diff options
authorGeorge Hazan <>2022-06-10 12:47:16 +0300
committerGeorge Hazan <>2022-06-10 12:47:16 +0300
commit9e63345f7d59d8f168b14e0cbcd1365143286745 (patch)
parent05ad15444053fbede236dc40320d17e44eb88fd3 (diff)
Jabber: UserInfo dialog -> CCtrlTreeView
1 files changed, 297 insertions, 295 deletions
diff --git a/protocols/JabberG/src/jabber_userinfo.cpp b/protocols/JabberG/src/jabber_userinfo.cpp
index 30cff3b256..9345c95678 100644
--- a/protocols/JabberG/src/jabber_userinfo.cpp
+++ b/protocols/JabberG/src/jabber_userinfo.cpp
@@ -69,342 +69,319 @@ __forceinline uint32_t sttInfoLineId(uint32_t res, uint32_t type, uint32_t line
(line) & 0x00000fff;
-static HTREEITEM sttFindInfoLine(HWND hwndTree, HTREEITEM htiRoot, LPARAM id = INFOLINE_BAD_ID)
+class JabberUserInfoDlg : public CUserInfoPageDlg
- if (id == INFOLINE_BAD_ID) return nullptr;
- for (HTREEITEM hti = TreeView_GetChild(hwndTree, htiRoot); hti; hti = TreeView_GetNextSibling(hwndTree, hti)) {
- TVITEMEX tvi = { 0 };
- tvi.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_PARAM;
- tvi.hItem = hti;
- TreeView_GetItem(hwndTree, &tvi);
- if ((tvi.lParam&INFOLINE_MASK) == (id&INFOLINE_MASK))
- return hti;
- }
- return nullptr;
+ CJabberProto *ppro;
+ JABBER_LIST_ITEM *item = nullptr;
+ int resourcesCount = -1;
-void sttCleanupInfo(HWND hwndTree, int stage)
- HTREEITEM hItem = TreeView_GetRoot(hwndTree);
- while (hItem) {
- TVITEMEX tvi = { 0 };
- tvi.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_PARAM;
- tvi.hItem = hItem;
- TreeView_GetItem(hwndTree, &tvi);
- switch (stage) {
- case 0:
- tvi.lParam |= INFOLINE_DELETE;
- TreeView_SetItem(hwndTree, &tvi);
- break;
+ CCtrlTreeView m_tree;
- case 1:
- if (tvi.lParam & INFOLINE_DELETE) {
- hItem = TreeView_GetNextSibling(hwndTree, hItem);
- TreeView_DeleteItem(hwndTree, tvi.hItem);
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
+ UI_MESSAGE_MAP(JabberUserInfoDlg, CUserInfoPageDlg);
- HTREEITEM hItemTmp = nullptr;
- if (hItemTmp = TreeView_GetChild(hwndTree, hItem))
- hItem = hItemTmp;
- else if (hItemTmp = TreeView_GetNextSibling(hwndTree, hItem))
- hItem = hItemTmp;
- else {
- while (1) {
- if (!(hItem = TreeView_GetParent(hwndTree, hItem))) break;
- if (hItemTmp = TreeView_GetNextSibling(hwndTree, hItem)) {
- hItem = hItemTmp;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
+ {
+ if (!ppro->m_bJabberOnline)
+ item = nullptr;
+ else
+ OnRefresh();
+ return 0;
-static HTREEITEM sttFillInfoLine(HWND hwndTree, HTREEITEM htiRoot, HICON hIcon, const wchar_t *title, const char *value, LPARAM id = INFOLINE_BAD_ID, bool expand = false)
- HTREEITEM hti = sttFindInfoLine(hwndTree, htiRoot, id);
- Utf2T wszValue(value);
- const wchar_t *pwszValue = (value == nullptr) ? TranslateT("<not specified>") : wszValue;
- wchar_t buf[256];
- if (title)
- mir_snwprintf(buf, L"%s: %s", title, pwszValue);
- else
- mir_wstrncpy(buf, pwszValue, _countof(buf));
- tvis.hParent = htiRoot;
- tvis.hInsertAfter = TVI_LAST;
- tvis.itemex.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM;
- tvis.itemex.pszText = buf;
- tvis.itemex.lParam = id;
- if (hIcon) {
- HIMAGELIST himl = TreeView_GetImageList(hwndTree, TVSIL_NORMAL);
- tvis.itemex.mask |= TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE;
- tvis.itemex.iImage =
- tvis.itemex.iSelectedImage = ImageList_AddIcon(himl, hIcon);
- IcoLib_ReleaseIcon(hIcon);
+ {
+ MoveWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_TV_INFO), 5, 5, LOWORD(lParam) - 10, HIWORD(lParam) - 10, TRUE);
