diff options
authorGeorge Hazan <>2023-10-10 14:13:03 +0300
committerGeorge Hazan <>2023-10-10 14:13:03 +0300
commita0e7d1f91b0c85f5fdc13bc5cc505018e63d465d (patch)
parent02fad23b2d97e82e23c07868bbf379e0f7ff2a59 (diff)
fixes #3724 (YAMN: лишние пробелы в заголовке письма)
5 files changed, 288 insertions, 332 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/ExternalAPI/m_mails.h b/plugins/ExternalAPI/m_mails.h
index 28c796ff67..7b765273f4 100644
--- a/plugins/ExternalAPI/m_mails.h
+++ b/plugins/ExternalAPI/m_mails.h
@@ -44,17 +44,19 @@ struct CShortHeader
//this header is used in miranda to store final results of mime reading in Unicode
struct CHeader
- WCHAR *From;
- WCHAR *FromNick;
- WCHAR *ReturnPath;
- WCHAR *ReturnPathNick;
- WCHAR *Subject;
- CMimeNames *To;
- CMimeNames *Cc;
- CMimeNames *Bcc;
- WCHAR *Date;
- TCHAR Priority;
- WCHAR *Body;
+ ~CHeader();
+ CMStringW wszFrom;
+ CMStringW wszFromNick;
+ CMStringW wszReturnPath;
+ CMStringW wszReturnPathNick;
+ CMStringW wszSubject;
+ CMimeNames *To = 0;
+ CMimeNames *Cc = 0;
+ CMimeNames *Bcc = 0;
+ CMStringW wszDate;
+ TCHAR Priority = 0;
+ CMStringW wszBody;
struct CMimeItem
diff --git a/protocols/YAMN/src/browser/mailbrowser.cpp b/protocols/YAMN/src/browser/mailbrowser.cpp
index 727110be89..24a2effdff 100644
--- a/protocols/YAMN/src/browser/mailbrowser.cpp
+++ b/protocols/YAMN/src/browser/mailbrowser.cpp
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ int ChangeExistingMailStatus(HWND hListView, CAccount *ActualAccount)
void MimeDateToLocalizedDateTime(char *datein, wchar_t *dateout, int lendateout);
int AddNewMailsToListView(HWND hListView, CAccount *ActualAccount, uint32_t nflags)
- wchar_t *FromStr;
+ CMStringW FromStr;
wchar_t SizeStr[20];
wchar_t LocalDateStr[128];
@@ -441,11 +441,10 @@ int AddNewMailsToListView(HWND hListView, CAccount *ActualAccount, uint32_t nfla
int foundi = 0, lfoundi = 0;
- struct CHeader UnicodeHeader;
+ CHeader UnicodeHeader;
BOOL Loaded, Extracted, FromStrNew = FALSE;
memset(&item, 0, sizeof(item));
- memset(&UnicodeHeader, 0, sizeof(UnicodeHeader));
if (hListView != nullptr) {
item.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM;
@@ -472,9 +471,8 @@ int AddNewMailsToListView(HWND hListView, CAccount *ActualAccount, uint32_t nfla
NewMailPopup.PluginData = nullptr; //it's new mail popup
for (HYAMNMAIL msgq = (HYAMNMAIL)ActualAccount->Mails; msgq != nullptr; msgq = msgq->Next, lfoundi++) {
- // now we hide mail pointer to item's lParam member. We can later use it to retrieve mail datas
- Extracted = FALSE; FromStr = nullptr; FromStrNew = FALSE;
+ // now we hide mail pointer to item's lParam member. We can later use it to retrieve mail datas
+ Extracted = FALSE; FromStr.Empty();
if (hListView != nullptr) {
fi.lParam = (LPARAM)msgq;
@@ -500,32 +498,23 @@ int AddNewMailsToListView(HWND hListView, CAccount *ActualAccount, uint32_t nfla
if (!Extracted) ExtractHeader(msgq->MailData->TranslatedHeader, msgq->MailData->CP, &UnicodeHeader);
Extracted = TRUE;
- if ((UnicodeHeader.From != nullptr) && (UnicodeHeader.FromNick != nullptr)) {
- size_t size = mir_wstrlen(UnicodeHeader.From) + mir_wstrlen(UnicodeHeader.FromNick) + 4;
- FromStr = new wchar_t[size];
- mir_snwprintf(FromStr, size, L"%s <%s>", UnicodeHeader.FromNick, UnicodeHeader.From);
- FromStrNew = TRUE;
- }
- else if (UnicodeHeader.From != nullptr)
- FromStr = UnicodeHeader.From;
- else if (UnicodeHeader.FromNick != nullptr)
- FromStr = UnicodeHeader.FromNick;
- else if (UnicodeHeader.ReturnPath != nullptr)
- FromStr = UnicodeHeader.ReturnPath;
- if (nullptr == FromStr) {
- FromStr = L"";
- FromStrNew = FALSE;
- }
+ if (!UnicodeHeader.wszFrom.IsEmpty() && !UnicodeHeader.wszFromNick.IsEmpty())
+ FromStr = UnicodeHeader.wszFromNick + L" " + UnicodeHeader.wszFrom;
+ else if (!UnicodeHeader.wszFrom.IsEmpty())
+ FromStr = UnicodeHeader.wszFrom;
+ else if (!UnicodeHeader.wszFromNick.IsEmpty())
+ FromStr = UnicodeHeader.wszFromNick;
+ else if (!UnicodeHeader.wszReturnPath.IsEmpty())
+ FromStr = UnicodeHeader.wszReturnPath;
if ((hListView != nullptr) && (msgq->Flags & YAMN_MSG_DISPLAY)) {
item.iSubItem = 0;
- item.pszText = FromStr;
+ item.pszText = FromStr.GetBuffer();
item.iItem = SendMessage(hListView, LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM)&item);
item.iSubItem = 1;
