diff options
authorGeorge Hazan <>2021-06-05 15:44:37 +0300
committerGeorge Hazan <>2021-06-05 15:44:37 +0300
commitffc5a3d7550528281976745279e77ac9faba551b (patch)
parentf376864fbf30f106b27f67ff33627dde3530121b (diff)
the only valuable idea from mirevents.pas moved into history++
2 files changed, 10 insertions, 446 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/HistoryPlusPlus/hpp_events.pas b/plugins/HistoryPlusPlus/hpp_events.pas
index c4dde1817d..2f980162f0 100644
--- a/plugins/HistoryPlusPlus/hpp_events.pas
+++ b/plugins/HistoryPlusPlus/hpp_events.pas
@@ -385,14 +385,21 @@ begin
BlobSize := db_event_getBlobSize(hDBEvent);
if BlobSize > 0 then
- EventBuffer.Allocate(BlobSize);
+ EventBuffer.Allocate(BlobSize+2); // cheat, for possible crash avoid
Result.pBlob := EventBuffer.Buffer;
BlobSize := 0;
- Result.cbBlob := BlobSize;
if db_event_get(hDBEvent, @Result) = 0 then
- Result.cbBlob := BlobSize
+ begin
+ Result.cbBlob := BlobSize;
+ if BlobSize > 0 then
+ begin
+ PAnsiChar(Result.pBlob)[BlobSize ]:=#0;
+ PAnsiChar(Result.pBlob)[BlobSize+1]:=#0;
+ end;
+ end
Result.cbBlob := 0;
diff --git a/plugins/Utils.pas/mirevents.pas b/plugins/Utils.pas/mirevents.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b5f1e3573..0000000000
--- a/plugins/Utils.pas/mirevents.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,443 +0,0 @@
-unit mirevents;
- Windows,
- m_api;
- TBaseEventType = (
- mtUnknown,
- mtMessage, mtFile, mtSystem, mtContacts, mtStatus,
- mtOther);
- PMessageTypes = ^TMessageTypes;
- TMessageTypes = set of TBaseEventType;
- BaseEventNames: array[TBaseEventType] of PAnsiChar = (
- 'Unknown',
- 'File transfer', // SKINICON_EVENT_FILE
- 'Other events (unknown)'
- );
-//----- Event info -----
-procedure GetEventInfo (hDBEvent: TMEVENT; var EventInfo: TDBEventInfo);
-function GetEventTimestamp(hDBEvent: TMEVENT): DWord;
-function GetEventDateTime (hDBEvent: TMEVENT): TDateTime;
-function GetEventCoreText (const EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; cp: integer = CP_ACP): PWideChar;
-//----- Event check -----
-function IsIncomingEvent(const EventInfo: TDBEventInfo):boolean; overload;
-function IsIncomingEvent(hDBEvent: TMEVENT):boolean; overload;
-function IsOutgoingEvent(const EventInfo: TDBEventInfo):boolean; overload;
-function IsOutgoingEvent(hDBEvent: TMEVENT):boolean; overload;
-function IsReadedEvent (const EventInfo: TDBEventInfo):boolean; overload;
-function IsReadedEvent (hDBEvent: TMEVENT):boolean; overload;
-function GetEventBaseType(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo): TBaseEventType; overload;
-function GetEventBaseType(hDBEvent : TMEVENT ): TBaseEventType; overload;
-//----- Custom events processing -----
-//procedure ReadEvent (hDBEvent: TMEVENT; var EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; UseCP: Cardinal = CP_ACP);
-//function GetEventName(const Hi: THistoryItem):PAnsiChar;
-function GetEventText(hDBEvent: TMEVENT ; custom:boolean; cp:integer=CP_ACP):PWideChar; overload;
-function GetEventText(const EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; custom:boolean; cp:integer=CP_ACP):PWideChar; overload;