+ return 0;
- if (hti) {
- tvis.itemex.mask |= TVIF_HANDLE;
- tvis.itemex.hItem = hti;
- TreeView_SetItem(hwndTree, &tvis.itemex);
- }
- else {
- tvis.itemex.mask |= TVIF_STATE;
- tvis.itemex.stateMask = TVIS_EXPANDED;
- tvis.itemex.state = expand ? TVIS_EXPANDED : 0;
- hti = TreeView_InsertItem(hwndTree, &tvis);
- }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // User information block
- return hti;
+ void CleanupInfo(int stage)
+ {
+ HTREEITEM hItem = m_tree.GetRoot();
+ while (hItem) {
+ TVITEMEX tvi = { 0 };
+ tvi.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_PARAM;
+ tvi.hItem = hItem;
+ m_tree.GetItem(&tvi);
+ switch (stage) {
+ case 0:
+ tvi.lParam |= INFOLINE_DELETE;
+ m_tree.SetItem(&tvi);
+ break;
-static void sttFillResourceInfo(CJabberProto *ppro, HWND hwndTree, HTREEITEM htiRoot, JABBER_LIST_ITEM *item, int resource)
- HTREEITEM htiResource = htiRoot;
- pResourceStatus r = resource ? item->arResources[resource - 1] : item->getTemp();
- if (r->m_szResourceName && *r->m_szResourceName)
- htiResource = sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiRoot, Skin_LoadProtoIcon(ppro->m_szModuleName, r->m_iStatus),
- TranslateT("Resource"), r->m_szResourceName, sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_NAME), true);
- // StatusMsg
- sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiResource, nullptr /*Skin_LoadIcon(SKINICON_EVENT_MESSAGE)*/,
- TranslateT("Message"), r->m_szStatusMessage,
- sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_MESSAGE));
- // Software
- if (CJabberClientPartialCaps *pCaps = r->m_pCaps) {
- HICON hIcon = nullptr;
- if (ServiceExists(MS_FP_GETCLIENTICONT)) {
- if (pCaps->GetSoft()) {
- wchar_t buf[256];
- mir_snwprintf(buf, L"%s %s", pCaps->GetSoft(), pCaps->GetSoftVer());
- hIcon = Finger_GetClientIcon(buf, 0);
+ case 1:
+ if (tvi.lParam & INFOLINE_DELETE) {
+ hItem = m_tree.GetNextSibling(hItem);
+ m_tree.DeleteItem(tvi.hItem);
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
- }
- sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiResource, hIcon, TranslateT("Software"), pCaps->GetSoft(), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_SOFTWARE));
+ HTREEITEM hItemTmp = nullptr;
+ if (hItemTmp = m_tree.GetChild(hItem))
+ hItem = hItemTmp;
+ else if (hItemTmp = m_tree.GetNextSibling(hItem))
+ hItem = hItemTmp;
+ else {
+ while (true) {
+ if (!(hItem = m_tree.GetParent(hItem))) break;
+ if (hItemTmp = m_tree.GetNextSibling(hItem)) {
+ hItem = hItemTmp;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- // Version
- sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiResource, nullptr, TranslateT("Version"), pCaps->GetSoftMir() ? pCaps->GetSoftMir() : pCaps->GetSoftVer(), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_VERSION));
+ {
+ if (id == INFOLINE_BAD_ID) return nullptr;
+ for (HTREEITEM hti = m_tree.GetChild(htiRoot); hti; hti = m_tree.GetNextSibling(hti)) {
+ TVITEMEX tvi = { 0 };
+ tvi.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_PARAM;
+ tvi.hItem = hti;
+ m_tree.GetItem(&tvi);
+ if ((tvi.lParam&INFOLINE_MASK) == (id&INFOLINE_MASK))
+ return hti;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
- // System
- sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiResource, nullptr, TranslateT("System"), pCaps->GetOsVer() ? pCaps->GetOsVer() : pCaps->GetOs(), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_SYSTEM));
+ HTREEITEM FillInfoLine(HTREEITEM htiRoot, HICON hIcon, const wchar_t *title, const char *value, LPARAM id = INFOLINE_BAD_ID, bool expand = false)