- item.pszText = (nullptr != UnicodeHeader.Subject ? UnicodeHeader.Subject : (wchar_t *)L"");
+ item.pszText = UnicodeHeader.wszSubject.GetBuffer();
SendMessage(hListView, LVM_SETITEMTEXT, (WPARAM)item.iItem, (LPARAM)&item);
item.iSubItem = 2;
@@ -548,7 +537,7 @@ int AddNewMailsToListView(HWND hListView, CAccount *ActualAccount, uint32_t nfla
if ((nflags & YAMN_ACC_POP) && (ActualAccount->Flags & YAMN_ACC_POPN) && (msgq->Flags & YAMN_MSG_POPUP) && (msgq->Flags & YAMN_MSG_NEW)) {
mir_wstrncpy(NewMailPopup.lpwzContactName, FromStr, _countof(NewMailPopup.lpwzContactName));
- mir_wstrncpy(NewMailPopup.lpwzText, UnicodeHeader.Subject, _countof(NewMailPopup.lpwzText));
+ mir_wstrncpy(NewMailPopup.lpwzText, UnicodeHeader.wszSubject, _countof(NewMailPopup.lpwzText));
auto *MailParam = new YAMN_MAILSHOWPARAM;
MailParam->account = ActualAccount;
@@ -562,11 +551,6 @@ int AddNewMailsToListView(HWND hListView, CAccount *ActualAccount, uint32_t nfla
if (FromStrNew)
delete[] FromStr;
- if (Extracted) {
- DeleteHeaderContent(&UnicodeHeader);
- memset(&UnicodeHeader, 0, sizeof(UnicodeHeader));
- }
return TRUE;
@@ -1116,7 +1100,6 @@ static LRESULT CALLBACK SplitterSubclassProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam,
return mir_callNextSubclass(hwnd, SplitterSubclassProc, msg, wParam, lParam);
-void ConvertCodedStringToUnicode(char *stream, wchar_t **storeto, uint32_t cp, int mode);
int ConvertStringToUnicode(char *stream, unsigned int cp, wchar_t **out);
INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcYAMNShowMessage(HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
@@ -1174,41 +1157,40 @@ INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcYAMNShowMessage(HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPAR
char *contentType = nullptr, *transEncoding = nullptr, *body = nullptr; //should not be delete[]-ed
for (Header = MailParam->mail->MailData->TranslatedHeader; Header != nullptr; Header = Header->Next) {
wchar_t *str1 = nullptr;
- wchar_t *str2 = nullptr;
- wchar_t str_nul[2] = { 0 };
if (!body) if (!_stricmp(Header->name, "Body")) { body = Header->value; continue; }
if (!contentType) if (!_stricmp(Header->name, "Content-Type")) contentType = Header->value;
if (!transEncoding) if (!_stricmp(Header->name, "Content-Transfer-Encoding")) transEncoding = Header->value;
- //ConvertCodedStringToUnicode(Header->name,&str1,MailParam->mail->MailData->CP,1);
int streamsize = MultiByteToWideChar(20127, 0, Header->name, -1, nullptr, 0);
str1 = (wchar_t *)malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * (streamsize + 1));
MultiByteToWideChar(20127, 0, Header->name, -1, str1, streamsize);//US-ASCII
- ConvertCodedStringToUnicode(Header->value, &str2, MailParam->mail->MailData->CP, 1);
- if (!str2) { str2 = (wchar_t *)str_nul; }// the header value may be NULL
+ CMStringW wszTmp = ConvertCodedStringToUnicode(Header->value, MailParam->mail->MailData->CP, 1);
if (!From) if (!_stricmp(Header->name, "From")) {
- From = new wchar_t[mir_wstrlen(str2) + 1];
- mir_wstrcpy(From, str2);
+ From = new wchar_t[mir_wstrlen(wszTmp) + 1];
+ mir_wstrcpy(From, wszTmp);
if (!Subj) if (!_stricmp(Header->name, "Subject")) {
- Subj = new wchar_t[mir_wstrlen(str2) + 1];
- mir_wstrcpy(Subj, str2);
+ Subj = new wchar_t[mir_wstrlen(wszTmp) + 1];
+ mir_wstrcpy(Subj, wszTmp);
- //if (!hasBody) if (!mir_strcmp(Header->name,"Body")) hasBody = true;
int count = 0; wchar_t **split = nullptr;
int ofs = 0;
+ auto *str2 = wszTmp.GetBuffer();
while (str2[ofs]) {
- if ((str2[ofs] == 0x266A) || (str2[ofs] == 0x25D9) || (str2[ofs] == 0x25CB) ||
- (str2[ofs] == 0x09) || (str2[ofs] == 0x0A) || (str2[ofs] == 0x0D))count++;
+ if ((str2[ofs] == 0x266A) || (str2[ofs] == 0x25D9) || (str2[ofs] == 0x25CB) || (str2[ofs] == 0x09) || (str2[ofs] == 0x0A) || (str2[ofs] == 0x0D))
+ count++;
split = new wchar_t *[count + 1];
count = 0; ofs = 0;
split[0] = str2;
while (str2[ofs]) {
- if ((str2[ofs] == 0x266A) || (str2[ofs] == 0x25D9) || (str2[ofs] == 0x25CB) ||
- (str2[ofs] == 0x09) || (str2[ofs] == 0x0A) || (str2[ofs] == 0x0D)) {
+ if ((str2[ofs] == 0x266A) || (str2[ofs] == 0x25D9) || (str2[ofs] == 0x25CB) || (str2[ofs] == 0x09) || (str2[ofs] == 0x0A) || (str2[ofs] == 0x0D)) {
if (str2[ofs - 1]) {
@@ -1239,8 +1221,6 @@ INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcYAMNShowMessage(HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPAR
