 5) {
- debugLogA("Too many connection attempts, breaking websocket");
+ if (nLoops > 5)
- }
lastLoopTime = currTime;
- if (!vc.m_terminating) {
- MHttpHeaders hdrs;
- hdrs.AddHeader("Origin", "");
- NLHR_PTR pReply(WebSocket_Connect(m_hGatewayNetlibUser, pCall->szEndpoint + "/?encoding=json&v=8", &hdrs));
- if (pReply == nullptr) {
- debugLogA("Gateway connection failed, exiting");
- return;
+ MHttpHeaders hdrs;
+ hdrs.AddHeader("Origin", "");
+ NLHR_PTR pReply(WebSocket_Connect(hServer, szEndpoint + "/?encoding=json&v=8", &hdrs));
+ if (pReply && pReply->resultCode == 101) {
+ m_hConn = pReply->nlc;
+ return true;
+ }
+ SleepEx(5000, TRUE);
+ }
+ return false;
+void CDiscordVoiceCall::write(int op, JSONNode &d)
+ d.set_name("d");
+ JSONNode payload;
+ payload << INT_PARAM("op", op) << d;
+ auto json = payload.write();
+ ppro->debugLogA("Voice JSON sent: %s", json.c_str());
+ mir_cslock lck(m_cs);
+ WebSocket_SendText(m_hConn, json.c_str());
+void CDiscordVoiceCall::process(const JSONNode &node)
+ int op = node["op"].as_int();
+ auto &d = node["d"];
+ switch (op) {
+ case 2:
+ processStreams(d);
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ processHello(d);
+ break;
+ }
+void CDiscordVoiceCall::processHello(const JSONNode &d)
+ // HELLO
+ if (int iTineout = d["heartbeat_interval"].as_int())
+ m_timer.StartSafe(iTineout);
+ JSONNode json;
+ json << INT64_PARAM("server_id", guildId)
+ << CHAR_PARAM("session_id", szSessionId) << CHAR_PARAM("token", szToken);
+ if (m_arModes.getCount()) {
+ // resume the old session
+ write(7, json);
+ }
+ else {
+ // let's create new session
+ json << INT64_PARAM("user_id", ppro->getId(DB_KEY_ID));
+ write(0, json);
+ }
+ startTime = time(0);
+void CDiscordVoiceCall::processStreams(const JSONNode &d)
+ m_szIp = d["ip"].as_mstring();
+ m_iPort = d["port"].as_int();
+ m_iSsrc = d["ssrc"].as_int();
+ for (auto &it : d["modes"])
+ m_arModes.insert(newStr(it.as_string().c_str()));
+ ppro->debugLogA("Voice session established, UDP address = %s:%d", m_szIp.c_str(), m_iPort);
+ CMStringA szExternalIp;
+ if (auto *p = Netlib_GetMyIp(true)) {
+ szExternalIp = p->szIp[0];
+ mir_free(p);
+ }
+ NETLIBBIND nlb = {};
+ nlb.pfnNewConnection = &GetConnection;
+ nlb.pExtra = this;
+ m_hBind = Netlib_BindPort(ppro->m_hGatewayNetlibUser, &nlb);
+ if (m_hBind == nullptr) {
+ ppro->debugLogA("UDP port binding failed, exiting");
+ m_bTerminated = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ JSONNode data; data.set_name("data");
+ data << CHAR_PARAM("address", szExternalIp) << INT_PARAM("port", nlb.wExPort) << CHAR_PARAM("mode", "xsalsa20_poly1305");
+ JSONNode json;
+ json << CHAR_PARAM("protocol", "UDP") << data;
+ write(1, json);
+// Module entry point
+void CDiscordProto::VoiceClientThread(void *param)
+ Thread_SetName("VoiceClientThread");
+ auto *pCall = (CDiscordVoiceCall *)param;
+ debugLogA("Entering voice websocket thread");
+ if (!pCall->connect(m_hGatewayNetlibUser)) {
+ debugLogA("Voice gateway connection failed, exiting");
+ return;
+ }
+ int offset = 0;
+ MBinBuffer netbuf;
+ while (*pCall) {
+ if (m_bTerminated)
+ break;
+ unsigned char buf[2048];
+ int bufSize = Netlib_Recv(pCall->m_hConn, (char *)buf + offset, _countof(buf) - offset, MSG_NODUMP);
+ if (bufSize == 0) {
+ debugLogA("Voice gateway connection gracefully closed");
+ pCall->m_bTerminated = !m_bTerminated;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (bufSize < 0) {
+ debugLogA("Voice gateway connection error, exiting");
+ break;
+ }
+ WSHeader hdr;
+ if (!WebSocket_InitHeader(hdr, buf, bufSize)) {
+ offset += bufSize;
+ continue;
+ }
+ offset = 0;
+ // we have some additional data, not only opcode
+ if ((size_t)bufSize > hdr.headerSize) {
+ size_t currPacketSize = bufSize - hdr.headerSize;
+ netbuf.append(buf, bufSize);
+ while (currPacketSize < hdr.payloadSize) {
+ int result = Netlib_Recv(pCall->m_hConn, (char *)buf, _countof(buf), MSG_NODUMP);
+ if (result == 0) {
+ debugLogA("Voice gateway connection gracefully closed");
+ pCall->m_bTerminated = !m_bTerminated;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (result < 0) {
+ debugLogA("Voice gateway connection error, exiting");
+ break;
+ }
+ currPacketSize += result;
+ netbuf.append(buf, result);
+ }
+ // read all payloads from the current buffer, one by one
+ size_t prevSize = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ switch (hdr.opCode) {
+ case 0: // text packet
+ case 1: // binary packet
+ case 2: // continuation
+ if (hdr.bIsFinal) {
+ // process a packet here
+ CMStringA szJson((char *) + hdr.headerSize, (int)hdr.payloadSize);
+ debugLogA("Voice JSON received:\n%s", szJson.c_str());
+ JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(szJson);
+ if (root)
+ pCall->process(root);
+ }
+ break;
- SleepEx(5000, TRUE);
+ case 8: // close
+ debugLogA("Voice server required to exit");
+ pCall->m_bTerminated = true; // simply reconnect, don't exit
+ break;
+ case 9: // ping
+ debugLogA("ping received");
+ Netlib_Send(pCall->m_hConn, (char *)buf + hdr.headerSize, bufSize - int(hdr.headerSize), 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (hdr.bIsFinal)
+ netbuf.remove(hdr.headerSize + hdr.payloadSize);
+ if (netbuf.length() == 0)
+ break;
+ // if we have not enough data for header, continue reading
+ if (!WebSocket_InitHeader(hdr,, netbuf.length()))
+ break;
+ // if we have not enough data for data, continue reading
+ if (hdr.headerSize + hdr.payloadSize > netbuf.length())
+ break;
+ if (prevSize == netbuf.length()) {
+ netbuf.remove(prevSize);
+ debugLogA("dropping current packet, exiting");
+ break;
+ }
+ prevSize = netbuf.length();
+ }
- } while (!vc.m_terminating);
+ debugLogA("Exiting voice websocket thread");
+ Netlib_CloseHandle(pCall->m_hConn); pCall->m_hConn = 0;
+// UDP part
+void CDiscordVoiceCall::GetConnection(HNETLIBCONN /*hNewConnection*/, uint32_t /*dwRemoteIP*/, void *pExtra)
+ auto *pThis = (CDiscordVoiceCall *)pExtra;
+ pThis->ppro->debugLogA("boo!");