+ {
+ HTREEITEM hti = FindInfoLine(htiRoot, id);
- if (hIcon)
- DestroyIcon(hIcon);
- }
+ Utf2T wszValue(value);
+ const wchar_t *pwszValue = (value == nullptr) ? TranslateT("<not specified>") : wszValue;
+ wchar_t buf[256];
+ if (title)
+ mir_snwprintf(buf, L"%s: %s", title, pwszValue);
+ else
+ mir_wstrncpy(buf, pwszValue, _countof(buf));
+ tvis.hParent = htiRoot;
+ tvis.hInsertAfter = TVI_LAST;
+ tvis.itemex.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM;
+ tvis.itemex.pszText = buf;
+ tvis.itemex.lParam = id;
+ if (hIcon) {
+ HIMAGELIST himl = m_tree.GetImageList(TVSIL_NORMAL);
+ tvis.itemex.mask |= TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE;
+ tvis.itemex.iImage =
+ tvis.itemex.iSelectedImage = ImageList_AddIcon(himl, hIcon);
+ IcoLib_ReleaseIcon(hIcon);
+ }
- // Resource priority
- char buf[256];
- itoa(r->m_iPriority, buf, 10);
- sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiResource, nullptr, TranslateT("Resource priority"), buf, sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_PRIORITY));
- // Idle
- if (r->m_dwIdleStartTime != -1) {
- if (r->m_dwIdleStartTime != 0) {
- mir_strncpy(buf, ctime(&r->m_dwIdleStartTime), _countof(buf));
- size_t len = mir_strlen(buf);
- if (len > 0)
- buf[len - 1] = 0;
+ if (hti) {
+ tvis.itemex.mask |= TVIF_HANDLE;
+ tvis.itemex.hItem = hti;
+ m_tree.SetItem(&tvis.itemex);
+ }
+ else {
+ tvis.itemex.mask |= TVIF_STATE;
+ tvis.itemex.stateMask = TVIS_EXPANDED;
+ tvis.itemex.state = expand ? TVIS_EXPANDED : 0;
+ hti = m_tree.InsertItem(&tvis);
- else mir_strncpy(buf, TranslateU("<currently online>"), _countof(buf));
- sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiResource, nullptr, TranslateT("Last activity"), buf, sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_IDLE));
+ return hti;
- // caps
- JabberCapsBits jcb = ppro->GetResourceCapabilities(MakeJid(item->jid, r->m_szResourceName), r);
- HTREEITEM htiCaps = sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiResource, IcoLib_GetIconByHandle(ppro->m_hProtoIcon), nullptr, TranslateU("Client capabilities"), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_CAPS));
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < g_cJabberFeatCapPairs; i++)
- if (jcb & g_JabberFeatCapPairs[i].jcbCap) {
- char szDescription[1024];
- if (g_JabberFeatCapPairs[i].tszDescription)
- mir_snprintf(szDescription, "%s (%s)", TranslateU(g_JabberFeatCapPairs[i].tszDescription), g_JabberFeatCapPairs[i].szFeature);
- else
- strncpy_s(szDescription, g_JabberFeatCapPairs[i].szFeature, _TRUNCATE);
- sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiCaps, nullptr, nullptr, szDescription, sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_CAPS, i));
- }
- for (auto &it : ppro->m_lstJabberFeatCapPairsDynamic) {
- if (jcb & it->jcbCap) {
- char szDescription[1024];
- if (it->szDescription)
- mir_snprintf(szDescription, "%s (%s)", TranslateU(it->szDescription), it->szFeature);
- else
- strncpy_s(szDescription, it->szFeature, _TRUNCATE);
- sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiCaps, nullptr, nullptr, szDescription, sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_CAPS, i++));
- }
+ void FillAdvStatusInfo(HTREEITEM htiRoot, uint32_t dwInfoLine, MCONTACT hContact, wchar_t *szTitle, char *pszSlot)
+ {
+ ptrA szAdvStatusIcon(ppro->ReadAdvStatusA(hContact, pszSlot, ADVSTATUS_VAL_ICON));