if (str1)
- if (str2 != (wchar_t *)str_nul)
- free(str2);
if (body) {
wchar_t *bodyDecoded = nullptr;
diff --git a/protocols/YAMN/src/mails/decode.cpp b/protocols/YAMN/src/mails/decode.cpp
index 7306376c2e..436f55c641 100644
--- a/protocols/YAMN/src/mails/decode.cpp
+++ b/protocols/YAMN/src/mails/decode.cpp
@@ -155,56 +155,12 @@ int CPLENALL = _countof(CodePageNamesAll);
struct _tcptable *CodePageNamesSupp;
int CPLENSUPP = 1;
-//Gets codepage ID from string representing charset such as "iso-8859-1"
+// Gets codepage ID from string representing charset such as "iso-8859-1"
// input- the string
// size- max length of input string
-int GetCharsetFromString(char *input, size_t size);
-//HexValue to DecValue ('a' to 10)
-// HexValue- hexa value ('a')
-// DecValue- poiner where to store dec value
-// returns 0 if not success
-int FromHexa(char HexValue, char *DecValue);
-//Decodes a char from Base64
-// Base64Value- input char in Base64
-// DecValue- pointer where to store the result
-// returns 0 if not success
-int FromBase64(char Base64Value, char *DecValue);
-//Decodes string in quoted printable
-// Src- input string
-// Dst- where to store output string
-// DstLen- how max long should be output string
-// isQ- if is "Q-encoding" modification. should be TRUE in headers
-// always returns 1
-int DecodeQuotedPrintable(char *Src, char *Dst, int DstLen, BOOL isQ);
-//Decodes string in base64
-// Src- input string
-// Dst- where to store output string
-// DstLen- how max long should be output string
-// returns 0 if string was not properly decoded
-int DecodeBase64(char *Src, char *Dst, int DstLen);
-//Converts string to unicode from string with specified codepage
-// stream- input string
-// cp- codepage of input string
-// out- pointer to new allocated memory that contains unicode string
-int ConvertStringToUnicode(char *stream, unsigned int cp, wchar_t **out);
-//Converts string from MIME header to unicode
-// stream- input string
-// cp- codepage of input string
-// storeto- pointer to memory that contains unicode string
-// mode- MIME_PLAIN or MIME_MAIL (MIME_MAIL deletes '"' from start and end of string)
-void ConvertCodedStringToUnicode(char *stream, wchar_t **storeto, uint32_t cp, int mode);
int GetCharsetFromString(char *input, size_t size)
-//"ISO-8859-1" to ID from table
char *pin = input;
char *pout, *parser;
@@ -238,6 +194,12 @@ int GetCharsetFromString(char *input, size_t size)
return -1; //not found
+// HexValue to DecValue ('a' to 10)
+// HexValue- hexa value ('a')
+// DecValue- poiner where to store dec value
+// returns 0 if not success
int FromHexa(char HexValue, char *DecValue)
if (HexValue >= '0' && HexValue <= '9') {
@@ -255,6 +217,12 @@ int FromHexa(char HexValue, char *DecValue)
return 0;
+// Decodes a char from Base64
+// Base64Value- input char in Base64
+// DecValue- pointer where to store the result
+// returns 0 if not success
int FromBase64(char Base64Value, char *DecValue)
if (Base64Value >= 'A' && Base64Value <= 'Z') {
@@ -284,6 +252,14 @@ int FromBase64(char Base64Value, char *DecValue)
return 0;
+// Decodes string in quoted printable
+// Src- input string
+// Dst- where to store output string
+// DstLen- how max long should be output string
+// isQ- if is "Q-encoding" modification. should be TRUE in headers
+// always returns 1
int DecodeQuotedPrintable(char *Src, char *Dst, int DstLen, BOOL isQ)
@@ -327,6 +303,13 @@ int DecodeQuotedPrintable(char *Src, char *Dst, int DstLen, BOOL isQ)
return 1;
+// Decodes string in base64
+// Src- input string
+// Dst- where to store output string
+// DstLen- how max long should be output string
+// returns 0 if string was not properly decoded
int DecodeBase64(char *Src, char *Dst, int DstLen)
int Result = 0;
@@ -366,7 +349,11 @@ end:
return 1;
+// Converts string to unicode from string with specified codepage
+// stream- input string
+// cp- codepage of input string
+// out- pointer to new allocated memory that contains unicode string
int ConvertStringToUnicode(char *stream, unsigned int cp, wchar_t **out)
@@ -403,11 +390,10 @@ int ConvertStringToUnicode(char *stream, unsigned int cp, wchar_t **out)
if (*out != nullptr) {
for (dest = temp; *src != (wchar_t)0; src++, dest++) //copy old string from *out to temp
*dest = *src;
- // *dest++=L' '; //add space?