- common,
- datetime;
-//----- Event info -----
-procedure GetEventInfo(hDBEvent: TMEVENT; var EventInfo: TDBEventInfo);
- BlobSize: integer;
- ZeroMemory(@EventInfo, SizeOf(EventInfo));
- EventInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(EventInfo);
- BlobSize := db_event_getBlobSize(hDBEvent);
- if BlobSize > 0 then
- begin
- mGetMem(EventInfo.pBlob,BlobSize+2); // cheat, for possible crash avoid
- end
- else
- BlobSize := 0;
- EventInfo.cbBlob := BlobSize;
- if db_event_get(hDBEvent, @EventInfo) = 0 then
- begin
- EventInfo.cbBlob := BlobSize;
- if BlobSize > 0 then
- begin
- PAnsiChar(EventInfo.pBlob)[BlobSize ]:=#0;
- PAnsiChar(EventInfo.pBlob)[BlobSize+1]:=#0;
- end;
- end
- else
- EventInfo.cbBlob := 0;
-function GetEventCoreText(const EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; cp: integer = CP_ACP): PWideChar;
- msg: PWideChar;
- dbegt.dbei := @EventInfo;
- dbegt.datatype := DBVT_WCHAR;
- dbegt.codepage := cp;
- msg := PWideChar(CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GETTEXT,0,LPARAM(@dbegt)));
- result := AdjustLineBreaks(msg);
- result := rtrimw(result);
- mir_free(msg);
-//----- Info functions (no blob required) -----
- RecentEvent: THANDLE = 0;
- RecentEventInfo: TDBEventInfo;
-procedure CheckRecent(hDBEvent: TMEVENT);
- if RecentEvent <> hDBEvent then
- begin
- ZeroMemory(@RecentEventInfo, SizeOf(RecentEventInfo));
- RecentEventInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(RecentEventInfo);
- RecentEventInfo.cbBlob := 0;
- db_event_get(hDBEvent, @RecentEventInfo);
- RecentEvent := hDBEvent;
- end;
-function GetEventTimestamp(hDBEvent: TMEVENT): DWord;
- CheckRecent(hDBEvent);
- Result := RecentEventInfo.timestamp;
-function GetEventDateTime(hDBEvent: TMEVENT): TDateTime;
- Result := TimestampToDateTime(GetEventTimestamp(hDBEvent));
-//----- Event check -----
-function IsIncomingEvent(const EventInfo: TDBEventInfo):boolean;
- {$IFDEF AllowInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
- Result:=(EventInfo.flags and DBEF_SENT) = 0
-function IsIncomingEvent(hDBEvent: TMEVENT):boolean;
- CheckRecent(hDBEvent);
- Result:=(RecentEventInfo.flags and DBEF_SENT) = 0
-function IsOutgoingEvent(const EventInfo: TDBEventInfo):boolean;
- {$IFDEF AllowInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
- result:=(EventInfo.flags and DBEF_SENT) <> 0;
-function IsOutgoingEvent(hDBEvent: TMEVENT):boolean;
- CheckRecent(hDBEvent);
- result:=(RecentEventInfo.flags and DBEF_SENT) <> 0;
-function IsReadedEvent(const EventInfo: TDBEventInfo):boolean;
- {$IFDEF AllowInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
- result:=(EventInfo.flags and DBEF_READ) <> 0;
-function IsReadedEvent(hDBEvent: TMEVENT):boolean;
- CheckRecent(hDBEvent);
- result:=(RecentEventInfo.flags and DBEF_READ) <> 0;
-//----- Not pure miranda functions -----
- TEventTableItem = record
- EventType : Word;
- MessageType : TBaseEventType;
- end;
- BuiltinEventTable: array[0..5] of TEventTableItem = (
- // must be the first item in array for unknown events