+ ptrW szAdvStatusTitle(ppro->ReadAdvStatusT(hContact, pszSlot, ADVSTATUS_VAL_TITLE));
+ ptrW szAdvStatusText(ppro->ReadAdvStatusT(hContact, pszSlot, ADVSTATUS_VAL_TEXT));
+ if (szAdvStatusIcon && szAdvStatusTitle && *szAdvStatusTitle) {
+ wchar_t szText[2048];
+ if (szAdvStatusText && *szAdvStatusText)
+ mir_snwprintf(szText, L"%s (%s)", TranslateW(szAdvStatusTitle), szAdvStatusText.get());
+ else
+ wcsncpy_s(szText, TranslateW(szAdvStatusTitle), _TRUNCATE);
+ FillInfoLine(htiRoot, IcoLib_GetIcon(szAdvStatusIcon), szTitle, T2Utf(szText), dwInfoLine);
- // Software info
- HTREEITEM htiSoftwareInfo = sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiResource, IcoLib_GetIconByHandle(ppro->m_hProtoIcon), nullptr, TranslateU("Software information"), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_SOFTWARE_INFORMATION));
- int nLineId = 0;
- if (CJabberClientPartialCaps *pCaps = r->m_pCaps) {
- if (pCaps->GetOs())
- sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiSoftwareInfo, nullptr, TranslateT("Operating system"), pCaps->GetOs(), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_SOFTWARE_INFORMATION, nLineId++));
- if (pCaps->GetOsVer())
- sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiSoftwareInfo, nullptr, TranslateT("Operating system version"), pCaps->GetOsVer(), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_SOFTWARE_INFORMATION, nLineId++));
- if (pCaps->GetSoft())
- sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiSoftwareInfo, nullptr, TranslateT("Software"), pCaps->GetSoft(), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_SOFTWARE_INFORMATION, nLineId++));
- if (pCaps->GetSoftVer())
- sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiSoftwareInfo, nullptr, TranslateT("Software version"), pCaps->GetSoftVer(), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_SOFTWARE_INFORMATION, nLineId++));
- if (pCaps->GetSoftMir())
- sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiSoftwareInfo, nullptr, TranslateT("Miranda core version"), pCaps->GetSoftMir(), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_SOFTWARE_INFORMATION, nLineId++));
- }
+ void FillResourceInfo(HTREEITEM htiRoot, int resource)
+ {
+ HTREEITEM htiResource = htiRoot;
+ pResourceStatus r = resource ? item->arResources[resource - 1] : item->getTemp();
+ if (r->m_szResourceName && *r->m_szResourceName)
+ htiResource = FillInfoLine(htiRoot, Skin_LoadProtoIcon(ppro->m_szModuleName, r->m_iStatus),
+ TranslateT("Resource"), r->m_szResourceName, sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_NAME), true);
+ // StatusMsg
+ FillInfoLine(htiResource, nullptr /*Skin_LoadIcon(SKINICON_EVENT_MESSAGE)*/,
+ TranslateT("Message"), r->m_szStatusMessage,
+ sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_MESSAGE));
+ // Software
+ if (CJabberClientPartialCaps *pCaps = r->m_pCaps) {
+ HICON hIcon = nullptr;
+ if (ServiceExists(MS_FP_GETCLIENTICONT)) {
+ if (pCaps->GetSoft()) {
+ wchar_t buf[256];
+ mir_snwprintf(buf, L"%s %s", pCaps->GetSoft(), pCaps->GetSoftVer());
+ hIcon = Finger_GetClientIcon(buf, 0);
+ }
+ }
-static void sttFillAdvStatusInfo(CJabberProto *ppro, HWND hwndTree, HTREEITEM htiRoot, uint32_t dwInfoLine, MCONTACT hContact, wchar_t *szTitle, char *pszSlot)
- char *szAdvStatusIcon = ppro->ReadAdvStatusA(hContact, pszSlot, ADVSTATUS_VAL_ICON);
- wchar_t *szAdvStatusTitle = ppro->ReadAdvStatusT(hContact, pszSlot, ADVSTATUS_VAL_TITLE);
- wchar_t *szAdvStatusText = ppro->ReadAdvStatusT(hContact, pszSlot, ADVSTATUS_VAL_TEXT);