- delete[] * out;
+ delete[] *out;
- else
- dest = temp;
+ else dest = temp;
*out = temp;
if (Index == -1) {
@@ -421,21 +407,25 @@ int ConvertStringToUnicode(char *stream, unsigned int cp, wchar_t **out)
return 1;
-void ConvertCodedStringToUnicode(char *stream, wchar_t **storeto, uint32_t cp, int mode)
+// Converts string from MIME header to unicode
+// stream- input string
+// cp- codepage of input string
+// storeto- pointer to memory that contains unicode string
+// mode- MIME_PLAIN or MIME_MAIL (MIME_MAIL deletes '"' from start and end of string)
+CMStringW ConvertCodedStringToUnicode(char *stream, uint32_t cp, int mode)
char *start = stream, *finder, *finderend;
char Encoding = 0;
+ CMStringW ret;
if (stream == nullptr)
- return;
+ return ret;
- while (WS(start)) start++;
- wchar_t *tempstore = nullptr;
- if (!ConvertStringToUnicode(stream, cp, &tempstore))return;
+ while (WS(start))
+ start++;
- size_t tempstoreLength = mir_wstrlen(tempstore);
- size_t outind = 0;
while (*start != 0) {
if (CODES(start)) {
finder = start + 2; finderend = finder;
@@ -499,36 +489,32 @@ void ConvertCodedStringToUnicode(char *stream, wchar_t **storeto, uint32_t cp, i
delete[] oneWordEncoded;
if (codeend)
finderend = pcodeend + 2;
- if (WS(finderend)) //if string continues and there's some whitespace, add space to string that is to be converted
- {
- size_t len = mir_strlen(DecodedResult);
- DecodedResult[len] = ' ';
- DecodedResult[len + 1] = 0;
+ // if string continues and there's some whitespace, add space to string that is to be converted
+ if (WS(finderend))
- }
wchar_t *oneWord = nullptr;
- if (ConvertStringToUnicode(DecodedResult, cp, &oneWord)) {
- size_t len = mir_wstrlen(oneWord);
- memcpy(&tempstore[outind], oneWord, len * sizeof(wchar_t));
- outind += len;
- }
+ if (ConvertStringToUnicode(DecodedResult, cp, &oneWord))
+ ret.Append(oneWord);
delete oneWord;
oneWord = nullptr;
delete[] DecodedResult;
start = finderend;
- else if (!EOS(start)) start++;
+ else if (!EOS(start))
+ start++;
- else if (!EOS(start)) start++;
+ else if (!EOS(start))
+ start++;
else {
- tempstore[outind] = tempstore[start - stream];
- outind++;
- if (outind > tempstoreLength) break;
+ ret.AppendChar(*start);
- tempstore[outind] = 0;
- *storeto = tempstore;
+ return ret;
diff --git a/protocols/YAMN/src/mails/mime.cpp b/protocols/YAMN/src/mails/mime.cpp
index 2a2e7b4665..265bab30d9 100644
--- a/protocols/YAMN/src/mails/mime.cpp
+++ b/protocols/YAMN/src/mails/mime.cpp
@@ -6,69 +6,26 @@
#include "../stdafx.h"
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //Copies one string to another
- // srcstart- source string
- // srcend- address to the end of source string
- // dest- pointer that stores new allocated string that contains copy of source string
- // mode- MIME_PLAIN or MIME_MAIL (MIME_MAIL deletes '"' characters (or '<' and '>') if they are at start and end of source string
-void CopyToHeader(char *srcstart, char *srcend, char **dest, int mode);
-//Extracts email address (finds nick name and mail and then stores them to strings)
-// finder- source string
-// storeto- pointer that receives address of mail string
-// storetonick- pointer that receives address of nickname
-void ExtractAddressFromLine(char *finder, char **storeto, char **storetonick);
-//Extracts simple text from string
-// finder- source string
-// storeto- pointer that receives address of string
-void ExtractStringFromLine(char *finder, char **storeto);
-//Extracts some item from content-type string
-//Example: ContentType string: "TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII", item:"charset=", returns: "US-ASCII"
-// ContetType- content-type string
-// value- string item
-// returns extracted string (or NULL when not found)
-char *ExtractFromContentType(char *ContentType, char *value);
-//Extracts info from header text into header members
-//Note that this function as well as struct CShortHeadwer can be always changed, because there are many items to extract
-//(e.g. the X-Priority and Importance and so on)
-// items- translated header (see TranslateHeaderFcn)
-// head- header to be filled with values extracted from items
-void ExtractShortHeader(struct CMimeItem *items, struct CShortHeader *head);
-//Extracts header to mail using ExtractShortHeader fcn.