- (EventType: MaxWord; MessageType: mtOther),
- // events definitions
- (EventType: EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE; MessageType: mtMessage),
- (EventType: EVENTTYPE_FILE; MessageType: mtFile),
- (EventType: EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST; MessageType: mtSystem),
- (EventType: EVENTTYPE_ADDED; MessageType: mtSystem),
- (EventType: EVENTTYPE_CONTACTS; MessageType: mtContacts)
- );
-function GetEventBaseType(EventInfo: TDBEventInfo): TBaseEventType;
- i: Integer;
- EventIndex: Integer;
- EventIndex := 0;
- if EventInfo.szModule = nil then
- begin
- for i := 1 to High(BuiltinEventTable) do
- if BuiltinEventTable[i].EventType = EventInfo.EventType then
- begin
- EventIndex := i;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- Result := BuiltinEventTable[EventIndex].MessageType;
-function GetEventBaseType(hDBEvent: TMEVENT): TBaseEventType;
- CheckRecent(hDBEvent);
- Result := GetEventBaseType(RecentEventInfo);
-//----- Custom events processing -----
-function _WideCharType(WC: WideChar; dwInfoType: Cardinal): Word;
- GetStringTypeExW(GetThreadLocale, dwInfoType, PWideChar(@WC), 1, Result)
-function IsWideCharAlphaNumeric(WC: WideChar): Boolean;
- Result := (_WideCharType(WC, CT_CTYPE1) and (C1_ALPHA + C1_DIGIT)) <> 0;
- UrlPrefix: array[0..1] of PWideChar = (
- 'www.',
- 'ftp.');
- UrlProto: array[0..12] of record
- Proto: PWideChar;
- Idn : Boolean;
- end = (
- (Proto: 'http:/'; Idn: True;),
- (Proto: 'ftp:/'; Idn: True;),
- (Proto: 'file:/'; Idn: False;),
- (Proto: 'mailto:/'; Idn: False;),
- (Proto: 'https:/'; Idn: True;),
- (Proto: 'gopher:/'; Idn: False;),
- (Proto: 'nntp:/'; Idn: False;),
- (Proto: 'prospero:/'; Idn: False;),
- (Proto: 'telnet:/'; Idn: False;),
- (Proto: 'news:/'; Idn: False;),
- (Proto: 'wais:/'; Idn: False;),
- (Proto: 'outlook:/'; Idn: False;),
- (Proto: 'callto:/'; Idn: False;));
-function TextHasUrls(text: PWideChar): Boolean;
- i,len: Integer;
- buf,pPos: PWideChar;
- Result := False;
- len := StrLenW(text);
- if len=0 then exit;
- // search in URL Prefixes like "www"
- // make Case-insensitive??
- for i := 0 to High(UrlPrefix) do
- begin
- pPos := StrPosW(text, UrlPrefix[i]);
- if not Assigned(pPos) then
- continue;
- Result := ((uint_ptr(pPos) = uint_ptr(text)) or not IsWideCharAlphaNumeric((pPos - 1)^)) and
- IsWideCharAlphaNumeric((pPos + StrLenW(UrlPrefix[i]))^);
- if Result then
- exit;
- end;
- // search in url protos like "http:/"
- if StrPosW(text,':/') = nil then exit;
- StrDupW(buf,text);
- CharLowerBuffW(buf,len);
- for i := 0 to High(UrlProto) do
- begin
- pPos := StrPosW(buf, UrlProto[i].proto);
- if not Assigned(pPos) then
- continue;
- Result := ((uint_ptr(pPos) = uint_ptr(buf)) or
- not IsWideCharAlphaNumeric((pPos - 1)^));
- if Result then
- break;
- end;
- mFreeMem(buf);
- TCustomEvent = record
- Module : PAnsiChar;
- EventType : Word;
- MessageType : TBaseEventType;
- end;
- CustomEventTable: array [0..4] of TCustomEvent = (
- (Module:'WATrack' ; EventType:EVENTTYPE_WAT_REQUEST {; MessageType:}),
- (Module:'WATrack' ; EventType:EVENTTYPE_WAT_ANSWER {; MessageType:}),