- if (szAdvStatusIcon && szAdvStatusTitle && *szAdvStatusTitle) {
- wchar_t szText[2048];
- if (szAdvStatusText && *szAdvStatusText)
- mir_snwprintf(szText, L"%s (%s)", TranslateW(szAdvStatusTitle), szAdvStatusText);
- else
- wcsncpy_s(szText, TranslateW(szAdvStatusTitle), _TRUNCATE);
- sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiRoot, IcoLib_GetIcon(szAdvStatusIcon), szTitle, T2Utf(szText), dwInfoLine);
- }
+ FillInfoLine(htiResource, hIcon, TranslateT("Software"), pCaps->GetSoft(), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_SOFTWARE));
- mir_free(szAdvStatusIcon);
- mir_free(szAdvStatusTitle);
- mir_free(szAdvStatusText);
+ // Version
+ FillInfoLine(htiResource, nullptr, TranslateT("Version"), pCaps->GetSoftMir() ? pCaps->GetSoftMir() : pCaps->GetSoftVer(), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_VERSION));
-static void sttFillUserInfo(CJabberProto *ppro, HWND hwndTree, JABBER_LIST_ITEM *item)
- SendMessage(hwndTree, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0);
+ // System
+ FillInfoLine(htiResource, nullptr, TranslateT("System"), pCaps->GetOsVer() ? pCaps->GetOsVer() : pCaps->GetOs(), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_SYSTEM));
- sttCleanupInfo(hwndTree, 0);
+ if (hIcon)
+ DestroyIcon(hIcon);
+ }
- HTREEITEM htiRoot = sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, nullptr, IcoLib_GetIconByHandle(ppro->m_hProtoIcon), L"JID", item->jid, sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_NAME), true);
+ // Resource priority
+ char buf[256];
+ itoa(r->m_iPriority, buf, 10);
+ FillInfoLine(htiResource, nullptr, TranslateT("Resource priority"), buf, sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_PRIORITY));
+ // Idle
+ if (r->m_dwIdleStartTime != -1) {
+ if (r->m_dwIdleStartTime != 0) {
+ mir_strncpy(buf, ctime(&r->m_dwIdleStartTime), _countof(buf));
+ size_t len = mir_strlen(buf);
+ if (len > 0)
+ buf[len - 1] = 0;
+ }
+ else mir_strncpy(buf, TranslateU("<currently online>"), _countof(buf));
- if (MCONTACT hContact = ppro->HContactFromJID(item->jid)) {
- sttFillAdvStatusInfo(ppro, hwndTree, htiRoot, sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_MOOD), hContact, TranslateT("Mood"), ADVSTATUS_MOOD);
- sttFillAdvStatusInfo(ppro, hwndTree, htiRoot, sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_ACTIVITY), hContact, TranslateT("Activity"), ADVSTATUS_ACTIVITY);
- sttFillAdvStatusInfo(ppro, hwndTree, htiRoot, sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_TUNE), hContact, TranslateT("Tune"), ADVSTATUS_TUNE);
- }
+ FillInfoLine(htiResource, nullptr, TranslateT("Last activity"), buf, sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_IDLE));
+ }
- // subscription
- switch (item->subscription) {
- case SUB_BOTH:
- sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiRoot, nullptr, TranslateT("Subscription"), TranslateU("both"), sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_SUBSCRIPTION));
- break;
- case SUB_TO:
- sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiRoot, nullptr, TranslateT("Subscription"), TranslateU("to"), sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_SUBSCRIPTION));
- break;
- case SUB_FROM:
- sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiRoot, nullptr, TranslateT("Subscription"), TranslateU("from"), sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_SUBSCRIPTION));
- break;
- default:
- sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiRoot, nullptr, TranslateT("Subscription"), TranslateU("none"), sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_SUBSCRIPTION));