-// items- translated header (see TranslateHeaderFcn)
-// CP- codepage used when no default found
-// head- header to be filled with values extracted from items, in unicode (wide char)
-void ExtractHeader(struct CMimeItem *items, int &CP, struct CHeader *head);
-//Deletes items in CShortHeader structure
-// head- structure whose items are deleted
-void DeleteShortHeaderContent(struct CShortHeader *head);
-//Deletes list of YAMN_MIMENAMES structures
-// Names- pointer to first item of list
-void DeleteNames(CMimeNames *Names);
-//Deletes list of YAMN_MIMESHORTNAMES structures
-// Names- pointer to first item of list
-void DeleteShortNames(CShortNames *Names);
-//Makes a string lowercase
+// Makes a string lowercase
// string- string to be lowercased
-void inline ToLower(char *string);
-void CopyToHeader(char *srcstart, char *srcend, char **dest, int mode)
+void inline ToLower(char *string)
- char *dst;
+ for (; *string != 0; string++)
+ if (*string >= 'A' && *string <= 'Z')
+ *string = *string - 'A' + 'a';
+// Copies one string to another
+// srcstart- source string
+// srcend- address to the end of source string
+// dest- pointer that stores new allocated string that contains copy of source string
+// mode- MIME_PLAIN or MIME_MAIL (MIME_MAIL deletes '"' characters (or '<' and '>') if they are at start and end of source string
+static void CopyToHeader(char *srcstart, char *srcend, char **dest, int mode)
if (dest == nullptr)
if (srcstart >= srcend)
@@ -87,21 +44,26 @@ void CopyToHeader(char *srcstart, char *srcend, char **dest, int mode)
if (nullptr == (*dest = new char[srcend - srcstart + 1]))
- dst = *dest;
+ char *dst = *dest;
for (; srcstart < srcend; dst++, srcstart++) {
if (ENDLINE(srcstart)) {
while (ENDLINE(srcstart) || WS(srcstart)) srcstart++;
*dst = ' ';
- srcstart--; //because at the end of "for loop" we increment srcstart
+ srcstart--; // because at the end of "for loop" we increment srcstart
- else
- *dst = *srcstart;
+ else *dst = *srcstart;
*dst = 0;
-void ExtractAddressFromLine(char *finder, char **storeto, char **storetonick)
+// Extracts email address (finds nick name and mail and then stores them to strings)
+// finder- source string
+// storeto- pointer that receives address of mail string
+// storetonick- pointer that receives address of nickname
+static void ExtractAddressFromLine(char *finder, char **storeto, char **storetonick)
if (finder == nullptr) {
*storeto = *storetonick = nullptr;
@@ -111,67 +73,85 @@ void ExtractAddressFromLine(char *finder, char **storeto, char **storetonick)
if ((*finder) != '<') {
char *finderend = finder + 1;
do {
- if (ENDLINEWS(finderend)) //after endline information continues
+ if (ENDLINEWS(finderend)) // after endline information continues
finderend += 2;
- while (!ENDLINE(finderend) && !EOS(finderend)) finderend++; //seek to the end of line or to the end of string
+ while (!ENDLINE(finderend) && !EOS(finderend)) finderend++; // seek to the end of line or to the end of string
} while (ENDLINEWS(finderend));
- while (WS(finderend) || ENDLINE(finderend)) finderend--; //find the end of text, no whitespace
- if (*finderend != '>') //not '>' at the end of line
+ while (WS(finderend) || ENDLINE(finderend)) finderend--; // find the end of text, no whitespace
+ if (*finderend != '>') // not '>' at the end of line
CopyToHeader(finder, finderend + 1, storeto, MIME_MAIL);
- else //at the end of line, there's '>'
- {
+ else { // at the end of line, there's '>'
char *finder2 = finderend;
- while ((*finder2 != '<') && (finder2 > finder)) finder2--; //go to matching '<' or to the start
+ while ((*finder2 != '<') && (finder2 > finder)) finder2--; // go to matching '<' or to the start
CopyToHeader(finder2, finderend + 1, storeto, MIME_MAIL);
- if (*finder2 == '<') //if we found '<', the rest copy as from nick
+ if (*finder2 == '<') // if we found '<', the rest copy as from nick
- while (WS(finder2) || ENDLINE(finder2)) finder2--; //parse whitespace
- CopyToHeader(finder, finder2 + 1, storetonick, MIME_MAIL); //and store nickname
+ while (WS(finder2) || ENDLINE(finder2)) finder2--; // parse whitespace
+ CopyToHeader(finder, finder2 + 1, storetonick, MIME_MAIL); // and store nickname
else {
char *finderend = finder + 1;
do {
- if (ENDLINEWS(finderend)) //after endline information continues
+ if (ENDLINEWS(finderend)) // after endline information continues
finderend += 2;
- while (!ENDLINE(finderend) && (*finderend != '>') && !EOS(finderend)) finderend++; //seek to the matching < or to the end of line or to the end of string
+ // seek to the matching < or to the end of line or to the end of string
+ while (!ENDLINE(finderend) && (*finderend != '>') && !EOS(finderend))
+ finderend++;
} while (ENDLINEWS(finderend));
- CopyToHeader(finder, finderend + 1, storeto, MIME_MAIL); //go to first '>' or to the end and copy
+ CopyToHeader(finder, finderend + 1, storeto, MIME_MAIL); // go to first '>' or to the end and copy
finder = finderend + 1;
- while (WS(finder)) finder++; //parse whitespace
- if (!ENDLINE(finder) && !EOS(finder)) //if there are chars yet, it's nick
- {
+ while (WS(finder)) // parse whitespace
+ finder++;
+ if (!ENDLINE(finder) && !EOS(finder)) { // if there are chars yet, it's nick
finderend = finder + 1;
- while (!ENDLINE(finderend) && !EOS(finderend)) finderend++; //seek to the end of line or to the end of string
+ while (!ENDLINE(finderend) && !EOS(finderend)) finderend++; // seek to the end of line or to the end of string
- while (WS(finderend)) finderend--; //find the end of line, no whitespace
+ while (WS(finderend)) // find the end of line, no whitespace
+ finderend--;
CopyToHeader(finder, finderend + 1, storetonick, MIME_MAIL);