- (Module:'WATrack' ; EventType:EVENTTYPE_WAT_MESSAGE {; MessageType:}),
- (Module:'NewStatusNotify'; EventType:EVENTTYPE_STATUSCHANGE {; MessageType:}),
- (Module:'Nudge' ; EventType:1 {; MessageType:})
- );
-//----- Support functions -----
-//----- Custom standard event text -----
-function GetEventTextForUrl(const EventInfo: TDBEventInfo):PWideChar;
- pc:PAnsiChar;
- len,lend,lenf:integer;
- url,desc: PAnsiChar;
- urlw: PWideChar;
-// cp: Cardinal;
- //blob is: URL(ASCII) or URL(ASCIIZ),description(ASCIIZ)
- len := StrLen(PAnsiChar(EventInfo.pBlob));
- if (integer(EventInfo.cbBlob)-len)>2 then // possible have description
- begin
- desc := PAnsiChar(EventInfo.pBlob) + len + 1;
- lend := StrLen(desc);
- end
- else
- begin
- desc := nil;
- lend := 0;
- end;
- lenf := len;
- if lend > 0 then
- inc(lenf, lend + 2 + 1); // #13#10 + #0
- mGetMem(url, lenf);
- pc := StrCopyE(url, PAnsiChar(EventInfo.pBlob));
- if lend > 0 then
- begin
- pc^ := #13; inc(pc);
- pc^ := #10; inc(pc);
- StrCopy(pc,desc);
- end;
- if (EventInfo.flags and DBEF_UTF)<>0 then
- UTF8ToWide(url,urlw)
- else
- AnsiToWide(url,urlw); // with proper codepage must be
- mFreeMem(url);
- result := FormatStrW('URL: %s', [urlw]);
- mFreeMem(urlw);
-// hi.Extended := PAnsiChar(EventInfo.pBlob);
-function GetEventTextForFile(const EventInfo: TDBEventInfo):PWideChar;
- pc,filea,fname,desc:PAnsiChar;
- format, filew:PWideChar;
- len:integer;
-// cp: Cardinal;
- //blob is: sequenceid(DWORD),filename(ASCIIZ),description(ASCIIZ)
- fname:=PAnsiChar(EventInfo.pBlob) + SizeOf(DWORD);
- len :=StrLen(fname);
- desc :=fname + len + 1;
- if desc^ <> #0 then
- inc(len, 2 + StrLen(desc)); // +#13#10
- mGetMem(filea, len + 1); // +#0
- pc := StrCopyE(filea, fname);
- if desc^ <> #0 then
- begin
- pc^ := #13; inc(pc);
- pc^ := #10; inc(pc);
- StrCopy(pc,desc);
- end;
- if (EventInfo.flags and DBEF_SENT) <> 0 then
- format := 'Outgoing file transfer: %s'
- else
- format := 'Incoming file transfer: %s';
- if (EventInfo.flags and DBEF_UTF)<>0 then
- UTF8ToWide(filea,filew)
- else
- AnsiToWide(filea,filew); // with proper codepage must be
- mFreeMem(filea);
- result := FormatStrW(format, [filew]);
- mFreeMem(filew);
-// Hi.Extended := PAnsiChar(EventInfo.pBlob) + SizeOf(DWORD);
-function GetEventText(const EventInfo: TDBEventInfo; custom:boolean; cp:integer=CP_ACP):PWideChar;
- result:=nil;
- if not custom then
- begin
- result:=GetEventCoreText(EventInfo);
- // ok if registered with text service
- // ok if have text in blob
- end;
- if (result = nil) or custom then
- begin
- end;
-function GetEventText(hDBEvent: TMEVENT; custom:boolean; cp:integer=CP_ACP):PWideChar;
- EventInfo: TDBEventInfo;
- GetEventInfo(hDBEvent, EventInfo);
- result:=GetEventText(EventInfo, custom);
-function GetStandardEventIcon(const EventInfo: TDBEventInfo):HICON;
- idx:integer;
- case GetEventBaseType(EventInfo) of
- mtMessage : idx:=SKINICON_EVENT_MESSAGE;
- mtFile : idx:=SKINICON_EVENT_FILE;
- mtStatus : begin
- result:=0;
- exit;
- end;
- else
- idx:=0;
- end;
- result:=Skin_LoadIcon(idx,0);