- break;
- }
+ // caps
+ JabberCapsBits jcb = ppro->GetResourceCapabilities(MakeJid(item->jid, r->m_szResourceName), r);
+ HTREEITEM htiCaps = FillInfoLine(htiResource, IcoLib_GetIconByHandle(ppro->m_hProtoIcon), nullptr, TranslateU("Client capabilities"), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_CAPS));
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < g_cJabberFeatCapPairs; i++)
+ if (jcb & g_JabberFeatCapPairs[i].jcbCap) {
+ char szDescription[1024];
+ if (g_JabberFeatCapPairs[i].tszDescription)
+ mir_snprintf(szDescription, "%s (%s)", TranslateU(g_JabberFeatCapPairs[i].tszDescription), g_JabberFeatCapPairs[i].szFeature);
+ else
+ strncpy_s(szDescription, g_JabberFeatCapPairs[i].szFeature, _TRUNCATE);
+ FillInfoLine(htiCaps, nullptr, nullptr, szDescription, sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_CAPS, i));
+ }
- // logoff
- char buf[256];
- JABBER_RESOURCE_STATUS *r = item->getTemp();
- if (r->m_dwIdleStartTime != -1) {
- if (r->m_dwIdleStartTime > 0) {
- mir_strncpy(buf, ctime(&r->m_dwIdleStartTime), _countof(buf));
- size_t len = mir_strlen(buf);
- if (len > 0)
- buf[len - 1] = 0;
+ for (auto &it : ppro->m_lstJabberFeatCapPairsDynamic) {
+ if (jcb & it->jcbCap) {
+ char szDescription[1024];
+ if (it->szDescription)
+ mir_snprintf(szDescription, "%s (%s)", TranslateU(it->szDescription), it->szFeature);
+ else
+ strncpy_s(szDescription, it->szFeature, _TRUNCATE);
+ FillInfoLine(htiCaps, nullptr, nullptr, szDescription, sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_CAPS, i++));
+ }
+ }
- else mir_strncpy(buf, TranslateU("<currently online>"), _countof(buf));
- sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiRoot, nullptr,
- (item->jid && strchr(item->jid, '@')) ? TranslateT("Last logoff time") : TranslateT("Uptime"), buf,
- sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_LOGOFF));
+ // Software info
+ HTREEITEM htiSoftwareInfo = FillInfoLine(htiResource, IcoLib_GetIconByHandle(ppro->m_hProtoIcon), nullptr, TranslateU("Software information"), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_SOFTWARE_INFORMATION));
+ int nLineId = 0;
+ if (CJabberClientPartialCaps *pCaps = r->m_pCaps) {
+ if (pCaps->GetOs())
+ FillInfoLine(htiSoftwareInfo, nullptr, TranslateT("Operating system"), pCaps->GetOs(), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_SOFTWARE_INFORMATION, nLineId++));
+ if (pCaps->GetOsVer())
+ FillInfoLine(htiSoftwareInfo, nullptr, TranslateT("Operating system version"), pCaps->GetOsVer(), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_SOFTWARE_INFORMATION, nLineId++));
+ if (pCaps->GetSoft())
+ FillInfoLine(htiSoftwareInfo, nullptr, TranslateT("Software"), pCaps->GetSoft(), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_SOFTWARE_INFORMATION, nLineId++));
+ if (pCaps->GetSoftVer())
+ FillInfoLine(htiSoftwareInfo, nullptr, TranslateT("Software version"), pCaps->GetSoftVer(), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_SOFTWARE_INFORMATION, nLineId++));
+ if (pCaps->GetSoftMir())
+ FillInfoLine(htiSoftwareInfo, nullptr, TranslateT("Miranda core version"), pCaps->GetSoftMir(), sttInfoLineId(resource, INFOLINE_SOFTWARE_INFORMATION, nLineId++));
+ }
- if (r->m_szStatusMessage)
- sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiRoot, nullptr, TranslateT("Logoff message"), r->m_szStatusMessage, sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_LOGOFF_MSG));