-void ExtractStringFromLine(char *finder, char **storeto)
+// Extracts simple text from string
+// finder- source string
+// storeto- pointer that receives address of string
+static void ExtractStringFromLine(char *finder, char **storeto)
if (finder == nullptr) {
*storeto = nullptr;
- while (WS(finder)) finder++;
+ while (WS(finder))
+ finder++;
char *finderend = finder;
do {
- if (ENDLINEWS(finderend)) finderend++; //after endline information continues
+ if (ENDLINEWS(finderend)) finderend++; // after endline information continues
while (!ENDLINE(finderend) && !EOS(finderend)) finderend++;
} while (ENDLINEWS(finderend));
- while (WS(finderend)) finderend--; //find the end of line, no whitespace
+ while (WS(finderend)) // find the end of line, no whitespace
+ finderend--;
CopyToHeader(finder, finderend + 1, storeto, MIME_PLAIN);
-char *ExtractFromContentType(char *ContentType, char *value)
+// Extracts some item from content-type string
+// Example: ContentType string: "TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII", item:"charset=", returns: "US-ASCII"
+// ContetType- content-type string
+// value- string item
+// returns extracted string (or NULL when not found)
+char* ExtractFromContentType(char *ContentType, char *value)
char *lowered = _strdup(ContentType);
@@ -183,37 +163,49 @@ char *ExtractFromContentType(char *ContentType, char *value)
finder = finder - lowered + ContentType;
- char *temp, *copier;
- char *CopiedString;
- temp = finder - 1;
- while ((temp > ContentType) && WS(temp)) temp--; //now we have to find, if the word "Charset=" is located after ';' like "; Charset="
+ char *temp = finder - 1;
+ while ((temp > ContentType) && WS(temp)) // now we have to find, if the word "Charset=" is located after ';' like "; Charset="
+ temp--;
if (*temp != ';' && !ENDLINE(temp) && temp != ContentType)
return nullptr;
- finder = finder + mir_strlen(value); //jump over value string
+ finder = finder + mir_strlen(value); // jump over value string
- while (WS(finder)) finder++; //jump over whitespaces
+ while (WS(finder)) // jump over whitespaces
+ finder++;
temp = finder;
- while (*temp != 0 && *temp != ';') temp++; //jump to the end of setting (to the next ;)
+ while (*temp != 0 && *temp != ';') // jump to the end of setting (to the next ;)
+ temp++;
- while (WS(temp)) temp--; //remove whitespaces from the end
- if (*finder == '\"') { //remove heading and tailing quotes
+ while (WS(temp)) // remove whitespaces from the end
+ temp--;
+ if (*finder == '\"') { // remove heading and tailing quotes
- if (*temp == '\"') temp--;
+ if (*temp == '\"')
+ temp--;
- if (nullptr == (CopiedString = new char[++temp - finder + 1]))
- return nullptr;
- for (copier = CopiedString; finder != temp; *copier++ = *finder++); //copy string
- *copier = 0; //and end it with zero character
+ char *CopiedString = new char[++temp - finder + 1];
+ char *copier;
+ for (copier = CopiedString; finder != temp; *copier++ = *finder++);
+ *copier = 0; // and end it with zero character
return CopiedString;
-void ExtractShortHeader(struct CMimeItem *items, struct CShortHeader *head)
+// Extracts info from header text into header members
+// Note that this function as well as CShortHeadwer can be always changed, because there are many items to extract
+// (e.g. the X-Priority and Importance and so on)
+// items- translated header (see TranslateHeaderFcn)
+// head- header to be filled with values extracted from items
+void ExtractShortHeader(CMimeItem *items, CShortHeader *head)
for (; items != nullptr; items = items->Next) {
- //at the start of line
- //MessageBox(NULL,items->value,items->name,0);
+ // at the start of line
+ // MessageBox(NULL,items->value,items->name,0);
if (0 == _strnicmp(items->name, "From", 4)) {
if (items->value == nullptr)
@@ -322,11 +314,78 @@ void ExtractShortHeader(struct CMimeItem *items, struct CShortHeader *head)
-void ExtractHeader(struct CMimeItem *items, int &CP, struct CHeader *head)
+// Deletes list of YAMN_MIMENAMES structures
+// Names- pointer to first item of list
+static void DeleteNames(CMimeNames *Names)
+ CMimeNames *Parser = Names;
+ for (; Parser != nullptr; Parser = Parser->Next) {
+ if (Parser->Value != nullptr)
+ delete[] Parser->Value;
+ if (Parser->ValueNick != nullptr)
+ delete[] Parser->ValueNick;
+ CMimeNames *Old = Parser;
+ Parser = Parser->Next;
+ delete Old;
+ }
+ DeleteNames(To);
+ DeleteNames(Cc);
+ DeleteNames(Bcc);
+// Deletes list of YAMN_MIMESHORTNAMES structures
+// Names- pointer to first item of list
+static void DeleteShortNames(CShortNames *Names)
+ CShortNames *Parser = Names;
+ for (; Parser != nullptr; Parser = Parser->Next) {
+ if (Parser->Value != nullptr)
+ delete[] Parser->Value;
+ if (Parser->ValueNick != nullptr)
+ delete[] Parser->ValueNick;
+ CShortNames *Old = Parser;
+ Parser = Parser->Next;
+ delete Old;
+ }
+// Deletes items in CShortHeader structure
+// head- structure whose items are deleted
+void DeleteShortHeaderContent(CShortHeader *head)
- struct CShortHeader ShortHeader;
+ if (head->From != nullptr) delete[] head->From;
+ if (head->FromNick != nullptr) delete[] head->FromNick;
+ if (head->ReturnPath != nullptr) delete[] head->ReturnPath;
+ if (head->ReturnPathNick != nullptr) delete[] head->ReturnPathNick;
+ if (head->Subject != nullptr) delete[] head->Subject;
+ if (head->Date != nullptr) delete[] head->Date;
+ if (head->To != nullptr) DeleteShortNames(head->To);
+ if (head->Cc != nullptr) DeleteShortNames(head->Cc);
+ if (head->Bcc != nullptr) DeleteShortNames(head->Bcc);
+ if (head->Body != nullptr) delete[] head->Body;
+// Extracts header to mail using ExtractShortHeader fcn.
