path: root/langpacks/czech/Plugins/gg-translation.txt
diff options
authorRobert Pösel <>2013-01-11 10:20:46 +0000
committerRobert Pösel <>2013-01-11 10:20:46 +0000
commit093e9851cd2392fb66e53277c666022c397fc823 (patch)
treeb6f7cca7a9e0073710c7dac2aa69ea9cdeb8ead8 /langpacks/czech/Plugins/gg-translation.txt
parent860b2ee046d6d5dc26438a04d81ac76f706db1a1 (diff)
Czech langpack refactoring.
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'langpacks/czech/Plugins/gg-translation.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 368 deletions
diff --git a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/gg-translation.txt b/langpacks/czech/Plugins/gg-translation.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e9778e40a..0000000000
--- a/langpacks/czech/Plugins/gg-translation.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-; /----------------------------------------------------------\
-; | Gadu-Gadu |
-; \----------------------------------------------------------/
-; Pшeklad: Vнt Љindlбш <sindlarv (zavinби) centrum (teиka) cz>
-; Adresa:
-; *** Gadu-Gadu
-; Info page
-[Public Info]
-Zveшejnмnй informace
-[Family name:]
-[Origin city:]
-Mнsto narozenн:
-[Birth year:]
-Datum narozenн:
-; Options
-;(OBS) [Gadu-Gadu] @ deprecated
-;(OBS) [&Gadu-Gadu] @ deprecated
-;(OBS) [Gadu-Gadu connection] @ deprecated
-; Expert short
-;(DUP) [connection]
-[Friends only]
-Zobrazit pouze pшбtele
-[Show offline users with status message as invisible in contact list]
-Zobrazit uћivatele offline poskytujнcн stavovou zprбvu jako neviditelnй
-[Ignore incoming conference messages]
-Ignorovat zprбvy pшichбzejнcн z konference
-;(OBS) [Automatically pop up the window when a image is received] @ deprecated
-[Receive image and after image is received use:]
-Po dokonиenн pшenosu obrбzku pouћнt:
-;(DUP) [System tray icon]
-;(DUP) [Popup window]
-[Show contacts not on my list having me on their list]
-Zobrazit ty uћivatele, kteшн mм majн ve svйm seznamu
-[Gadu-Gadu Number:]
-[Gadu-Gadu Number]
-[Gadu-Gadu User Details]
-;(OBS) [Lost Gadu-Gadu Password?] @ deprecated
-[Retrieve password]
-Zнskat zpмt heslo
-;(DUP) [Create new account]
-[Remove account]
-Smazat ъиet
-[Change password]
-Zmмnit heslo
-[Change e-mail]
-Zmмnit e-mail
-;(DUP) [Keep connection alive]
-[Change status safely]
-Zmмnit stav bezpeиnэm zpщsobem
-[Show connection errors]
-Zobrazit chyby pшi pшipojenн
-;(DUP) [Automatically reconnect after unintentional disconnection]
-;(OBS) [Leave last status message after disconnected] << depreciated in
-[After disconnection leave away message of status:]
-Po odpojenн ponechat na serveru zprбvu stavu:
-;(DUP) [Manually specify connection host]
-[Manually specify connection servers' hosts]
-Urиit hostitele pro pшipojenн
-;(OBS) [Use secure SSL connection] @ deprecated
-[Use SSL secure connection]
-Pouћнt zabezpeиenй spojenн (SSL)
-;(DUP) [Host:]
-[* new line is separator\n** hostname:port format]
-* 1 poloћka = 1 шбdek\n** ve formбtu hostitel:port
-[Use direct connections]
-Pouћнt pшнmй spojenн
-[Use forwarding]
-Pouћнt pшesmмrovбnн
-; Menu
-[Import List From &Server]
-Importovat seznam ze &serveru
-[Import List From &Text File...]
-Impor&tovat seznam ze souboru...
-[&Remove List From Server]
-Odstranit seznam ze se&rveru
-[Export List To &Server]
-&Exportovat seznam na server
-[Export List To &Text File...]
-E&xportovat seznam do souboru...
-[Text files]
-Textovй soubory
-; Errors
-;(OBS) [Gadu-Gadu Error] << depreciated in
-[Connection cannot be established because of error:\n\t%s]
-Chyba pшi navazovбnн spojenн. Popis problйmu:\n\t%s
-;Connection specific errors
-[Miranda was unable to resolve the name of the Gadu-Gadu server to its numeric address.]
-Nelze pшeloћit nбzev serveru Gadu-Gadu na IP adresu.
-[Received invalid server response.]
-Neplatnб odezva serveru Gadu-Gadu.
-[Cannot establish secure connection.]
-Nelze navбzat zabezpeиenй spojenн.
-[Your Gadu-Gadu number and password combination was rejected by the Gadu-Gadu server. Please check login details at M->Options->Network->Gadu-Gadu and try again.]
-Server neakceptoval zadanou kombinaci uћivatelskйho jmйna a hesla. Zkontrolujte sprбvnost pшнsluљnэch ъdajщ v M->Moћnosti->Sнtм->Gadu-Gadu.
-[Connecting to Gadu-Gadu hub failed.]