- // activity
- if (item->m_pLastSeenResource)
- mir_strncpy(buf, item->m_pLastSeenResource->m_szResourceName, _countof(buf));
- else
- mir_strncpy(buf, TranslateU("<no information available>"), _countof(buf));
- sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiRoot, nullptr, TranslateT("Last active resource"), buf, sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_LASTACTIVE));
+ void FillUserInfo()
+ {
+ m_tree.SendMsg(WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0);
- // resources
- if (item->arResources.getCount()) {
- for (int i = 0; i < item->arResources.getCount(); i++)
- sttFillResourceInfo(ppro, hwndTree, htiRoot, item, i + 1);
- }
- else if (!strchr(item->jid, '@') || (r->m_iStatus != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE))
- sttFillResourceInfo(ppro, hwndTree, htiRoot, item, 0);
+ CleanupInfo(0);
- sttCleanupInfo(hwndTree, 1);
- SendMessage(hwndTree, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0);
+ HTREEITEM htiRoot = FillInfoLine(nullptr, IcoLib_GetIconByHandle(ppro->m_hProtoIcon), L"JID", item->jid, sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_NAME), true);
- RedrawWindow(hwndTree, nullptr, nullptr, RDW_INVALIDATE);
+ if (MCONTACT hContact = ppro->HContactFromJID(item->jid)) {
+ FillAdvStatusInfo(htiRoot, sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_MOOD), hContact, TranslateT("Mood"), ADVSTATUS_MOOD);
+ FillAdvStatusInfo(htiRoot, sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_ACTIVITY), hContact, TranslateT("Activity"), ADVSTATUS_ACTIVITY);
+ FillAdvStatusInfo(htiRoot, sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_TUNE), hContact, TranslateT("Tune"), ADVSTATUS_TUNE);
+ }
-static void sttGetNodeText(HWND hwndTree, HTREEITEM hti, CMStringW &buf, int indent = 0)
- for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++)
- buf.AppendChar('\t');
- wchar_t wszText[256];
- TVITEMEX tvi = { 0 };
- tvi.hItem = hti;
- tvi.cchTextMax = _countof(wszText);
- tvi.pszText = wszText;
- if (!TreeView_GetItem(hwndTree, &tvi)) // failure, maybe item was removed...
- return;
- buf.Append(wszText);
- buf.Append(L"\r\n");
- if (tvi.state & TVIS_EXPANDED)
- for (hti = TreeView_GetChild(hwndTree, hti); hti; hti = TreeView_GetNextSibling(hwndTree, hti))
- sttGetNodeText(hwndTree, hti, buf, indent + 1);
+ // subscription
+ switch (item->subscription) {
+ case SUB_BOTH:
+ FillInfoLine(htiRoot, nullptr, TranslateT("Subscription"), TranslateU("both"), sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_SUBSCRIPTION));
+ break;
+ case SUB_TO:
+ FillInfoLine(htiRoot, nullptr, TranslateT("Subscription"), TranslateU("to"), sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_SUBSCRIPTION));
+ break;
+ case SUB_FROM:
+ FillInfoLine(htiRoot, nullptr, TranslateT("Subscription"), TranslateU("from"), sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_SUBSCRIPTION));
+ break;
+ default:
+ FillInfoLine(htiRoot, nullptr, TranslateT("Subscription"), TranslateU("none"), sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_SUBSCRIPTION));
+ break;
+ }
-class JabberUserInfoDlg : public CUserInfoPageDlg
- CJabberProto *ppro;
- JABBER_LIST_ITEM *item = nullptr;
- int resourcesCount = -1;
+ // logoff
+ char buf[256];
+ JABBER_RESOURCE_STATUS *r = item->getTemp();
+ if (r->m_dwIdleStartTime != -1) {
+ if (r->m_dwIdleStartTime > 0) {
+ mir_strncpy(buf, ctime(&r->m_dwIdleStartTime), _countof(buf));
+ size_t len = mir_strlen(buf);
+ if (len > 0)
+ buf[len - 1] = 0;