+// items- translated header (see TranslateHeaderFcn)
+// CP- codepage used when no default found
+// head- header to be filled with values extracted from items, in unicode (wide char)
- memset(&ShortHeader, 0, sizeof(struct CShortHeader));
+void ExtractHeader(CMimeItem *items, int &CP, CHeader *head)
+ CShortHeader ShortHeader = {};
ShortHeader.Priority = ShortHeader.CP = -1;
DebugLog(DecodeFile, "<Extracting header>\n");
@@ -352,39 +411,39 @@ void ExtractHeader(struct CMimeItem *items, int &CP, struct CHeader *head)
DebugLog(DecodeFile, "<Convert>\n");
- ConvertCodedStringToUnicode(ShortHeader.From, &head->From, CP, MIME_PLAIN);
+ head->wszFrom = ConvertCodedStringToUnicode(ShortHeader.From, CP, MIME_PLAIN);
if (NULL != head->From)
DebugLogW(DecodeFile, L"<Converted from>%s</Converted>\n", head->From);
- ConvertCodedStringToUnicode(ShortHeader.FromNick, &head->FromNick, CP, MIME_MAIL);
+ head->wszFromNick = ConvertCodedStringToUnicode(ShortHeader.FromNick, CP, MIME_MAIL);
if (NULL != head->FromNick)
DebugLogW(DecodeFile, L"<Converted from-nick>%s</Converted>\n", head->FromNick);
- ConvertCodedStringToUnicode(ShortHeader.ReturnPath, &head->ReturnPath, CP, MIME_PLAIN);
+ head->wszReturnPath = ConvertCodedStringToUnicode(ShortHeader.ReturnPath, CP, MIME_PLAIN);
if (NULL != head->ReturnPath)
DebugLogW(DecodeFile, L"<Converted return-path>%s</Converted>\n", head->ReturnPath);
- ConvertCodedStringToUnicode(ShortHeader.ReturnPathNick, &head->ReturnPathNick, CP, MIME_MAIL);
+ head->wszReturnPathNick = ConvertCodedStringToUnicode(ShortHeader.ReturnPathNick, CP, MIME_MAIL);
if (NULL != head->ReturnPathNick)
DebugLogW(DecodeFile, L"<Converted return-path nick>%s</Converted>\n", head->ReturnPathNick);
- ConvertCodedStringToUnicode(ShortHeader.Subject, &head->Subject, CP, MIME_PLAIN);
+ head->wszSubject = ConvertCodedStringToUnicode(ShortHeader.Subject, CP, MIME_PLAIN);
if (NULL != head->Subject)
DebugLogW(DecodeFile, L"<Converted subject>%s</Converted>\n", head->Subject);
- ConvertCodedStringToUnicode(ShortHeader.Date, &head->Date, CP, MIME_PLAIN);
+ head->wszDate = ConvertCodedStringToUnicode(ShortHeader.Date, CP, MIME_PLAIN);
if (NULL != head->Date)
DebugLogW(DecodeFile, L"<Converted date>%s</Converted>\n", head->Date);
- ConvertCodedStringToUnicode(ShortHeader.Body, &head->Body, CP, MIME_PLAIN);
+ head->wszBody = ConvertCodedStringToUnicode(ShortHeader.Body, CP, MIME_PLAIN);
if (NULL != head->Body)
DebugLogW(DecodeFile, L"<Converted Body>%s</Converted>\n", head->Body);
@@ -395,75 +454,6 @@ void ExtractHeader(struct CMimeItem *items, int &CP, struct CHeader *head)
- // head->From=L"Frommmm";
- // head->Subject=L"Subject";
- return;
-void DeleteShortHeaderContent(struct CShortHeader *head)
- if (head->From != nullptr) delete[] head->From;
- if (head->FromNick != nullptr) delete[] head->FromNick;
- if (head->ReturnPath != nullptr) delete[] head->ReturnPath;
- if (head->ReturnPathNick != nullptr) delete[] head->ReturnPathNick;
- if (head->Subject != nullptr) delete[] head->Subject;
- if (head->Date != nullptr) delete[] head->Date;
- if (head->To != nullptr) DeleteShortNames(head->To);
- if (head->Cc != nullptr) DeleteShortNames(head->Cc);
- if (head->Bcc != nullptr) DeleteShortNames(head->Bcc);
- if (head->Body != nullptr) delete[] head->Body;
-void DeleteHeaderContent(struct CHeader *head)
- if (head->From != nullptr) delete[] head->From;
- if (head->FromNick != nullptr) delete[] head->FromNick;
- if (head->ReturnPath != nullptr) delete[] head->ReturnPath;
- if (head->ReturnPathNick != nullptr) delete[] head->ReturnPathNick;
- if (head->Subject != nullptr) delete[] head->Subject;
- if (head->Date != nullptr) delete[] head->Date;
- if (head->Body != nullptr) delete[] head->Body;
- if (head->To != nullptr) DeleteNames(head->To);
- if (head->Cc != nullptr) DeleteNames(head->Cc);
- if (head->Bcc != nullptr) DeleteNames(head->Bcc);
-void DeleteNames(CMimeNames *Names)
- CMimeNames *Parser = Names;
- for (; Parser != nullptr; Parser = Parser->Next) {
- if (Parser->Value != nullptr)