-Nelze pшipojit k poћadovanйmu serveru Gadu-Gadu.
-; Token stuff
-[Token retrieval failed because of error:\n\t%s]
-Chyba pшi stahovбnн tokenu. Popis problйmu:\n\t%s
-[Enter token to continue]
-Pokraиovat po zadбnн tokenu
-;Import export errors
-[You have to be connected before you can import/export contacts from/to server.]
-Aktualizovat seznam kontaktщ na serveru lze pouze po pшipojenн k sнti Gadu-Gadu.
-[List cannot be exported because of error:\n\t%s]
-Chyba pшi exportu seznamu. Popis problйmu:\n\t%s
-[List cannot be exported to file "%s" because of error:\n\t%s]
-Chyba pшi exportu seznamu do souboru '%s'. Popis problйmu:\n\t%s
-[List cannot be imported because of error:\n\t%s]
-Chyba pшi importu seznamu. Popis problйmu:\n\t%s
-[List cannot be imported from file "%s" because of error:\n\t%s]
-Chyba pшi importu seznamu do souboru '%s'. Popis problйmu:\n\t%s
-[List remove successful.]
-Seznam byl ъspмљnм odstranмn.
-[List export successful.]
-Seznam byl ъspмљnм vyexportovбn.
-[List import successful.]
-Seznam byl ъspмљnм naimportovбn.
-[Your password will be sent to your registration e-mail.\nDo you want to continue ?]
-Heslo bude odeslбno na Vбљ e-mail.\nChcete pokraиovat?
-[You need to specify your registration e-mail first.]
-Nejdшнve je nutnй zadat registraиnн e-mail.
-[Password could not be reminded because of error:\n\t%s]
-Heslo nelze odeslat. Chyba:\n\t%s
-[Password was sent to your e-mail.]
-Heslo bylo odeslбno na Vбљ e-mail.
-[Your info cannot be uploaded because of error:\n\t%s]
-Zadanй osobnн ъdaje nelze uloћit na server. Chyba:\n\t%s
-[Your info has been uploaded to public catalog.]
-Zadanй osobnн ъdaje byly uloћeny na server.
-;Password changing
-[Your password cannot be changed because of error:\n\t%s]
-Heslo nelze zmмnit. Chyba:\n\t%s
-[Your password has been changed.]
-Heslo bylo zmмnмno.
-;E-mail changing
-[Your e-mail cannot be changed because of error:\n\t%s]
-E-mail nelze zmмnit. Chyba:\n\t%s
-[Your e-mail has been changed.]
-E-mail byl zmмnмn.
-;Account registration
-[Cannot register new account because of error:\n\t%s]
-Novэ ъиet nelze zaloћit. Chyba:\n\t%s
-[Registration rejected]
-Registrace odmнtnuta
-[You have registered new account.\nPlease fill up your personal details in "M->Change my details..."]
-Novэ ъиet byl zшнzen. Zadejte prosнm osobnн ъdaje\nv nastavenн, sekci "M->Informace o sobм..."
-;Account removal
-[Your account cannot be removed because of error:\n\t%s]
-Poћadovanэ ъиet nelze zruљit. Chyba:\n\t%s
-[Bad number or password]
-Neplatnй инslo nebo heslo
-[Bad old e-mail or password]
-Neplatnэ starэ e-mail nebo heslo
-[Bad e-mail or password]
-Neplatnэ e-mail nebo heslo
-[Invalid data entered]
-Byla zadбna neplatnб data
-[Your account has been removed.]
-Vybranэ ъиet v sнti Gadu-Gadu byl zruљen.
-;User utils messages
-;(OBS) [Passwords do not match.] << depreciated in
-[Password too short.]
-Heslo je pшнliљ krбtkй.
-;(OBS) [You should disconnect before making any permanent changes with your account.\nDo you want disconnect now ?] << depreciated in
-[You should disconnect before making any permanent changes with your account.\nDo you want to disconnect now ?]
-Pшed zmмnou nastavenн ъиtu doporuиujeme odpojenн od sнtм.\nChcete se odpojit od sнtм Gadu-Gadu?
-[Server hostname %s is invalid. Using default hostname provided by the network.]
-Nбzev serveru (%s) je neplatnэ. Pouћit vэchozн server zjiљtмnэ ze sнtм Gadu-Gadu.
-[External direct connections hostname %s is invalid. Disabling external host forwarding.]
-Adresa externнho hostitele pro pшipojenн (%s) je neplatnб. Pшeposнlбnн poћadavkщ deaktivovбno.
-; Password dialog
-;(OBS) [Change Gadu-Gadu Password] << depreciated in
-[Change Gadu-Gadu password]
-Zmмnit heslo Gadu-Gadu
-[Changes current Gadu-Gadu user password.]
-Zmмnн stбvajнcн heslo pro sнќ Gadu-Gadu.
-[Change Gadu-Gadu e-mail]
-Zmмnit e-mail Gadu-Gadu
-[Changes current Gadu-Gadu user e-mail.]
-Zmмnн kontaktnн e-mail pro Gadu-Gadu.