+ }
+ else mir_strncpy(buf, TranslateU("<currently online>"), _countof(buf));
- CCtrlTreeView m_tree;
+ FillInfoLine(htiRoot, nullptr,
+ (item->jid && strchr(item->jid, '@')) ? TranslateT("Last logoff time") : TranslateT("Uptime"), buf,
+ sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_LOGOFF));
+ }
- UI_MESSAGE_MAP(JabberUserInfoDlg, CUserInfoPageDlg);
+ if (r->m_szStatusMessage)
+ FillInfoLine(htiRoot, nullptr, TranslateT("Logoff message"), r->m_szStatusMessage, sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_LOGOFF_MSG));
- {
- if (!ppro->m_bJabberOnline)
- item = nullptr;
+ // activity
+ if (item->m_pLastSeenResource)
+ mir_strncpy(buf, item->m_pLastSeenResource->m_szResourceName, _countof(buf));
- OnRefresh();
- return 0;
- }
+ mir_strncpy(buf, TranslateU("<no information available>"), _countof(buf));
+ FillInfoLine(htiRoot, nullptr, TranslateT("Last active resource"), buf, sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_LASTACTIVE));
- {
- MoveWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_TV_INFO), 5, 5, LOWORD(lParam) - 10, HIWORD(lParam) - 10, TRUE);
- return 0;
+ // resources
+ if (item->arResources.getCount()) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < item->arResources.getCount(); i++)
+ FillResourceInfo(htiRoot, i + 1);
+ }
+ else if (!strchr(item->jid, '@') || (r->m_iStatus != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE))
+ FillResourceInfo(htiRoot, 0);
+ CleanupInfo(1);
+ m_tree.SendMsg(WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0);
+ RedrawWindow(m_tree.GetHwnd(), nullptr, nullptr, RDW_INVALIDATE);
@@ -460,15 +437,40 @@ public:
if (item == nullptr) {
HWND hwndTree = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_TV_INFO);
- HTREEITEM htiRoot = sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, nullptr, IcoLib_GetIconByHandle(ppro->m_hProtoIcon), L"JID", jid, sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_NAME), true);
- sttFillInfoLine(hwndTree, htiRoot, g_plugin.getIcon(IDI_VCARD), nullptr, TranslateU("Please switch online to see more details."));
+ HTREEITEM htiRoot = FillInfoLine(nullptr, IcoLib_GetIconByHandle(ppro->m_hProtoIcon), L"JID", jid, sttInfoLineId(0, INFOLINE_NAME), true);
+ FillInfoLine(htiRoot, g_plugin.getIcon(IDI_VCARD), nullptr, TranslateU("Please switch online to see more details."));
return false;
- sttFillUserInfo(ppro, GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_TV_INFO), item);
+ FillUserInfo();
return false;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Context menu
+ void GetNodeText(HTREEITEM hti, CMStringW &buf, int indent = 0)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++)
+ buf.AppendChar('\t');
+ wchar_t wszText[256];
+ TVITEMEX tvi = { 0 };
+ tvi.hItem = hti;
+ tvi.cchTextMax = _countof(wszText);
+ tvi.pszText = wszText;
+ if (!m_tree.GetItem(&tvi)) // failure, maybe item was removed...
+ return;
+ buf.Append(wszText);
+ buf.Append(L"\r\n");
+ if (tvi.state & TVIS_EXPANDED)
+ for (hti = m_tree.GetChild(hti); hti; hti = m_tree.GetNextSibling(hti))
+ GetNodeText(hti, buf, indent + 1);
+ }
void onMenu_Tree(CContextMenuPos *pos)
if (!pos->hItem)
@@ -482,7 +484,7 @@ public:
int nReturnCmd = TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, TPM_RETURNCMD, pos->pt.x, pos->pt.y, 0, m_hwnd, nullptr);
if (nReturnCmd == 1) {
CMStringW buf;
- sttGetNodeText(m_tree.GetHwnd(), pos->hItem, buf);
+ GetNodeText(pos->hItem, buf);
JabberCopyText(m_hwnd, buf);
else if (nReturnCmd == 2) {