- delete[] Parser->Value;
- if (Parser->ValueNick != nullptr)
- delete[] Parser->ValueNick;
- CMimeNames *Old = Parser;
- Parser = Parser->Next;
- delete Old;
- }
-void DeleteShortNames(CShortNames *Names)
- CShortNames *Parser = Names;
- for (; Parser != nullptr; Parser = Parser->Next) {
- if (Parser->Value != nullptr)
- delete[] Parser->Value;
- if (Parser->ValueNick != nullptr)
- delete[] Parser->ValueNick;
- CShortNames *Old = Parser;
- Parser = Parser->Next;
- delete Old;
- }
-void inline ToLower(char *string)
- for (; *string != 0; string++)
- if (*string >= 'A' && *string <= 'Z') *string = *string - 'A' + 'a';
#define TE_UNKNOWN
@@ -471,17 +461,16 @@ void inline ToLower(char *string)
#define TE_BASE64 2
struct APartDataType
- char *Src;//Input
+ char *Src;// Input
char *ContType;
int CodePage;
char *TransEnc;
- uint8_t TransEncType; //TE_something
+ uint8_t TransEncType; // TE_something
char *body;
int bodyLen;
wchar_t *wBody;
void ParseAPart(APartDataType *data)
size_t len = mir_strlen(data->Src);
@@ -492,7 +481,7 @@ void ParseAPart(APartDataType *data)
while (finder <= (data->Src + len)) {
while (ENDLINEWS(finder)) finder++;
- //at the start of line
+ // at the start of line
if (finder > data->Src) {
if (*(finder - 2) == '\r' || *(finder - 2) == '\n')
*(finder - 2) = 0;
@@ -516,7 +505,7 @@ void ParseAPart(APartDataType *data)
do {
- if (ENDLINEWS(finder)) finder += 2; //after endline information continues
+ if (ENDLINEWS(finder)) finder += 2; // after endline information continues
while (!ENDLINE(finder) && !EOS(finder)) finder++;
} while (ENDLINEWS(finder));
@@ -560,7 +549,7 @@ void ParseAPart(APartDataType *data)
if (data->body) data->bodyLen = (int)mir_strlen(data->body);
-//from decode.cpp
+// from decode.cpp
int DecodeQuotedPrintable(char *Src, char *Dst, int DstLen, BOOL isQ);
int DecodeBase64(char *Src, char *Dst, int DstLen);
int ConvertStringToUnicode(char *stream, unsigned int cp, wchar_t **out);
@@ -617,13 +606,13 @@ wchar_t *ParseMultipartBody(char *src, char *bond)
if (localBody) delete[] localBody;
else if (partData[i].ContType && !_strnicmp(partData[i].ContType, "multipart/", 10)) {
- //Multipart in mulitipart recursive? should be SPAM. Ah well
+ // Multipart in mulitipart recursive? should be SPAM. Ah well
char *bondary = nullptr;
if (nullptr != (bondary = ExtractFromContentType(partData[i].ContType, "boundary="))) {
partData[i].wBody = ParseMultipartBody(partData[i].body, bondary);
delete[] bondary;
- else goto FailBackRaw; //multipart with no boundary? badly formatted messages.
+ else goto FailBackRaw; // multipart with no boundary? badly formatted messages.
else {
@@ -631,7 +620,7 @@ FailBackRaw:
resultSize += mir_wstrlen(partData[i].wBody);
}// if (partData[i].body)
- resultSize += 100 + 4 + 3; //cr+nl+100+ 3*bullet
+ resultSize += 100 + 4 + 3; // cr+nl+100+ 3*bullet
dest = new wchar_t[resultSize + 1];
size_t destpos = 0;
@@ -690,6 +679,6 @@ FailBackRaw:
delete[] partData;
- dest[resultSize] = 0;//just in case
+ dest[resultSize] = 0;// just in case
return dest;
diff --git a/protocols/YAMN/src/stdafx.h b/protocols/YAMN/src/stdafx.h
index f26db794ec..92190d9f16 100644
--- a/protocols/YAMN/src/stdafx.h
+++ b/protocols/YAMN/src/stdafx.h
@@ -174,7 +174,6 @@ void TranslateHeaderFcn(char *stream, int len, struct CMimeItem **head);
// From mime.cpp
void ExtractHeader(struct CMimeItem *items, int &CP, struct CHeader *head);
void ExtractShortHeader(struct CMimeItem *items, struct CShortHeader *head);
-void DeleteHeaderContent(struct CHeader *head);
void DeleteShortHeaderContent(struct CShortHeader *head);
char *ExtractFromContentType(char *ContentType, char *value);
wchar_t *ParseMultipartBody(char *src, char *bond);
@@ -202,7 +201,7 @@ extern struct WndHandles *MessageWnd;
int GetCharsetFromString(char *input, size_t size);
-void ConvertCodedStringToUnicode(char *stream, wchar_t **storeto, uint32_t cp, int mode);
+CMStringW ConvertCodedStringToUnicode(char *stream, uint32_t cp, int mode);
extern PVOID TLSCtx;
extern PVOID SSLCtx;