-[New password:]
-Novй heslo:
-;(DUP) [Password:]
-[Confirm password:]
-Novй heslo znovu:
-[New e-mail:]
-Novэ e-mail:
-; Remove account dialog
-[Yes, I want to remove my account]
-Ano, opravdu chci svщj ъиet zruљit
-[Remove Gadu-Gadu account]
-Zruљit ъиet Gadu-Gadu
-[This will remove your Gadu-Gadu account.]
-Zruљн vбљ ъиet v sнti Gadu-Gadu.
-; Create account dialog
-[Create Gadu-Gadu account]
-Zшнdit novэ ъиet Gadu-Gadu
-[This will create new Gadu-Gadu account.]
-Zaloћenн novйho ъиtu v sнti Gadu-Gadu.
-; Search dialog
-[Age from:]
-Min. vмk:
-;(DUP) [Search online users only]
-; Image recv/send
-[Image saved.]
-Obrбzek byl uloћen.
-[Image cannot be written to disk.]
-Obrбzek nelze uloћit na disk.
-[Image from %s]
-Obrбzek od %s
-[Image for %s]
-Obrбzek pro %s
-[Image files (*.bmp,*.jpg,*.gif)]
-Soubory obrбzkщ (*.bmp,*.jpg,*.gif)
-[Select picture to send]
-Vybrat obrбzek k odeslбnн
-[Could not load image. Image might have unsupported file format.]
-Obrбzek nelze naинst. Jednнm z dщvodщ mщћe bэt nepodporovanэ formбt.
-; Conferences
-[Open new conference]
-Zaloћit novou konferenci
-[Select conference participants.]
-Vybrat ъиastnнky konference.
-[Open &conference...]
-Zaloћit novou konferen&ci...
-[&Clear ignored conferences]
-&Vymazat ignorovanй konference
-[%s initiated the conference.]
-%s zahбjil konferenci.
-[This is my own conference.]
-Moje vlastnн konference.
-[You have to be connected to open new conference.]
-Novou konferenci lze zahбjit aћ po pшipojenн.
-[All ignored conferences are now unignored and the conference policy will act again.]
-Seznam ignorovanэch konferencн byl vymazбn a vљe je opмt шнzeno stanovenэmi pravidly.
-[There are no ignored conferences.]
-Seznam ignorovanэch konferencн je prбzdnэ.
-[%s has initiated conference with %d participants (%d unknowns).\nDo you want do participate ?]
-%s zaloћil konferenci (poиet ъиastnнkщ: %d, z toho neznбmэch: %s).\nChcete se pшidat?
-; Conference policy
-[Conference policy]
-Pravidla pro konference
-Zeptat se
-;(DUP) [Ignore]
-[if total participant count greater than:]
-je-li celkovэ poиet ъиastnнkщ vмtљн neћ:
-[if unknown participant count greater than:]
-je-li poиet neznбmэch ъиastnнkщ vмtљн neћ:
-[in other case]
-ve vљech ostatnнch pшнpadech
-; nбzev doplтku
-[Gadu-Gadu Protocol]
-Protokol Gadu-Gadu
-[<Last Status>]
-<poslednн stav>
-[Provides support for Gadu-Gadu protocol]
-Implementace protokolu Gadu-Gadu. Umoћтuje komunikaci s uћivateli tйto sнtм.
-; ikony
-[Import list from server]
-Importovat seznam ze serveru
-[Import list from text file]
-Importovat seznam ze souboru
-[Remove list from server]
-Odstranit seznam ze serveru
-[Export list to server]
-Exportovat seznam na server
-[Export list to text file]
-Exportovat seznam do souboru
-[Account settings]
-Moћnosti ъиtu
-[Blocked to this contact]
-[Previous image]
-[Next image]
-[Send image]
-[Save image]
-[Delete image]
-[Show links from unknown contacts]
-Zobrazit odkazy i od neznбmэch kontaktщ
-[Message with [img] BBCode]
-Zprбva s obrбzkem (pomocн BBCode)
-[Gadu Gadu connection]
-Gadu Gadu - spojenн se serverem
-[Clear ignored conferences]
-Vymazat ignorovanй konference
-[Concurrent &sessions]
-Zobrazit &relace...
-[Concurrent Sessions]
-Pшehled relacн
-[Concurrent Gadu Gadu Login Sessions]
-Pшehled pшihlбљenэch relacн v sнti Gadu Gadu
-[View information on active concurrent sessions]
-Zobrazн informace o pшihlбљenэch relacнch.
-[Client Name]
-[IP Address]
-IP adresa
-[Login Time]
-Иas pшihlбљenн
-[You have to logged in to view concurrent sessions.]
-Seznam je prбzdnэ, nejste pшihlбљeni.
-[There are no active concurrent sessions for this account.]
-Momentбlnм nejste soubмћnм pшihlбљenн na vнce mнstech.
-[Sign out all sessions]
-Odhlбsit vљechny relace
-[Advanced Configuration]
-Pro pokroиilй
-[This will create new Gadu-Gadu account]
-Zaloћenн novйho ъиtu v sнti Gadu-Gadu.
-[Concurrent sessions]
-Pшehled relacн
-; ---